Пример #1
class ZeroShotExtractor:

    def __init__(self, labels, domain_utils):
        self._tokenizer = BertPreTokenizer()  # should align with reader's tokenizer
        self._token_indexers = PretrainedBertIndexer(
            pretrained_model='bert-base-uncased')  # should align with reader's tokenizer
        self._is_cude = torch.cuda.device_count() > 0
        self._domain_utils = domain_utils

    def _get_wordpieces(self, text): # should match the reader method
        tokens = self._tokenizer.tokenize(text)
        do_lowercase = True
        tokens_out = (
            if do_lowercase and token.text not in self._tokenizer.never_split
            else token.text
            for token in tokens
        wps = [
            [wordpiece for wordpiece in self._token_indexers.wordpiece_tokenizer(token)]
            for token in tokens_out
        wps_flat = [wordpiece for token in wps for wordpiece in token]
        return tuple(wps_flat)

    def _set_labels_wordpieces(self, labels):
        self._num_labels = len(labels)
        self._labels_wordpieces = defaultdict(list)
        for index, label in labels.items():
            if label == 'NO-LABEL' or label == 'span':
            lexicon_phrases = self._domain_utils.get_lexicon_phrase(label)
            for lexicon_phrase in lexicon_phrases:

    def get_similarity_features(self, batch_tokens, batch_spans):
        device = 'cuda' if self._is_cude else 'cpu'
        similarities = torch.zeros([batch_spans.shape[0], batch_spans.shape[1], self._num_labels], dtype=torch.float32,
                                   requires_grad=False, device=device)

        for k, (sentence, spans) in enumerate(zip(batch_tokens, batch_spans)):
            sent_len = len(sentence)
            span_to_ind = {}
            for i, span in enumerate(spans):
                span_to_ind[tuple(span.tolist())] = i
            for i in range(sent_len):
                for j in range(i+1, i+6):
                    if j > sent_len:
                    labels = self._labels_wordpieces.get(sentence[i:j])
                    if labels:
                        start = i + 1
                        end = j
                        for label in labels:
                            similarities[k, span_to_ind[(start, end)], label] = 1.0
        return similarities
class SpanMapper(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._tokenizer = BertPreTokenizer(
        )  # should align with reader's tokenizer
        self._token_indexers = PretrainedBertIndexer(
        )  # should align with reader's tokenizer
        self._synonyms = {'arguments': {}, 'predicates': {}}
        # self._load_argumets()
        # self._enrich_synonyms()
        # self._enrich_synonyms_by_hand()
        self._parser = pyparsing.nestedExpr(
            '(', ')', ignoreExpr=pyparsing.dblQuotedString)
        # self._parser.setParseAction(self._parse_action)

    def _parse_action(self, string, location, tokens) -> Tree:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _get_wordpieces(self, text):  # should match the reader method
        tokens = self._tokenizer.tokenize(text)
        do_lowercase = True
        tokens_out = (token.text.lower() if do_lowercase
                      and token.text not in self._tokenizer.never_split else
                      token.text for token in tokens)
        wps = [[
            for wordpiece in self._token_indexers.wordpiece_tokenizer(token)
        ] for token in tokens_out]
        wps_flat = [wordpiece for token in wps for wordpiece in token]
        return tuple(wps_flat)

    def _align_to_text(self, constant, type):
        spans = []
        realizations = self._synonyms[type][constant]
        num_tokens_text = len(self._tokens)
        for realization in realizations:
            num_tokens_real = len(realization)
            for begin in range(num_tokens_text - num_tokens_real + 1):
                end = begin + num_tokens_real
                if self._tokens[begin:end] == realization:
                    span = Span(height=1,
                                span=(begin, end),
        # assert len(spans) == 1
        return spans

