Пример #1
def update_boids(boids, time):

    for index in range(len(boids)):
        b = boids[index]
        b[2] += cohesion(index, boids)[0]*10
        b[3] += cohesion(index, boids)[1]*10
        b[2] += separate(index, boids)[0]*5
        b[3] += separate(index, boids)[1]*5
        b[2] += align(index, boids)[0]
        b[3] += align(index, boids)[1]
        # Limit velocity to 500 pixels per second horizontally and vertically
        b[2] = speed_limit(b[2], 500)
        b[3] = speed_limit(b[3], 500)

        # Update the boid's position based on its velocity and the
        # time that has passed since the last update.
        b[0] += float(b[2])/1000 * time
        b[1] += float(b[3])/1000 * time

        # Make the boid bounce off the walls.
        if b[0] < 0:
            b[0] = 0
            b[2] = -b[2]
        elif b[0] > WIDTH:
            b[0] = WIDTH
            b[2] = -b[2]
        if b[1] < 0:
            b[1] = 0
            b[3] = -b[3]
        elif b[1] > HEIGHT:
            b[1] = HEIGHT
            b[3] = -b[3]
Пример #2
def update_boids(boids, time, SEPARATION_MULTIPLIER, COHESION_MULTIPLIER, align_on, sl):

    for index in range(len(boids)):
        b = boids[index]
        b[2] += cohesion(index, boids)[0] * COHESION_MULTIPLIER
        b[3] += cohesion(index, boids)[1] * COHESION_MULTIPLIER
        b[2] += separate(index, boids, random_color, b[4])[0] * SEPARATION_MULTIPLIER
        b[3] += separate(index, boids, random_color, b[4])[1] * SEPARATION_MULTIPLIER
        if align_on == "y" or align_on == "Y":
            b[2] += align(index, boids)[0]
            b[3] += align(index, boids)[1]
        b[4] = separate(index, boids, random_color, b[4])[2]
        # Limit velocity to 500 pixels per second horizontally and vertically
        b[2] = speed_limit(b[2], sl)
        b[3] = speed_limit(b[3], sl)

        # Update the boid's position based on its velocity and the
        # time that has passed since the last update.
        b[0] += float(b[2]) / 1000 * time
        b[1] += float(b[3]) / 1000 * time

        # Make the boid bounce off the walls.
        if b[0] < 0:
            b[0] = 0
            b[2] = -b[2]
        elif b[0] > WIDTH:
            b[0] = WIDTH
            b[2] = -b[2]
        if b[1] < 0:
            b[1] = 0
            b[3] = -b[3]
        elif b[1] > HEIGHT:
            b[1] = HEIGHT
            b[3] = -b[3]
Пример #3
def main():
    # parse command
    command_log = 'CIRCexplorer parameters: ' + ' '.join(sys.argv)
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    elif sys.argv[1] == '--version' or sys.argv[1] == '-v':
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'align':
        import align
        align.align(docopt(align.__doc__, version=__version__),
                    command=command_log, name='align')
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'parse':
        import parse
        parse.parse(docopt(parse.__doc__, version=__version__),
                    command=command_log, name='parse')
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'annotate':
        import annotate
        annotate.annotate(docopt(annotate.__doc__, version=__version__),
                          command=command_log, name='annotate')
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'assemble':
        import assemble
        assemble.assemble(docopt(assemble.__doc__, version=__version__),
                          command=command_log, name='assemble')
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'denovo':
        import denovo
        denovo.denovo(docopt(denovo.__doc__, version=__version__),
                      command=command_log, name='denovo')
Пример #4
def align_command(options, command_log):
    from align import align
    options['--bw'] = True
    options['--scale'] = True
    options['--skip-tophat'] = False
    options['--skip-tophat-fusion'] = False
    align(options, command=command_log, name='align')
Пример #5
def main():
    # parse command
    command_log = 'CIRCexplorer parameters: ' + ' '.join(sys.argv)
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    elif sys.argv[1] == '--version' or sys.argv[1] == '-v':
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'align':
        import align
        align.align(docopt(align.__doc__, version=__version__),
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'parse':
        import parse
        parse.parse(docopt(parse.__doc__, version=__version__),
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'annotate':
        import annotate
        annotate.annotate(docopt(annotate.__doc__, version=__version__),
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'assemble':
        import assemble
        assemble.assemble(docopt(assemble.__doc__, version=__version__),
    elif sys.argv[1] == 'denovo':
        import denovo
        denovo.denovo(docopt(denovo.__doc__, version=__version__),
Пример #6
def zstruct2(mol1, mol2, r1, r2, b1, doOne=True, doTwo=False):
    obconversion = ob.OBConversion()
    i = 0
    # generate all one-permutations of r1 and r2
    if (doOne == True):
        z = []
        for atom in r2:
            for atom2 in r1:
                z.append([(atom, atom2)])
        for isomer in z:
            output_path = os.getcwd() + "/initial%04d.xyz" % i
            omol = align.align(mol1, mol2, 1, list(isomer[0]))
            fname = str("ISOMERS%04d" % i)
            s1 = " ".join([str(j) for j in isomer[0]])
            i += 1
            with open(fname, 'w') as f:
                f.write("ADD " + s1 + "\n")
            with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
    # ====== generate all one-permutations of add and break ===== #
    if not (b1 is None):
        zb = [[x[0], b1] for x in z]
        for isomer in zb:
            output_path = os.getcwd() + "/initial%04d.xyz" % i
            fname = str("ISOMERS%04d" % i)
            s1 = " ".join([str(j) for j in isomer[0]])
            s2 = " ".join([str(j) for j in isomer[1]])
            i += 1
            omol = align.align(mol1, mol2, 1, list(isomer[0]))
            with open(fname, 'w') as f:
                f.write("ADD " + s1 + "\n")
                f.write("BREAK " + s2 + "\n")
            with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
    # ========generate all two-permutations of r1 and r2 ====== #
    if (doTwo == True):
        z2 = [zip(x, r1) for x in itertools.permutations(r2, len(r1))]
        for isomer in z2:
            output_path = os.getcwd() + "/initial%04d.xyz" % i
            fname = str("ISOMERS%04d" % i)
            s1 = " ".join([str(j) for j in isomer[0]])
            s2 = " ".join([str(j) for j in isomer[1]])
            isom_list = list(isomer[0]) + list(isomer[1])
            i += 1
            omol = align.align(mol1, mol2, 2, isom_list)
            with open(fname, 'w') as f:
                f.write("ADD " + s1 + "\n")
                f.write("ADD " + s2 + "\n")
            with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
Пример #7
def smith_waterman(seq0, seq1):
    gap_score: # of gaps / length of aligned sequence (lower number => better alignment)

