class ThumbnailProcessorGM(IThumbnailProcessor): ''' Implementation for @see: IThumbnailProcessor ''' command_transform = '"%(gm)s" convert "%(source)s" "%(destination)s"'; wire.config('command_transform', doc=''' The command used to transform the thumbnails''') command_resize = '"%(gm)s" convert "%(source)s" -resize %(width)ix%(height)i "%(destination)s"' wire.config('command_resize', doc='''The command used to resize the thumbnails''') command_scale_to_height = '"%(gm)s" convert "%(source)s" -resize x%(height)i "%(destination)s"' wire.config('command_scale_to_height', doc='''The command used to resize the thumbnails to specific heights''') gm_path = join('workspace', 'tools', 'gm', 'bin', 'gm.exe'); wire.config('gm_path', doc=''' The path where the gm is found''') def __init__(self): assert isinstance(self.command_transform, str), 'Invalid command transform %s' % self.command_transform assert isinstance(self.command_resize, str), 'Invalid command resize %s' % self.command_resize assert isinstance(self.command_scale_to_height, str), 'Invalid command resize to height %s' % self.command_scale_to_height assert isinstance(self.gm_path, str), 'Invalid gm path %s' % self.gm_path def processThumbnail(self, source, destination, width=None, height=None): ''' @see: IThumbnailProcessor.processThumbnail ''' assert isinstance(source, str), 'Invalid source path %s' % source assert isinstance(destination, str), 'Invalid destination path %s' % destination params = dict(gm=abspath(self.gm_path), source=source, destination=destination) if width and height: assert isinstance(width, int), 'Invalid width %s' % width assert isinstance(height, int), 'Invalid height %s' % height params.update(width=width, height=height) command = self.command_resize % params elif height: assert isinstance(height, int), 'Invalid height %s' % height params.update(height=height) command = self.command_scale_to_height % params else: command = self.command_transform % params destDir = dirname(destination) if not exists(destDir): makedirs(destDir) try: p = Popen(shlex.split(command), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) error = p.wait() != 0 except Exception as e: log.exception('Problems while executing command:\n%s \n%s' % (command, e)) error = True if error: if exists(destination): os.remove(destination)
class ThumbnailProcessorAVConv(IThumbnailProcessor): ''' Implementation for @see: IThumbnailProcessor ''' command_transform = '"%(avconv)s" -i "%(source)s" "%(destination)s"'; wire.config('command_transform', doc=''' The command used to transform the thumbnails''') command_resize = '"%(avconv)s" -i "%(source)s" -s %(width)ix%(height)i "%(destination)s"' wire.config('command_resize', doc='''The command used to resize the thumbnails''') avconv_dir_path = join('workspace', 'tools', 'avconv'); wire.config('avconv_dir_path', doc=''' The path where the avconv is placed in order to be used, if empty will not place the contained avconv''') avconv_path = join(avconv_dir_path, 'bin', 'avconv'); wire.config('avconv_path', doc=''' The path where the avconv is found''') def __init__(self): assert isinstance(self.command_transform, str), 'Invalid command transform %s' % self.command_transform assert isinstance(self.command_resize, str), 'Invalid command resize %s' % self.command_resize assert isinstance(self.avconv_dir_path, str), 'Invalid avconv directory %s' % self.avconv_dir_path assert isinstance(self.avconv_path, str), 'Invalid avconv path %s' % self.avconv_path if self.avconv_dir_path: synchronizeURIToDir(join(pythonPath(), 'resources', 'avconv'), self.avconv_dir_path) def processThumbnail(self, source, destination, width=None, height=None): ''' @see: IThumbnailProcessor.processThumbnail ''' assert isinstance(source, str), 'Invalid source path %s' % source assert isinstance(destination, str), 'Invalid destination path %s' % destination params = dict(avconv=abspath(self.avconv_path), source=source, destination=destination) if width and height: assert isinstance(width, int), 'Invalid width %s' % width assert isinstance(height, int), 'Invalid height %s' % height params.update(width=width, height=height) command = self.command_resize % params else: command = self.command_transform % params destDir = dirname(destination) if not exists(destDir): makedirs(destDir) try: p = Popen(command) error = p.wait() != 0 except: log.exception('Problems while executing command:\n % s', command) error = True if error: if exists(destination): os.remove(destination) raise IOError('Cannot process thumbnail from \'%s\' to \'%s\'' % (source, destination))
class BlogCollaboratorFilterServiceAlchemy(BlogFilterServiceAlchemyBase, IBlogCollaboratorFilterService): ''' Implementation for @see: IBlogCollaboratorFilterService ''' collaborator_types = ['Administrator', 'Collaborator']; wire.config('collaborator_types', doc=''' The collaborator type(s) name associated with the collaborator filter. ''') def __init__(self): super().__init__()
class PostServiceAlchemy(EntityGetServiceAlchemy, IPostService): ''' Implementation for @see: IPostService ''' default_source_name = 'internal' wire.config('default_source_name', doc=''' The default source name used when a source was not supplied''') def __init__(self): ''' Construct the post service. ''' EntityGetServiceAlchemy.__init__(self, PostMapped) def getUnpublished(self, creatorId=None, authorId=None, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getUnpublished ''' assert q is None or isinstance( q, QPostUnpublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQuery(creatorId, authorId, q) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn == None) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getPublished(self, creatorId=None, authorId=None, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getPublished ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPost), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQuery(creatorId, authorId, q) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn != None) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getAll(self, creatorId=None, authorId=None, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getPublished ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPost), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQuery(creatorId, authorId, q) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getUnpublishedBySource(self, sourceId, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getUnpublishedBySource ''' assert q is None or isinstance( q, QPostUnpublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySource(sourceId) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn == None) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getUnpublishedBySourceType(self, sourceTypeKey, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getUnpublishedBySourceType ''' assert q is None or isinstance( q, QPostUnpublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySourceType(sourceTypeKey) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn == None) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getPublishedBySource(self, sourceId, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getPublishedBySource ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPostPublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySource(sourceId) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn != None) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getPublishedBySourceType(self, sourceTypeKey, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getPublishedBySourceType ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPostPublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySourceType(sourceTypeKey) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn != None) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getAllBySource(self, sourceId, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getAllBySource ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPost), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySource(sourceId) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getAllBySourceType(self, sourceTypeKey, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getAllBySourceType ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPost), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySourceType(sourceTypeKey) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def insert(self, post): ''' @see: IPostService.insert ''' assert isinstance(post, Post), 'Invalid post %s' % post postDb = PostMapped() copy(post, postDb, exclude=COPY_EXCLUDE) postDb.typeId = self._typeId(post.Type) # TODO: implement the proper fix using SQLAlchemy compilation rules nohigh = {i: None for i in range(0x10000, 0x110000)} if postDb.Meta: postDb.Meta = postDb.Meta.translate(nohigh) if postDb.Content: postDb.Content = postDb.Content.translate(nohigh) if postDb.ContentPlain: postDb.ContentPlain = postDb.ContentPlain.translate(nohigh) if post.CreatedOn is None: postDb.CreatedOn = current_timestamp() if not postDb.Author: colls = self.session().query(CollaboratorMapped).filter( CollaboratorMapped.User == postDb.Creator).all() if not colls: coll = CollaboratorMapped() coll.User = postDb.Creator src = self.session().query(SourceMapped).filter( SourceMapped.Name == PostServiceAlchemy.default_source_name).one() coll.Source = src.Id self.session().add(coll) self.session().flush((coll, )) colls = (coll, ) postDb.Author = colls[0].Id self.session().add(postDb) self.session().flush((postDb, )) post.Id = postDb.Id return post.Id def update(self, post): ''' @see: IPostService.update ''' assert isinstance(post, Post), 'Invalid post %s' % post postDb = self.session().query(PostMapped).get(post.Id) if not postDb or postDb.DeletedOn is not None: raise InputError(Ref(_('Unknown post id'), ref=Post.Id)) if Post.Type in post: postDb.typeId = self._typeId(post.Type) if post.UpdatedOn is None: postDb.UpdatedOn = current_timestamp() self.session().flush((copy(post, postDb, exclude=COPY_EXCLUDE), )) def delete(self, id): ''' @see: IPostService.delete ''' postDb = self.session().query(PostMapped).get(id) if not postDb or postDb.DeletedOn is not None: return False postDb.DeletedOn = current_timestamp() self.session().flush((postDb, )) return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def _buildQuery(self, creatorId=None, authorId=None, q=None): ''' Builds the general query for posts. ''' sql = self.session().query(PostMapped) if creatorId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Creator == creatorId) if authorId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Author == authorId) addDeleted = False if q: sql = buildQuery(sql, q, PostMapped) addDeleted = QPostUnpublished.deletedOn in q if not addDeleted: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.DeletedOn == None) return sql def _typeId(self, key): ''' Provides the post type id that has the provided key. ''' try: sql = self.session().query( == key) return[0] except NoResultFound: raise InputError( Ref(_('Invalid post type %(type)s') % dict(type=key), ref=Post.Type)) def _buildQueryBySource(self, sourceId): sql = self.session().query(PostMapped) sql = sql.join(CollaboratorMapped, PostMapped.Author == CollaboratorMapped.Id) sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.Source == sourceId) return sql def _buildQueryBySourceType(self, sourceTypeKey): sql = self.session().query(PostMapped) sql = sql.join(CollaboratorMapped, PostMapped.Author == CollaboratorMapped.Id) sql = sql.join(SourceMapped, CollaboratorMapped.Source == SourceMapped.Id) sql = sql.join(SourceTypeMapped, SourceMapped.typeId == sql = sql.filter(SourceTypeMapped.Key == sourceTypeKey) return sql def _buildQueryWithCId(self, q, sql): if q: if QWithCId.cId in q and q.cId: if AsRange.start in q.cId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Id >= q.cId.start) if AsRange.since in q.cId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Id > q.cId.since) if AsRange.end in q.cId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Id <= q.cId.end) if AsRange.until in q.cId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Id < q.cId.until) sql = buildQuery(sql, q, PostMapped) return sql
