Пример #1
    def test_missing_static_dir(self):
        fake_dir = os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR,

        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
            assert cm.code == -1  # pylint: disable=no-member
Пример #2
    def test_permalinks_work(self):
        db = InMemoryDemoDatabase()
        app = make_app(build_dir=self.TEST_DIR, demo_db=db)
        predictor = CountingPredictor()
        app.predictors = {"counting": predictor}
        app.testing = True
        client = app.test_client()

        def post(endpoint: str, data: JsonDict) -> Response:
            return client.post(endpoint,

        data = {"some": "input"}
        response = post("/predict/counting", data=data)

        assert response.status_code == 200
        result = json.loads(response.get_data())
        slug = result.get("slug")
        assert slug is not None

        response = post("/permadata", data={"slug": "not the right slug"})
        assert response.status_code == 400

        response = post("/permadata", data={"slug": slug})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        result2 = json.loads(response.get_data())
        assert set(
            result2.keys()) == {"modelName", "requestData", "responseData"}
        assert result2["modelName"] == "counting"
        assert result2["requestData"] == data
        assert result2["responseData"] == result
Пример #3
    def test_permalinks_work(self):
        db = InMemoryDemoDatabase()
        app = make_app(build_dir=self.TEST_DIR, demo_db=db)
        predictor = CountingPredictor()
        app.predictors = {"counting": predictor}
        app.testing = True
        client = app.test_client()

        def post(endpoint: str, data: JsonDict) -> Response:
            return client.post(endpoint, content_type="application/json", data=json.dumps(data))

        data = {"some": "input"}
        response = post("/predict/counting", data=data)

        assert response.status_code == 200
        result = json.loads(response.get_data())
        slug = result.get("slug")
        assert slug is not None

        response = post("/permadata", data={"slug": "not the right slug"})
        assert response.status_code == 400

        response = post("/permadata", data={"slug": slug})
        assert response.status_code == 200
        result2 = json.loads(response.get_data())
        assert set(result2.keys()) == {"modelName", "requestData", "responseData"}
        assert result2["modelName"] == "counting"
        assert result2["requestData"] == data
        assert result2["responseData"] == result
Пример #4
    def test_disable_caching(self):
        import allennlp.service.server_flask as server
        server.CACHE_SIZE = 0

        predictor = CountingPredictor()
        app = server.make_app(build_dir=self.TEST_DIR)
        app.predictors = {"counting": predictor}
        app.testing = True
        client = app.test_client()

        data = {"input1": "this is input 1", "input2": 10}
        key = json.dumps(data)

        assert not predictor.calls

        for i in range(5):
            response = client.post("/predict/counting",
            assert response.status_code == 200
            assert json.loads(response.get_data()) == data

            # cache is disabled, so call count should keep incrementing
            assert predictor.calls[key] == i + 1
            assert len(predictor.calls) == 1
Пример #5
    def test_disable_caching(self):
        import allennlp.service.server_flask as server
        server.CACHE_SIZE = 0

        predictor = CountingPredictor()
        app = server.make_app(build_dir=self.TEST_DIR)
        app.predictors = {"counting": predictor}
        app.testing = True
        client = app.test_client()

        data = {"input1": "this is input 1", "input2": 10}
        key = json.dumps(data)

        assert not predictor.calls

        for i in range(5):
            response = client.post("/predict/counting",
            assert response.status_code == 200
            assert json.loads(response.get_data()) == data

            # cache is disabled, so call count should keep incrementing
            assert predictor.calls[key] == i + 1
            assert len(predictor.calls) == 1
Пример #6
    def setUp(self):
        # Create index.html in TEST_DIR
        pathlib.Path(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, 'index.html')).touch()

        if self.client is None:

            self.app = make_app(build_dir=self.TEST_DIR)
            self.app.predictors = PREDICTORS
            self.app.testing = True
            self.client = self.app.test_client()
Пример #7
    def setUp(self):
        # Create index.html in TEST_DIR
        (self.TEST_DIR / 'index.html').touch()  # pylint: disable=no-member

        if self.client is None:

            self.app = make_app(build_dir=self.TEST_DIR)
            self.app.predictors = PREDICTORS
            self.app.testing = True
            self.client = self.app.test_client()
Пример #8
    def setUp(self):
        # Create index.html in TEST_DIR
        pathlib.Path(os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, 'index.html')).touch()

        if self.client is None:

            self.app = make_app(build_dir=self.TEST_DIR)
            self.app.predictors = PREDICTORS
            self.app.testing = True
            self.client = self.app.test_client()
Пример #9
    def test_permalinks_fail_gracefully_with_no_database(self):
        app = make_app(build_dir=self.TEST_DIR)
        predictor = CountingPredictor()
        app.predictors = {"counting": predictor}
        app.testing = True
        client = app.test_client()

        # Make a prediction, no permalinks.
        data = {"some": "input"}
        response = client.post("/predict/counting", content_type="application/json", data=json.dumps(data))

        assert response.status_code == 200

        # With permalinks not enabled, the result shouldn't contain a slug.
        result = json.loads(response.get_data())
        assert "slug" not in result

        # With permalinks not enabled, a post to the /permadata endpoint should be a 400.
        response = self.client.post("/permadata", data="""{"slug": "someslug"}""")
        assert response.status_code == 400
Пример #10
    def test_permalinks_fail_gracefully_with_no_database(self):
        app = make_app(build_dir=self.TEST_DIR)
        predictor = CountingPredictor()
        app.predictors = {"counting": predictor}
        app.testing = True
        client = app.test_client()

        # Make a prediction, no permalinks.
        data = {"some": "input"}
        response = client.post("/predict/counting", content_type="application/json", data=json.dumps(data))

        assert response.status_code == 200

        # With permalinks not enabled, the result shouldn't contain a slug.
        result = json.loads(response.get_data())
        assert "slug" not in result

        # With permalinks not enabled, a post to the /permadata endpoint should be a 400.
        response = self.client.post("/permadata", data="""{"slug": "someslug"}""")
        assert response.status_code == 400
Пример #11
    def test_missing_static_dir(self):
        fake_dir = self.TEST_DIR / 'this' / 'directory' / 'does' / 'not' / 'exist'

        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
            assert cm.code == -1  # pylint: disable=no-member
Пример #12
    def test_missing_static_dir(self):
        fake_dir = os.path.join(self.TEST_DIR, '/this/directory/does/not/exist')

        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
            assert cm.code == -1  # pylint: disable=no-member