async def start(self): try: conn = await asyncpg.connect(dsn=self.postgresql_dsn) await init_db(conn) self.last_tx_id = await get_last_tx_id(conn) self.last_block_id = await get_last_block_id(conn) self.last_block_height = await get_last_block_height(conn) await load_tx_cache(self, conn)'tx cache len %s' % (self.tx_cache.len())) await load_pending_cache(self, conn)'pending cache len %s' % (self.pending_cache.len())) await load_block_cache(self, conn) await conn.close() self._db_pool = await \ asyncpg.create_pool(dsn=self.postgresql_dsn, loop=self.loop, min_size=1, max_size=self.postgresql_pool_max_size) except Exception as err: self.log.error("Start failed") self.log.error(str(traceback.format_exc())) await self.stop() return self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) if self.trace_rpc_url: self.trace_rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.trace_rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) else: self.trace_rpc = None self.websocket = self.loop.create_task(self.websocket_client()) self._watchdog = self.loop.create_task(self.watchdog()) if self.preload: self.loop.create_task(self.preload_block()) self.loop.create_task(self.get_last_block())
async def start(self): try: conn = await asyncpg.connect(dsn=self.postgresql_dsn) await init_db(conn) self.last_tx_id = await get_last_tx_id(conn) self.last_block_id = await get_last_block_id(conn) self.last_block_height = await get_last_block_height(conn) if not self.external_dublicate_filter: await load_tx_cache(self, conn) elif self.external_cache_loader: await self.external_cache_loader(self.tx_cache, conn) await load_block_cache(self, conn) await conn.close() self._db_pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(dsn=self.postgresql_dsn, min_size=1, max_size=self.postgresql_pool_max_size) except Exception as err: self.log.error("Bitcoind connector start failed: %s", err) self.log.debug(str(traceback.format_exc())) await self.stop() return self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) self.zmqContext = zmq.asyncio.Context() self.zmqSubSocket = self.zmqContext.socket(zmq.SUB) self.zmqSubSocket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "hashblock") self.zmqSubSocket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "rawtx") self.zmqSubSocket.connect(self.zmq_url) self.tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(self.zeromq_handler())) self.tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(self.watchdog())) self.connected.set_result(True) if self.preload: self.loop.create_task(self.preload_block()) self.loop.create_task(self.preload_block_hashes()) self.loop.create_task(self.get_last_block())
async def message_loop(self): try: self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) if self.dsn: self.db = await asyncpg.create_pool(dsn=self.dsn, min_size=1, max_size=1) self.reader = await self.get_pipe_reader(self.in_reader) self.writer = await self.get_pipe_writer(self.out_writer) while True: msg_type, msg = await self.pipe_get_msg(self.reader) if msg_type == b'pipe_read_error': return if msg_type == b'get': self.loop.create_task( self.load_blocks(bytes_to_int(msg), self.rpc_batch_limit)) continue if msg_type == b'rpc_batch_limit': self.rpc_batch_limit = bytes_to_int(msg) continue except: pass
async def fetch_block_transactions(self, block): q = time.time() missed = set() tx_count = len(block["tx"]) for h in block["tx"]: try: self.tx_cache[h] except: missed.add(h) if self.utxo_data: if self.db_type == "postgresql": async with self.db_pool.acquire() as conn: rows = await conn.fetch( "SELECT distinct tx_id FROM connector_unconfirmed_stxo " "WHERE tx_id = ANY($1);", set(s2rh(t) for t in missed)) for row in rows: missed.remove(rh2s(row["tx_id"])) if missed: coinbase = await conn.fetchval( "SELECT out_tx_id FROM connector_unconfirmed_utxo " "WHERE out_tx_id = $1 LIMIT 1;", s2rh(block["tx"][0])) if coinbase: if block["tx"][0] in missed: missed.remove(block["tx"][0]) self.log.debug("Block missed transactions %s from %s" % (len(missed), tx_count)) if missed: self.missed_tx = set(missed) self.await_tx = set(missed) self.await_tx_future = {s2rh(i): asyncio.Future() for i in missed} self.block_txs_request = asyncio.Future() self.block_timestamp = block["time"] self.loop.create_task(self._get_missed()) try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.block_txs_request, timeout=self.block_timeout) except asyncio.CancelledError: # refresh rpc connection session try: await self.rpc.close() self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) except: pass raise RuntimeError("block transaction request timeout") self.total_received_tx += tx_count self.total_received_tx_last += tx_count self.total_received_tx_time += time.time() - q rate = round(self.total_received_tx / self.total_received_tx_time) self.log.debug( "Transactions received: %s [%s] received tx rate tx/s ->> %s <<" % (tx_count, time.time() - q, rate))
