Пример #1
def index():
    main function - outputs in following format BEFORE consolidation (which is TODO)
    # filename,         word,           linenumbers
    # refAction.csv,    ActionTypeName, 1
    # refAction.csv,    PhysicalType,   1
    # goals.csv,        Cleanliness,    11
    lg = mod_log.Log(mod_cfg.fldrs['localPath'])
    lg.record_command('Starting indexing',  'index.py') # sys.modules[self.__module__].__file__)
    if silent == 'N':
        print('Rebuilding Indexes')

    ndxFile = ndxPath + '\\ndxFull.txt'
    opIndex = ndxPath + '\\ndxWordsToFiles.txt'
    with open(ndxFile, "w") as ndx:
        ndx.write('filename, word, linenumbers\n')

    files_to_index = mod_fl.FileList([mod_cfg.fldrs['public_data_path'] + os.sep + 'core'], ['*.csv'], ["__pycache__", ".git"], "files_to_index_filelist.csv")
    for f in files_to_index.get_list():
        buildIndex(f, ndxFile, silent)
    # now build the one big index file
    consolidate(ndxFile, opIndex )

    lg.record_command('Finished indexing',  'index.py')   #, fle.GetModuleName())
    if silent == 'N':
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, name, fldr):
        First setup aikif logging then initialise pyaixi
        mod_agt.Agent.__init__(self, name, fldr)
        self.lg = mod_log.Log(fldr)
        # options copied from - https://github.com/gkassel/pyaixi/blob/release-1.1.0/aixi.py
        self.default_options = {}
        self.default_options["agent"]             = "mc_aixi_ctw"
        self.default_options["agent-horizon"]     = 5
        self.default_options["ct-depth"]          = 30
        self.default_options["compare"]           = ""
        self.default_options["environment"]       = "coin_flip"
        self.default_options["exploration"]       = 0.0    # Do not explore.
        self.default_options["explore-decay"]     = 1.0    # Exploration rate does not decay.
        self.default_options["learning-period"]   = 0      # Learn forever.
        self.default_options["mc-simulations"]    = 300
        self.default_options["non-learning-only"] = False  # Whether to record statistics gathered in the non-learning period only.
        self.default_options["profile"]           = False  # Whether to profile code.
        self.default_options["terminate-age"]     = 0      # Never die.
        self.default_options["verbose"]           = False

Пример #3
 def __init__(self, nme, environ, target, start):
     self.nme = nme
     self.environ = environ
     self.start = start
     self.target = target
     self.method = 'No method defined'
     self.lg = mod_log.Log(mod_cfg.fldrs['log_folder'])  #'T:\\user\\AIKIF')
     self.lg.record_command('CLS_PLAN_SEARCH - starting Plan', nme)
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, fldr=None, lst=None):
     self.fldr = fldr
     self.lg = mod_log.Log(mod_cfg.fldrs['log_folder'])
     if lst is None:
         self.lstTools = [] 
         self.lstTools = lst 
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, name, fldr):
     self.name = name
     self.fldr = fldr
     self.lstPrograms = []
     self.log_folder = mod_cfg.fldrs['log_folder']
     self.lg = mod_log.Log(self.log_folder)
         'program', 'generating program list in - ' + self.log_folder)
Пример #6
def main():
    Example to show AIKIF logging of results.
    Generates a sequence of random grids and runs the
    Game of Life, saving results
    iterations  = 10     # how many simulations to run
    years       = 100    # how many times to run each simulation
    width       = 22     # grid height
    height      = 78     # grid width
    time_delay  = 0.03   # delay when printing on screen
    lg = mod_log.Log('test')
    lg.record_process('Game of Life', 'game_of_life_console.py')
    for i in range(iterations):
        s,e = run_game_of_life(years, width, height, time_delay, 'N') 
        lg.log_result("Started with " +  str(s) + " cells and ended with " + str(e) + " cells")
Пример #7
def run(scriptFile, logUsage='Y'):
    from subprocess import call
    print('  ... running ' + scriptFile)
    lg = mod_log.Log(os.getcwd())
        retcode = call(scriptFile + ' Q', shell=True)   # Q tells program to run in silent mode
        if retcode < 0:
            if logUsage=='Y':
                lg.record_result(scriptFile + ' terminated by signal')
            if logUsage=='Y':
                lg.record_result(scriptFile + ' success')
    except OSError as e:
        #print("Execution failed:", e, file=sys.stderr) 
        lg.record_result(scriptFile + ' error' + str(e))
Пример #8
 def do_your_job(self, *arg):
     the goal of the email agent is to parse emails and index
     lg = mod_log.Log(self.log_folder)
     lg.record_command('email_collect.txt', 'email agent - checking folder - ' + self.root_folder)
Пример #9
# game_of_life_console.py
import os
import sys
import time
import random

cur_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) 
lib_folder = os.path.abspath(cur_folder + os.sep + ".." +  os.sep + "toolbox" )
aikif_folder = os.path.abspath(cur_folder + os.sep + ".."  )

import aikif.toolbox.cls_grid_life as mod_grid
import aikif.cls_log as mod_log
lg = mod_log.Log('')

lg.record_process("Running Game of Life Console...")
os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')

def main():
    Example to show AIKIF logging of results.
    Generates a sequence of random grids and runs the
    Game of Life, saving results
    iterations  = 10     # how many simulations to run
    years       = 100    # how many times to run each simulation
    width       = 22     # grid height
    height      = 78     # grid width
    time_delay  = 0.03   # delay when printing on screen
    lg = mod_log.Log('test')
    lg.record_process('Game of Life', 'game_of_life_console.py')
Пример #10
import os
import sys
import random
Steps to run and Log an external AI program

