Пример #1
def scale_animal_images(dbo):
    Goes through all animal images in the database and scales
    them to the current incoming media scaling factor.
    mp = db.query(
        "SELECT MediaName FROM media WHERE LOWER(MediaName) LIKE '%.jpg' AND LinkTypeID = 0"
    for i, m in enumerate(mp):
        filepath = db.query_string(
            dbo, "SELECT Path FROM dbfs WHERE Name='%s'" % m["MEDIANAME"])
        name = str(m["MEDIANAME"])
        inputfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False)
        outputfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False)
        odata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, name)
        al.debug("scaling %s (%d of %d)" % (name, i, len(mp)),
                 "media.scale_animal_images", dbo)
        scale_image_file(inputfile.name, outputfile.name,
        f = open(outputfile.name, "r")
        data = f.read()
        # Update the image file data
        dbfs.put_string(dbo, name, filepath, data)
    al.debug("scaled %d images" % len(mp), "media.scale_animal_images", dbo)
Пример #2
Файл: db.py Проект: magul/asm3
def get_id(dbo, table):
    Returns the next ID in sequence for a table according to a number
    of different strategies.
    cache: Use an in-memory cache to track PK values (initialised by SELECT MAX)
    pseq:  Use PostgreSQL sequences
    If the database has an ASM2 primary key table, it will be updated
        with the next pk value.
    strategy = ""
    nextid = 0
    if DB_PK_STRATEGY == "max" or dbo.has_asm2_pk_table:
        nextid = _get_id_max(dbo, table)
        strategy = "max"
    elif DB_PK_STRATEGY == "cache":
        nextid = _get_id_cache(dbo, table)
        strategy = "cache"
    elif DB_PK_STRATEGY == "pseq" and dbo.dbtype == "POSTGRESQL":
        nextid = _get_id_postgres_seq(dbo, table)
        strategy = "pseq"
        raise Exception("No valid PK strategy found")
    if dbo.has_asm2_pk_table: 
        _get_id_set_asm2_primarykey(dbo, table, nextid + 1)
        strategy += " asm2pk"
    al.debug("get_id: %s -> %d (%s)" % (table, nextid, strategy), "db.get_id", dbo)
    return nextid
Пример #3
def scale_all_animal_images(dbo):
    Goes through all animal images in the database and scales
    them to the current incoming media scaling factor.
    mp = dbo.query("SELECT ID, MediaName FROM media WHERE MediaMimeType = 'image/jpeg' AND LinkTypeID = 0")
    for i, m in enumerate(mp):
        filepath = dbo.query_string("SELECT Path FROM dbfs WHERE Name = ?", [m.MEDIANAME])
        name = str(m.MEDIANAME)
        inputfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".jpg", delete=False)
        outputfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".jpg", delete=False)
        odata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, name)
        al.debug("scaling %s (%d of %d)" % (name, i, len(mp)), "media.scale_all_animal_images", dbo)
            scale_image_file(inputfile.name, outputfile.name, configuration.incoming_media_scaling(dbo))
        except Exception as err:
            al.error("failed scaling image, doing nothing: %s" % err, "media.scale_all_animal_images", dbo)
        data = utils.read_binary_file(outputfile.name)
        # Update the image file data
        dbfs.put_string(dbo, name, filepath, data)
        dbo.update("media", m.ID, { "MediaSize": len(data) })
    al.debug("scaled %d images" % len(mp), "media.scale_all_animal_images", dbo)
Пример #4
def check_and_scale_pdfs(dbo):
    Goes through all PDFs in the database to see if they have been
    scaled (have a suffix of _scaled.pdf) and scales down any unscaled
        al.warn("SCALE_PDF_DURING_BATCH is disabled, not scaling pdfs",
                "media.check_and_scale_pdfs", dbo)
    if not configuration.scale_pdfs(dbo):
            "ScalePDFs config option disabled in this database, not scaling pdfs",
            "media.check_and_scale_pdfs", dbo)
    mp = db.query(dbo, \
        "SELECT MediaName FROM media WHERE LOWER(MediaName) LIKE '%.pdf' AND " \
        "LOWER(MediaName) NOT LIKE '%_scaled.pdf'")
    for m in mp:
        filepath = db.query_string(
            dbo, "SELECT Path FROM dbfs WHERE Name='%s'" % m["MEDIANAME"])
        original_name = str(m["MEDIANAME"])
        new_name = str(m["MEDIANAME"])
        new_name = new_name[0:len(new_name) - 4] + "_scaled.pdf"
        odata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, original_name)
        data = scale_pdf(odata)
        # Update the media entry with the new name
        db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE media SET MediaName = '%s' WHERE MediaName = '%s'" % \
            ( new_name, original_name))
        # Update the dbfs entry with the new name
        dbfs.rename_file(dbo, filepath, original_name, new_name)
        # Update the PDF file data
        dbfs.put_string(dbo, new_name, filepath, data)
    al.debug("found and scaled %d pdfs" % len(mp),
             "media.check_and_scale_pdfs", dbo)
Пример #5
def attach_link_from_form(dbo, username, linktype, linkid, post):
    Attaches a link to a web resource from a form
    existingvid = dbo.query_int("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE WebsiteVideo = 1 " \
        "AND LinkID = ? AND LinkTypeID = ?", (linkid, linktype))
    defvid = 0
    if existingvid == 0 and post.integer("linktype") == MEDIATYPE_VIDEO_LINK:
        defvid = 1
    url = post["linktarget"]
    if url.find("://") == -1:
        url = "http://" + url
    al.debug("attached link %s" % url, "media.attach_file_from_form")
    return dbo.insert("media", {
        "DBFSID":               0,
        "MediaSize":            0,
        "MediaName":            url,
        "MediaMimeType":        "text/url",
        "MediaType":            post.integer("linktype"),
        "MediaNotes":           post["comments"],
        "WebsitePhoto":         0,
        "WebsiteVideo":         defvid,
        "DocPhoto":             0,
        "ExcludeFromPublish":   0,
        "NewSinceLastPublish":  1,
        "UpdatedSinceLastPublish": 0,
        "LinkID":               linkid,
        "LinkTypeID":           linktype,
        "Date":                 dbo.now(),
        "RetainUntil":          None
    }, username, setCreated=False)
Пример #6
def check_and_scale_pdfs(dbo, force = False):
    Goes through all PDFs in the database to see if they have been
    scaled (have a suffix of _scaled.pdf) and scales down any unscaled
    If force is set, then all PDFs are checked and scaled again even
    if they've been scaled before.
    if not configuration.scale_pdfs(dbo):
        al.warn("ScalePDFs config option disabled in this database, not scaling pdfs", "media.check_and_scale_pdfs", dbo)
    if force:
        mp = db.query(dbo, \
            "SELECT ID, MediaName FROM media WHERE LOWER(MediaName) LIKE '%.pdf' ORDER BY ID DESC")
        mp = db.query(dbo, \
            "SELECT ID, MediaName FROM media WHERE LOWER(MediaName) LIKE '%.pdf' AND " \
            "LOWER(MediaName) NOT LIKE '%_scaled.pdf' ORDER BY ID DESC")
    for i, m in enumerate(mp):
        filepath = db.query_string(dbo, "SELECT Path FROM dbfs WHERE Name='%s'" % m["MEDIANAME"])
        original_name = str(m["MEDIANAME"])
        new_name = str(m["ID"]) + "_scaled.pdf"
        odata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, original_name)
        data = scale_pdf(odata)
        al.debug("scaling %s (%d of %d): old size %d, new size %d" % (new_name, i, len(mp), len(odata), len(data)), "check_and_scale_pdfs", dbo)
        # Update the media entry with the new name
        db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE media SET MediaName = '%s' WHERE ID = %d" % ( new_name, m["ID"]))
        # Update the dbfs entry from old name to new name (will be overwritten in a minute but safer than delete)
        dbfs.rename_file(dbo, filepath, original_name, new_name)
        # Store the PDF file data with the new name - if there was a need to change it
        if len(data) < len(odata):
            dbfs.put_string(dbo, new_name, filepath, data)
    al.debug("found and scaled %d pdfs" % len(mp), "media.check_and_scale_pdfs", dbo)
Пример #7
def auto_rotate_image(imagedata):
    Automatically rotate an image according to the orientation of the
    image in the EXIF data. 
        inputd = StringIO(imagedata)
        im = Image.open(inputd)
        for orientation in ExifTags.TAGS.keys():
            if ExifTags.TAGS[orientation] == "Orientation":
        if not hasattr(im, "_getexif") or im._getexif() is None:
            al.debug("image has no EXIF data, abandoning rotate", "media.auto_rotate_image")
            return imagedata
        exif = dict(im._getexif().items())
        if exif[orientation] == 3:   im = im.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
        elif exif[orientation] == 6: im = im.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
        elif exif[orientation] == 8: im = im.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)
        output = StringIO()
        im.save(output, "JPEG")
        rotated_data = output.getvalue()
        return rotated_data
    except Exception,err:
        al.error("failed rotating image: %s" % str(err), "media.auto_rotate_image")
        return imagedata
Пример #8
def post_animal_facebook(dbo, user, oauth_code, oauth_state):
    Post an animal to Facebook
    oauth_code: Provided by FB redirect, code to obtain user's access token
    oauth_state: Provided by FB redirect, from our original link the animal ID to post

