Пример #1
def locate_fixed_differences(ac1, ac2):
    """Locate variants with no shared alleles between two populations.

    ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the first population.
    ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the second population.

    loc : ndarray, bool, shape (n_variants,)

    See Also


    >>> import allel
    >>> g = allel.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [-1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, -1]]])
    >>> ac1 = g.count_alleles(subpop=[0, 1])
    >>> ac2 = g.count_alleles(subpop=[2, 3])
    >>> loc_df = allel.locate_fixed_differences(ac1, ac2)
    >>> loc_df
    array([ True, False, False,  True,  True])


    # check inputs
    ac1 = asarray_ndim(ac1, 2)
    ac2 = asarray_ndim(ac2, 2)
    check_dim0_aligned(ac1, ac2)
    ac1, ac2 = ensure_dim1_aligned(ac1, ac2)

    # stack allele counts for convenience
    pac = np.dstack([ac1, ac2])

    # count numbers of alleles called in each population
    pan = np.sum(pac, axis=1)

    # count the numbers of populations with each allele
    npa = np.sum(pac > 0, axis=2)

    # locate variants with allele calls in both populations
    non_missing = np.all(pan > 0, axis=1)

    # locate variants where all alleles are only found in a single population
    no_shared_alleles = np.all(npa <= 1, axis=1)

    return non_missing & no_shared_alleles
Пример #2
def locate_private_alleles(*acs):
    """Locate alleles that are found only in a single population.

    *acs : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts arrays from each population.

    loc : ndarray, bool, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Boolean array where elements are True if allele is private to a
        single population.


    >>> import allel
    >>> g = allel.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
    ...                          [[0, 0], [-1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, -1]]])
    >>> ac1 = g.count_alleles(subpop=[0, 1])
    >>> ac2 = g.count_alleles(subpop=[2])
    >>> ac3 = g.count_alleles(subpop=[3])
    >>> loc_private_alleles = allel.locate_private_alleles(ac1, ac2, ac3)
    >>> loc_private_alleles
    array([[ True, False, False],
           [False, False, False],
           [ True, False, False],
           [ True,  True,  True],
           [ True,  True, False]])
    >>> loc_private_variants = np.any(loc_private_alleles, axis=1)
    >>> loc_private_variants
    array([ True, False,  True,  True,  True])


    # check inputs
    acs = [asarray_ndim(ac, 2) for ac in acs]
    acs = ensure_dim1_aligned(*acs)

    # stack allele counts for convenience
    pac = np.dstack(acs)

    # count the numbers of populations with each allele
    npa = np.sum(pac > 0, axis=2)

    # locate alleles found only in a single population
    loc_pa = npa == 1

    return loc_pa
Пример #3
def hudson_fst(ac1, ac2, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate the numerator and denominator for Fst estimation using the
    method of Hudson (1992) elaborated by Bhatia et al. (2013).

    ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the first population.
    ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the second population.
    fill : float
        Use this value where there are no pairs to compare (e.g.,
        all allele calls are missing).

    num : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)
        Divergence between the two populations minus average
        of diversity within each population.
    den : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)
        Divergence between the two populations.

    Calculate numerator and denominator for Fst estimation::

        >>> import allel
        >>> g = allel.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]],
        ...                          [[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]],
        ...                          [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
        ...                          [[0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
        ...                          [[0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, -1]]])
        >>> subpops = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
        >>> ac1 = g.count_alleles(subpop=subpops[0])
        >>> ac2 = g.count_alleles(subpop=subpops[1])
        >>> num, den = allel.hudson_fst(ac1, ac2)
        >>> num
        array([ 1.        , -0.16666667,  0.        , -0.125     , -0.33333333])
        >>> den
        array([1.   , 0.5  , 0.   , 0.625, 0.5  ])

    Estimate Fst for each variant individually::

        >>> fst = num / den
        >>> fst
        array([ 1.        , -0.33333333,         nan, -0.2       , -0.66666667])

    Estimate Fst averaging over variants::

        >>> fst = np.sum(num) / np.sum(den)
        >>> fst

    """  # flake8: noqa

    # check inputs
    ac1 = asarray_ndim(ac1, 2)
    ac2 = asarray_ndim(ac2, 2)
    check_dim0_aligned(ac1, ac2)
    ac1, ac2 = ensure_dim1_aligned(ac1, ac2)