    score, gap_score, a0, a1 = align.align(seq0, seq1, local=False)
    return gap_score
Пример #8
def realign_filter(rec, inslib):
    S = -np.ones((256, 256)) + 2 * np.identity(256)
    S = S.astype(np.int16)

    seqn = rec['Superfamily'] + ':' + rec['Subfamily']
    if seqn not in inslib:
        return False

    seq_headers = ['Genomic_Consensus_5p', 'Genomic_Consensus_3p', 'Insert_Consensus_5p', 'Insert_Consensus_3p']

    for seqtype in seq_headers:
        s1 = align.string_to_alignment(rec[seqtype])
        s2 = align.string_to_alignment(inslib[seqn])

        (s, a1, a2) = align.align(s1, s2, -2, -2, S, local=True)
        a1 = align.alignment_to_string(a1)
        a2 = ''.join([b for b in list(align.alignment_to_string(a2)) if b != '-'])

        score = 0.0
        if len(a1) > 0:
            score = float(len(a1) - (len(a1)-s)) / float(len(a1))

        #print seqtype, score, len(a1)

        if score > 0.9 and len(a1) > 25:
            return False

        return True
Пример #9
def compare_fingerprint_to_database(filename):
	file1 = fingerprint.location_fingerprint(filename)
	fingerprints = session.query(model.Fingerprint)
	database_iteration = []
	max_offset = 0
	for row in fingerprints:
		file2 = pickle.loads(row.fingerprint)
		ranked_matches = align.align(file1, file2)
		current_song = {}
		song_match = {}

#assorted song information
		current_song["title"] = row.title
		current_song["artist"] = row.artist
		current_song["album"] = row.album
		current_song["offset"] = ranked_matches[0][1]

	for current_song in database_iteration:
		if current_song["offset"] > max_offset:
			max_offset = current_song["offset"]

#information for most likely match
	for current_song in database_iteration:
		if current_song["offset"] == max_offset:
			song_match["title"] = current_song["title"]
			song_match["artist"] = current_song["artist"]
			song_match["album"] = current_song["album"]

	return song_match
Пример #10
def realign_filter(rec, inslib):
    S = -np.ones((256, 256)) + 2 * np.identity(256)
    S = S.astype(np.int16)

    seqn = rec['Superfamily'] + ':' + rec['Subfamily']
    if seqn not in inslib:
        return False

    seq_headers = [
        'Genomic_Consensus_5p', 'Genomic_Consensus_3p', 'Insert_Consensus_5p',

    for seqtype in seq_headers:
        s1 = align.string_to_alignment(rec[seqtype])
        s2 = align.string_to_alignment(inslib[seqn])

        (s, a1, a2) = align.align(s1, s2, -2, -2, S, local=True)
        a1 = align.alignment_to_string(a1)
        a2 = ''.join(
            [b for b in list(align.alignment_to_string(a2)) if b != '-'])

        score = 0.0
        if len(a1) > 0:
            score = float(len(a1) - (len(a1) - s)) / float(len(a1))

        #print seqtype, score, len(a1)

        if score > 0.9 and len(a1) > 25:
            return False

        return True
Пример #11
def test_align1():
    print 'peak: ' + str(peak1)
    print 'mean: ' + str(mean1)
    (i, score) = align.align(peak1, meanWords1, -1)
    print 'index is ' + str(i) + ', should be 0?'
    print 'score is ' + str(score)
Пример #12
def smith_waterman(seq0, seq1):
    gap_score: # of gaps / length of aligned sequence (lower number => better alignment)

    score, gap_score, a0, a1 = align.align(seq0, seq1, local=False)
    return gap_score
Пример #13
def test_padded_align_odd() -> None:
    Test the padded cross-correlation method with two gaussian pulses of odd length.
    # make some time arrays and define a time delta
    t = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    dt = 3.675 * (t[1] - t[0])
    t = np.linspace(-1, 1, 199, endpoint=False)

    # construct two identical gaussian pulses
    x = np.real(signal.gausspulse(t, fc=5))
    y = np.real(signal.gausspulse(t + dt, fc=5))

