Пример #1
def refresh_repo(repo, all_commits=False, notify=True, new_clone=False):
    all_commit_ids = commit_ids = list(repo.all_commit_ids())
    if not commit_ids:
        # the repo is empty, no need to continue
    new_commit_ids = unknown_commit_ids(commit_ids)
    stats_log = h.log_action(log, 'commit')
    for ci in new_commit_ids:
        stats_log.info('', meta=dict(module='scm-%s' % repo.repo_id, read='0'))
    if not all_commits:
        # Skip commits that are already in the DB
        commit_ids = new_commit_ids
    log.info('Refreshing %d commits on %s', len(commit_ids), repo.full_fs_path)

    # Refresh commits
    seen = set()
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        repo.refresh_commit_info(oid, seen, not all_commits)
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info('Refresh commit info %d: %s', (i + 1), oid)

    refresh_commit_repos(all_commit_ids, repo)

    # Refresh child references
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info('Refresh child info %d for parents of %s', (i + 1),

    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        # Refresh commit runs
        commit_run_ids = commit_ids
        # Check if the CommitRuns for the repo are in a good state by checking for
        # a CommitRunDoc that contains the last known commit. If there isn't one,
        # the CommitRuns for this repo are in a bad state - rebuild them
        # entirely.
        if commit_run_ids != all_commit_ids:
            last_commit = last_known_commit_id(all_commit_ids, new_commit_ids)
            log.info('Last known commit id: %s', last_commit)
            if not CommitRunDoc.m.find(dict(commit_ids=last_commit)).count():
                log.info('CommitRun incomplete, rebuilding with all commits')
                commit_run_ids = all_commit_ids
        log.info('Starting CommitRunBuilder for %s', repo.full_fs_path)
        rb = CommitRunBuilder(commit_run_ids)
        log.info('Finished CommitRunBuilder for %s', repo.full_fs_path)

    # Clear any existing caches for branches/tags
    if repo.cached_branches:
        repo.cached_branches = []

    if repo.cached_tags:
        repo.cached_tags = []
    # The first view can be expensive to cache,
    # so we want to do it here instead of on the first view.

    if not all_commits and not new_clone:
        for commit in commit_ids:
            new = repo.commit(commit)
            user = User.by_email_address(new.committed.email)
            if user is None:
                user = User.by_username(new.committed.name)
            if user is not None:
                g.statsUpdater.newCommit(new, repo.app_config.project, user)
            actor = user or TransientActor(
                activity_name=new.committed.name or new.committed.email)

        from allura.webhooks import RepoPushWebhookSender
        by_branches, by_tags = _group_commits(repo, commit_ids)
        params = []
        for b, commits in by_branches.iteritems():
            ref = u'refs/heads/{}'.format(b) if b != '__default__' else None
            params.append(dict(commit_ids=commits, ref=ref))
        for t, commits in by_tags.iteritems():
            ref = u'refs/tags/{}'.format(t)
            params.append(dict(commit_ids=commits, ref=ref))
        if params:

    log.info('Refresh complete for %s', repo.full_fs_path)
    g.post_event('repo_refreshed', len(commit_ids), all_commits, new_clone)

    # Send notifications
    if notify:
        send_notifications(repo, reversed(commit_ids))
Пример #2
def refresh_repo(repo,
    if commits_are_new is None:
        commits_are_new = not all_commits and not new_clone

    all_commit_ids = commit_ids = list(repo.all_commit_ids())
    if not commit_ids:
        # the repo is empty, no need to continue
    new_commit_ids = unknown_commit_ids(commit_ids)
    if not all_commits:
        # Skip commits that are already in the DB
        commit_ids = new_commit_ids
    log.info('Refreshing %d commits on %s', len(commit_ids), repo.full_fs_path)

    # Refresh commits
    seen = set()
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        repo.refresh_commit_info(oid, seen, not all_commits)
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info('Refresh commit info %d: %s', (i + 1), oid)

    refresh_commit_repos(all_commit_ids, repo)

    # Refresh child references
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        ci = next(CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False))
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info('Refresh child info %d for parents of %s', (i + 1),

    # Clear any existing caches for branches/tags
    if repo.cached_branches:
        repo.cached_branches = []

    if repo.cached_tags:
        repo.cached_tags = []
    # The first view can be expensive to cache,
    # so we want to do it here instead of on the first view.

