Пример #1
    def get_upf_node(self, store=False):
        Creates an UPF node, that can be used in AiiDA workflow.

        :return: :py:class:`aiida.orm.nodes.data.upf.UpfData` object
        from aiida.orm import UpfData
        import tempfile

        upfnode = None

        # Prefixing with an ID in order to start file name with the name
        # of the described element.
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+',
                                         prefix=self.source['id']) as f:
            upfnode = UpfData(file=f.name, source=self.source)

        # Maintaining backwards-compatibility. Parameter 'store' should
        # be removed in the future, as the new node can be stored later.
        if store:

        return upfnode
Пример #2
def upf_import(filename):
    Import a UPF pseudopotential from a file.
    from aiida.orm import UpfData

    node, _ = UpfData.get_or_create(filename)
    echo.echo_success('Imported: {}'.format(node))
Пример #3
    def _generate_upf_data(element):
        """Return `UpfData` node."""
        from aiida.orm import UpfData

        filepath = os.path.join(filepath_tests, 'fixtures', 'pseudos', '{}.upf'.format(element))

        with io.open(filepath, 'r') as handle:
            upf = UpfData(file=handle.name)

        return upf
Пример #4
def create_builder_from_file(input_folder, input_file_name, code, metadata, pseudo_folder_path=None, use_first=False):
    """Create a populated process builder for a `PwCalculation` from a standard QE input file and pseudo (upf) files

    :param input_folder: the folder containing the input file
    :type input_folder: aiida.common.folders.Folder or str
    :param input_file_name: the name of the input file
    :type input_file_name: str
    :param code: the code associated with the calculation
    :type code: aiida.orm.Code or str
    :param metadata: metadata values for the calculation (e.g. resources)
    :type metadata: dict
    :param pseudo_folder_path: the folder containing the upf files (if None, then input_folder is used)
    :type pseudo_folder_path: aiida.common.folders.Folder or str or None
    :param use_first: passed to UpfData.get_or_create
    :type use_first: bool
    :raises NotImplementedError: if the structure is not ibrav=0
    :return: a builder instance for PwCalculation
    PwCalculation = CalculationFactory('quantumespresso.pw')

    builder = PwCalculation.get_builder()
    builder.metadata = metadata

    if isinstance(code, six.string_types):
        code = Code.get_from_string(code)
    builder.code = code

    # read input_file
    if isinstance(input_folder, six.string_types):
        input_folder = Folder(input_folder)

    with input_folder.open(input_file_name) as input_file:
        parsed_file = PwInputFile(input_file)

    builder.structure = parsed_file.get_structuredata()
    builder.kpoints = parsed_file.get_kpointsdata()

    if parsed_file.namelists['SYSTEM']['ibrav'] != 0:
        raise NotImplementedError('Found ibrav != 0: `aiida-quantumespresso` currently only supports ibrav = 0.')

    # Then, strip the namelist items that the plugin doesn't allow or sets later.
    # NOTE: If any of the position or cell units are in alat or crystal
    # units, that will be taken care of by the input parsing tools, and
    # we are safe to fake that they were never there in the first place.
    parameters_dict = copy.deepcopy(parsed_file.namelists)
    for namelist, blocked_key in PwCalculation._blocked_keywords:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        for key in list(parameters_dict[namelist].keys()):
            # take into account that celldm and celldm(*) must be blocked
            if re.sub('[(0-9)]', '', key) == blocked_key:
                parameters_dict[namelist].pop(key, None)
    builder.parameters = Dict(dict=parameters_dict)

    # Get or create a UpfData node for the pseudopotentials used for the calculation.
    pseudos_map = {}
    if pseudo_folder_path is None:
        pseudo_folder_path = input_folder
    if isinstance(pseudo_folder_path, six.string_types):
        pseudo_folder_path = Folder(pseudo_folder_path)
    names = parsed_file.atomic_species['names']
    pseudo_file_names = parsed_file.atomic_species['pseudo_file_names']
    pseudo_file_map = {}
    for name, fname in zip(names, pseudo_file_names):
        if fname not in pseudo_file_map:
            local_path = pseudo_folder_path.get_abs_path(fname)
            upf_node, _ = UpfData.get_or_create(local_path, use_first=use_first, store_upf=False)
            pseudo_file_map[fname] = upf_node
        pseudos_map[name] = pseudo_file_map[fname]
    builder.pseudos = pseudos_map

    settings_dict = {}
    if parsed_file.k_points['type'] == 'gamma':
        settings_dict['gamma_only'] = True

    # If there are any fixed coordinates (i.e. force modification) present in the input file, specify in settings
    fixed_coords = parsed_file.atomic_positions['fixed_coords']
    # Function ``any()`` only works for 1-dimensional lists so we have to call it twice manually.
    if any((any(fc_xyz) for fc_xyz in fixed_coords)):
        settings_dict['FIXED_COORDS'] = fixed_coords

    if settings_dict:
        builder.settings = settings_dict

    return builder
Пример #5
    def _generate_upf_data(element):
        """Return `UpfData` node."""
        from aiida.orm import UpfData

        return UpfData(file=os.path.abspath(pseudo_dir / f'{element}.upf'))