def __init__(self, community=Community.en, auto_restart=False, loop=None): self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self.main = Connection('main', self, self.loop) self.bulle = None self._waiters = {} = None = None self.trades = {} self.inventory = None self.username = None self.locale = Locale() = Community(community) self.cp_fingerprint = 0 self.keys = None self.authkey = 0 self.auto_restart = auto_restart self.api_tfmid = None self.api_token = None self._channels = []
def __init__(self, community=0, loop=None): self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self.main = Connection('main', self, self.loop) self.bulle = None self._waiters = {} = None = None self.trades = [] self.inventory = None self.username = None self.locale = Locale() = community # EN self.cp_fingerprint = 0 self._channels = []
async def restart(self, keys=None): """Restarts the client. :param keys:""" # :desc: Notify when the client restarts. self.dispatch("restart") self.close() # If we don't recreate the connection, we won't be able to connect. self.main = Connection('main', self, self.loop) self.bulle = None if keys is not None: self.keys = keys else: self.keys = keys = await get_keys(self.loop) await self.connect() await self.sendHandshake() await self.locale.load()
class Client: """Represents a client that connects to Transformice. Two argument can be passed to the :class:`Client`. .. _event loop: Parameters ---------- community: Optional[:class:`int`] Defines the community of the client. Defaults to 0 (EN community). auto_restart: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether the client should automatically restart on error. Defaults to False. loop: Optional[event loop] The `event loop`_ to use for asynchronous operations. If ``None`` is passed (defaults), the event loop used will be ``asyncio.get_event_loop()``. Attributes ---------- username: Optional[:class:`str`] The bot's username received from the server. Might be None if the bot didn't log in yet. room: Optional[:class:``] The bot's room. Might be None if the bot didn't log in yet or couldn't join any room yet. trade: Optional[:class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade`] The current trade that's going on (i.e: both traders accepted it). trades: :class:`list`[:class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade`] All the trades that the bot participates. Most of them might be invitations only. inventory: Optional[:class:`aiotfm.inventory.Inventory`] The bot's inventory. Might be None if the bot didn't log in yet or it didn't receive anything. locale: :class:`aiotfm.locale.Locale` The bot's locale (translations). """ LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS = False def __init__(self, community=Community.en, auto_restart=False, loop=None): self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self.main = Connection('main', self, self.loop) self.bulle = None self._waiters = {} = None = None self.trades = {} self.inventory = None self.username = None self.locale = Locale() = Community(community) self.cp_fingerprint = 0 self.keys = None self.authkey = 0 self.auto_restart = auto_restart self.api_tfmid = None self.api_token = None self._channels = [] def data_received(self, data, connection): """|coro| Dispatches the received data. :param data: :class:`bytes` the received data. :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.Connection` the connection that received the data. """ # :desc: Called when a socket receives a packet. Does not interfere # with :meth:`Client.handle_packet`. # :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.Connection` the connection that received # the packet. # :param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` a copy of the packet. self.dispatch('raw_socket', connection, Packet(data)) try: self.loop.create_task(self.handle_packet(connection, Packet(data))) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() async def handle_packet(self, connection: Connection, packet: Packet): """|coro| Handles the known packets and dispatches events. Subclasses should handle only the unhandled packets from this method. Example: :: class Bot(aiotfm.Client): async def handle_packet(self, conn, packet): handled = await super().handle_packet(conn, packet.copy()) if not handled: # Handle here the unhandled packets. pass :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.Connection` the connection that received the packet. :param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` the packet. :return: True if the packet got handled, False otherwise. """ CCC = packet.readCode() if CCC == (1, 1): # Old packets oldCCC, *data = packet.readString().split(b'\x01') data = list(map(bytes.decode, data)) oldCCC = tuple(oldCCC[:2]) # :desc: Called when an old packet is received. Does not interfere # with :meth:`Client.handle_old_packet`. # :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.Connection` the connection that received # the packet. # :param oldCCC: :class:`tuple` the packet identifiers on the old protocol. # :param data: :class:`list` the packet data. self.dispatch('old_packet', connection, oldCCC, data) return await self.handle_old_packet(connection, oldCCC, data) if CCC == (5, 21): # Joined room = Room(official=packet.readBool(), name=packet.readUTF()) # :desc: Called when the client has joined a room. # :param room: :class:`` the room the client has entered. self.dispatch('joined_room', elif CCC == (5, 39): # Password required for the room # :desc: Called when a password is required to enter a room # :param room: :class:`` the room the server is asking for a password. self.dispatch('room_password', Room(packet.readUTF())) elif CCC == (6, 6): # Room message player_id = packet.read32() username = packet.readUTF() commu = packet.read8() message = packet.readUTF() player = if player is None: player = Player(username, pid=player_id) # :desc: Called when the client receives a message from the room. # :param message: :class:`aiotfm.message.Message` the message. self.dispatch('room_message', Message(player, message, commu, self)) elif CCC == (6, 20): # Server message packet.readBool() # if False then the message will appear in the #Server channel t_key = packet.readUTF() t_args = [packet.readUTF() for i in range(packet.read8())] # :desc: Called when the client receives a message from the server that needs to be translated. # :param message: :class:`aiotfm.locale.Translation` the message translated with the # current locale. # :param *args: a list of string used as replacement inside the message. self.dispatch('server_message', self.locale[t_key], *t_args) elif CCC == (8, 5): # Show emoji player = emoji = packet.read8() # :desc: Called a player is showing an emoji above its head. # :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player. # :param emoji: :class:`int` the emoji's id. self.dispatch('emoji', player, emoji) elif CCC == (8, 6): # Player won packet.read8() player = player.score = packet.read16() order = packet.read8() player_time = packet.read16() / 100 # :desc: Called a player get the cheese to the hole. # :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player. # :param order: :class:`int` the order of the player in the hole. # :param player_time: :class:`float` player's time in the hole in seconds. self.dispatch('player_won', player, order, player_time) elif CCC == (8, 16): # Profile # :desc: Called when the client receives the result of a /profile command. # :param profile: :class:`aiotfm.player.Profile` the profile. self.dispatch('profile', Profile(packet)) elif CCC == (8, 20): # Shop # :desc: Called when the client receives the content of the shop. # :param shop: :class:`` the shop. self.dispatch('shop', Shop(packet)) elif CCC == (8, 22): # Skills skills = {} for _ in range(packet.read8()): key, value = packet.read8(), packet.read8() skills[key] = value # :desc: Called when the client receives its skill tree. # :param skills: :class:`dict` the skills. self.dispatch('skills', skills) elif CCC == (16, 2): # Tribe invitation received author = packet.readUTF() tribe = packet.readUTF() # :desc: Called when the client receives an invitation to a tribe. (/inv) # :param author: :class:`str` the player that invited you. # :param tribe: :class:`str` the tribe. self.dispatch('tribe_inv', author, tribe) elif CCC == (26, 2): # Logged in successfully player_id = packet.read32() self.username = username = packet.readUTF() played_time = packet.read32() community = Community(packet.read8()) pid = packet.read32() # :desc: Called when the client successfully logged in. # :param uid: :class:`int` the client's unique id. # :param username: :class:`str` the client's username. # :param played_time: :class:`int` the total number of minutes the client has played. # :param community: :class:`aiotfm.enums.Community` the community the client has connected to. # :param pid: :class:`int` the client's player id. self.dispatch('logged', player_id, username, played_time, community, pid) elif CCC == (26, 3): # Handshake OK online_players = packet.read32() connection.fingerprint = packet.read8() community = Community[packet.readUTF()] country = packet.readUTF() self.authkey = packet.read32() self.loop.create_task(self._heartbeat_loop()) await connection.send(, 2).write8( os_info =, 17).writeString('en').writeString('Linux') os_info.writeString('LNX 29,0,0,140').write8(0) await connection.send(os_info) # :desc: Called when the client can login through the game. # :param online_players: :class:`int` the number of player connected to the game. # :param community: :class:`aiotfm.enums.Community` the community the server suggest. # :param country: :class:`str` the country detected from your ip. self.dispatch('login_ready', online_players, community, country) elif CCC == (26, 12): # Login result # :desc: Called when the client failed logging. # :param code: :class:`int` the error code. # :param code: :class:`str` error messages. # :param code: :class:`str` error messages. self.dispatch('login_result', packet.read8(), packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF()) elif CCC == (26, 25): # Ping # :desc: Called when the client receives the ping response from the server. self.dispatch('ping') elif CCC == (28, 6): # Server ping await connection.send(, 6).write8(packet.read8())) elif CCC == (29, 6): # Lua logs # :desc: Called when the client receives lua logs from #Lua. # :param log: :class:`str` a log message. self.dispatch('lua_log', packet.readUTF()) elif CCC == (31, 1): # Inventory data self.inventory = Inventory.from_packet(packet) self.inventory.client = self # :desc: Called when the client receives its inventory's