    if commits_are_new:
        for commit in commit_ids:
            new = repo.commit(commit)
            user = User.by_email_address(new.committed.email)
            if user is None:
                user = User.by_username(new.committed.name)
            if user is not None:
                g.statsUpdater.newCommit(new, repo.app_config.project, user)
            actor = user or TransientActor(
                activity_name=new.committed.name or new.committed.email)

        from allura.webhooks import RepoPushWebhookSender
        by_branches, by_tags = _group_commits(repo, commit_ids)
        params = []
        for b, commits in six.iteritems(by_branches):
            ref = 'refs/heads/{}'.format(b) if b != '__default__' else None
            params.append(dict(commit_ids=commits, ref=ref))
        for t, commits in six.iteritems(by_tags):
            ref = 'refs/tags/{}'.format(t)
            params.append(dict(commit_ids=commits, ref=ref))
        if params:

    log.info('Refresh complete for %s', repo.full_fs_path)
    g.post_event('repo_refreshed', len(commit_ids), all_commits, new_clone)

    # Send notifications
    if notify:
        send_notifications(repo, reversed(commit_ids))
Пример #3
def refresh_repo(repo, all_commits=False, notify=True, new_clone=False):
    all_commit_ids = commit_ids = list(repo.all_commit_ids())
    if not commit_ids:
        # the repo is empty, no need to continue
    new_commit_ids = unknown_commit_ids(commit_ids)
    stats_log = h.log_action(log, 'commit')
    for ci in new_commit_ids:
                module='scm-%s' % repo.repo_id,
    if not all_commits:
        # Skip commits that are already in the DB
        commit_ids = new_commit_ids
    log.info('Refreshing %d commits on %s', len(commit_ids), repo.full_fs_path)

    # Refresh commits
    seen = set()
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        repo.refresh_commit_info(oid, seen, not all_commits)
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info('Refresh commit info %d: %s', (i + 1), oid)

    refresh_commit_repos(all_commit_ids, repo)

    # Refresh child references
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info('Refresh child info %d for parents of %s',
                     (i + 1), ci._id)

    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        # Refresh commit runs
        commit_run_ids = commit_ids
        # Check if the CommitRuns for the repo are in a good state by checking for
        # a CommitRunDoc that contains the last known commit. If there isn't one,
        # the CommitRuns for this repo are in a bad state - rebuild them
        # entirely.
        if commit_run_ids != all_commit_ids:
            last_commit = last_known_commit_id(all_commit_ids, new_commit_ids)
            log.info('Last known commit id: %s', last_commit)
            if not CommitRunDoc.m.find(dict(commit_ids=last_commit)).count():
                log.info('CommitRun incomplete, rebuilding with all commits')
                commit_run_ids = all_commit_ids
        log.info('Starting CommitRunBuilder for %s', repo.full_fs_path)
        rb = CommitRunBuilder(commit_run_ids)
        log.info('Finished CommitRunBuilder for %s', repo.full_fs_path)

    # Refresh trees
    # Like diffs below, pre-computing trees for some SCMs is too expensive,
    # so we skip it here, then do it on-demand later.
    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        cache = {}
        for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
            ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
            cache = refresh_commit_trees(ci, cache)
            if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
                log.info('Refresh commit trees %d: %s', (i + 1), ci._id)

    # Compute diffs
    cache = {}
    # For some SCMs, we don't want to pre-compute the LCDs because that
    # would be too expensive, so we skip them here and do them on-demand
    # with caching.
    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        model_cache = ModelCache()
        lcid_cache = {}
        for i, oid in enumerate(reversed(commit_ids)):
            ci = model_cache.get(Commit, dict(_id=oid))
            compute_lcds(ci, model_cache, lcid_cache)
            if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
                log.info('Compute last commit info %d: %s', (i + 1), ci._id)

    # Clear any existing caches for branches/tags
    if repo.cached_branches:
        repo.cached_branches = []

    if repo.cached_tags:
        repo.cached_tags = []
    # The first view can be expensive to cache,
    # so we want to do it here instead of on the first view.

    if not all_commits and not new_clone:
        for commit in commit_ids:
            new = repo.commit(commit)
            user = User.by_email_address(new.committed.email)
            if user is None:
                user = User.by_username(new.committed.name)
            if user is not None:
                g.statsUpdater.newCommit(new, repo.app_config.project, user)
            actor = user or TransientActor(
                    activity_name=new.committed.name or new.committed.email)
            g.director.create_activity(actor, 'committed', new,
                                       tags=['commit', repo.tool.lower()])

        from allura.webhooks import RepoPushWebhookSender
        by_branches, by_tags = _group_commits(repo, commit_ids)
        params = []
        for b, commits in by_branches.iteritems():
            ref = u'refs/heads/{}'.format(b) if b != '__default__' else None
            params.append(dict(commit_ids=commits, ref=ref))
        for t, commits in by_tags.iteritems():
            ref = u'refs/tags/{}'.format(t)
            params.append(dict(commit_ids=commits, ref=ref))
        if params:

    log.info('Refresh complete for %s', repo.full_fs_path)
    g.post_event('repo_refreshed', len(commit_ids), all_commits, new_clone)

