Пример #1
 def reconstruct_matched_datasets_mean_cell(self):
     lrec = 2*self.control.get_lmax()
     output = self.output / "avgshape"
     output.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     for ds in [k for k in self.datasets]:
         ct_indices = self.result.loc['base',ds].loc[lambda x: x==True].index.tolist()
         pt_indices = self.result.loc[ds,"Match"].loc[lambda x: x==True].index.tolist()
         aliases = ["base"] * len(ct_indices) + [ds] * len(pt_indices)
         indices = [(alias, *index) for alias, index in zip(aliases, ct_indices+pt_indices)]
         matrix = self.result.loc[indices, self.control.get_shape_modes()].copy()
         for sm in self.control.get_shape_modes():
             matrix[sm] *= self.norm_stds[sm]
         matrix = matrix.values.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)
         df = self.space.invert(matrix)
         row = df.loc[df.index[0]]
         meshes = {}
         for alias in self.control.get_aliases_for_pca():
             mesh = viz.MeshToolKit.get_mesh_from_series(row, alias, lrec)
             fname = output / f"{ds}_{alias}_base_matched.vtk"
             shtools.save_polydata(mesh, str(fname))
             meshes[alias] = [mesh]
         projs = viz.MeshToolKit.get_2d_contours(meshes)
         for proj, contours in projs.items():
             fname = output / f"{ds}_{alias}_base_matched_{proj}.gif"
             viz.MeshToolKit.animate_contours(self.control, contours, save=fname)
Пример #2
 def reconstruct_datasets_mean_cell(self):
     lrec = 2*self.control.get_lmax()
     output = self.output / "avgshape"
     output.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     for ds in [k for k in self.datasets] + ["base"]:
         matrix = self.result.loc[ds].values.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)
         df = self.space.invert(matrix)
         row = df.loc[df.index[0]]
         meshes = {}
         for alias in self.control.get_aliases_for_pca():
             mesh = viz.MeshToolKit.get_mesh_from_series(row, alias, lrec)
             fname = output / f"{ds}_{alias}.vtk"
             shtools.save_polydata(mesh, str(fname))
             meshes[alias] = [mesh]
         projs = viz.MeshToolKit.get_2d_contours(meshes)
         for proj, contours in projs.items():
             fname = output / f"{ds}_{alias}_{proj}.gif"
             viz.MeshToolKit.animate_contours(self.control, contours, save=fname)
Пример #3
 def recontruct_meshes(self, save_meshes=True):
     self.meshes = {}
     # Reconstruct mesh with twice more detail than original parameterization
     lrec = 2 * self.control.get_lmax()
     abs_path_avgshape = self.control.get_staging() / f"shapemode/avgshape"
     for sm, df_sm in self.df_coeffs.groupby("shape_mode"):
         self.meshes[sm] = {}
         for alias in self.control.get_aliases_for_pca():
             self.meshes[sm][alias] = []
             for _, row in df_sm.iterrows():
                 mesh = self.get_mesh_from_series(row, alias, lrec)
                 if f'{alias}_dx' in self.df_coeffs.columns:
                     dr_mean = row[[
                         f'{alias}_d{u}' for u in ['x', 'y', 'z']
                     mesh = self.translate_mesh_points(mesh, dr_mean.values)
                 if save_meshes:
                     fname = abs_path_avgshape / f"{alias}_{sm}_{row.mpId}.vtk"
                     shtools.save_polydata(mesh, str(fname))
Пример #4
    def _process_cell(
        cell_id: str,
        cell_details: pd.Series,
        struct: str,
        lmax: int,
        save_dir: Path
    ) -> CellProcessResult:
        # Alert of which cell we are processing
        log.info(f"Beginning processing of cell: {cell_id}")

        # Read segmentation image
        impath = cell_details.SegFilePath
        seg = AICSImage(impath).get_image_data("ZYX", S=0, T=0, C=0)

        # Get spherical harmonic decomposition of segmentation
        (coeffs, grid_rec), (_, mesh_init, grid_init, transform) = shparam.get_shcoeffs(

        # Compute reconstruction error
        mean_sq_error = shtools.get_reconstruction_error(

        # Store spherical harmonic coefficients in dataframe by cell id
        df_coeffs = pd.DataFrame(coeffs, index=[cell_id])
        df_coeffs.index = df_coeffs.index.rename("CellId")