content. # :param inventory: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.Inventory` the client's inventory. self.dispatch('inventory_update', self.inventory) elif CCC == (31, 2): # Update inventory item item_id = packet.read16() quantity = packet.read8() if item_id in self.inventory.items: item = self.inventory.items[item_id] previous = item.quantity item.quantity = quantity # :desc: Called when the quantity of an item has been updated. # :param item: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.InventoryItem` the new item. # :param previous: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.InventoryItem` the previous item. self.dispatch('item_update', item, previous) else: item = InventoryItem(item_id=item_id, quantity=quantity) self.inventory.items[] = item # :desc: Called when the client receives a new item in its inventory. # :param item: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.InventoryItem` the new item. self.dispatch('new_item', item) elif CCC == (31, 5): # Trade invite pid = packet.read32() self.trades[pid] = Trade(self, # :desc: Called when received an invitation to trade. # :param trade: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade` the trade object. self.dispatch('trade_invite', self.trades[pid]) elif CCC == (31, 6): # Trade error name = packet.readUTF().lower() error = packet.read8() if name == self.username.lower(): trade = else: for t in self.trades.values(): if t.trader.lower() == name: trade = t break # :desc: Called when an error occurred with a trade. # :param trade: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade` the trade that failed. # :param error: :class:`aiotfm.enums.TradeError` the error. self.dispatch('trade_error', trade, TradeError[error]) trade._close() elif CCC == (31, 7): # Trade start pid = packet.read32() trade = self.trades.get(pid) if trade is None: raise AiotfmException(f'Cannot find the trade from pid {pid}.') trade._start() = trade # :desc: Called when a trade starts. You can access the trade object with ``. self.dispatch('trade_start') elif CCC == (31, 8): # Trade items export = packet.readBool() id_ = packet.read16() quantity = (1 if packet.readBool() else -1) * packet.read8() items = if export else items.add(id_, quantity) trader = self if export else = [False, False] # :desc: Called when an item has been added/removed from the current trade. # :param trader: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player that triggered the event. # :param id: :class:`int` the item's id. # :param quantity: :class:`int` the quantity added/removed. Can be negative. # :param item: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.InventoryItem` the item after the change. self.dispatch('trade_item_change', trader, id_, quantity, items.get(id_)) elif CCC == (31, 9): # Trade lock index = packet.read8() locked = packet.readBool() if index > 1: = [locked, locked] who = "both" else:[index] = locked who = if index == 0 else self # :desc: Called when the trade got (un)locked. # :param who: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player that triggered the event. # :param locked: :class:`bool` either the trade got locked or unlocked. self.dispatch('trade_lock', who, locked) elif CCC == (31, 10): # Trade complete trade = elif CCC == (44, 1): # Bulle switching timestamp = packet.read32() player_id = packet.read32() bulle_ip = packet.readUTF() ports = packet.readUTF().split('-') if self.bulle is not None: self.bulle.close() self.bulle = Connection('bulle', self, self.loop) await self.bulle.connect(bulle_ip, random.choice(ports)) await self.bulle.send(*CCC).write32(timestamp).write32(player_id)) elif CCC == (44, 22): # Fingerprint offset changed connection.fingerprint = packet.read8() elif CCC == (60, 3): # Community platform TC = packet.read16() # :desc: Called when the client receives a packet from the community platform. # :param TC: :class:`int` the packet's code. # :param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` the packet. self.dispatch('raw_cp', TC, packet.copy(copy_pos=True)) if TC == 3: # Connected to the community platform # :desc: Called when the client is successfully connected to the community platform. self.dispatch('ready') elif TC == 55: # Channel join result result = packet.read8() # :desc: Called when the client receives the result of joining a channel. # :param result: :class:`int` result code. self.dispatch('channel_joined_result', result) elif TC == 57: # Channel leave result result = packet.read8() # :desc: Called when the client receives the result of leaving a channel. # :param result: :class:`int` result code. self.dispatch('channel_leaved_result', result) elif TC == 59: # Channel /who result idSequence = packet.read32() result = packet.read8() players = [Player(packet.readUTF()) for _ in range(packet.read16())] # :desc: Called when the client receives the result of the /who command in a channel. # :param idSequence: :class:`int` the reference to the packet that performed the request. # :param players: List[:class:`aiotfm.Player`] the list of players inside the channel. self.dispatch('channel_who', idSequence, players) elif TC == 62: # Joined a channel name = packet.readUTF() if name in self._channels: channel = [c for c in self._channels if c == name][0] else: channel = Channel(name, self) self._channels.append(channel) # :desc: Called when the client joined a channel. # :param channel: :class:`aiotfm.message.Channel` the channel. self.dispatch('channel_joined', channel) elif TC == 63: # Quit a channel name = packet.readUTF() if name in self._channels: self._channels.remove(name) # :desc: Called when the client leaves a channel. # :param name: :class:`str` the channel's name. self.dispatch('channel_closed', name) elif TC == 64: # Channel message author, community = packet.readUTF(), packet.read32() channel_name, message = packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF() channel = self.get_channel(channel_name) if channel is None: channel = Channel(channel_name, self) self._channels.append(channel) channel_message = ChannelMessage(author, community, message, channel) # :desc: Called when the client receives a message from a channel. # :param message: :class:`aiotfm.message.ChannelMessage` the message. self.dispatch('channel_message', channel_message) elif TC == 65: # Tribe message author, message = packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF() # :desc: Called when the client receives a message from the tribe. # :param author: :class:`str` the message's author. # :param message: :class:`str` the message's content. self.dispatch('tribe_message', author, message) elif TC == 66: # Whisper author = Player(packet.readUTF()) commu = packet.read32() receiver = Player(packet.readUTF()) message = packet.readUTF() author =, default=author) receiver =, default=receiver) # :desc: Called when the client receives a whisper. # :param message: :class:`aiotfm.message.Whisper` the message. self.dispatch('whisper', Whisper(author, commu, receiver, message, self)) elif TC == 88: # tribe member connected # :desc: Called when a tribe member connected. # :param name: :class:`str` the member's name. self.dispatch('member_connected', packet.readUTF()) elif TC == 90: # tribe member disconnected # :desc: Called when a tribe member disconnected. # :param name: :class:`str` the member's name. self.dispatch('member_disconnected', packet.readUTF()) else: if self.LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS: print(CCC, TC, bytes(packet.buffer)[4:]) return False elif CCC == (100, 67): # New inventory item slot = packet.read8() slot = None if slot == 0 else slot item_id = packet.read16() quantity = packet.read8() item = InventoryItem(item_id=item_id, quantity=quantity, slot=slot) self.inventory[item_id] = item self.dispatch('new_item', item) elif CCC == (144, 1): # Set player list before = = {} for _ in range(packet.read16()): player = Player.from_packet(packet)[] = player # :desc: Called when the client receives an update of all player in the room. # :param before: Dict[:class:`aiotfm.Player`] the list of player before the update. # :param players: Dict[:class:`aiotfm.Player`] the list of player updated. self.dispatch('bulk_player_update', before, elif CCC == (144, 2): # Add a player after = Player.from_packet(packet) before =, None)[] = after if before is None: # :desc: Called when a player joined the room. # :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player. self.dispatch('player_join', after) else: # :desc: Called when a player's data on the room has been updated. # :param before: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player before the update. # :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player updated. self.dispatch('player_update', before, after) else: if self.LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS: print(CCC, bytes(packet.buffer)[2:]) return False return True async def handle_old_packet(self, connection: Connection, oldCCC: tuple, data: list): """|coro| Handles the known packets from the old protocol and dispatches events. Subclasses should handle only the unhandled packets from this method. Example: :: class Bot(aiotfm.Client): async def handle_old_packet(self, conn, oldCCC, data): handled = await super().handle_old_packet(conn, data.copy()) if not handled: # Handle here the unhandled packets. pass :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.Connection` the connection that received the packet. :param oldCCC: :class:`tuple` the packet identifiers on the old protocol. :param data: :class:`list` the packet data. :return: True if the packet got handled, False otherwise. """ if oldCCC == (8, 5): # Player died player =[0]) player.score = int(data[2]) # :desc: Called when a player dies. # :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player. self.dispatch('player_died', player) elif oldCCC == (8, 7): # Remove a player player =[0]), None) if player is not None: # :desc: Called when a player leaves the room. # :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player. self.dispatch('player_remove', player) else: if self.LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS: print("[OLD]", oldCCC, data) return False return True async def _heartbeat_loop(self): """|coro| Send a packet every fifteen seconds to stay connected to the game. """ last_heartbeat = 0 while if self.loop.time() - last_heartbeat >= 15: t = time.perf_counter() await self.main.send(, 26)) if self.bulle is not None and await self.bulle.send(, 26)) # :desc: Called at each heartbeat. # :param time: :class:`float` the time took to send the keep-alive packet. self.dispatch('heartbeat', (time.perf_counter() - t) * 1000) last_heartbeat = self.loop.time() await asyncio.sleep(.5) def get_channel(self, name): """Returns a channel from it's name or None if not found. :param name: :class:`str` the name of the channel. :return: :class:`aiotfm.message.ChannelMessage` or None """ if name is None: return None for channel in self._channels: if == name: return channel def get_trade(self, player): """Returns the pending/current trade with a player. :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` or :class:`str` the player. :return: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade` the trade with the player. """ if not isinstance(player, (str, Player)): raise TypeError(f"Expected Player or str types got {type(player)}") if isinstance(player, Player): return self.trades.get( player = player.lower() for trade in self.trades.values(): if trade.trader.lower() == player: return trade def event(self, coro): """A decorator that registers an event. More about events [here]( """ name = coro.