Пример #1
def weight_spectrum_normaliser_factory(present):
    if present:
        def impl(wt_spec_out, wt_spec_in, row, chan, corr):
            wt_spec_out[row, chan, corr] = wt_spec_in[row, chan, corr]
        def impl(wt_spec_out, wt_spec_in, row, chan, corr):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #2
def is_chan_flagged_factory(present):
    if present:
        def impl(flag, r, f, c):
            return flag[r, f, c]
        def impl(flag, r, f, c):
            return False

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #3
def matching_flag_factory(present):
    if present:
        def impl(flag_row, ri, out_flag_row, ro):
            return flag_row[ri] == out_flag_row[ro]
        def impl(flag_row, ri, out_flag_row, ro):
            return True

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #4
def promote_base_factory(is_base_list):
    if is_base_list:
        def impl(base, npol):
            return base + [base[-1]] * (npol - len(base))
        def impl(base, npol):
            return [base] * npol

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #5
def add_pol_dim_factory(have_pol_dim):
    if have_pol_dim:
        def impl(array):
            return array
        def impl(array):
            return array.reshape(array.shape + (1,))

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #6
def set_flagged_factory(present):
    if present:
        def impl(flag, r, f, c):
            flag[r, f, c] = 1
        def impl(flag, r, f, c):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #7
def jones_inverse_mul_factory(mode):
    if mode == DIAG_DIAG:

        def jones_inverse_mul(a1j, blj, a2j, out):
            out[...] = blj / (a1j * np.conj(a2j))
    elif mode == DIAG:

        def jones_inverse_mul(a1j, blj, a2j, out):
            out[0, 0] = blj[0, 0] / (a1j[0] * np.conj(a2j[0]))
            out[0, 1] = blj[0, 1] / (a1j[0] * np.conj(a2j[1]))
            out[1, 0] = blj[1, 0] / (a1j[1] * np.conj(a2j[0]))
            out[1, 1] = blj[1, 1] / (a1j[1] * np.conj(a2j[1]))
    elif mode == FULL:

        def jones_inverse_mul(a1j, blj, a2j, out):
            # get determinant
            deta1j = a1j[0, 0] * a1j[1, 1] - a1j[0, 1] * a1j[1, 0]
            # compute inverse
            a00 = a1j[1, 1] / deta1j
            a01 = -a1j[1, 0] / deta1j
            a10 = -a1j[0, 1] / deta1j
            a11 = a1j[0, 0] / deta1j
            # get determinant
            deta2j = a2j[0, 0] * a2j[1, 1] - a2j[0, 1] * a2j[1, 0]
            # get conjugate transpose inverse
            b00 = np.conj(a2j[1, 1] / deta2j)
            b01 = np.conj(-a2j[1, 0] / deta2j)
            b10 = np.conj(-a2j[0, 1] / deta2j)
            b11 = np.conj(a2j[0, 0] / deta2j)
            # precompute resuable terms
            t1 = a00 * blj[0, 0]
            t2 = a01 * blj[1, 0]
            t3 = a00 * blj[0, 1]
            t4 = a01 * blj[1, 1]
            # overwrite with result
            out[0, 0] = t1*b00 +\
                t2*b00 +\
                t3*b10 +\
            out[0, 1] = t1*b01 +\
                t2*b01 +\
                t3*b11 +\
            t1 = a10 * blj[0, 0]
            t2 = a11 * blj[1, 0]
            t3 = a10 * blj[0, 1]
            t4 = a11 * blj[1, 1]
            out[1, 0] = t1*b00 +\
                t2*b00 +\
                t3*b10 +\
            out[1, 1] = t1*b01 +\
                t2*b01 +\
                t3*b11 +\

    return njit(nogil=True)(jones_inverse_mul)
Пример #8
def subtract_model_factory(mode):
    if mode == DIAG_DIAG:

        def subtract_model(a1j, blj, a2j, model, out):
            n_dir = np.shape(model)[0]
            out[...] = blj
            for s in range(n_dir):
                out -= a1j[s] * model[s] * np.conj(a2j[s])
    elif mode == DIAG:

        def subtract_model(a1j, blj, a2j, model, out):
            n_dir = np.shape(model)[0]
            out[...] = blj
            for s in range(n_dir):
                out[0, 0] -= a1j[s, 0] * model[s, 0, 0] * np.conj(a2j[s, 0])
                out[0, 1] -= a1j[s, 0] * model[s, 0, 1] * np.conj(a2j[s, 1])
                out[1, 0] -= a1j[s, 1] * model[s, 1, 0] * np.conj(a2j[s, 0])
                out[1, 1] -= a1j[s, 1] * model[s, 1, 1] * np.conj(a2j[s, 1])
    elif mode == FULL:

        def subtract_model(a1j, blj, a2j, model, out):
            n_dir = np.shape(model)[0]
            for s in range(n_dir):
                # precompute resuable terms
                t1 = a1j[s, 0, 0] * model[s, 0, 0]
                t2 = a1j[s, 0, 1] * model[s, 1, 0]
                t3 = a1j[s, 0, 0] * model[s, 0, 1]
                t4 = a1j[s, 0, 1] * model[s, 1, 1]
                tmp = np.conj(a2j[s].T)
                # overwrite with result
                out[0, 0] = blj[0, 0] -\
                    t1*tmp[0, 0] +\
                    t2*tmp[0, 0] +\
                    t3*tmp[1, 0] +\
                    t4*tmp[1, 0]
                out[0, 1] = blj[0, 1] -\
                    t1*tmp[0, 1] +\
                    t2*tmp[0, 1] +\
                    t3*tmp[1, 1] +\
                    t4*tmp[1, 1]
                t1 = a1j[s, 1, 0] * model[s, 0, 0]
                t2 = a1j[s, 1, 1] * model[s, 1, 0]
                t3 = a1j[s, 1, 0] * model[s, 0, 1]
                t4 = a1j[s, 1, 1] * model[s, 1, 1]
                out[1, 0] = blj[1, 0] -\
                    t1*tmp[0, 0] +\
                    t2*tmp[0, 0] +\
                    t3*tmp[1, 0] +\
                    t4*tmp[1, 0]
                out[1, 1] = blj[1, 1] -\
                    t1*tmp[0, 1] +\
                    t2*tmp[0, 1] +\
                    t3*tmp[1, 1] +\
                    t4*tmp[1, 1]

    return njit(nogil=True)(subtract_model)
Пример #9
def weight_sum_output_factory(present):
    """ Returns function producing vis weight sum if vis present """
    if present:
        def impl(shape, array):
            return np.zeros(shape, dtype=array.real.dtype)
        def impl(shape, array):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #10
def chan_output_factory(present):
    """ Returns function producing outputs if the array is present """
    if present:
        def impl(shape, array):
            return np.zeros(shape, dtype=array.dtype)
        def impl(shape, array):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #11
def normaliser_factory(present):
    """ Returns function for normalising data in a bin """
    if present:
        def impl(data, row, bin_size):
            data[row] /= bin_size
        def impl(data, row, bin_size):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #12
def chan_add_factory(present):
    """ Returns function for adding data to a bin """
    if present:
        def impl(output, input, orow, ochan, irow, ichan, corr):
            output[orow, ochan, corr] += input[irow, ichan, corr]
        def impl(output, input, orow, ochan, irow, ichan, corr):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #13
def chan_normaliser_factory(present):
    """ Returns function normalising channel data in a bin """
    if present:
        def impl(data_out, data_in, row, chan, corr, bin_size):
            data_out[row, chan, corr] = data_in[row, chan, corr] / bin_size
        def impl(data_out, data_in, row, chan, corr, bin_size):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #14
def add_coh_factory(have_bvis):
    if have_bvis:

        def add_coh(base_vis, out):
            out += base_vis
        # noop
        def add_coh(base_vis, out):

    return njit(nogil=True)(add_coh)
Пример #15
def output_factory(have_flag_row):
    if have_flag_row:

        def impl(rows, flag_row):
            return np.zeros(rows, dtype=flag_row.dtype)

        def impl(rows, flag_row):
            return None

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #16
def output_factory(present):
    """ Returns function creating an output if present """

    if present:
        def impl(rows, array):
            return np.zeros((rows,) + array.shape[1:], array.dtype)
        def impl(rows, array):
            return None