    def _align_filter_to_text(self, constants, type, hint_span=None):
        spans_per_constant = []
        for i, constant in enumerate(constants):
            constant_spans = self._align_to_text(
                constant, type)  # find spans in text for a particular constant
            # if len(constants) == 1 and hint_span != None:
            # # if i == 0 and hint_span != None:
            #     constant_spans_ = self._choose_span_by_hint(constant_spans, hint_span)
            #     if constant_spans_ != constant_spans:
            #         print('here')
            #         constant_spans = constant_spans_
            # if len(constants) == 2 and hint_span != None and i == 1 and len(constant_spans) > 1:
            #     constant_spans__ = []
            #     for j, span in enumerate(constant_spans):
            #         # temporary bad way to disambiguate spans
            #         if span.span[0] < 4 and hint_span.span[0] <= 6:
            #             constant_spans__.append(span)
            #     if len(constant_spans__) > 0:
            #         print('here') # risky
            #         constant_spans = constant_spans__
            # assert len(constant_spans) >= 1
        contiguous_chains = self._find_contiguous_chain(spans_per_constant)
        # if len(contiguous_chains) > 1 and hint_span:
        #     contiguous_chains_ = self._filter_chains_with_hint(contiguous_chains, hint_span)
        #     if contiguous_chains_ != contiguous_chains:
        #         print('here') # risky
        #     contiguous_chains = contiguous_chains_
        if len(contiguous_chains) == 2:
            if not self._possible_chains:
                next_option = tuple(
                    [span.constant for span in contiguous_chains[1]])
                self._possible_chains = contiguous_chains[1]
                contiguous_chains = [contiguous_chains[0]]
                contiguous_chains = [self._possible_chains]
                self._possible_chains = None
        if len(contiguous_chains) != 1:
        assert len(contiguous_chains) == 1
        contiguous_chain = contiguous_chains[0]
        return self._contiguous_chain_to_subtree(contiguous_chain)

    def _filter_chains_with_hint(self, contiguous_chains, hint_span):
        # min delta from span edges. Sets a high values if span is within the hint_span
        delta_from_hint = [
            min(abs(chain[0].span[0] - hint_span.span[1]),
                abs(chain[-1].span[1] - hint_span.span[0]))
            if not self._is_span_contained(chain[0], hint_span) else 10000
            for chain in contiguous_chains
        min_value = min(delta_from_hint)
        min_chains = []
        for i, chain in enumerate(contiguous_chains):
            if delta_from_hint[i] == min_value:
        # if min_value == 0 and len(min_spans) > 1:  # take the last span if all min_values are 0
        #     min_spans = [sorted(spans, key=lambda span: span.span[0], reverse=True)[0]]
        return min_chains

    def _filter_sub_chains(self, contiguous_chains):
        """Filter chains that are actually a part of a larger chain"""
        full_contiguous_chains = []
        tokens = self._tokens
        for chain in contiguous_chains:
            start = chain[0].span[0]
            end = chain[-1].span[1]
            if start > 0:  # there is at least one token before 'start'
                if tuple(tokens[start - 1:start]) in self._filter_args:
            if start > 1:  # there are at least two tokens before 'start'
                if tuple(tokens[start - 2:start]) in self._filter_args:
            if tuple(self._tokens[end:end + 1]) in self._filter_args:
            if tuple(self._tokens[end:end + 2]) in self._filter_args:
        return full_contiguous_chains

    def _find_contiguous_chain(self, spans_per_constant: List[List[Span]]):
        contiguous_chains = []
        combinations = list(product(*spans_per_constant))
        for comb in combinations:
            if all([
                    s.span[1] == comb[i + 1].span[0]
                    for i, s in enumerate(comb[:-1])
            ]):  # check if contiguous
                if not any([
                        self._is_span_contained(sub_span, span)
                        for sub_span in comb for span in self._decided_spans
                ]):  # check if span wasn't decided before
        if len(contiguous_chains) > 1:
            contiguous_chains_ = self._filter_sub_chains(contiguous_chains)
            if contiguous_chains != contiguous_chains_:
            contiguous_chains = contiguous_chains_
        return contiguous_chains

    def _contiguous_chain_to_subtree(self, contiguous_chain: List[Span]):
        self._decided_spans += contiguous_chain
        tree = Tree()
        stack = []
        for i in range(len(contiguous_chain) - 1):
            # make parent
            start = contiguous_chain[i].span[0]
            end = contiguous_chain[-1].span[1]
            span = Span(height=len(contiguous_chain) - 1,
                        span=(start, end),
            parent = stack[-1] if len(stack) > 0 else None
            identifier = '{}-{}'.format(start, end)
            tree.create_node(identifier=identifier, data=span, parent=parent)