__name__ if not name.startswith('on_'): raise InvalidEvent("'{}' isn't a correct event naming.".format(name)) if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): message = "Couldn't register a non-coroutine function for the event {}.".format(name) raise InvalidEvent(message) setattr(self, name, coro) return coro def wait_for(self, event, condition=None, timeout=None, stopPropagation=False): """Wait for an event. Example: :: @client.event async def on_room_message(author, message): if message == 'id': await client.sendCommand('profile '+author) profile = await client.wait_for('on_profile', lambda p: p.username == author) await client.sendRoomMessage('Your id: {}'.format( :param event: :class:`str` the event name. :param condition: Optionnal[`function`] A predicate to check what to wait for. The arguments must meet the parameters of the event being waited for. :param timeout: Optionnal[:class:`int`] the number of seconds before throwing asyncio.TimeoutError :return: [`asyncio.Future`]( a future that you must await. """ event = event.lower() future = self.loop.create_future() if condition is None: def everything(*a): return True condition = everything if event not in self._waiters: self._waiters[event] = [] self._waiters[event].append((condition, future, stopPropagation)) return asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout) async def _run_event(self, coro, event_name, *args, **kwargs): """|coro| Runs an event and handle the error if any. :param coro: a coroutine function. :param event_name: :class:`str` the event's name. :param args: arguments to pass to the coro. :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the coro. :return: :class:`bool` whether the event ran successfully or not """ try: await coro(*args, **kwargs) return True # except asyncio.CancelledError: # raise except Exception as e: if hasattr(self, 'on_error'): try: await self.on_error(event_name, e, *args, **kwargs) # except asyncio.CancelledError: # raise except Exception: if not self.auto_restart: self.close() finally: if self.auto_restart: asyncio.ensure_future(self.restart_soon(), loop=self.loop) return False def dispatch(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """Dispatches events :param event: :class:`str` event's name. (without 'on_') :param args: arguments to pass to the coro. :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the coro. :return: [`Task`]( the _run_event wrapper task """ method = 'on_' + event if method in self._waiters: to_remove = [] waiters = self._waiters[method] for i, (cond, fut, stop) in enumerate(waiters): if fut.cancelled(): to_remove.append(i) continue try: result = bool(cond(*args)) except Exception as e: fut.set_exception(e) else: if result: fut.set_result(args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args if len(args) > 0 else None) if stop: del waiters[i] return None to_remove.append(i) if len(to_remove) == len(waiters): del self._waiters[method] else: for i in to_remove[::-1]: del waiters[i] coro = getattr(self, method, None) if coro is not None: dispatch = self._run_event(coro, method, *args, **kwargs) return asyncio.ensure_future(dispatch, loop=self.loop) async def on_error(self, event, err, *a, **kw): """Default on_error event handler. Prints the traceback of the error.""" message = '\nAn error occurred while dispatching the event "{0}":\n\n{2}' tb = traceback.format_exc(limit=-3) print(message.format(event, err, tb), file=sys.stderr) return message.format(event, err, tb) async def on_connection_error(self, conn, error): """Default on_connection_error event handler. Prints the error.""" print('{0.__class__.__name__}: {0}'.format(error), file=sys.stderr) async def on_login_result(self, code, *args): """Default on_login_result handler. Raise an error and closes the connection.""" self.loop.call_later(5, self.close) if code == 1: raise AlreadyConnected() if code == 2: raise IncorrectPassword() raise LoginError(code) async def connect(self): """|coro| Creates a connection with the main server. """ for port in random.sample([13801, 11801, 12801, 14801], 4): try: await self.main.connect(self.keys.server_ip, port) except Exception: pass else: break else: raise ServerUnreachable('Unable to connect to the server.') while not await asyncio.sleep(.1) async def sendHandshake(self): """|coro| Sends the handshake packet so the server recognizes this socket as a player. """ packet =, 1).write16(self.keys.version).writeString(self.keys.connection) packet.writeString('Desktop').writeString('-').write32(0x1fbd).writeString('') packet.writeString('74696720697320676f6e6e61206b696c6c206d7920626f742e20736f20736164') packet.writeString( "A=t&SA=t&SV=t&EV=t&MP3=t&AE=t&VE=t&ACC=t&PR=t&SP=f&SB=f&DEB=f&V=LNX 29,0,0,140&M=Adobe" " Linux&R=1920x1080&COL=color&AR=1.0&OS=Linux&ARCH=x86&L=en&IME=t&PR32=t&PR64=t&LS=en-U" "S&PT=Desktop&AVD=f&LFD=f&WD=f&TLS=t&ML=5.1&DP=72") packet.write32(0).write32(0x6257).writeString('') await self.main.send(packet) async def start(self, api_tfmid, api_token, keys=None): """|coro| Starts the client. :param api_tfmid: :class:`int` or :class:`str` your Transformice id. :param api_token: :class:`str` your token to access the API. """ if keys is not None: self.keys = keys else: self.api_tfmid = api_tfmid self.api_token = api_token self.keys = await get_keys(api_tfmid, api_token) await self.connect() await self.sendHandshake() await self.locale.load() async def restart_soon(self, *args, delay=5.0, **kwargs): """Restarts the client in several seconds. :param delay: :class:`int` the delay before restarting. Default is 5 seconds. :param args: arguments to pass to the :meth:`Client.restart` method. :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the :meth:`Client.restart` method.""" await asyncio.sleep(delay) await self.restart(*args, **kwargs) async def restart(self, keys=None): """Restarts the client. :param keys:""" # :desc: Notify when the client restarts. self.dispatch("restart") self.close() if keys is not None: self.keys = keys else: self.keys = keys = await get_keys(self.api_tfmid, self.api_token) await self.connect() await self.sendHandshake() await self.locale.load() async def login(self, username, password, encrypted=True, room='1'): """|coro| Log in the game. :param username: :class:`str` the client username. :param password: :class:`str` the client password. :param encrypted: Optional[:class:`bool`] whether the password is already encrypted or not. :param room: Optional[:class:`str`] the room where the client will be logged in. """ if not encrypted: password = shakikoo(password) packet =, 8).writeString(username).writeString(password) packet.writeString("app:/TransformiceAIR.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/2/[[DYNAMIC]]/4") packet.writeString(room).write32(self.authkey ^ self.keys.auth).write8(0).writeString('') packet.cipher(self.keys.identification).write8(0) await self.main.send(packet) def run(self, api_tfmid, api_token, username, password, **kwargs): """A blocking call that do the event loop initialization for you. Equivalent to: :: @bot.event async def on_login_ready(*a): await bot.login(username, password) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(bot.start(api_id, api_token)) loop.run_forever() """ if self.auto_restart: self.auto_restart = False warnings.warn( "The usage of and Client.auto_restart is not allowed. " "Use Client.start method to enable automatic restart." ) keys = kwargs.pop('keys', None) asyncio.ensure_future(self.start(api_tfmid, api_token, keys=keys), loop=self.loop) self.loop.run_until_complete(self.wait_for('on_login_ready')) asyncio.ensure_future(self.login(username, password, **kwargs), loop=self.loop) self.loop.run_forever() # try: # self.loop.run_forever() # except: # # add self.close # # asyncio.ensure_future(self.close()) # raise def close(self): """Closes the sockets.""" self.main.close() if self.bulle is not None: self.bulle.close() if not self.auto_restart: # The process is not exited if the loop is still running self.loop.close() async def sendCP(self, code, data=b''): """|coro| Send a packet to the community platform. :param code: :class:`int` the community platform code. :param data: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` or :class:`bytes` the data. """ self.cp_fingerprint = fp = (self.cp_fingerprint + 1) % 0XFFFFFFFF packet =, 3).write16(code) packet.write32(self.cp_fingerprint).writeBytes(data) await self.main.send(packet, cipher=True) return fp async def sendRoomMessage(self, message): """|coro| Send a message to the room. :param message: :class:`str` the content of the message. """ packet =, 6).writeString(message) await self.bulle.send(packet, cipher=True) async def sendTribeMessage(self, message): """|coro| Send a message to the tribe. :param message: :class:`str` the content of the message. """ await self.sendCP(50, Packet().writeString(message)) async def sendChannelMessage(self, channel, message): """|coro| Send a message to a public channel. :param channel: :class:`str` the channel's name. :param message: :class:`str` the content of the message. """ if isinstance(channel, Channel): channel = return await self.sendCP(48, Packet().writeString(channel).writeString(message)) async def whisper(self, username, message, overflow=False): """|coro| Whisper to a player. :param username: :class:`str` the player to whisper. :param message: :class:`str` the content of the whisper. :param overflow: :class:`bool` will send the complete message if True, splitted in several messages. """ if isinstance(username, Player): username = username.username async def send(msg): await self.sendCP(52, Packet().writeString(username).writeString(msg)) if