async def init_db_pool(app): # init db pool app["loop"] = asyncio.get_event_loop() app["log"].info("Init db pool ... ") app["rpc"] = aiojsonrpc.rpc(app["node_rpc_url"], app["loop"]) app["db_pool"] = await \ asyncpg.create_pool(dsn=app["dsn"], loop=app["loop"], min_size=10, max_size=app["pool_threads"]) app["service_db_pool"] = await \ asyncpg.create_pool(dsn=app["dsn"], loop=app["loop"], min_size=1, max_size=1)
async def start(self): while True:"Connector initialization") try: self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) self.node_last_block = await self.rpc.getblockcount() except Exception as err: self.log.error("Get node best block error:" + str(err)) if not isinstance(self.node_last_block, int): self.log.error("Get node best block height failed") self.log.error("Node rpc url: "+self.rpc_url) await asyncio.sleep(10) continue"Node best block height %s" %self.node_last_block)"Connector last block height %s" % self.last_block_height) if self.node_last_block < self.last_block_height: self.log.error("Node is behind application blockchain state!") await asyncio.sleep(10) continue elif self.node_last_block == self.last_block_height: self.log.warning("Blockchain is synchronized") else: d = self.node_last_block - self.last_block_height self.log.warning("%s blocks before synchronization synchronized") if d > self.deep_sync_limit: self.log.warning("Deep synchronization mode") self.deep_synchronization = True break [self.tx_cache.set(row, True) for row in self.mempool_tx_list] h = self.last_block_height if h < len(self.chain_tail): raise Exception("Chain tail len not match last block height") for row in reversed(self.chain_tail): self.block_cache.set(row, h) h -= 1 self.tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(self.zeromq_handler())) self.tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(self.watchdog())) self.connected.set_result(True) if self.preload: self.loop.create_task(self.preload_block()) self.loop.create_task(self.preload_block_hashes()) self.loop.create_task(self.get_next_block())
async def start(self): try: conn = await asyncpg.connect(dsn=self.postgresql_dsn) await init_db(conn) self.last_tx_id = await get_last_tx_id(conn) self.last_block_id = await get_last_block_id(conn) self.last_block_height = await get_last_block_height(conn) if not self.external_dublicate_filter: await load_tx_cache(self, conn) elif self.external_cache_loader: await self.external_cache_loader(self.tx_cache, conn) await load_block_cache(self, conn) await conn.close() self._db_pool = await asyncpg.create_pool( dsn=self.postgresql_dsn, min_size=1, max_size=self.postgresql_pool_max_size) except Exception as err: self.log.error("Bitcoind connector start failed: %s", err) self.log.debug(str(traceback.format_exc())) await self.stop() return self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) self.zmqContext = zmq.asyncio.Context() self.zmqSubSocket = self.zmqContext.socket(zmq.SUB) self.zmqSubSocket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "hashblock") self.zmqSubSocket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "rawtx") self.zmqSubSocket.connect(self.zmq_url) self.tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(self.zeromq_handler())) self.tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(self.watchdog())) self.connected.set_result(True) if self.preload: self.loop.create_task(self.preload_block()) self.loop.create_task(self.preload_block_hashes()) self.loop.create_task(self.get_last_block())
async def _new_block(self, block): self.block_dependency_tx = 0 """ 0 Check if block already exist in db 1 Check parent block in db: If no parent get last block height from db if last block height >= recent block height this is orphan ignore it else: remove top block from db and ask block with hrecent block height -1 return 2 add all transactions from block to db ask full block from node parse txs and add to db in case not exist 3 call before add block handler^ if this handler rise exception block adding filed 4 add block to db and commit 5 after block add handelr 6 ask next block """ if not or not self.active_block.done(): return if block is None: self.sync = False self.log.debug('Block synchronization completed') return self.active_block = asyncio.Future() binary_block_hash = unhexlify(block["hash"]) binary_previousblock_hash = \ unhexlify(block["previousblockhash"]) \ if "previousblockhash" in block else None block_height = int(block["height"]) next_block_height = block_height + 1"New block %s %s" % (block_height, block["hash"])) bt = q = tm() try: async with self._db_pool.acquire() as con: # blockchain position check block_exist = self.block_cache.get(binary_block_hash) if block_exist is not None:"block already exist in db %s" % block["hash"]) return # Get parent from db if binary_previousblock_hash is not None: parent_height = self.block_cache.get(binary_previousblock_hash) else: parent_height = None # self.log.warning("parent height %s" % parent_height) if parent_height is None: # have no mount point in local chain # self.log.warning("last local height %s" % self.last_block_height) if self.last_block_height is not None: if self.last_block_height >= block_height: self.log.critical("bitcoin node out of sync block %s" % block["hash"]) return if self.last_block_height+1 == block_height: if self.orphan_handler: tq = tm() await self.orphan_handler(self.last_block_height, con)"orphan handler %s [%s]" % (self.last_block_height, tm(tq))) tq = tm() await remove_orphan(self, con)"remove orphan %s [%s]" % (self.last_block_height + 1, tm(tq))) next_block_height -= 2 if next_block_height > self.last_block_height: next_block_height = self.last_block_height + 1 if self.sync and next_block_height >= self.sync: if self.sync_requested: next_block_height = self.last_block_height + 1 else: self.sync = next_block_height return else: if self.start_block is not None and block["height"] != self.start_block:"Start from block %s" % self.start_block) next_block_height = self.start_block return else: if self.last_block_height + 1 != block_height: if self.orphan_handler: tq = tm() await self.orphan_handler(self.last_block_height, con)"orphan handler %s [%s]" % (self.last_block_height, tm(tq))) await remove_orphan(self, con) next_block_height -= 1 self.log.debug("requested %s" % next_block_height) return self.log.debug("blockchain position check [%s]" % tm(q)) # add all block transactions q = tm() binary_tx_hash_list = [unhexlify(t)[::-1] for t in block["tx"]] if block["height"] in (91842, 91880): # BIP30 Fix self.tx_cache.pop(s2rh("d5d27987d2a3dfc724e359870c6644b40e497bdc0589a033220fe15429d88599")) self.tx_cache.pop(s2rh("e3bf3d07d4b0375638d5f1db5255fe07ba2c4cb067cd81b84ee974b6585fb468")) tx_id_list, missed = await get_tx_id_list(self, binary_tx_hash_list, con) if len(tx_id_list)+len(missed) != len(block["tx"]): raise Exception("tx count mismatch") self.await_tx_id_list = tx_id_list if self.before_block_handler: sn = await self.before_block_handler(block, missed, self.sync_tx_lock, self.node_last_block, con) if sn and missed: self.await_tx_id_list = self.await_tx_id_list + [0 for i in range(len(missed))] missed = [] cq = tm() missed = [rh2s(t) for t in missed]"Transactions already exist: %s missed %s [%s]" % (len(tx_id_list), len(missed), tm(q))) if missed: self.log.debug("Request missed transactions") self.missed_tx_list = list(missed) self.await_tx_list = missed self.await_tx_future = dict() for i in missed: self.await_tx_future[unhexlify(i)[::-1]] = asyncio.Future() self.block_txs_request = asyncio.Future() if len(missed) == len(block["tx"]): self.loop.create_task(self._get_missed(block["hash"], block["time"], block["height"] )) else: self.loop.create_task(self._get_missed(False, block["time"], block["height"] )) try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.block_txs_request, timeout=self.block_timeout) except asyncio.CancelledError: # refresh rpc connection session await self.rpc.close() self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) raise RuntimeError("block transaction request timeout") if len(block["tx"]) != len(self.await_tx_id_list): self.log.error("get block transactions failed") self.log.error(str(self.await_tx_id_list)) raise Exception("get block transactions failed") tx_count = len(self.await_tx_id_list) self.total_received_tx += tx_count self.total_received_tx_time += tm(q) rate = round(self.total_received_tx/self.total_received_tx_time)"Transactions received: %s [%s] rate tx/s ->> %s <<" % (tx_count, tm(cq), rate)) async with con.transaction(): if self.block_received_handler: await self.block_received_handler(block, con) # insert new block await insert_new_block(self, binary_block_hash, block["height"], binary_previousblock_hash, block["time"], con) if not self.external_dublicate_filter: self.loop.create_task(update_block_height(self, block["height"], list(self.await_tx_id_list))) if self.sync == block["height"]: self.sync += 1 next_block_height = self.sync # after block added handler if self.block_handler: await self.block_handler(block, con) self.last_block_height = block["height"] self.block_cache.set(binary_block_hash, block["height"]) except Exception as err: if self.await_tx_list: self.await_tx_list = [] self.log.error(str(traceback.format_exc())) self.log.error("new block error %s" % str(err)) next_block_height = None finally: self.active_block.set_result(True) self.log.debug("block processing completed") if next_block_height is not None: self.sync_requested = True self.loop.create_task(self.get_block_by_height(next_block_height))"%s block [%s tx/ %s size] (dp %s) processing time %s cache [%s/%s]" % (block["height"], len(block["tx"]), block["size"] / 1000000, self.block_dependency_tx, tm(bt), len(self.block_hashes_preload._store), len(self.block_preload._store)))