    # Send notifications
    if notify:
        send_notifications(repo, commit_ids)
Пример #4
def refresh_repo(repo, all_commits=False, notify=True, new_clone=False):
    all_commit_ids = commit_ids = list(repo.all_commit_ids())
    if not commit_ids:
        # the repo is empty, no need to continue
    new_commit_ids = unknown_commit_ids(commit_ids)
    stats_log = h.log_action(log, "commit")
    for ci in new_commit_ids:
        stats_log.info("", meta=dict(module="scm-%s" % repo.repo_id, read="0"))
    if not all_commits:
        # Skip commits that are already in the DB
        commit_ids = new_commit_ids
    log.info("Refreshing %d commits on %s", len(commit_ids), repo.full_fs_path)

    # Refresh commits
    seen = set()
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        repo.refresh_commit_info(oid, seen, not all_commits)
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info("Refresh commit info %d: %s", (i + 1), oid)

    refresh_commit_repos(all_commit_ids, repo)

    # Refresh child references
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info("Refresh child info %d for parents of %s", (i + 1), ci._id)

    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        # Refresh commit runs
        commit_run_ids = commit_ids
        # Check if the CommitRuns for the repo are in a good state by checking for
        # a CommitRunDoc that contains the last known commit. If there isn't one,
        # the CommitRuns for this repo are in a bad state - rebuild them entirely.
        if commit_run_ids != all_commit_ids:
            last_commit = last_known_commit_id(all_commit_ids, new_commit_ids)
            log.info("Last known commit id: %s", last_commit)
            if not CommitRunDoc.m.find(dict(commit_ids=last_commit)).count():
                log.info("CommitRun incomplete, rebuilding with all commits")
                commit_run_ids = all_commit_ids
        log.info("Starting CommitRunBuilder for %s", repo.full_fs_path)
        rb = CommitRunBuilder(commit_run_ids)
        log.info("Finished CommitRunBuilder for %s", repo.full_fs_path)

    # Refresh trees
    # Like diffs below, pre-computing trees for some SCMs is too expensive,
    # so we skip it here, then do it on-demand later.
    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        cache = {}
        for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
            ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
            cache = refresh_commit_trees(ci, cache)
            if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
                log.info("Refresh commit trees %d: %s", (i + 1), ci._id)

    # Compute diffs
    cache = {}
    # For some SCMs, we don't want to pre-compute the diffs because that
    # would be too expensive, so we skip them here and do them on-demand
    # with caching.
    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
            cid = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
            ci = mapper(Commit).create(cid, dict(instrument=False))
            compute_diffs(repo._id, cache, ci)
            if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
                log.info("Compute diffs %d: %s", (i + 1), ci._id)

    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        model_cache = ModelCache()
        lcid_cache = {}
        for i, oid in enumerate(reversed(commit_ids)):
            ci = model_cache.get(Commit, dict(_id=oid))
            compute_lcds(ci, model_cache, lcid_cache)
            if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
                log.info("Compute last commit info %d: %s", (i + 1), ci._id)

    if not all_commits and not new_clone:
        for commit in commit_ids:
            new = repo.commit(commit)
            user = User.by_email_address(new.committed.email)
            if user is None:
                user = User.by_username(new.committed.name)
            if user is not None:
                g.statsUpdater.newCommit(new, repo.app_config.project, user)

    log.info("Refresh complete for %s", repo.full_fs_path)
    g.post_event("repo_refreshed", len(commit_ids), all_commits, new_clone)

    # Send notifications
    if notify:
        send_notifications(repo, commit_ids)
Пример #5
def refresh_repo(repo, all_commits=False, notify=True, new_clone=False, commits_are_new=None):
    if commits_are_new is None:
        commits_are_new = not all_commits and not new_clone

    all_commit_ids = commit_ids = list(repo.all_commit_ids())
    if not commit_ids:
        # the repo is empty, no need to continue
    new_commit_ids = unknown_commit_ids(commit_ids)
    stats_log = h.log_action(log, 'commit')
    for ci in new_commit_ids:
                module='scm-%s' % repo.repo_id,
    if not all_commits:
        # Skip commits that are already in the DB
        commit_ids = new_commit_ids
    log.info('Refreshing %d commits on %s', len(commit_ids), repo.full_fs_path)

    # Refresh commits
    seen = set()
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        repo.refresh_commit_info(oid, seen, not all_commits)
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info('Refresh commit info %d: %s', (i + 1), oid)

    refresh_commit_repos(all_commit_ids, repo)

    # Refresh child references
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info('Refresh child info %d for parents of %s',
                     (i + 1), ci._id)

    # Clear any existing caches for branches/tags
    if repo.cached_branches:
        repo.cached_branches = []

    if repo.cached_tags:
        repo.cached_tags = []
    # The first view can be expensive to cache,
    # so we want to do it here instead of on the first view.