isinstance(message, str): message = message.encode() message = message.replace(b'<', b'<').replace(b'>', b'>') await send(message[:255]) for i in range(255, len(message), 255): await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.whisper(username, message[i:i + 255]) async def getTribe(self, disconnected=True): """|coro| Gets the client's :class:`aiotfm.Tribe` and return it :param disconnected: :class:`bool` if True retrieves also the disconnected members. :return: :class:`aiotfm.Tribe` or ``None``. """ sid = self.cp_fingerprint + 1 await self.sendCP(108, Packet().writeBool(disconnected)) def is_tribe(tc, packet): return (tc == 109 and packet.read32() == sid) or tc == 130 tc, packet = await self.wait_for('on_raw_cp', is_tribe) if tc == 109: result = packet.readByte() if result == 1: tc, packet = await self.wait_for('on_raw_cp', lambda tc, p: tc == 130) elif result == 17: return None else: raise CommunityPlatformError(118, result) return Tribe(packet) async def playEmote(self, emote, flag='be'): """|coro| Play an emote. :param emote: :class:`int` the emote's id. :param flag: Optional[:class:`str`] the flag for the emote id 10. Defaults to 'be'. """ packet =, 1).write8(id).write32(0) if emote == 10: packet.writeString(flag) await self.bulle.send(packet) async def sendSmiley(self, smiley): """|coro| Makes the client showing a smiley above it's head. :param smiley: :class:`int` the smiley's id. (from 0 to 9) """ if smiley < 0 or smiley > 9: raise AiotfmException('Invalid smiley id') packet =, 5).write8(smiley).write32(0) await self.bulle.send(packet) async def loadLua(self, lua_code): """|coro| Load a lua code in the room. :param lua_code: :class:`str` or :class:`bytes` the lua code to send. """ if isinstance(lua_code, str): lua_code = lua_code.encode() packet =, 1).write24(len(lua_code)).writeBytes(lua_code) await self.bulle.send(packet) async def sendCommand(self, command): """|coro| Send a command to the game. :param command: :class:`str` the command to send. """ packet =, 26).writeString(command[:255]) await self.main.send(packet, cipher=True) async def enterTribe(self): """|coro| Enter the tribe house """ await self.main.send(, 1)) async def enterTribeHouse(self): """|coro| Alias for :meth:`Client.enterTribe` """ await self.enterTribe() async def joinRoom(self, room_name, password=None, community=None, auto=False): """|coro| Join a room. The event 'on_joined_room' is dispatched when the client has successfully joined the room. :param password: :class:`str` if given the client will ignore `community` and `auto` parameters and will connect to the room with the given password. :param room_name: :class:`str` the room's name. :param community: Optional[:class:`int`] the room's community. :param auto: Optional[:class:`bool`] joins a random room (I think). """ if password is not None: packet =, 39).writeString(password).writeString(room_name) else: packet =, 38).write8(Community(community or packet.writeString(room_name).writeBool(auto) await self.main.send(packet) async def joinChannel(self, name, permanent=True): """|coro| Join a #channel. The event 'on_channel_joined' is dispatched when the client has successfully joined a channel. :param name: :class:`str` the channel's name :param permanent: Optional[:class:`bool`] if True (default) the server will automatically reconnect the user to this channel when logged in. """ await self.sendCP(54, Packet().writeString(name).writeBool(permanent)) async def leaveChannel(self, channel): """|coro| Leaves a #channel. :param channel: :class:`aiotfm.message.Channel` channel to leave. """ if isinstance(channel, Channel): name = else: name = channel await self.sendCP(56, Packet().writeString(name)) async def enterInvTribeHouse(self, author): """|coro| Join the tribe house of another player after receiving an /inv. :param author: :class:`str` the author's username who sent the invitation. """ await self.main.send(, 2).writeString(author)) async def recruit(self, player): """|coro| Send a recruit request to a player. :param player: :class:`str` the player's username you want to recruit. """ await self.sendCP(78, Packet().writeString(player)) async def requestShopList(self): """|coro| Send a request to the server to get the shop list.""" await self.main.send(, 20)) async def startTrade(self, player): """|coro| Starts a trade with the given player. :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player to trade with. :return: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade` the resulting trade""" if isinstance(player, Player) and == -1: player = player.username if isinstance(player, str): player = if player is None: raise AiotfmException("The player must be in your room to start a trade.") trade = Trade(self, player) self.trades[] = trade await trade.accept() return trade async def requestInventory(self): """|coro| Send a request to the server to get the bot's inventory.""" await self.main.send(, 1))
async def handle_packet(self, connection: Connection, packet: Packet): """|coro| Handles the known packets and dispatches events. Subclasses should handle only the unhandled packets from this method. Example: :: class Bot(aiotfm.Client): async def handle_packet(self, conn, packet): handled = await super().handle_packet(conn, packet.copy()) if not handled: # Handle here the unhandled packets. pass :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.Connection` the connection that received the packet. :param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` the packet. :return: True if the packet got handled, False otherwise. """ CCC = packet.readCode() if CCC == (1, 1): # Old packets oldCCC, *data = packet.readString().split(b'\x01') data = list(map(bytes.decode, data)) oldCCC = tuple(oldCCC[:2]) # :desc: Called when an old packet is received. Does not interfere # with :meth:`Client.handle_old_packet`. # :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.Connection` the connection that received # the packet. # :param oldCCC: :class:`tuple` the packet identifiers on the old protocol. # :param data: :class:`list` the packet data. self.dispatch('old_packet', connection, oldCCC, data) return await self.handle_old_packet(connection, oldCCC, data) if CCC == (5, 21): # Joined room = Room(official=packet.readBool(), name=packet.readUTF()) # :desc: Called when the client has joined a room. # :param room: :class:`` the room the client has entered. self.dispatch('joined_room', elif CCC == (5, 39): # Password required for the room # :desc: Called when a password is required to enter a room # :param room: :class:`` the room the server is asking for a password. self.dispatch('room_password', Room(packet.readUTF())) elif CCC == (6, 6): # Room message player_id = packet.read32() username = packet.readUTF() commu = packet.read8() message = packet.readUTF() player = if player is None: player = Player(username, pid=player_id) # :desc: Called when the client receives a message from the room. # :param message: :class:`aiotfm.message.Message` the message. self.dispatch('room_message', Message(player, message, commu, self)) elif CCC == (6, 20): # Server message packet.readBool() # if False then the message will appear in the #Server channel t_key = packet.readUTF() t_args = [packet.readUTF() for i in range(packet.read8())] # :desc: Called when the client receives a message from the server that needs to be translated. # :param message: :class:`aiotfm.locale.Translation` the message translated with the # current locale. # :param *args: a list of string used as replacement inside the message. self.dispatch('server_message', self.locale[t_key], *t_args) elif CCC == (8, 5): # Show emoji player = emoji = packet.read8() # :desc: Called a player is showing an emoji above its head. # :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player. # :param emoji: :class:`int` the emoji's id. self.dispatch('emoji', player, emoji) elif CCC == (8, 6): # Player won packet.read8() player = player.score = packet.read16() order = packet.read8() player_time = packet.read16() / 100 # :desc: Called a player get the cheese to the hole. # :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player. # :param order: :class:`int` the order of the player in the hole. # :param player_time: :class:`float` player's time in the hole in seconds. self.dispatch('player_won', player, order, player_time) elif CCC == (8, 16): # Profile # :desc: Called when the client receives the result of a /profile command. # :param profile: :class:`aiotfm.player.Profile` the profile. self.dispatch('profile', Profile(packet)) elif CCC == (8, 20): # Shop # :desc: Called when the client receives the content of the shop. # :param shop: :class:`` the shop. self.dispatch('shop', Shop(packet)) elif CCC == (8, 22): # Skills skills = {} for _ in range(packet.read8()): key, value = packet.read8(), packet.read8() skills[key] = value # :desc: Called when the client receives its skill tree. # :param skills: :class:`dict` the skills. self.dispatch('skills', skills) elif CCC == (16, 2): # Tribe invitation received author = packet.readUTF() tribe = packet.readUTF() # :desc: Called when the client receives an invitation to a tribe. (/inv) # :param author: :class:`str` the player that invited you. # :param tribe: :class:`str` the tribe. self.dispatch('tribe_inv', author, tribe) elif CCC == (26, 2): # Logged in successfully player_id = packet.read32() self.username = username = packet.readUTF() played_time = packet.read32() community = Community(packet.read8()) pid = packet.read32() # :desc: Called when the client successfully logged in. # :param uid: :class:`int` the client's unique id. # :param username: :class:`str` the client's username. # :param played_time: :class:`int` the total number of minutes the client has played. # :param community: :class:`aiotfm.enums.Community` the community the client has connected to. # :param pid: :class:`int` the client's player id. self.dispatch('logged', player_id, username, played_time, community, pid) elif CCC == (26, 3): # Handshake OK online_players = packet.read32() connection.fingerprint = packet.read8() community = Community[packet.readUTF()] country = packet.readUTF() self.authkey = packet.read32() self.loop.create_task(self._heartbeat_loop()) await connection.send(, 2).write8( os_info =, 17).writeString('en').writeString('Linux') os_info.writeString('LNX 29,0,0,140').write8(0) await connection.send(os_info) # :desc: Called when the client can login through the game. # :param online_players: :class:`int` the number of player connected to the game. # :param community: :class:`aiotfm.enums.Community` the community the server