Пример #1
    def _is_light_red_us_style(self, lights_list, debug=False):
        ego_vehicle_location = self._vehicle.get_location()
        ego_vehicle_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(ego_vehicle_location)

        traffic_light_color = "NONE"  # default, if no traffic lights are seen

        if ego_vehicle_waypoint.is_junction:
            # It is too late. Do not block the intersection! Keep going!
            return "JUNCTION"

        if self._local_planner.target_waypoint is not None:
            if self._local_planner.target_waypoint.is_junction:
                min_angle = 180.0
                sel_magnitude = 0.0
                sel_traffic_light = None
                for traffic_light in lights_list:
                    loc = traffic_light.get_location()
                    magnitude, angle = compute_magnitude_angle(
                    if magnitude < 60.0 and angle < min(25.0, min_angle):
                        sel_magnitude = magnitude
                        sel_traffic_light = traffic_light
                        min_angle = angle

                if sel_traffic_light is not None:
                    if debug:
                            "=== Magnitude = {} | Angle = {} | ID = {}".format(
                                sel_magnitude, min_angle,

                    if self._last_traffic_light is None:
                        self._last_traffic_light = sel_traffic_light

                    if self._last_traffic_light.state == carla.TrafficLightState.Red:
                        return "RED"
                    elif (self._last_traffic_light.state ==
                        traffic_light_color = "YELLOW"
                    elif (self._last_traffic_light.state ==
                        if traffic_light_color is not "YELLOW":  # (more severe)
                            traffic_light_color = "GREEN"
                        import pdb

                        # investigate https://carla.readthedocs.io/en/latest/python_api/#carlatrafficlightstate
                    self._last_traffic_light = None

        return traffic_light_color
Пример #2
    def _is_light_red_us_style(self, lights_list, debug=False):
        This method is specialized to check US style traffic lights.

        :param lights_list: list containing TrafficLight objects
        :return: a tuple given by (bool_flag, traffic_light), where
                 - bool_flag is True if there is a traffic light in RED
                   affecting us and False otherwise
                 - traffic_light is the object itself or None if there is no
                   red traffic light affecting us
        ego_vehicle_location = self._vehicle.get_location()
        ego_vehicle_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(ego_vehicle_location)

        if ego_vehicle_waypoint.is_intersection:
            # It is too late. Do not block the intersection! Keep going!
            return (False, None)

        if self._local_planner._target_waypoint is not None:
            if self._local_planner._target_waypoint.is_intersection:
                potential_lights = []
                min_angle = 180.0
                sel_magnitude = 0.0
                sel_traffic_light = None
                for traffic_light in lights_list:
                    loc = traffic_light.get_location()
                    magnitude, angle = compute_magnitude_angle(
                        loc, ego_vehicle_location,
                    if magnitude < 80.0 and angle < min(25.0, min_angle):
                        sel_magnitude = magnitude
                        sel_traffic_light = traffic_light
                        min_angle = angle

                if sel_traffic_light is not None:
                    if debug:
                            '=== Magnitude = {} | Angle = {} | ID = {}'.format(
                                sel_magnitude, min_angle,

                    if self._last_traffic_light is None:
                        self._last_traffic_light = sel_traffic_light

                    if self._last_traffic_light.state == carla.libcarla.TrafficLightState.Red:
                        return (True, self._last_traffic_light)
                    self._last_traffic_light = None

        return (False, None)
Пример #3
    def _is_light_red_us_style(self, lights_list, debug=False):
        """This method is specialized to check US style traffic lights."""
        ego_vehicle_location = self._vehicle.get_location()
        ego_vehicle_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(ego_vehicle_location)

        if ego_vehicle_waypoint.is_junction:
            # It is too late. Do not block the intersection! Keep going!
            return (False, None)

        if self._local_planner.target_waypoint is not None:
            if self._local_planner.target_waypoint.is_junction:
                min_angle = 180.0
                sel_magnitude = 0.0
                sel_traffic_light = None
                for traffic_light in lights_list:
                    loc = traffic_light.get_location()
                    magnitude, angle = compute_magnitude_angle(
                        loc, ego_vehicle_location,
                    if magnitude < 60.0 and angle < min(25.0, min_angle):
                        sel_magnitude = magnitude
                        sel_traffic_light = traffic_light
                        min_angle = angle