        # Mesh reconstructed with the sh coefficients
        mesh_shparam = shtools.get_reconstruction_from_grid(grid=grid_rec)

        # Save meshes as PLY files compatible with both Blender and Paraview
            filename=str(save_dir / f"{cell_id}.initial_{struct}.ply")
            filename=str(save_dir / f"{cell_id}.shparam_{struct}.ply")

        # Save coeffs into a csv file in local staging
            str(save_dir / f"{cell_id}.shparam_{struct}.csv")

        # Build dataframe of saved files to store in manifest
        data = {
                save_dir / f"{cell_id}.initial_{struct}.ply",
                save_dir / f"{cell_id}.shparam_{struct}.ply",
                save_dir / f"{cell_id}.shparam_{struct}.csv",
            "MeanSqError": mean_sq_error,
            "Structure": struct,
            "CellId": cell_id,

        # Alert completed
        log.info(f"Completed processing for cell: {cell_id}")
        return CellProcessResult(cell_id, data)
Пример #5
def animate_shape_modes_and_save_meshes(
    df_agg: pd.DataFrame,
    mode: str,
    save: Path,
    plot_limits: Optional[List] = None,
    fix_nuclear_position: Optional[bool] = None,
    distributed_executor_address: Optional[str] = None,
    Generate animated GIFs to illustrate cell and nuclear
    shape variation as a single shape space dimension is
    transversed. The function also saves the cell and
    nuclear shape in VTK polydata format.
    df_agg: pd.DataFrame
        Dataframe that contains the cell and nuclear SHE
        coefficients that will be reconstructed. Each line
        of this dataframe will generate 3 animated GIFs:
        one for each projection (xy, xz, and yz).        
    bin_indexes: List
        [(a,b)] a's are integers for identifying the bin
        number and b's are lists of all data points id's
        that fall into that bin.
    mode: str
        Either DNA, MEM or DNA_MEM to specify whether the
        shape space has been created based on nucleus, cell
        or jointly combined cell and nuclear shape.
    save: Path
        Path to save results.
    plot_limits: Optional[bool] = None
        List of floats to be used as x-axis limits and
        y-axis limits in the animated GIFs. Default values
        used for the single-cell images dataset are
        [-150, 150, -80, 80],
    fix_nuclear_position: Tuple or None
        Use None here to not change the nuclear location
        relative to the cell. Otherwise, this should be a
        tuple like (df,bin_indexes), where df is a single
        cell dataframe that contains the columns necessary
        to correct the nuclear location realtive to the cell.
        bin_indexes is alist of tuple (a,b), where a is an
        integer for that specifies the bin number and b is
        a list of all data point ids from the single cell
        dataframe that fall into that bin.
    distributed_executor_address: Optionalstr = None
        Dask executor address.
        df_paths: pd.DataFrame
        Dataframe with path for VTK meshes and GIF files

    df_paths = []

    if fix_nuclear_position is not None:

        df, bin_indexes = fix_nuclear_position

        def process_this_index(index_row):
            Change the coordinate system of nuclear centroid
            from nuclear to the aligned cell.
            index, row = index_row

            dxc, dyc, dzc = transform_coords_to_mem_space(
                # Cell alignment angle
                # Cell centroid
                    for k in ["x", "y", "z"]

            return (dxc, dyc, dzc)

        # Change the reference system of the vector that
        # defines the nuclear location relative to the cell
        # of all cells that fall into the same bin.
        for (b, indexes) in bin_indexes:
            # Subset with cells from the same bin.
            df_tmp = df.loc[df.index.isin(indexes)]
            # Change reference system for all cells in parallel.
            nuclei_cm_fix = []
            with DistributedHandler(distributed_executor_address) as handler:
                future = handler.batched_map(
                    [index_row for index_row in df_tmp.iterrows()],
            # Average changed nuclear centroid over all cells
            mean_nuclei_cm_fix = np.array(nuclei_cm_fix[0]).mean(axis=0)
            # Store
            df_agg.loc[b, "dna_dxc"] = mean_nuclei_cm_fix[0]
            df_agg.loc[b, "dna_dyc"] = mean_nuclei_cm_fix[1]
            df_agg.loc[b, "dna_dzc"] = mean_nuclei_cm_fix[2]