    # calculate these once only
    an1 = np.sum(ac1, axis=1)
    an2 = np.sum(ac2, axis=1)

    # calculate average diversity (a.k.a. heterozygosity) within each
    # population
    within = (mean_pairwise_difference(ac1, an1, fill=fill) +
              mean_pairwise_difference(ac2, an2, fill=fill)) / 2

    # calculate divergence (a.k.a. heterozygosity) between each population
    between = mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1, ac2, an1, an2, fill=fill)

    # define numerator and denominator for Fst calculations
    num = between - within
    den = between

    return num, den
Пример #4
def mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1, ac2, an1=None, an2=None, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate for each variant the mean number of pairwise differences
    between chromosomes sampled from two different populations.


    ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the first population.
    ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the second population.
    an1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants,), optional
        Allele numbers for the first population. If not provided, will be
        calculated from `ac1`.
    an2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants,), optional
        Allele numbers for the second population. If not provided, will be
        calculated from `ac2`.
    fill : float
        Use this value where there are no pairs to compare (e.g.,
        all allele calls are missing).


    mpd : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)


    The values returned by this function can be summed over a genome
    region and divided by the number of accessible bases to estimate
    nucleotide divergence between two populations, a.k.a. *Dxy*.


    >>> import allel
    >>> h = allel.HaplotypeArray([[0, 0, 0, 0],
    ...                           [0, 0, 0, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [1, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, -1, -1]])
    >>> ac1 = h.count_alleles(subpop=[0, 1])
    >>> ac2 = h.count_alleles(subpop=[2, 3])
    >>> allel.stats.mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1, ac2)
    array([ 0.  ,  0.5 ,  1.  ,  0.5 ,  0.  ,  1.  ,  0.75,   nan])

    See Also

    sequence_divergence, windowed_divergence


    # This function calculates the mean number of pairwise differences
    # between haplotypes from two different populations, generalising to any
    # number of alleles.

    # check inputs
    ac1 = asarray_ndim(ac1, 2)
    ac2 = asarray_ndim(ac2, 2)
    check_dim0_aligned(ac1, ac2)
    ac1, ac2 = ensure_dim1_aligned(ac1, ac2)

    # total number of haplotypes sampled from each population
    if an1 is None:
        an1 = np.sum(ac1, axis=1)
        an1 = asarray_ndim(an1, 1)
        check_dim0_aligned(ac1, an1)
    if an2 is None:
        an2 = np.sum(ac2, axis=1)
        an2 = asarray_ndim(an2, 1)
        check_dim0_aligned(ac2, an2)

    # total number of pairwise comparisons for each variant
    n_pairs = an1 * an2

    # number of pairwise comparisons where there is no difference:
    # sum of (ac1 * ac2) for each allele (i.e., number of ways to
    # choose the same allele twice)
    n_same = np.sum(ac1 * ac2, axis=1)

    # number of pairwise differences
    n_diff = n_pairs - n_same

    # mean number of pairwise differences, accounting for cases where
    # there are no pairs
    with ignore_invalid():
        mpd = np.where(n_pairs > 0, n_diff / n_pairs, fill)

    return mpd
Пример #5
def hudson_fst(ac1, ac2, fill=np.nan):
    """Calculate the numerator and denominator for Fst estimation using the
    method of Hudson (1992) elaborated by Bhatia et al. (2013).

    ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the first population.
    ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the second population.
    fill : float
        Use this value where there are no pairs to compare (e.g.,
        all allele calls are missing).

    num : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)
        Divergence between the two populations minus average
        of diversity within each population.
    den : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)
        Divergence between the two populations.

