def test_fit_sirc(self):
     model = CovidSIRDc()
     X, y = model.iterate2array(derivatives=True)
     epi = EpidemicRegressor('sirc', max_iter=10)
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
         epi.score(X, y)
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
         epi.predict(X), y)
     loss = epi.score(X, y)
     self.assertGreater(loss, 0)
def find_best_model(Xt, yt, lrs, th):
    best_est, best_loss = None, None
    for lr in lrs:
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning)
            m = EpidemicRegressor(
                'SIR', learning_rate_init=lr,
                max_iter=500, early_th=1)
  , yt)
            loss = m.score(Xt, yt)
            if numpy.isnan(loss):
        if best_est is None or best_loss > loss:
            best_est = m
            best_loss = loss
        if best_loss < th:
            return best_est, best_loss
    return best_est, best_loss
    def test_clone(self):
        model = CovidSIRD()
        model['beta'] = 0.4
        X, y = model.iterate2array(derivatives=True)
        epi = EpidemicRegressor(max_iter=10), y)
        self.assertGreater(epi.iter_, 0)
        pred1 = epi.predict(X)

        f = io.BytesIO()
        pickle.dump(epi, f)
        epi2 = pickle.load(io.BytesIO(f.getvalue()))
        pred2 = epi2.predict(X)
        assert_almost_equal(pred1, pred2)
        ds, cs = epi2.predict_many(X)
        self.assertEqual(ds.shape, cs.shape)
        self.assertEqual(X.shape + (7, ), ds.shape)
        dd = cs[:, :, 1:] - cs[:, :, :-1]
        assert_almost_equal(dd / 100, ds[:, :, 1:] / 100, decimal=4)
 def test_fit_sirc_simulate(self):
     model = CovidSIRDc()
     X, y = model.iterate2array(derivatives=True)
     epi = EpidemicRegressor('sirc', max_iter=10), y)
     sim = epi.simulate(X[4:6])
     self.assertEqual(sim.shape, (2, 7, 4))
     self.assertEqual(X[4].tolist(), sim[0, 0].tolist())
     self.assertEqual(X[5].tolist(), sim[1, 0].tolist())
     sim = epi.simulate(numpy.array([[10000., 0, 0, 0]]))
     self.assertEqual(sim[0].tolist(), sim[-1].tolist())
 def test_fit_sir(self):
     model = CovidSIRD()
     X, y = model.iterate2array(derivatives=True)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         EpidemicRegressor('sirc', init='r')
     epi = EpidemicRegressor(max_iter=10)
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
         epi.score(X, y)
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
         epi.predict(X), y)
     loss = epi.score(X, y)
     self.assertGreater(loss, 0)
     l1 = epi.score(X, y, 'l1')
     self.assertGreater(l1, 0)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         epi.score(X, y, 'l2')
     pars = epi.coef_
     self.assertIsInstance(pars, dict)
     epi2 = EpidemicRegressor(max_iter=10, init=epi)
     self.assertEqual(epi.coef_, epi2.coef_)
Пример #6
# Visualisation

df.plot(title="Simulation SIRD")

# Estimation
# ++++++++++
# Le module implémente la class :class:`EpidemicRegressor
# <aftercovid.models.EpidemicRegressor>` qui réplique
# l'API de :epkg:`scikit-learn`.

m = EpidemicRegressor('SIRD',
                      early_th=1), y)

# La réaction de la population n'est pas constante
# tout au long de l'épidémie. Il est possible qu'elle
# change de comportement tout au long de la propagation.
# On estime alors les coefficients du modèle sur une
# fenêtre glissante.

def find_best_model(Xt, yt, lrs, th):
    best_est, best_loss = None, None