class ChainedSyncProcess: ''' Chained sync process. ''' blogSyncService = IBlogSyncService wire.entity('blogSyncService') # blog sync service used to retrieve blogs set on auto publishing sourceService = ISourceService wire.entity('sourceService') # source service used to retrieve source data blogPostService = IBlogPostService wire.entity('blogPostService') # blog post service used to insert blog posts postService = IPostService wire.entity('postService') # post service used to insert/update posts collaboratorService = ICollaboratorService wire.entity('collaboratorService') # blog post service used to retrive collaborator userService = IUserService wire.entity('userService') metaDataService = IMetaDataUploadService wire.entity('metaDataService') metaInfoService = IMetaInfoService wire.entity('metaInfoService') personIconService = IPersonIconService wire.entity('personIconService') syncThreads = {} # dictionary of threads that perform synchronization sync_interval = 53 wire.config('sync_interval', doc=''' The number of seconds to perform sync for blogs.''') timeout_inteval = 4 #; wire.config('timeout_interval', doc=''' #The number of seconds after the sync ownership can be taken.''') published_posts_path = 'Post/Published' wire.config('published_posts_path', doc=''' The partial path used to construct the URL for published posts retrieval''' ) user_type_key = 'chained blog' wire.config('user_type_key', doc=''' The user type that is used for the anonymous users of chained blog posts''' ) blog_provider_type = 'blog provider' wire.config('blog_provider_type', doc=''' Key of the source type for blog providers''') acceptType = 'text/json' # mime type accepted for response from remote blog encodingType = 'UTF-8' # character encoding type accepted for response from remove blog @app.deploy def startChainSyncThread(self): ''' Starts the chain sync thread. ''' schedule = scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) def syncChains(): self.syncChains() schedule.enter(self.sync_interval, 1, syncChains, ()) schedule.enter(self.sync_interval, 1, syncChains, ()) scheduleRunner = Thread(name='chained sync', scheduleRunner.daemon = True scheduleRunner.start()'Started the chained blogs automatic synchronization.') def syncChains(self): ''' Read all chained blog sync entries and sync with the corresponding blogs. ''''Start chained blog synchronization') for blogSync in self.blogSyncService.getBySourceType( self.blog_provider_type): assert isinstance(blogSync, BlogSync) key = (blogSync.Blog, blogSync.Source) thread = self.syncThreads.get(key) if thread: assert isinstance(thread, Thread), 'Invalid thread %s' % thread if thread.is_alive():'Chained thread for blog %d is alive', blogSync.Blog) continue if not self.blogSyncService.checkTimeout( blogSync.Id, self.timeout_inteval * self.sync_interval):'Chained thread for blog %d is already taken', blogSync.Blog) continue self.syncThreads[key] = Thread(name='blog %d sync' % blogSync.Blog, target=self._syncChain, args=(blogSync, )) self.syncThreads[key].daemon = True self.syncThreads[key].start()'Chained thread started for blog id %d and source id %d', blogSync.Blog, blogSync.Source)'End chained blog synchronization') def _syncChain(self, blogSync): ''' Synchronize the blog for the given sync entry. @param blogSync: BlogSync The blog sync entry declaring the blog and source from which the blog has to be updated. ''' assert isinstance(blogSync, BlogSync), 'Invalid blog sync %s' % blogSync source = self.sourceService.getById(blogSync.Source)'_syncChain blogId=%d, sourceId=%d', blogSync.Blog, blogSync.Source) assert isinstance(source, Source) (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse(source.URI) if not scheme: scheme = 'http' q = parse_qsl(query, keep_blank_values=True) q.append(('asc', 'cId')) q.append( ('cId.since', blogSync.CId if blogSync.CId is not None else 0)) url = urlunparse( (scheme, netloc, path + '/' + self.published_posts_path, params, urlencode(q), fragment)) req = Request(url, headers={ 'Accept': self.acceptType, 'Accept-Charset': self.encodingType, 'X-Filter': '*,Creator.*,Author.User.*,Author.Source.*', 'User-Agent': 'Magic Browser' }) try: resp = urlopen(req) except (HTTPError, socket.error) as e: log.error('Read error on %s: %s' % (source.URI, e)) blogSync.LastActivity = None self.blogSyncService.update(blogSync) return if str(resp.status) != '200': log.error('Read problem on %s, status: %s' % (source.URI, resp.status)) blogSync.LastActivity = None self.blogSyncService.update(blogSync) return try: msg = json.load(codecs.getreader(self.encodingType)(resp)) except ValueError as e: log.error('Invalid JSON data %s' % e) blogSync.LastActivity = None self.blogSyncService.update(blogSync) return usersForIcons = {} for post in msg['PostList']: try: if post['IsPublished'] != 'True': continue insert = False if 'Uuid' in post: uuid = post['Uuid'] localPost = self.postService.getByUuidAndSource( uuid, source.Id) else: #To support old instances that don't have Uuid attribute uuid = str(uuid4().hex) localPost = None if localPost == None: if 'DeletedOn' in post: continue localPost = Post() localPost.Uuid = uuid insert = True if 'DeletedOn' not in post: #TODO: workaround, read again the Author because sometimes we get access denied post['Author'] = self._readAuthor(post['Author']['href']) post['Creator'] = self._readCreator( post['Creator']['href']) #if exists local, update it, otherwise continue the original insert localPost.Type = post['Type']['Key'] localPost.Author, localPost.Creator, needUpdate, isAuthor = self._getCollaboratorForAuthor( post['Author'], post['Creator'], source) localPost.Feed = source.Id localPost.Meta = post['Meta'] if 'Meta' in post else None localPost.ContentPlain = post[ 'ContentPlain'] if 'ContentPlain' in post else None localPost.Content = post[ 'Content'] if 'Content' in post else None localPost.Order = post['Order'] if 'Order' in post else None localPost.CreatedOn = current_timestamp() if blogSync.Auto: localPost.PublishedOn = current_timestamp() localPost.WasPublished = True"received post: %s", str(localPost)) if localPost.Creator and ( localPost.Creator not in usersForIcons) and needUpdate: try: if isAuthor: usersForIcons[ localPost.Creator] = post['Author']['User'] else: usersForIcons[ localPost.Creator] = post['Creator'] except KeyError: pass else: localPost.DeletedOn = datetime.strptime( post['DeletedOn'], '%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p') # prepare the blog sync model to update the change identifier blogSync.CId = int(post['CId']) if blogSync.CId is None or int( post['CId']) > blogSync.CId else blogSync.CId if insert: self.blogPostService.insert(blogSync.Blog, localPost) else: self.blogPostService.update(blogSync.Blog, localPost) # update blog sync entry blogSync.LastActivity = self.blogSyncService.update(blogSync) except KeyError as e: log.error('Post from source %s is missing attribute %s' % (source.URI, e)) except Exception as e: log.error('Error in source %s post: %s' % (source.URI, e)) self._updateIcons(usersForIcons) blogSync.LastActivity = None self.blogSyncService.update(blogSync) def _getCollaboratorForAuthor(self, author, creator, source): ''' Returns a collaborator identifier for the user/source defined in the post. If the post was not created by a user (it is twitter, facebook, etc. post) it returns a collaborator for the user that has added the post. @param author: dict The author data in JSON decoded format @param creator: dict The creator data in JSON decoded format @param source: Source The source from which the blog synchronization is done @return: integer The collaborator identifier. ''' assert isinstance(source, Source) user = User() isAuthor = False if 'User' in author: userJSON = author['User'] isAuthor = True else: userJSON = creator #To support old instances that don't have Uuid attribute if 'Uuid' in userJSON: user.Uuid = userJSON.get('Uuid', '') else: user.Uuid = str(uuid4().hex) if 'Cid' in userJSON: cid = int(userJSON.get('Cid', '')) else: cid = None user.Name = user.Uuid user.FirstName, user.LastName = userJSON.get('FirstName', ''), userJSON.get( 'LastName', '') user.Address, user.PhoneNumber = userJSON.get('Address', ''), userJSON.get( 'PhoneNumber', '') user.EMail, user.Password = userJSON.get('EMail', ''), '~' user.Type = self.user_type_key needUpdate = True try: userId = self.userService.insert(user) except InputError: localUser = self.userService.getByUuid(user.Uuid) userId = localUser.Id if localUser.Type == self.user_type_key and (cid is None or localUser.Cid < cid): user.Id = localUser.Id user.Type = localUser.Type user.Cid = cid self.userService.update(user) else: needUpdate = False collaborator = Collaborator() collaborator.User, collaborator.Source = userId, source.Id try: collaboratorId = self.collaboratorService.insert(collaborator) except InputError: collaborators = self.collaboratorService.getAll(userId, source.Id) collaboratorId = collaborators[0].Id if isAuthor: return [collaboratorId, userId, needUpdate, isAuthor] else: q = QSource(name=author['Source']['Name'], isModifiable=False) sources = self.sourceService.getAll(q=q) if not sources: raise Exception('Invalid source %s' % collaborators = self.collaboratorService.getAll( userId=None, sourceId=sources[0].Id) if collaborators: return [collaborators[0].Id, userId, needUpdate, isAuthor] else: collaborator = Collaborator() collaborator.Source = sources[0].Id return [ self.collaboratorService.insert(collaborator), userId, needUpdate, isAuthor ] def _updateIcons(self, usersData): ''' Setting the icon of the user ''' userIcons = {} for userId in usersData: userJSON = usersData[userId] userIcons[userId] = {'url': None, 'name': None} try: metaDataIconJSON = userJSON['MetaDataIcon'] metaDataIconURL = metaDataIconJSON.get('href', '') if not metaDataIconURL: continue (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse(metaDataIconURL) if not scheme: metaDataIconURL = urlunparse( ('http', netloc, path, params, query, fragment)) req = Request(metaDataIconURL, headers={ 'Accept': self.acceptType, 'Accept-Charset': self.encodingType, 'User-Agent': 'Magic Browser' }) try: resp = urlopen(req) except (HTTPError, socket.error) as e: continue if str(resp.status) != '200': continue try: msg = json.load(codecs.getreader(self.encodingType)(resp)) except ValueError as e: log.error('Invalid JSON data %s' % e) continue userIcons[userId]['url'] = msg['Content'].get('href', None) if userIcons[userId]['url']: iconFileName = userIcons[userId]['url'].split('/')[-1] if iconFileName: iconFileName = '_' + iconFileName userIcons[userId]['name'] = 'icon_' + str( userId) + iconFileName except KeyError: continue for userId in userIcons: iconInfo = userIcons[userId] self._synchronizeIcon(userId, iconInfo) def _synchronizeIcon(self, userId, iconInfo): ''' Synchronizing local icon according to the remote one ''' if not userId: return shouldRemoveOld = False needToUploadNew = False try: metaDataLocal = self.personIconService.getByPersonId( userId, 'http') except InputError: metaDataLocal = None if metaDataLocal: localId = metaDataLocal.Id localName = metaDataLocal.Name else: localId = None localName = None if not localId: if iconInfo['url']: needToUploadNew = True else: if iconInfo['url']: #on changed avatar the name of the file is changed if (not iconInfo['name']) or (not localName) or ( localName != iconInfo['name']): shouldRemoveOld = True needToUploadNew = True else: shouldRemoveOld = True if shouldRemoveOld: try: self.personIconService.detachIcon(userId) #self.metaInfoService.delete(localId) except InputError: log.error('Can not remove old icon for chained user %s' % userId) if needToUploadNew: try: iconContent = ChainedIconContent(iconInfo['url'], iconInfo['name']) imageData = self.metaDataService.insert( userId, iconContent, 'http') if (not imageData) or (not imageData.Id): return self.personIconService.setIcon(userId, imageData.Id, False) except InputError: log.error('Can not upload icon for chained user %s' % userId) def _readAuthor(self, url): (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse(url) if not scheme: url = urlunparse(('http', netloc, path, params, query, fragment)) request = Request(url, headers={ 'Accept': self.acceptType, 'Accept-Charset': self.encodingType, 'User-Agent': 'Magic Browser', 'X-Filter': '*,User.*,Source.*' }) try: response = urlopen(request) except (HTTPError, socket.error) as e: return None if str(response.status) != '200': return None try: return json.load(codecs.getreader(self.encodingType)(response)) except ValueError as e: log.error('Invalid JSON data %s' % e) return None def _readCreator(self, url): (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse(url) if not scheme: url = urlunparse(('http', netloc, path, params, query, fragment)) request = Request(url, headers={ 'Accept': self.acceptType, 'Accept-Charset': self.encodingType, 'User-Agent': 'Magic Browser', 'X-Filter': '*' }) try: response = urlopen(request) except (HTTPError, socket.error) as e: return None if str(response.status) != '200': return None try: return json.load(codecs.getreader(self.encodingType)(response)) except ValueError as e: log.error('Invalid JSON data %s' % e) return None