            # make left child
            span_lc = contiguous_chain[i]
            identifier_lc = '{}-{}'.format(span_lc.span[0], span_lc.span[1])

        # make last right child
        span_rc = contiguous_chain[-1]
        identifier_rc = '{}-{}'.format(span_rc.span[0], span_rc.span[1])
                         parent=stack[-1] if stack else None)

        return tree  # return top most identifier

    def _join_trees(self, subtree_1: Tree, subtree_2: Tree):

        top_tree = Tree()
        arg_1_span = subtree_1.root.split('-')
        arg_2_span = subtree_2.root.split('-')
        start = int(arg_1_span[0])
        end = int(arg_2_span[1])
        identifier = '{}-{}'.format(start, end)
        span = Span(height=100,
                    span=(start, end),
        top_tree.create_node(identifier=identifier, data=span)
        top_tree.paste(nid=identifier, new_tree=subtree_1)
        top_tree.paste(nid=identifier, new_tree=subtree_2)
        return top_tree

    def _combine_trees(self, subtree_1: Tree, subtree_2: Tree):
        subtree_2.paste(nid=subtree_2.root, new_tree=subtree_1)
        return subtree_2

    def _join_binary_predicate_tree(self,
                                    predicate: Tree,
                                    arg_1: Tree,
                                    arg_2: Tree,
                                    allow_arg_switch: bool = True):
        predicate_start = int(predicate.root.split('-')[0])
        arg_1_start = int(arg_1.root.split('-')[0])
        arg_2_start = int(arg_2.root.split('-')[0])

        # if arg_2 is not in the middle
        if not (arg_2_start > predicate_start and arg_2_start < arg_1_start
                ) and not (arg_2_start < predicate_start
                           and arg_2_start > arg_1_start):
            if predicate_start < arg_1_start:  # predicate is left to arg_1
                join_1 = self._join_trees(predicate, arg_1)
                join_1 = self._join_trees(arg_1, predicate)

            if predicate_start < arg_2_start:  # predicate is left to arg_2
                join_2 = self._join_trees(join_1, arg_2)
                join_2 = self._join_trees(arg_2, join_1)
            return join_2
            if not allow_arg_switch:  # in this case we do not allow arg_2 to be in a span with the predicate
                raise Exception(
                    'Argument switch is not allowed={}'.format(predicate))
            if predicate_start < arg_1_start:  # predicate is left to arg_1, and arg_2 is in the middle
                join_1 = self._join_trees(predicate, arg_2)
                join_2 = self._join_trees(join_1, arg_1)
                join_1 = self._join_trees(arg_2, predicate)
                join_2 = self._join_trees(arg_1, join_1)
            return join_2

    def _join_unary_predicate_tree(self, predicate: Tree, arg: Tree):
        predicate_start = int(predicate.root.split('-')[0])
        arg_start = int(arg.root.split('-')[0])

        if predicate_start < arg_start:  # predicate is left to arg_1
            join_tree = self._join_trees(predicate, arg)
            join_tree = self._join_trees(arg, predicate)

        return join_tree

    def _filter_contained_spans(self, spans):
        spans_ = sorted(spans,
                        key=lambda span: span.span[1] - span.span[0],
                        reverse=True)  # sort according to span length
        if spans_ != spans:
        spans = spans_
        filtered_spans = []
        for span in spans:
            for broad_span in filtered_spans:
                if self._is_span_contained(
                        span, broad_span):  # span contained in broad_span
        return filtered_spans

    def _is_span_contained(self, span_1: Span, span_2: Span):
        return set(range(span_1.span[0], span_1.span[1])).issubset(
            set(range(span_2.span[0], span_2.span[1])))

    def _is_spans_intersect(self, span_1: Span, span_2: Span):
        return len(
            set(range(span_1.span[0], span_1.span[1])).intersection(
                set(range(span_2.span[0], span_2.span[1])))) > 0

    def _choose_span_by_hint(self, spans, hint_span):
        """Chooses that span that is closest to the hint span. The hint span is the one the selected span should be close to."""

