def view_audio_file(request, pk, _): """Using the ID, return the oral argument page. We also test if the item is a favorite and send data as such. """ af = get_object_or_404(Audio, pk=pk) title = "Oral Argument for " + trunc(af.case_name, 100) get_string = search_utils.make_get_string(request) try: fave = Favorite.objects.get(, users__user=request.user) favorite_form = FavoriteForm(instance=fave) except (ObjectDoesNotExist, TypeError): # Not favorited or anonymous user favorite_form = FavoriteForm(initial={ 'audio_id':, 'name': af.docket.case_name }) return render_to_response( 'audio/oral_argument.html', { 'title': title, 'af': af, 'favorite_form': favorite_form, 'get_string': get_string, 'private': af.blocked, }, RequestContext(request))
def view_audio_file(request, pk, _): """Using the ID, return the oral argument page. We also test if the item is a favorite and send data as such. """ af = get_object_or_404(Audio, pk=pk) title = "Oral Argument for " + trunc(af.case_name, 100) get_string = search_utils.make_get_string(request) try: fave = Favorite.objects.get(, users__user=request.user) favorite_form = FavoriteForm(instance=fave) except (ObjectDoesNotExist, TypeError): # Not favorited or anonymous user favorite_form = FavoriteForm( initial={ 'audio_id':, 'name': trunc(af.docket.case_name, 100, ellipsis='...'), } ) return render_to_response( 'audio/oral_argument.html', {'title': title, 'af': af, 'favorite_form': favorite_form, 'get_string': get_string, 'private': af.blocked, }, RequestContext(request) )
def view_opinion(request, pk, _): """Using the ID, return the document. We also test if the document ID is a favorite for the user, and send data as such. If it's a favorite, we send the bound form for the favorite so it can populate the form on the page. If it is not a favorite, we send the unbound form. """ # Look up the court, document, title and favorite information doc = get_object_or_404(Document, pk=pk) citation_string = make_citation_string(doc) title = '%s, %s' % (trunc(doc.citation.case_name, 100), citation_string) get_string = search_utils.make_get_string(request) try: fave = Favorite.objects.get(, users__user=request.user) favorite_form = FavoriteForm(instance=fave) except (ObjectDoesNotExist, TypeError): # Not favorited or anonymous user favorite_form = FavoriteForm( initial={ 'doc_id':, 'name': trunc(doc.citation.case_name, 100, ellipsis='...'), } ) # get most influential opinions that cite this opinion cited_by_trunc = doc.citation.citing_opinions.select_related( 'citation').order_by('-citation_count', '-date_filed')[:5] authorities_trunc = doc.cases_cited.all().select_related( 'document').order_by('case_name')[:5] authorities_count = doc.cases_cited.all().count() return render_to_response( 'casepage/view_opinion.html', {'title': title, 'citation_string': citation_string, 'doc': doc, 'favorite_form': favorite_form, 'get_string': get_string, 'private': doc.blocked, 'cited_by_trunc': cited_by_trunc, 'authorities_trunc': authorities_trunc, 'authorities_count': authorities_count}, RequestContext(request) )
def view_opinion(request, pk, _): """Using the ID, return the document. We also test if the document ID is a favorite for the user, and send data as such. If it's a favorite, we send the bound form for the favorite so it can populate the form on the page. If it is not a favorite, we send the unbound form. """ # Look up the court, document, title and favorite information doc = get_object_or_404(Document, pk=pk) citation_string = make_citation_string(doc) title = "%s, %s" % (trunc(doc.citation.case_name, 100), citation_string) get_string = search_utils.make_get_string(request) try: fave = Favorite.objects.get(, users__user=request.user) favorite_form = FavoriteForm(instance=fave) except (ObjectDoesNotExist, TypeError): # Not favorited or anonymous user favorite_form = FavoriteForm( initial={"doc_id":, "name": trunc(doc.citation.case_name, 100, ellipsis="...")} ) # get most influential opinions that cite this opinion cited_by_trunc = doc.citation.citing_opinions.select_related("citation").order_by("-citation_count", "-date_filed")[ :5 ] authorities_trunc = doc.cases_cited.all().select_related("document").order_by("case_name")[:5] authorities_count = doc.cases_cited.all().count() return render_to_response( "casepage/view_opinion.html", { "title": title, "citation_string": citation_string, "doc": doc, "favorite_form": favorite_form, "get_string": get_string, "private": doc.blocked, "cited_by_trunc": cited_by_trunc, "authorities_trunc": authorities_trunc, "authorities_count": authorities_count, }, RequestContext(request), )