class AudioPersistanceAlchemy(SessionSupport, IMetaDataHandler): ''' Provides the service that handles the audio persistence @see: IAudioPersistanceService. ''' format_file_name = '%(id)s.%(file)s' wire.config('format_file_name', doc=''' The format for the audios file names in the media archive''') default_format_thumbnail = '%(size)s/audio.jpg' wire.config('default_format_thumbnail', doc=''' The format for the audio thumbnails in the media archive''') format_thumbnail = '%(size)s/%(id)s.%(name)s.jpg' wire.config('format_thumbnail', doc=''' The format for the audio thumbnails in the media archive''') ffmpeg_path = join('/', 'usr', 'bin', 'ffmpeg') wire.config('ffmpeg_path', doc=''' The path where the ffmpeg is found''') ffmpeg_tmp_path = join('workspace', 'tools', 'ffmpeg', 'tmp') wire.config('ffmpeg_tmp_path', doc=''' The path where ffmpeg writes temp data''') audio_supported_files = '3gp, act, AIFF, ALAC, Au, flac, gsm, m4a, m4p, mp3, ogg, ram, raw, vox, wav, wma' thumbnailManager = IThumbnailManager wire.entity('thumbnailManager') # Provides the thumbnail referencer def __init__(self): assert isinstance( self.format_file_name, str), 'Invalid format file name %s' % self.format_file_name assert isinstance( self.default_format_thumbnail, str), 'Invalid format thumbnail %s' % self.default_format_thumbnail assert isinstance( self.format_thumbnail, str), 'Invalid format thumbnail %s' % self.format_thumbnail assert isinstance( self.audio_supported_files, str), 'Invalid supported files %s' % self.audio_supported_files assert isinstance(self.ffmpeg_path, str), 'Invalid ffmpeg path %s' % self.ffmpeg_path assert isinstance( self.ffmpeg_tmp_path, str), 'Invalid ffmpeg tmp path %s' % self.ffmpeg_tmp_path self.audioSupportedFiles = set( re.split('[\\s]*\\,[\\s]*', self.audio_supported_files)) self._defaultThumbnailFormatId = self._thumbnailFormatId = self._metaTypeId = None if not path.exists(self.ffmpeg_tmp_path): makedirs(self.ffmpeg_tmp_path) def addMetaInfo(self, metaDataMapped, languageId): audioInfoMapped = AudioInfoMapped() audioInfoMapped.MetaData = metaDataMapped.Id audioInfoMapped.Language = languageId try: self.session().add(audioInfoMapped) self.session().flush((audioInfoMapped, )) except SQLAlchemyError as e: handle(e, audioInfoMapped) return audioInfoMapped def processByInfo(self, metaDataMapped, contentPath, contentType): ''' @see: IMetaDataHandler.processByInfo ''' if contentType is not None and contentType.startswith(META_TYPE_KEY): return self.process(metaDataMapped, contentPath) extension = splitext(metaDataMapped.Name)[1][1:] if extension in self.audioSupportedFiles: return self.process(metaDataMapped, contentPath) return False def process(self, metaDataMapped, contentPath): ''' @see: IMetaDataHandler.process ''' assert isinstance( metaDataMapped, MetaDataMapped), 'Invalid meta data mapped %s' % metaDataMapped # extract metadata operation to a file in order to have an output parameter for ffmpeg; if no output parameter -> get error code 1 # the generated metadata file will be deleted tmpFile = self.ffmpeg_tmp_path + str(metaDataMapped.Id) if exists(tmpFile): remove(tmpFile) p = Popen( (self.ffmpeg_path, '-i', contentPath, '-f', 'ffmetadata', tmpFile), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) result = p.wait() if exists(tmpFile): remove(tmpFile) if result != 0: return False audioDataEntry = AudioDataEntry() audioDataEntry.Id = metaDataMapped.Id metadata = False while True: line = p.stdout.readline() if not line: break line = str(line, 'utf-8') if line.find('misdetection possible!') != -1: return False if metadata: property = self.extractProperty(line) if property == None: metadata = False else: try: if property == 'title': audioDataEntry.Title = self.extractString(line) elif property == 'artist': audioDataEntry.Artist = self.extractString(line) elif property == 'track': audioDataEntry.Track = self.extractNumber(line) elif property == 'album': audioDataEntry.Album = self.extractString(line) elif property == 'genre': audioDataEntry.Genre = self.extractString(line) elif property == 'TCMP': audioDataEntry.Tcmp = self.extractNumber(line) elif property == 'album_artist': audioDataEntry.AlbumArtist = self.extractString( line) elif property == 'date': audioDataEntry.Year = self.extractNumber(line) elif property == 'disc': audioDataEntry.Disk = self.extractNumber(line) elif property == 'TBPM': audioDataEntry.Tbpm = self.extractNumber(line) elif property == 'composer': audioDataEntry.Composer = self.extractString(line) elif property == 'Duration': # Metadata section is finished metadata = False except: #skip if not able to extract data pass if metadata: continue elif line.find('Metadata') != -1: metadata = True continue if line.find('Stream') != -1 and line.find('Audio') != -1: try: values = self.extractAudio(line) audioDataEntry.AudioEncoding = values[0] audioDataEntry.SampleRate = values[1] audioDataEntry.Channels = values[2] audioDataEntry.AudioBitrate = values[3] except: pass elif line.find('Duration') != -1 and line.find('start') != -1: try: values = self.extractDuration(line) audioDataEntry.Length = values[0] audioDataEntry.AudioBitrate = values[1] except: pass elif line.find('Output #0') != -1: break path = self.format_file_name % { 'id': metaDataMapped.Id, 'file': metaDataMapped.Name } path = ''.join((META_TYPE_KEY, '/', self.generateIdPath(metaDataMapped.Id), '/', path)) metaDataMapped.content = path metaDataMapped.Type = META_TYPE_KEY metaDataMapped.typeId = self.metaTypeId() metaDataMapped.thumbnailFormatId = self.defaultThumbnailFormatId() metaDataMapped.IsAvailable = True try: self.session().add(audioDataEntry) self.session().flush((audioDataEntry, )) except SQLAlchemyError as e: metaDataMapped.IsAvailable = False handle(e, AudioDataEntry) return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------- @app.populate def populateThumbnail(self): ''' Populates the thumbnail for audio. ''' self.thumbnailManager.putThumbnail( self.defaultThumbnailFormatId(), abspath(join(pythonPath(), 'resources', 'audio.jpg'))) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def metaTypeId(self): ''' Provides the meta type id. ''' if self._metaTypeId is None: self._metaTypeId = metaTypeFor(self.session(), META_TYPE_KEY).Id return self._metaTypeId def defaultThumbnailFormatId(self): ''' Provides the thumbnail format id. ''' if not self._defaultThumbnailFormatId: self._defaultThumbnailFormatId = thumbnailFormatFor( self.session(), self.default_format_thumbnail).id return self._defaultThumbnailFormatId def thumbnailFormatId(self): ''' Provides the thumbnail format id. ''' if not self._thumbnailFormatId: self._thumbnailFormatId = thumbnailFormatFor( self.session(), self.format_thumbnail).id return self._thumbnailFormatId def extractDuration(self, line): # Duration: 00:00:30.06, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 585 kb/s properties = line.split(',') length = properties[0].partition(':')[2] length = length.strip().split(':') length = int(length[0]) * 60 + int(length[1]) * 60 + int( float(length[2])) bitrate = properties[2] bitrate = bitrate.partition(':')[2] bitrate = bitrate.strip().partition(' ') if bitrate[2] == 'kb/s': bitrate = int(float(bitrate[0])) else: bitrate = None return (length, bitrate) def extractAudio(self, line): # Stream #0.1(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 61 kb/s properties = (line.rpartition(':')[2]).split(',') index = 0 encoding = properties[index].strip() index += 1 sampleRate = properties[index].strip().partition(' ') if sampleRate[2] == 'Hz': sampleRate = int(float(sampleRate[0])) else: sampleRate = None index += 1 channels = properties[index].strip() index += 2 bitrate = properties[4].strip().partition(' ') if bitrate[2] == 'kb/s': bitrate = int(float(bitrate[0])) else: bitrate = None return (encoding, sampleRate, channels, bitrate) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def extractProperty(self, line): return line.partition(':')[0].strip() # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def extractNumber(self, line): return int(float(line.partition(':')[2].strip())) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def extractString(self, line): return line.partition(':')[2].strip() # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def generateIdPath(self, id): return "{0:03d}".format((id // 1000) % 1000)
class BlogSourceServiceAlchemy(EntityCRUDServiceAlchemy, IBlogSourceService): ''' Implementation for @see: IBlogSourceService ''' sources_auto_delete = [ 'chained blog', ] wire.config('sources_auto_delete', doc=''' List of source types for sources that should be deleted under deleting all of their usage''' ) sourceService = ISourceService wire.entity('sourceService') # The source service used to manage all operations on sources def __init__(self): ''' Construct the blog source service. ''' def getSource(self, blogId, sourceId): ''' @see: IBlogSourceService.getSource ''' source = self.session().query(SourceMapped).get(sourceId) if not source: raise InputError(Ref(_('Unknown source'), )) sql = self.session().query(BlogSourceDB) sql = sql.filter( == blogId).filter( BlogSourceDB.source == sourceId) return source def getSources(self, blogId): ''' @see: IBlogSourceService.getSources ''' sql = self.session().query(SourceMapped) sql = sql.join(BlogSourceDB, SourceMapped.Id == BlogSourceDB.source) sql = sql.join( BlogMapped, BlogMapped.Id == == blogId) return sql.all() def addSource(self, blogId, source): ''' @see: IBlogSourceService.addSource NB: The source must have the correct type set in. This way, we can reuse it for other purposes, apart from the chained blogs. ''' assert isinstance(blogId, int), 'Invalid blog identifier %s' % blogId assert isinstance(source, Source), 'Invalid source %s' % source # insert source if it didn't exist yet q = QSource(name=source.Name) sources = self.sourceService.getAll(typeKey=source.Type, q=q) if not sources: sourceId = self.sourceService.insert(source) else: sourceId = sources[0].Id ent = BlogSourceDB() = blogId ent.source = sourceId try: self.session().add(ent) self.session().flush((ent, )) except SQLAlchemyError as e: handle(e, ent) return sourceId def deleteSource(self, blogId, sourceId): ''' @see: IBlogSourceService.deleteSource ''' assert isinstance(blogId, int), 'Invalid blog identifier %s' % blogId assert isinstance(sourceId, int), 'Invalid source identifier %s' % sourceId try: res = self.session().query(BlogSourceDB).filter( == blogId).filter( BlogSourceDB.source == sourceId).delete() > 0 if res: sourceTypeKey, = self.session().query( SourceTypeMapped.Key).join( SourceMapped, == SourceMapped.typeId).filter( SourceMapped.Id == sourceId).one() if sourceTypeKey in self.sources_auto_delete: self.sourceService.delete(sourceId) return res except OperationalError: assert log.debug( 'Could not delete blog source with blog id \'%s\' and source id \'%s\'', blogId, sourceId, exc_info=True) or True raise InputError(Ref(_('Cannot delete because is in use'), )) def getChainedPosts(self, blogId, sourceTypeKey, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IBlogSourceService.getChainedPosts ''' sql = self.session().query(PostMapped) sql = sql.join(CollaboratorMapped).join(SourceMapped).join( SourceTypeMapped) sql = sql.filter(SourceTypeMapped.Key == sourceTypeKey) sql = sql.join(BlogSourceDB, SourceMapped.Id == BlogSourceDB.source).filter( BlogMapped.Id == blogId) if q: assert isinstance(q, QPostWithPublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = buildQuery(sql, q, PostMapped) if q and QPostWithPublished.isPublished in q: if q.isPublished.value: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn != None) else: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn == None) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all()
