Пример #1
    def test_construct_backup_variables(self):
        Test that checks that the backup variables are populated as it
        should by the construct_backup_variables by asking the needed
        questions. A lambda function is used to simulate the user input.
        _backup_setup_inst = backup_setup.BackupSetup()
        counter = utils.ArrayCounter()

        # Checking parsing of backup variables with many empty answers
        answers = ['', 'y', '', 'y', '', 'y', '1', 'y', '2', 'y']
        backup_utils.input = lambda _: answers[counter.array_counter()]
        bk_vars = _backup_setup_inst.construct_backup_variables('')
        # Check the parsed answers
        self.assertEqual(bk_vars[AbstractBackup.PERIODICITY_KEY], 1)
        self.assertEqual(bk_vars[AbstractBackup.BACKUP_LENGTH_THRESHOLD_KEY], 2)

        # Checking parsing of backup variables with all the answers given
        counter = utils.ArrayCounter()
        answers = [
            '2013-07-28 20:48:53.197537+02:00', 'y', '2', 'y', '2015-07-28 20:48:53.197537+02:00', 'y', '3', 'y', '4',
        backup_utils.input = lambda _: answers[counter.array_counter()]
        bk_vars = _backup_setup_inst.construct_backup_variables('')
        # Check the parsed answers
        self.assertEqual(bk_vars[AbstractBackup.OLDEST_OBJECT_BK_KEY], answers[0])
        self.assertEqual(bk_vars[AbstractBackup.DAYS_TO_BACKUP_KEY], 2)
        self.assertEqual(bk_vars[AbstractBackup.END_DATE_OF_BACKUP_KEY], answers[4])
        self.assertEqual(bk_vars[AbstractBackup.PERIODICITY_KEY], 3)
        self.assertEqual(bk_vars[AbstractBackup.BACKUP_LENGTH_THRESHOLD_KEY], 4)
    def test_full_backup_setup_script(self):
        This method is a full test of the backup setup script. It launches it,
        replies to all the question as the user would do and in the end it
        checks that the correct files were created with the right content.
        from aiida.common.utils import Capturing

        # Create a temp folder where the backup files will be placed
        temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()

            temp_aiida_folder = os.path.join(temp_folder, '.aiida')
            # The predefined answers for the setup script

            counter = utils.ArrayCounter()
            answers = [
                temp_aiida_folder,  # the backup folder path
                '',  # should the folder be created?
                '',  # destination folder of the backup
                '',  # should the folder be created?
                'n',  # print config explanation?
                '',  # configure the backup conf file now?
                '2014-07-18 13:54:53.688484+00:00',  # start date of backup?
                '',  # is it correct?
                '',  # days to backup?
                '',  # is it correct?
                '2015-04-11 13:55:53.688484+00:00',  # end date of backup
                '',  # is it correct?
                '1',  # periodicity
                '',  # is it correct?
                '2',  # threshold?
                ''  # is it correct?
            backup_utils.input = lambda _: answers[counter.array_counter()]

            # Run the setup script and catch the sysout
            with Capturing():

            # Get the backup configuration files & dirs
            backup_conf_records = os.listdir(temp_aiida_folder)
            # Check if all files & dirs are there
                backup_conf_records is not None
                and len(backup_conf_records) == 4
                and 'backup_dest' in backup_conf_records
                and 'backup_info.json.tmpl' in backup_conf_records
                and 'start_backup.py' in backup_conf_records
                and 'backup_info.json' in backup_conf_records,
                'The created backup folder does not have the expected files. It contains: {}.'

            # Check the content of the main backup configuration file
            with open(os.path.join(temp_aiida_folder, 'backup_info.json'),
                      encoding='utf8') as conf_jfile:
                conf_cont = json.load(conf_jfile)
                    '2014-07-18 13:54:53.688484+00:00')
                    '2015-04-11 13:55:53.688484+00:00')
                self.assertEqual(conf_cont[AbstractBackup.PERIODICITY_KEY], 1)
                    conf_cont[AbstractBackup.BACKUP_LENGTH_THRESHOLD_KEY], 2)
            shutil.rmtree(temp_folder, ignore_errors=True)
Пример #3
 def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     super().setUpClass(*args, **kwargs)
     cls._bs_instance = backup_setup.BackupSetup()
Пример #4
class TestBackupScriptIntegration(AiidaTestCase):
    """Integration tests for the Backup classes."""

    _aiida_rel_path = '.aiida'
    _backup_rel_path = 'backup'
    _repo_rel_path = 'repository'

    _bs_instance = backup_setup.BackupSetup()

    def test_integration(self):
        """Test integration"""
        from aiida.common.utils import Capturing

        # Fill in the repository with data
            # Create a temp folder where the backup files will be placed
            # and the backup will be stored
            temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()

            # Capture the sysout of the following command
            with Capturing():
                # Create the backup scripts
                backup_full_path = self.create_backup_scripts(temp_folder)

            # Put the backup folder in the path

            # Import the backup script - this action will also run it
            # It is assumed that the backup script ends with .py

            # Check the backup
            import os
            from aiida.manage.configuration import get_profile
            from aiida.common.utils import are_dir_trees_equal

            dirpath_repository = get_profile().repository_path
            source_dir = os.path.join(dirpath_repository, self._repo_rel_path)
            dest_dir = os.path.join(backup_full_path,
            res, msg = are_dir_trees_equal(source_dir, dest_dir)
                'The backed-up repository has differences to the original one. '
                + str(msg) + '. If the test fails, report it in issue #2134.')
            shutil.rmtree(temp_folder, ignore_errors=True)

    def fill_repo(self):
        """Utility function to create repository nodes"""
        from aiida.orm import CalcJobNode, Data, Dict

        extra_name = self.__class__.__name__ + '/test_with_subclasses'
        resources = {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1}

        a1 = CalcJobNode(computer=self.computer)
        a1.set_option('resources', resources)
        # To query only these nodes later
        a1.set_extra(extra_name, True)
        a3 = Data().store()
        a3.set_extra(extra_name, True)
        a4 = Dict(dict={'a': 'b'}).store()
        a4.set_extra(extra_name, True)
        a5 = Data().store()
        a5.set_extra(extra_name, True)
        # I don't set the extras, just to be sure that the filtering works
        # The filtering is needed because other tests will put stuff int he DB
        a6 = CalcJobNode(computer=self.computer)
        a6.set_option('resources', resources)
        a7 = Data()

    def create_backup_scripts(self, tmp_folder):
        """Utility function to create backup scripts"""
        backup_full_path = '{}/{}/{}/'.format(tmp_folder, self._aiida_rel_path,
        # The predefined answers for the setup script
        ac = utils.ArrayCounter()
        answers = [
            backup_full_path,  # the backup folder path
            '',  # should the folder be created?
            '',  # destination folder of the backup
            '',  # should the folder be created?
            'n',  # print config explanation?
            '',  # configure the backup conf file now?
            '',  # start date of backup?
            '',  # is it correct?
            '',  # days to backup?
            '',  # is it correct?
            '',  # end date of backup
            '',  # is it correct?
            '1',  # periodicity
            '',  # is it correct?
            '0',  # threshold?
            ''  # is it correct?
        backup_utils.input = lambda _: answers[ac.array_counter()]

        # Run the setup script

        return backup_full_path