Пример #1
def test_cell_class_init():
    with raises(AssertionError):

    with raises(AssertionError):
        CellClass(db.Pair.n_ex_test_spikes < 10)

    with raises(AssertionError):

    with raises(AssertionError):
Пример #2
def test_cell_class_contains():

    cell = db.Cell()
    morpho = db.Morphology()
    loc = db.CorticalCellLocation()
    cell.morphology = morpho
    cell.cortical_location = loc

    cls = CellClass(cre_type=('sst', 'pvalb'))
    cell.cre_type = 'sst'
    assert cell in cls

    cell.cre_type = 'sim1'
    assert cell not in cls

    cls = CellClass(cre_type='sim1', dendrite_type='spiny')

    morpho.dendrite_type = 'spiny'
    assert cell in cls
    morpho.dendrite_type = 'aspiny'
    assert cell not in cls
    cls = CellClass(cre_type='sim1', dendrite_type='spiny', cortical_layer='2/3')

    morpho.dendrite_type = 'spiny'
    loc.cortical_layer = '2/3'
    assert cell in cls

    loc.cortical_layer = '2'
    assert cell not in cls

    cls = CellClass(cre_type='sim1', dendrite_type='spiny', cortical_layer='2/3', cell_class='ex')

    cell.cell_class = 'ex'
    loc.cortical_layer = '2/3'
    assert cell in cls

    cell.cell_class = 'mixed'
    assert cell not in cls

    cls = CellClass(input_resistance=0)
    # no intrinsic added to this cell
    assert cell not in cls
Пример #3
def ei_hist_plot(ax, metric, bin_edges, db, pair_query_args):
    ei_classes = {'ex': CellClass(cell_class='ex'), 'in': CellClass(cell_class='in')}
    pairs_has_metric, metric_name, units, scale, _, _, log_scale, _, _ = get_metric_data(metric, db, ei_classes, ei_classes, pair_query_args=pair_query_args)
    ex_pairs = pairs_has_metric[pairs_has_metric['pre_class']=='ex']
    in_pairs = pairs_has_metric[pairs_has_metric['pre_class']=='in']
    if 'amp' in metric:
        ax[0].hist(ex_pairs[metric]*scale, bins=bin_edges, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), label='All Excitatory Synapses')
        ax[1].hist(in_pairs[metric]*scale, bins=bin_edges, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), label='All Inhibitory Synapses')
        ax[0].hist(pairs_has_metric[metric]*scale, bins=bin_edges, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), label='All Synapses')
        ax[1].hist(pairs_has_metric[metric]*scale, bins=bin_edges, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), label='All Synapses')

    ee_pairs = ex_pairs[ex_pairs['post_class']=='ex']
    ei_pairs = ex_pairs[ex_pairs['post_class']=='in']
    ax[0].hist(ee_pairs[metric]*scale, bins=bin_edges, color='red', alpha=0.6, label='E->E Synapses')
    ax[0].hist(ei_pairs[metric]*scale, bins=bin_edges, color='pink', alpha=0.8, label='E->I Synapses')

    ii_pairs = in_pairs[in_pairs['post_class']=='in']
    ie_pairs = in_pairs[in_pairs['post_class']=='ex']
    ax[1].hist(ii_pairs[metric]*scale, bins=bin_edges, color='blue', alpha=0.4, label='I->I Synapses')
    ax[1].hist(ie_pairs[metric]*scale, bins=bin_edges, color='purple', alpha=0.4, label='I->E Synapses')
    ax[1].set_xlabel('%s (%s)' % (metric_name, units))
    ax[1].set_ylabel('Number of Synapses', fontsize=12)