    # compute the delay without any upsampling
    d = align.xcorr_delay(x, y, 30)

    # and apply the delay
    y = align.apply_delay(y, d)

    # and test the top-level call
    ynew = align.align(x, y, method="xcorr", factor=30)

    # and check that the alignment is within a certain known accuracy
    assert np.std(np.abs(x - y)) < 0.005
    assert np.std(np.abs(y - ynew)) < 5e-5
Пример #14
def align_test(s, m):
    S = np.array([[1 if i == j else -1 for i in range(256)] for j in range(256)], dtype=np.short)
    score, p, _ = align.align(list(align.string_to_alignment(s)),
                              -1, -1, S, True, True)
    p = align.alignment_to_string(p).replace('-', '')
    return score, s.find(p)
Пример #15
    def testUnalignedText(self):
        left_text = \
            """シャーロックホームズにとって、彼女はいつも「あの女」である。ホームズが彼女を他の名前で呼ぶのはほとんど聞いたことがない。彼の目には、 彼女がそびえ立って女という性全体を覆い隠している。しかし、彼はアイリーン・アドラーに愛のような激情は一切感じていなかった。すべての激情は、そして特に愛というものは、 相容れなかった、彼の冷静で厳格だが見事に調整された心とは。
        right_text = \
"""TO SHERLOCK HOLMES she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name. In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex. It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler. All emotions, and that one particularly, were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind.

        split_text = align(left_text, right_text)
        split_text = list(split_text)
        self.assertEqual(split_text, [
             'TO SHERLOCK HOLMES she is always the woman.'),
             'I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name.'),
            ('彼の目には、 彼女がそびえ立って女という性全体を覆い隠している。',
             'In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex.'
             'It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler.'
            ('すべての激情は、そして特に愛というものは、 相容れなかった、彼の冷静で厳格だが見事に調整された心とは。',
             'All emotions, and that one particularly, were abhorrent to his cold, '
             'precise but admirably balanced mind.'), ('', '')
Пример #16
def test_gauss_align() -> None:
    Test Gaussian interpolation of unpadded cross correlation.
    # make some time arrays and define a time delta
    t = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    dt = 3.675 * (t[1] - t[0])
    t = np.linspace(-1, 1, 200, endpoint=False)

    # construct two identical gaussian pulses
    x = np.real(signal.gausspulse(t, fc=5))
    y = np.real(signal.gausspulse(t + dt, fc=5))

    # compute the delay with upsampling
    d_padded = align.xcorr_delay(x, y, 30)

    # compute the delay without any upsampling
    d = align.xcorr_delay(x, y, fit="gauss")

    # compute the new signal
    y = align.apply_delay(y, d)

    # and test the top-level call
    ynew = align.align(x, y, method="xcorr", factor=30)

    # and check that the alignment is within a certain known accuracy
    assert np.abs(d - d_padded) < 0.05
    assert np.mean(np.abs(x - y)) < 7e-4
    assert np.mean(np.abs(x - ynew)) < 7e-4
    assert np.mean(np.abs(y - ynew)) < 5e-5
Пример #17
def pnp_3d3d_with_num(model_points,
                      dists=np.zeros((4, 1))):
    _, rotation_vector, translation_vector, mask = cv2.solvePnPRansac(
        model_points, image_points, K, dists)

    pt3d = model_points[mask.ravel()]
    pt2d = image_points[mask.ravel()]
    pt3d_img = image_pts_3d[mask.ravel()]

    if pt3d.shape[0] < n:
        print('3d-2d few inliers number {} < N = {}'.format(pt3d.shape[0], n))
        return None, None

    s = np.int32(pt3d.shape[0] / n)
    pt3d = pt3d[::s]
    pt2d = pt2d[::s]
    pt3d_img = pt3d_img[::s]

    R, t, _ = al.align(np.asmatrix(pt3d.transpose()),
    return np.array(R), np.array(t)
Пример #18
def test_fft_align() -> None:
    Test FFT phase shift alignment
    for N in [178, 179, 200, 201]:
        # make some time arrays and define a time delta
        t = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, N // 2)
        dt = 3.675 * (t[1] - t[0])
        t = np.linspace(-1, 1, N, endpoint=False)
        true = dt / (t[1] - t[0])

        # construct two identical gaussian pulses
        x = np.real(signal.gausspulse(t, fc=5))
        y = np.real(signal.gausspulse(t + dt, fc=5))

        # compute the delay with upsampling
        delay = align.fft_delay(x, y)

        # and apply the delay
        y = align.apply_delay(y, delay)

        # use the top-level call
        ynew = align.align(x, y, method="fft")

        # and check that the alignment is within a certain known accuracy
        assert np.abs(true - delay) < 1e-3
        assert np.mean(np.abs(x - y)) < 1e-3
        assert np.mean(np.abs(x - ynew)) < 2e-4
        assert np.mean(np.abs(y - ynew)) < 3e-5
Пример #19
def download(person, url, bb):
    imgName = os.path.basename(url)
    rawPersonPath = os.path.join(args.raw, person)
    rawImgPath = os.path.join(rawPersonPath, imgName)
    alignedPersonPath = os.path.join(args.aligned, person)
    alignedImgPath = os.path.join(alignedPersonPath,
                                  hashlib.md5(imgName).hexdigest() + ".png")


    if not os.path.isfile(rawImgPath):
        print url
        urlF = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=5)
        with open(rawImgPath, 'wb') as f:

    if not os.path.isfile(alignedImgPath):
        bgr = cv2.imread(rawImgPath)
        if bgr is None:

        rgb = cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

        dlibBB = dlib.rectangle(*bb)
        outRgb = align.align(64,

        if outRgb is not None:
            outBgr = cv2.cvtColor(outRgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
            cv2.imwrite(alignedImgPath, outBgr)
Пример #20
def scsp(s, t):
    #  extend
    #  Add missing characters to start
    #  Parameters: extend_me  List from alignment
    #              original   Original before alignmnet
    #              pad_me     Companion - will be padded with leading spaces
    # Returns: two strings, the first extended, the second padded

    def extend(extend_me, original, pad_me):
        extension = []
        i = 0
        while extend_me[0] != original[i] and extend_me[0] != '-':
            i += 1
        return extension + extend_me, i * ['-'] + pad_me

