Пример #1
quat1 = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(dataPath1,'gyro.mat'), delimiter=',')
QUAT1 = quat1[6:-6:5, :]
QUAT1_smooth = savgol_filter(QUAT1, 31, 3, axis=0)

fig = plt.figure()
fig.suptitle('Signal 1 & 2 Overlaid with DTW', fontsize=18, fontweight='bold')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#ax.set_title('axes title')
ax.set_xlabel('samples', fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel('ampitude', fontsize=16)
signal0 = np.reshape(QUAT0_smooth[:,0], (-1,1))

#fig1 = plt.figure()
#fig1.suptitle('Signal 2', fontsize=18, fontweight='bold')
#ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
##ax.set_title('axes title')
#ax1.set_xlabel('samples', fontsize=16)
#ax1.set_ylabel('ampitude', fontsize=16)
signal1 = np.reshape(QUAT1_smooth[:,0], (-1,1))
ax.plot(signal1, 'r')

aligned = align_signal(signal0, signal1, w=5, has_time=False);
ax.plot(aligned, 'r--')

Пример #2
def build_classifier(samples=1, nClusters=None, ID='user', used=False):
    if used:
        mdp = pickle.load(open('../data/mdp.pkl'))
        args = {"give_prompt": True,
                "mdp": mdp,
                "id": ID
        progress = myo_state2.Progress(classifier_pkl='../data/state_classifier.pkl', **args)
    for identifier in ('l', 'u'):
        for i in range(samples):
            data_i, EMG_max_i, EMG_min_i, GYRO_max_i  = preprocess(os.path.join('../../data/work/', str(i)), update_extremes=True, identifier=identifier)
            emg_i = data_i[:, 1:9]
            imu_i = data_i[:, 9:]
            if i == 0:
                emg_demos = emg_i
                imu_demos = imu_i
                EMG_MAX = EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN = EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX = GYRO_max_i
                imu_i_a = align_signal(imu_demos, imu_i, w=5, has_time=False)
                imu_demos += imu_i_a
                EMG_MAX += EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN += EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX += GYRO_max_i
        n = len(imu_demos)
        # get average
        if identifier == 'l':
            print "\nProcessing myo on lower arm..."
            emg_demos_l = emg_demos                        
            imu_demos_l = imu_demos/samples
            EMG_MAX_l = EMG_MAX/samples
            EMG_MIN_l = EMG_MIN/samples
            GYRO_MAX_l = GYRO_MAX/samples
            print "EMG_MAX_l", EMG_MAX_l
            print "EMG_MIN_l", EMG_MIN_l
            print "GYRO_MAX_l", GYRO_MAX_l
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_l)
            print "\nProcessing myo on upper arm..."
            emg_demos_u = emg_demos 
            imu_demos_u = imu_demos/samples
            EMG_MAX_u = EMG_MAX/samples
            EMG_MIN_u = EMG_MIN/samples
            GYRO_MAX_u = GYRO_MAX/samples
            print "EMG_MAX_u", EMG_MAX_u
            print "EMG_MIN_u", EMG_MIN_u
            print "GYRO_MAX_u", GYRO_MAX_u
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_u)
    N_l = imu_demos_l.shape[0]
    N_u = imu_demos_u.shape[0]
    print N_u
    if N_l < N_u:
        emg_demos_u = emg_demos_u[0:N_l, :]
        imu_demos_u = imu_demos_u[0:N_l, :]
        Time = np.arange(N_l).reshape((N_l,1))
    elif N_l > N_u:
        emg_demos_l = emg_demos_l[0:N_u, :]
        imu_demos_l = imu_demos_l[0:N_u, :]
        Time = np.arange(N_u).reshape((N_u,1))
        Time = np.arange(N_u).reshape((N_u,1))      

    if os.path.exists('/usr/local/MATLAB'):
        print "MATLAB FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is Malab under /usr/local
        ## GMM and GMR will be performed
        subprocess.call(['matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nojvm', '-nosplash', '-r', 'demo('+str(samples)+');exit'])
        print "MATLAB NOT FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is no Matlab
        ## simply use the aligned average as expected trajectory
        np.savetxt('../data/demo_l.dat', imu_demos_l[:, -4:], delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('../data/demo_u.dat', imu_demos_u[:, -4:], delimiter=',')
    emg_demos = np.hstack((emg_demos_l,emg_demos_u))
    emg_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(emg_demos, n_clusters=8)
    observations = np.hstack((EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_l, imu_demos_l, EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_u, imu_demos_u))
    timed_observations = np.hstack((TIME_WEIGHT*Time, EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_l, imu_demos_l, EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_u, imu_demos_u))
    if nClusters is None:
        N = observations.shape[0]
        low_limit = N/20 # 0.5 states per second
        high_limit = int(1.5*N/20) # 0.75 states per second
        scores = {}
        for n in range(low_limit, high_limit):
            state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, n)
            score = state_cluster.evaluate(timed_observations, state_cluster.labels)
            scores[score] = n
            print '# clusters, score', n, score
        max_score = max(scores.keys())
        n_clusters = scores[max_score]
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, n_clusters)
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, nClusters)
    plt.plot(state_cluster.labels, '*')
    builder = BuildMDP(actionsData=emg_cluster.labels, statesData=state_cluster.labels)
    pickle.dump(builder, open('../data/mdp.pkl', 'wb'))
    print "path", builder.path
    print "policy", builder.Pi
    with open('../data/state_sequence.dat', 'w') as f:
        for item in builder.path:
    print "expected actions: ", emg_cluster.labels
    print "expected states: ", state_cluster.labels
    baseline = evaluate(emg_cluster.labels, state_cluster.labels, builder)
    print "baseline performance: ", baseline
    state_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    state_classifier.train(observations, state_cluster.labels, trainingFile=None)
    pickle.dump((state_classifier, EMG_MAX, EMG_MIN, GYRO_MAX, baseline), open('../data/state_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))
    action_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    action_classifier.train(emg_demos, emg_cluster.labels, trainingFile=None)
    pickle.dump(action_classifier, open('../data/action_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))
Пример #3
dataPath1 = "/home/ymeng/jade/myo/src/myo_raw/data/work/1"
quat1 = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(dataPath1, "gyro.mat"), delimiter=",")
QUAT1 = quat1[6:-6:5, :]
QUAT1_smooth = savgol_filter(QUAT1, 31, 3, axis=0)

fig = plt.figure()
fig.suptitle("Signal 1 & 2 Overlaid with DTW", fontsize=18, fontweight="bold")
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# ax.set_title('axes title')
ax.set_xlabel("samples", fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel("ampitude", fontsize=16)
signal0 = np.reshape(QUAT0_smooth[:, 0], (-1, 1))