# 1. Setup AIKIF for logging
root_folder = os.path.abspath(
    os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.sep + ".." + os.sep + "..")
import aikif.agents.agent as mod_agt
import aikif.cls_log as mod_log
import aikif.config as mod_cfg

lg = mod_log.Log(root_folder)

# 2. Record details
your_param1 = 999.999
your_param2 = 'test17'
your_param3 = [12, 54, 23, 65, 987]
lg.record_command('Initialise Dummy Learning algorithm', 'dummy_learn_1.py')
lg.record_source('PARAM: your_param1 = ' + str(your_param1),
lg.record_source('PARAM: your_param2 = ' + your_param2, 'dummy_learn_1.py')
lg.record_source('PARAM: your_param3 = ' + str(your_param3),

# 3. Import and run your algorithm
import dummy_learn_1 as your_ai
result = your_ai.main(your_param1, your_param2, your_param3)
def main():
    Example of logging the success of a Brute force using AIKIF.
    This uses http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat's_Last_Theorem
    which was proven in 1994-1995 so you will not get a success
    result with this program unless you set the power to 2
    (the point of the program is not to solve it, but to show how
    to log a complex running algorithm)
    Steps are:
    1. Define a name for the project (MATHS_FERMAT) which then 
       becomes the log folder as subfolder of your private logs.
    2. do the imports and instantiate the Log class
    3. call record_command to show how often you run this example
    4. call record_source to show the parameters chosen for each run
    5. call record_result when you solve it (ha!), or it fails
    - polish the log details to make easier aggregation
    - Add logSummary method to show percent success based on param ranges
    proj = 'MATHS_FERMAT'
    log_folder = mod_cfg.fldrs['log_folder'] + os.sep + proj
    mylog = mod_log.Log(log_folder)
    mode = 'QUICK'
    mode = 'AVERAGE'
    #mode = 'HARD'  # assumes you have infinite time and CPU resources
    start_x = randint(1, 9999999999999999999999999999999999)
    start_y = randint(1, 9999999999999999999999999999999999)
    start_z = randint(1, 9999999999999999999999999999999999)
    start_n = 3
    end_n = 3
    if mode == 'QUICK':
        steps_x = 50
        steps_y = 30
        steps_z = 10
        start_n = 3
        end_n = 15
    elif mode == 'AVERAGE':
        steps_x = 100
        steps_y = 100
        steps_z = 20
        start_n = 3
        end_n = 22
    elif mode == 'HARD':
        steps_x = 87999
        steps_y = 999
        steps_z = 37
        start_n = 3
        end_n = 959
    elif mode == 'TEST_FAILURE_NOT_FERMAT':  # test mode power 2 (to test 'True' case though not Fermat test)
        start_x = 2
        start_y = 2
        start_z = 2
        start_n = 2
        end_n = 3
        steps_x = 10
        steps_y = 10
        steps_z = 10

        proj, ' starting brute force program in mode ' + mode +
        ' - estim runtime = ' +
        mylog.estimate_complexity(steps_x, steps_y, steps_z, end_n - start_n))
        proj, mode + ' Start Params. steps: x=' + str(steps_x) + 'y=' +
        str(steps_y) + ',z=' + str(steps_z) + '. Start vals =' +
        format_vars_as_string(start_x, start_y, start_z, start_n))

    fame_and_fortune = False
    tot_calcs = 0
    for n in range(start_n, end_n):
        print('n = ', n)
        for i in range(start_z, (start_z + steps_z)):
            print('testing n=', n, ' z=', i, ' (total calcs = ', tot_calcs,
            for j in range(start_y, (start_y + steps_y)):
                for k in range(start_x, (start_x + steps_x)):
                    tot_calcs += 1
                    if not fermat_test(k, j, i, n):
                        fame_and_fortune = True
                            proj, 'FOUND MATCH = ' +
                            format_vars_detailed(k, j, i, n))
    if fame_and_fortune:
        print('Found match!')
        print('No matches found - total calculations = ' + str(tot_calcs))
            proj, 'FAILED with params: ' + format_vars_as_string(k, j, i, n) +
            ' after ' + str(tot_calcs) + ' calculations')

    sum = mod_log.LogSummary(mylog, log_folder)
Пример #12
 def setUp(self):
     """ Note, this gets called for EACH test """
     self.mylog = mod_log.Log(test_fldr)