    _, b, c = align(s,
                    replace_score=createSimpleDNASubst(subst=len(s) + len(t)),
    b1, c1 = extend(b, s, c)
    c2, b2 = extend(c1, t, b1)
    super_sequence = [aa if bb == '-' else bb for aa, bb in zip(b2, c2)]
    return ''.join(super_sequence)
Пример #21
def compareDomStrs(cluster1,cluster2,match,mismatch,gap,scale):
    #first index each cluster
    clus1Strs = dict(enumerate(cluster1))
    clus2Strs = dict(enumerate(cluster2))

    clus1Size = len(cluster1)
    clus2Size = len(cluster2)
    scoreMatrix,word2num,num2word = aligntools.buildScoringDictScaled(chain(*(cluster1+cluster2)),match,mismatch,scale)

    alignScores = np.ndarray((clus1Size,clus2Size))

    # score each pairwise alignment of domain strings to populate a alignment scores matrix
    for i,domStr1 in enumerate(cluster1):
        for j,domStr2 in enumerate(cluster2):
            num1 = [word2num[x] for x in domStr1]
            num2 = [word2num[x] for x in domStr2]
            alignScore,a1,a2 = align.align(num1,num2,gap,gap,scoreMatrix,local=True)
            alignScores[i,j] = alignScore

    #prepare scoring matrix for hungarian algorithm: negate scores and pad matrix
    if clus1Size < clus2Size:
        costMatrix = -np.vstack((copy(alignScores),np.zeros((clus2Size-clus1Size,clus2Size))))
    elif clus2Size < clus1Size:
        costMatrix = -np.hstack((copy(alignScores),np.zeros((clus1Size,clus1Size-clus2Size))))
        costMatrix = -copy(alignScores)

    # apply hungarian algorithm for matching
    pairings = [(x,y) for x,y in zip(*linear_sum_assignment(costMatrix)) if (x<clus1Size) and (y<clus2Size)]
    clusterScore = sum(alignScores[pairing] for pairing in pairings)
    pairStrings = [(alignScores[(x,y)],clus1Strs[x],clus2Strs[y]) for x,y in pairings]

    return clusterScore,pairStrings
Пример #22
    def consensus(self, minscore = 0.9):
        ''' build consensus from sorted aligned reads iteratively '''

        S = -np.ones((256, 256)) + 2 * np.identity(256)
        S = S.astype(np.int16)

        minqual = self.reads[0].minqual

        sortable_reads = [SortableRead(sr.read) for sr in self.reads]
        seqs = [qualtrim(sorted_read.read, minqual=minqual) for sorted_read in sorted(sortable_reads)]
        seqs = [s for s in seqs if len(s) > 20]

        if len(seqs) == 0:
            return '', 0.0

        if len(seqs) == 1: # no consensus necessary
            return seqs[0], 1.0

        uniq_seqs = [seqs[0]]
        for i, seq in enumerate(seqs[1:], start=1):
            if seq != seqs[i-1]:

        if len(uniq_seqs) == 1: # all seqs were the same!
            return uniq_seqs[0], 1.0

        cons = uniq_seqs[0]
        scores = []

        if len(uniq_seqs) > 1000:
            uniq_seqs = [uniq_seqs[u] for u in sorted(np.random.choice(range(len(uniq_seqs)), size=1000))]

        for seq in uniq_seqs[1:]:

            s1 = align.string_to_alignment(cons)
            s2 = align.string_to_alignment(seq)

            (s, a1, a2) = align.align(s1, s2, -2, -2, S, local=True)
            a1 = align.alignment_to_string(a1)
            a2 = ''.join([b for b in list(align.alignment_to_string(a2)) if b != '-'])

            score = 0.0
            if len(a1) > 0:
                score = float(len(a1) - (len(a1)-s)) / float(len(a1))

            if re.search(a1, cons):
                cons_start, cons_end = locate_subseq(cons, a1)

                if score >= minscore and cons_end > len(cons)-5:
                    align_end = locate_subseq(seq, a2)[1]
                    cons += seq[align_end:]
                    #print self.start, self.end, cons

        if scores:
            return cons, np.mean(scores)

            return cons, 0.0
Пример #23
def main():
    #Upload images
    uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a picture", type=['jpg', 'png'])
    if uploaded_file is not None:
        st.image(uploaded_file, width=200)
    second_uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose another picture", type=['jpg', 'png'])
    if second_uploaded_file is not None:
        st.image(second_uploaded_file, width=200)

    img1 = np.array(uploaded_file)
    img2 = np.array(second_uploaded_file)

    image1 = PIL.Image.open(uploaded_file)
    image2 = PIL.Image.open(second_uploaded_file)

    images = [image1, image2]

    if st.button('Align images'):
Пример #24
    def test_basic(self):
        """Verify that the aligner is putting out the correct score.
        Example on smith-waterman wikipedia page.

