Пример #1
def batched_predict_instances(predictor: Predictor,
                              examples: List[Instance],
                              batch_size: int = 16) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    results = []  # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]
    for i in range(0, len(examples), batch_size):
        batch_examples = examples[i:i + batch_size]
        batch_results = predictor.predict_batch_instance(batch_examples)
    return results
Пример #2
def main(input_file, archive_file, batch_size, cuda_device):
    model, config = load_archive(archive_file=archive_file,

    dataset_reader = DatasetReader.from_params(config["dataset_reader"])
    dataset = dataset_reader.read(input_file)
    predictor = Predictor(model, dataset_reader)
    evaluator = Evaluator()

    with tqdm(desc="Decoding...") as p:
        for ins in batch(dataset, batch_size):
            for result in predictor.predict_batch_instance(ins):
    print(evaluator.get_metrics(reset=True), file=sys.stderr)
Пример #3
def replace_one_token(
    predictor: Predictor,
    instances: List[Instance],
    reduction_field_name: str,
    gradient_field_name: str,
    n_beams: List[int],
    indices: List[List[int]],
    replaced_indices: List[List[int]],
    embedding_weight: np.ndarray,
    index_to_token: Dict[int, str],
    max_beam_size: int = 5,
    ignore_tokens: List[str] = ['@@NULL@@'],
    remove one token from each example.
    each example branches out to at most max_beam_size new beams.
    we do not do beam verification here.

    batch structure:
    > example 0 beam 1
    > example 0 beam 2  # n_beams[0] = 2
    > example 1 beam 1  # n_beams[1] = 1
    > example 2 beam 1
    > example 2 beam 2  # n_beams[2] = 2
    >                   # n_beams[3] = 0

    n_examples = len(n_beams)  # not batch size!

    if 'label' not in instances[0].fields:
        outputs = predictor.predict_batch_instance(instances)
        instances = [
            predictor.predictions_to_labeled_instances(i, o)[0]
            for i, o in zip(instances, outputs)

    # one forward-backward pass to get the score of each token in the batch
    gradients, outputs = predictor.get_gradients(instances)
    grads = gradients[gradient_field_name]
    hotflip_grad = np.einsum('bld,kd->blk', grads, embedding_weight)
    sign = -1

    # beams of example_idx: batch[start: start + n_beams[example_idx]]
    start = 0
    new_instances = []
    new_n_beams = [0 for _ in range(n_examples)]
    new_indices = []
    new_replaced_indices = []
    current_lengths = [
        real_sequence_length(x[reduction_field_name], ignore_tokens)
        for x in instances

    for example_idx in range(n_examples):
        for each example_idx, current beams -> future beams
        1. find beam-level reduction candidates
        2. merge and sort them to get example-level reduction candidates
        # skip if example_idx exited the search
        if n_beams[example_idx] == 0:

        # find beam-level candidates
        candidates = []  # (batch_index i, token j, replacement k)
        for i in range(start, start + n_beams[example_idx]):
            field = instances[i][reduction_field_name]
            # argsort the flattened scores
            indices_sorted = np.argsort(sign * hotflip_grad[i].ravel())
            # unravel into original shape
            indices_sorted = np.unravel_index(indices_sorted,
            indices_sorted = np.stack(indices_sorted, 1)
            beam_candidates = [
                (i, j, k) for j, k in indices_sorted
                if (j < field.sequence_length()
                    and field.tokens[j].text not in ignore_tokens)
            candidates += beam_candidates[:max_beam_size]

        # no beam-level candidate found, skip
        if len(candidates) == 0:
            start += n_beams[example_idx]

        # gather scores of all example-level candidates
        # sort them to get example-level candidates
        candidates = np.asarray(candidates)
        scores = hotflip_grad[candidates[:, 0], candidates[:, 1],
                              candidates[:, 2]]
        candidate_scores = sorted(zip(candidates, scores),
                                  key=lambda x: sign * x[1])
        candidates = [c for c, s in candidate_scores[:max_beam_size]]