    # Request an access token for the logged in Facebook user from the
    # oauth code we were given.
        client_id = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID
        client_secret = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET
        redirect_uri = urllib.quote(BASE_URL + "/animal_facebook")
        fb_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=%s&redirect_uri=%s&client_secret=%s&code=%s" %  \
            (client_id, redirect_uri, client_secret, oauth_code)

        al.debug("FB access token request: " + fb_url,
                 "social.post_animal_facebook", dbo)
        access_token = urllib2.urlopen(fb_url).read()
        al.debug("FB access token response: " + access_token,
                 "social.post_animal_facebook", dbo)

    except urllib2.HTTPError, herr:
        em = str(herr.read())
        al.error("Failed getting facebook access token: %s" % em,
                 "social.post_animal_facebook", dbo)
        raise utils.ASMValidationError("Failed getting Facebook access token.")
Пример #9
def auto_rotate_image(dbo, imagedata):
    Automatically rotate an image according to the orientation of the
    image in the EXIF data. 
        inputd = StringIO(imagedata)
        im = Image.open(inputd)
        for orientation in ExifTags.TAGS.keys():
            if ExifTags.TAGS[orientation] == "Orientation":
        if not hasattr(im, "_getexif") or im._getexif() is None:
            al.debug("image has no EXIF data, abandoning rotate",
                     "media.auto_rotate_image", dbo)
            return imagedata
        exif = dict(im._getexif().items())
        if exif[orientation] == 3: im = im.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
        elif exif[orientation] == 6: im = im.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
        elif exif[orientation] == 8: im = im.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)
        output = StringIO()
        im.save(output, "JPEG")
        rotated_data = output.getvalue()
        return rotated_data
    except Exception, err:
        al.error("failed rotating image: %s" % str(err),
                 "media.auto_rotate_image", dbo)
        return imagedata
Пример #10
 def get_id(self, table):
     """ Returns the next ID for a table """
     nextid = self.get_id_max(table)
     self.update_asm2_primarykey(table, nextid)
     al.debug("get_id: %s -> %d (max)" % (table, nextid), "Database.get_id",
     return nextid
Пример #11
def scale_all_odt(dbo):
    Goes through all odt files attached to records in the database and 
    scales them down (throws away images and objects so only the text remains to save space)
    mo = dbo.query(
        "SELECT ID, MediaName FROM media WHERE MediaMimeType = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text'"
    total = 0
    for i, m in enumerate(mo):
        name = str(m.MEDIANAME)
        al.debug("scaling %s (%d of %d)" % (name, i, len(mo)),
                 "media.scale_all_odt", dbo)
        odata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, name)
        if odata == "":
            al.error("file %s does not exist" % name, "media.scale_all_odt",
        path = dbo.query_string("SELECT Path FROM dbfs WHERE Name = ?", [name])
        ndata = scale_odt(odata)
        if len(ndata) < 512:
                "scaled odt %s came back at %d bytes, abandoning" %
                (name, len(ndata)), "scale_all_odt", dbo)
            dbfs.put_string(dbo, name, path, ndata)
            dbo.update("media", m.ID, {"MediaSize": len(ndata)})
            total += 1
    al.debug("scaled %d of %d odts" % (total, len(mo)), "media.scale_all_odt",
Пример #12
def attach_link_from_form(dbo, username, linktype, linkid, post):
    Attaches a link to a web resource from a form
    existingvid = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE WebsiteVideo = 1 " \
        "AND LinkID = %d AND LinkTypeID = %d" % ( int(linkid), int(linktype) ))
    defvid = 0
    if existingvid == 0 and post.integer("linktype") == MEDIATYPE_VIDEO_LINK:
        defvid = 1
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    url = post["linktarget"]
    if url.find("://") == -1:
        url = "http://" + url
    al.debug("attached link %s" % url, "media.attach_file_from_form")
    sql = db.make_insert_sql("media", (
        ( "ID", db.di(mediaid) ),
        ( "MediaName", db.ds(url) ),
        ( "MediaType", post.db_integer("linktype") ),
        ( "MediaNotes", post.db_string("comments") ),
        ( "WebsitePhoto", db.di(0) ),
        ( "WebsiteVideo", db.di(defvid) ),
        ( "DocPhoto", db.di(0) ),
        ( "ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1) ),
        ( "UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "LinkID", db.di(linkid) ),
        ( "LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype) ),
        ( "Date", db.nowsql() )
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
    audit.create(dbo, username, "media", mediaid, str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype) + ": link to " + post["linktarget"])
Пример #13
def switch_storage(dbo):
    """ Goes through all files in dbfs and swaps them into the current storage scheme """
    rows = dbo.query(
        "SELECT ID, Name, Path, URL FROM dbfs WHERE Name LIKE '%.%' ORDER BY ID"
    for i, r in enumerate(rows):
            "Storage transfer %s/%s (%d of %d)" %
            (r.path, r.name, i, len(rows)), "dbfs.switch_storage", dbo)
        source = DBFSStorage(dbo, r.url)
        target = DBFSStorage(dbo)
        # Don't bother if the file is already stored in the target format
        if source.url_prefix() == target.url_prefix():
            al.debug("source is already %s, skipping" % source.url_prefix(),
                     "dbfs.switch_storage", dbo)
            filedata = source.get(r.id, r.url)
            target.put(r.id, r.name, filedata)
            # Update the media size while we're switching in case it wasn't set previously
            dbo.execute("UPDATE media SET MediaSize=? WHERE DBFSID=?",
                        (len(filedata), r.id))
        except Exception as err:
            al.error("Error reading, skipping: %s" % str(err),
                     "dbfs.switch_storage", dbo)
    # smcom only - perform postgresql full vacuum after switching
    if smcom.active(): smcom.vacuum_full(dbo)
Пример #14
def scale_animal_images(dbo):
    Goes through all animal images in the database and scales
    them to the current incoming media scaling factor.
    mp = db.query(dbo, "SELECT MediaName FROM media WHERE LOWER(MediaName) LIKE '%.jpg' AND LinkTypeID = 0")
    for i, m in enumerate(mp):
        filepath = db.query_string(dbo, "SELECT Path FROM dbfs WHERE Name='%s'" % m["MEDIANAME"])
        name = str(m["MEDIANAME"])
        inputfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False)
        outputfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False)
        odata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, name)
        al.debug("scaling %s (%d of %d)" % (name, i, len(mp)), "media.scale_animal_images", dbo)
        scale_image_file(inputfile.name, outputfile.name, configuration.incoming_media_scaling(dbo))
        f = open(outputfile.name, "r")
        data = f.read()
        # Update the image file data
        dbfs.put_string(dbo, name, filepath, data)
    al.debug("scaled %d images" % len(mp), "media.scale_animal_images", dbo)
Пример #15
def update_match_report(dbo):
    Updates the latest version of the lost/found match report in the dbfs
    al.debug("updating lost/found match report", "lostfound.update_match_report", dbo)
    s = match_report(dbo)
    dbfs.put_string_filepath(dbo, "/reports/daily/lost_found_match.html", s)
Пример #16
def update_session(session):
    Updates and reloads stored session data, triggers reloading of config.js by changing config_ts
    dbo = session.dbo
    locale = configuration.locale(dbo)
    theme = "asm"
    loverride = get_locale_override(dbo, session.user)
    if loverride != "":
            "user %s has locale override of %s set, switching." %
            (session.user, loverride), "users.update_session", dbo)
        locale = loverride
    toverride = get_theme_override(dbo, session.user)
    if toverride != "":
            "user %s has theme override of %s set, switching." %
            (session.user, toverride), "users.update_session", dbo)
        theme = toverride
    dbo.locale = locale
    if not dbo.is_large_db:
        dbo.is_large_db = dbo.query_int("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM owner") > 4000 or \
            dbo.query_int("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM animal") > 2000
    session.locale = locale
    session.theme = theme
    session.config_ts = i18n.format_date("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", i18n.now())
Пример #17
def get_id(dbo, table):
    Returns the next ID in sequence for a table.
    Will use memcache for pk generation if the CACHE_PRIMARY_KEYS option is on
        and will set the cache first value if not set.
    If the database has an ASM2 primary key table, it will be updated
        with the next pk value.
    strategy = ""
    nextid = 0
    if ASM3_PK_STRATEGY == "max" or dbo.has_asm2_pk_table:
        nextid = _get_id_max(dbo, table)
        strategy = "max"
    elif ASM3_PK_STRATEGY == "memcache" and cache.available():
        nextid = _get_id_memcache(dbo, table)
        strategy = "memcache"
    elif ASM3_PK_STRATEGY == "pseq" and dbo.dbtype == "POSTGRESQL":
        nextid = _get_id_postgres_seq(dbo, table)
        strategy = "pseq"
        raise Exception("No valid PK strategy found")
    if dbo.has_asm2_pk_table: 
        _get_id_set_asm2_primarykey(dbo, table, nextid + 1)
        strategy += " asm2pk"
    al.debug("get_id: %s -> %d (%s)" % (table, nextid, strategy), "db.get_id", dbo)
    return nextid
Пример #18
def remove_expired_media(dbo, username="******"):
    Removes all media where retainuntil < today
    and document media older than today - remove document media years
    rows = dbo.query(
        "SELECT ID, DBFSID FROM media WHERE RetainUntil Is Not Null AND RetainUntil < ?",
    for r in rows:
        "DELETE FROM media WHERE RetainUntil Is Not Null AND RetainUntil < ?",
    al.debug("removed %d expired media items (retain until)" % len(rows),
             "media.remove_expired_media", dbo)
    if configuration.auto_remove_document_media(dbo):
        years = configuration.auto_remove_document_media_years(dbo)
        if years > 0:
            cutoff = dbo.today(years * -365)
            rows = dbo.query(
                "SELECT ID, DBFSID FROM media WHERE MediaType = ? AND MediaMimeType <> 'image/jpeg' AND Date < ?",
                (MEDIATYPE_FILE, cutoff))
            for r in rows:
                "DELETE FROM media WHERE MediaType = ? AND MediaMimeType <> 'image/jpeg' AND Date < ?",
                (MEDIATYPE_FILE, cutoff))
                "removed %d expired document media items (remove after years)"
                % len(rows), "media.remove_expired_media", dbo)
Пример #19
def get_id(dbo, table):
    Returns the next ID in sequence for a table.
    Will use memcache for pk generation if the CACHE_PRIMARY_KEYS option is on
        and will set the cache first value if not set.
    If the database has an ASM2 primary key table, it will be updated
        with the next pk value.
    strategy = ""
    nextid = 0
    if ASM3_PK_STRATEGY == "max" or dbo.has_asm2_pk_table:
        nextid = _get_id_max(dbo, table)
        strategy = "max"
    elif ASM3_PK_STRATEGY == "memcache" and cache.available():
        nextid = _get_id_memcache(dbo, table)
        strategy = "memcache"
    elif ASM3_PK_STRATEGY == "pseq" and dbo.dbtype == "POSTGRESQL":
        nextid = _get_id_postgres_seq(dbo, table)
        strategy = "pseq"
        raise Exception("No valid PK strategy found")
    if dbo.has_asm2_pk_table:
        _get_id_set_asm2_primarykey(dbo, table, nextid + 1)
        strategy += " asm2pk"
    al.debug("get_id: %s -> %d (%s)" % (table, nextid, strategy), "db.get_id", dbo)
    return nextid
Пример #20
def auto_update_urgencies(dbo):
    Finds all animals where the next UrgencyUpdateDate field is greater
    than or equal to today and the urgency is larger than High (so we
    can never reach Urgent).
    update_period_days = configuration.waiting_list_urgency_update_period(dbo)
    if update_period_days == 0:
            "urgency update period is 0, not updating waiting list entries",
            "waitinglist.auto_update_urgencies", dbo)
    rows = dbo.query("SELECT a.* " \
        "FROM animalwaitinglist a WHERE UrgencyUpdateDate <= ? " \
        "AND Urgency > 2", [dbo.today()])
    updates = []
    for r in rows:
        al.debug("increasing urgency of waitinglist entry %d" % r.ID,
                 "waitinglist.auto_update_urgencies", dbo)
                                 update_period_days), r.URGENCY - 1, r.ID))
    if len(updates) > 0:
        dbo.execute_many("UPDATE animalwaitinglist SET " \
            "UrgencyLastUpdatedDate=?, " \
            "UrgencyUpdateDate=?, " \
            "Urgency=? " \
            "WHERE ID=? ", updates)
Пример #21
def send_user_email(dbo, sendinguser, user, subject, body):
    Sends an email to users.
    sendinguser: The username of the person sending the email (we will look up their email)
    user:        can be an individual username, a rolename or the translated 
                 version of (all) or (everyone) to denote all users.
    DEFAULT_EMAIL = "*****@*****.**"
    sendinguser = users.get_users(dbo, sendinguser)
    if len(sendinguser) == 0:
        fromadd = DEFAULT_EMAIL
        fromadd = sendinguser[0]["EMAILADDRESS"]
        if fromadd is None or fromadd.strip() == "":
            fromadd = DEFAULT_EMAIL
    al.debug("from: %s (%s), to: %s" % (sendinguser, fromadd, user),
             "utils.send_user_email", dbo)
    allusers = users.get_users(dbo)
    for u in allusers:
        # skip if we have no email address - we can't send it.
        if u["EMAILADDRESS"] is None or u["EMAILADDRESS"].strip() == "":
        if user == "*":
            send_email(dbo, fromadd, u["EMAILADDRESS"], "", subject, body)
        elif u["USERNAME"] == user:
            send_email(dbo, fromadd, u["EMAILADDRESS"], "", subject, body)
        elif nulltostr(u["ROLES"]).find(user) != -1:
            send_email(dbo, fromadd, u["EMAILADDRESS"], "", subject, body)
Пример #22
def update_session(session):
    Updates and reloads stored session data
    dbo = session.dbo
    locale = configuration.locale(dbo)
    theme = configuration.system_theme(dbo)
    loverride = get_locale_override(dbo, session.user)
    if loverride != "":
            "user %s has locale override of %s set, switching." %
            (session.user, loverride), "users.update_session", dbo)
        locale = loverride
    toverride = get_theme_override(dbo, session.user)
    if toverride != "":
            "user %s has theme override of %s set, switching." %
            (session.user, toverride), "users.update_session", dbo)
        theme = toverride
    dbo.locale = locale
    dbo.is_large_db = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM animal") > 10000
    session.locale = locale
    session.theme = theme
    session.config_ts = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",
Пример #23
def get_lat_long(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country=None):
    Looks up a latitude and longitude from an address using the set geocoding provider 
    and returns them as lat,long,hash
    If no results were found, a zero lat and long are returned so that
    we know not to try and look this up again until the address hash changes.
    NB: dbo is only used for contextual reference in logging and obtaining locale, 
        no database calls are made by any of this code.