        s0 = 'ACACACTA'
        s1 = 'AGCACACA'
        score, normalized_score, a0, a1 = align.align(s0, s1, local=True)

        self.assertEqual(score, 12)
Пример #25
    def test_long_align(self):
        d = _fasta_dict('example.fa')
        r0 = 'm150213_074729_42177R_c100777662550000001823160908051505_s1_p0/70715/9957_22166'
        r1 = 'm150126_093705_42156_c100779662550000001823165208251525_s1_p0/144605/28461_40297'
        s0 = d[r0]
        s1 = d[r1]

        score, normalized_score, a0, a1 = align.align(s0, s1, local=False)
Пример #26
def align_shortlist(seq, shortlist):
    result = []

    nseq = list(align.string_to_alignment(seq))
    for sh in shortlist:
        score, nr, shr = align.align(nseq, list(align.string_to_alignment(sh)),
                                     -1, -1, S, True, True)
    return result
Пример #27
def _build_aligned_data(data, limit):
    limited_data = [d[:limit] for d in data]
    aligned_data = []

    longest = limited_data[np.argmax(map(len, limited_data))][::-1]
    for d in limited_data:
        (_, _, a) = align.align(longest, d[::-1], 0, -2, scoring.S,

    return aligned_data
Пример #28
def intake(geometry):
    file = open(geometry, "r")
    text = file.read()
    words = text.split()
    coords = []
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(3):
    return align.align(coords)
Пример #29
def test_fix1():
    data = align.load_from_file(open('fixtures/1.points'))
    expected = fixture_from_file(open("fixtures/1.solution"))

    res = align.align(data)

    if not np.array_equal(res, expected):

        assert False
Пример #30
def step2(dist_mapping, profile):
    f_main_log = profile["main_log_fd"]
    f_main_log.write("\n[*] Futher Investigate on the following TID:\n")

    for k2, v2 in dist_mapping.iteritems():
        if v2["match"] == 0:
            f_main_log.write("[*] Compromised TID (%s)\n\t%s\n" %
                             (k2, profile["groups"][1][k2]))
            f_main_log.write("    with TID=%s and Dist=%s\n" %
                             (v2["all"][0][0], v2["all"][0][1]))

    candidates = [[k2, v2["all"][0]] for k2, v2 in dist_mapping.iteritems()
                  if v2["match"] == 0]
    sort_by_min_dist = sorted(candidates,
                              key=lambda (x): x[1][1],
    f_main_log.write("[*] TOP 3 TID Candidates are:\n\t")
        "Mal_TID(%s) Clostest TID(%s) w/ Dist=%s" % (p[0], p[1][0], p[1][1])
        for p in sort_by_min_dist[:3]
    return None

    for k2, v2 in dist_mapping.iteritems():
        if len(v2["exact"]) == 0:
            sort_dist = sorted(v2["all"].iteritems(), key=lambda (k, v): v)
            rtn = " ".join(["%s:%s" % (kk, vv) for kk, vv in sort_dist])
            f_main_log.write("[*] Compromised TID (%s)\n\tDistance [%s]\n" %
                             (k2, rtn))
            if sort_dist[0][1] > 10000:
                f_main_log.write("(%s - %s)\n" % (k2, sort_dist[0][0]))
                f_main_log.write(" ".join(profile["groups"][1][k2]) + "\n")
                    " ".join(profile["groups"][0][sort_dist[0][0]]) + "\n")
                enc1, enc2, v = align.align(
                score, encodeds = align.score(enc1, enc2, v)
                for encoded in encodeds[0:1]:
                    alignment = v.decodeSequenceAlignment(encoded)
                    print "(%s - %s)\n" % (k2, sort_dist[0][0])
                    print alignment
                        "\tSimilarity:%s (%s - %s)\n" %
                        (alignment.percentIdentity(), k2, sort_dist[0][0]))
Пример #31
def test_fix1():
    data = align.load_from_file(open('fixtures/1.points'))
    expected = fixture_from_file(open("fixtures/1.solution"))

    res = align.align(data)

    if not np.array_equal(res, expected):

        assert False
Пример #32
def run_single_test(data_dir, output_dir):
    from align import align
    from skimage.io import imread, imsave
    parts = open(join(data_dir, 'g_coord.csv')).read().rstrip('\n').split(',')
    g_coord = (int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]))
    img = imread(join(data_dir, 'img.png'), plugin='matplotlib')

    aligned_img, (b_row, b_col), (r_row, r_col) = align(img, g_coord)

    with open(join(output_dir, 'output.csv'), 'w') as fhandle:
        print('%d,%d,%d,%d' % (b_row, b_col, r_row, r_col), file=fhandle)

    imsave(join(output_dir, 'aligned_img.png'), aligned_img)
Пример #33
def local_check(*zipped):
    for x, y in list(*zipped):
        nx = list(align.string_to_alignment(x.replace("-", "")))
        ny = list(align.string_to_alignment(y))
        score, xr, yr = align.align(nx, ny, -1, -1, S, True, True)
        xr = align.alignment_to_string(xr)
        yr = align.alignment_to_string(yr)
        # diff = abs(len(y.replace("-", "")) - len(xr.replace("-", "")))
        # if diff > 1:
        #     return False
        if hamming_dist(y, xr) > 1:
            # print(y, xr, yr, hamming_dist(y, xr))
            return False
    return True
Пример #34
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The seqAnn application')
    parser.add_argument('-i', action="store", dest="i", help="The input file is fasta with a single sequence")
    parser.add_argument('-g', action="store", dest="g", help="The gene type to process. It includes most of HLA and KIR types.For example: HLA-A, KIR")
    options = parser.parse_args()
    config.geneType = GeneType(options.g)
    blast.blast(options.i, config.get_blast_file())
    print("The input sequence best matched with "+blast.get_match_gene()+"\n")
    alignHelp = align(options.i)