        # min delta from span edges. Sets a high values if span is within the hint_span
        delta_from_hint = [
            min(abs(span.span[0] -
                    hint_span.span[1]), abs(span.span[1] - hint_span.span[0]))
            if not self._is_span_contained(span, hint_span) else 10000
            for span in spans
        min_value = min(delta_from_hint)
        min_spans = []
        for i, span in enumerate(spans):
            if delta_from_hint[i] == min_value:
        if min_value == 0 and len(
                min_spans) > 1:  # take the last span if all min_values are 0
            min_spans = [
                sorted(spans, key=lambda span: span.span[0], reverse=True)[0]
            ]  # risky
        return min_spans

    def _get_tree_from_constant(self,
        spans = self._align_to_text(constant, type)
        spans_ = self._filter_contained_spans(spans)
        if spans != spans_:
        spans = spans_
        if len(spans) != 1:
        # if len(spans) > 1 and hint_span:
        #     spans__ = self._choose_span_by_hint(spans, hint_span)
        #     if spans != spans__:
        #         print('here')
        #     spans = spans__
        spans___ = []
        for span in spans:
            if not any([
                    self._is_span_contained(span, decided_span)
                    for decided_span in self._decided_spans
        if spans___ != spans:
        spans = spans___
        if len(spans) == 2:
            if not constant in self._possible_constants:
                self._possible_constants[constant] = spans[1]
                spans = [spans[0]]
                spans = [self._possible_constants[constant]]
                del self._possible_constants[constant]
        if len(spans) != 1:
            print('spans for {} are {}'.format(constant, spans))
        assert len(spans) == 1
        span = spans[0]
        if constant_prefix:
            span.constant = '{}#{}'.format(constant_prefix, span.constant)
        identifier = '{}-{}'.format(span.span[0], span.span[1])
        constant_tree = Tree()
        constant_tree.create_node(identifier=identifier, data=span)
        return constant_tree

    def is_valid_tree(self, parse_tree: Tree):
        is_violateing = [
            self._is_violating_node(node, parse_tree)
            for node in parse_tree.expand_tree()
        if any(is_violateing):
        return not any(is_violateing)

    def is_projective_tree(self, parse_tree: Tree):
        is_violateing = [
            len(parse_tree.children(node)) > 2
            for node in parse_tree.expand_tree()
        if any(is_violateing):
        return not any(is_violateing)

    def _is_violating_node(self, node, parse_tree):
        """Checks id a node is violated - if its child's span is not contained in its parent span, or intersect another child."""
        node_span = parse_tree.get_node(node).data
        for child in parse_tree.children(node):
            child_span = child.data
            if not self._is_span_contained(
                    child_span, node_span):  # not contained in parent's span
                print('node {} is not contained in parent {}'.format(
                    child_span.to_string, node_span.to_string))
                return True
            for child_other in parse_tree.children(node):
                child_other_span = child_other.data
                if child != child_other and self._is_spans_intersect(
                        child_other_span):  # intersects another span
                    print('node {} intersectes node {}'.format(
                        child_span.to_string, child_other_span.to_string))
                    return True
        return False

    def map_prog_to_tree(self, question, program):
        program = re.sub(r'(\w+) \(', r'( \1', program)
        self._program = program.replace(',', '')
        self._tokens = self._get_wordpieces(question)
        self._tree = Tree()
        self._decided_spans = []
        parse_result = self._parser.parseString(self._program)[0]
        return parse_result

