Пример #1
class BaseTests( unittest.TestCase ):
	def setUp( self ):
		self.api = AgileTaskAPI( 'CLOrJlYa5Ny02fs-F8Zz' );

	def _isList( self, item ):
		return type( [] ) == type( item )

	def test_json_decode( self ):
		""" Tests a simple json string to make sure it decodes correctly """
		jsonString = '[{"hello":1}]'
		json = self.api._decodeJson( jsonString )
		self.assertTrue( len( json ) == 1 )
Пример #2
def main(configpath):
    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()

    # imap username which is your full email address
    user = config.get('AgileTaskEmail', 'imap_user')
    # imap password
    password = config.get('AgileTaskEmail', 'imap_password')
    # The label/folder that will contain new task emails
    imap_folder = config.get('AgileTaskEmail', 'imap_folder')
    # Imap Server
    host = config.get('AgileTaskEmail', 'imap_host')
    # Imap Port
    port = config.getint('AgileTaskEmail', 'imap_port')
    # Timeout
    timeout = config.getfloat('AgileTaskEmail', 'imap_timeout')

    # Email addresses that are ok to pull new tasks from
    valid_emails = config.get('AgileTaskEmail', 'valid_from_emails').split(',')
    valid_emails = [email.strip() for email in valid_emails]

    # Subjects that are ok to pull tasks from
    valid_subjects = config.get('AgileTaskEmail', 'valid_subjects').split(',')
    valid_subjects = [subject.strip() for subject in valid_subjects]

    # Path to pyAgileTaskAPI(https://github.com/necrolyte2/pyAgileTaskAPI)
    #path_to_agiletaskapi = config.get( 'pyAgileTaskApi', 'path_to_agiletaskapi' )

    # Your Agile Task API Key
    api_key = config.get('pyAgileTaskApi', 'api_key')

    #print "User: %s\nPass: %s\nFolder: %s\nPath: %s\nKey: %s\n" % (user, password, imap_folder, path_to_agiletaskapi, api_key)

        from agiletaskapi.AgileTaskAPI import AgileTaskAPI
    except ImportError:
        print "You need to install pyAgileTaskAPI"

    # Initialize the Imap Interface
    g = PyImap(host, port, timeout)

    # Login to Imap
    g.login(user, password)

    # Get mail from a specific folder/label
    msgs = g.get_mail(imap_folder)

    # Initialize the Python Agile Task API
    patapi = AgileTaskAPI(api_key)

    # Which messages to delete
    deletes = []

    # For each message extract the id of the mail and the body
    for msg_id, msg in msgs.items():
        from_address = msg.get('from')
        subject = msg.get('subject')
        if from_address in valid_emails and subject in valid_subjects:
            msg_body = g.get_msg_body(msg)
            # Add the task to the today list
                newTask = patapi.AddTask(msg_body, icebox='false')
                print "Added task %s\n" % msg_body
            except Exception as e:
                print "Failed to add %s\n" % msg_body
                print e
            print "From: %s Subject: %s not in" % (from_address, subject)
            print "%s or %s" % (valid_emails, valid_subjects)

    # Delete all queued messages to be deleted

Пример #3
	def setUp( self ):
		self.api = AgileTaskAPI( 'CLOrJlYa5Ny02fs-F8Zz' );