    splitGeneHelp = splitGene(alignHelp.gene)
Пример #35
    def align(self, other,
              _pad=lambda d: di.Dimension._NullDimension(d[0]),
              _key=lambda t: t[0]):

        di00 = other.labels
        di10 = self.labels

        di01, di11 = al.align(di00, di10, key=_key, pad=_pad)
        def maybe_update(brick, olddims, newdims):
            return brick if olddims == newdims \
                   else HyperBrick(brick._data, newdims)

        return tuple(maybe_update(b, d0, d1)
                     for b, d0, d1 in zip((self, other),
                                          (di10, di00),
                                          (di11, di01)))
Пример #36
    def align(self, seq1, seq2, local = False):
        s1 = align.string_to_alignment(seq1)
        s2 = align.string_to_alignment(seq2)
        score, a1, a2 = align.align(s1, s2, self.gap_open, self.gap_extend,
                                    self.subs, local)
        res1, res2 = align.alignment_to_string(a1), align.alignment_to_string(a2)

        if local:
            strip1, strip2 = res1.replace("-", ""), res2.replace("-", "")
            start1, start2 = seq1.index(strip1), seq2.index(strip2)
            start_flank = max(start1, start2)
            end_flank = max(len(seq1) - len(strip1) - start1,
                            len(seq2) - len(strip2) - start2)
            res1 = "-" * start_flank + res1 + "-" * end_flank
            res2 = "-" * start_flank + res2 + "-" * end_flank
        return res1, res2, score
Пример #37
    def align(self, seq1, seq2, local=False):
        s1 = align.string_to_alignment(seq1)
        s2 = align.string_to_alignment(seq2)
        score, a1, a2 = align.align(s1, s2, self.gap_open, self.gap_extend,
                                    self.subs, local)
        res1, res2 = align.alignment_to_string(a1), align.alignment_to_string(

        if local:
            strip1, strip2 = res1.replace("-", ""), res2.replace("-", "")
            start1, start2 = seq1.index(strip1), seq2.index(strip2)
            start_flank = max(start1, start2)
            end_flank = max(len(seq1) - len(strip1) - start1,
                            len(seq2) - len(strip2) - start2)
            res1 = "-" * start_flank + res1 + "-" * end_flank
            res2 = "-" * start_flank + res2 + "-" * end_flank
        return res1, res2, score
Пример #38
def main(left, right):
    score, traceback = align(left, right)
    print 'Score: {0}'.format(score)

    sequence_l, sequence_r = construct_alignment(left, right, traceback)
    sequence_l = ''.join(sequence_l)
    sequence_r = ''.join(sequence_r)

    print 'Alignment:'

    while len(sequence_l) > 0:
        head_l, head_r = sequence_l[:60], sequence_r[:60]
        sequence_l, sequence_r = sequence_l[60:], sequence_r[60:]

        print head_l
        print head_r
Пример #39
 def item_iter(self):
     for i, index in enumerate(range(len(self.st_sents))):
         st_sent = self.st_sents[index]
         vecs = self.vec_manager.get_vector(st_sent['sentid'])
         old_toks = [wd['word'] for wd in st_sent['words']]
         new_toks = vecs['tokens']
         alignment = align(old_toks, new_toks)
         if alignment is not None:
             for i, word in enumerate(st_sent['words']):
                 if 'sense' in word:
                     sense_inst = SenseInstance(old_toks, i, word['sense'],
                     (projection_start, projection_stop) = alignment[i]
                     embeddings = []
                     for j in range(projection_start, projection_stop):
                     embedding = torch.stack(embeddings).sum(dim=0).tolist()
                     sense_inst.add_embedding('embed', embedding)
                     yield sense_inst
Пример #40
def consensus(seqs, minscore=0.95):
    ''' build consensus from sorted aligned reads iteratively, expects seqs to be sorted in ref genome order '''

    S = -np.ones((256, 256)) + 2 * np.identity(256)
    S = S.astype(np.int16)

    if len(seqs) == 1: # no consensus necessary
        return seqs[0], 1.0

    uniq_seqs = [seqs[0]]
    for i, seq in enumerate(seqs[1:], start=1):
        if seq != seqs[i-1]:

    if len(uniq_seqs) == 1: # all seqs were the same!
        return uniq_seqs[0], 1.0

    cons = uniq_seqs[0]
    scores = []

    if len(uniq_seqs) > 1000: uniq_seqs = np.random.choice(uniq_seqs, size=1000)

    for seq in uniq_seqs[1:]:

        s1 = align.string_to_alignment(cons)
        s2 = align.string_to_alignment(seq)