    #KS test
    excitatory = stats.ks_2samp(ee_pairs[metric], ei_pairs[metric])
    inhibitory = stats.ks_2samp(ii_pairs[metric], ie_pairs[metric])
    print('Two-sample KS test for %s' % metric)
    print('Excitatory: p = %0.3e' % excitatory[1])
    print('Inhibitory: p = %0.3e' % inhibitory[1])

    return ex_pairs, in_pairs
Пример #4
 def get_pre_or_post_classes(self, key):
     """Return a list of postsynaptic cell_classes. This will be a subset of self.cell_classes."""
     # if self.cell_classes is None:
     #     return []
     ccg = copy.deepcopy(self.cell_class_groups)
     classes = []
     for group in self.params.children():
         if group.value() is True:
             if group['pre/post'] in ['both', key]:
     classes = self.layer_call(classes)
     classes = [CellClass(**c) for c in classes]
     return classes
Пример #5
 def get_cell_groups(self, pairs):
     """Given a list of cell pairs, return a dict indicating which cells
     are members of each user selected cell class.
     This internally calls cell_class.classify_cells
     ccg = copy.deepcopy(self.cell_class_groups)
     if self.cell_groups is None:
         self.cell_classes = []
         for group in self.params.children()[1:]:
             if group.value() is True:
         self.cell_classes = self.layer_call(self.cell_classes)
         self.cell_classes = [CellClass(**c) for c in self.cell_classes]
         self.cell_groups = classify_cells(self.cell_classes, pairs=pairs)
     return self.cell_groups, self.cell_classes
Пример #6
 def _make_cell_class(self, spec):
     spec = spec.copy()
     dnames = spec.pop('display_names')
     cell_cls = CellClass(**spec, name=' '.join(dnames).strip())
     cell_cls.display_names = dnames
     return cell_cls
Пример #7
 def _make_cell_class(self, spec):
     spec = spec.copy()
     dnames = spec.pop('display_names')
     cell_cls = CellClass(**spec)
     cell_cls.display_names = dnames
     return cell_cls
Пример #8
def test_correction_model():
    # test preparations
    ei_classes = {
        'excit': CellClass(cell_class_nonsynaptic='ex', name='ex'),
        'inhib': CellClass(cell_class_nonsynaptic='in', name='in')
    correction_metrics = {
        'lateral_distance': {
            'model': GaussianModel,
            'init': (0.1, 100e-6),
            'bounds': ((0.001, 1), (100e-6, 100e-6))
        'pre_axon_length': {
            'model': BinaryModel,
            'init': (0.1, 200e-6, 0.5),
            'bounds': ((0.001, 1), (200e-6, 200e-6), (0.1, 0.9))
        'avg_pair_depth': {
            'model': ErfModel,
            'init': (0.1, 30e-6, 30e-6),
            'bounds': ((0.01, 1), (10e-6, 200e-6), (-100e-6, 100e-6))
        'detection_power': {
            'init': (0.1, 1.0, 3.0),
            'model': ErfModel,
            'bounds': ((0.001, 1), (0.1, 5), (2, 5)),
            'constraint': (0.6745, 4.6613)

    # test finite connection cases
    pairs, variables, conn = data_snippets()
    corr_model = ei_correct_connectivity(ei_classes, correction_metrics, pairs)
    # fixing the correction parameters from a larger pool of data
    correction_parameters = [
            np.array([0.1, 100e-6]),  # lateral_distance (Gaussian)
            np.array([6.939e-2, 2.000e-4,
                      6.003e-1]),  # pre_axon_length (Binary)
            np.array([6.893e-2, 4.021e-5, 2.848e-5]),  # avg_pair_depth (Erf)
            np.array([9.847e-2, 6.845e-1, 4.200])
        ],  # detection_power (Erf)
            np.array([0.1, 100e-6]),
            np.array([1.227e-1, 2.000e-4, 3.634e-1]),
            np.array([1.095e-1, 4.130e-5, 2.700e-5]),
            np.array([1.967e-1, 4.396e-1, 4.365])

    corr_model.correction_parameters = correction_parameters

    assert corr_model.pmax == 0.1

    fit = corr_model.fit(variables, conn, excinh=1)
    assert corr_model.pmax == pytest.approx(0.74590, 1e-4)
    assert fit.x == pytest.approx(0.74590, 1e-4)
    assert corr_model.likelihood(variables,
                                 conn) == pytest.approx(-1.95075, 1e-4)
    assert fit.fun == pytest.approx(1.95075, 1e-4)

    assert fit.cp_ci[0] == corr_model.pmax
    assert fit.cp_ci[1] == pytest.approx(0.0478545, 1e-4)  # lower MINOS value
    assert fit.cp_ci[2] == pytest.approx(2.17707, 1e-4)  # upper MINOS value