suggest. # :param country: :class:`str` the country detected from your ip. self.dispatch('login_ready', online_players, community, country) elif CCC == (26, 12): # Login result # :desc: Called when the client failed logging. # :param code: :class:`int` the error code. # :param code: :class:`str` error messages. # :param code: :class:`str` error messages. self.dispatch('login_result', packet.read8(), packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF()) elif CCC == (26, 25): # Ping # :desc: Called when the client receives the ping response from the server. self.dispatch('ping') elif CCC == (28, 6): # Server ping await connection.send(, 6).write8(packet.read8())) elif CCC == (29, 6): # Lua logs # :desc: Called when the client receives lua logs from #Lua. # :param log: :class:`str` a log message. self.dispatch('lua_log', packet.readUTF()) elif CCC == (31, 1): # Inventory data self.inventory = Inventory.from_packet(packet) self.inventory.client = self # :desc: Called when the client receives its inventory's content. # :param inventory: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.Inventory` the client's inventory. self.dispatch('inventory_update', self.inventory) elif CCC == (31, 2): # Update inventory item item_id = packet.read16() quantity = packet.read8() if item_id in self.inventory.items: item = self.inventory.items[item_id] previous = item.quantity item.quantity = quantity # :desc: Called when the quantity of an item has been updated. # :param item: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.InventoryItem` the new item. # :param previous: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.InventoryItem` the previous item. self.dispatch('item_update', item, previous) else: item = InventoryItem(item_id=item_id, quantity=quantity) self.inventory.items[] = item # :desc: Called when the client receives a new item in its inventory. # :param item: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.InventoryItem` the new item. self.dispatch('new_item', item) elif CCC == (31, 5): # Trade invite pid = packet.read32() self.trades[pid] = Trade(self, # :desc: Called when received an invitation to trade. # :param trade: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade` the trade object. self.dispatch('trade_invite', self.trades[pid]) elif CCC == (31, 6): # Trade error name = packet.readUTF().lower() error = packet.read8() if name == self.username.lower(): trade = else: for t in self.trades.values(): if t.trader.lower() == name: trade = t break # :desc: Called when an error occurred with a trade. # :param trade: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade` the trade that failed. # :param error: :class:`aiotfm.enums.TradeError` the error. self.dispatch('trade_error', trade, TradeError[error]) trade._close() elif CCC == (31, 7): # Trade start pid = packet.read32() trade = self.trades.get(pid) if trade is None: raise AiotfmException(f'Cannot find the trade from pid {pid}.') trade._start() = trade # :desc: Called when a trade starts. You can access the trade object with ``. self.dispatch('trade_start') elif CCC == (31, 8): # Trade items export = packet.readBool() id_ = packet.read16() quantity = (1 if packet.readBool() else -1) * packet.read8() items = if export else items.add(id_, quantity) trader = self if export else = [False, False] # :desc: Called when an item has been added/removed from the current trade. # :param trader: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player that triggered the event. # :param id: :class:`int` the item's id. # :param quantity: :class:`int` the quantity added/removed. Can be negative. # :param item: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.InventoryItem` the item after the change. self.dispatch('trade_item_change', trader, id_, quantity, items.get(id_)) elif CCC == (31, 9): # Trade lock index = packet.read8() locked = packet.readBool() if index > 1: = [locked, locked] who = "both" else:[index] = locked who = if index == 0 else self # :desc: Called when the trade got (un)locked. # :param who: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player that triggered the event. # :param locked: :class:`bool` either the trade got locked or unlocked. self.dispatch('trade_lock', who, locked) elif CCC == (31, 10): # Trade complete trade = elif CCC == (44, 1): # Bulle switching timestamp = packet.read32() player_id = packet.read32() bulle_ip = packet.readUTF() ports = packet.readUTF().split('-') if self.bulle is not None: self.bulle.close() self.bulle = Connection('bulle', self, self.loop) await self.bulle.connect(bulle_ip, random.choice(ports)) await self.bulle.send(*CCC).write32(timestamp).write32(player_id)) elif CCC == (44, 22): # Fingerprint offset changed connection.fingerprint = packet.read8() elif CCC == (60, 3): # Community platform TC = packet.read16() # :desc: Called when the client receives a packet from the community platform. # :param TC: :class:`int` the packet's code. # :param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` the packet. self.dispatch('raw_cp', TC, packet.copy(copy_pos=True)) if TC == 3: # Connected to the community platform # :desc: Called when the client is successfully connected to the community platform. self.dispatch('ready') elif TC == 55: # Channel join result result = packet.read8() # :desc: Called when the client receives the result of joining a channel. # :param result: :class:`int` result code. self.dispatch('channel_joined_result', result) elif TC == 57: # Channel leave result result = packet.read8() # :desc: Called when the client receives the result of leaving a channel. # :param result: :class:`int` result code. self.dispatch('channel_leaved_result', result) elif TC == 59: # Channel /who result idSequence = packet.read32() result = packet.read8() players = [Player(packet.readUTF()) for _ in range(packet.read16())] # :desc: Called when the client receives the result of the /who command in a channel. # :param idSequence: :class:`int` the reference to the packet that performed the request. # :param players: List[:class:`aiotfm.Player`] the list of players inside the channel. self.dispatch('channel_who', idSequence, players) elif TC == 62: # Joined a channel name = packet.readUTF() if name in self._channels: channel = [c for c in self._channels if c == name][0] else: channel = Channel(name, self) self._channels.append(channel) # :desc: Called when the client joined a channel. # :param channel: :class:`aiotfm.message.Channel` the channel. self.dispatch('channel_joined', channel) elif TC == 63: # Quit a channel name = packet.readUTF() if name in self._channels: self._channels.remove(name) # :desc: Called when the client leaves a channel. # :param name: :class:`str` the channel's name. self.dispatch('channel_closed', name) elif TC == 64: # Channel message author, community = packet.readUTF(), packet.read32() channel_name, message = packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF() channel = self.get_channel(channel_name) if channel is None: channel = Channel(channel_name, self) self._channels.append(channel) channel_message = ChannelMessage(author, community, message, channel) # :desc: Called when the client receives a message from a channel. # :param message: :class:`aiotfm.message.ChannelMessage` the message. self.dispatch('channel_message', channel_message) elif TC == 65: # Tribe message author, message = packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF() # :desc: Called when the client receives a message from the tribe. # :param author: :class:`str` the message's author. # :param message: :class:`str` the message's content. self.dispatch('tribe_message', author, message) elif TC == 66: # Whisper author = Player(packet.readUTF()) commu = packet.read32() receiver = Player(packet.readUTF()) message = packet.readUTF() author =, default=author) receiver =, default=receiver) # :desc: Called when the client receives a whisper. # :param message: :class:`aiotfm.message.Whisper` the message. self.dispatch('whisper', Whisper(author, commu, receiver, message, self)) elif TC == 88: # tribe member connected # :desc: Called when a tribe member connected. # :param name: :class:`str` the member's name. self.dispatch('member_connected', packet.readUTF()) elif TC == 90: # tribe member disconnected # :desc: Called when a tribe member disconnected. # :param name: :class:`str` the member's name. self.dispatch('member_disconnected', packet.readUTF()) else: if self.LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS: print(CCC, TC, bytes(packet.buffer)[4:]) return False elif CCC == (100, 67): # New inventory item slot = packet.read8() slot = None if slot == 0 else slot item_id = packet.read16() quantity = packet.read8() item = InventoryItem(item_id=item_id, quantity=quantity, slot=slot) self.inventory[item_id] = item self.dispatch('new_item', item) elif CCC == (144, 1): # Set player list before = = {} for _ in range(packet.read16()): player = Player.from_packet(packet)[] = player # :desc: Called when the client receives an update of all player in the room. # :param before: Dict[:class:`aiotfm.Player`] the list of player before the update. # :param players: Dict[:class:`aiotfm.Player`] the list of player updated. self.dispatch('bulk_player_update', before, elif CCC == (144, 2): # Add a player after = Player.from_packet(packet) before =, None)[] = after if before is None: # :desc: Called when a player joined the room. # :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player. self.dispatch('player_join', after) else: # :desc: Called when a player's data on the room has been updated. # :param before: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player before the update. # :param player: :class:`aiotfm.Player` the player updated. self.dispatch('player_update', before, after) else: if self.LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS: print(CCC, bytes(packet.buffer)[2:]) return False return True