    if commits_are_new:
        for commit in commit_ids:
            new = repo.commit(commit)
            user = User.by_email_address(new.committed.email)
            if user is None:
                user = User.by_username(new.committed.name)
            if user is not None:
                g.statsUpdater.newCommit(new, repo.app_config.project, user)
            actor = user or TransientActor(
                    activity_name=new.committed.name or new.committed.email)
            g.director.create_activity(actor, 'committed', new,
                                       tags=['commit', repo.tool.lower()])

        from allura.webhooks import RepoPushWebhookSender
        by_branches, by_tags = _group_commits(repo, commit_ids)
        params = []
        for b, commits in by_branches.iteritems():
            ref = u'refs/heads/{}'.format(b) if b != '__default__' else None
            params.append(dict(commit_ids=commits, ref=ref))
        for t, commits in by_tags.iteritems():
            ref = u'refs/tags/{}'.format(t)
            params.append(dict(commit_ids=commits, ref=ref))
        if params:

    log.info('Refresh complete for %s', repo.full_fs_path)
    g.post_event('repo_refreshed', len(commit_ids), all_commits, new_clone)

    # Send notifications
    if notify:
        send_notifications(repo, reversed(commit_ids))
Пример #6
def refresh_repo(repo, all_commits=False, notify=True, new_clone=False):
    all_commit_ids = commit_ids = list(repo.all_commit_ids())
    if not commit_ids:
        # the repo is empty, no need to continue
    new_commit_ids = unknown_commit_ids(commit_ids)
    stats_log = h.log_action(log, 'commit')
    for ci in new_commit_ids:
        stats_log.info('', meta=dict(module='scm-%s' % repo.repo_id, read='0'))
    if not all_commits:
        # Skip commits that are already in the DB
        commit_ids = new_commit_ids
    log.info('Refreshing %d commits on %s', len(commit_ids), repo.full_fs_path)

    # Refresh commits
    seen = set()
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        repo.refresh_commit_info(oid, seen, not all_commits)
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info('Refresh commit info %d: %s', (i + 1), oid)

    refresh_commit_repos(all_commit_ids, repo)

    # Refresh child references
    for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
        ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
        if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
            log.info('Refresh child info %d for parents of %s', (i + 1),

    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        # Refresh commit runs
        commit_run_ids = commit_ids
        # Check if the CommitRuns for the repo are in a good state by checking for
        # a CommitRunDoc that contains the last known commit. If there isn't one,
        # the CommitRuns for this repo are in a bad state - rebuild them entirely.
        if commit_run_ids != all_commit_ids:
            last_commit = last_known_commit_id(all_commit_ids, new_commit_ids)
            log.info('Last known commit id: %s', last_commit)
            if not CommitRunDoc.m.find(dict(commit_ids=last_commit)).count():
                log.info('CommitRun incomplete, rebuilding with all commits')
                commit_run_ids = all_commit_ids
        log.info('Starting CommitRunBuilder for %s', repo.full_fs_path)
        rb = CommitRunBuilder(commit_run_ids)
        log.info('Finished CommitRunBuilder for %s', repo.full_fs_path)

    # Refresh trees
    # Like diffs below, pre-computing trees for some SCMs is too expensive,
    # so we skip it here, then do it on-demand later.
    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        cache = {}
        for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
            ci = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
            cache = refresh_commit_trees(ci, cache)
            if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
                log.info('Refresh commit trees %d: %s', (i + 1), ci._id)

    # Compute diffs
    cache = {}
    # For some SCMs, we don't want to pre-compute the diffs because that
    # would be too expensive, so we skip them here and do them on-demand
    # with caching.
    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        for i, oid in enumerate(commit_ids):
            cid = CommitDoc.m.find(dict(_id=oid), validate=False).next()
            ci = mapper(Commit).create(cid, dict(instrument=False))
            compute_diffs(repo._id, cache, ci)
            if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
                log.info('Compute diffs %d: %s', (i + 1), ci._id)

    if repo._refresh_precompute:
        model_cache = ModelCache()
        lcid_cache = {}
        for i, oid in enumerate(reversed(commit_ids)):
            ci = model_cache.get(Commit, dict(_id=oid))
            compute_lcds(ci, model_cache, lcid_cache)
            if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
                log.info('Compute last commit info %d: %s', (i + 1), ci._id)

    if not all_commits and not new_clone:
        for commit in commit_ids:
            new = repo.commit(commit)
            user = User.by_email_address(new.committed.email)
            if user is None:
                user = User.by_username(new.committed.name)
            if user is not None:
                g.statsUpdater.newCommit(new, repo.app_config.project, user)

    log.info('Refresh complete for %s', repo.full_fs_path)
    g.post_event('repo_refreshed', len(commit_ids), all_commits, new_clone)

    # Send notifications
    if notify:
        send_notifications(repo, commit_ids)