def show_results(request): """ This view can vary significantly, depending on how it is called: - In its most simple form, it is called via GET and without any parameters. --> This loads the homepage. - It might also be called with GET *with* parameters. --> This loads search results. - It might be called with a POST. --> This attempts to save an alert. It also has a few failure modes it needs to support: - It must react properly to an invalid alert form. - It must react properly to an invalid or failing search form. All of these paths have tests. """ # Create a search string that does not contain the page numbers get_string = search_utils.make_get_string(request) get_string_sans_alert = search_utils.make_get_string(request, ['page', 'edit_alert']) render_dict = { 'private': True, 'get_string': get_string, 'get_string_sans_alert': get_string_sans_alert, } if request.method == 'POST': # The user is trying to save an alert. alert_form = CreateAlertForm(request.POST, user=request.user) if alert_form.is_valid(): cd = alert_form.cleaned_data # save the alert if request.POST.get('edit_alert'): # check if the user can edit this, or if they are url hacking alert = get_object_or_404( Alert, pk=request.POST.get('edit_alert'), userprofile=request.user.profile ) alert_form = CreateAlertForm(cd, instance=alert, user=request.user) action = "edited" else: alert_form = CreateAlertForm(cd, user=request.user) alert = # associate the user with the alert up = request.user.profile up.alert.add(alert) action = "created" messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Your alert was %s successfully.' % action) # and redirect to the alerts page return HttpResponseRedirect('/profile/alerts/') else: # Invalid form. Do the search again and show them the alert form # with the errors render_dict.update(do_search(request)) render_dict.update({'alert_form': alert_form}) return render_to_response( 'search/search.html', render_dict, RequestContext(request), ) else: # Either a search or the homepage if len(request.GET) == 0: # No parameters --> Homepage. if not is_bot(request): tally_stat('search.homepage_loaded') # Load the render_dict with good results that can be shown in the # "Latest Cases" section render_dict.update(do_search(request, rows=5, order_by='dateFiled desc')) # Get the results from the oral arguments as well oa_dict = do_search(request, rows=5, order_by='dateArgued desc', type='oa') render_dict.update({'results_oa': oa_dict['results']}) # But give it a fresh form for the advanced search section render_dict.update({'search_form': SearchForm(request.GET)}) ten_days_ago = make_aware( - timedelta(days=10), utc) alerts_in_last_ten = Stat.objects\ .filter( name__contains='alerts.sent', date_logged__gte=ten_days_ago)\ .aggregate(Sum('count'))['count__sum'] queries_in_last_ten = Stat.objects\ .filter( name='search.results', date_logged__gte=ten_days_ago) \ .aggregate(Sum('count'))['count__sum'] bulk_in_last_ten = Stat.objects\ .filter( name__contains='bulk_data', date_logged__gte=ten_days_ago)\ .aggregate(Sum('count'))['count__sum'] api_in_last_ten = Stat.objects \ .filter( name__contains='api', date_logged__gte=ten_days_ago) \ .aggregate(Sum('count'))['count__sum'] users_in_last_ten = User.objects\ .filter(date_joined__gte=ten_days_ago).count() opinions_in_last_ten = Document.objects\ .filter(time_retrieved__gte=ten_days_ago).count() oral_arguments_in_last_ten = Audio.objects\ .filter(time_retrieved__gte=ten_days_ago).count() days_of_oa = naturalduration( Audio.objects.aggregate(Sum('duration'))['duration__sum'], as_dict=True, )['d'] render_dict.update({ 'alerts_in_last_ten': alerts_in_last_ten, 'queries_in_last_ten': queries_in_last_ten, 'opinions_in_last_ten': opinions_in_last_ten, 'oral_arguments_in_last_ten': oral_arguments_in_last_ten, 'bulk_in_last_ten': bulk_in_last_ten, 'api_in_last_ten': api_in_last_ten, 'users_in_last_ten': users_in_last_ten, 'days_of_oa': days_of_oa, 'private': False }) return render_to_response( 'homepage.html', render_dict, RequestContext(request) ) else: # User placed a search or is trying to edit an alert if request.GET.get('edit_alert'): # They're editing an alert alert = get_object_or_404( Alert, pk=request.GET.get('edit_alert'), userprofile=request.user.profile ) alert_form = CreateAlertForm( instance=alert, initial={'query': get_string_sans_alert}, user=request.user, ) else: # Just a regular search if not is_bot(request): tally_stat('search.results') # Create bare-bones alert form. alert_form = CreateAlertForm( initial={'query': get_string, 'rate': "dly"}, user=request.user ) render_dict.update(do_search(request)) render_dict.update({'alert_form': alert_form}) return render_to_response( 'search/search.html', render_dict, RequestContext(request), )