        # each candidate should be a valid token in the beam it belongs
        assert all(j < current_lengths[i] for i, j, k in candidates)

        for i, j, k in candidates:
            new_instance = deepcopy(instances[i])
            new_instance[reduction_field_name].tokens = (
                new_instance[reduction_field_name].tokens[0:j] +
                [Token(index_to_token[k])] +
                new_instance[reduction_field_name].tokens[j + 1:])
            new_instance.indexed = False

            new_n_beams[example_idx] += 1
            new_replaced_indices.append(replaced_indices[i] + [indices[i][j]])

        # move starting position to next example
        start += n_beams[example_idx]

    return new_instances, new_n_beams, new_indices, new_replaced_indices
Пример #4
def replace_instances(
    predictor: Predictor,
    instances: List[Instance],
    reduction_field_name: str,
    gradient_field_name: str,
    probs_field_name: str,
    embedding_weight: np.ndarray,
    index_to_token: Dict[int, str],
    max_beam_size: int = 5,
    max_replace_steps: int = 5,
    ignore_tokens: List[str] = ['@@NULL@@'],
    original batch
    > example 0
    > example 1
    > example 2
    > example 3

    during reduction, and example 4 already exited the search
    > example 0 beam 1
    > example 0 beam 2  # n_beams[0] = 2
    > example 1 beam 1  # n_beams[1] = 1
    > example 2 beam 1
    > example 2 beam 2  # n_beams[2] = 2
    >                   # n_beams[3] = 0

    then each example i beam j branches out to
    > example i beam j 0
    > example i beam j 1
    > ...

    which forms
    > example i beam j 0
    > example i beam j 1
    > example i beam j 2
    > example i beam k 0
    > example i beam k 1

    we sort all beams of example i, select the top ones,
    filter ones that do not retain prediction, go to next step

    :param predictor:
    :param instances:
    :param reduction_field_name:
    :param gradient_field_name:
    :param probs_field_name:
    :param max_beam_size:

    if 'label' not in instances[0].fields:
        outputs = predictor.predict_batch_instance(instances)
        instances = [
            predictor.predictions_to_labeled_instances(i, o)[0]
            for i, o in zip(instances, outputs)

    n_examples = len(instances)
    n_beams = [1 for _ in range(n_examples)]  # each example starts with 1 beam
    indices = [[
        i for i, token in enumerate(instance[reduction_field_name])
        if token.text not in ignore_tokens
    ] for instance in instances]
    replaced_indices = [[] for _ in range(n_examples)]

    # perturbed instances that do not necessarily flip model prediction
    final_instances = {
        i: deepcopy(instance)
        for i, instance in enumerate(instances)
    final_replaced_indices = {i: [] for i in range(n_examples)}

    # check if prediction is flipped
    original_instances = deepcopy(instances)

    for _ in range(max_replace_steps):
        # all beams are reduced at the same pace
        # remove one token from each example
        instances, n_beams, indices, replaced_indices = replace_one_token(

        # verify prediction for each beam
        outputs = predictor.predict_batch_instance(instances)

        # beams of example_idx: batch[start: start + n_beams[example_idx]]
        start = 0
        new_instances = []
        new_indices = []
        new_replaced_indices = []
        new_n_beams = [0 for _ in range(n_examples)]
        for example_idx in range(n_examples):
            for i in range(start, start + n_beams[example_idx]):
                reduced_prediction = np.argmax(outputs[i][probs_field_name])
                original_prediction = original_instances[example_idx][
                final_instances[example_idx] = deepcopy(instances[i])
                final_replaced_indices[example_idx] = replaced_indices[i]
                if reduced_prediction == original_prediction:
                    # prediction not flipped yet, keep replacing
                    new_n_beams[example_idx] += 1

            # move cursor to next example then update the beam count of this example
            start += n_beams[example_idx]

        if len(new_instances) == 0:

        instances = new_instances
        n_beams = new_n_beams
        indices = new_indices
        replaced_indices = new_replaced_indices

    return ([final_instances[i] for i in range(n_examples)],
            [final_replaced_indices[i] for i in range(n_examples)])
Пример #5
def remove_one_token(
        predictor: Predictor,
        instances: List[Instance],
        reduction_field_name: str,
        gradient_field_name: str,
        n_beams: List[int],
        indices: List[List[int]],
        removed_indices: List[List[int]],
        token_id_field_name: str = None,
        embedding_weight: np.ndarray = None,
        max_beam_size: int = 5,
        min_sequence_length: int = 1,
        ignore_tokens: List[str] = ['@@NULL@@'],
    remove one token from each example.
    each example branches out to at most max_beam_size new beams.
    we do not do beam verification here.

