Пример #1
def stamp_schema_version():
    """Write the schema version stamp to the database, in case it is missing."""
    with engine.begin() as connection:
        alembic_cfg = Config()
        alembic_cfg.set_main_option("script_location", "backend:alembic")
        path = Path(backend.__file__).parent / 'alembic.ini'
        alembic_cfg.config_file_name = str(path)
        alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection
        command.stamp(alembic_cfg, "head")
Пример #2
def run_migrations(migrations_dir: str, dsn: str) -> None:
    if "{DATABASE_HOST}" in dsn:
        print("DB is misconfigured. Not running migrations.")

    print(f"Running migrations from {migrations_dir}")
    alembic_cfg = Config()
    alembic_cfg.config_file_name = f"{os.getcwd()}/alembic.ini"
    alembic_cfg.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', dsn)
    command.upgrade(alembic_cfg, 'head')
Пример #3
 def makemigrations(commit_name):
     project_root = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
     alembic_folder_dst = project_root + os.sep + "alembic"
     alembic_init_dst = project_root + os.sep + "alembic.ini"
     alembic_cfg = Config()
     alembic_cfg.config_file_name = alembic_init_dst
     if not (os.path.exists(alembic_folder_dst)
             and os.path.exists(alembic_init_dst)):
         alembic_init(directory=alembic_folder_dst, config=alembic_cfg)
         src = ICECREAM_PATH + "/migration_tool/env.py"
         copy(src, alembic_folder_dst)
     command.revision(alembic_cfg, commit_name, autogenerate=True)
Пример #4
def create_config(app):
    """Programmatically create Alembic config"""
    cfg = Config(stdout=StringIO())
    cfg.get_template_directory = get_template_directory
    migrations = app.get("migrations_dir") or os.path.join(
        app["cwd"], "migrations")
    cfg.set_main_option("script_location", migrations)
    cfg.config_file_name = os.path.join(migrations, "alembic.ini")
    db = app["db"]
    cfg.set_section_option("default", "sqlalchemy.url",
    # put database in main options
    cfg.set_main_option("databases", "default")
    # create empty logging section to avoid raising errors in env.py
    cfg.set_section_option("logging", "path", "")
    cfg.metadata = dict(default=db.metadata)
    return cfg
Пример #5
def get_alembic_conf():
    alembic_cfg = Config()
    alembic_cfg.set_main_option("script_location", "migrations")
    alembic_cfg.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", DATABASE_URL)
    alembic_cfg.config_file_name = os.path.join("migrations", 'alembic.ini')
    if os.path.isdir('migrations') is False:
        click.echo(click.style("Initiating alembic...", fg='bright_blue'))
        alembic.init(alembic_cfg, 'migrations')
        with open('migrations/env.py', 'r+') as f:
            content = f.read()
            content = content.replace(
                'target_metadata = None',
                f'from {MAIN_MODULE_NAME} import db\ntarget_metadata = db.metadata'

    return alembic_cfg
Пример #6
def alembic_config(config_filename: str) -> Config:
    """Return altered Alembic config.

    First, read project's alembic configuration (alembic.ini).
    Second, alter project's existing config by passing Ahjo's credential
    configuration file as an 'x' argument and setting 'config_file_name'
    to point to Ahjo's logging configuration file.

    This way Alembic will use Ahjo's loggers and project's configurations
    when running Alembic operations.
    config = Config('alembic.ini')
    main_section = config.config_ini_section
    # main section options are set when main section is read
    config.cmd_opts = Namespace(x=["main_config=" + config_filename])
    config.config_file_name = path.join(AHJO_PATH, 'resources/logger.ini')
    return config
Пример #7
    def _create_config(self):
        """Programmatically create Alembic config. To determine databases,
        DATASTORE from project's config file is used. To customize Alembic
        use MIGRATIONS in you config file.


            MIGRATIONS = {
                'alembic': {
                    'script_location': '<path>',
                    'databases': '<db_name1>,<db_name2>',
                '<db_name1>': {
                    'sqlalchemy.url': 'driver://*****:*****@localhost/dbname',
                '<bd_name2>': {
                    'sqlalchemy.url': 'driver://*****:*****@localhost/dbname',
                'logging': {
                    'path': '<path_to_logging_config>',

        For more information about possible options, please visit Alembic
        app = self.app
        cfg = Config()
        cfg.get_template_directory = lux_template_directory
        migrations = os.path.join(app.meta.path, 'migrations')

        cfg.set_main_option('script_location', migrations)
        cfg.config_file_name = os.path.join(migrations, 'alembic.ini')
        odm = app.odm()
        databases = []
        # set section for each found database
        for name, engine in odm.keys_engines():
            if not name:
                name = 'default'
            # url = str(engine.url).replace('+green', '')
            url = str(engine.url)
            cfg.set_section_option(name, 'sqlalchemy.url', url)
        # put databases in main options
        cfg.set_main_option("databases", ','.join(databases))
        # create empty logging section to avoid raising errors in env.py
        cfg.set_section_option('logging', 'path', '')
        # obtain the metadata required for `auto` command
        metadata = {}
        for key, db_engine in odm.keys_engines():
            if not key:
                key = 'default'
            metadata[key] = meta = MetaData()
            for table, engine in odm.binds.items():
                if engine == db_engine:

        cfg.metadata = metadata

        config = app.config.get('MIGRATIONS')
        if config:
            for section in config.keys():
                for key, value in config[section].items():
                    if section == 'alembic':
                        cfg.set_main_option(key, value)
                        cfg.set_section_option(section, key, value)

        return cfg