        # # print the program tree
        # executor.parser.setParseAction(_parse_action_tree)
        # tree_parse = executor.parser.parseString(program)[0]
        # print('parse_tree=')
        # pprint(tree_parse)

    # def pprint(node, tab=""):
    #     if isinstance(node, str):
    #         print(tab + u"┗━ " + str(node))
    #         return
    #     print(tab + u"┗━ " + str(node.value))
    #     for child in node.children:
    #         pprint(child, tab + "    ")

    def _parse_action_tree(string, location, tokens):
        from collections import namedtuple
        Node = namedtuple("Node", ["value", "children"])
        node = Node(value=tokens[0][0], children=tokens[0][1:])
        return node

    def _get_aligned_span(self, subtree: Tree):
        """Gets hint span for aligning ambiguous constants (e.g., 'left' appears twice)"""
        return subtree.get_node(subtree.root).data

    def _get_first_argument_to_join(self, predicate_tree, arg1_tree,
        predicate_span_start = int(predicate_tree.root.split('-')[0])
        arg1_span_start = int(arg1_tree.root.split('-')[0])
        arg2_span_start = int(arg2_tree.root.split('-')[0])
        if predicate_span_start < arg2_span_start < arg1_span_start or predicate_span_start > arg2_span_start > arg1_span_start:
            return arg2_tree, arg1_tree
            return arg1_tree, arg2_tree

    def _get_details(self, child, span_labels):
        data = child.data
        start = data.span[0]
        end = data.span[1] - 1
        span = (data.span[0], data.span[1] - 1)
        type = data.constant if data.constant else 'span'
        is_span = type == 'span'
        if not is_span:
            span_labels.append({'span': span, 'type': type})
        return start, end, is_span

    def _adjust_end(self, start, end, adjusted_end, is_span, span_labels):
        if end < adjusted_end - 1:
                'span': (start, adjusted_end - 1),
                'type': 'span'
            if is_span:
                span_labels.append({'span': (start, end), 'type': 'span'})

    def _inner_write(self, span_labels, children, end, parse_tree):
        children.sort(key=lambda c: c.data.span[0])
        start_1, end_1, is_span_1 = self._get_details(children[0], span_labels)
        start_2, end_2, is_span_2 = self._get_details(children[1], span_labels)
        if len(children) > 2:
            start_3, end_3, is_span_3 = self._get_details(
                children[2], span_labels)

        self._adjust_end(start_1, end_1, start_2, is_span_1, span_labels)

        if len(children) > 2:
            self._adjust_end(start_2, end_2, start_3, is_span_2, span_labels)
            self._adjust_end(start_3, end_3, end + 1, is_span_3, span_labels)
            # if end_2 < start_3 - 1:
            #     span_labels.append({'span': (start_2, start_3 - 1), 'type': 'span'})
            # if end_3 < end:
            #     span_labels.append({'span': (start_3, end), 'type': 'span'})
            self._adjust_end(start_2, end_2, end + 1, is_span_2, span_labels)
            # if end_2 < end:
            #     span_labels.append({'span': (start_2, end), 'type': 'span'})

        children_1 = parse_tree.children(children[0].identifier)
        if len(children_1) > 0:
            self._inner_write(span_labels, children_1, start_2 - 1, parse_tree)
        children_2 = parse_tree.children(children[1].identifier)
        if len(children) > 2:
            children_3 = parse_tree.children(children[1].identifier)
            if len(children_2) > 0:
                self._inner_write(span_labels, children_2, start_3 - 1,
            if len(children_3) > 0:
                self._inner_write(span_labels, children_3, end, parse_tree)
            if len(children_2) > 0:
                self._inner_write(span_labels, children_2, end, parse_tree)

    def write_to_output(self, line, parse_tree, output_file):
        tokens = self._get_wordpieces(line['question'])

        if line['question'] == "what state borders michigan ?":
        len_sent = len(tokens)

        span_labels = []

        # type = 'span'
        # span_labels.append({'span': (0, len_sent-1), 'type': type})
        root = parse_tree.root
        root_node = parse_tree.get_node(root).data