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #17
def sum_coherencies_factory(have_ddes, have_coh, jones_type):
    """ Factory function generating a function that sums coherencies """
    jones_mul = jones_mul_factory(have_ddes, have_coh, jones_type, True)

    if have_ddes and have_coh:

        def sum_coh_fn(time, ant1, ant2, a1j, blj, a2j, tmin, out):
            for s in range(a1j.shape[0]):
                for r in range(time.shape[0]):
                    ti = time[r] - tmin
                    a1 = ant1[r]
                    a2 = ant2[r]

                    for f in range(a1j.shape[3]):
                        jones_mul(a1j[s, ti, a1, f], blj[s, r, f],
                                  a2j[s, ti, a2, f], out[r, f])

    elif have_ddes and not have_coh:

        def sum_coh_fn(time, ant1, ant2, a1j, blj, a2j, tmin, out):
            for s in range(a1j.shape[0]):
                for r in range(time.shape[0]):
                    ti = time[r] - tmin
                    a1 = ant1[r]
                    a2 = ant2[r]

                    for f in range(a1j.shape[3]):
                        jones_mul(a1j[s, ti, a1, f], a2j[s, ti, a2, f], out[r,

    elif not have_ddes and have_coh:
        if jones_type == JONES_2X2:

            def sum_coh_fn(time, ant1, ant2, a1j, blj, a2j, tmin, out):
                for s in range(blj.shape[0]):
                    for r in range(blj.shape[1]):
                        for f in range(blj.shape[2]):
                            for c1 in range(blj.shape[3]):
                                for c2 in range(blj.shape[4]):
                                    out[r, f, c1, c2] += blj[s, r, f, c1, c2]

            def sum_coh_fn(time, ant1, ant2, a1j, blj, a2j, tmin, out):
                for s in range(blj.shape[0]):
                    for r in range(blj.shape[1]):
                        for f in range(blj.shape[2]):
                            for c in range(blj.shape[3]):
                                out[r, f, c] += blj[s, r, f, c]
        # noop
        def sum_coh_fn(time, ant1, ant2, a1j, blj, a2j, tmin, out):

    return njit(nogil=True, inline='always')(sum_coh_fn)
Пример #18
def jacobian_factory(mode):
    if mode == DIAG_DIAG:
        def jacobian(a1j, blj, a2j, sign, out):
            out[...] = sign * a1j * blj * np.conj(a2j)
    elif mode == DIAG:
        def jacobian(a1j, blj, a2j, sign, out):
            out[...] = 0
    elif mode == FULL:
        def jacobian(a1j, blj, a2j, sign, out):
            out[...] = 0
    return njit(nogil=True)(jacobian)
Пример #19
def is_flagged_factory(have_flag_row):
    if have_flag_row:

        def impl(flag_row, r):
            return flag_row[r] != 0

        def impl(flag_row, r):
            return False

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #20
def vis_normaliser_factory(present):
    if present:
        def impl(vis_out, vis_in, row, chan, corr, weight_sum):
            wsum = weight_sum[row, chan, corr]

            if wsum != 0.0:
                vis_out[row, chan, corr] = vis_in[row, chan, corr] / wsum
        def impl(vis_out, vis_in, row, chan, corr, weight_sum):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #21
def jacobian_factory(mode):
    if mode == DIAG_DIAG:
        def jacobian(a1j, blj, a2j, sign, out):
            out[...] = sign * a1j * blj * a2j.conjugate()
            # for c in range(out.shape[-1]):
            #     out[c] = sign * a1j[c] * blj[c] * a2j[c].conjugate()
    elif mode == DIAG:
        def jacobian(a1j, blj, a2j, sign, out):
            out[...] = 0
    elif mode == FULL:
        def jacobian(a1j, blj, a2j, sign, out):
            out[...] = 0
    return njit(nogil=True, inline='always')(jacobian)
Пример #22
def pol_getter_factory(npoldims):
    if npoldims == 0:
        def impl(pol_shape):
            return 1
        def impl(pol_shape):
            npols = 1

            for c in pol_shape:
                npols *= c

            return npols

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #23
def jones_mul_factory(mode):
    if mode == DIAG_DIAG:

        def jones_mul(a1j, model, a2j, out):
            n_dir = np.shape(model)[0]
            for s in range(n_dir):
                out += a1j[s] * model[s] * np.conj(a2j[s])
    elif mode == DIAG:

        def jones_mul(a1j, model, a2j, out):
            n_dir = np.shape(model)[0]
            for s in range(n_dir):
                out[0, 0] += a1j[s, 0] * model[s, 0, 0] * np.conj(a2j[s, 0])
                out[0, 1] += a1j[s, 0] * model[s, 0, 1] * np.conj(a2j[s, 1])
                out[1, 0] += a1j[s, 1] * model[s, 1, 0] * np.conj(a2j[s, 0])
                out[1, 1] += a1j[s, 1] * model[s, 1, 1] * np.conj(a2j[s, 1])
    elif mode == FULL:

        def jones_mul(a1j, model, a2j, out):
            n_dir = np.shape(model)[0]
            for s in range(n_dir):
                # precompute resuable terms
                t1 = a1j[s, 0, 0] * model[s, 0, 0]
                t2 = a1j[s, 0, 1] * model[s, 1, 0]
                t3 = a1j[s, 0, 0] * model[s, 0, 1]
                t4 = a1j[s, 0, 1] * model[s, 1, 1]
                tmp = np.conj(a2j[s].T)
                # overwrite with result
                out[0, 0] += t1*tmp[0, 0] +\
                    t2*tmp[0, 0] +\
                    t3*tmp[1, 0] +\
                    t4*tmp[1, 0]
                out[0, 1] += t1*tmp[0, 1] +\
                    t2*tmp[0, 1] +\
                    t3*tmp[1, 1] +\
                    t4*tmp[1, 1]
                t1 = a1j[s, 1, 0] * model[s, 0, 0]
                t2 = a1j[s, 1, 1] * model[s, 1, 0]
                t3 = a1j[s, 1, 0] * model[s, 0, 1]
                t4 = a1j[s, 1, 1] * model[s, 1, 1]
                out[1, 0] += t1*tmp[0, 0] +\
                    t2*tmp[0, 0] +\
                    t3*tmp[1, 0] +\
                    t4*tmp[1, 0]
                out[1, 1] += t1*tmp[0, 1] +\
                    t2*tmp[0, 1] +\
                    t3*tmp[1, 1] +\
                    t4*tmp[1, 1]

    return njit(nogil=True, inline='always')(jones_mul)
Пример #24
def comp_add_factory(present):
    Returns function for adding data with components to a bin.
    Rows are assumed to be in the first dimension and
    components are assumed to be in the second
    if present:
        def impl(output, orow, input, irow):
            for c in range(output.shape[1]):
                output[orow, c] += input[irow, c]
        def impl(input, irow, output, orow):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #25
def sigma_spectrum_normaliser_factory(present):
    if present:
        def impl(sigma_out, sigma_in, row, chan, corr, weight_sum):
            wsum = weight_sum[row, chan, corr]

            if wsum == 0.0:

            # sqrt(sigma**2 * weight**2 / (weight(sum**2)))
            res = np.sqrt(sigma_in[row, chan, corr] / (wsum**2))
            sigma_out[row, chan, corr] = res
        def impl(sigma_out, sigma_in, row, chan, corr, weight_sum):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #26
def set_flag_row_factory(have_flag_row):
    if have_flag_row:

        def impl(flag_row, in_row, out_flag_row, out_row, flagged):
            if flag_row[in_row] == 0 and flagged:
                raise RowMapperError("Unflagged input row contributing "
                                     "to flagged output row. "
                                     "This should never happen!")

            out_flag_row[out_row] = (1 if flagged else 0)

        def impl(flag_row, in_row, out_flag_row, out_row, flagged):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #27
def sigma_normaliser_factory(present):
    """ Returns function for normalising sigma in a bin """
    if present:
        def impl(sigma, row, weight_sum):
            for c in range(sigma.shape[1]):
                wt = weight_sum[row, c]

                if wt == 0.0:

                sigma[row, c] = np.sqrt(sigma[row, c] / (wt**2))
        def impl(sigma, row, weight_sum):

