def dict_formatted(value: Any) -> str:
    Return a string with a cross-referencing link for the Dict class and to the refer type.
    dict_with_reference = _get_dict_reference()
    referenced_value = value.__args__[1]
    if is_attrs(referenced_value):
        name = attrs_formatted(referenced_value)
    elif is_scalar(referenced_value):
        name = _get_scalar_reference()
    elif is_array(referenced_value):
        name = _get_array_reference()
        name = str(referenced_value).replace("typing.", "")

    return f"{dict_with_reference}[str, {name}]"
def union_formatted(value: Any) -> str:
    Return a string with a cross-referencing link for the Optional module.
    Note that all usages of union on CaseDescription are from the Optional module.
    optional_with_reference = _get_optional_reference()
    ref_value = value.__args__[0]

    if isinstance(ref_value, enum.EnumMeta):
        name = enum_formatted(ref_value)
    elif is_array(ref_value):
        name = _get_array_reference()
    elif is_list(ref_value):
        name = f"{_get_list_reference()}[{ref_value.__args__[0].__name__}]"
        name = ref_value.__name__

    return f"{optional_with_reference}[{name}]"
def dict_formatted_for_schema(value: Any) -> str:
    Return a string showing a dict with the parameters used, if the parameter is class
    that has a sphinx reference (attr, Scalar, Array) a cross-referencing link will be added.
    lines = f"\n{BASE_INDENT + INDENT}"
    lines += "string: "
    argument = value.__args__[1]

    if is_attrs(argument):
        lines += attrs_formatted_for_schema(argument)
    elif is_union(argument):
        lines += f"{' | '.join(i.__name__.replace('str', 'string') for i in argument.__args__)}"
    elif is_scalar(argument):
        lines += scalar_formatted_for_schema(argument, number_of_indent=2)
    elif is_array(argument):
        lines += array_formatted_for_schema(argument, number_of_indent=2)
        lines += argument.__name__
    return lines