# fig1 = plt.figure()
# fig1.suptitle('Signal 2', fontsize=18, fontweight='bold')
# ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
# fig1.subplots_adjust(top=0.85)
##ax.set_title('axes title')
# ax1.set_xlabel('samples', fontsize=16)
# ax1.set_ylabel('ampitude', fontsize=16)
signal1 = np.reshape(QUAT1_smooth[:, 0], (-1, 1))
ax.plot(signal1, "r")

aligned = align_signal(signal0, signal1, w=5, has_time=False)
ax.plot(aligned, "r--")

Пример #4
def build_classifier(samples=1, nClusters=None, ID='user', used=False):
    if used:
        mdp = pickle.load(open('../data/mdp.pkl'))
        args = {"give_prompt": True, "mdp": mdp, "id": ID}

        progress = myo_state2.Progress(
            classifier_pkl='../data/state_classifier.pkl', **args)

    has_matlab = os.path.exists('/usr/local/MATLAB')

    for identifier in ('l', 'u'):
        for i in range(samples):
            data_i, EMG_max_i, EMG_min_i, GYRO_max_i, states_i = preprocess(
                os.path.join('../../data/work/', str(i)),
            emg_i = data_i[:, 1:9]
            imu_i = data_i[:, 9:]
            if i == 0:
                emg_demos = emg_i
                imu_demos = imu_i
                emg_data = emg_i
                imu_data = imu_i
                state_labels = states_i
                EMG_MAX = EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN = EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX = GYRO_max_i
                Time_a = np.arange(imu_i.shape[0]).reshape((imu_i.shape[0], 1))
                ort_data_a = np.hstack((Time_a, imu_i[:, -4:]))
                imu_i_a = align_signal(imu_demos / i,
                imu_demos += imu_i_a
                emg_data = np.vstack((emg_data, emg_i))
                imu_data = np.vstack((imu_data, imu_i))
                EMG_MAX += EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN += EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX += GYRO_max_i

                state_labels = np.concatenate((state_labels, states_i))

                # Used by Matlab function to compute the expected trojectory
                ort_data_a = np.vstack(
                    (ort_data_a, np.hstack((Time_a, imu_i_a[:, -4:]))))

#            # Use original data to train state classifier
#            # aligned data is only used for expected trajectory
#            Time = np.arange(emg_i.shape[0]).reshape((emg_i.shape[0],1))
#            emg_data.append(np.hstack((Time, emg_i)))
#            Time = np.arange(imu_i.shape[0]).reshape((imu_i.shape[0],1))
#            imu_data.append(np.hstack((Time, imu_i)))

        n = len(imu_demos)

        # get average
        if identifier == 'l':
            print "\nProcessing myo on lower arm..."
            emg_demos_l = emg_demos
            imu_demos_l = imu_demos / samples
            EMG_MAX_l = EMG_MAX / samples
            EMG_MIN_l = EMG_MIN / samples
            GYRO_MAX_l = GYRO_MAX / samples
            emg_data_l = emg_data
            imu_data_l = imu_data
            ort_data_l = ort_data_a
            print "EMG_MAX_l", EMG_MAX_l
            print "EMG_MIN_l", EMG_MIN_l
            print "GYRO_MAX_l", GYRO_MAX_l
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_l)

            print "\nProcessing myo on upper arm..."
            emg_demos_u = emg_demos
            imu_demos_u = imu_demos / samples
            EMG_MAX_u = EMG_MAX / samples
            EMG_MIN_u = EMG_MIN / samples
            GYRO_MAX_u = GYRO_MAX / samples
            emg_data_u = emg_data
            imu_data_u = imu_data
            ort_data_u = ort_data_a
            print "EMG_MAX_u", EMG_MAX_u
            print "EMG_MIN_u", EMG_MIN_u
            print "GYRO_MAX_u", GYRO_MAX_u
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_u)

    N_l = imu_demos_l.shape[0]
    N_u = imu_demos_u.shape[0]
    print N_u

    if N_l < N_u:
        emg_demos_u = emg_demos_u[0:N_l, :]
        imu_demos_u = imu_demos_u[0:N_l, :]
        Time = np.arange(N_l).reshape((N_l, 1))
    elif N_l > N_u:
        emg_demos_l = emg_demos_l[0:N_u, :]
        imu_demos_l = imu_demos_l[0:N_u, :]
        Time = np.arange(N_u).reshape((N_u, 1))
        Time = np.arange(N_u).reshape((N_u, 1))

    if has_matlab:
        print "MATLAB FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is Malab under /usr/local
        ## GMM and GMR will be performed
        #subprocess.call(['matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nojvm', '-nosplash', '-r', 'demo('+str(samples)+');exit'])
        np.savetxt('ort_data_u', ort_data_u, delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('ort_data_l', ort_data_l, delimiter=',')
            'matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nojvm', '-nosplash', '-r',
        print "MATLAB NOT FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is no Matlab
        ## simply use the aligned average as expected trajectory
        np.savetxt('../data/demo_l.dat', imu_demos_l[:, -4:], delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('../data/demo_u.dat', imu_demos_u[:, -4:], delimiter=',')

    emg_demos = np.hstack((emg_demos_l, emg_demos_u))
    emg_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(emg_demos, n_clusters=8)

    #    observations = np.hstack((EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_l, imu_demos_l, EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_u, imu_demos_u))
    #    timed_observations = np.hstack((TIME_WEIGHT*Time, EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_l, imu_demos_l, EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_u, imu_demos_u))
    print emg_data_l.shape, imu_data_l.shape, emg_data_u.shape, imu_data_u.shape
    n_points = min(emg_data_l.shape[0], emg_data_u.shape[0])
    state_labels = state_labels[0:n_points]
    observations = np.hstack(
        (EMG_WEIGHT * emg_data_l[0:n_points, :], imu_data_l[0:n_points, :],
         EMG_WEIGHT * emg_data_u[0:n_points, :], imu_data_u[0:n_points, :]))