    if address.strip() == "":
        return None

        # Synchronise this process to a single thread to prevent
        # abusing our geo provider

        if country is None:
            country = i18n.get_country(dbo.locale)

        g = None
        if GEO_PROVIDER == "nominatim":
            g = Nominatim(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country)
        elif GEO_PROVIDER == "google":
            g = Google(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country)
        elif GEO_PROVIDER == "smcom":
            g = Smcom(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country)
            al.error("unrecognised geo provider: %s" % GEO_PROVIDER,
                     "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
            return None

        # Check the cache in case we already requested this address
        cachekey = "nom:" + g.q
        v = cachemem.get(cachekey)
        if v is not None:
            al.debug("cache hit for address: %s = %s" % (cachekey, v),
                     "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
            return v

        # Call the service to get the data

        # Parse the response to a lat/long value
        latlon = g.parse()
        cachemem.put(cachekey, latlon, 86400)

        if GEO_SLEEP_AFTER > 0:

        return latlon

    except Exception as err:
        al.error(str(err), "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
        return None

Пример #24
def get_lat_long(dbo, address, town, county, postcode, country = None):
    Looks up a latitude and longitude from an address using GEOCODE_URL
    and returns them as lat,long,(first 3 chars of address)
    Returns None if no results were found.
    NB: dbo is only used for contextual reference in logging, no database
        calls are made by any of this code.

    if address.strip() == "":
        return None

        # Synchronise this process to a single thread to prevent
        # abusing our geo provider and concurrent requests for the
        # same address when opening an animal with the same
        # original/brought in by owner, etc.