    Calculate numerator and denominator for Fst estimation::

        >>> import allel
        >>> g = allel.GenotypeArray([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]],
        ...                          [[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]],
        ...                          [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]],
        ...                          [[0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 1], [2, 2]],
        ...                          [[0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, -1]]])
        >>> subpops = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
        >>> ac1 = g.count_alleles(subpop=subpops[0])
        >>> ac2 = g.count_alleles(subpop=subpops[1])
        >>> num, den = allel.stats.hudson_fst(ac1, ac2)
        >>> num
        array([ 1.        , -0.16666667,  0.        , -0.125     , -0.33333333])
        >>> den
        array([ 1.   ,  0.5  ,  0.   ,  0.625,  0.5  ])

    Estimate Fst for each variant individually::

        >>> fst = num / den
        >>> fst
        array([ 1.        , -0.33333333,         nan, -0.2       , -0.66666667])

    Estimate Fst averaging over variants::

        >>> fst = np.sum(num) / np.sum(den)
        >>> fst

    """  # flake8: noqa

    # check inputs
    ac1 = asarray_ndim(ac1, 2)
    ac2 = asarray_ndim(ac2, 2)
    check_dim0_aligned(ac1, ac2)
    ac1, ac2 = ensure_dim1_aligned(ac1, ac2)

    # calculate these once only
    an1 = np.sum(ac1, axis=1)
    an2 = np.sum(ac2, axis=1)

    # calculate average diversity (a.k.a. heterozygosity) within each
    # population
    within = (mean_pairwise_difference(ac1, an1, fill=fill) +
              mean_pairwise_difference(ac2, an2, fill=fill)) / 2

    # calculate divergence (a.k.a. heterozygosity) between each population
    between = mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1, ac2, an1, an2, fill=fill)

    # define numerator and denominator for Fst calculations
    num = between - within
    den = between

    return num, den
Пример #6
def mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1,
    """Calculate for each variant the mean number of pairwise differences
    between chromosomes sampled from two different populations.


    ac1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the first population.
    ac2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants, n_alleles)
        Allele counts array from the second population.
    an1 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants,), optional
        Allele numbers for the first population. If not provided, will be
        calculated from `ac1`.
    an2 : array_like, int, shape (n_variants,), optional
        Allele numbers for the second population. If not provided, will be
        calculated from `ac2`.
    fill : float
        Use this value where there are no pairs to compare (e.g.,
        all allele calls are missing).


    mpd : ndarray, float, shape (n_variants,)


    The values returned by this function can be summed over a genome
    region and divided by the number of accessible bases to estimate
    nucleotide divergence between two populations, a.k.a. *Dxy*.


    >>> import allel
    >>> h = allel.HaplotypeArray([[0, 0, 0, 0],
    ...                           [0, 0, 0, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [1, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                           [0, 0, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, 1, 2],
    ...                           [0, 1, -1, -1]])
    >>> ac1 = h.count_alleles(subpop=[0, 1])
    >>> ac2 = h.count_alleles(subpop=[2, 3])
    >>> allel.mean_pairwise_difference_between(ac1, ac2)
    array([0.  , 0.5 , 1.  , 0.5 , 0.  , 1.  , 0.75,  nan])

    See Also

    sequence_divergence, windowed_divergence


    # This function calculates the mean number of pairwise differences
    # between haplotypes from two different populations, generalising to any
    # number of alleles.

    # check inputs
    ac1 = asarray_ndim(ac1, 2)
    ac2 = asarray_ndim(ac2, 2)
    check_dim0_aligned(ac1, ac2)
    ac1, ac2 = ensure_dim1_aligned(ac1, ac2)

    # total number of haplotypes sampled from each population
    if an1 is None:
        an1 = np.sum(ac1, axis=1)
        an1 = asarray_ndim(an1, 1)
        check_dim0_aligned(ac1, an1)
    if an2 is None:
        an2 = np.sum(ac2, axis=1)
        an2 = asarray_ndim(an2, 1)
        check_dim0_aligned(ac2, an2)

    # total number of pairwise comparisons for each variant
    n_pairs = an1 * an2

    # number of pairwise comparisons where there is no difference:
    # sum of (ac1 * ac2) for each allele (i.e., number of ways to
    # choose the same allele twice)
    n_same = np.sum(ac1 * ac2, axis=1)

    # number of pairwise differences
    n_diff = n_pairs - n_same

    # mean number of pairwise differences, accounting for cases where
    # there are no pairs
    with ignore_invalid():
        mpd = np.where(n_pairs > 0, n_diff / n_pairs, fill)

    return mpd