    # test zero-connection cases
    pairs, variables, conn = data_snippets('zero')
    fit = CorrectionModel.fit(corr_model, variables, conn, excinh=1)
    assert fit.cp_ci[0] == pytest.approx(0, abs=1e-6)
    assert fit.cp_ci[1] == pytest.approx(0, abs=1e-6)  # lower MINOS value
    assert fit.cp_ci[2] == pytest.approx(1.03155, 1e-4)  # upper MINOS value

    # test full-cnnection cases
    pairs, variables, conn = data_snippets('full')
    fit = CorrectionModel.fit(corr_model, variables, conn, excinh=1)
    assert fit.cp_ci[0] == pytest.approx(3, 1e-4)  # maxed out
    assert fit.cp_ci[1] == pytest.approx(1.87319, 1e-4)  # lower MINOS value
    assert fit.cp_ci[2] == pytest.approx(3, 1e-4)  # upper MINOS value

Пример #9

mouse_dist_plots[0].setXRange(20e-6, 180e-6, padding=0)
mouse_dist_plots[0].setYRange(0, 0.4, padding=0)
human_dist_plots[0].setYRange(0, 0.4, padding=0)
mouse_hist_plots[0].setYRange(0, 200)
human_hist_plots[0].setYRange(0, 50)


# define CellClass, short name, and color for each class
mouse_classes = [
    (CellClass(target_layer='2/3', pyramidal=True), 'L2/3', (249, 144, 92)),
    (CellClass(cre_type='rorb'), 'Rorb', (100, 202, 103)),
    (CellClass(cre_type='tlx3'), 'Tlx3', (81, 221, 209)),
    (CellClass(cre_type='sim1'), 'Sim1', (45, 77, 247)),
    (CellClass(cre_type='ntsr1'), 'Ntsr1', (153, 51, 255)),

human_classes = [
    (CellClass(target_layer='2', pyramidal=True), 'L2', (247, 118, 118)),
    (CellClass(target_layer='3', pyramidal=True), 'L3', (246, 197, 97)),
    (CellClass(target_layer='4', pyramidal=True), 'L4', (100, 202, 103)),
    (CellClass(target_layer='5', pyramidal=True), 'L5', (107, 155, 250)),
    (CellClass(target_layer='6', pyramidal=True), 'L6', (153, 51, 255)),

Пример #10
def test_cell_class_is_excitatory():

    cls = CellClass(cre_type='sst')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is False
    assert cls.output_synapse_type == 'in'

    cls = CellClass(cre_type='sim1')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is True
    assert cls.output_synapse_type == 'ex'

    cls = CellClass(cre_type=['sst', 'pvalb'])
    assert cls.is_excitatory is False
    assert cls.output_synapse_type == 'in'

    cls = CellClass(cre_type=['sst', 'tlx3'])
    assert cls.is_excitatory is None
    assert cls.output_synapse_type is None

    cls = CellClass(cre_type=['sst'], dendrite_type='spiny')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is None
    assert cls.output_synapse_type is None

    cls = CellClass(cre_type='rorb', dendrite_type='spiny')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is True
    assert cls.output_synapse_type == 'ex'

    cls = CellClass(cre_type='rorb', dendrite_type='sparsely spiny')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is None
    assert cls.output_synapse_type is None

    cls = CellClass(cre_type=['sst', 'vip'], dendrite_type='sparsely spiny')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is False
    assert cls.output_synapse_type == 'in'

    cls = CellClass(cell_class='in')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is False
    assert cls.output_synapse_type == 'in'

    cls = CellClass(cell_class_nonsynaptic='in')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is False
    assert cls.output_synapse_type == 'in'

    cls = CellClass(cell_class='ex')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is True
    assert cls.output_synapse_type == 'ex'

    cls = CellClass(cell_class_nonsynaptic='ex')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is True
    assert cls.output_synapse_type == 'ex'

    cls = CellClass(cell_class='in', cell_class_nonsynaptic='ex')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is None
    assert cls.output_synapse_type is None

    cls = CellClass(target_layer='2/3')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is None
    assert cls.output_synapse_type is None

    cls = CellClass(target_layer='2/3', cell_class='ex')
    assert cls.is_excitatory is True
    assert cls.output_synapse_type == 'ex'