async def load_blocks(self, height, limit): start_height = height start_limit = limit self.destroyed_coins = MRU() self.coins = MRU() try: self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) blocks, missed = dict(), deque() v, t, limit = height + limit, 0, 30 while height < v and height <= self.target_height: batch, h_list = list(), list() while len(batch) < limit and height < v and height <= self.target_height: batch.append(["getblockhash", height]) h_list.append(height) height += 1 result = await self.rpc.batch(batch) h, batch = list(), list() for lh, r in zip(h_list, result): if r["result"] is not None: batch.append(["getblock", r["result"], 0]) h.append(lh) result = await self.rpc.batch(batch) for x, y in zip(h, result): if y["result"] is not None: block = decode_block_tx(y["result"]) block["p2pkMapHash"] = [] if self.option_tx_map: block["txMap"], block["stxo"] = set(), deque() if self.option_block_filters: block["filter"] = set() if self.option_analytica: block["stat"] = {"inputs": {"count": 0, "amount": {"max": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "min": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "total": 0}, "typeMap": {}}, "outputs": {"count": 0, "amount": {"max": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "min": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "total": 0}, "typeMap": {}}, "transactions": {"count": 0, "amount": {"max": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "min": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "total": 0}, "size": {"max": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "min": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "total": 0}, "vSize": {"max": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "min": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "total": 0}, "fee": {"max": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "min": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "total": 0}, "feeRate": {"max": {"value": None, "txId": None}, "min": {"value": None, "txId": None}}, "amountMap": {}, "feeRateMap": {}, "typeMap": {"segwit": {"count": 0, "amount": 0, "size": 0}, "rbf": {"count": 0, "amount": 0, "size": 0}}} } if self.option_merkle_proof: mt = merkle_tree(block["rawTx"][i]["txId"] for i in block["rawTx"]) coinbase = block["rawTx"][0]["vIn"][0]["scriptSig"] block["miner"] = None for tag in MINER_COINBASE_TAG: if coinbase.find(tag) != -1: block["miner"] = json.dumps(MINER_COINBASE_TAG[tag]) break else: try: address_hash = block["rawTx"][0]["vOut"][0]["addressHash"] script_hash = False if block["rawTx"][0]["vOut"][0]["nType"] == 1 else True a = hash_to_address(address_hash, script_hash=script_hash) if a in MINER_PAYOUT_TAG: block["miner"] = json.dumps(MINER_PAYOUT_TAG[a]) except: pass if self.utxo_data: # handle outputs for z in block["rawTx"]: if self.option_merkle_proof: block["rawTx"][z]["merkleProof"] = b''.join(merkle_proof(mt, z, return_hex=False)) tx_pointer = (x << 39)+(z << 20) for i in block["rawTx"][z]["vOut"]: out= block["rawTx"][z]["vOut"][i] o = b"".join((block["rawTx"][z]["txId"], int_to_bytes(i))) pointer = (x << 39)+(z << 20)+(1 << 19) + i out_type = out["nType"] try: if out_type == 2: block["p2pkMapHash"].append((out["addressHash"], out["scriptPubKey"])) raise Exception("P2PK") address = b"".join((bytes([out_type]), out["addressHash"])) except: address = b"".join((bytes([out_type]), out["scriptPubKey"])) if out_type in (0, 1, 2, 5, 6): if self.option_block_filters: e = b"".join((bytes([out_type]), z.to_bytes(4, byteorder="little"), out["addressHash"])) block["filter"].add(e) if self.option_tx_map: block["txMap"].add((address, tx_pointer)) out["_address"] = address self.coins[o] = (pointer, out["value"], address) if self.option_analytica: tx = block["rawTx"][z] out_stat = block["stat"]["outputs"] out_stat["count"] += 1 out_stat["amount"]["total"] += out["value"] if out_stat["amount"]["min"]["value"] is None or \ out_stat["amount"]["min"]["value"] > out["value"]: if out["value"] > 0: out_stat["amount"]["min"]["value"] = out["value"] out_stat["amount"]["min"]["txId"] = rh2s(tx["txId"]) out_stat["amount"]["max"]["vOut"] = i if out_stat["amount"]["max"]["value"] is None or \ out_stat["amount"]["max"]["value"] < out["value"]: out_stat["amount"]["max"]["value"] = out["value"] out_stat["amount"]["max"]["txId"] = rh2s(tx["txId"]) out_stat["amount"]["max"]["vOut"] = i