class SeoSyncProcess: ''' Seo sync process. ''' blogSeoService = IBlogSeoService; wire.entity('blogSeoService') # blog seo service used to retrieve blogs set on auto publishing blogService = IBlogService; wire.entity('blogService') # blog service used to get the blog name blogThemeService = IBlogThemeService; wire.entity('blogThemeService') # blog theme service used to get the theme name languageService = ILanguageService; wire.entity('languageService') # blog language service used to get the language code htmlCDM = ICDM; wire.entity('htmlCDM') # cdm service used to store the generated HTML files syncThreads = {} # dictionary of threads that perform synchronization sync_interval = 59; wire.config('sync_interval', doc=''' The number of seconds to perform sync for seo blogs.''') timeout_inteval = 4#; wire.config('timeout_interval', doc=''' #The number of seconds after the sync ownership can be taken.''') html_generation_server = ''; wire.config('html_generation_server', doc=''' The partial path used to construct the URL for blog html generation''') acceptType = 'text/json' # mime type accepted for response from remote blog encodingType = 'UTF-8' # character encoding type accepted for response from remove blog format_file_name = '%(blog_id)s.html' #default file format @app.deploy def startSeoSyncThread(self): ''' Starts the seo sync thread. ''' schedule = scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) def syncSeoBlogs(): self.syncSeoBlogs() schedule.enter(self.sync_interval, 1, syncSeoBlogs, ()) schedule.enter(self.sync_interval, 1, syncSeoBlogs, ()) scheduleRunner = Thread(name='blog html for seo', scheduleRunner.daemon = True scheduleRunner.start()'Started the seo html synchronization.') def syncSeoBlogs(self): ''' Read all chained blog sync entries and sync with the corresponding blogs. ''''Start seo blog synchronization') sleep_time = randint(0, 1000) * 0.001 time.sleep(sleep_time) crtTime = q = QBlogSeo(refreshActive=True) q.nextSync.until = crtTime for blogSeo in self.blogSeoService.getAll(q=q): assert isinstance(blogSeo, BlogSeo) nextSync = crtTime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=blogSeo.RefreshInterval) self.blogSeoService.updateNextSync(blogSeo.Id, nextSync) existsChanges = self.blogSeoService.existsChanges(blogSeo.Blog, blogSeo.LastCId) if blogSeo.LastSync is not None and not existsChanges:'Skip blog seo %d for blog %d', blogSeo.Id, blogSeo.Blog) continue key = blogSeo.Id thread = self.syncThreads.get(key) if thread: assert isinstance(thread, Thread), 'Invalid thread %s' % thread if thread.is_alive(): continue if not self.blogSeoService.checkTimeout(blogSeo.Id, self.timeout_inteval * self.sync_interval): continue self.syncThreads[key] = Thread(name='blog seo %d for blog %d' % (blogSeo.Id, blogSeo.Blog), target=self._syncSeoBlog, args=(blogSeo,)) self.syncThreads[key].daemon = True self.syncThreads[key].start()'Seo thread started for blog seo %d, blog %d and theme %d', blogSeo.Id, blogSeo.Blog, blogSeo.BlogTheme)'End seo blog synchronization') def _syncSeoBlog(self, blogSeo): ''' Synchronize the blog for the given sync entry. @param blogSync: BlogSync The blog sync entry declaring the blog and source from which the blog has to be updated. ''' assert isinstance(blogSeo, BlogSeo), 'Invalid blog seo %s' % blogSeo (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse(self.host_url) if not scheme: scheme = 'http' if not netloc: netloc = path host_url = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, '', '', '', '')) lastCId = blogSeo.LastCId self.blogSeoService.getLastCId(blogSeo) blog = self.blogService.getBlog(blogSeo.Blog) theme = self.blogThemeService.getById(blogSeo.BlogTheme) language = self.languageService.getById(blog.Language, ()) (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse(self.html_generation_server) q = parse_qsl(query, keep_blank_values=True) q.append(('liveblog[id]', blogSeo.Blog)) q.append(('liveblog[theme]', theme.Name)) q.append(('liveblog[servers][rest]', host_url)) q.append(('liveblog[fallback][language]', language.Code)) if blogSeo.MaxPosts is not None: q.append(('liveblog[limit]', blogSeo.MaxPosts)) url = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, urlencode(q), fragment)) req = Request(url, headers={'Accept' : self.acceptType, 'Accept-Charset' : self.encodingType, 'User-Agent' : 'LiveBlog REST'}) try: resp = urlopen(req) except HTTPError as e: blogSeo.CallbackStatus ='UTF-8') blogSeo.LastBlocked = None blogSeo.LastCId = lastCId self.blogSeoService.update(blogSeo) log.error('Read problem on %s, error code with message: %s ' % (str(url), blogSeo.CallbackStatus)) return except Exception as e: blogSeo.CallbackStatus = 'Can\'t access the HTML generation server: ' + self.html_generation_server blogSeo.LastBlocked = None blogSeo.LastCId = lastCId self.blogSeoService.update(blogSeo) log.error('Read problem on accessing %s' % (self.html_generation_server, )) return try: baseContent = self.htmlCDM.getURI('') path = blogSeo.HtmlURL[len(baseContent):] self.htmlCDM.publishContent(path, resp) default_name = self.format_file_name % {'blog_id': blogSeo.Blog} if not path.endswith('/' + default_name) and self.blogSeoService.isFirstSEO(blogSeo.Id, blogSeo.Blog): url = host_url + blogSeo.HtmlURL req = Request(url, headers={'Accept' : self.acceptType, 'Accept-Charset' : self.encodingType, 'User-Agent' : 'LiveBlog REST'}) resp = urlopen(req) path = dirname(path) + '/' + default_name self.htmlCDM.publishContent(path, resp) except ValueError as e: log.error('Fail to publish the HTML file on CDM %s' % e) blogSeo.CallbackStatus = 'Fail to publish the HTML file on CDM' blogSeo.LastBlocked = None blogSeo.LastCId = lastCId self.blogSeoService.update(blogSeo) return blogSeo.CallbackStatus = None if blogSeo.CallbackActive and blogSeo.CallbackURL: (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse(blogSeo.CallbackURL) if not scheme: scheme = 'http' if not netloc: netloc = path path = '' q = parse_qsl(query, keep_blank_values=True) q.append(('blogId', blogSeo.Blog)) q.append(('blogTitle', blog.Title)) q.append(('theme', theme.Name)) q.append(('htmlFile', host_url + blogSeo.HtmlURL)) url = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, urlencode(q), fragment)) req = Request(url, headers={'Accept' : self.acceptType, 'Accept-Charset' : self.encodingType, 'User-Agent' : 'Magic Browser'}) try: resp = urlopen(req) except HTTPError as e: log.error('Error opening URL %s; error status: %s' % (blogSeo.CallbackURL, resp.status)) blogSeo.CallbackStatus = 'Error opening callback URL: ' + blogSeo.CallbackURL + '; error status: ' + resp.status except Exception as e: log.error('Error opening URL %s: %s' % (blogSeo.CallbackURL, e)) blogSeo.CallbackStatus = 'Error opening callback URL:' + blogSeo.CallbackURL else: blogSeo.CallbackStatus = None blogSeo.LastSync = blogSeo.LastBlocked = None self.blogSeoService.update(blogSeo)
class RegisterDefaultGateways(HandlerProcessorProceed): ''' Provides the handler that populates default gateways. ''' default_gateways = [] wire.config('default_gateways', doc=''' The default gateways that are available for any unauthorized access. This is a list of dictionaries that are allowed the following keys: Pattern - a string value: contains the regex that needs to match with the requested URI. The pattern needs to produce, if is the case, capturing groups that can be used by the Filters or Navigate. Headers - a list of strings: the headers to be filtered in order to validate the navigation. Even though this might look specific for http they actually can be used for any meta data that accompanies a request, it depends mostly on the gateway interpretation. The headers are provided as regexes that need to be matched. In case of headers that are paired as name and value the regex will receive the matching string as 'Name:Value', the name is not allowed to contain ':'. At least one header needs to match to consider the navigation valid. Methods - a list of strings: the list of allowed methods for the request, if no method is provided then all methods are considered valid. At least one method needs to match to consider the navigation valid. Filters - a list of strings: contains a list of URIs that need to be called in order to allow the gateway Navigate. The filters are allowed to have place holders of form '{1}' or '{2}' ... '{n}' where n is the number of groups obtained from the Pattern, the place holders will be replaced with their respective group value. All filters need to return a True value in order to allow the gateway Navigate. Errors - a list of integers: the list of errors codes that are considered to be handled by this Gateway entry, if no error is provided then it means the entry is not solving any error navigation. At least one error needs to match in order to consider the navigation valid. Host - a string value: the host where the request needs to be resolved, if not provided the request will be delegated to the default host. Protocol - a string value: the protocol to be used in the communication with the server that handles the request, if not provided the request will be delegated using the default protocol. Navigate - a string value: a pattern like string of forms like '*', 'resources/*' or 'redirect/Model/{1}'. The pattern is allowed to have place holders and also the '*' which stands for the actual called URI, also parameters are allowed for navigate URI, the parameters will override the actual parameters. PutHeaders -The headers to be put on the forwarded requests. The values are provided as 'Name:Value', the name is not allowed to contain ':'. ''') def __init__(self): ''' Construct the default gateways register. ''' assert isinstance( self.default_gateways, list), 'Invalid default gateways %s' % self.default_gateways super().__init__() self._gateways = [] for config in self.default_gateways: self._gateways.append(gatewayFrom(config)) def process(self, reply: Reply, **keyargs): ''' @see: HandlerProcessorProceed.process Adds the default gateways. ''' assert isinstance(reply, Reply), 'Invalid reply %s' % reply if reply.gateways is not None: reply.gateways = chain(self._gateways, reply.gateways) else: reply.gateways = self._gateways
class BlogCollaboratorGroupService(SessionSupport, IBlogCollaboratorGroupService, IBlogCollaboratorGroupCleanupService): ''' Implementation for @see: IBlogCollaboratorGroupService ''' group_timeout = 3600; wire.config('group_timeout', doc=''' The number of seconds after which the blog collaborators group expires. ''') # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): ''' Construct the blog collaborators group service. ''' assert isinstance(self.group_timeout, int), 'Invalid blog collaborators group timeout %s' % self.group_timeout self._group_timeout = timedelta(seconds=self.group_timeout) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def getById(self, groupId): ''' @see IBlogCollaboratorGroupService.getById ''' sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorGroupMapped) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorGroupMapped.Id == groupId) try: group = return group except NoResultFound: raise InputError(Ref(_('No collaborator group'), ref=BlogCollaboratorGroupMapped.Id)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def getAllMembers(self, groupId): ''' @see IBlogCollaboratorGroupService.getAllMembers ''' sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped).filter(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped.Group == groupId) return sql.all() # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def insert(self, collaboratorGroup): ''' @see IBlogCollaboratorGroupService.insert ''' group = BlogCollaboratorGroupMapped() group.Blog = collaboratorGroup.Blog group.LastAccessOn = current_timestamp() self.session().add(group) self.session().flush((group,)) insert = InsertFromSelect(tableFor(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped), 'fk_group_id, fk_collaborator_id', select([group.Id, BlogCollaboratorMapped.blogCollaboratorId]).where(BlogCollaboratorMapped.Blog == group.Blog)) self.session().execute(insert) return group.Id # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def delete(self, groupId): ''' @see IBlogCollaboratorGroupService.delete ''' self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped).delete(groupId) self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorGroupMapped).filter(BlogCollaboratorGroupMapped.Id == groupId).delete() return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def addCollaborator(self, groupId, collaboratorId): ''' @see IBlogCollaboratorGroupService.addCollaborator ''' updateLastAccessOn(self.session(), groupId) sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped.Group == groupId) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped.BlogCollaborator == collaboratorId) if sql.count() == 1: return True member = BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped() member.Group = groupId member.BlogCollaborator = collaboratorId self.session().add(member) self.session().flush((member,)) return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def removeCollaborator(self, groupId, collaboratorId): ''' @see IBlogCollaboratorGroupService.removeCollaborator ''' updateLastAccessOn(self.session(), groupId) sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped.Group == groupId) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped.BlogCollaborator == collaboratorId) sql.delete() return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def cleanExpired(self): ''' @see: ICleanupService.cleanExpired ''' olderThan = self.session().query(current_timestamp()).scalar() # Cleaning expirated blog collaborators groups sqlIn = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorGroupMapped.Id) sqlIn = sqlIn.filter(BlogCollaboratorGroupMapped.LastAccessOn <= olderThan - self._group_timeout) sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorGroupMemberMapped.Group.in_(sqlIn)) sql.delete(synchronize_session='fetch') sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorGroupMapped) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorGroupMapped.LastAccessOn <= olderThan - self._group_timeout) deleted = sql.delete(synchronize_session='fetch') assert log.debug('Cleaned \'%s\' expired authentication requests', deleted) or True