        # Save nuclear displacement as zeros if no adjustment
        # is requested.
        df_agg["dna_dxc"] = 0
        df_agg["dna_dyc"] = 0
        df_agg["dna_dzc"] = 0

    hlimits = []
    vlimits = []
    all_mem_contours = []
    all_dna_contours = []

    # Loop over 3 different projections: xy=[0,1], xz=[0,2] and
    # yz=[1,2]
    for proj_id, projection in enumerate([[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2]]):

        # Get nuclear meshes and their 2D projections
        # for 3 different projections,xy, xz and yz.
        mem_contours, mem_meshes, mem_limits = get_contours_of_consecutive_reconstructions(
            df=df_agg, prefix="mem_shcoeffs_L", proj=projection, lmax=32)
        # Get cells meshes and their 2D projections
        # for 3 different projections,xy, xz and yz.
        dna_contours, dna_meshes, dna_limits = get_contours_of_consecutive_reconstructions(
            df=df_agg, prefix="dna_shcoeffs_L", proj=projection, lmax=32)

        if proj_id == 0:
            # Change the nuclear position relative to the cell
            # in the reconstructed meshes when running the
            # first projection
            for b, mem_mesh, dna_mesh in zip(df_agg.index, mem_meshes,
                # Get nuclear mesh coordinates
                dna_coords = vtk_to_numpy(dna_mesh.GetPoints().GetData())
                # Shift coordinates according averaged
                # nuclear centroid relative to the cell
                dna_coords[:, 0] += df_agg.loc[b, "dna_dxc"]
                dna_coords[:, 1] += df_agg.loc[b, "dna_dyc"]
                dna_coords[:, 2] += df_agg.loc[b, "dna_dzc"]
                # Save meshes as vtk polydatas
                # Save paths
                    'bin': b,
                    'shapemode': mode,
                    'memMeshPath': f"{save}/MEM_{mode}_{b:02d}.vtk",
                    'dnaMeshPath': f"{save}/DNA_{mode}_{b:02d}.vtk"


        # Store bounds
        xmin = np.min([lim[0] for lim in mem_limits])
        xmax = np.max([lim[1] for lim in mem_limits])
        ymin = np.min([lim[2] for lim in mem_limits])
        ymax = np.max([lim[3] for lim in mem_limits])
        zmin = np.min([lim[4] for lim in mem_limits])
        zmax = np.max([lim[5] for lim in mem_limits])

        # Vertical and horizontal limits for plots
        hlimits += [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        vlimits += [ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]

    # Dataframe with paths to be returned
    df_paths = pd.DataFrame(df_paths)

    # Set limits for plots
    if plot_limits is not None:
        hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax = plot_limits
        hmin = np.min(hlimits)
        hmax = np.max(hlimits)
        vmin = np.min(vlimits)
        vmax = np.max(vlimits)
    offset = 0.05 * (hmax - hmin)

    # Plot 2D contours and animate accross bins
    for projection, mem_contours, dna_contours in zip([[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2]],

        hcomp = projection[0]
        vcomp = projection[1]

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3, 3))
        ax.set_xlim(hmin - offset, hmax + offset)
        ax.set_ylim(vmin - offset, vmax + offset)

        # initial plot for cell
        (mline, ) = ax.plot([], [],
                            color="#F200FF" if "MEM" in mode else "#3AADA7")
        # initial plot for nucleus
        (dline, ) = ax.plot([], [],
                            color="#3AADA7" if "DNA" in mode else "#F200FF")

        def animate(i):
            Animates cell and nuclear contour accross bins
            mct = mem_contours[i]
            mx = mct[:, hcomp]
            my = mct[:, vcomp]

            dct = dna_contours[i]
            dx = dct[:, hcomp]
            dy = dct[:, vcomp]

            hlabel = ["x", "y", "z"][[0, 1, 2].index(projection[0])]
            vlabel = ["x", "y", "z"][[0, 1, 2].index(projection[1])]
            # Shift 2D nuclear coordinates according averaged
            # nuclear centroid relative to the cell
            dx += df_agg.loc[i + 1, f"dna_d{hlabel}c"]
            dy += df_agg.loc[i + 1, f"dna_d{vlabel}c"]

            mline.set_data(mx, my)
            dline.set_data(dx, dy)

            return (mline, dline)