    #    if nClusters is None:
    #        N = observations.shape[0]
    #        low_limit = N/20 # 0.5 states per second
    #        high_limit = int(1.5*N/20) # 0.75 states per second
    #        scores = {}
    #        for n in range(low_limit, high_limit):
    #            state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, n)
    #            score = state_cluster.evaluate(timed_observations, state_cluster.labels)
    #            scores[score] = n
    #            print '# clusters, score', n, score
    #        max_score = max(scores.keys())
    #        n_clusters = scores[max_score]
    #        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, n_clusters)
    #    else:
    #        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, nClusters)

    plt.plot(state_labels, '*')

    statesData = state_labels[0:len(emg_demos)]
    valid_states = statesData >= 0
    actionsData = emg_cluster.labels[valid_states]
    statesData = statesData[valid_states]
    builder = BuildMDP(actionsData=actionsData, statesData=statesData)
    pickle.dump(builder, open('../data/mdp.pkl', 'wb'))

    print "path", builder.path
    print "policy", builder.Pi
    with open('../data/state_sequence.dat', 'w') as f:
        for item in builder.path:
            f.write('s' + str(item) + '\n')
    print "expected actions: ", actionsData
    print "expected states: ", statesData
    baseline = evaluate(actionsData, statesData, builder)
    print "baseline performance: ", baseline

    state_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    state_classifier.train(observations, state_labels, trainingFile=None)
    pickle.dump((state_classifier, EMG_MAX, EMG_MIN, GYRO_MAX, baseline),
                open('../data/state_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))

    action_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    action_classifier.train(emg_demos, emg_cluster.labels, trainingFile=None)
    pickle.dump(action_classifier, open('../data/action_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))
Пример #5
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Do something.")
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--samples', default=1, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--clusters', default=None, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--id', default='user', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--used', default=False,
                        action="store_true")  # no need to train the model

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.used:
        mdp = pickle.load(open('../data/mdp.pkl'))
        args = {"give_prompt": True, "mdp": mdp, "id": args.id}

        progress = myo_state.Progress(
            classifier_pkl='../data/state_classifier.pkl', **args)

    for i in range(args.samples):
        data_i, EMG_max_i, EMG_min_i, GYRO_max_i = preprocess(
            os.path.join('../../data/work/', str(i)), update_extremes=True)
        emg_i = data_i[:, 1:9]
        imu_i = data_i[:, 9:]
        if i == 0:
            emg_demos = emg_i
            imu_demos = imu_i
            EMG_MAX = EMG_max_i
            EMG_MIN = EMG_min_i
            GYRO_MAX = GYRO_max_i
            imu_i_a = align_signal(imu_demos, imu_i, w=5, has_time=False)
            imu_demos += imu_i_a
            EMG_MAX += EMG_max_i
            EMG_MIN += EMG_min_i
            GYRO_MAX += GYRO_max_i
    n = len(imu_demos)
    Time = np.arange(n).reshape((n, 1))

    # get average
    imu_demos = imu_demos / args.samples
    EMG_MAX = EMG_MAX / args.samples
    EMG_MIN = EMG_MIN / args.samples
    GYRO_MAX = GYRO_MAX / args.samples
    print "EMG_MAX", EMG_MAX
    print "EMG_MIN", EMG_MIN
    print "GYRO_MAX", GYRO_MAX
    print "# data points", len(imu_demos)

    #        imu = data[:, -4:]
    np.savetxt('../data/imu_sample.dat', imu_demos, delimiter=',')

    emg_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(emg_demos, n_clusters=8)

    observations = np.hstack((EMG_WEIGHT * emg_demos, imu_demos))
    timed_observations = np.hstack(
        (TIME_WEIGHT * Time, EMG_WEIGHT * emg_demos, imu_demos))
    #print observations.shape

    if args.clusters is None:
        N = observations.shape[0]
        low_limit = N / 20  # 0.5 states per second
        high_limit = 2 * N / 20  # 1.5 states per second
        scores = {}
        for n in range(low_limit, high_limit):
            state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, n)
            score = state_cluster.evaluate(timed_observations,
            scores[score] = n
            print '# clusters, score', n, score

        max_score = max(scores.keys())
        n_clusters = scores[max_score]
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations,
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations,

    plt.plot(state_cluster.labels, '*')
    np.savetxt("imu_demos.dat", imu_demos, delimiter=',')
    np.savetxt("emg_demos.dat", emg_demos, delimiter=',')

    #plt.plot(emg_cluster.labels, 'go')

    builder = BuildMDP(actionsData=emg_cluster.labels,
    pickle.dump(builder, open('../data/mdp.pkl', 'wb'))

    print "path", builder.path
    print "policy", builder.Pi
    with open('../data/state_sequence.dat', 'w') as f:
        for item in builder.path:
            f.write('s' + str(item) + '\n')
    print "expected actions: ", emg_cluster.labels
    print "expected states: ", state_cluster.labels
    baseline = evaluate(emg_cluster.labels, state_cluster.labels, builder)
    print "baseline performance: ", baseline

    state_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    pickle.dump((state_classifier, EMG_MAX, EMG_MIN, GYRO_MAX, baseline),
                open('../data/state_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))

    action_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    action_classifier.train(emg_demos, emg_cluster.labels, trainingFile=None)
    pickle.dump(action_classifier, open('../data/action_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))

    args = {
        "give_prompt": True,
        "EMG_MAX": EMG_MAX,
        "EMG_MIN": EMG_MIN,
        "GYRO_MAX": GYRO_MAX,
        "mdp": builder,
        "baseline": baseline,
        "id": args.id
    progress = myo_state.Progress(classifier=state_classifier, **args)
Пример #6
def build_classifier(samples=1, nClusters=None, ID="user", used=False, has_matlab=False):
    if used:
        mdp = pickle.load(open("../data/mdp.pkl"))
        args = {"give_prompt": True, "mdp": mdp, "id": ID}

        progress = myo_state2.Progress(classifier_pkl="../data/state_classifier.pkl", **args)

    if has_matlab is None:
        has_matlab = os.path.exists("/usr/local/MATLAB")

    for identifier in ("l", "u"):
        for i in range(samples):
            data_i, EMG_max_i, EMG_min_i, GYRO_max_i, states_i = preprocess(
                os.path.join("../../data/work/", str(i)), update_extremes=True, identifier=identifier
            emg_i = data_i[:, 1:9]
            imu_i = data_i[:, 9:]
            if i == 0:
                emg_demos = emg_i  # use the first emg sample as demo
                imu_demos = imu_i
                emg_data = emg_i
                imu_data = imu_i
                state_labels = states_i
                EMG_MAX = EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN = EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX = GYRO_max_i
                Time_a = np.arange(imu_i.shape[0]).reshape((imu_i.shape[0], 1))

                ort_data_a = np.hstack((Time_a, imu_i[:, -4:]))
                emg_data_a = np.hstack((Time_a, emg_i))

                imu_i_a = align_signal(imu_demos / i, imu_i, w=5, has_time=False)
                imu_demos += imu_i_a
                emg_data = np.vstack((emg_data, emg_i))  # concatenate emg signals
                imu_data = np.vstack((imu_data, imu_i))
                EMG_MAX += EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN += EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX += GYRO_max_i

                state_labels = np.concatenate((state_labels, states_i))  # all labels
                emg_i_a = align_signal(emg_demos, emg_i, w=5, has_time=False)