class BlogCommentServiceAlchemy(EntityServiceAlchemy, IBlogCommentService): ''' Implementation for @see: IBlogCommentService ''' blog_config_name = 'Comments' wire.config('blog_config_name', doc=''' Name of the blog-specific comments permission configuration''') source_type_key = 'comment' wire.config('source_type_key', doc=''' Type of the sources for blog comments''') source_name_default = 'embed' wire.config('source_name_default', doc=''' Default name of the sources for blog comments''') post_type_key = 'normal' wire.config('post_type_key', doc=''' Type of the posts created on the comment that come via blog comments''') user_last_name = 'commentator' wire.config('user_last_name', doc=''' The name that is used as LastName for the anonymous users of blog comment posts''' ) user_type_key = 'commentator' wire.config('user_type_key', doc=''' The user type that is used for the anonymous users of blog comment posts''' ) blogPostService = IBlogPostService wire.entity('blogPostService') sourceService = ISourceService wire.entity('sourceService') collaboratorService = ICollaboratorService wire.entity('collaboratorService') userService = IUserService wire.entity('userService') def __init__(self): ''' Construct the blog comment service. ''' assert isinstance( self.blogPostService, IBlogPostService ), 'Invalid blog post service %s' % self.blogPostService assert isinstance( self.sourceService, ISourceService), 'Invalid source service %s' % self.sourceService assert isinstance( self.collaboratorService, ICollaboratorService ), 'Invalid collaborator service %s' % self.collaboratorService assert isinstance( self.userService, IUserService), 'Invalid user service %s' % self.userService def getComments(self, blogId, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IBlogCommentService.getComments ''' sql = self.session().query(BlogPostMapped).filter( BlogPostMapped.Blog == blogId) sql = sql.join(CollaboratorMapped).join(SourceMapped).join( SourceTypeMapped) sql = sql.filter(SourceTypeMapped.Key == self.source_type_key) if q: assert isinstance(q, QBlogPost), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = buildQuery(sql, q, BlogPostMapped) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getOriginalComments(self, blogId, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IBlogCommentService.getOriginalComments TODO: this is just for enabling the comment-post URL in the resources ''' return () def addComment(self, blogId, comment): ''' @see: IBlogCommentService.addComment ''' # checking if the blog exists # checking whether comments are allowed shall be done in gateway if not self.session().query( exists().where(BlogMapped.Id == blogId)).scalar(): raise InputError(Ref(_('Specified blog does not exist'), )) userName = comment.UserName commentText = comment.CommentText commentSource = comment.CommentSource if comment.CommentSource else self.source_name_default # checking the necessary info: user name and comment text if not userName: raise InputError(Ref(_('No value for the mandatory UserName'), )) if not commentText: raise InputError(Ref( _('No value for the mandatory CommentText'), )) # take (or make) the user (for user name) part of creator and collaborator userTypeId, = self.session().query( UserTypeMapped.Key == self.user_type_key).one() try: sql = self.session().query(UserMapped.userId, UserMapped.Active) sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.typeId == userTypeId) sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.FirstName == userName) userId, isActive = if not isActive: raise InputError( Ref(_('The commentator user was inactivated'), )) except: user = User() user.FirstName = userName user.LastName = self.user_last_name user.Name = self._freeCommentUserName() user.Password = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)).decode() user.Type = self.user_type_key userId = self.userService.insert(user) # make the source (for inlet type) part of collaborator try: sql = self.session().query(SourceMapped.Id).join(SourceTypeMapped) sql = sql.filter( SourceTypeMapped.Key == self.source_type_key).filter( SourceMapped.Name == commentSource) sourceId, = except NoResultFound: source = Source() source.Type = self.source_type_key source.Name = commentSource source.URI = '' source.IsModifiable = True sourceId = self.sourceService.insert(source) # make the collaborator sql = self.session().query(CollaboratorMapped.Id) sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.Source == sourceId) sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.User == userId) try: collabId, = except NoResultFound: collab = Collaborator() collab.Source = sourceId collab.User = userId collabId = self.collaboratorService.insert(collab) # create post request post = Post() post.Type = self.post_type_key post.Creator = userId post.Author = collabId post.Content = commentText post.CreatedOn = # insert the blog post postId = self.blogPostService.insert(blogId, post) return postId #return (self.blogPostService.getById(blogId, postId),) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def _freeCommentUserName(self): while True: userName = '******' + binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(8)).decode() try: self.session().query(UserMapped).filter( UserMapped.Name == userName).one() except: return userName
class SolrArticleSearchProvider(IArticleSearchProvider): ''' Implementation @see: IArticleSearchProvider ''' solr_server_url = 'localhost:8983/solr/' wire.config('solr_server_url', doc='''The Solr server address ''') def __init__(self): assert isinstance( self.solr_server_url, str), 'Invalid solr server url %s' % self.solr_server_url # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def update(self, article): ''' @see: IArticleSearchProvider.update() ''' return # si = SolrInterface('http://%s%s' % (self.solr_server_url, metaData.Type)) # # document = dict() # # document["MetaInfoId"] = metaInfo.Id # document["MetaDataId"] = metaData.Id # document["languageId"] = metaInfo.Language # # # custom processing on some fields # field = 'CreationDate' # if hasattr(metaInfo, field) and getattr(metaInfo, field): # document['CreationData_Year'] = getattr(metaInfo, field).year # # for field in si.schema.fields: # if hasattr(metaInfo, field) and getattr(metaInfo, field): # document[field] = getattr(metaInfo, field) # elif hasattr(metaData, field) and getattr(metaData, field): # document[field] = getattr(metaData, field) # # si.add(document) # si.commit() # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def delete(self, id): ''' @see: IArticleSearchProvider.delete() ''' si = SolrInterface('http://%s%s' % (self.solr_server_url, 'article')) si.delete(str(id)) si.commit() # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # def processQuery(self, session, scheme, q=None): # ''' # Creates the solr query based on received REST queries # ''' # # si = SolrInterface('http://%sother' % self.solr_server_url) # types = [self.queryIndexer.typesByMetaData[key] for key in self.queryIndexer.typesByMetaData.keys()] # # solrQuery = None # orClauses = [] # # if qa is not None: # assert isinstance(qa, QMetaDataInfo), 'Invalid query %s' % qa # solrQuery = buildSolrQuery(si, solrQuery, qa, orClauses) # if QMetaDataInfo.type in qa: types = qa.type.values # # if qi is not None: # solrQuery = buildSolrQuery(si, solrQuery, qi, orClauses) # # if qd is not None: # solrQuery = buildSolrQuery(si, solrQuery, qd, orClauses) # # if orClauses: # extend = None # for clause in orClauses: # if extend: extend = extend | clause # else: extend = clause # # if solrQuery is None: solrQuery = si.query(extend) # else: solrQuery = solrQuery.query(extend) # # if solrQuery is None: solrQuery = si.query() # solrQuery = buildShards(solrQuery, self.solr_server_url, types) # # return solrQuery # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def buildQuery(self, session, scheme, offset=None, limit=1000, q=None): ''' @see: IArticleSearchProvider.buildQuery() Creates the solr query, executes the query against Solr server. Then build a SQL query that will return the Solr founded data. ''' sql = session.query(Article) if q: sql = buildQuery(sql, q, self.Entity) sql = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) # solrQuery = self.processQuery(session, scheme, q) # solrQuery = buildLimits(solrQuery, offset, limit) # # response = solrQuery.execute() # if response.status != 0: # return None # # count = response.result.numFound # sql = session.query(MetaDataMapped, MetaInfoMapped) # sql = sql.join(MetaInfoMapped, MetaDataMapped.Id == MetaInfoMapped.MetaData) # # idList = [] # for metaDataInfo in response: # print(metaDataInfo) # idList.append(metaDataInfo["MetaDataId"]) # # if idList: # sql = sql.filter(MetaInfoMapped.Id.in_(idList)) # # # TODO: test # self.buildFacetsQuery(session, scheme, qa=None, qi=None, qd=None) # # return (sql, count) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def buildFacetsQuery(self, session, scheme, qa=None, qi=None, qd=None): ''' @see: ISearchProvider.getFacets() Creates the solr facets query and then return the list of facets ''' facets = [] solrQuery = self.processQuery(session, scheme, qa, qi, qd) # construct the facets query solrQuery = solrQuery.facet_by("Type") solrQuery = solrQuery.facet_by("AudioEncoding") solrQuery = solrQuery.facet_by("SampleRate") solrQuery = solrQuery.facet_by("AudioBitrate") solrQuery = solrQuery.facet_by("Genre") solrQuery = solrQuery.facet_by("Year") solrQuery = solrQuery.facet_by("CameraMake") solrQuery = solrQuery.facet_by("VideoEncoding") solrQuery = solrQuery.facet_by("VideoBitrate") response = solrQuery.execute() if response.status != 0: return None count = response.result.numFound # init the list of facets print(response.facet_counts.facet_fields) return IterPart(facets, count, 0, count)
class POFileService(IPOFileService): ''' Implementation for @see: IPOFileService ''' default_charset = 'UTF-8' wire.config('default_charset', doc=''' The default character set to use whenever a PO file is uploaded and the character set of the content is not specified''') poFileManager = IPOFileManager wire.entity('poFileManager') cdmLocale = ICDM wire.entity('cdmLocale') pluginService = IPluginService wire.entity('pluginService') componentService = IComponentService wire.entity('componentService') def __init__(self): assert isinstance( self.default_charset, str), 'Invalid default charset %s' % self.default_charset assert isinstance( self.poFileManager, IPOFileManager), 'Invalid PO file manager %s' % self.poFileManager assert isinstance(self.cdmLocale, ICDM), 'Invalid PO CDM %s' % self.cdmLocale assert isinstance( self.pluginService, IPluginService), 'Invalid plugin service %s' % self.pluginService assert isinstance( self.componentService, IComponentService ), 'Invalid component service %s' % self.componentService def getGlobalPOFile(self, locale, scheme): ''' @see: IPOFileService.getGlobalPOFile ''' path = self._cdmPath(locale) try: try: cdmFileTimestamp = self.cdmLocale.getTimestamp(path) except PathNotFound: republish = True else: mngFileTimestamp = self.poFileManager.getGlobalPOTimestamp( locale) republish = False if mngFileTimestamp is None else cdmFileTimestamp < mngFileTimestamp if republish: self.cdmLocale.publishFromFile( path, self.poFileManager.getGlobalPOFile(locale)) except InvalidLocaleError: raise InputError( _('Invalid locale %(locale)s') % dict(locale=locale)) return self.cdmLocale.getURI(path, scheme) def getComponentPOFile(self, component, locale, scheme): ''' @see: IPOFileService.getComponentPOFile ''' self.componentService.getById(component) path = self._cdmPath(locale, component=component) try: try: cdmFileTimestamp = self.cdmLocale.getTimestamp(path) except PathNotFound: republish = True else: mngFileTimestamp = max( self.poFileManager.getGlobalPOTimestamp(locale) or datetime.min, self.poFileManager.getComponentPOTimestamp( component, locale) or datetime.min) republish = False if mngFileTimestamp is None else cdmFileTimestamp < mngFileTimestamp if republish: self.cdmLocale.publishFromFile( path, self.poFileManager.getComponentPOFile(component, locale)) except InvalidLocaleError: raise InputError( _('Invalid locale %(locale)s') % dict(locale=locale)) return self.cdmLocale.getURI(path, scheme) def getPluginPOFile(self, plugin, locale, scheme): ''' @see: IPOFileService.getPluginPOFile ''' pluginObj = self.pluginService.getById(plugin) assert isinstance(pluginObj, Plugin) if pluginObj.Component: return self.getComponentPOFile(pluginObj.Component, locale, scheme) path = self._cdmPath(locale, plugin=plugin) try: try: cdmFileTimestamp = self.cdmLocale.getTimestamp(path) except PathNotFound: republish = True else: mngFileTimestamp = max( self.poFileManager.getGlobalPOTimestamp(locale) or datetime.min, self.poFileManager.getPluginPOTimestamp(plugin, locale) or datetime.min) republish = False if mngFileTimestamp is