        url = ""
        if country is None: 
            country = LOCALE_COUNTRY_NAME_MAP[dbo.locale]

        if BULK_GEO_PROVIDER == "cloudmade":
            q = normalise_cloudmade(address, town, county, postcode, country)
            url = CLOUDMADE_URL.replace("{key}", BULK_GEO_PROVIDER_KEY).replace("{q}", q)
        elif BULK_GEO_PROVIDER == "nominatim":
            q = normalise_nominatim(address, town, county, postcode, country)
            url = NOMINATIM_URL.replace("{q}", q)
            al.error("unrecognised geo provider: %s" % BULK_GEO_PROVIDER, "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)

        al.debug("looking up geocode for address: %s" % q, "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
        key = "nom:" + q
        if cache.available():
            v = cache.get(key)
            if v is not None:
                al.debug("cache hit for address: %s = %s" % (q, v), "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
                return v

        jr = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout = GEO_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT).read()
        j = json.loads(jr)

        latlon = None
        if BULK_GEO_PROVIDER == "cloudmade":
            latlon = parse_cloudmade(dbo, jr, j, q)
        elif BULK_GEO_PROVIDER == "nominatim":
            latlon = parse_nominatim(dbo, jr, j, q)

        # Cache this address/geocode response for an hour
        if cache.available() and latlon is not None:
            cache.put(key, latlon, 3600)