async def handle_packet(self, connection: Connection, packet: Packet): """|coro| Handles the known packets and dispatches events. Subclasses should handle only the unhandled packets from this method. Example: :: class Bot(aiotfm.Client): async def handle_packet(self, conn, packet): handled = await super().handle_packet(conn, packet.copy()) if not handled: # Handle here the unhandled packets. pass :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.connection.Connection` the connection that received the packet. :param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` the packet. :return: True if the packet got handled, False otherwise. """ CCC = packet.readCode() if CCC == (1, 1): # Old packets data = packet.readBytes().split(b'\x01') oldCCC = tuple(data.pop(0)[:2]) self.dispatch('old_packet', connection, oldCCC, data) return await self.handle_old_packet(connection, oldCCC, data) elif CCC == (5, 21): # Joined room room = = Room(private=not packet.readBool(), name=packet.readUTF()) self.dispatch('joined_room', room) elif CCC == (6, 6): # Room message player_id = packet.read32() username = packet.readUTF() commu = packet.read8() message = packet.readUTF() self.dispatch( 'room_message', Message(Player(username, pid=player_id), message, commu, self)) elif CCC == (6, 20): # Server message packet.readBool( ) # if False then the message will appear in the #Server channel t_key = packet.readUTF() t_args = [packet.readUTF() for i in range(packet.read8())] self.dispatch('server_message', self.locale[t_key], *t_args) elif CCC == (8, 5): # Show emoji player = emoji = packet.read8() self.dispatch('emoji', player, emoji) elif CCC == (8, 16): # Profile self.dispatch('profile', Profile(packet)) elif CCC == (8, 20): # Shop self.dispatch('shop', Shop(packet)) elif CCC == (8, 22): # Skills skills = {} for i in range(packet.read8()): key, value = packet.read8(), packet.read8() skills[key] = value self.dispatch('skills', skills) elif CCC == (16, 2): # Tribe invitation received author = packet.readUTF() tribe = packet.readUTF() self.dispatch('tribe_inv', author, tribe) elif CCC == (26, 2): # Logged in successfully player_id = packet.read32() self.username = username = packet.readUTF() played_time = packet.read32() community = packet.read8() pid = packet.read32() self.dispatch('logged', player_id, username, played_time, community, pid) elif CCC == (26, 3): # Handshake OK online_players = packet.read32() # online players connection.fingerprint = packet.read8() community = packet.readUTF() # community country = packet.readUTF() # country self.authkey = packet.read32() self.loop.create_task(self._heartbeat_loop()) await connection.send(, 2).write8( os_info =, 17).writeString('en').writeString('Linux') os_info.writeString('LNX 29,0,0,140').write8(0) await connection.send(os_info) self.dispatch('login_ready', online_players, community, country) elif CCC == (26, 12): # Login result self.dispatch('login_result', packet.read8(), packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF()) elif CCC == (26, 25): # Ping self.dispatch('ping') elif CCC == (28, 6): # Server ping await connection.send(, 6).write8(packet.read8())) elif CCC == (29, 6): # Lua logs self.dispatch('lua_log', packet.readUTF()) elif CCC == (31, 1): # Inventory data self.inventory = Inventory.from_packet(packet) self.inventory.client = self self.dispatch('inventory_update', self.inventory) elif CCC == (31, 2): # Update inventory item id = packet.read16() quantity = packet.read8() if id in self.inventory.items: item = self.inventory.items[id] previous = item.quantity item.quantity = quantity self.dispatch('item_update', item, previous) else: item = InventoryItem(id=id, quantity=quantity) self.inventory.items[] = item self.dispatch('new_item', item) elif CCC == (31, 5): # Trade invite player = trade = Trade(player, self) self.trades.append(trade) trade.alive = True trade.on_invite = True self.dispatch('trade_invite', trade) elif CCC == (31, 6): # Trade error name = packet.readUTF() error = packet.read8() if name == "": if == name: self.dispatch('trade_error',, error) self.dispatch('trade_close', else: for trade in self.trades: if trade._other.username == name: trade._close() self.dispatch('trade_error', trade, error) self.dispatch('trade_close', trade) break elif CCC == (31, 7): # Trade start player = = False = True if is not None: trade = self.dispatch('trade_close', trade) = self.dispatch('trade_start', elif CCC == (31, 8): # Trade items me = packet.readBool() id = packet.read16() adding = packet.readBool() quantity = packet.read8() quantity = (1 if adding else -1) * quantity items = if me else if id in items: items[id] += quantity else: items[id] = quantity if items[id] == 0: del items[id] = False = False self.dispatch('trade_item_change',, self if me else, id, quantity, items[id] if id in items else 0) elif CCC == (31, 9): # Trade lock if packet.readBool(): = packet.readBool() self.dispatch('trade_lock',, self, else: = packet.readBool() self.dispatch('trade_lock',,, elif CCC == (31, 10): # Trade complete trade = self.dispatch('trade_complete', trade) elif CCC == (44, 1): # Bulle switching bulle_id = packet.read32() bulle_ip = packet.readString().decode() if self.bulle is not None: self.bulle.close() self.bulle = Connection('bulle', self, self.loop) await self.bulle.connect(bulle_ip, self.main.address[1]) await self.bulle.send(*CCC).write32(bulle_id)) elif CCC == (44, 22): # Fingerprint offset changed connection.fingerprint = packet.read8() elif CCC == (60, 3): # Community platform TC = packet.read16() self.dispatch('raw_cp', TC, packet.copy(True)) if TC == 3: # Connected to the community platform self.dispatch('ready') elif TC == 55: # Channel join result result = packet.read8() self.dispatch('channel_joined_result', result) elif TC == 57: # Channel leave result result = packet.read8() self.dispatch('channel_leaved_result', result) elif TC == 59: # Channel /who result idSequence = packet.read32() result = packet.read8() players = [ Player(packet.readUTF()) for _ in range(packet.read16()) ] self.dispatch('channel_who', idSequence, players) elif TC == 62: # Joined a channel name = packet.readUTF() if name in self._channels: channel = [c for c in self._channels if c == name][0] else: channel = Channel(name, self) self._channels.append(channel) self.dispatch('channel_joined', channel) elif TC == 63: # Quit a channel name = packet.readUTF() if name in self._channels: self._channels.remove(name) self.dispatch('channel_closed', name) elif TC == 64: # Channel message author, community = packet.readUTF(), packet.read32() channel_name, message = packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF() channel = self.get_channel(channel_name) if channel is None: channel = Channel(channel_name, self) self._channels.append(channel) self.dispatch( 'channel_message', ChannelMessage(author, community, message, channel)) elif TC == 65: # Tribe message author, message = packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF() self.dispatch('tribe_message', author, message) elif TC == 66: # Whisper author, commu, receiver, message = Player( packet.readUTF()), packet.read32(), Player( packet.readUTF()), packet.readUTF() self.dispatch('whisper', Whisper(author, commu, receiver, message, self)) elif TC == 88: # tribe member connected self.dispatch('member_connected', packet.readUTF()) elif TC == 90: # tribe member disconnected self.dispatch('member_disconnected', packet.readUTF()) else: if self.LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS: print(CCC, TC, bytes(packet.buffer)[4:]) return False elif CCC == (100, 67): # New inventory item slot = packet.read8() id = packet.read16() quantity = packet.read8() item = InventoryItem(id=id, quantity=quantity, slot=None if slot == 0 else slot) self.inventory[id] = item self.dispatch('new_item', item) elif CCC == (144, 1): # Set player list before = = [] for player in range(packet.read16()): for player in before: if is not None: after = if after is not None: else: trade = self.dispatch('trade_close', trade) self.dispatch('bulk_player_update', before, elif CCC == (144, 2): # Add a player after = Player.from_packet(packet) before = if before is None: self.dispatch('player_join', after) else: if is not None: self.dispatch('player_update', before, after) else: if self.LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS: print(CCC, bytes(packet.buffer)[2:]) return False return True
class Client: """Represents a client that connects to Transformice. Two argument can be passed to the :class:`Client`. .. _event loop: Parameters ---------- community: Optional[:class:`int`] Defines the community of the client. Defaults to 0 (EN community). loop: Optional[event loop] The `event loop`_ to use for asynchronous operations. If ``None`` is passed (defaults), the event loop used will be ``asyncio.get_event_loop()``. Attributes ---------- username: Optional[:class:`str`] The bot's username received from the server. Might be None if the bot didn't log in yet. room: Optional[:class:``] The bot's room. Might be None if the bot didn't log in yet or couldn't join any room yet. trade: Optional[:class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade`] The current trade that's going on (i.e: both traders accepted it). trades: :class:`list`[:class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade`] All the trades that the bot participates. Most of them might be invitations only. inventory: Optional[:class:`aiotfm.inventory.Inventory`] The bot's inventory. Might be None if the bot didn't log in yet or it didn't receive anything. locale: :class:`aiotfm.locale.Locale` The bot's locale (translations). """ LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS = False def __init__(self, community=0, loop=None): self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self.main = Connection('main', self, self.loop) self.bulle = None self._waiters = {} = None = None self.trades = [] self.inventory = None self.username = None self.locale = Locale() = community # EN self.cp_fingerprint = 0 self._channels = [] async def received_data(self, data, connection): """|coro| Dispatches the received data. :param data: :class:`bytes` the received data. :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.connection.Connection` the connection that received the data. """ self.dispatch('raw_socket', connection, Packet(data)) try: await self.handle_packet(connection, Packet(data)) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() async def handle_packet(self, connection: Connection, packet: Packet): """|coro| Handles the known packets and dispatches events. Subclasses should handle only the unhandled packets from this method. Example: :: class Bot(aiotfm.Client): async def handle_packet(self, conn, packet): handled = await super().handle_packet(conn, packet.copy()) if not handled: # Handle here the unhandled packets. pass :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.connection.Connection` the connection that received the packet. :param packet: :class:`aiotfm.Packet` the packet. :return: True if the packet got handled, False otherwise. """ CCC = packet.readCode() if CCC == (1, 1): # Old packets data = packet.readBytes().split(b'\x01') oldCCC = tuple(data.pop(0)[:2]) self.dispatch('old_packet', connection, oldCCC, data) return await self.handle_old_packet(connection, oldCCC, data) elif CCC == (5, 21): # Joined room room = = Room(private=not packet.readBool(), name=packet.readUTF()) self.dispatch('joined_room', room) elif CCC == (6, 6): # Room message player_id = packet.read32() username = packet.readUTF() commu = packet.read8() message = packet.readUTF() self.dispatch( 'room_message', Message(Player(username, pid=player_id), message, commu, self)) elif CCC == (6, 20): # Server message packet.readBool( ) # if False then the message will appear in the #Server channel t_key = packet.readUTF() t_args = [packet.readUTF() for i in range(packet.read8())] self.dispatch('server_message', self.locale[t_key], *t_args) elif CCC == (8, 5): # Show emoji player = emoji = packet.read8() self.dispatch('emoji', player, emoji) elif CCC == (8, 16): # Profile self.dispatch('profile', Profile(packet)) elif CCC == (8, 20): # Shop self.dispatch('shop', Shop(packet)) elif CCC == (8, 22): # Skills skills = {} for i in range(packet.read8()): key, value = packet.read8(), packet.read8() skills[key] = value self.dispatch('skills', skills) elif CCC == (16, 2): # Tribe invitation received author = packet.readUTF() tribe = packet.readUTF() self.dispatch('tribe_inv', author, tribe) elif CCC == (26, 2): # Logged in successfully player_id = packet.read32() self.username = username = packet.readUTF() played_time = packet.read32() community = packet.read8() pid = packet.read32() self.dispatch('logged', player_id, username, played_time, community, pid) elif CCC == (26, 3): # Handshake OK online_players = packet.read32() # online players connection.fingerprint = packet.read8() community = packet.readUTF() # community country = packet.readUTF() # country self.authkey = packet.read32() self.loop.create_task(self._heartbeat_loop()) await connection.send(, 2).write8( os_info =, 17).writeString('en').writeString('Linux') os_info.writeString('LNX 29,0,0,140').write8(0) await connection.send(os_info) self.dispatch('login_ready', online_players, community, country) elif CCC == (26, 12): # Login result self.dispatch('login_result', packet.read8(), packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF()) elif CCC == (26, 25): # Ping self.dispatch('ping') elif CCC == (28, 6): # Server ping await connection.send(, 6).write8(packet.read8())) elif CCC == (29, 6): # Lua logs self.dispatch('lua_log', packet.readUTF()) elif CCC == (31, 1): # Inventory data self.inventory = Inventory.from_packet(packet) self.inventory.client = self self.dispatch('inventory_update', self.inventory) elif CCC == (31, 2): # Update inventory item id = packet.read16() quantity = packet.read8() if id in self.inventory.items: item = self.inventory.items[id] previous = item.quantity item.quantity = quantity self.dispatch('item_update', item, previous) else: item = InventoryItem(id=id, quantity=quantity) self.inventory.items[] = item self.dispatch('new_item', item) elif CCC == (31, 5): # Trade invite player = trade = Trade(player, self) self.trades.append(trade) trade.alive = True trade.on_invite = True self.dispatch('trade_invite', trade) elif CCC == (31, 6): # Trade error name = packet.readUTF() error = packet.read8() if name == "": if == name: self.dispatch('trade_error',, error) self.dispatch('trade_close', else: for trade in self.trades: if trade._other.username == name: trade._close() self.dispatch('trade_error', trade, error) self.dispatch('trade_close', trade) break elif CCC == (31, 7): # Trade start player = = False = True if is not None: trade = self.dispatch('trade_close', trade) = self.dispatch('trade_start', elif CCC == (31, 8): # Trade items me = packet.readBool() id = packet.read16() adding = packet.readBool() quantity = packet.read8() quantity = (1 if adding else -1) * quantity items = if me else if id in items: items[id] += quantity else: items[id] = quantity if items[id] == 0: del items[id] = False = False self.dispatch('trade_item_change',, self if me else, id, quantity, items[id] if id in items else 0) elif CCC == (31, 9): # Trade lock if packet.readBool(): = packet.readBool() self.dispatch('trade_lock',, self, else: = packet.readBool() self.dispatch('trade_lock',,, elif CCC == (31, 10): # Trade complete trade = self.dispatch('trade_complete', trade) elif CCC == (44, 1): # Bulle switching bulle_id = packet.read32() bulle_ip = packet.readString().decode() if self.bulle is not None: self.bulle.close() self.bulle = Connection('bulle', self, self.loop) await self.bulle.connect(bulle_ip, self.main.address[1]) await self.bulle.send(*CCC).write32(bulle_id)) elif CCC == (44, 22): # Fingerprint offset changed connection.fingerprint = packet.read8() elif CCC == (60, 3): # Community platform TC = packet.read16() self.dispatch('raw_cp', TC, packet.copy(True)) if TC == 3: # Connected to the community platform self.dispatch('ready') elif TC == 55: # Channel join result result = packet.read8() self.dispatch('channel_joined_result', result) elif TC == 57: # Channel leave result result = packet.read8() self.dispatch('channel_leaved_result', result) elif TC == 59: # Channel /who result idSequence = packet.read32() result = packet.read8() players = [ Player(packet.readUTF()) for _ in range(packet.read16()) ] self.dispatch('channel_who', idSequence, players) elif TC == 62: # Joined a channel name = packet.readUTF() if name in self._channels: channel = [c for c in self._channels if c == name][0] else: channel = Channel(name, self) self._channels.append(channel) self.dispatch('channel_joined', channel) elif TC == 63: # Quit a channel name = packet.readUTF() if name in self._channels: self._channels.remove(name) self.dispatch('channel_closed', name) elif TC == 64: # Channel message author, community = packet.readUTF(), packet.read32() channel_name, message = packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF() channel = self.get_channel(channel_name) if channel is None: channel = Channel(channel_name, self) self._channels.append(channel) self.dispatch( 'channel_message', ChannelMessage(author, community, message, channel)) elif TC == 65: # Tribe message author, message = packet.readUTF(), packet.readUTF() self.dispatch('tribe_message', author, message) elif TC == 66: # Whisper author, commu, receiver, message = Player( packet.readUTF()), packet.read32(), Player( packet.readUTF()), packet.readUTF() self.dispatch('whisper', Whisper(author, commu, receiver, message, self)) elif TC == 88: # tribe member connected self.dispatch('member_connected', packet.readUTF()) elif TC == 90: # tribe member disconnected self.dispatch('member_disconnected', packet.readUTF()) else: if self.LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS: print(CCC, TC, bytes(packet.buffer)[4:]) return False elif CCC == (100, 67): # New inventory item slot = packet.read8() id = packet.read16() quantity = packet.read8() item = InventoryItem(id=id, quantity=quantity, slot=None if slot == 0 else slot) self.inventory[id] = item self.dispatch('new_item', item) elif CCC == (144, 1): # Set player list before = = [] for player in range(packet.read16()): for player in before: if is not None: after = if after is not None: else: trade = self.dispatch('trade_close', trade) self.dispatch('bulk_player_update', before, elif CCC == (144, 2): # Add a player after = Player.from_packet(packet) before = if before is None: self.dispatch('player_join', after) else: if is not None: self.dispatch('player_update', before, after) else: if self.LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS: print(CCC, bytes(packet.buffer)[2:]) return False return True async def handle_old_packet(self, connection: Connection, oldCCC: tuple, data: list): """|coro| Handles the known packets from the old protocol and dispatches events. Subclasses should handle only the unhandled packets from this method. Example: :: class Bot(aiotfm.Client): async def handle_old_packet(self, conn, oldCCC, data): handled = await super().handle_old_packet(conn, data.copy()) if not handled: # Handle here the unhandled packets. pass :param connection: :class:`aiotfm.connection.Connection` the connection that received the packet. :param oldCCC: :class:`tuple` the packet identifiers on the old protocol. :param data: :class:`list` the packet data. :return: True if the packet got handled, False otherwise. """ if oldCCC == (8, 7): # Remove a player player =[0])) if player is not None: if is not None: trade = player[1].trade self.dispatch('trade_close', trade) self.dispatch('player_remove', player) else: if self.LOG_UNHANDLED_PACKETS: print("[OLD]", oldCCC, data) return False return True async def _heartbeat_loop(self): """|coro| Send a packet every fifteen seconds to stay connected to the game. """ last_heartbeat = 0 while if self.loop.time() - last_heartbeat >= 15: t = time.perf_counter() await self.main.send(, 26)) await self.main.send(, 26)) if self.bulle is not None and await self.bulle.send(, 26)) self.dispatch('heartbeat', (time.perf_counter() - t) * 1000) last_heartbeat = self.loop.time() await asyncio.sleep(.5) def get_channel(self, name): if name is None: return None for channel in self._channels: if == name: return channel def event(self, coro): """A decorator that registers an event. More about events [here]( """ name = coro.