Пример #1
def create_alias(options):
    # mkdir+add_alias
    nodedir = options['node-directory']
    alias = options.alias
    stdout = options.stdout
    stderr = options.stderr
    assert ":" not in alias
    assert " " not in alias

    old_aliases = get_aliases(nodedir)
    if alias in old_aliases:
        print >>stderr, "Alias %s already exists!" % quote_output(alias)
        return 1

    aliasfile = os.path.join(nodedir, "private", "aliases")

    nodeurl = options['node-url']
    if not nodeurl.endswith("/"):
        nodeurl += "/"
    url = nodeurl + "uri?t=mkdir"
    resp = do_http("POST", url)
    rc = check_http_error(resp, stderr)
    if rc:
        return rc
    new_uri = resp.read().strip()

    # probably check for others..

    add_line_to_aliasfile(aliasfile, alias, new_uri)

    print >>stdout, "Alias %s created" % (quote_output(alias),)
    return 0
Пример #2
def mkdir(options):
    nodeurl = options['node-url']
    aliases = options.aliases
    where = options.where
    stdout = options.stdout
    stderr = options.stderr
    if not nodeurl.endswith("/"):
        nodeurl += "/"
    if where:
            rootcap, path = get_alias(aliases, where, DEFAULT_ALIAS)
        except UnknownAliasError as e:
            return 1

    if not where or not path:
        # create a new unlinked directory
        url = nodeurl + "uri?t=mkdir"
        if options["format"]:
            url += "&format=%s" % urllib.quote(options['format'])
        resp = do_http("POST", url)
        rc = check_http_error(resp, stderr)
        if rc:
            return rc
        new_uri = resp.read().strip()
        # emit its write-cap
        print(quote_output(new_uri, quotemarks=False), file=stdout)
        return 0

    # create a new directory at the given location
    if path.endswith("/"):
        path = path[:-1]
    # path must be "/".join([s.encode("utf-8") for s in segments])
    url = nodeurl + "uri/%s/%s?t=mkdir" % (urllib.quote(rootcap),
    if options['format']:
        url += "&format=%s" % urllib.quote(options['format'])

    resp = do_http("POST", url)
    check_http_error(resp, stderr)
    new_uri = resp.read().strip()
    print(quote_output(new_uri, quotemarks=False), file=stdout)
    return 0
Пример #3
def mkdir(options):
    nodeurl = options['node-url']
    aliases = options.aliases
    where = options.where
    stdout = options.stdout
    stderr = options.stderr
    if not nodeurl.endswith("/"):
        nodeurl += "/"
    if where:
            rootcap, path = get_alias(aliases, where, DEFAULT_ALIAS)
        except UnknownAliasError as e:
            return 1

    if not where or not path:
        # create a new unlinked directory
        url = nodeurl + "uri?t=mkdir"
        if options["format"]:
            url += "&format=%s" % urllib.quote(options['format'])
        resp = do_http("POST", url)
        rc = check_http_error(resp, stderr)
        if rc:
            return rc
        new_uri = resp.read().strip()
        # emit its write-cap
        print(quote_output(new_uri, quotemarks=False), file=stdout)
        return 0

    # create a new directory at the given location
    if path.endswith("/"):
        path = path[:-1]
    # path must be "/".join([s.encode("utf-8") for s in segments])
    url = nodeurl + "uri/%s/%s?t=mkdir" % (urllib.quote(rootcap),
    if options['format']:
        url += "&format=%s" % urllib.quote(options['format'])

    resp = do_http("POST", url)
    check_http_error(resp, stderr)
    new_uri = resp.read().strip()
    print(quote_output(new_uri, quotemarks=False), file=stdout)
    return 0
Пример #4
def create_alias(options):
    # mkdir+add_alias
    nodedir = options['node-directory']
    alias = options.alias
    precondition(isinstance(alias, unicode), alias=alias)
    stdout = options.stdout
    stderr = options.stderr
    if u":" in alias:
        # a single trailing colon will already have been stripped if present
        print >>stderr, "Alias names cannot contain colons."
        return 1
    if u" " in alias:
        print >>stderr, "Alias names cannot contain spaces."
        return 1

    old_aliases = get_aliases(nodedir)
    if alias in old_aliases:
        print >>stderr, "Alias %s already exists!" % quote_output(alias)
        return 1

    aliasfile = os.path.join(nodedir, "private", "aliases")

    nodeurl = options['node-url']
    if not nodeurl.endswith("/"):
        nodeurl += "/"
    url = nodeurl + "uri?t=mkdir"
    resp = do_http("POST", url)
    rc = check_http_error(resp, stderr)
    if rc:
        return rc
    new_uri = resp.read().strip()

    # probably check for others..

    add_line_to_aliasfile(aliasfile, alias, new_uri)

    print >>stdout, "Alias %s created" % (quote_output(alias),)
    return 0
Пример #5
    stdout = options.stdout
    stderr = options.stderr
    if not nodeurl.endswith("/"):
        nodeurl += "/"
    if where:
            rootcap, path = get_alias(aliases, where, DEFAULT_ALIAS)
        except UnknownAliasError, e:
            return 1

    if not where or not path:
        # create a new unlinked directory
        url = nodeurl + "uri?t=mkdir"
        resp = do_http("POST", url)
        rc = check_http_error(resp, stderr)
        if rc:
            return rc
        new_uri = resp.read().strip()
        # emit its write-cap
        print >> stdout, quote_output(new_uri, quotemarks=False)
        return 0

    # create a new directory at the given location
    if path.endswith("/"):
        path = path[:-1]
    # path must be "/".join([s.encode("utf-8") for s in segments])
    url = nodeurl + "uri/%s/%s?t=mkdir" % (urllib.quote(rootcap),
    resp = do_http("POST", url)
    check_http_error(resp, stderr)
Пример #6
    stdout = options.stdout
    stderr = options.stderr
    if not nodeurl.endswith("/"):
        nodeurl += "/"
    if where:
            rootcap, path = get_alias(aliases, where, DEFAULT_ALIAS)
        except UnknownAliasError, e:
            return 1

    if not where or not path:
        # create a new unlinked directory
        url = nodeurl + "uri?t=mkdir"
        resp = do_http("POST", url)
        rc = check_http_error(resp, stderr)
        if rc:
            return rc
        new_uri = resp.read().strip()
        # emit its write-cap
        print >>stdout, quote_output(new_uri, quotemarks=False)
        return 0

    # create a new directory at the given location
    if path.endswith("/"):
        path = path[:-1]
    # path must be "/".join([s.encode("utf-8") for s in segments])
    url = nodeurl + "uri/%s/%s?t=mkdir" % (urllib.quote(rootcap),
    resp = do_http("POST", url)
    check_http_error(resp, stderr)