key = None if out["value"] == 0 else str(math.floor(math.log10(out["value"]))) out_type = SCRIPT_N_TYPES[out_type] a = out["value"] try: out_stat["typeMap"][out_type]["count"] += 1 out_stat["typeMap"][out_type]["amount"] += a except: out_stat["typeMap"][out_type] = {"count": 1, "amount": a, "amountMap": {}} try: out_stat["typeMap"][out_type]["amountMap"][key]["count"] += 1 out_stat["typeMap"][out_type]["amountMap"][key]["amount"] += a except: out_stat["typeMap"][out_type]["amountMap"][key] = {"count": 1, "amount": a} if self.option_analytica: tx = block["rawTx"][z] tx["inputsAmount"] = 0 tx_stat = block["stat"]["transactions"] tx_stat["count"] += 1 for k in ("amount", "size", "vSize"): tx_stat[k]["total"] += tx[k] if tx_stat[k]["min"]["value"] is None or tx_stat[k]["min"]["value"] > tx[k]: tx_stat[k]["min"]["value"] = tx[k] tx_stat[k]["min"]["txId"] = rh2s(tx["txId"]) if tx_stat[k]["max"]["value"] is None or tx_stat[k]["max"]["value"] < tx[k]: tx_stat[k]["max"]["value"] = tx[k] tx_stat[k]["max"]["txId"] = rh2s(tx["txId"]) key = None if tx["amount"] == 0 else str(math.floor(math.log10(tx["amount"]))) try: tx_stat["amountMap"][key]["count"] += 1 tx_stat["amountMap"][key]["amount"] += tx["amount"] tx_stat["amountMap"][key]["size"] += tx["amount"] except: tx_stat["amountMap"][key] = {"count": 1, "amount": tx["amount"], "size": tx["amount"]} if tx["segwit"]: tx_stat["typeMap"]["segwit"]["count"] += 1 tx_stat["typeMap"]["segwit"]["amount"] += tx["amount"] tx_stat["typeMap"]["segwit"]["size"] += tx["size"] if tx["rbf"]: tx_stat["typeMap"]["rbf"]["count"] += 1 tx_stat["typeMap"]["rbf"]["amount"] += tx["amount"] tx_stat["typeMap"]["rbf"]["size"] += tx["size"] # handle inputs for z in block["rawTx"]: if not block["rawTx"][z]["coinbase"]: for i in block["rawTx"][z]["vIn"]: inp = block["rawTx"][z]["vIn"][i] outpoint = b"".join((inp["txId"], int_to_bytes(inp["vOut"]))) block["rawTx"][z]["vIn"][i]["_outpoint"] = outpoint tx_pointer = (x<<39)+(z<<20) try: r = self.coins.delete(outpoint) block["rawTx"][z]["vIn"][i]["_a_"] = r self.destroyed_coins[r[0]] = True out_type = r[2][0] if self.option_block_filters: if out_type in (0, 1, 5, 6): e = b"".join((bytes([out_type]), z.to_bytes(4, byteorder="little"), r[2][1:])) block["filter"].add(e) elif out_type == 2: a = parse_script(r[2][1:])["addressHash"] e = b"".join((bytes([out_type]), z.to_bytes(4, byteorder="little"), a[:20])) block["filter"].add(e) if self.option_tx_map: block["txMap"].add((r[2], tx_pointer)) block["stxo"].append((r[0], (x<<39)+(z<<20)+i, r[2], r[1])) t += 1 if self.option_analytica: a = r[1] in_type = SCRIPT_N_TYPES[r[2][0]] try: tx = block["rawTx"][z] input_stat = block["stat"]["inputs"] input_stat["count"] += 1 tx["inputsAmount"] += a input_stat["amount"]["total"] += a if input_stat["amount"]["min"]["value"] is None or \ input_stat["amount"]["min"]["value"] > a: input_stat["amount"]["min"]["value"] = a input_stat["amount"]["min"]["txId"] = rh2s(tx["txId"]) input_stat["amount"]["min"]["vIn"] = i if input_stat["amount"]["max"]["value"] is None or \ input_stat["amount"]["max"]["value"] < a: input_stat["amount"]["max"]["value"] = a input_stat["amount"]["max"]["txId"] = rh2s(tx["txId"]) input_stat["amount"]["max"]["vIn"] = i key = None if a == 0 else str(math.floor(math.log10(a))) try: input_stat["typeMap"][in_type]["count"] += 1 input_stat["typeMap"][in_type]["amount"] += a except: input_stat["typeMap"][in_type] = {"count": 1, "amount": a, "amountMap": {}} try: input_stat["typeMap"][in_type]["amountMap"][key]["count"] += 1 input_stat["typeMap"][in_type]["amountMap"][key]["amount"] += a except: input_stat["typeMap"][in_type]["amountMap"][key] = {"count": 1, "amount": a} except: print(traceback.format_exc()) except: if self.dsn: missed.append(outpoint) blocks[x] = block m, n = 0, 0 if self.utxo_data and missed and self.dsn: async with self.db.acquire() as conn: rows = await conn.fetch("SELECT outpoint, " " pointer," " address," " amount " "FROM connector_utxo " "WHERE outpoint = ANY($1);", missed) m += len(rows) p = dict() for row in rows: p[row["outpoint"]] = (row["pointer"], row["amount"], row["address"]) for h in blocks: for z in blocks[h]["rawTx"]: tx_pointer = (h<<39)+(z<<20) if not blocks[h]["rawTx"][z]["coinbase"]: for i in blocks[h]["rawTx"][z]["vIn"]: outpoint = blocks[h]["rawTx"][z]["vIn"][i]["_outpoint"] try: blocks[h]["rawTx"][z]["vIn"][i]["_l_"] = p[outpoint] try: out_type = p[outpoint][2][0] if self.option_block_filters: if out_type in (0, 1, 5, 6): e = b"".join((bytes([out_type]), z.to_bytes(4, byteorder="little"), p[outpoint][2][1:])) blocks[h]["filter"].add(e) elif out_type == 2: a = parse_script(p[outpoint][2][1:])["addressHash"] e = b"".join((bytes([out_type]), z.to_bytes(4, byteorder="little"), a[:20])) blocks[h]["filter"].add(e) if self.option_tx_map: blocks[h]["txMap"].add((p[outpoint][2], tx_pointer)) blocks[h]["stxo"].append((p[outpoint][0], (h<<39)+(z<<20)+i, p[outpoint][2], p[outpoint][1])) if self.option_analytica: a = p[outpoint][1] in_type = SCRIPT_N_TYPES[p[outpoint][2][0]] tx = blocks[h]["rawTx"][z] input_stat = blocks[h]["stat"]["inputs"] input_stat["count"] += 1 tx["inputsAmount"] += a input_stat["amount"]["total"] += a if input_stat["amount"]["min"]["value"] is None or \ input_stat["amount"]["min"]["value"] > a: input_stat["amount"]["min"]["value"] = a input_stat["amount"]["min"]["txId"] = rh2s(tx["txId"]) input_stat["amount"]["min"]["vIn"] = i if input_stat["amount"]["max"]["value"] is None or \ input_stat["amount"]["max"]["value"] < a: input_stat["amount"]["max"]["value"] = a input_stat["amount"]["max"]["txId"] = rh2s(tx["txId"]) input_stat["amount"]["max"]["vIn"] = i key = None if a == 0 else str(math.floor(math.log10(a))) try: input_stat["typeMap"][in_type]["count"] += 1 input_stat["typeMap"][in_type]["amount"] += a except: input_stat["typeMap"][in_type] = {"count": 1, "amount": a, "amountMap": {}} try: input_stat["typeMap"][in_type]["amountMap"][key]["count"] += 1 input_stat["typeMap"][in_type]["amountMap"][key]["amount"] += a except: input_stat["typeMap"][in_type]["amountMap"][key] = {"count": 1, "amount": a} t += 1 n += 1 except: print(traceback.format_exc()) except: pass if self.utxo_data and blocks: blocks[x]["checkpoint"] = x for x in blocks: if self.utxo_data: for y in blocks[x]["rawTx"]: for i in blocks[x]["rawTx"][y]["vOut"]: try: r = self.destroyed_coins.delete((x<<39)+(y<<20)+(1<<19)+i) blocks[x]["rawTx"][y]["vOut"][i]["_s_"] = r except: pass if self.option_block_filters: blocks[x]["filter"] = bytearray(b"".join(blocks[x]["filter"])) blocks[x] = pickle.dumps(blocks[x]) await self.pipe_sent_msg(b'result', pickle.dumps(blocks)) except concurrent.futures.CancelledError: pass except Exception as err: self.log.error("block loader restarting: %s" % err) print(traceback.format_exc()) await asyncio.sleep(1) self.loop.create_task(self.load_blocks(start_height, start_limit)) finally: try: await self.rpc.close() except: pass
async def _new_block(self, block): self.block_dependency_tx = 0 """ 0 Check if block already exist in db 1 Check parent block in db: If no parent get last block height from db if last block height >= recent block height this is orphan ignore it else: remove top block from db and ask block with hrecent block height -1 return 2 add all transactions from block to db ask full block from node parse txs and add to db in case not exist 3 call before add block handler^ if this handler rise exception block adding filed 4 add block to db and commit 5 after block add handelr 6 ask next block """ if not or not self.active_block.done(): return if block is None: self.sync = False self.log.debug('Block synchronization completed') return self.active_block = asyncio.Future() binary_block_hash = unhexlify(block["hash"]) binary_previousblock_hash = \ unhexlify(block["previousblockhash"]) \ if "previousblockhash" in block else None block_height = int(block["height"]) next_block_height = block_height + 1"New block %s %s" % (block_height, block["hash"])) bt = q = tm() try: async with self._db_pool.acquire() as con: # blockchain position check block_exist = self.block_cache.get(binary_block_hash) if block_exist is not None:"block already exist in db %s" % block["hash"]) return # Get parent from db if binary_previousblock_hash is not None: parent_height = self.block_cache.get( binary_previousblock_hash) else: parent_height = None # self.log.warning("parent height %s" % parent_height) if parent_height is None: # have no mount point in local chain # self.log.warning("last local height %s" % self.last_block_height) if self.last_block_height is not None: if self.last_block_height >= block_height: self.log.critical( "bitcoin node out of sync block %s" % block["hash"]) return if self.last_block_height + 1 == block_height: if self.orphan_handler: tq = tm() await self.orphan_handler( self.last_block_height, con)"orphan handler %s [%s]" % (self.last_block_height, tm(tq))) tq = tm() await remove_orphan(self, con)"remove orphan %s [%s]" % (self.last_block_height + 1, tm(tq))) next_block_height -= 2 if next_block_height > self.last_block_height: next_block_height = self.last_block_height + 1 if self.sync and next_block_height >= self.sync: if self.sync_requested: next_block_height = self.last_block_height + 1 else: self.sync = next_block_height return else: if self.start_block is not None and block[ "height"] != self.start_block:"Start from block %s" % self.start_block) next_block_height = self.start_block return else: if self.last_block_height + 1 != block_height: if self.orphan_handler: tq = tm() await self.orphan_handler(self.last_block_height, con)"orphan handler %s [%s]" % (self.last_block_height, tm(tq))) await remove_orphan(self, con) next_block_height -= 1 self.log.debug("requested %s" % next_block_height) return self.log.debug("blockchain position check [%s]" % tm(q)) # add all block transactions q = tm() binary_tx_hash_list = [unhexlify(t)[::-1] for t in block["tx"]] if block["height"] in (91842, 91880): # BIP30 Fix self.tx_cache.pop( s2rh( "d5d27987d2a3dfc724e359870c6644b40e497bdc0589a033220fe15429d88599" )) self.tx_cache.pop( s2rh( "e3bf3d07d4b0375638d5f1db5255fe07ba2c4cb067cd81b84ee974b6585fb468" )) tx_id_list, missed = await get_tx_id_list( self, binary_tx_hash_list, con) if len(tx_id_list) + len(missed) != len(block["tx"]): raise Exception("tx count mismatch") self.await_tx_id_list = tx_id_list if self.before_block_handler: sn = await self.before_block_handler( block, missed, self.sync_tx_lock, self.node_last_block, con) if sn and missed: self.await_tx_id_list = self.await_tx_id_list + [ 0 for i in range(len(missed)) ] missed = [] cq = tm() missed = [rh2s(t) for t in missed]"Transactions already exist: %s missed %s [%s]" % (len(tx_id_list), len(missed), tm(q))) if missed: self.log.debug("Request missed transactions") self.missed_tx_list = list(missed) self.await_tx_list = missed self.await_tx_future = dict() for i in missed: self.await_tx_future[unhexlify(i) [::-1]] = asyncio.Future() self.block_txs_request = asyncio.Future() if len(missed) == len(block["tx"]): self.loop.create_task( self._get_missed(block["hash"], block["time"], block["height"])) else: self.loop.create_task( self._get_missed(False, block["time"], block["height"])) try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.block_txs_request, timeout=self.block_timeout) except asyncio.CancelledError: # refresh rpc connection session await self.rpc.close() self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) raise RuntimeError("block transaction request timeout") if len(block["tx"]) != len(self.await_tx_id_list): self.log.error("get block transactions failed") self.log.error(str(self.await_tx_id_list)) raise Exception("get block transactions failed") tx_count = len(self.await_tx_id_list) self.total_received_tx += tx_count self.total_received_tx_time += tm(q) rate = round(self.total_received_tx / self.total_received_tx_time) "Transactions received: %s [%s] rate tx/s ->> %s <<" % (tx_count, tm(cq), rate)) async with con.transaction(): if self.block_received_handler: await self.block_received_handler(block, con) # insert new block await insert_new_block(self, binary_block_hash, block["height"], binary_previousblock_hash, block["time"], con) if not self.external_dublicate_filter: self.loop.create_task( update_block_height(self, block["height"], list(self.await_tx_id_list))) if self.sync == block["height"]: self.sync += 1 next_block_height = self.sync # after block added handler if self.block_handler: await self.block_handler(block, con) self.last_block_height = block["height"] self.block_cache.set(binary_block_hash, block["height"]) except Exception as err: if self.await_tx_list: self.await_tx_list = [] self.log.error(str(traceback.format_exc())) self.log.error("new block error %s" % str(err)) next_block_height = None finally: self.active_block.set_result(True) self.log.debug("block processing completed") if next_block_height is not None: self.sync_requested = True self.loop.create_task( self.get_block_by_height(next_block_height)) "%s block [%s tx/ %s size] (dp %s) processing time %s cache [%s/%s]" % (block["height"], len(block["tx"]), block["size"] / 1000000, self.block_dependency_tx, tm(bt), len(self.block_hashes_preload._store), len(self.block_preload._store)))
async def _new_block(self, block): if not or not self.active_block.done() or self.last_block_height >= block["height"]: return self.active_block = asyncio.Future() self.block_dependency_tx = 0 bin_block_hash = bytes_from_hex(block["hash"]) bin_prev_block_hash = block["previousblockhash"] if "previousblockhash" in block else None block_height = int(block["height"])"New block %s %s" % (block_height, block["hash"])) bt = tm() bpt = 0 try: # blockchain position check if self.block_cache.get(bin_block_hash) is not None: self.log.debug("duplicated block %s" % block["hash"]) return if self.block_cache.get(bin_prev_block_hash) is None and self.last_block_height: self.log.critical("Connector panic! Node out of sync no parent block in chain tail %s" % bin_prev_block_hash) return if self.last_block_height + 1 != block_height: if self.orphan_handler: tq = tm() await self.orphan_handler(self.last_block_height)"orphan handler %s [%s]" % (self.last_block_height, tm(tq))) self.block_cache.pop_last() self.last_block_height -= 1 return # add all block transactions missed = set() for h in block["tx"]: if self.tx_cache.get(h) is None: missed.add(h) if self.before_block_handler: q = time.time() await self.before_block_handler(block) bpt = time.time() - q self.blocks_processing_time += bpt"Transactions missed %s" % len(missed)) cq = tm() if missed: self.log.debug("Request missed transactions") self.missed_tx_list = set(missed) self.await_tx_list = missed self.await_tx_future = dict() for i in missed: self.await_tx_future[i] = asyncio.Future() self.block_txs_request = asyncio.Future() if self.deep_synchronization: self.loop.create_task(self._get_missed(block["hash"], block["time"], block["height"])) else: self.loop.create_task(self._get_missed(False, block["time"], block["height"])) try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.block_txs_request, timeout=self.block_timeout) except asyncio.CancelledError: # refresh rpc connection session await self.rpc.close() self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) raise RuntimeError("block transaction request timeout") tx_count = len(block["tx"]) self.total_received_tx += tx_count self.total_received_tx_time += tm(cq) rate = round(self.total_received_tx/self.total_received_tx_time)"Transactions received: %s [%s] rate tx/s ->> %s <<" % (tx_count, tm(cq), rate)) if self.block_handler: q = time.time() await self.block_handler(block) self.blocks_processing_time += time.time() - q bpt += time.time() - q # insert new block self.block_cache.set(block["hash"], block["height"]) self.last_block_height = block["height"] # after block added handler if self.after_block_handler: q = time.time() try: await self.after_block_handler(block) except: pass self.blocks_processing_time += time.time() - q bpt += time.time() - q self.blocks_processed_count += 1 [self.tx_cache.pop(h) for h in block["tx"]] except Exception as err: if self.await_tx_list: self.await_tx_list = set() self.log.error(str(traceback.format_exc())) self.log.error("new block error %s" % str(err)) finally: self.active_block.set_result(True)"> %s < block [%s tx/ %s size] (dp %s) processing time %s cache [%s/%s]" % (block["height"], len(block["tx"]), block["size"] / 1000000, self.block_dependency_tx, tm(bt), len(self.block_hashes_preload._store), len(self.block_preload._store))) if self.node_last_block > self.last_block_height: self.loop.create_task(self.get_next_block())
async def rpctest(self): self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.config["BITCOIND"]["rpc"], loop)
async def start(self): if self.utxo_data: await self.utxo_init() while True:"Connector initialization") try: self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.rpc_url, self.loop, timeout=self.rpc_timeout) self.node_last_block = await self.rpc.getblockcount() except Exception as err: self.log.error("Get node best block error:" + str(err)) if not isinstance(self.node_last_block, int): self.log.error("Get node best block height failed") self.log.error("Node rpc url: " + self.rpc_url) await asyncio.sleep(10) continue"Node best block height %s" % self.node_last_block) "Connector last block height %s [%s]" % (self.last_block_height, self.last_block_utxo_cached_height))"Application last block height %s" % self.app_block_height_on_start) if self.node_last_block < self.last_block_height: self.log.error("Node is behind application blockchain state!") await asyncio.sleep(10) continue elif self.node_last_block == self.last_block_height:"Blockchain is synchronized") else: d = self.node_last_block - self.last_block_height"%s blocks before synchronization" % d) if d > self.deep_sync_limit:"Deep synchronization mode") self.deep_synchronization = True break if self.utxo_data: if self.db_type == "postgresql": db = self.db_pool else: db = self.db self.sync_utxo = UTXO(self.db_type, db, self.rpc, self.loop, self.log, self.utxo_cache_size) self.uutxo = UUTXO(self.db_type, db, self.log) h = self.last_block_height if h < len(self.chain_tail): raise Exception("Chain tail len not match last block height") for row in reversed(self.chain_tail): self.block_headers_cache.set(row, h) h -= 1 if self.utxo_data and self.db_type == "postgresql": self.block_loader = BlockLoader(self, workers=self.block_cache_workers, dsn=self.db) else: self.block_loader = BlockLoader(self, workers=self.block_cache_workers) self.tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(self.zeromq_handler())) self.tasks.append(self.loop.create_task(self.watchdog())) self.connected.set_result(True) self.get_next_block_mutex = True self.loop.create_task(self.get_next_block())
async def rpctest(self): self.rpc = aiojsonrpc.rpc(self.config["BITCOIND"]["rpc"], loop) while 1: p = await self.rpc.getinfo() print(p) await asyncio.sleep(10)