    batch structure:
    > example 0 beam 1
    > example 0 beam 2  # n_beams[0] = 2
    > example 1 beam 1  # n_beams[1] = 1
    > example 2 beam 1
    > example 2 beam 2  # n_beams[2] = 2
    >                   # n_beams[3] = 0

    n_examples = len(n_beams)  # not batch size!

    if 'label' not in instances[0].fields:
        outputs = predictor.predict_batch_instance(instances)
        instances = [predictor.predictions_to_labeled_instances(i, o)[0]
                     for i, o in zip(instances, outputs)]

    # one forward-backward pass to get the score of each token in the batch
    gradients, outputs = predictor.get_gradients(instances)
    grads = gradients[gradient_field_name]

    if embedding_weight:
        token_ids = outputs[token_id_field_name].cpu().numpy()
        hotflip_grad = np.einsum('bld,kd->blk', grads, embedding_weight)
        onehot_grad = np.take(hotflip_grad, token_ids)
        onehot_grad = np.einsum('bld,bld->bl', grads, grads)

    # beams of example_idx: batch[start: start + n_beams[example_idx]]
    start = 0
    new_instances = []
    new_n_beams = [0 for _ in range(n_examples)]
    new_indices = []
    new_removed_indices = []
    current_lengths = [real_sequence_length(x[reduction_field_name], ignore_tokens)
                       for x in instances]

    for example_idx in range(n_examples):
        for each example_idx, current beams -> future beams
        1. find beam-level reduction candidates
        2. merge and sort them to get example-level reduction candidates
        # skip if example_idx exited the search
        if n_beams[example_idx] == 0:

        # find beam-level candidates
        candidates = []  # (batch_index i, token j)
        for i in range(start, start + n_beams[example_idx]):
            if current_lengths[i] <= min_sequence_length:
                # nothing to reduce
            field = instances[i][reduction_field_name]
            beam_candidates = [
                (i, j) for j in np.argsort(- onehot_grad[i])
                if (
                    j < field.sequence_length()
                    and field.tokens[j].text not in ignore_tokens
            candidates += beam_candidates[:max_beam_size]

        # no beam-level candidate found, skip
        if len(candidates) == 0:
            start += n_beams[example_idx]

        # gather scores of all example-level candidates
        # sort them to get example-level candidates
        candidates = np.asarray(candidates)
        scores = onehot_grad[candidates[:, 0], candidates[:, 1]]
        candidate_scores = sorted(zip(candidates, scores), key=lambda x: -x[1])
        candidates = [c for c, s in candidate_scores[:max_beam_size]]

        # each candidate should be a valid token in the beam it belongs
        assert all(j < current_lengths[i] for i, j in candidates)

        for i, j in candidates:
            new_instance = deepcopy(instances[i])
            new_instance[reduction_field_name].tokens = (
                new_instance[reduction_field_name].tokens[0: j]
                + new_instance[reduction_field_name].tokens[j + 1:]
            new_instance.indexed = False

            new_n_beams[example_idx] += 1
            new_removed_indices.append(removed_indices[i] + [indices[i][j]])
            new_indices.append(indices[i][:j] + indices[i][j + 1:])

        # move starting position to next example
        start += n_beams[example_idx]

    return new_instances, new_n_beams, new_indices, new_removed_indices
Пример #6
def reduce_instances(
        predictor: Predictor,
        instances: List[Instance],
        reduction_field_name: str,
        gradient_field_name: str,
        probs_field_name: str,
        token_id_field_name: str = None,
        embedding_weight: np.ndarray = None,
        max_beam_size: int = 5,
        prob_threshold: float = -1,
        min_sequence_length: int = 1,
        ignore_tokens: List[str] = ['@@NULL@@'],
    original batch
    > example 0
    > example 1
    > example 2
    > example 3

    during reduction, and example 4 already exited the search
    > example 0 beam 1
    > example 0 beam 2  # n_beams[0] = 2
    > example 1 beam 1  # n_beams[1] = 1
    > example 2 beam 1
    > example 2 beam 2  # n_beams[2] = 2
    >                   # n_beams[3] = 0

    then each example i beam j branches out to
    > example i beam j 0
    > example i beam j 1
    > ...