__name__ if not name.startswith('on_'): raise InvalidEvent( "'{}' isn't a correct event naming.".format(name)) if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise InvalidEvent( "Couldn't register a non-coroutine function for the event {}.". format(name)) setattr(self, name, coro) return coro def wait_for(self, event, condition=None, timeout=None, stopPropagation=False): """Wait for an event. Example: :: @client.event async def on_room_message(author, message): if message=='id': await client.sendCommand('profile '+author) profile = await client.wait_for('on_profile', lambda p: p.username==author) await client.sendRoomMessage('Your id: {}'.format( :param event: :class:`str` the event name. :param condition: Optionnal[:class:`function`] A predicate to check what to wait for. The arguments must meet the parameters of the event being waited for. :param timeout: Optionnal[:class:`int`] the number of seconds before raise asyncio.TimeoutError :return: :class:`asyncio.Future` a future that you must await. """ event = event.lower() future = self.loop.create_future() if condition is None: def condition(*a): return True if event not in self._waiters: self._waiters[event] = [] self._waiters[event].append((condition, future, stopPropagation)) return asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout, loop=self.loop) async def _run_event(self, coro, event_name, *args, **kwargs): """|coro| Runs an event and handle the error if any. :param coro: a coroutine function. :param event_name: :class:`str` the event's name. :param args: arguments to pass to the coro. :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the coro. """ try: await coro(*args, **kwargs) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception as e: if hasattr(self, 'on_error'): try: await self.on_error(event_name, e, *args, **kwargs) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass def dispatch(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """Dispatches events :param event: :class:`str` event's name. (without 'on_') :param args: arguments to pass to the coro. :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the coro. """ method = 'on_' + event if method in self._waiters: to_remove = [] waiters = self._waiters[method] for i, (cond, fut, stop) in enumerate(waiters): if fut.cancelled(): to_remove.append(i) continue try: result = bool(cond(*args)) except Exception as e: fut.set_exception(e) else: if result: fut.set_result(args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args if len(args) else None) if stop: del waiters[i] return else: to_remove.append(i) if len(to_remove) == len(waiters): del self._waiters[method] else: for i in to_remove[::-1]: del waiters[i] coro = getattr(self, method, None) if coro is not None: asyncio.ensure_future(self._run_event(coro, method, *args, **kwargs), loop=self.loop) async def on_error(self, event, err, *a, **kw): message = '\nAn error occurred while dispatching the event "{0}":\n\n{2}' tb = traceback.format_exc(limit=-1) print(message.format(event, err, tb), file=sys.stderr) return message.format(event, err, tb) async def on_connection_error(self, conn, error): print('{0.__class__.__name__}: {0}'.format(error), file=sys.stderr) if isinstance(error, EOFError): self.close() async def start(self, api_tfmid, api_token, keys=None): """|coro| Connects the client to the game. :param api_tfmid: :class:`int` or :class:`str` your Transformice id. :param api_token: :class:`str` your token to access the API. """ if keys is not None: self.keys = keys else: self.keys = keys = await get_keys(api_tfmid, api_token) for port in [13801, 11801, 12801, 14801]: try: await self.main.connect('', port) except: pass else: break else: raise ConnectionError('Unable to connect to the server.') while not self.main.socket.connected: await asyncio.sleep(.1) packet =, 1).write16(keys.version).writeString( keys.connection) packet.writeString('Desktop').writeString('-').write32( 0x1fbd).writeString('') packet.writeString( '74696720697320676f6e6e61206b696c6c206d7920626f742e20736f20736164') packet.writeString( "A=t&SA=t&SV=t&EV=t&MP3=t&AE=t&VE=t&ACC=t&PR=t&SP=f&SB=f&DEB=f&V=LNX 29,0,0,140&M=Adobe Linux&R=1920x1080&COL=color&AR=1.0&OS=Linux&ARCH=x86&L=en&IME=t&PR32=t&PR64=t&LS=en-US&PT=Desktop&AVD=f&LFD=f&WD=f&TLS=t&ML=5.1&DP=72" ) packet.write32(0).write32(0x6257).writeString('') await self.main.send(packet) await self.locale.load() async def login(self, username, password, encrypted=True, room='1'): """|coro| Log in the game. :param username: :class:`str` the client username. :param password: :class:`str` the client password. :param encrypted: Optional[:class:`bool`] whether the password is already encrypted or not. :param room: Optional[:class:`str`] the room where the client will be logged in. """ if not encrypted: from .utils import shakikoo password = shakikoo(password) packet =, 8).writeString(username).writeString(password) packet.writeString( "app:/TransformiceAIR.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/2/[[DYNAMIC]]/4") packet.writeString(room).write32(self.authkey ^ self.keys.auth).write8( 0).writeString('') packet.cipher(self.keys.identification).write8(0) await self.main.send(packet) def run(self, api_tfmid, api_token, username, password, **kwargs): """A blocking call that do the event loop initialization for you. Equivalent to :: @bot.event async def on_login_ready(*a): await bot.login(username, password) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(bot.start(api_id, api_token)) loop.run_forever() """ asyncio.ensure_future(self.start(api_tfmid, api_token, keys=kwargs.pop('keys', None)), loop=self.loop) self.loop.run_until_complete(self.wait_for('on_login_ready')) asyncio.ensure_future(self.login(username, password, **kwargs), loop=self.loop) try: self.loop.run_forever() except Exception as e: # add self.close # asyncio.ensure_future(self.close()) raise e def close(self): self.main.close() if self.bulle is not None: self.bulle.close() self.loop.stop() async def sendCP(self, code, data=b''): """|coro| Send a packet to the community platform. :param code: :class:`int` the community platform code. :param data: :class:`Packet` or :class:`bytes` the data. """ self.cp_fingerprint = fp = (self.cp_fingerprint + 1) % 0XFFFFFFFF packet =, 3).write16(code) packet.write32(self.cp_fingerprint).writeBytes(data) await self.main.send(packet, cipher=True) return fp async def sendRoomMessage(self, message): """|coro| Send a message to the room. :param message: :class:`str` the content of the message. """ packet =, 6).writeString(message) await self.bulle.send(packet, cipher=True) async def sendTribeMessage(self, message): """|coro| Send a message to the tribe. :param message: :class:`str` the content of the message. """ await self.sendCP(50, Packet().writeString(message)) async def sendChannelMessage(self, channel, message): """|coro| Send a message to a public channel. :param channel: :class:`str` the channel's name. :param message: :class:`str` the content of the message. """ if isinstance(channel, Channel): channel = return await self.sendCP( 48, Packet().writeString(channel).writeString(message)) async def whisper(self, username, message, overflow=False): """|coro| Whisper to a player. :param username: :class:`str` the player to whisper. :param message: :class:`str` the content of the whisper. :param overflow: :class:`bool` will send the complete message if True, splitted in several messages. """ if isinstance(username, Player): username = username.username async def send(msg): await self.sendCP(52, Packet().writeString(username).writeString(msg)) if isinstance(message, str): message = message.encode() message = message.replace(b'<', b'<').replace(b'>', b'>') await send(message[:255]) for i in range(255, len(message), 255): await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.whisper(username, message[i:i + 255]) async def getTribe(self, disconnected=True): """|coro| Gets the client's :class:`Tribe` and return it :param disconnected: :class:`bool` if True retrieves also the disconnected members. :return: :class:`Tribe` or ``None``. """ sid = self.cp_fingerprint + 1 await self.sendCP(108, Packet().writeBool(disconnected)) tc, packet = await self.wait_for( 'on_raw_cp', lambda tc, p: (tc == 109 and p.read32() == sid) or tc == 130) if tc == 109: result = packet.readByte() if result == 1: tc, packet = await self.wait_for('on_raw_cp', lambda tc, p: tc == 130) elif result == 17: return None else: raise CommunityPlatformError(118, result) return Tribe(packet) async def playEmote(self, id, flag='be'): """|coro| Play an emote. :param id: :class:`int` the emote's id. :param flag: Optional[:class:`str`] the flag for the emote id 10. Defaults to 'be'. """ packet =, 1).write8(id).write32(0) if id == 10: packet.writeString(flag) await self.bulle.send(packet) async def sendSmiley(self, id): """|coro| Makes the client showing a smiley above it's head. :param id: :class:`int` the smiley's id. (from 0 to 9) """ if id < 0 or id > 9: raise AiotfmException('Invalid smiley id') packet =, 5).write8(id).write32(0) await self.bulle.send(packet) async def loadLua(self, lua_code): """|coro| Load a lua code in the room. :param lua_code: :class:`str` or :class:`bytes` the lua code to send. """ if isinstance(lua_code, str): lua_code = lua_code.encode() packet =, 1).write24(len(lua_code)).writeBytes(lua_code) await self.bulle.send(packet) async def sendCommand(self, command): """|coro| Send a command to the game. :param command: :class:`str` the command to send. """ packet =, 26).writeString(command[:255]) await self.main.send(packet, cipher=True) async def enterTribe(self): """|coro| Enter the tribe house """ await self.main.send(, 1)) async def enterTribeHouse(self): """|coro| Alias for :meth:`enterTribe` """ await self.enterTribe() async def joinRoom(self, room_name, community=None, auto=False): """|coro| Join a room. The event 'on_joined_room' is dispatched when the client has successfully joined the room. :param room_name: :class:`str` the room's name. :param community: Optional[:class:`int`] the room's community. :param auto: Optional[:class:`bool`] joins a random room (I think). """ packet =, 38).write8(community or packet.writeString(room_name).writeBool(auto) await self.main.send(packet) async def joinChannel(self, name, permanent=True): """|coro| Join a #channel. The event 'on_channel_joined' is dispatched when the client has successfully joined a channel. :param name: :class:`str` the channel's name :param permanent: Optional[:class:`bool`] if True (default) the server will automatically reconnect the user to this channel when logged in. """ await self.sendCP(54, Packet().writeString(name).writeBool(permanent)) async def leaveChannel(self, channel): """|coro| Leaves a #channel. :param channel: :class:`aiotfm.Channel` channel to leave. """ if isinstance(channel, Channel): name = else: name = channel await self.sendCP(56, Packet().writeString(name)) async def enterInvTribeHouse(self, author): """|coro| Join the tribe house of another player after receiving an /inv. :param author: :class:`str` the author's username who sent the invitation. """ await self.main.send(, 2).writeString(author)) async def recruit(self, player): """|coro| Send a recruit request to a player. :param player: :class:`str` the player's username you want to recruit. """ await self.sendCP(78, Packet().writeString(player)) async def requestShopList(self): """|coro| Send a request to the server to get the shop list.""" await self.main.send(, 20)) async def startTrade(self, player): """|coro| Starts a trade with the given player. :param player: :class:`aiotfm.player.Player` the player to trade with. :return: :class:`aiotfm.inventory.Trade` the resulting trade""" trade = Trade(self, player) self.trades.append(trade) trade.alive = True trade.on_invite = True await trade.accept() return trade async def requestInventory(self): """|coro| Send a request to the server to get the bot's inventory.""" await self.main.send(, 1)) async def on_login_result(self, code, *args): self.loop.call_later(5, self.close) if code == 1: raise AlreadyConnected() elif code == 2: raise IncorrectPassword() raise LoginError(code)