                # Used by Matlab function to compute the expected trojectory
                # The signals are aligned to the first one
                # Potentional improvement: align the to the one with medium length.
                ort_data_a = np.vstack((ort_data_a, np.hstack((Time_a, imu_i_a[:, -4:]))))

                emg_data_a = np.vstack((emg_data_a, np.hstack((Time_a, emg_i_a))))

        n = len(imu_demos)

        # get average
        if identifier == "l":
            print "\nProcessing myo on lower arm..."
            emg_demos_l = emg_demos
            imu_demos_l = imu_demos / samples
            EMG_MAX_l = EMG_MAX / samples
            EMG_MIN_l = EMG_MIN / samples
            GYRO_MAX_l = GYRO_MAX / samples
            emg_data_l = emg_data
            emg_data_l_timed = emg_data_a  # timed, for GMM
            imu_data_l = imu_data
            ort_data_l = ort_data_a
            print "EMG_MAX_l", EMG_MAX_l
            print "EMG_MIN_l", EMG_MIN_l
            print "GYRO_MAX_l", GYRO_MAX_l
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_l)

            print "\nProcessing myo on upper arm..."
            emg_demos_u = emg_demos
            imu_demos_u = imu_demos / samples
            EMG_MAX_u = EMG_MAX / samples
            EMG_MIN_u = EMG_MIN / samples
            GYRO_MAX_u = GYRO_MAX / samples
            emg_data_u = emg_data
            emg_data_u_timed = emg_data_a
            imu_data_u = imu_data
            ort_data_u = ort_data_a
            print "EMG_MAX_u", EMG_MAX_u
            print "EMG_MIN_u", EMG_MIN_u
            print "GYRO_MAX_u", GYRO_MAX_u
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_u)

    N_l = imu_demos_l.shape[0]
    N_u = imu_demos_u.shape[0]
    N_min = min(N_l, N_u)
    print N_min
    emg_demos_u = emg_demos_u[0:N_min, :]
    imu_demos_u = imu_demos_u[0:N_min, :]
    emg_demos_l = emg_demos_l[0:N_min, :]
    imu_demos_l = imu_demos_l[0:N_min, :]
    Time = np.arange(N_min).reshape((N_min, 1))

    show_ort_l = np.genfromtxt("../../data/work/0/ort_l.mat", delimiter=",")
    show_ort_l = show_ort_l[16:-6:2, :]
    np.savetxt("../data/prompt_l.dat", show_ort_l, delimiter=",")
    show_ort_u = np.genfromtxt("../../data/work/0/ort_u.mat", delimiter=",")
    show_ort_u = show_ort_u[16:-6:2, :]
    np.savetxt("../data/prompt_u.dat", show_ort_u, delimiter=",")

    if has_matlab:
        print "MATLAB FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is Malab under /usr/local
        ## GMM and GMR will be performed
        np.savetxt("ort_data_u", ort_data_u, delimiter=",")
        np.savetxt("ort_data_l", ort_data_l, delimiter=",")
        np.savetxt("emg_data_u", emg_data_u_timed, delimiter=",")
        np.savetxt("emg_data_l", emg_data_l_timed, delimiter=",")
        subprocess.call(["matlab", "-nodisplay", "-nojvm", "-nosplash", "-r", "demo_gmm();exit"])
        print "MATLAB NOT FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is no Matlab
        ## simply use the aligned average as expected trajectory
        np.savetxt("../data/demo_l.dat", imu_demos_l[:, -4:], delimiter=",")
        np.savetxt("../data/demo_u.dat", imu_demos_u[:, -4:], delimiter=",")
        np.savetxt("../data/emg_l.dat", emg_demos_l, delimiter=",")
        np.savetxt("../data/emg_u.dat", emg_demos_u, delimiter=",")

    emg_demos = np.hstack((emg_demos_l, emg_demos_u))
    emg_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(emg_demos, n_clusters=8)

    observations = np.hstack((EMG_WEIGHT * emg_demos_l, imu_demos_l, EMG_WEIGHT * emg_demos_u, imu_demos_u))

    if nClusters is None:
        N = max(state_labels)  # number of tagged points
        print "state labels:", N
        low_limit = max(2, N / 2)  # at least 2 clusters
        high_limit = N
        scores = {}
        for n in range(low_limit, high_limit + 2):
            state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(observations, n)
            score = state_cluster.evaluate(observations, state_cluster.labels)
            scores[score] = n
            print "# clusters, score", n, score

        max_score = max(scores.keys())
        n_clusters = scores[max_score]
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(observations, n_clusters)
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(observations, nClusters)

    # plt.plot(emg_demos_u)
    plt.plot(state_cluster.labels, "*")

    ## Currently we implement the n-gram model without explicitly training the MDP
    ## So the following code is not used
    ## ============================================================================
    ## build mdp
    # indexes = [x for x,item in enumerate(valid_states) if item] # critical points
    # segments = []
    # left = indexes[0]
    # for i,ind in enumerate(indexes):
    #     if ind-left > 5:
    #         segments.append((left, ind))
    #         left = ind
    # print segments
    # pickle.dump(segments, open('../data/segments.dat', 'w'))

    # actionsData = emg_cluster.labels[valid_states]
    # statesData = statesData[valid_states]

    # builder = BuildMDP(actionsData=statesData, statesData=statesData) # use the same labels
    # pickle.dump(builder, open('../data/mdp.pkl', 'wb'))
    # print "path", builder.path
    # print "policy", builder.Pi

    # print "expected actions: ", actionsData
    ## ==============================================================================

    print "expected states: ", state_cluster.labels

    # baseline = evaluate(actionsData, statesData, builder)
    # print "baseline performance: ", baseline

    state_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    state_classifier.train(observations, state_cluster.labels, trainingFile=None)
    baseline = None
    pickle.dump((state_classifier, EMG_MAX, EMG_MIN, GYRO_MAX, baseline), open("../data/state_classifier.pkl", "wb"))