        (s, a1, a2) = align.align(s1, s2, -2, -2, S, local=True)
        a1 = align.alignment_to_string(a1)
        a2 = ''.join([b for b in list(align.alignment_to_string(a2)) if b != '-'])

        score = float(len(a1) - (len(a1)-s)) / float(len(a1))

        if re.search(a1, cons):
            cons_start, cons_end = locate_subseq(cons, a1)

            if score >= minscore and cons_end > len(cons)-5:
                align_end = locate_subseq(seq, a2)[1]
                cons += seq[align_end:]

    return cons, np.mean(scores)
Пример #41
def run_single_test(data_dir, output_dir):
    from align import align
    from numpy import ndarray
    from skimage.io import imread, imsave
    parts = open(join(data_dir, 'g_coord.csv')).read().rstrip('\n').split(',')
    g_coord = (int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]))
    img = imread(join(data_dir, 'img.png'), plugin='matplotlib')

    n_rows, n_cols = img.shape[:2]
    min_n_rows, min_n_cols = n_rows / 4.5, n_cols / 1.5
    aligned_img, (b_row, b_col), (r_row, r_col) = align(img, g_coord)

    assert type(aligned_img) is ndarray, 'aligned image is not ndarray'
    n_rows, n_cols = aligned_img.shape[:2]
    assert n_rows > min_n_rows and n_cols > min_n_cols, 'aligned image is too small'

    with open(join(output_dir, 'output.csv'), 'w') as fhandle:
        print('%d,%d,%d,%d' % (b_row, b_col, r_row, r_col), file=fhandle)

    imsave(join(output_dir, 'aligned_img.png'), aligned_img)
Пример #42
def upload_file():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        #check if the post request has the file part
        # if ('filewav' or 'filemid') not in request.files:
        #     print('No file part')
        #     return redirect(request.url)
        filewav = request.files['filewav']
        filexml = request.files['filexml']
        # if user does not select file, browser also
        # submit an empty part without filename
        # if filewav.filename == '':
        #     print('No selected file')
        #     return redirect(request.url)

        wavname = secure_filename(filewav.filename)
        filewav.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], wavname))

        xmlname = secure_filename(filexml.filename)
        filexml.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], xmlname))

        (f, wavext) = os.path.splitext(wavname)
        (xname, xmlext) = os.path.splitext(xmlname)

        midi_file = xname+'.mid'
        if (wavext == '.wav') and (xmlext == '.xml'):
            res1 = subprocess.call(['C:/Program Files/MuseScore 3/bin/MuseScore3.exe','-o'+midi_file , xmlname])
            res2 = subprocess.call(['C:/Program Files/MuseScore 3/bin/MuseScore3.exe','-o'+xname+'.mpos', xmlname])

            Y_pred = transcript(wavname) 

            ld = listdir(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'])
            p , q  = align(midi_file , Y_pred.T)
            p = list(p)
            q = list(q)

        return render_template('audio_TFG.html' , filename = wavname , p = p , q = q )
Пример #43
def register(face_detector, model, input_shape, frame, detections):
    l = len(detections)
    if l > 1:
        print("You should only register one user")
        return None
    elif l < 1:
        print("No face is found")
        return None

    cv2.imwrite(f"{img_dir}{os.path.sep}registered.jpg", frame)


    img_aln = align.align(detections[0], frame)
    img_rep = represent.represent(img_aln, input_shape)

    retrieved_img = img_rep[0][:, :, ::-1]

    return "Registered"
Пример #44
def gen_vector(landmark_predictor, origin_img, vector_predictor):
    h, w, _ = origin_img.shape
    img = cv2.resize(origin_img, (RECOG_SIZE, RECOG_SIZE))
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    img = img - 127.5
    img = img * 0.0078125
    landmarks = landmark_predictor.predict(np.expand_dims(img, axis=0))[0]
    landmarks = np.asarray([(int(landmark[0] * w), int(landmark[1] * h))
                            for landmark in landmarks])
    align_face_img = align(origin_img, landmarks, LANDMARK_SIZE)
    # cv2.imwrite('output.jpg', align_face_img)
    # exit(0)
    align_face_img = cv2.cvtColor(align_face_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    align_face_img = align_face_img - 127.5
    img = align_face_img * 0.0078125

    img = img.transpose([2, 0, 1])
    img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
    img = torch.from_numpy(img).float()
    img = torch.autograd.Variable(img, requires_grad=False).to('cpu')
    with torch.no_grad():
        vector = vector_predictor.forward(img)
    return np.asarray(vector)
Пример #45
def register(face_detector, model, input_shape, frame, detections):
    l = len(detections)
    if l > 1:
        print("You should only register one user")
        return None
    elif l < 1:
        print("No face is found")
        return None



    img_aln = align.align(detections[0], frame)
    img_rep = represent.represent(img_aln, input_shape)

    retrieved_img = img_rep[0][:, :, ::-1]

    return "Registered"
Пример #46
## python script that aligns to the reference outputting a sam file
import sys
import os
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../src'))
from optparse import OptionParser
import align

parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-r", "--ref", dest="refFilename",help="fasta input ref file",
parser.add_option("-i","--id",dest="simID",help="simulation identifier",
(opt, args) = parser.parse_args()
## Make run ID mandatory
if not opt.simID:
	logging.error("Please specify a run ID with -i '''id''' ")
	raise ValueError("-i option is mandatory")

## Index to the reference
opt.readFilename = opt.refFilename[:-3] +'.subsampled.'+ opt.simID+'.fq' 

logging.info("Indexing reference")
# align.refIndex(file=opt.refFilename)
# ## Align reads to the reference
logging.info("Aligning reads to reference")
samfileName = opt.refFilename[:-3] +'.subsampled.'+ opt.simID + '.sam'
aligned = align.align(reference=opt.refFilename, read_file=opt.readFilename,stdout=samfileName,algorithm='stampy')