        return latlon

    except Exception,err:
        al.error(str(err), "geo.get_lat_long", dbo)
        return None
Пример #25
def set_last_connected(dbo):
    Sets the last connected date on a database to today
    al.debug("Setting last connected to now for %s" % dbo.database, "smcom.set_last_connected", dbo)
    response = smcom_client.update_last_connected(dbo.database)
    if response != "OK":
        al.error("Failed setting last connection: %s" % response, "smcom.set_last_connected", dbo)
Пример #26
def update_match_report(dbo):
    Updates the latest version of the lost/found match report 
    al.debug("updating lost/found match report", "lostfound.update_match_report", dbo)
    configuration.lostfound_report(dbo, match_report(dbo, limit = 1000))
    configuration.lostfound_last_match_count(dbo, lostfound_last_match_count(dbo))
    return "OK %d" % lostfound_last_match_count(dbo)
Пример #27
 def do_send():
     for r in rows:
         ssubject = substitute_tags(subject, r, False, opener = "<<", closer = ">>")
         sbody = substitute_tags(body, r)
         toadd = r["EMAILADDRESS"]
         if toadd is None or toadd.strip() == "": continue
         al.debug("sending bulk email: to=%s, subject=%s" % (toadd, ssubject), "utils.send_bulk_email", dbo)
         send_email(dbo, fromadd, toadd, "", ssubject, sbody, contenttype)
Пример #28
 def get_id(self, table):
     """ Returns the next ID for a table using sequences
     nextid = self.query_int("VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR seq_%s" % table)
     al.debug("get_id: %s -> %d (sequence)" % (table, nextid),
              "DatabaseDB2.get_id", self)
     self.update_asm2_primarykey(table, nextid)
     return nextid
Пример #29
 def get_id(self, table):
     """ Returns the next ID for a table using Postgres sequences
     nextid = self.query_int("SELECT nextval('seq_%s')" % table)
     self.update_asm2_primarykey(table, nextid)
     al.debug("get_id: %s -> %d (sequence)" % (table, nextid),
              "DatabasePostgreSQL.get_id", self)
     return nextid
Пример #30
def update_lookingfor_report(dbo):
    Updates the latest version of the looking for report in the dbfs
    al.debug("updating lookingfor report", "person.update_lookingfor_report", dbo)
    s = lookingfor_report(dbo)
    dbfs.put_string_filepath(dbo, "/reports/daily/lookingfor.html", s)
    configuration.lookingfor_last_match_count(dbo, lookingfor_last_match_count(dbo))
def update_match_report(dbo):
    Updates the latest version of the lost/found match report in the dbfs
    al.debug("updating lost/found match report",
             "lostfound.update_match_report", dbo)
    s = match_report(dbo)
    dbfs.put_string_filepath(dbo, "/reports/daily/lost_found_match.html", s)
Пример #32
def clean(dbo):
    Deletes audit trail records older than three months
    d = db.today()
    d = i18n.subtract_days(d, 93);
    count = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM audittrail WHERE AuditDate< %s" % db.dd(d))
    al.debug("removing %d audit records older than 93 days." % count, "audit.clean", dbo)
    db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM audittrail WHERE AuditDate < %s" % db.dd(d))
Пример #33
 def delete(self, url):
     """ Deletes the file data """
     object_key = "%s/%s" % (self.dbo.database, url.replace("s3:", ""))
         self.s3client.delete_object(Bucket=DBFS_S3_BUCKET, Key=object_key)
         al.debug("DELETE: %s" % object_key, "S3Storage.delete", self.dbo)
     except Exception as err:
         raise DBFSError("Failed deleting from S3: %s" % err)
Пример #34
Файл: cron.py Проект: rutaq/asm3
def ttask(fn, dbo):
    """ Runs a function and times how long it takes """
    x = time.time()
    elapsed = time.time() - x
    if elapsed > 10:
        al.warn("complete in %0.2f sec" % elapsed, fn.__name__, dbo)
        al.debug("complete in %0.2f sec" % elapsed, fn.__name__, dbo)
Пример #35
def update_lookingfor_report(dbo):
    Updates the latest version of the looking for report in the dbfs
    al.debug("updating lookingfor report", "person.update_lookingfor_report",
    s = lookingfor_report(dbo)
    dbfs.put_string_filepath(dbo, "/reports/daily/lookingfor.html", s)
Пример #36
def clean(dbo):
    Deletes audit trail records older than three months
    d = i18n.subtract_days(i18n.now(), 93)
    count = dbo.query_int(
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM audittrail WHERE AuditDate < ?", [d])
    al.debug("removing %d audit records older than 93 days." % count,
             "audit.clean", dbo)
    dbo.execute("DELETE FROM audittrail WHERE AuditDate < ?", [d])
Пример #37
def delete_old_publish_logs(dbo):
    """ Deletes all publishing logs older than 14 days """
    KEEP_DAYS = 14
    cutoff = dbo.today(offset=KEEP_DAYS * -1)
    count = dbo.query_int(
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM publishlog WHERE PublishDateTime < ?", [cutoff])
        "removing %d publishing logs (keep for %d days)." % (count, KEEP_DAYS),
        "publish.delete_old_publish_logs", dbo)
    dbo.execute("DELETE FROM publishlog WHERE PublishDateTime < ?", [cutoff])
Пример #38
def asm_news(dbo, update=False):
    s = cstring(dbo, "ASMNews")
    if s == "" or update:
            s = utils.get_url(URL_NEWS)["response"]
            al.debug("Updated ASM news, got %d bytes" % len(s), "configuration.asm_news", dbo)
            cset(dbo, "ASMNews", s, sanitiseXSS = False)
            em = str(sys.exc_info()[0])
            al.error("Failed reading ASM news: %s" % em, "configuration.asm_news", dbo)
    return s
Пример #39
def parse_nominatim(dbo, jr, j, q):
    if len(j) == 0:
        al.debug("no response from nominatim for %s (response %s)" % (q, str(jr)), "geo.parse_nominatim", dbo)
        return None
        latlon = "%s,%s,%s" % (str(utils.strip_unicode(j[0]["lat"])), str(utils.strip_unicode(j[0]["lon"])), "na")
        al.debug("contacted nominatim to get geocode for %s = %s" % (q, latlon), "geo.parse_nominatim", dbo)
        return latlon
    except Exception,err:
        al.error("couldn't find geocode in nominatim response: %s, %s" % (str(err), jr), "geo.parse_nominatim", dbo)
        return None
Пример #40
def get_expiry_date(dbo):
    Returns the account expiry date or None for a problem.
    a = get_account(dbo.database)
        expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(a["expiry"], "%Y-%m-%d")
        al.debug("retrieved account expiry date: %s" % expiry, "smcom.get_expiry_date", dbo)
        return expiry
        return None
Пример #41
def get_expiry_date(dbo):
    Returns the account expiry date or None for a problem.
    a = _get_account_info(dbo.database)
        expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(a["expiry"], "%Y-%m-%d")
        al.debug("retrieved account expiry date: %s" % expiry, "smcom.get_expiry_date", dbo)
        return expiry
        return None
Пример #42
def parse_cloudmade(dbo, jr, j, q):
    if not j.has_key("found") or j["found"] == "0":
        al.debug("no response from cloudmade for %s (response %s)" % (q, str(jr)), "geo.parse_cloudmade", dbo)
        return None
        point = j["features"][0]["centroid"]["coordinates"]
        latlon = "%s,%s,%s" % (str(point[0]), str(point[1]), "na")
        al.debug("contacted cloudmade to get geocode for %s = %s" % (q, latlon), "geo.parse_cloudmade", dbo)
        return latlon
    except Exception,err:
        al.error("couldn't find geocode in response: %s, %s" % (str(err), jr), "geo.parse_cloudmade", dbo)
        return None
Пример #43
Файл: geo.py Проект: magul/asm3
def parse_google(dbo, jr, j, q):
    if len(j) == 0:
        al.debug("no response from google for %s (response %s)" % (q, str(jr)), "geo.parse_google", dbo)
        return None
        loc = j["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]
        latlon = "%s,%s,%s" % (str(loc["lat"]), str(loc["lng"]), "na")
        al.debug("contacted google to get geocode for %s = %s" % (q, latlon), "geo.parse_google", dbo)
        return latlon
    except Exception,err:
        al.error("couldn't find geocode in google response. Status was %s: %s, %s" % (j["status"], str(err), jr), "geo.parse_google", dbo)
        return None
Пример #44
def update_html_publisher_template(dbo, username, name, header, body, footer):
    Creates a new html publisher template with the name given. If the
    template already exists, it recreates it.
    delete_path(dbo, "/internet/" + name)
    delete(dbo, name, "/internet")
    create_path(dbo, "/internet", name)
    put_string(dbo, "head.html", "/internet/%s" % name, header)
    put_string(dbo, "body.html", "/internet/%s" % name, body)
    put_string(dbo, "foot.html", "/internet/%s" % name, footer)
    al.debug("%s updated html template %s" % (username, name), "dbfs.update_html_publisher_template", dbo)
Пример #45
def update_html_publisher_template(dbo, username, name, header, body, footer):
    Creates a new html publisher template with the name given. If the
    template already exists, it recreates it.
    delete_path(dbo, "/internet/" + name)
    delete(dbo, name, "/internet")
    create_path(dbo, "/internet", name)
    put_string(dbo, "head.html", "/internet/%s" % name, header)
    put_string(dbo, "body.html", "/internet/%s" % name, body)
    put_string(dbo, "foot.html", "/internet/%s" % name, footer)
    al.debug("%s updated html template %s" % (username, name),
             "dbfs.update_html_publisher_template", dbo)
Пример #46
def auto_update_statuses(dbo):
    Moves on waiting list statuses where appropriate.
    1. For appointments due in the next 20 hours with a status of scheduled, moves them on to "Not Arrived"
    2. TODO: Auto cancel? Better to leave as not arrived so the difference can be seen between didn't show up and cancelled?
    cutoff = i18n.add_hours(dbo.now(), 20)
    affected = dbo.execute(
        "UPDATE clinicappointment SET Status = ? WHERE Status = ? AND DateTime >= ? AND DateTime <= ?",
        (NOT_ARRIVED, SCHEDULED, dbo.now(), cutoff))
        "advanced %d appointments from SCHEDULED to NOT_ARRIVED" % affected,
        "clinic.auto_update_statuses", dbo)
    return "OK %d" % affected
Пример #47
def delete_old_publish_logs(dbo):       
    Retains only the last MAX_LOGS publish logs
    MAX_LOGS = 30
    rows = db.query(dbo, "SELECT Name FROM dbfs WHERE Path Like '/logs/publish%%' ORDER BY Name DESC LIMIT %d" % MAX_LOGS)
    if len(rows) < MAX_LOGS: return
    names = []
    for r in rows: names.append("'" + r["NAME"] + "'")
    notin = ",".join(names)
    count = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbfs WHERE Path Like '/logs/publish%%' AND Name NOT IN (%s)" % notin)
    al.debug("removing %d publishing logs (keep latest 30)." % count, "dbfs.delete_old_publish_logs", dbo)
    rq = "DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE Path Like '/logs/publish%%' AND Name NOT IN (%s)" % notin
    db.execute(dbo, rq)
Пример #48
 def do_send():
     for r in rows:
         ssubject = substitute_tags(subject,
         sbody = substitute_tags(body, r)
         toadd = r["EMAILADDRESS"]
         if toadd is None or toadd.strip() == "": continue
             "sending bulk email: to=%s, subject=%s" % (toadd, ssubject),
             "utils.send_bulk_email", dbo)
         send_email(dbo, fromadd, toadd, "", ssubject, sbody, contenttype)
Пример #49
def send_bulk_email(dbo, fromadd, subject, body, rows, contenttype):
    Sends a set of bulk emails.
    fromadd is an RFC821 address
    subject and body are strings. Either can contain <<TAGS>>
    rows is a list of dictionaries of tag tokens with real values to substitute
    contenttype is either "plain" or "html"
    for r in rows:
        ssubject = substitute_tags(subject, r, False, opener = "<<", closer = ">>")
        sbody = substitute_tags(body, r, False, opener = "<<", closer = ">>")
        toadd = r["EMAILADDRESS"]
        if toadd is None or toadd.strip() == "": continue
        al.debug("sending bulk email: to=%s, subject=%s" % (toadd, ssubject), "utils.send_bulk_email", dbo)
        send_email(dbo, fromadd, toadd, "", ssubject, sbody, contenttype)
Пример #50
def update_asm_news(dbo):
    Reads the latest asm news and stores it in the dbfs
    s = ""
        s = urllib2.urlopen(URL_NEWS).read()
        em = str(sys.exc_info()[0])
        al.error("Failed reading ASM news: %s" % em, "dbfs.update_asm_news", dbo)
        al.debug("Updated ASM news, got %d bytes" % len(s), "dbfs.update_asm_news", dbo)
    x = get_string(dbo, "asm.news")
    if x == "":
        put_string(dbo, "asm.news", "/", s)
        replace_string(dbo, s, "asm.news")
Пример #51
def check_create_next_donation(dbo, username, odid):
    Checks to see if a donation is now received and the next in 
    a sequence needs to be created for donations with a frequency 
    al.debug("Create next donation %d" % int(odid), "financial.check_create_next_donation", dbo)
    d = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM ownerdonation WHERE ID = %d" % int(odid))
    if d is None or len(d) == 0: 
        al.error("No donation found for %d" % int(odid), "financial.check_create_next_donation", dbo)
    d = d[0]
    # If we have a frequency > 0, the nextcreated flag isn't set
    # and there's a datereceived and due then we need to create the
    # next donation in the sequence
    if d["DATEDUE"] != None and d["DATE"] != None and d["FREQUENCY"] > 0 and d["NEXTCREATED"] == 0:
        nextdue = d["DATEDUE"]
        if d["FREQUENCY"] == 1:
            nextdue = i18n.add_days(nextdue, 7)
        if d["FREQUENCY"] == 2:
            nextdue = i18n.add_months(nextdue, 1)
        if d["FREQUENCY"] == 3:
            nextdue = i18n.add_months(nextdue, 3)
        if d["FREQUENCY"] == 4:
            nextdue = i18n.add_years(nextdue, 1)
        al.debug("Next donation due %s" % str(nextdue), "financial.check_create_next_donation", dbo)
        # Update nextcreated flag for this donation
        db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE ownerdonation SET NextCreated = 1 WHERE ID = %d" % int(odid))
        # Create the new donation due record
        did = db.get_id(dbo, "ownerdonation")
        sql = db.make_insert_user_sql(dbo, "ownerdonation", username, (
            ( "ID", db.di(did)),
            ( "AnimalID", db.di(d["ANIMALID"])),
            ( "OwnerID", db.di(d["OWNERID"])),
            ( "MovementID", db.di(d["MOVEMENTID"])),
            ( "DonationTypeID", db.di(d["DONATIONTYPEID"])),
            ( "DateDue", db.dd(nextdue)),
            ( "Date", db.dd(None)),
            ( "Donation", db.di(d["DONATION"])),
            ( "IsGiftAid", db.di(d["ISGIFTAID"])),
            ( "DonationPaymentID", db.di(d["DONATIONPAYMENTID"])),
            ( "Frequency", db.di(d["FREQUENCY"])),
            ( "NextCreated", db.di(0)),
            ( "Comments", db.ds(d["COMMENTS"]))
        db.execute(dbo, sql)
Пример #52
def update_missing_geocodes(dbo):
    Goes through all people records without geocodes and completes
    the missing ones, using our configured bulk geocoding service.
    We limit this to LIMIT geocode requests per call so that databases with
    a lot of historical data don't end up tying up the daily
    batch for a long time, they'll just slowly complete over time.
    LIMIT = 250