        # Generate animated GIF using scikit-image
        anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig,

                f"{save}/{mode}_{''.join(str(x) for x in projection)}.gif",
            # Path of GIF files
            df_paths['gifXYPath'] = f"{save}/{mode}_01.gif"
            df_paths['gifXZPath'] = f"{save}/{mode}_02.gif"
            df_paths['gifYZPath'] = f"{save}/{mode}_12.gif"

                "Export to animated GIF has failed. Please check your imagemagick installation."


    return df_paths
Пример #6
    def run(self, sh_df=None, struct="Nuc", **kwargs):
        This step uses the amplitudes of the spherical harmonic components
        of the nuclear shapes in the dataset to construct an average nuclear mesh.

        sh_df: dataframe
            dataframe containing results from running Shparam step
            See the construction of the manifest in shparam.py for details

        struct: str
            String giving name of structure to run analysis on.
            Currently, this must be "Nuc" (nucleus) or "Cell" (cell membrane).

        # If no dataframe is passed in, load manifest from previous step
        if sh_df is None:
            sh_df = pd.read_csv(
                self.step_local_staging_dir.parent / "shparam" /
                f"shparam_{struct}" / "manifest.csv", index_col="CellId"

        # Load sh coefficients of all samples in manifest
        coeffs_df = pd.DataFrame([])
        for CellId in sh_df.index:
            coeffs_df_path = sh_df["CoeffsFilePath"][CellId]
            coeffs_df = coeffs_df.append(
                pd.read_csv(coeffs_df_path, index_col=["CellId"]), ignore_index=False

        # Create directory to hold results from this step
        struct_dir = self.step_local_staging_dir / f"avgshape_{struct}"
        struct_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        avg_data_dir = struct_dir / f"avgshape_data"
        avg_data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Move init and run parameters to structure dir to avoid overwriting
        for filetype in ["init", "run"]:
            filename = f"{filetype}_parameters.json"
                self.step_local_staging_dir / filename,
                struct_dir / filename

        # Perform some per-cell analysis
        run_shcoeffs_analysis(df=coeffs_df, savedir=avg_data_dir, struct=struct)

        # Avg the sh coefficients over all samples and create avg mesh
        coeffs_df_avg = coeffs_df.agg(['mean'])
        coeffs_avg = coeffs_df_avg.values

        # Number of columns = 2*lmax*lmax
        lmax = int(np.sqrt(0.5 * coeffs_avg.size))

        coeffs_avg = coeffs_avg.reshape(-2, lmax, lmax)

        # Here we use the new meshing implementation for a more evenly distributed mesh
        mesh_avg, _ = shtools.get_even_reconstruction_from_coeffs(

        mesh_avg, grid_avg = shtools.get_reconstruction_from_coeffs(

            filename=str(avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_{struct}.ply")

        # Save mesh as obj
        save_mesh_as_obj(mesh_avg, avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_{struct}.obj")

        # Save displacement map
        save_displacement_map(grid_avg, avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_dmap_{struct}.tif")

        # Save mesh as image
        domain = save_voxelization(mesh_avg, avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_{struct}.tif")

        # Save mesh as stl file for blender import
        save_mesh_as_stl(mesh_avg, avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_{struct}.stl")

        # Remesh voxelization
        remesh_avg = get_smooth_and_coarse_mesh_from_voxelization(domain, sigma=3, npoints=2000)

        # Save remesh as PLY
            filename=str(avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_remesh_{struct}.ply")

        # Save avg coeffs to csv file
            str(avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_{struct}.csv")

        # Save path to avg shape in the manifest
        self.manifest = pd.DataFrame({
            "Label": "Average_mesh",
            "AvgShapeFilePath": avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_{struct}.ply",
            "AvgShapeRemeshFilePath": avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_remesh_{struct}.ply",
            "AvgShapeFilePathStl": avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_{struct}.stl",
            "AvgShapeFilePathObj": avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_{struct}.obj",
            "AvgShapeFilePathTif": avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_{struct}.tif",
            "AvgShapeDMapFilePathTif": avg_data_dir / f"avgshape_dmap_{struct}.tif",
            "Structure": struct,
        }, index=[0])

        # Save manifest as csv
            struct_dir / Path(f"manifest.csv"), index=False
        return self.manifest