Пример #1
async def __norm_callback(
        response: aiohttp.ClientResponse,
        decode: bool = False,
        max_size: Optional[int] = None,
        intended_content_type: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[AnyStr]:
    content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type')
    if not intended_content_type or not content_type or content_type.startswith(
        body: Optional[bytes] = None
        if max_size is None:
            body = await response.read()
        elif max_size > 0:
            body = await response.content.read(max_size)
        if decode and body:
            xml_header = body.split(b'\n', 1)[0]
            if xml_header.startswith(
            ) and b'?>' in xml_header and b'encoding' in xml_header:
                    encoding = BeautifulSoup(xml_header,
                    return body.decode(encoding=encoding, errors='replace')
                except (LookupError, RuntimeError):
                encoding = response.get_encoding()
                return body.decode(encoding=encoding, errors='replace')
            except (LookupError, RuntimeError):
                return body.decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')
        return body
    return None
Пример #2
    async def from_client_response(cls,
                                   client_response: ClientResponse,
                                   expires: datetime = None):
        """Convert a ClientResponse into a CachedReponse"""
        # Response may not have been read yet, if fetched by something other than CachedSession
        if not client_response._released:
            await client_response.read()

        # Copy most attributes over as is
        copy_attrs = set(attr.fields_dict(cls).keys()) - EXCLUDE_ATTRS
        response = cls(**{k: getattr(client_response, k) for k in copy_attrs})

        # Set some remaining attributes individually
        response._body = client_response._body
        response._links = [(k, _to_str_tuples(v))
                           for k, v in client_response.links.items()]
        response.expires = expires
        response.real_url = client_response.request_info.real_url

        # The encoding may be unset even if the response has been read
            response.encoding = client_response.get_encoding()
        except RuntimeError:

        response.url = str(client_response.url)
        if client_response.history:
            response.history = (*[
                await cls.from_client_response(r)
                for r in client_response.history
            ], )
        return response
Пример #3
    async def from_client_response(cls,
                                   client_response: ClientResponse,
                                   expires: datetime = None):
        """Convert a ClientResponse into a CachedReponse"""
        if isinstance(client_response, cls):
            return client_response

        # Copy most attributes over as is
        copy_attrs = set(attr.fields_dict(cls).keys()) - EXCLUDE_ATTRS
        response = cls(**{k: getattr(client_response, k) for k in copy_attrs})

        # Read response content, and reset StreamReader on original response
        if not client_response._released:
            await client_response.read()
        response._body = client_response._body
        client_response.content = CachedStreamReader(client_response._body)

        # Set remaining attributes individually
        response.expires = expires
        response.links = client_response.links
        response.real_url = client_response.request_info.real_url

        # The encoding may be unset even if the response has been read, and
        # get_encoding() does not handle certain edge cases like an empty response body
            response.encoding = client_response.get_encoding()
        except (RuntimeError, TypeError):

        if client_response.history:
            response.history = (*[
                await cls.from_client_response(r)
                for r in client_response.history
            ], )
        return response
Пример #4
async def wrap_async(response: ClientResponse) -> Response:
    """Build a ``requests`` response from a ``aiohttp`` response.

    A ``requests.Response`` instance is built to provide synchronous
    access to the original response's data. Note that the returned
    response does not have proper data for :attr:``elapsed`` or

    The response will be consumed if it has not already.

    # Ensure the response data is read so that the wrapped response
    # does not require any async methods.
    await response.read()

    wrapped = Response()
    wrapped._content = response._body  # type: ignore
    wrapped._content_consumed = True  # type: ignore
    wrapped.status_code = response.status
    wrapped.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(response.headers)
    wrapped.url = str(response.url)  # `aiohttp` uses a `URL` object.
    wrapped.encoding = response.get_encoding()
    wrapped.history = [await wrap_async(rsp) for rsp in response.history]
    wrapped.reason = response.reason or ""
    wrapped.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(response.cookies)
    return wrapped
Пример #5
    async def from_client_response(cls, client_response: ClientResponse):
        # Response may not have been read yet, if fetched by something other than CachedSession
        if not client_response._released:
            await client_response.read()

        # Copy most attributes over as is
        copy_attrs = set(attr.fields_dict(cls).keys()) - EXCLUDE_ATTRS
        response = cls(**{k: getattr(client_response, k) for k in copy_attrs})

        # Set some remaining attributes individually
        response._body = client_response._body
        response.headers = dict(client_response.headers)
        response.encoding = client_response.get_encoding()
        response.request_info = RequestInfo.from_object(client_response.request_info)
        response.url = str(client_response.url)
        if client_response.history:
            response.history = (cls.from_client_response(r) for r in client_response.history)
        return response
Пример #6
    async def _handle_stream_response(response: aiohttp.ClientResponse,
                                      chunk_size=500) -> AsyncIterable:
        Helper method that do next things:
        1) Async iterating over response content by chunks
        2) Decode bytes to text
        3) Build string lines from text stream
        :param response:
        :param chunk_size:

        if 400 <= response.status < 600:
            raise WrongHttpStatusCode(response.status)

        encoding = response.get_encoding()
        pending = None

        async for bytes_chunk in response.content.iter_chunked(chunk_size):
            chunk = bytes_chunk.decode(encoding)

            if pending is not None:

                chunk = pending + chunk

            lines = chunk.splitlines()

            if lines and lines[-1] and chunk and lines[-1][-1] == chunk[-1]:
                pending = lines.pop()
                pending = None

            for line in lines:
                yield line

        if pending is not None:
            yield pending