Пример #1
class DAGDetailSchema(DAGSchema):
    """DAG details"""

    owners = fields.Method("get_owners", dump_only=True)
    timezone = TimezoneField()
    catchup = fields.Boolean()
    orientation = fields.String()
    concurrency = fields.Method(
        "get_concurrency")  # TODO: Remove in Airflow 3.0
    max_active_tasks = fields.Integer()
    start_date = fields.DateTime()
    dag_run_timeout = fields.Nested(TimeDeltaSchema,
    doc_md = fields.String()
    default_view = fields.String()
    params = fields.Method('get_params', dump_only=True)
    tags = fields.Method("get_tags", dump_only=True)  # type: ignore
    is_paused = fields.Method("get_is_paused", dump_only=True)
    is_active = fields.Method("get_is_active", dump_only=True)
    is_paused_upon_creation = fields.Boolean()
    end_date = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True)
    template_search_path = fields.String(dump_only=True)
    render_template_as_native_obj = fields.Boolean(dump_only=True)
    last_loaded = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True, data_key='last_parsed')

    def get_concurrency(obj: DAG):
        return obj.max_active_tasks

    def get_tags(obj: DAG):
        """Dumps tags as objects"""
        tags = obj.tags
        if tags:
            return [DagTagSchema().dump(dict(name=tag)) for tag in tags]
        return []

    def get_owners(obj: DAG):
        """Convert owners attribute to DAG representation"""
        if not getattr(obj, 'owner', None):
            return []
        return obj.owner.split(",")

    def get_is_paused(obj: DAG):
        """Checks entry in DAG table to see if this DAG is paused"""
        return obj.get_is_paused()

    def get_is_active(obj: DAG):
        """Checks entry in DAG table to see if this DAG is active"""
        return obj.get_is_active()

    def get_params(obj: DAG):
        """Get the Params defined in a DAG"""
        params = obj.params
        return {k: v.dump() for k, v in params.items()}
Пример #2
class DAGDetailSchema(DAGSchema):
    """DAG details"""

    timezone = TimezoneField(dump_only=True)
    catchup = fields.Boolean(dump_only=True)
    orientation = fields.String(dump_only=True)
    concurrency = fields.Integer(dump_only=True)
    start_date = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True)
    dag_run_timeout = fields.Nested(TimeDeltaSchema, dump_only=True, attribute="dagrun_timeout")
    doc_md = fields.String(dump_only=True)
    default_view = fields.String(dump_only=True)
Пример #3
class DAGDetailSchema(DAGSchema):
    """DAG details"""

    owners = fields.Method("get_owners", dump_only=True)
    timezone = TimezoneField()
    catchup = fields.Boolean()
    orientation = fields.String()
    concurrency = fields.Integer()  # TODO: Remove in Airflow 3.0
    max_active_tasks = fields.Integer()
    start_date = fields.DateTime()
    dag_run_timeout = fields.Nested(TimeDeltaSchema,
    doc_md = fields.String()
    default_view = fields.String()
    params = fields.Dict()
    tags = fields.Method("get_tags", dump_only=True)
    is_paused = fields.Method("get_is_paused", dump_only=True)
    is_active = fields.Method("get_is_active", dump_only=True)

    def get_tags(obj: DAG):
        """Dumps tags as objects"""
        tags = obj.tags
        if tags:
            return [DagTagSchema().dump(dict(name=tag)) for tag in tags]
        return []

    def get_owners(obj: DAG):
        """Convert owners attribute to DAG representation"""
        if not getattr(obj, 'owner', None):
            return []
        return obj.owner.split(",")

    def get_is_paused(obj: DAG):
        """Checks entry in DAG table to see if this DAG is paused"""
        return obj.get_is_paused()

    def get_is_active(obj: DAG):
        """Checks entry in DAG table to see if this DAG is active"""
        return obj.get_is_active()