    people = db.query(dbo, "SELECT ID, OwnerAddress, OwnerTown, OwnerCounty, OwnerPostcode " \
        "FROM owner WHERE LatLong Is Null OR LatLong = '' LIMIT %d" % LIMIT)
    batch = []
    for p in people:
        latlong = geo.get_lat_long(dbo, p["OWNERADDRESS"], p["OWNERTOWN"], p["OWNERCOUNTY"], p["OWNERPOSTCODE"])
        if latlong is not None:
            batch.append((latlong, p["ID"]))
    db.execute_many(dbo, "UPDATE owner SET LatLong = %s WHERE ID = %s", batch)
    al.debug("updated %d person geocodes" % len(batch), "person.update_missing_geocodes", dbo)
Пример #53
def auto_remove_waitinglist(dbo):
    Finds and automatically marks entries removed that have gone past
    the last contact date + weeks.
    l = dbo.locale
    rows = db.query(dbo, "SELECT a.ID, a.DateOfLastOwnerContact, " \
        "a.AutoRemovePolicy " \
        "FROM animalwaitinglist a WHERE a.DateRemovedFromList Is Null " \
        "AND AutoRemovePolicy > 0 AND DateOfLastOwnerContact Is Not Null")
    updates = []
    for r in rows:
        xdate = add_days(r["DATEOFLASTOWNERCONTACT"], 7 * r["AUTOREMOVEPOLICY"])
        if after(now(dbo.timezone), xdate):
            al.debug("auto removing waitinglist entry %d due to policy" % int(r["ID"]), "waitinglist.auto_remove_waitinglist", dbo)
            updates.append((now(dbo.timezone), _("Auto removed due to lack of owner contact.", l), r["ID"]))
    if len(updates) > 0:
        db.execute_many(dbo, "UPDATE animalwaitinglist SET DateRemovedFromList = %s, " \
            "ReasonForRemoval=%s WHERE ID=%s", updates)
Пример #54
def update_session(session):
    Updates and reloads stored session data
    dbo = session.dbo
    locale = configuration.locale(dbo)
    theme = configuration.system_theme(dbo)
    loverride = get_locale_override(dbo, session.user)
    if loverride != "": 
        al.debug("user %s has locale override of %s set, switching." % (session.user, loverride), "users.update_session", dbo)
        locale = loverride
    toverride = get_theme_override(dbo, session.user)
    if toverride != "":
        al.debug("user %s has theme override of %s set, switching." % (session.user, toverride), "users.update_session", dbo)
        theme = toverride
    dbo.locale = locale
    dbo.is_large_db = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM animal") > 10000
    session.locale = locale
    session.theme = theme
    session.config_ts = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", datetime.datetime.today().timetuple())
Пример #55
def update_session(session):
    Updates and reloads stored session data
    dbo = session.dbo
    locale = configuration.locale(dbo)
    theme = "asm"
    loverride = get_locale_override(dbo, session.user)
    if loverride != "": 
        al.debug("user %s has locale override of %s set, switching." % (session.user, loverride), "users.update_session", dbo)
        locale = loverride
    toverride = get_theme_override(dbo, session.user)
    if toverride != "":
        al.debug("user %s has theme override of %s set, switching." % (session.user, toverride), "users.update_session", dbo)
        theme = toverride
    dbo.locale = locale
    if not dbo.is_large_db:
        dbo.is_large_db = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM owner") > 4000 or \
            db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM animal") > 2000
    session.locale = locale
    session.theme = theme
    session.config_ts = i18n.format_date("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", i18n.now())
Пример #56
def check_and_scale_pdfs(dbo):
    Goes through all PDFs in the database to see if they have been
    scaled (have a suffix of _scaled.pdf) and scales down any unscaled
    if not gs_installed(): 
        al.warn("ghostscript is not installed, can't scale pdfs", "media.check_and_scale_pdfs", dbo)
    mp = db.query(dbo, \
        "SELECT MediaName FROM media WHERE LOWER(MediaName) LIKE '%.pdf' AND " \
        "LOWER(MediaName) NOT LIKE '%_scaled.pdf'")
    for m in mp:
        filepath = db.query_string(dbo, "SELECT Path FROM dbfs WHERE Name='%s'" % m["MEDIANAME"])
        original_name = str(m["MEDIANAME"])
        new_name = str(m["MEDIANAME"])
        new_name = new_name[0:len(new_name)-4] + "_scaled.pdf"
        inputfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False)
        outputfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False)
        odata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, original_name)
        scale_pdf_file(inputfile.name, outputfile.name)
        f = open(outputfile.name, "r")
        data = f.read()
        # Update the media entry with the new name
        db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE media SET MediaName = '%s' WHERE MediaName = '%s'" % \
            ( new_name, original_name))
        # Update the dbfs entry with the new name
        dbfs.rename_file(dbo, filepath, original_name, new_name)
        # Update the PDF file data
        dbfs.put_string(dbo, new_name, filepath, data)
    al.debug("found and scaled %d pdfs" % len(mp), "media.check_and_scale_pdfs", dbo)
Пример #57
def auto_update_urgencies(dbo):
    Finds all animals where the next UrgencyUpdateDate field is greater
    than or equal to today and the urgency is larger than High (so we
    can never reach Urgent).
    update_period_days = configuration.waiting_list_urgency_update_period(dbo)
    if update_period_days == 0:
        al.debug("urgency update period is 0, not updating waiting list entries", "waitinglist.auto_update_urgencies", dbo)
    rows = db.query(dbo, "SELECT a.* " \
        "FROM animalwaitinglist a WHERE UrgencyUpdateDate <= %s " \
        "AND Urgency > 2" % db.dd(now(dbo.timezone)))
    updates = []
    for r in rows:
        al.debug("increasing urgency of waitinglist entry %d" % int(r["ID"]), "waitinglist.auto_update_urgencies", dbo)
        updates.append((now(dbo.timezone), add_days(r["URGENCYUPDATEDATE"], update_period_days), r["URGENCY"] - 1, r["ID"]))
    if len(updates) > 0:
        db.execute_many(dbo, "UPDATE animalwaitinglist SET " \
            "UrgencyLastUpdatedDate=%s, " \
            "UrgencyUpdateDate=%s, " \
            "Urgency=%s " \
            "WHERE ID=%s ", updates)
Пример #58
def scale_all_odt(dbo):
    Goes through all odt files attached to records in the database and 
    scales them down (throws away images and objects so only the text remains to save space)
    mo = db.query(dbo, "SELECT MediaName FROM media WHERE LOWER(MediaName) LIKE '%.odt'")
    for i, m in enumerate(mo):
        name = str(m["MEDIANAME"])
        al.debug("scaling %s (%d of %d)" % (name, i, len(mo)), "media.scale_all_odt", dbo)
        print "%s (%d of %d)" % (name, i, len(mo))
        odata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, name)
        if odata == "":
            al.error("file %s does not exist" % name, "media.scale_all_odt", dbo)
            print "file %s does not exist" % name
        path = db.query_string(dbo, "SELECT Path FROM dbfs WHERE Name='%s'" % name)
        ndata = scale_odt(odata)
        if len(ndata) < 512:
            al.error("scaled odt %s came back at %d bytes, abandoning" % (name, len(ndata)), "scale_all_odt", dbo)
            print "file too small < 512, doing nothing"
            print "old size: %d, new size: %d" % (len(odata), len(ndata))
            dbfs.put_string(dbo, name, path, ndata)
Пример #59
def post_animal_facebook(dbo, user, oauth_code, oauth_state):
    Post an animal to Facebook
    oauth_code: Provided by FB redirect, code to obtain user's access token
    oauth_state: Provided by FB redirect, from our original link the animal ID to post