    state_labels = state_labels[0:N_min]
    critical_points = observations[state_labels >= 0]
    task = state_classifier.predict(critical_points)
    state_sequence = []
    with open("../data/state_sequence.dat", "w") as f:
        for item in task:
            if item not in state_sequence or item != state_sequence[-1]:
                f.write(str(item) + "\n")
Пример #7
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Do something.")
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--samples', default=1, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--clusters', default=None, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--id', default='user', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--used', default=False, action="store_true") # no need to train the model
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.used:
        mdp = pickle.load(open('../data/mdp.pkl'))
        args = {"give_prompt": True,
                "mdp": mdp,
                "id": args.id
        progress = myo_state.Progress(classifier_pkl='../data/state_classifier.pkl', **args)
    for i in range(args.samples):
        data_i, EMG_max_i, EMG_min_i, GYRO_max_i  = preprocess(os.path.join('../../data/work/', str(i)), update_extremes=True)
        emg_i = data_i[:, 1:9]
        imu_i = data_i[:, 9:]
        if i == 0:
            emg_demos = emg_i
            imu_demos = imu_i
            EMG_MAX = EMG_max_i
            EMG_MIN = EMG_min_i
            GYRO_MAX = GYRO_max_i
            imu_i_a = align_signal(imu_demos, imu_i, w=5, has_time=False)
            imu_demos += imu_i_a
            EMG_MAX += EMG_max_i
            EMG_MIN += EMG_min_i
            GYRO_MAX += GYRO_max_i
    n = len(imu_demos)
    Time = np.arange(n).reshape((n,1))
    # get average                        
    imu_demos = imu_demos/args.samples
    EMG_MAX = EMG_MAX/args.samples
    EMG_MIN = EMG_MIN/args.samples
    GYRO_MAX = GYRO_MAX/args.samples
    print "EMG_MAX", EMG_MAX
    print "EMG_MIN", EMG_MIN
    print "GYRO_MAX", GYRO_MAX
    print "# data points", len(imu_demos)
#        imu = data[:, -4:]
    np.savetxt('../data/imu_sample.dat', imu_demos, delimiter=',')
    emg_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(emg_demos, n_clusters=8)
    observations = np.hstack((EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos, imu_demos))
    timed_observations = np.hstack((TIME_WEIGHT*Time, EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos, imu_demos))
    #print observations.shape
    if args.clusters is None:
        N = observations.shape[0]
        low_limit = N/20 # 0.5 states per second
        high_limit = 2*N/20 # 1.5 states per second
        scores = {}
        for n in range(low_limit, high_limit):
            state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, n)
            score = state_cluster.evaluate(timed_observations, state_cluster.labels)
            scores[score] = n
            print '# clusters, score', n, score
        max_score = max(scores.keys())
        n_clusters = scores[max_score]
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, n_clusters)
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, args.clusters)
    plt.plot(state_cluster.labels, '*')
    np.savetxt("imu_demos.dat", imu_demos, delimiter=',')
    np.savetxt("emg_demos.dat", emg_demos, delimiter=',')
    #plt.plot(emg_cluster.labels, 'go')
    builder = BuildMDP(actionsData=emg_cluster.labels, statesData=state_cluster.labels)
    pickle.dump(builder, open('../data/mdp.pkl', 'wb'))
    print "path", builder.path
    print "policy", builder.Pi
    with open('../data/state_sequence.dat', 'w') as f:
        for item in builder.path:
    print "expected actions: ", emg_cluster.labels
    print "expected states: ", state_cluster.labels
    baseline = evaluate(emg_cluster.labels, state_cluster.labels, builder)
    print "baseline performance: ", baseline
    state_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    state_classifier.train(observations, state_cluster.labels, trainingFile=None)
    pickle.dump((state_classifier, EMG_MAX, EMG_MIN, GYRO_MAX, baseline), open('../data/state_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))
    action_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    action_classifier.train(emg_demos, emg_cluster.labels, trainingFile=None)
    pickle.dump(action_classifier, open('../data/action_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))
    args = {"give_prompt": True,
            "EMG_MAX": EMG_MAX,
            "EMG_MIN": EMG_MIN,
            "GYRO_MAX": GYRO_MAX,
            "mdp": builder,
            "baseline": baseline,
            "id": args.id
    progress = myo_state.Progress(classifier=state_classifier, **args)
Пример #8
def build_classifier(samples=1,
    if used:
        mdp = pickle.load(open('../data/mdp.pkl'))
        args = {"give_prompt": True, "mdp": mdp, "id": ID}

        progress = myo_state2.Progress(
            classifier_pkl='../data/state_classifier.pkl', **args)

    if has_matlab is None:
        has_matlab = os.path.exists('/usr/local/MATLAB')

    for identifier in ('l', 'u'):
        for i in range(samples):
            data_i, EMG_max_i, EMG_min_i, GYRO_max_i, states_i = preprocess(
                os.path.join('../../data/work/', str(i)),
            emg_i = data_i[:, 1:9]
            imu_i = data_i[:, 9:]
            if i == 0:
                emg_demos = emg_i  # use the first emg sample as demo
                imu_demos = imu_i
                emg_data = emg_i
                imu_data = imu_i
                state_labels = states_i
                EMG_MAX = EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN = EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX = GYRO_max_i
                Time_a = np.arange(imu_i.shape[0]).reshape((imu_i.shape[0], 1))

                ort_data_a = np.hstack((Time_a, imu_i[:, -4:]))
                emg_data_a = np.hstack((Time_a, emg_i))

                imu_i_a = align_signal(imu_demos / i,
                imu_demos += imu_i_a
                emg_data = np.vstack(
                    (emg_data, emg_i))  # concatenate emg signals
                imu_data = np.vstack((imu_data, imu_i))
                EMG_MAX += EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN += EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX += GYRO_max_i

                state_labels = np.concatenate(
                    (state_labels, states_i))  # all labels
                emg_i_a = align_signal(emg_demos, emg_i, w=5, has_time=False)

                # Used by Matlab function to compute the expected trojectory
                # The signals are aligned to the first one
                # Potentional improvement: align the to the one with medium length.
                ort_data_a = np.vstack(
                    (ort_data_a, np.hstack((Time_a, imu_i_a[:, -4:]))))

                emg_data_a = np.vstack((emg_data_a, np.hstack(
                    (Time_a, emg_i_a))))

        n = len(imu_demos)

        # get average
        if identifier == 'l':
            print "\nProcessing myo on lower arm..."
            emg_demos_l = emg_demos
            imu_demos_l = imu_demos / samples
            EMG_MAX_l = EMG_MAX / samples
            EMG_MIN_l = EMG_MIN / samples
            GYRO_MAX_l = GYRO_MAX / samples
            emg_data_l = emg_data
            emg_data_l_timed = emg_data_a  # timed, for GMM
            imu_data_l = imu_data
            ort_data_l = ort_data_a
            print "EMG_MAX_l", EMG_MAX_l
            print "EMG_MIN_l", EMG_MIN_l
            print "GYRO_MAX_l", GYRO_MAX_l
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_l)

            print "\nProcessing myo on upper arm..."
            emg_demos_u = emg_demos
            imu_demos_u = imu_demos / samples
            EMG_MAX_u = EMG_MAX / samples
            EMG_MIN_u = EMG_MIN / samples
            GYRO_MAX_u = GYRO_MAX / samples
            emg_data_u = emg_data
            emg_data_u_timed = emg_data_a
            imu_data_u = imu_data
            ort_data_u = ort_data_a
            print "EMG_MAX_u", EMG_MAX_u
            print "EMG_MIN_u", EMG_MIN_u
            print "GYRO_MAX_u", GYRO_MAX_u
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_u)