        # root_start, root_end = root.split('-')
        # root_start = int(root_start)
        # root_end = int(root_end)
        # if root_start > 0:
        start = 0
        end = len_sent - 1
        type = 'span'
        span_labels.append({'span': (start, end), 'type': type})

        children = parse_tree.children(root)

        if len(children) == 0:
            s, t = (int(root_node.span[0]), int(root_node.span[1]))
            type = root_node.constant
            span_labels.append({'span': (s, t), 'type': type})
            if s > 0:
                span_labels.append({'span': (s, end), 'type': 'span'})
            child_1_start = children[0].data.span[0]
            if child_1_start > 0:
                    'span': (child_1_start, end),
                    'type': 'span'
            self._inner_write(span_labels, parse_tree.children(root), end,

        # while (len(parse_tree.children(root)) > 0):
        #     children = parse_tree.children(root)
        #     data_1 = children[0].data
        #     span_1 = (data_1.span[0], data_1.span[1] - 1)
        #     data_2 = children[1].data
        #     span_2 = (data_2.span[0], data_2.span[1] - 1)
        #     print()

        # for i, node in enumerate(parse_tree.expand_tree()):
        #     data = parse_tree.get_node(node).data
        #     span = (data.span[0], data.span[1]-1)  # move to inclusive spans
        #     if i==0:
        #         left_extra = None
        #         if span[0] > 0:
        #             left_extra = (0, span[0]-1)
        #         right_extra = None
        #         if span[1] < len_sent-1:
        #             left_right = (span[1]+1, len_sent-1)
        #     type = data.constant if data.constant else 'span'
        #     span_labels.append({'span': span, 'type': type})
        line['gold_spans'] = span_labels
        json_str = json.dumps(line)
        output_file.write(json_str + '\n')
class ConllCorefBertReader(DatasetReader):
    Reads a single CoNLL-formatted file. This is the same file format as used in the
    :class:`~allennlp.data.dataset_readers.semantic_role_labelling.SrlReader`, but is preprocessed
    to dump all documents into a single file per train, dev and test split. See
    scripts/compile_coref_data.sh for more details of how to pre-process the Ontonotes 5.0 data
    into the correct format.
    Returns a ``Dataset`` where the ``Instances`` have four fields: ``text``, a ``TextField``
    containing the full document text, ``spans``, a ``ListField[SpanField]`` of inclusive start and
    end indices for span candidates, and ``metadata``, a ``MetadataField`` that stores the instance's
    original text. For data with gold cluster labels, we also include the original ``clusters``
    (a list of list of index pairs) and a ``SequenceLabelField`` of cluster ids for every span
    max_span_width: ``int``, required.
        The maximum width of candidate spans to consider.
    token_indexers : ``Dict[str, TokenIndexer]``, optional
        This is used to index the words in the document.  See :class:`TokenIndexer`.
        Default is ``{"tokens": SingleIdTokenIndexer()}``.
    def __init__(self,
                 max_span_width: int,
                 token_indexers: Dict[str, TokenIndexer] = None,
                 lazy: bool = False) -> None:
        self._max_span_width = max_span_width
        self._token_indexers = {
            "tokens": PretrainedBertIndexer("bert-base-cased",
        self.token_indexer = PretrainedBertIndexer("bert-base-cased",

    def _read(self, file_path: str):
        # if `file_path` is a URL, redirect to the cache
        file_path = cached_path(file_path)

        ontonotes_reader = Ontonotes()
        for sentences in ontonotes_reader.dataset_document_iterator(file_path):
            clusters: DefaultDict[int, List[Tuple[
                int, int]]] = collections.defaultdict(list)

            total_tokens = 0
            for sentence in sentences:
                for typed_span in sentence.coref_spans:
                    # Coref annotations are on a _per sentence_
                    # basis, so we need to adjust them to be relative
                    # to the length of the document.
                    span_id, (start, end) = typed_span
                        (start + total_tokens, end + total_tokens))
                total_tokens += len(sentence.words)