                if sel_traffic_light is not None:
                    if debug:
                            '=== Magnitude = {} | Angle = {} | ID = {}'.format(
                                sel_magnitude, min_angle,

                    if self._last_traffic_light is None:
                        self._last_traffic_light = sel_traffic_light

                    if self._last_traffic_light.state == carla.TrafficLightState.Red:  # pylint: disable=no-member
                        return (True, self._last_traffic_light)
                    self._last_traffic_light = None

        return (False, None)
Пример #4
    def run_step(self, debug=True):
        # not enough waypoints in the horizon? => add more!
        if len(self._waypoints_queue) < int(
                self._waypoints_queue.maxlen * 0.5):
            if not self._global_plan:

        if len(self._waypoints_queue) == 0:
            control = carla.VehicleControl()
            control.steer = 0.0
            control.throttle = 0.0
            control.brake = 0.0
            control.hand_brake = False
            control.manual_gear_shift = False
            return control

        veh_location = self._vehicle.get_location()  # type: carla.Location
        veh_waypoint = self._map.get_waypoint(
            veh_location)  # type: carla.Waypoint
        veh_yaw = self._vehicle.get_transform(
        ).rotation.yaw  # TODO type: float, range TODO
        local_plan = self.get_filled_waypoint_buffer(
        )  # type: List[carla.Waypoint]

        # Calculate best waypoint to follow considering current yaw
        L = 2.9
        fx = veh_location.x + L * np.cos(veh_yaw)
        fy = veh_location.y + L * np.sin(veh_yaw)

        distances = []
        for waypoint in local_plan:
            wp = waypoint.transform.location
            dx = fx - wp.x
            dy = fy - wp.y
            distance = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
        target_idx = np.argmin(distances)
        closest_error = distances[target_idx]

        self._target_waypoint = local_plan[target_idx]

        # Calculate path curvature
        waypoints_to_look_ahead = 6
        reference_waypoint = local_plan[target_idx + waypoints_to_look_ahead]
        ref_location = reference_waypoint.transform.location
        # delta_x = ref_location.x - veh_location.x
        # delta_y = ref_location.y - veh_location.y
        # theta_radians = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)
        # FIXME Sometimes yaw oscilates from 179 to -179 which leads to temporarily bad calculations
        distance, relative_angle = compute_magnitude_angle(
            ref_location, veh_location,
            veh_yaw)  #np.rad2deg(theta_radians) - veh_yaw

        # plt.cla()
        # plt.plot([self._vehicle.get_transform().location.x, lookahead_waypoint.transform.location.x], [self._vehicle.get_transform().location.y, lookahead_waypoint.transform.location.y], "-r", label="debug")
        # # plt.plot(, , ".b", label="lookahead")
        # plt.axis("equal")
        # plt.legend()
        # plt.grid(True)
        # plt.title("Rel angle: {}, yaw {}".format(str(angle), yaw))
        # plt.pause(0.0001)

        if abs(relative_angle) < 15:
            target_speed = 50
        elif abs(relative_angle) < 20:
            target_speed = 40
        elif abs(relative_angle) < 30:
            target_speed = 30
            target_speed = 20
            'Relative angle to reference waypoint: {:3d} | Vehicle yaw angle: {:3d} | Target speed {} km/h'
            .format(int(relative_angle), int(veh_yaw), target_speed))

        control = self._vehicle_controller.run_step(target_speed,

        # purge the queue of obsolete waypoints
        vehicle_transform = self._vehicle.get_transform()
        max_index = -1

        # i, (waypoint, _)
        for i, waypoint in enumerate(self._waypoint_buffer):
            if distance_vehicle(waypoint,
                                vehicle_transform) < self._min_distance:
                max_index = i
        if max_index >= 0:
            for i in range(max_index + 1):

        if debug:
            #draw_waypoints(self._vehicle.get_world(), [self._target_waypoint], self._vehicle.get_location().z + 1.0, color=carla.Color(0, 255, 0))
            draw_waypoints(self._vehicle.get_world(), [reference_waypoint],
                           veh_location.z + 1.0)

        return control