    which forms
    > example i beam j 0
    > example i beam j 1
    > example i beam j 2
    > example i beam k 0
    > example i beam k 1

    we sort all beams of example i, select the top ones,
    filter ones that do not retain prediction, go to next step

    :param predictor:
    :param instances:
    :param reduction_field_name:
    :param gradient_field_name:
    :param probs_field_name:
    :param max_beam_size:
    :param prob_threshold:

    if 'label' not in instances[0].fields:
        outputs = predictor.predict_batch_instance(instances)
        instances = [predictor.predictions_to_labeled_instances(i, o)[0]
                     for i, o in zip(instances, outputs)]

    n_examples = len(instances)
    n_beams = [1 for _ in range(n_examples)]  # each example starts with 1 beam
    indices = [[
        i for i, token in enumerate(instance[reduction_field_name])
        if token.text not in ignore_tokens
    ] for instance in instances]
    removed_indices = [[] for _ in range(n_examples)]

    # keep track of a single shortest reduced versions
    shortest_instances = {i: deepcopy(x) for i, x in enumerate(instances)}
    shortest_lengths = {
        i: real_sequence_length(x[reduction_field_name], ignore_tokens)
        for i, x in enumerate(instances)
    shortest_removed_indices = {}

    # to make sure predictions remain the same
    original_instances = deepcopy(instances)

    while True:
        # all beams are reduced at the same pace
        # remove one token from each example
        instances, n_beams, indices, removed_indices = remove_one_token(

        # verify prediction for each beam
        outputs = predictor.predict_batch_instance(instances)

        # beams of example_idx: batch[start: start + n_beams[example_idx]]
        start = 0
        new_instances = []
        new_indices = []
        new_n_beams = [0 for _ in range(n_examples)]
        new_removed_indices = []
        current_lengths = [real_sequence_length(x[reduction_field_name], ignore_tokens)
                           for x in instances]

        for example_idx in range(n_examples):
            original_field = original_instances[example_idx][reduction_field_name]
            original_length = real_sequence_length(original_field, ignore_tokens)
            for i in range(start, start + n_beams[example_idx]):
                assert current_lengths[i] + len(removed_indices[i]) == original_length
                reduced_prediction = np.argmax(outputs[i][probs_field_name])
                reduced_score = outputs[i][probs_field_name][reduced_prediction]
                original_prediction = original_instances[example_idx]['label'].label
                if (
                        reduced_prediction == original_prediction
                        and reduced_score >= prob_threshold
                    # check if this new valid reduced example is shorter than current
                    # reduced_token_sequence = instances[i][reduction_field_name].tokens
                    if current_lengths[i] < shortest_lengths[example_idx]:
                        shortest_instances[example_idx] = deepcopy(instances[i])
                        # shortest_token_sequences[example_idx] = [reduced_token_sequence]
                        shortest_removed_indices[example_idx] = removed_indices[i]
                        shortest_lengths[example_idx] = current_lengths[i]
                    # elif (
                    #     current_lengths[i] == shortest_lengths[example_idx]
                    #     and reduced_token_sequence not in shortest_token_sequences[example_idx]
                    # ):
                    #     shortest_instances[example_idx].append(deepcopy(instances[i]))
                    #     shortest_token_sequences[example_idx].append(reduced_token_sequence)
                    #     shortest_removed_indices[example_idx].append(removed_indices[i])

                    if current_lengths[i] <= min_sequence_length:
                        # all beams of an example has the same length
                        # this means all beams of this example has length 1
                        # do not branch out from this example
                        # beam valid, but not short enough, keep reducing
                        new_n_beams[example_idx] += 1

            # move cursor to next example then update the beam count of this example
            start += n_beams[example_idx]

        if len(new_instances) == 0:

        instances = new_instances
        n_beams = new_n_beams
        indices = new_indices
        removed_indices = new_removed_indices

    shortest_instances = [shortest_instances[i] for i in range(n_examples)]
    shortest_removed_indices = [shortest_removed_indices.get(i, []) for i in range(n_examples)]
    return shortest_instances, shortest_removed_indices