None else cdmFileTimestamp < mngFileTimestamp if republish: self.cdmLocale.publishFromFile( path, self.poFileManager.getPluginPOFile(plugin, locale)) except InvalidLocaleError: raise InputError( _('Invalid locale %(locale)s') % dict(locale=locale)) return self.cdmLocale.getURI(path, scheme) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def updateGlobalPOFile(self, locale, poFile): ''' @see: IPOFileService.updateGlobalPOFile ''' assert isinstance(poFile, Content), 'Invalid PO content %s' % poFile # Convert the byte file to text file poFile = codecs.getreader(poFile.charSet or self.default_charset)(poFile) try: self.poFileManager.updateGlobalPOFile(locale, poFile) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise InvalidPOFile(poFile) if raise ToManyFiles() def updateComponentPOFile(self, component, locale, poFile): ''' @see: IPOFileService.updateComponentPOFile ''' self.componentService.getById(component) assert isinstance(poFile, Content), 'Invalid PO content %s' % poFile # Convert the byte file to text file poFile = codecs.getreader(poFile.charSet or self.default_charset)(poFile) try: self.poFileManager.updateComponentPOFile(component, locale, poFile) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise InvalidPOFile(poFile) if raise ToManyFiles() def updatePluginPOFile(self, plugin, locale, poFile): ''' @see: IPOFileService.updatePluginPOFile ''' assert isinstance(poFile, Content), 'Invalid PO content %s' % poFile pluginObj = self.pluginService.getById(plugin) assert isinstance(pluginObj, Plugin) if pluginObj.Component: return self.updateComponentPOFile(pluginObj.Component, locale, poFile) # Convert the byte file to text file poFile = codecs.getreader(poFile.charSet or self.default_charset)(poFile) try: self.poFileManager.updatePluginPOFile(plugin, locale, poFile) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise InvalidPOFile(poFile) if raise ToManyFiles() # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def _cdmPath(self, locale, component=None, plugin=None): ''' Returns the path to the CDM PO file corresponding to the given locale and / or component / plugin. If no component of plugin was specified it returns the name of the global PO file. @param locale: string The locale. @param component: string The component id. @param plugin: string The plugin id. @return: string The file path. ''' assert isinstance(locale, str), 'Invalid locale %s' % locale path = [] if component: path.append('component') path.append(component) elif plugin: path.append('plugin') path.append(plugin) else: path.append('global') path.append(locale) return '%s.po' % '-'.join(path)
class UserServiceAlchemy(SessionSupport, IUserService): ''' @see: IUserService ''' default_user_type_key = 'standard' wire.config('default_user_type_key', doc=''' Default user type for users without specified the user type key''') def __init__(self): ''' Construct the service ''' def getById(self, id): ''' @see: IUserService.getById ''' user = self.session().query(UserMapped).get(id) if not user: raise InputError(Ref(_('Unknown user id'), ref=User.Id)) assert isinstance(user, UserMapped), 'Invalid user %s' % user return user def getByUuid(self, uuid): ''' @see: IUserService.getByUuid ''' sql = self.session().query(UserMapped) sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.Uuid == uuid) user = assert isinstance(user, UserMapped), 'Invalid user %s' % user return user def getAll(self, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IUserService.getAll ''' if limit == 0: entities = () else: entities = None if detailed or entities is None: sql = self.session().query(UserMapped) activeUsers = True if q: assert isinstance(q, QUser), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = buildQuery(sql, q, UserMapped) if QUser.all in q: filter = None if in q.all: for col in ALL_NAMES: filter = ) if filter is None else filter | elif AsLike.ilike in q.all: for col in ALL_NAMES: filter = col.ilike( q.all.ilike ) if filter is None else filter | col.ilike( q.all.ilike) sql = sql.filter(filter) if (QUser.inactive in q) and (AsBoolean.value in q.inactive): activeUsers = not q.inactive.value sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.Active == activeUsers) sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.Type == self.default_user_type_key) if entities is None: entities = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit).all() if detailed: return IterPart(entities, sql.count(), offset, limit) return entities def insert(self, user): ''' @see: IUserService.insert ''' assert isinstance(user, User), 'Invalid user %s' % user if user.Uuid is None: user.Uuid = str(uuid4().hex) if user.Cid is None: user.Cid = 0 userDb = UserMapped() userDb.password = user.Password userDb.CreatedOn = current_timestamp() userDb.typeId = self._userTypeId(user.Type) try: self.session().add(copy(user, userDb, exclude=('Type', ))) self.session().flush((userDb, )) except SQLAlchemyError as e: handle(e, userDb) user.Id = userDb.Id return user.Id def update(self, user): ''' @see: IUserService.update Should not this be handeled automatically via entity service? ''' assert isinstance(user, User), 'Invalid user %s' % user userDb = self.session().query(UserMapped).get(user.Id) if not userDb: assert isinstance(userDb, UserMapped), 'Invalid user %s' % userDb raise InputError(Ref(_('Unknown user id'), ref=User.Id)) try: if user.Type: userDb.typeId = self._userTypeId(user.Type) userDb.Cid = userDb.Cid if userDb.Cid else 0 userDb.Cid = user.Cid if user.Cid else userDb.Cid + 1 self.session().flush((copy(user, userDb, exclude=('Type', 'CId')), )) except SQLAlchemyError as e: handle(e, userDb) def delete(self, id): ''' @see: IUserService.delete ''' userDb = self.session().query(UserMapped).get(id) if not userDb or not userDb.Active: return False assert isinstance(userDb, UserMapped), 'Invalid user %s' % userDb userDb.Active = False self.session().merge(userDb) return True def changePassword(self, id, password): ''' @see: IUserService.changePassword ''' assert isinstance(password, Password), 'Invalid password change %s' % password try: userDb = self.session().query(UserMapped).filter( UserMapped.Id == id).one( ) #.filter(UserMapped.password == password.OldPassword).one() except NoResultFound: userDb = None if not userDb: assert isinstance(userDb, UserMapped), 'Invalid user %s' % userDb raise InputError( Ref(_('Invalid user id or old password'), ref=User.Id)) try: userDb.password = password.NewPassword self.session().flush((userDb, )) except SQLAlchemyError as e: handle(e, userDb) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def _userTypeId(self, key): ''' Provides the user type id that has the provided key. ''' if not key: key = self.default_user_type_key try: sql = self.session().query( == key) return[0] except NoResultFound: raise InputError( Ref(_('Invalid user type %(userType)s') % dict(userType=key), ref=User.Type))
class RegisterMethodOverride(HandlerProcessorProceed): ''' Provides the method override gateways, basically support for @see: MethodOverrideHandler. ''' pattern_xmethod_override = 'X\-HTTP\-Method\-Override\\:[\s]*%s[\s]*(?i)'; wire.config('pattern_xmethod_override', doc=''' The header pattern for the method override, needs to contain '%s' where the value will be placed. ''') methods_override = { HTTP_DELETE: [HTTP_GET], HTTP_PUT: [HTTP_POST], }; wire.config('methods_override', doc=''' A dictionary containing as a key the overrided method and as a value the methods that are overriden. ''') def __init__(self): ''' Construct the populate method override filter. ''' assert isinstance(self.pattern_xmethod_override, str), \ 'Invalid method override pattern %s' % self.pattern_xmethod_override assert isinstance(self.methods_override, dict), 'Invalid methods override %s' % self.methods_override super().__init__() def process(self, reply:Reply, **keyargs): ''' @see: HandlerProcessorProceed.process Adds the default gateways. ''' assert isinstance(reply, Reply), 'Invalid reply %s' % reply if reply.gateways is None: return reply.gateways = self.register(reply.gateways) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def register(self, gateways): ''' Register the method override gateways based on the provided gateways. ''' assert isinstance(gateways, Iterable), 'Invalid gateways %s' % gateways for gateway in gateways: assert isinstance(gateway, Gateway), 'Invalid gateway %s' % gateway yield gateway if not gateway.Methods: continue methods, overrides = set(), set() for method in gateway.Methods: override = self.methods_override.get(method) if override: methods.add(method) overrides.update(override) # If the override methods are already declared as methods we don't need to declare them anymore if methods.union(overrides).issubset(gateway.Methods): continue ogateway = Gateway() copy(gateway, ogateway, exclude=('Methods',)) ogateway.Methods = list(overrides) if Gateway.Headers not in ogateway: ogateway.Headers = [] for method in methods: ogateway.Headers.append(self.pattern_xmethod_override % method) yield ogateway
class VideoPersistanceAlchemy(SessionSupport, IMetaDataHandler): ''' Provides the service that handles the video persistence @see: IVideoPersistanceService. ''' format_file_name = '%(id)s.%(file)s' wire.config('format_file_name', doc=''' The format for the videos file names in the media archive''') default_format_thumbnail = '%(size)s/video.jpg' wire.config('default_format_thumbnail', doc=''' The format for the video thumbnails in the media archive''') format_thumbnail = '%(size)s/%(id)s.%(name)s.jpg' wire.config('format_thumbnail', doc=''' The format for the video thumbnails in the media archive''') ffmpeg_path = join('/', 'usr', 'bin', 'ffmpeg') wire.config('ffmpeg_path', doc=''' The path where the ffmpeg is found''') video_supported_files = 'flv, avi, mov, mp4, mpg, wmv, 3gp, asf, rm, swf' thumbnailManager = IThumbnailManager wire.entity('thumbnailManager') # Provides the thumbnail referencer def __init__(self): assert isinstance( self.format_file_name, str), 'Invalid format file name %s' % self.format_file_name assert isinstance( self.default_format_thumbnail, str), 'Invalid format thumbnail %s' % self.default_format_thumbnail assert isinstance( self.format_thumbnail, str), 'Invalid format thumbnail %s' % self.format_thumbnail assert isinstance( self.video_supported_files, str), 'Invalid supported files %s' % self.video_supported_files assert isinstance(self.ffmpeg_path, str), 'Invalid ffmpeg path %s' % self.ffmpeg_path assert isinstance( self.thumbnailManager, IThumbnailManager ), 'Invalid thumbnail manager %s' % self.thumbnailManager self.videoSupportedFiles = set( re.split('[\\s]*\\,[\\s]*', self.video_supported_files)) self._defaultThumbnailFormatId = self._thumbnailFormatId = self._metaTypeId = None def addMetaInfo(self, metaDataMapped, languageId): videoInfoMapped = VideoInfoMapped() videoInfoMapped.MetaData = metaDataMapped.Id videoInfoMapped.Language = languageId try: self.session().add(videoInfoMapped) self.session().flush((videoInfoMapped, )) except SQLAlchemyError as e: handle(e, videoInfoMapped) return videoInfoMapped def processByInfo(self, metaDataMapped, contentPath, contentType): ''' @see: IMetaDataHandler.processByInfo ''' if contentType is not None and contentType.startswith(META_TYPE_KEY): return self.process(metaDataMapped, contentPath) extension = splitext(metaDataMapped.Name)[1][1:] if extension in self.videoSupportedFiles: return self.process(metaDataMapped, contentPath) return False def process(self, metaDataMapped, contentPath): ''' @see: IMetaDataHandler.process ''' assert isinstance( metaDataMapped, MetaDataMapped), 'Invalid meta data mapped %s' % metaDataMapped thumbnailPath = contentPath + '.jpg' p = Popen((self.ffmpeg_path, '-i', contentPath, '-vframes', '1', '-an', '-ss', '2', thumbnailPath), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) if p.wait() != 0: return False if not exists(thumbnailPath): return False videoDataEntry = VideoDataEntry() videoDataEntry.Id = metaDataMapped.Id while True: line = p.stdout.readline() if not line: break line = str(line, 'utf-8') if line.find('misdetection possible!') != -1: return False if line.find('Video') != -1 and line.find('Stream') != -1: try: values = self.extractVideo(line) videoDataEntry.VideoEncoding = values[0] videoDataEntry.Width = values[1] videoDataEntry.Height = values[2] if values[3]: videoDataEntry.VideoBitrate = values[3] videoDataEntry.Fps = values[4] except: pass elif line.find('Audio') != -1 and line.find('Stream') != -1: try: values = self.extractAudio(line) videoDataEntry.AudioEncoding = values[0] videoDataEntry.SampleRate = values[1] videoDataEntry.Channels = values[2] videoDataEntry.AudioBitrate = values[3] except: pass elif line.find('Duration') != -1 and line.find('start') != -1: try: values = self.extractDuration(line) videoDataEntry.Length = values[0] videoDataEntry.VideoBitrate = values[1] except: pass elif line.find('Output #0') != -1: break path = self.format_file_name % { 'id': metaDataMapped.Id, 'file': metaDataMapped.Name } path = ''.join((META_TYPE_KEY, '/', self.generateIdPath(metaDataMapped.Id), '/', path)) metaDataMapped.content = path metaDataMapped.typeId = self.metaTypeId() metaDataMapped.Type = META_TYPE_KEY metaDataMapped.thumbnailFormatId = self.thumbnailFormatId() metaDataMapped.IsAvailable = True self.thumbnailManager.putThumbnail(self.thumbnailFormatId(), thumbnailPath, metaDataMapped) remove(thumbnailPath) try: self.session().add(videoDataEntry) self.session().flush((videoDataEntry, )) except SQLAlchemyError: metaDataMapped.IsAvailable = False raise InputError(Ref(_('Cannot save the video data'), )) return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------- @app.populate def populateThumbnail(self): ''' Populates the thumbnail for videos. ''' self.thumbnailManager.putThumbnail( self.defaultThumbnailFormatId(), abspath(join(pythonPath(), 'resources', 'video.jpg'))) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def metaTypeId(self): ''' Provides the meta type id. ''' if self._metaTypeId is None: self._metaTypeId = metaTypeFor(self.session(), META_TYPE_KEY).Id return self._metaTypeId def defaultThumbnailFormatId(self): ''' Provides the thumbnail format id. ''' if not self._defaultThumbnailFormatId: self._defaultThumbnailFormatId = thumbnailFormatFor( self.session(), self.default_format_thumbnail).id return self._defaultThumbnailFormatId def thumbnailFormatId(self): ''' Provides the thumbnail format id. ''' if not self._thumbnailFormatId: self._thumbnailFormatId = thumbnailFormatFor( self.session(), self.format_thumbnail).id return self._thumbnailFormatId def extractDuration(self, line): # Duration: 00:00:30.06, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 585 kb/s properties = line.split(',') length = properties[0].partition(':')[2] length = length.strip().split(':') length = int(length[0]) * 60 + int(length[1]) * 60 + int( float(length[2])) bitrate = properties[2] bitrate = bitrate.partition(':')[2] bitrate = bitrate.strip().partition(' ') if bitrate[2] == 'kb/s': bitrate = int(float(bitrate[0])) else: bitrate = None return (length, bitrate) def extractVideo(self, line): # Stream #0.0(eng): Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline), yuv420p, 416x240, 518 kb/s, 29.97 fps, 29.97 tbr, 2997 tbn, 59.94 tbc properties = (line.rpartition('Video:')[2]).split(',') index = 0 encoding = properties[index].strip() index += 2 size = (properties[index].strip()).partition('x') width = int(size[0]) height = int(size[2]) index += 1 bitrate = properties[index].strip().partition(' ') if bitrate[2] == 'kb/s': bitrate = int(float(bitrate[0])) index += 1 else: bitrate = None fps = properties[index].strip().partition(' ') if fps[2] == 'fps' or fps[2] == 'tbr': fps = int(float(fps[0])) else: fps = None return (encoding, width, height, bitrate, fps) def extractAudio(self, line): # Stream #0.1(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 61 kb/s properties = (line.rpartition(':')[2]).split(',') index = 0 encoding = properties[index].strip() index += 1 sampleRate = properties[index].strip().partition(' ') if sampleRate[2] == 'Hz': sampleRate = int(float(sampleRate[0])) else: sampleRate = None index += 1 channels = properties[index].strip() index += 2 bitrate = properties[4].strip().partition(' ') if bitrate[2] == 'kb/s': bitrate = int(float(bitrate[0])) else: bitrate = None return (encoding, sampleRate, channels, bitrate) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def generateIdPath(self, id): return "{0:03d}".format((id // 1000) % 1000)
class POFileManager(IPOFileManager): ''' Implementation for @see: IPOFileManager ''' locale_dir_path = join('workspace', 'shared', 'locale') wire.config('locale_dir_path', doc=''' The locale repository path''') catalog_config = { 'header_comment': '''\ # Translations template for PROJECT. # Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION # This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project. # Gabriel Nistor <*****@*****.**>, YEAR. #''', 'project': 'Sourcefabric', 'version': '1.0', 'copyright_holder': 'Sourcefabric o.p.s.', 'msgid_bugs_address': '*****@*****.**', 'last_translator': 'Automatic', 'language_team': 'Automatic', 'fuzzy': False, } wire.config('catalog_config', doc=''' The global catalog default configuration for templates. :param header_comment: the header comment as string, or `None` for the default header :param project: the project's name :param version: the project's version :param copyright_holder: the copyright holder of the catalog :param msgid_bugs_address: the email address or URL to submit bug reports to :param creation_date: the date the catalog was created :param revision_date: the date the catalog was revised :param last_translator: the name and email of the last translator :param language_team: the name and email of the language team :param charset: the encoding to use in the output :param fuzzy: the fuzzy bit on the catalog header ''') write_po_config = { 'no_location': False, 'omit_header': False, 'sort_output': True, 'sort_by_file': True, 'ignore_obsolete': True, 'include_previous': False, } wire.config('write_po_config', doc=''' The configurations used when writing the PO files. :param width: the maximum line width for the generated output; use `None`, 0, or a negative number to completely disable line wrapping :param no_location: do not emit a location comment for every message :param omit_header: do not include the ``msgid ""`` entry at the top of the output :param sort_output: whether to sort the messages in the output by msgid :param sort_by_file: whether to sort the messages in the output by their locations :param ignore_obsolete: whether to ignore obsolete messages and not include them in the output; by default they are included as comments :param include_previous: include the old msgid as a comment when updating the catalog ''') messageService = IMessageService wire.entity('messageService') sourceService = ISourceService wire.entity('sourceService') def __init__(self): assert isinstance( self.locale_dir_path, str), 'Invalid locale directory %s' % self.locale_dir_path assert isinstance( self.catalog_config, dict), 'Invalid catalog configurations %s' % self.catalog_config assert isinstance( self.write_po_config, dict), 'Invalid write PO configurations %s' % self.write_po_config assert isinstance(self.messageService, IMessageService ), 'Invalid message service %s' % self.messageService assert isinstance( self.sourceService, ISourceService ), 'Invalid source file service %s' % self.sourceService if not os.path.exists(self.locale_dir_path): os.makedirs(self.locale_dir_path) if not isdir(self.locale_dir_path) or not os.access( self.locale_dir_path, os.W_OK): raise IOError('Unable to access the locale directory %s' % self.locale_dir_path) def getGlobalPOTimestamp(self, locale): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.getGlobalPOTimestamp ''' try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) return self._lastModified(locale) def getComponentPOTimestamp(self, component, locale): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.getComponentPOTimestamp ''' assert isinstance(component, str), 'Invalid component id %s' % component try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) return self._lastModified(locale, component=component) def getPluginPOTimestamp(self, plugin, locale): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.getComponentPOTimestamp ''' assert isinstance(plugin, str), 'Invalid plugin id %s' % plugin try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) return self._lastModified(locale, plugin=plugin) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def getGlobalPOFile(self, locale): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.getGlobalPOFile ''' try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) catalog = self._build(locale, self.messageService.getMessages(), self._filePath(locale)) return self._toPOFile(catalog) def getGlobalAsDict(self, locale): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.getGlobalAsDict ''' try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) messages = self.messageService.getMessages() catalog = self._build(locale, messages, self._filePath(locale)) return self._toDict('', catalog) def getComponentPOFile(self, component, locale): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.getComponentPOFile ''' try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) catalog = self._build( locale, self.messageService.getComponentMessages(component), self._filePath(locale, component=component), self._filePath(locale)) return self._toPOFile(catalog) def getComponentAsDict(self, component, locale): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.getComponentAsDict ''' try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) messages = self.messageService.getComponentMessages(component) catalog = self._build(locale, messages, self._filePath(locale, component=component), self._filePath(locale)) return self._toDict(component, catalog) def getPluginPOFile(self, plugin, locale): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.getPluginPOFile ''' try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) catalog = self._build(locale, self.messageService.getPluginMessages(plugin), self._filePath(locale, plugin=plugin), self._filePath(locale)) return self._toPOFile(catalog) def getPluginAsDict(self, plugin, locale): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.getPluginAsDict ''' try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) messages = self.messageService.getPluginMessages(plugin) catalog = self._build(locale, messages, self._filePath(locale, plugin=plugin), self._filePath(locale)) return self._toDict(plugin, catalog) def updateGlobalPOFile(self, locale, poFile): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.updateGlobalPOFile ''' try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) assert isinstance(poFile, IInputStream), 'Invalid file object %s' % poFile return self._update(locale, self.messageService.getMessages(), poFile, self._filePath(locale), self._filePath(locale, format=FORMAT_MO)) def updateComponentPOFile(self, component, locale, poFile): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.updateComponentPOFile ''' try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) assert isinstance(poFile, IInputStream), 'Invalid file object %s' % poFile return self._update( locale, self.messageService.getComponentMessages(component), poFile, self._filePath(locale, component=component), self._filePath(locale, component=component, format=FORMAT_MO), False) def updatePluginPOFile(self, plugin, locale, poFile): ''' @see: IPOFileManager.updatePluginPOFile ''' try: locale = Locale.parse(locale) except UnknownLocaleError: raise InvalidLocaleError(locale) assert isinstance(poFile, IInputStream), 'Invalid file object %s' % poFile return self._update( locale, self.messageService.getPluginMessages(plugin), poFile, self._filePath(locale, plugin=plugin), self._filePath(locale, plugin=plugin, format=FORMAT_MO), False) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def _filePath(self, locale, component=None, plugin=None, format=FORMAT_PO): ''' Returns the path to the internal PO file corresponding to the given locale and / or component / plugin. If no component of plugin was specified it returns the name of the global PO file. @param locale: Locale The locale. @param component: string The component id. @param plugin: string The plugin id. @param format: string The format pattern for the file, the default is the PO file. @return: string The file path. ''' assert isinstance(locale, Locale), 'Invalid locale %s' % locale assert component is None or isinstance( component, str), 'Invalid component %s' % component assert plugin is None or isinstance(plugin, str), 'Invalid plugin %s' % plugin assert not ( component and plugin ), 'Cannot process a component id %s and a plugin id %s' % (component, plugin) path = [self.locale_dir_path] if component: path.append('component') name = component elif plugin: path.append('plugin') name = plugin else: name = 'global' path.append(format % (name, locale)) return join(*path) def _lastModified(self, locale, component=None, plugin=None): ''' Provides the last modification time stamp for the provided locale. You can specify the component id in order to get the last modification for the component domain, or plugin or either to get the global domain modification. @param locale: Locale The locale to get the last modification for. @param component: string|None The component id to get the last modification for. @param plugin: string|None The plugin id to get the last modification for. @return: datetime|None The last modification time