    N_l = imu_demos_l.shape[0]
    N_u = imu_demos_u.shape[0]
    N_min = min(N_l, N_u)
    print N_min
    emg_demos_u = emg_demos_u[0:N_min, :]
    imu_demos_u = imu_demos_u[0:N_min, :]
    emg_demos_l = emg_demos_l[0:N_min, :]
    imu_demos_l = imu_demos_l[0:N_min, :]
    Time = np.arange(N_min).reshape((N_min, 1))

    show_ort_l = np.genfromtxt('../../data/work/0/ort_l.mat', delimiter=',')
    show_ort_l = show_ort_l[16:-6:2, :]
    np.savetxt('../data/prompt_l.dat', show_ort_l, delimiter=',')
    show_ort_u = np.genfromtxt('../../data/work/0/ort_u.mat', delimiter=',')
    show_ort_u = show_ort_u[16:-6:2, :]
    np.savetxt('../data/prompt_u.dat', show_ort_u, delimiter=',')

    if has_matlab:
        print "MATLAB FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is Malab under /usr/local
        ## GMM and GMR will be performed
        np.savetxt('ort_data_u', ort_data_u, delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('ort_data_l', ort_data_l, delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('emg_data_u', emg_data_u_timed, delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('emg_data_l', emg_data_l_timed, delimiter=',')
            'matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nojvm', '-nosplash', '-r',
        print "MATLAB NOT FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is no Matlab
        ## simply use the aligned average as expected trajectory
        np.savetxt('../data/demo_l.dat', imu_demos_l[:, -4:], delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('../data/demo_u.dat', imu_demos_u[:, -4:], delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('../data/emg_l.dat', emg_demos_l, delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('../data/emg_u.dat', emg_demos_u, delimiter=',')

    emg_demos = np.hstack((emg_demos_l, emg_demos_u))
    emg_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(emg_demos, n_clusters=8)

    observations = np.hstack((EMG_WEIGHT * emg_demos_l, imu_demos_l,
                              EMG_WEIGHT * emg_demos_u, imu_demos_u))

    if nClusters is None:
        N = max(state_labels)  # number of tagged points
        print "state labels:", N
        low_limit = max(2, N / 2)  # at least 2 clusters
        high_limit = N
        scores = {}
        for n in range(low_limit, high_limit + 2):
            state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(observations, n)
            score = state_cluster.evaluate(observations, state_cluster.labels)
            scores[score] = n
            print '# clusters, score', n, score

        max_score = max(scores.keys())
        n_clusters = scores[max_score]
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(observations, n_clusters)
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(observations, nClusters)

    plt.plot(state_cluster.labels, '*')

    ## Currently we implement the n-gram model without explicitly training the MDP
    ## So the following code is not used
    ## ============================================================================
    ## build mdp
    # indexes = [x for x,item in enumerate(valid_states) if item] # critical points
    # segments = []
    # left = indexes[0]
    # for i,ind in enumerate(indexes):
    #     if ind-left > 5:
    #         segments.append((left, ind))
    #         left = ind
    # print segments
    # pickle.dump(segments, open('../data/segments.dat', 'w'))

    #actionsData = emg_cluster.labels[valid_states]
    #statesData = statesData[valid_states]

    # builder = BuildMDP(actionsData=statesData, statesData=statesData) # use the same labels
    # pickle.dump(builder, open('../data/mdp.pkl', 'wb'))
    # print "path", builder.path
    # print "policy", builder.Pi

    #print "expected actions: ", actionsData
    ## ==============================================================================

    print "expected states: ", state_cluster.labels

    #baseline = evaluate(actionsData, statesData, builder)
    #print "baseline performance: ", baseline

    state_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    baseline = None
    pickle.dump((state_classifier, EMG_MAX, EMG_MIN, GYRO_MAX, baseline),
                open('../data/state_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))

    state_labels = state_labels[0:N_min]
    critical_points = observations[state_labels >= 0]
    task = state_classifier.predict(critical_points)
    state_sequence = []
    with open('../data/state_sequence.dat', 'w') as f:
        for item in task:
            if item not in state_sequence or item != state_sequence[-1]:
                f.write(str(item) + '\n')
Пример #9
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Do something.")
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--samples', default=1, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--clusters', default=None, type=int)

    args = parser.parse_args()

    for i in range(args.samples):
        data_i, EMG_max_i, EMG_min_i, GYRO_max_i = preprocess(
            os.path.join('../../data/work/', str(i)), update_extremes=True)
        emg_i = data_i[:, 1:9]
        imu_i = data_i[:, 9:]
        if i == 0:
            emg_demos = emg_i
            imu_demos = imu_i
            EMG_MAX = EMG_max_i
            EMG_MIN = EMG_min_i
            GYRO_MAX = GYRO_max_i
            imu_i_a = align_signal(imu_demos, imu_i, w=5, has_time=False)
            imu_demos += imu_i_a
            EMG_MAX += EMG_max_i
            EMG_MIN += EMG_min_i
            GYRO_MAX += GYRO_max_i

    # get average
    imu_demos = imu_demos / args.samples
    EMG_MAX = EMG_MAX / args.samples
    EMG_MIN = EMG_MIN / args.samples
    GYRO_MAX = GYRO_MAX / args.samples
    print "EMG_MAX", EMG_MAX
    print "EMG_MIN", EMG_MIN
    print "GYRO_MAX", GYRO_MAX
    print "# data points", len(imu_demos)

    #        imu = data[:, -4:]
    np.savetxt('../data/imu_sample.dat', imu_demos, delimiter=',')

    emg_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(emg_demos, n_clusters=8)

    N = imu_demos.shape[0]
    time = np.arange(1, N + 1).reshape(N, 1) / 10.0  # use seconds as feature
    observations = np.hstack((time, 1 * emg_demos, imu_demos))
    #print observations.shape

    if args.clusters is None:
        N = observations.shape[0]
        low_limit = N / 20  # 0.5 states per second
        high_limit = 2 * N / 20  # 1.5 states per second
        scores = {}
        for n in range(low_limit, high_limit):
            state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(observations, n)
            score = state_cluster.evaluate(observations, state_cluster.labels)
            scores[score] = n
            print '# clusters, score', n, score

        max_score = max(scores.keys())
        n_clusters = scores[max_score]
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(observations, n_clusters)
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(observations, args.clusters)

    plt.plot(state_cluster.labels, 'r*')
    #np.savetxt("imu_demos.dat", imu_demos, delimiter=',')
    np.savetxt("emg_demos.dat", emg_demos, delimiter=',')