Пример #47
def nwalign_wrapper(seq1, seq2, matrix=NUCMATRIX):
    s1 = align.string_to_alignment(seq1)
    s2 = align.string_to_alignment(seq2)
    (score, a1, a2) = align.align(s1, s2, -1, -1, matrix)
    return float(score) / len(a1)
Пример #48
 def test_align(self):
     for case in self.cases:
         self.assertEqual(align.align(case[0][0], case[0][1]), case[1])
Пример #49
 def test_align_with_japanese(self):
     for case in self.jcases:
         self.assertEqual(align.align(case[0][0], case[0][1]), case[1])
Пример #50

from sys import argv, stdout, exit
from os.path import basename
from glob import iglob
from align import align
from skimage.io import imread, imsave

if len(argv) != 3:
    stdout.write('Usage: %s input_dir_path output_dir_path\n' % argv[0])

input_dir_path = argv[1]
output_dir_path = argv[2]

for filename in iglob(input_dir_path + '/*.png'):
    img = imread(filename)
    img = align(img)
    img = img.astype('float64') / 255
    imsave(output_dir_path + '/' + basename(filename), img)
Пример #51
 def testAlign1(self):
   self.assertEqual(hw.align("GCGGAA","GCAA",-3,dnamat), [14, 'GCggAA', 'GC--AA'])
Пример #52
def consensus(seqs, minscore=0.95):
    ''' build consensus from sorted aligned reads iteratively, expects seqs to be sorted in ref genome order '''

    S = -np.ones((256, 256)) + 2 * np.identity(256)
    S = S.astype(np.int16)

    if len(seqs) == 0:
        return '', 0.0

    if len(seqs) == 1: # no consensus necessary
        return seqs[0], 1.0

    uniq_seqs = [seqs[0]]
    for i, seq in enumerate(seqs[1:], start=1):
        if seq != seqs[i-1]:

    if len(uniq_seqs) == 1: # all seqs were the same!
        return uniq_seqs[0], 1.0

    start_index = 0
    cons = uniq_seqs[start_index]
    scores = []

    align_init = False

    for i, seq in enumerate(uniq_seqs[1:]):

        #print 'oldcons:', cons
        #print 'seq    :', seq

        s1 = align.string_to_alignment(cons)
        s2 = align.string_to_alignment(seq)

        (s, a1, a2) = align.align(s1, s2, -2, -2, S, local=True)
        a1 = align.alignment_to_string(a1)
        a2 = ''.join([b for b in list(align.alignment_to_string(a2)) if b != '-'])

        score = 0.0

        if len(a1) > 0:
            score = float(len(a1) - (len(a1)-s)) / float(len(a1))

        #print 'score  :', score


        if re.search(a1, cons):
            cons_start, cons_end = locate_subseq(cons, a1)

            if score >= minscore and cons_end > len(cons)-5:
                align_end = locate_subseq(seq, a2)[1]
                cons += seq[align_end:]
                align_init = True
                #print 'newcons:', cons

            elif not align_init: # haven't found a scaffold yet
                start_index += 1
                cons = uniq_seqs[start_index]

        #print '****'

    return cons, np.mean(scores)
        pars['flavor'] = 'passthru'  # symbolic link, no fastqc

        # *** 03 combine ***
        # no need to run if we don't have fastq files to combine
        pars['flavor'] = 'combine'
        #        pars['flavor'] = 'skip'
        #        c.combine(pars)

        # *** 04 align ***
        # star - generate bams

        pars['alignerIndexDir'] = alignerIndexDir1
        pars['flavor'] = 'star'
        #        pars['flavor'] = 'skip'

        #        pars['alignerIndexDir'] = alignerIndexDir2
        #        pars['flavor'] = 'salmon'
        #        a.align(pars)

        # *** 05 quantify ***
        # cufflinks - generate quantifications from bams
        #        pars['flavor'] = 'cufflinks'
        pars['flavor'] = 'stringtie'

        # *** count ***
        # featureCounts
        pars['flavor'] = 'featureCounts'
Пример #54
 def testAlign2(self):
   self.assertEqual(hw.align("GATC","AT",-9,dnamat), [-8, 'gATc', '-AT-'])
Пример #55
 def testAlign3(self):
   self.assertEqual(hw.align("CCAA","AT",-5,dnamat), [-9, 'ccAa', '--At'])
Пример #56
 def testAlign4(self):
   self.assertEqual(hw.align("ATAACAGA","GAACGAA",-9,dnamat), [8, 'atAACagA', 'g-AACgaA'])
Пример #57
from parse import parsingFunc, toFasta
from align import align

##### Config variables #####
filePath = 'rand.500.4.fq'
wordLength = 30  # See readme if running on 32-bit machine
writePath = 'output.fasta'

reads = parsingFunc(filePath)
result = align(reads, wl=wordLength)
contigs = result[0]
N50 = result[1]

toFasta(contigs, writePath)
print("Complete. n50: " + str(N50))
    wordLength = 7
        n_contigs = 2
        n50       = 1
        time     ~= 540
    wordLength = 15
        n_contigs = 2
        n50       = 1
        time     ~= 345
    wordLength = 30
        n_contigs = 2
        n50       = 1
        time     ~= 325
Пример #58
 def testAlign5(self):
   self.assertEqual(hw.align("CAGA","CGAA",-4,dnamat), [8, 'CagA', 'CgaA'])