    # Request an access token for the logged in Facebook user from the
    # oauth code we were given.
        client_id = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID
        client_secret = FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET
        redirect_uri = urllib.quote(BASE_URL + "/animal_facebook")
        fb_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=%s&redirect_uri=%s&client_secret=%s&code=%s" %  \
            (client_id, redirect_uri, client_secret, oauth_code)

        al.debug("FB access token request: " + fb_url, "social.post_animal_facebook", dbo)
        access_token = urllib2.urlopen(fb_url).read()
        al.debug("FB access token response: " + access_token, "social.post_animal_facebook", dbo)

    except urllib2.HTTPError,herr:
        em = str(herr.read())
        al.error("Failed getting facebook access token: %s" % em, "social.post_animal_facebook", dbo)
        raise utils.ASMValidationError("Failed getting Facebook access token.")
Пример #60
def auto_remove_old_incoming_forms(dbo):
    Automatically removes incoming forms older than the daily amount set
    removeafter = configuration.auto_remove_incoming_forms_days(dbo)
    if removeafter <= 0:
        al.debug("auto remove incoming forms is off.", "onlineform.auto_remove_old_incoming_forms")
    removecutoff = i18n.subtract_days(i18n.now(dbo.timezone), removeafter)
    al.debug("remove date: incoming forms < %s" % db.dd(removecutoff), "onlineform.auto_remove_old_incoming_forms")
    sql = "DELETE FROM onlineformincoming WHERE PostedDate < %s" % db.dd(removecutoff)
    count = db.execute(dbo, sql)
    al.debug("removed %d incoming forms older than %d days" % (count, int(removeafter)), "onlineform.auto_remove_old_incoming_forms", dbo)