            canonical_clusters = canonicalize_clusters(clusters)
            new_sentences = [s.words for s in sentences]
            flattened_sentences = [
                self._normalize_word(word) for sentence in new_sentences
                for word in sentence

            def tokenizer(s: str):
                return self.token_indexer.wordpiece_tokenizer(s)

            flattened_sentences = tokenizer(" ".join(flattened_sentences))
            if len(flattened_sentences) > 510:
            yield self.text_to_instance([s.words for s in sentences],

    def align_token(self, text, span):
        Retokenize one span for one individual span.
        current = self.token_indexer.wordpiece_tokenizer(" ".join(
        start_span = len(current)
        span_embedding = self.token_indexer.wordpiece_tokenizer(" ".join(
        end_span = start_span + len(span_embedding)
        return start_span, end_span

    def align_clusters_to_tokens(self, text, clusters):
        new_clusters = []
        for cluster in clusters:
            new_cluster = []
            for span in cluster:
                new_cluster.append(self.align_token(text, span))
        return new_clusters

    def text_to_instance(
        self,  # type: ignore
        sentences: List[List[str]],
        gold_clusters: Optional[List[List[Tuple[int,
                                                int]]]] = None) -> Instance:
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        sentences : ``List[List[str]]``, required.
            A list of lists representing the tokenised words and sentences in the document.
        gold_clusters : ``Optional[List[List[Tuple[int, int]]]]``, optional (default = None)
            A list of all clusters in the document, represented as word spans. Each cluster
            contains some number of spans, which can be nested and overlap, but will never
            exactly match between clusters.
        An ``Instance`` containing the following ``Fields``:
            text : ``TextField``
                The text of the full document.
            spans : ``ListField[SpanField]``
                A ListField containing the spans represented as ``SpanFields``
                with respect to the document text.
            span_labels : ``SequenceLabelField``, optional
                The id of the cluster which each possible span belongs to, or -1 if it does
                 not belong to a cluster. As these labels have variable length (it depends on
                 how many spans we are considering), we represent this a as a ``SequenceLabelField``
                 with respect to the ``spans ``ListField``.
        flattened_sentences = [
            self._normalize_word(word) for sentence in sentences
            for word in sentence
        # align clusters
        gold_clusters = self.align_clusters_to_tokens(flattened_sentences,

        def tokenizer(s: str):
            return self.token_indexer.wordpiece_tokenizer(s)

        # we nee dto try this with the other one.
        flattened_sentences = tokenizer(" ".join(flattened_sentences))
        metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {"original_text": flattened_sentences}
        if gold_clusters is not None:
            metadata["clusters"] = gold_clusters

        text_field = TextField([Token(word) for word in flattened_sentences],

        cluster_dict = {}
        if gold_clusters is not None:
            for cluster_id, cluster in enumerate(gold_clusters):
                for mention in cluster:
                    cluster_dict[tuple(mention)] = cluster_id

        spans: List[Field] = []
        span_labels: Optional[
            List[int]] = [] if gold_clusters is not None else None
        sentence_offset = 0
        normal = []
        for sentence in sentences:
            # enumerate the spans.
            for start, end in enumerate_spans(
                if span_labels is not None:
                    if (start, end) in cluster_dict:
                        span_labels.append(cluster_dict[(start, end)])
                # align the spans to the BERT tokeniation
                normal.append((start, end))
                # span field for Span, which needs to be a flattened esnetnece.
                spans.append(SpanField(start, end, text_field))
            sentence_offset += len(sentence)

        span_field = ListField(spans)
        metadata_field = MetadataField(metadata)

        fields: Dict[str, Field] = {
            "text": text_field,
            "spans": span_field,
            "metadata": metadata_field
        if span_labels is not None:
            fields["span_labels"] = SequenceLabelField(span_labels, span_field)
        return Instance(fields)

    def _normalize_word(word):
        if word == "/." or word == "/?":
            return word[1:]
            return word