def testThereAreNoUnownedFiles(self):
   No files on AMI that are not owned by a user
     "find / -xdev \( -nouser -o -nogroup \) \( -path /tmp -o -path /var/tmp \) -prune -print 2>&1 | \
        grep -vi 'No such file or directory' | \
        wc -l").strip(), "0")
Пример #2
 def testNoNewPemFilesInSalt(self):
   Pem files are forbidden in Marketplace AMIs.
   saltRoot = "/srv/salt"
   # Make sure no pem files creep into AMIs either
   self.assertEquals(execute("sudo find %s -name '*.pem' -print 2>&1 | \
     grep -v 'No such file or directory' | \
     wc -l " % saltRoot).strip(), '0',
     "Found .pem file in %s directory tree!" % saltRoot)
Пример #3
 def testNoNewPemFilesInSalt(self):
   Pem files are forbidden in Marketplace AMIs.
   saltRoot = "/srv/salt"
   # Make sure no pem files creep into AMIs either
   self.assertEquals(execute("sudo find %s -name '*.pem' -print 2>&1 | \
     grep -v 'No such file or directory' | \
     wc -l " % saltRoot).strip(), '0',
     "Found .pem file in %s directory tree!" % saltRoot)
 def testNoNewSSHPubkeysInSalt(self):
 Make sure pubkeys don't slip in in new formulas we add to our salt
 configuration or we'll fail the marketplace acceptance tests.
     saltRoot = "/srv/salt"
     # Make sure no new pubkeys creep into AMIs
         execute("""sudo find %s -name '*.pub' -print 2>&1 | \
                              grep -v 'No such file or directory' | \
                              wc -l""" % saltRoot).strip(), '0',
         "Found .pub file in %s directory tree!" % saltRoot)
Пример #5
 def testNoNewSSHPubkeysInSalt(self):
   Make sure pubkeys don't slip in in new formulas we add to our salt
   configuration or we'll fail the marketplace acceptance tests.
   saltRoot = "/srv/salt"
   # Make sure no new pubkeys creep into AMIs
   self.assertEquals(execute("""sudo find %s -name '*.pub' -print 2>&1 | \
                                grep -v 'No such file or directory' | \
                                wc -l""" % saltRoot).strip(), '0',
     "Found .pub file in %s directory tree!" % saltRoot
  def testAllSgidFilesAreInWhitelist(self):
    All SGID files are on whitelist

    Ensure that no new packages we add to the AMI add sgid files without
    us knowing about them, since they're potential security issues.
    foundSgidFiles = execute("find / -xdev -perm +2000 2>&1 | \
      grep -v 'No such file or directory'").split('\n')
    for sgidFile in foundSgidFiles:
      if len(sgidFile) > 0:
        self.assertTrue(sgidFile in SGID_FILE_WHITELIST,
                        "sgid file %s not in SGID_FILE_WHITELIST" % sgidFile)