def getCityCodeDict():
    A function to read in database table create a dictionary with the
    key coming from the first column.  The dictionary value an Airport() object.
    The dictionary is returned.

    Each row of the table contains 2 strings in double quotes.
    table = 'airport'
    connection = openConnection()
    curs = connection.cursor()
    sqlcmd = "SELECT * FROM " + table
    d = {}

    for row in curs.fetchall():
        airport = airlineClasses.Airport()
        airport.cityCode = row[0] = row[1]
        d[airport.cityCode] = airport

    return d
Пример #2
def getCityCodeDict():
    A function to read in a CSV text file and create a dictionary with the
    key coming from the first field.  The dictionary value an Airport() object.
    The dictionary is returned.

    Each line of the CSV file contains 2 strings in double quotes.
    The double quotes and \n are removed from each line before insertion into the dictionary

    dictionary = {}
    for input in open(filename1, 'r'):
        if input:
            input = input.rstrip()  # remove the newline
            input = input.replace('"', '')  # replace double quotes with null
            input = input.split(',')  # split at the comma
            airport = airlineClasses.Airport()  # create new object
            airport.cityCode = input[0]  # assign into new object
   = input[1]
            dictionary[airport.cityCode] = airport  # store in dictionary
    return dictionary

# Part C