Пример #1
    def __init__(self, parent, gen_left, gen_right):
        """Specify generators on the two sides of the tensor. Both are type D
        generators because the AA generator in between is assumed.

        # Note tuple initialization is automatic
        Generator.__init__(self, parent)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, parent, idem1, idem2):
        """Every generator has two idempotents. idem1 is the type D idempotent
        on the left. idem2 is the type A idempotent on the right.

        Generator.__init__(self, parent)
        self.idem1, self.idem2 = idem1, idem2
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, parent, source, coeff, target):
        """Specifies the morphism source -> coeff * target. Note coeff has type
        TensorDGAlgebra of the two algebras that act on the DD structures.

        Generator.__init__(self, parent)
        MorObject.__init__(self, source, coeff, target)
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, parent, source, coeff, target):
     """Specifies the morphism source -> coeff * target."""
     Generator.__init__(self, parent)
     MorObject.__init__(self, source, coeff, target)
     filt = []
     if hasattr(source, "filtration"):
         filt += [1-x for x in source.filtration]
     if hasattr(target, "filtration"):
         filt += target.filtration
     if filt != []:
         self.filtration = filt
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, parent, strands):
        """Specifies the parent algebra (of type PreStrandAlgebra), and a list
        of strands. Each element of strands is a pair specifying the starting
        and ending points.

        Generator.__init__(self, parent)
        self.pmc = parent.pmc
        self.strands = tuple(sorted(strands))
        self.left_pt_idem = tuple(sorted([s for s, t in self.strands]))
        self.right_pt_idem = tuple(sorted([t for s, t in self.strands]))
        self.left_idem = tuple(sorted([self.pmc.pairid[s]
                                       for s in self.left_pt_idem]))
        self.right_idem = tuple(sorted([self.pmc.pairid[s]
                                        for s in self.right_pt_idem]))
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, parent, coeff_d, coeffs_a, source, target):
        """Specifies the morphism m(source, coeffs_a) -> coeff_d * target.
        source and target are generators in two type DA bimodules with same
        algebra actions. If the bimodules have left type D action by algebra1
        and right type A action by algebra2, then as a MorObject coeff is of
        type TensorDGAlgebra(algebra1, CobarAlgebra(algebra2)).

        Generator.__init__(self, parent)
        self.coeff_d, self.coeffs_a = coeff_d, coeffs_a
        cobar_alg = CobarAlgebra(source.parent.algebra2)
        tensor_alg = TensorDGAlgebra((source.parent.algebra1, cobar_alg))
        coeff = TensorGenerator(
            (coeff_d, TensorStarGenerator(coeffs_a, cobar_alg, source.idem2)),
        MorObject.__init__(self, source, coeff, target)
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, parent, left_idem, strands, right_idem = None):
        """Specifies PMC, left idempotent and right idempotent as list of pair
        ID's, and strands as a list of pairs (start, end).
        For example, in the split PMC of genus 2, the strand diagram with
        double horizontal at (1,3) and strand from 2 to 5 would be encoded as:
        left_idem = [1,2], right_idem = [1,3], strands = [(2,5)], since pair
        (1,3) has index 1, pair (2,4) has index 2, and pair (5,7) has index 3.

        Generator.__init__(self, parent)
        self.pmc = parent.pmc
        self.mult_one = parent.mult_one

        self.strands = strands
        if not isinstance(self.strands, Strands):
            self.strands = Strands(self.pmc, self.strands)

        # Calculate left idempotent if necessary
        if left_idem is None:
            assert right_idem is not None
            left_idem = self.strands.propagateLeft(right_idem)
        self.left_idem = left_idem
        if not isinstance(self.left_idem, Idempotent):
            self.left_idem = Idempotent(self.pmc, self.left_idem)

        # Calculate right idempotent if necessary
        if right_idem is None:
            right_idem = self.strands.propagateRight(self.left_idem)
        assert right_idem is not None, \
            "Invalid init data for strand diagram: cannot propagate to right."
        self.right_idem = right_idem
        if not isinstance(self.right_idem, Idempotent):
            self.right_idem = Idempotent(self.pmc, self.right_idem)

        # Enumerate double horizontals
        self.double_hor = list(self.left_idem)
        for st in self.strands:
        self.double_hor = tuple(self.double_hor)

        # Get multiplicity from strands
        self.multiplicity = self.strands.multiplicity
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, parent, left_idem, strands):
        """Specifies the parent algebra (which contains the local PMC), left
        idempotent, and strands.

        Input parameters:
        - parent: must be an object of LocalStrandAlgebra.
        - left_idem: tuple containing IDs of occupied pairs.
        - strands: tuple of pairs specifying strands.

        Generator.__init__(self, parent)
        self.local_pmc = parent.local_pmc
        self.left_idem = left_idem
        if not isinstance(self.left_idem, LocalIdempotent):
            self.left_idem = LocalIdempotent(self.local_pmc, self.left_idem)
        if not isinstance(strands, LocalStrands):
            strands = LocalStrands(self.local_pmc, strands)
        self.strands = strands

        # Get right_idem and multiplicity from strands
        self.right_idem = self.strands.propagateRight(self.left_idem)
        self.multiplicity = self.strands.multiplicity

        # Enumerate single and double horizontals
        self.all_hor = list(self.left_idem)
        for st in self.strands:
            start_idem = self.local_pmc.pairid[st[0]]
            if start_idem != -1:
                if start_idem not in self.all_hor:
                    print left_idem, strands
        self.all_hor = tuple(self.all_hor)
        self.single_hor = tuple([i for i in self.all_hor
                                 if len(self.local_pmc.pairs[i]) == 1])
        self.double_hor = tuple([i for i in self.all_hor
                                 if len(self.local_pmc.pairs[i]) == 2])
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, parent, idem1, idem2):
     ''' Every generator has two idempotents. 
     idem1: left type D idempotent on the left.
     idem2: right type A idempotent on the right.''' # cb and check
     Generator.__init__(self, parent)
     self.idem1, self.idem2 = idem1, idem2
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, parent, idem):
     """Every generator must have an idempotent."""
     Generator.__init__(self, parent)
     self.idem = idem
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, parent, gen_left, gen_right):
     ''' Specifies generators on the two sides of the tensor.''' # Both are type D generators? ( CB and reread)
     Generator.__init__(self, parent)
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, parent, idem1, idem2):
     ''' Every generator has two idempotents. 
     idem1: left type D idempotent on the left.
     idem2: right type A idempotent on the right.''' # cb and check
     self.idem1, self.idem2 = idem1, idem2
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, parent, idem1, idem2):
     """Every generator has two idempotents (for the two type D actions)."""
     Generator.__init__(self, parent)
     self.idem1, self.idem2 = idem1, idem2
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, parent, idem):
     ''' Every generator must have an idempotent. '''
     Generator.__init__(self, parent)
     self.idem = idem  # ask akram # left idempotent CB and fill in
Пример #15
 def __init__(self, parent, sd_left, sd_right):
     "Specifies the two strand diagrams." ""
     # Note tuple initialization is automatic
     Generator.__init__(self, parent)
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, parent, gen_left, gen_right):
        ''' Specifies generators on the two sides of the tensor.'''  # Both are type D generators? ( CB and reread)

        Generator.__init__(self, parent)