    #plt.plot(emg_cluster.labels, 'go')

    builder = BuildMDP(actionsData=emg_cluster.labels,
    print "path", builder.path
    print "policy", builder.Pi
    with open('../data/state_sequence.dat', 'w') as f:
        for item in builder.path:
            f.write('s' + str(item) + '\n')

    state_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    state_classifier.train(observations[:, 1:],
    pickle.dump((state_classifier, EMG_MAX, EMG_MIN, GYRO_MAX),
                open('../data/state_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))

    args = {
        "give_prompt": True,
        "EMG_MAX": EMG_MAX,
        "EMG_MIN": EMG_MIN,
        "GYRO_MAX": GYRO_MAX
    progress = myo_state.Progress(classifier=state_classifier, **args)
Пример #10
def build_classifier(samples=1, nClusters=None, ID='user', used=False):
    if used:
        mdp = pickle.load(open('../data/mdp.pkl'))
        args = {"give_prompt": True,
                "mdp": mdp,
                "id": ID
        progress = myo_state2.Progress(classifier_pkl='../data/state_classifier.pkl', **args)
    has_matlab = os.path.exists('/usr/local/MATLAB')
    for identifier in ('l', 'u'):
        for i in range(samples):
            data_i, EMG_max_i, EMG_min_i, GYRO_max_i, states_i = preprocess(os.path.join('../../data/work/', str(i)), update_extremes=True, identifier=identifier)
            emg_i = data_i[:, 1:9]
            imu_i = data_i[:, 9:]
            if i == 0:
                emg_demos = emg_i
                imu_demos = imu_i
                emg_data = emg_i
                imu_data = imu_i
                state_labels = states_i
                EMG_MAX = EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN = EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX = GYRO_max_i
                Time_a = np.arange(imu_i.shape[0]).reshape((imu_i.shape[0],1))
                ort_data_a = np.hstack((Time_a, imu_i[:,-4:]))
                imu_i_a = align_signal(imu_demos/i, imu_i, w=5, has_time=False)
                imu_demos += imu_i_a
                emg_data = np.vstack((emg_data, emg_i))
                imu_data = np.vstack((imu_data, imu_i))
                EMG_MAX += EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN += EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX += GYRO_max_i
                state_labels = np.concatenate((state_labels, states_i))
                # Used by Matlab function to compute the expected trojectory
                ort_data_a = np.vstack( (ort_data_a, np.hstack((Time_a, imu_i_a[:,-4:]))) )
#            # Use original data to train state classifier
#            # aligned data is only used for expected trajectory
#            Time = np.arange(emg_i.shape[0]).reshape((emg_i.shape[0],1))
#            emg_data.append(np.hstack((Time, emg_i)))
#            Time = np.arange(imu_i.shape[0]).reshape((imu_i.shape[0],1))
#            imu_data.append(np.hstack((Time, imu_i)))
        n = len(imu_demos)
        # get average
        if identifier == 'l':
            print "\nProcessing myo on lower arm..."
            emg_demos_l = emg_demos                        
            imu_demos_l = imu_demos/samples
            EMG_MAX_l = EMG_MAX/samples
            EMG_MIN_l = EMG_MIN/samples
            GYRO_MAX_l = GYRO_MAX/samples
            emg_data_l = emg_data
            imu_data_l = imu_data
            ort_data_l = ort_data_a
            print "EMG_MAX_l", EMG_MAX_l
            print "EMG_MIN_l", EMG_MIN_l
            print "GYRO_MAX_l", GYRO_MAX_l
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_l)
            print "\nProcessing myo on upper arm..."
            emg_demos_u = emg_demos 
            imu_demos_u = imu_demos/samples
            EMG_MAX_u = EMG_MAX/samples
            EMG_MIN_u = EMG_MIN/samples
            GYRO_MAX_u = GYRO_MAX/samples
            emg_data_u = emg_data
            imu_data_u = imu_data
            ort_data_u = ort_data_a
            print "EMG_MAX_u", EMG_MAX_u
            print "EMG_MIN_u", EMG_MIN_u
            print "GYRO_MAX_u", GYRO_MAX_u
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_u)
    N_l = imu_demos_l.shape[0]
    N_u = imu_demos_u.shape[0]
    print N_u
    if N_l < N_u:
        emg_demos_u = emg_demos_u[0:N_l, :]
        imu_demos_u = imu_demos_u[0:N_l, :]
        Time = np.arange(N_l).reshape((N_l,1))
    elif N_l > N_u:
        emg_demos_l = emg_demos_l[0:N_u, :]
        imu_demos_l = imu_demos_l[0:N_u, :]
        Time = np.arange(N_u).reshape((N_u,1))
        Time = np.arange(N_u).reshape((N_u,1))
    if has_matlab:
        print "MATLAB FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is Malab under /usr/local
        ## GMM and GMR will be performed
        #subprocess.call(['matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nojvm', '-nosplash', '-r', 'demo('+str(samples)+');exit'])
        np.savetxt('ort_data_u', ort_data_u, delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('ort_data_l', ort_data_l, delimiter=',')
        subprocess.call(['matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nojvm', '-nosplash', '-r', 'demo_gmm();exit'])
        print "MATLAB NOT FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is no Matlab
        ## simply use the aligned average as expected trajectory
        np.savetxt('../data/demo_l.dat', imu_demos_l[:, -4:], delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('../data/demo_u.dat', imu_demos_u[:, -4:], delimiter=',')
    emg_demos = np.hstack((emg_demos_l,emg_demos_u))
    emg_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(emg_demos, n_clusters=8)
#    observations = np.hstack((EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_l, imu_demos_l, EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_u, imu_demos_u))
#    timed_observations = np.hstack((TIME_WEIGHT*Time, EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_l, imu_demos_l, EMG_WEIGHT*emg_demos_u, imu_demos_u))
    print emg_data_l.shape, imu_data_l.shape, emg_data_u.shape, imu_data_u.shape
    n_points = min(emg_data_l.shape[0], emg_data_u.shape[0])
    state_labels = state_labels[0:n_points]
    observations = np.hstack((EMG_WEIGHT*emg_data_l[0:n_points, :], imu_data_l[0:n_points, :], EMG_WEIGHT*emg_data_u[0:n_points, :], imu_data_u[0:n_points, :]))