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)
Пример #28
def output_factory(have_ddes, have_coh, have_dies, have_base_vis, out_dtype):
    """ Factory function generating a function that creates function output """
    if have_ddes:

        def output(time_index, dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones, die1_jones,
                   base_vis, die2_jones):
            row = time_index.shape[0]
            chan = dde1_jones.shape[3]
            corrs = dde1_jones.shape[4:]
            return np.zeros((row, chan) + corrs, dtype=out_dtype)
    elif have_coh:

        def output(time_index, dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones, die1_jones,
                   base_vis, die2_jones):
            row = time_index.shape[0]
            chan = source_coh.shape[2]
            corrs = source_coh.shape[3:]
            return np.zeros((row, chan) + corrs, dtype=out_dtype)
    elif have_dies:

        def output(time_index, dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones, die1_jones,
                   base_vis, die2_jones):
            row = time_index.shape[0]
            chan = die1_jones.shape[2]
            corrs = die1_jones.shape[3:]
            return np.zeros((row, chan) + corrs, dtype=out_dtype)
    elif have_base_vis:

        def output(time_index, dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones, die1_jones,
                   base_vis, die2_jones):
            row = time_index.shape[0]
            chan = base_vis.shape[1]
            corrs = base_vis.shape[2:]
            return np.zeros((row, chan) + corrs, dtype=out_dtype)

        raise ValueError("Insufficient inputs were supplied "
                         "for determining the output shape")

    # TODO(sjperkins)
    # perhaps inline='always' on resolution of
    # https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/4691
    return njit(nogil=True, inline='never')(output)
Пример #29
def apply_dies_factory(have_dies, have_bvis, jones_type):
    Factory function returning a function that applies
    Direction Independent Effects

    # We always "have visibilities", (the output array)
    jones_mul = jones_mul_factory(have_dies, True, jones_type, False)

    if have_dies and have_bvis:

        def apply_dies(time, ant1, ant2, die1_jones, die2_jones, tmin, out):
            # Iterate over rows
            for r in range(time.shape[0]):
                ti = time[r] - tmin
                a1 = ant1[r]
                a2 = ant2[r]

                # Iterate over channels
                for c in range(out.shape[1]):
                    jones_mul(die1_jones[ti, a1, c], out[r, c],
                              die2_jones[ti, a2, c], out[r, c])

    elif have_dies and not have_bvis:

        def apply_dies(time, ant1, ant2, die1_jones, die2_jones, tmin, out):
            # Iterate over rows
            for r in range(time.shape[0]):
                ti = time[r] - tmin
                a1 = ant1[r]
                a2 = ant2[r]

                # Iterate over channels
                for c in range(out.shape[1]):
                    jones_mul(die1_jones[ti, a1, c], out[r, c],
                              die2_jones[ti, a2, c], out[r, c])
        # noop
        def apply_dies(time, ant1, ant2, die1_jones, die2_jones, tmin, out):

    return njit(nogil=True, inline='always')(apply_dies)
Пример #30
def sigma_spectrum_add_factory(have_vis, have_weight, have_weight_spectrum):
    """ Returns function adding weighted sigma to a bin """
    if not have_vis:
        def impl(out_sigma, out_weight_sum, in_sigma,
                 weight, weight_spectrum,
                 orow, ochan, irow, ichan, corr):

    elif have_weight_spectrum:
        # Always prefer more accurate weight spectrum if we have it
        def impl(out_sigma, out_weight_sum, in_sigma,
                 weight, weight_spectrum,
                 orow, ochan, irow, ichan, corr):

            # sum(sigma**2 * weight**2)
            wt = weight_spectrum[irow, ichan, corr]
            is_ = in_sigma[irow, ichan, corr]**2 * wt**2
            out_sigma[orow, ochan, corr] += is_
            out_weight_sum[orow, ochan, corr] += wt

    elif have_weight:
        # Otherwise fall back to row weights
        def impl(out_sigma, out_weight_sum, in_sigma,
                 weight, weight_spectrum,
                 orow, ochan, irow, ichan, corr):

            # sum(sigma**2 * weight**2)
            wt = weight[irow]
            is_ = in_sigma[irow, ichan, corr]**2 * wt**2
            out_sigma[orow, ochan, corr] += is_
            out_weight_sum[orow, ochan, corr] += wt
        # Natural weights
        def impl(out_sigma, out_weight_sum, in_sigma,
                 weight, weight_spectrum,
                 orow, ochan, irow, ichan, corr):

            # sum(sigma**2 * weight**2)
            out_sigma[orow, ochan, corr] += in_sigma[irow, ichan, corr]**2
            out_weight_sum[orow, ochan, corr] += 1.0

    return njit(nogil=True, cache=True)(impl)