def show_results(request): """ This view can vary significantly, depending on how it is called: - In its most simple form, it is called via GET and without any parameters. --> This loads the homepage. - It might also be called with GET *with* parameters. --> This loads search results. - It might be called with a POST. --> This attempts to save an alert. It also has a few failure modes it needs to support: - It must react properly to an invalid alert form. - It must react properly to an invalid or failing search form. All of these paths have tests. """ # Create a search string that does not contain the page numbers get_string = search_utils.make_get_string(request) get_string_sans_alert = search_utils.make_get_string( request, ['page', 'edit_alert']) render_dict = { 'private': True, 'get_string': get_string, 'get_string_sans_alert': get_string_sans_alert, } if request.method == 'POST': # The user is trying to save an alert. alert_form = CreateAlertForm(request.POST, user=request.user) if alert_form.is_valid(): cd = alert_form.cleaned_data # save the alert if request.POST.get('edit_alert'): # check if the user can edit this, or if they are url hacking alert = get_object_or_404(Alert, pk=request.POST.get('edit_alert'), userprofile=request.user.profile) alert_form = CreateAlertForm(cd, instance=alert, user=request.user) action = "edited" else: alert_form = CreateAlertForm(cd, user=request.user) alert = # associate the user with the alert up = request.user.profile up.alert.add(alert) action = "created" messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Your alert was %s successfully.' % action) # and redirect to the alerts page return HttpResponseRedirect('/profile/alerts/') else: # Invalid form. Do the search again and show them the alert form # with the errors render_dict.update(do_search(request)) render_dict.update({'alert_form': alert_form}) return render_to_response( 'search/search.html', render_dict, RequestContext(request), ) else: # Either a search or the homepage if len(request.GET) == 0: # No parameters --> Homepage. if not is_bot(request): tally_stat('search.homepage_loaded') # Load the render_dict with good results that can be shown in the # "Latest Cases" section render_dict.update( do_search(request, rows=5, order_by='dateFiled desc')) # Get the results from the oral arguments as well oa_dict = do_search(request, rows=5, order_by='dateArgued desc', type='oa') render_dict.update({'results_oa': oa_dict['results']}) # But give it a fresh form for the advanced search section render_dict.update({'search_form': SearchForm(request.GET)}) ten_days_ago = make_aware( - timedelta(days=10), utc) alerts_in_last_ten = Stat.objects\ .filter( name__contains='alerts.sent', date_logged__gte=ten_days_ago)\ .aggregate(Sum('count'))['count__sum'] queries_in_last_ten = Stat.objects\ .filter( name='search.results', date_logged__gte=ten_days_ago) \ .aggregate(Sum('count'))['count__sum'] bulk_in_last_ten = Stat.objects\ .filter( name__contains='bulk_data', date_logged__gte=ten_days_ago)\ .aggregate(Sum('count'))['count__sum'] api_in_last_ten = Stat.objects \ .filter( name__contains='api', date_logged__gte=ten_days_ago) \ .aggregate(Sum('count'))['count__sum'] users_in_last_ten = User.objects\ .filter(date_joined__gte=ten_days_ago).count() opinions_in_last_ten = Document.objects\ .filter(time_retrieved__gte=ten_days_ago).count() oral_arguments_in_last_ten = Audio.objects\ .filter(time_retrieved__gte=ten_days_ago).count() days_of_oa = naturalduration( Audio.objects.aggregate(Sum('duration'))['duration__sum'], as_dict=True, )['d'] render_dict.update({ 'alerts_in_last_ten': alerts_in_last_ten, 'queries_in_last_ten': queries_in_last_ten, 'opinions_in_last_ten': opinions_in_last_ten, 'oral_arguments_in_last_ten': oral_arguments_in_last_ten, 'bulk_in_last_ten': bulk_in_last_ten, 'api_in_last_ten': api_in_last_ten, 'users_in_last_ten': users_in_last_ten, 'days_of_oa': days_of_oa, 'private': False }) return render_to_response('homepage.html', render_dict, RequestContext(request)) else: # User placed a search or is trying to edit an alert if request.GET.get('edit_alert'): # They're editing an alert alert = get_object_or_404(Alert, pk=request.GET.get('edit_alert'), userprofile=request.user.profile) alert_form = CreateAlertForm( instance=alert, initial={'query': get_string_sans_alert}, user=request.user, ) else: # Just a regular search if not is_bot(request): tally_stat('search.results') # Create bare-bones alert form. alert_form = CreateAlertForm(initial={ 'query': get_string, 'rate': "dly" }, user=request.user) render_dict.update(do_search(request)) render_dict.update({'alert_form': alert_form}) return render_to_response( 'search/search.html', render_dict, RequestContext(request), )
def link(self, obj): return '/feed/search/?' + search_utils.make_get_string(obj)