#    if nClusters is None:
#        N = observations.shape[0]
#        low_limit = N/20 # 0.5 states per second
#        high_limit = int(1.5*N/20) # 0.75 states per second
#        scores = {}
#        for n in range(low_limit, high_limit):
#            state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, n)
#            score = state_cluster.evaluate(timed_observations, state_cluster.labels)
#            scores[score] = n
#            print '# clusters, score', n, score
#        max_score = max(scores.keys())
#        n_clusters = scores[max_score]
#        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, n_clusters)
#    else:
#        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, nClusters)
    plt.plot(state_labels, '*')

    statesData = state_labels[0:len(emg_demos)]
    valid_states = statesData>=0
    actionsData = emg_cluster.labels[valid_states]
    statesData = statesData[valid_states]
    builder = BuildMDP(actionsData=actionsData, statesData=statesData)
    pickle.dump(builder, open('../data/mdp.pkl', 'wb'))
    print "path", builder.path
    print "policy", builder.Pi
    with open('../data/state_sequence.dat', 'w') as f:
        for item in builder.path:
    print "expected actions: ", actionsData
    print "expected states: ", statesData
    baseline = evaluate(actionsData, statesData, builder)
    print "baseline performance: ", baseline
    state_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    state_classifier.train(observations, state_labels, trainingFile=None)
    pickle.dump((state_classifier, EMG_MAX, EMG_MIN, GYRO_MAX, baseline), open('../data/state_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))
    action_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    action_classifier.train(emg_demos, emg_cluster.labels, trainingFile=None)
    pickle.dump(action_classifier, open('../data/action_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))
Пример #11
def build_classifier(samples=1, nClusters=None, ID='user', used=False):
    if used:
        mdp = pickle.load(open('../data/mdp.pkl'))
        args = {"give_prompt": True, "mdp": mdp, "id": ID}

        progress = myo_state2.Progress(
            classifier_pkl='../data/state_classifier.pkl', **args)

    for identifier in ('l', 'u'):
        for i in range(samples):
            data_i, EMG_max_i, EMG_min_i, GYRO_max_i = preprocess(
                os.path.join('../../data/work/', str(i)),
            emg_i = data_i[:, 1:9]
            imu_i = data_i[:, 9:]
            if i == 0:
                emg_demos = emg_i
                imu_demos = imu_i
                EMG_MAX = EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN = EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX = GYRO_max_i
                imu_i_a = align_signal(imu_demos, imu_i, w=5, has_time=False)
                imu_demos += imu_i_a
                EMG_MAX += EMG_max_i
                EMG_MIN += EMG_min_i
                GYRO_MAX += GYRO_max_i
        n = len(imu_demos)

        # get average
        if identifier == 'l':
            print "\nProcessing myo on lower arm..."
            emg_demos_l = emg_demos
            imu_demos_l = imu_demos / samples
            EMG_MAX_l = EMG_MAX / samples
            EMG_MIN_l = EMG_MIN / samples
            GYRO_MAX_l = GYRO_MAX / samples
            print "EMG_MAX_l", EMG_MAX_l
            print "EMG_MIN_l", EMG_MIN_l
            print "GYRO_MAX_l", GYRO_MAX_l
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_l)

            print "\nProcessing myo on upper arm..."
            emg_demos_u = emg_demos
            imu_demos_u = imu_demos / samples
            EMG_MAX_u = EMG_MAX / samples
            EMG_MIN_u = EMG_MIN / samples
            GYRO_MAX_u = GYRO_MAX / samples
            print "EMG_MAX_u", EMG_MAX_u
            print "EMG_MIN_u", EMG_MIN_u
            print "GYRO_MAX_u", GYRO_MAX_u
            print "# data points", len(imu_demos_u)

    N_l = imu_demos_l.shape[0]
    N_u = imu_demos_u.shape[0]
    print N_u

    if N_l < N_u:
        emg_demos_u = emg_demos_u[0:N_l, :]
        imu_demos_u = imu_demos_u[0:N_l, :]
        Time = np.arange(N_l).reshape((N_l, 1))
    elif N_l > N_u:
        emg_demos_l = emg_demos_l[0:N_u, :]
        imu_demos_l = imu_demos_l[0:N_u, :]
        Time = np.arange(N_u).reshape((N_u, 1))
        Time = np.arange(N_u).reshape((N_u, 1))

    if os.path.exists('/usr/local/MATLAB'):
        print "MATLAB FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is Malab under /usr/local
        ## GMM and GMR will be performed
            'matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nojvm', '-nosplash', '-r',
            'demo(' + str(samples) + ');exit'
        print "MATLAB NOT FOUND"
        ## use the following if there is no Matlab
        ## simply use the aligned average as expected trajectory
        np.savetxt('../data/demo_l.dat', imu_demos_l[:, -4:], delimiter=',')
        np.savetxt('../data/demo_u.dat', imu_demos_u[:, -4:], delimiter=',')

    emg_demos = np.hstack((emg_demos_l, emg_demos_u))
    emg_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(emg_demos, n_clusters=8)

    observations = np.hstack((EMG_WEIGHT * emg_demos_l, imu_demos_l,
                              EMG_WEIGHT * emg_demos_u, imu_demos_u))
    timed_observations = np.hstack(
        (TIME_WEIGHT * Time, EMG_WEIGHT * emg_demos_l, imu_demos_l,
         EMG_WEIGHT * emg_demos_u, imu_demos_u))

    if nClusters is None:
        N = observations.shape[0]
        low_limit = N / 20  # 0.5 states per second
        high_limit = int(1.5 * N / 20)  # 0.75 states per second
        scores = {}
        for n in range(low_limit, high_limit):
            state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, n)
            score = state_cluster.evaluate(timed_observations,
            scores[score] = n
            print '# clusters, score', n, score

        max_score = max(scores.keys())
        n_clusters = scores[max_score]
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations,
        state_cluster = classifier.SignalCluster(timed_observations, nClusters)

    plt.plot(state_cluster.labels, '*')

    builder = BuildMDP(actionsData=emg_cluster.labels,
    pickle.dump(builder, open('../data/mdp.pkl', 'wb'))

    print "path", builder.path
    print "policy", builder.Pi
    with open('../data/state_sequence.dat', 'w') as f:
        for item in builder.path:
            f.write('s' + str(item) + '\n')
    print "expected actions: ", emg_cluster.labels
    print "expected states: ", state_cluster.labels
    baseline = evaluate(emg_cluster.labels, state_cluster.labels, builder)
    print "baseline performance: ", baseline

    state_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    pickle.dump((state_classifier, EMG_MAX, EMG_MIN, GYRO_MAX, baseline),
                open('../data/state_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))

    action_classifier = classifier.SignalClassifier(n_neighbors=5)
    action_classifier.train(emg_demos, emg_cluster.labels, trainingFile=None)
    pickle.dump(action_classifier, open('../data/action_classifier.pkl', 'wb'))