stamp, None if there is no such time stamp available. ''' assert isinstance(locale, Locale), 'Invalid locale %s' % locale assert not ( component and plugin ), 'Cannot process a component id %s and a plugin id %s' % (component, plugin) q = QSource() q.lastModified.orderDesc() if component: q.component = component elif plugin: q.plugin = plugin sources = self.sourceService.getAll(0, 1, q=q) try: lastModified = next(iter(sources)).LastModified except StopIteration: lastModified = None path = self._filePath(locale, component, plugin) if isfile(path): lastModified = max(lastModified, datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(path).st_mtime)) return lastModified def _processCatalog(self, catalog, messages, fallBack=None): ''' Processes a catalog based on the given messages list. Basically the catalog will be made in sync with the list of messages. @param catalog: Catalog The catalog to keep in sync. @param messages: Iterable The messages to update the catalog with. @param fallBack: Catalog The fall back catalog to get the missing catalog messages . @return: Catalog The same catalog ''' assert isinstance(catalog, Catalog), 'Invalid catalog %s' % catalog assert isinstance(messages, Iterable), 'Invalid messages list %s' % messages for msg in catalog: msg.locations = [] for msg in messages: assert isinstance(msg, Message) id = msg.Singular if not msg.Plural else (msg.Singular, ) + tuple( msg.Plural) src = self.sourceService.getById(msg.Source) context = msg.Context if msg.Context != '' else None msgC = catalog.get(msg.Singular, context) if msgC is None and fallBack is not None: assert isinstance( fallBack, Catalog), 'Invalid fall back catalog %s' % fallBack msgC = fallBack.get(msg.Singular, context) if msgC is not None: msgC.locations = [] catalog[msg.Singular] = msgC msgCOrig = copy(msgC) catalog.add(id, context=msg.Context if msg.Context != '' else None, locations=((src.Path, msg.LineNumber), ), user_comments=(msg.Comments if msg.Comments else '', )) if msgC: fixBabelCatalogAddBug(msgC, catalog.num_plurals) if msg.Plural and msgC and msgCOrig and isinstance( msgCOrig.string, str) and msgCOrig.string != '': copyTranslation(msgCOrig, msgC) creationDate = catalog.creation_date # We need to make sure that the catalog keeps its creation date. catalog.creation_date = creationDate return catalog def _toPOFile(self, catalog): ''' Convert the catalog to a PO file like object. @param catalog: Catalog The catalog to convert to a file. @return: file read object A file like object to read the PO file from. ''' assert isinstance(catalog, Catalog), 'Invalid catalog %s' % catalog fileObj = BytesIO() write_po(fileObj, catalog, **self.write_po_config) return fileObj def _toDict(self, domain, catalog): ''' Convert the catalog to a dictionary. Format description: @see IPOFileManager.getGlobalAsDict @param catalog: Catalog The catalog to convert to a dictionary. @return: dict The dictionary in the format specified above. ''' assert isinstance(catalog, Catalog), 'Invalid catalog %s' % catalog d = {} d[''] = { 'lang': catalog.locale.language, 'plural-forms': catalog.plural_forms } for msg in catalog: if not msg or == '': continue if isinstance(, (list, tuple)): key, key_plural = singular, plural = msg.string[0], msg.string[1] else: key, key_plural =, '' singular, plural = msg.string, '' singular = singular if singular is not None else '' plural = plural if plural is not None else '' key = key if not msg.context else "%s:%s" % (msg.context, key) d[key] = [key_plural, singular, plural] return {domain: d} def _build(self, locale, messages, path, pathGlobal=None): ''' Builds a catalog based on the provided locale paths, the path is used as the main source any messages that are not found in path locale but are part of messages will attempt to be extracted from the global path locale. @param locale: Locale The locale. @param messages: Iterable(Message) The messages to build the PO file on. @param path: string The path of the targeted PO file from the locale repository. @param pathGlobal: string|None The path of the global PO file from the locale repository. @return: file like object File like object that contains the PO file content ''' assert isinstance(locale, Locale), 'Invalid locale %s' % locale assert isinstance(messages, Iterable), 'Invalid messages %s' % messages assert isinstance(path, str), 'Invalid path %s' % path assert pathGlobal is None or isinstance( pathGlobal, str), 'Invalid global path %s' % pathGlobal if isfile(path): with open(path) as fObj: catalog = read_po(fObj, locale) else: catalog = Catalog(locale,, **self.catalog_config) if pathGlobal and isfile(pathGlobal): with open(pathGlobal) as fObj: catalogGlobal = read_po(fObj, locale) else: catalogGlobal = None self._processCatalog(catalog, messages, fallBack=catalogGlobal) catalog.revision_date = return catalog def _update(self, locale, messages, poFile, path, pathMO, isGlobal=True): assert isinstance(locale, Locale), 'Invalid locale %s' % locale assert isinstance(messages, Iterable), 'Invalid messages %s' % messages assert isinstance(poFile, IInputStream), 'Invalid file object %s' % poFile assert isinstance(path, str), 'Invalid path %s' % path assert isinstance(pathMO, str), 'Invalid path MO %s' % pathMO assert isinstance(isGlobal, bool), 'Invalid is global flag %s' % isGlobal catalog = read_po(poFile, locale=locale) assert isinstance(catalog, Catalog), 'Invalid catalog %s' % catalog if not catalog: # The catalog has no messages, no need for updating. return if not isGlobal: pathGlobal = self._filePath(locale) pathGlobalMO = self._filePath(locale, format=FORMAT_MO) if isfile(pathGlobal): with open(pathGlobal) as fObj: catalogGlobal = read_po(fObj, locale) self._processCatalog(catalogGlobal, self.messageService.getMessages()) else: isGlobal, path, pathMO = True, pathGlobal, pathGlobalMO messages = self.messageService.getMessages() self._processCatalog(catalog, messages) if isfile(path): with open(path) as fObj: catalogOld = read_po(fObj, locale) for msg in catalog: msgO = catalogOld.get(msgId(msg), msg.context) if not isMsgTranslated(msg) and msgO and isMsgTranslated(msgO): msg.string = msgO.string catalog.creation_date = catalogOld.creation_date else: pathDir = dirname(path) if not isdir(pathDir): os.makedirs(pathDir) catalog.creation_date = if not isGlobal: # We remove all the messages that are not translated or have the same translation as in the global locale # or are the only plugin that makes use of the message in the global. updatedGlobal = False for msg in list(catalog): id = msgId(msg) if not id: continue if not isMsgTranslated(msg): catalog.delete(id, msg.context) else: msgG = catalogGlobal.get(id, msg.context) if not msgG or msgG.string == msg.string: catalog.delete(id, msg.context) elif not isMsgTranslated( msgG) or msgG.locations == msg.locations: copyTranslation(msg, msgG) catalog.delete(id, msg.context) updatedGlobal = True if updatedGlobal: # We remove all the messages that are not translated. for msg in list(catalogGlobal): if not isMsgTranslated(msg): catalogGlobal.delete(msgId(msg), msg.context) catalogGlobal.revision_date = os.makedirs(dirname(pathGlobal), exist_ok=True) with open(pathGlobal, 'wb') as fObj: write_po(fObj, catalogGlobal, **self.write_po_config) os.makedirs(dirname(pathGlobalMO), exist_ok=True) with open(pathGlobalMO, 'wb') as fObj: write_mo(fObj, catalogGlobal) else: # We remove all the messages that are not translated. for msg in list(catalog): if not isMsgTranslated(msg): catalog.delete(msgId(msg), msg.context) catalog.revision_date = os.makedirs(dirname(path), exist_ok=True) with open(path, 'wb') as fObj: write_po(fObj, catalog, **self.write_po_config) os.makedirs(dirname(pathMO), exist_ok=True) with open(pathMO, 'wb') as fObj: write_mo(fObj, catalog)
class AuthenticationServiceAlchemy(SessionSupport, IAuthenticationService, ICleanupService): ''' The service implementation that provides the authentication. ''' acl = Acl wire.entity('acl') # The acl repository. assemblyGateways = Assembly wire.entity('assemblyGateways') # The assembly to be used for generating gateways authentication_token_size = 5 wire.config('authentication_token_size', doc=''' The number of characters that the authentication token should have. ''') session_token_size = 5 wire.config('session_token_size', doc=''' The number of characters that the authentication token should have. ''') authentication_timeout = 10 wire.config('authentication_timeout', doc=''' The number of seconds after which the login token expires. ''') session_timeout = 3600 wire.config('session_timeout', doc=''' The number of seconds after which the session expires. ''') def __init__(self): ''' Construct the authentication service. ''' assert isinstance(self.acl, Acl), 'Invalid acl repository %s' % self.acl assert isinstance( self.assemblyGateways, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly gateways %s' % self.assemblyGateways assert isinstance( self.authentication_token_size, int), 'Invalid token size %s' % self.authentication_token_size assert isinstance( self.session_token_size, int), 'Invalid session token size %s' % self.session_token_size assert isinstance(self.authentication_timeout, int), \ 'Invalid authentication timeout %s' % self.authentication_timeout assert isinstance( self.session_timeout, int), 'Invalid session timeout %s' % self.session_timeout self._authenticationTimeOut = timedelta( seconds=self.authentication_timeout) self._sessionTimeOut = timedelta(seconds=self.session_timeout) self._processing = self.assemblyGateways.create( solicitation=Solicitation, reply=Reply) def authenticate(self, session): ''' @see: IAuthenticationService.authenticate ''' olderThan = self.session().query(current_timestamp()).scalar() olderThan -= self._sessionTimeOut sql = self.session().query(LoginMapped) sql = sql.filter(LoginMapped.Session == session) sql = sql.filter(LoginMapped.AccessedOn > olderThan) try: login = except NoResultFound: raise InputError(Ref(_('Invalid session'), ref=Login.Session)) assert isinstance(login, LoginMapped), 'Invalid login %s' % login login.AccessedOn = current_timestamp() self.session().flush((login, )) self.session().expunge(login) commitNow() # We need to fore the commit because if there is an exception while processing the request we need to make # sure that the last access has been updated. proc = self._processing assert isinstance(proc, Processing), 'Invalid processing %s' % proc solicitation = proc.ctx.solicitation() assert isinstance( solicitation, Solicitation), 'Invalid solicitation %s' % solicitation solicitation.userId = login.User solicitation.types = self.acl.types chain = Chain(proc) chain.process(**proc.fillIn(solicitation=solicitation, reply=proc.ctx.reply())).doAll() reply = chain.arg.reply assert isinstance(reply, Reply), 'Invalid reply %s' % reply if reply.gateways is None: return () return sorted(reply.gateways, key=lambda gateway: (gateway.Pattern, gateway.Methods)) def requestLogin(self): ''' @see: IAuthenticationService.requestLogin ''' hash = hashlib.sha512() hash.update(urandom(self.authentication_token_size)) token = TokenMapped() token.Token = hash.hexdigest() token.requestedOn = current_timestamp() try: self.session().add(token) except SQLAlchemyError as e: handle(e, token) return token def performLogin(self, authentication): ''' @see: IAuthenticationService.performLogin ''' assert isinstance( authentication, Authentication), 'Invalid authentication %s' % authentication if authentication.Token is None: raise InputError( Ref(_('The login token is required'), ref=Authentication.Token)) if authentication.HashedToken is None: raise InputError( Ref(_('The hashed login token is required'), ref=Authentication.HashedToken)) if authentication.UserName is None: raise InputError( Ref(_('A user name is required for authentication'), ref=Authentication.UserName)) olderThan = self.session().query(current_timestamp()).scalar() olderThan -= self._authenticationTimeOut sql = self.session().query(TokenMapped) sql = sql.filter(TokenMapped.Token == authentication.Token) sql = sql.filter(TokenMapped.requestedOn > olderThan) if sql.delete() > 0: commitNow() # We make sure that the delete has been performed try: user = self.session().query(UserMapped).filter( UserMapped.Name == authentication.UserName).filter( UserMapped.DeletedOn == None).one() except NoResultFound: user = None if user is not None: assert isinstance(user, UserMapped), 'Invalid user %s' % user hashedToken =, 'utf8'), bytes(user.password, 'utf8'), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest() hashedToken =, 'utf8'), bytes(authentication.Token, 'utf8'), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest() if authentication.HashedToken == hashedToken: hash = hashlib.sha512() hash.update(urandom(self.authentication_token_size)) login = LoginMapped() login.Session = hash.hexdigest() login.User = user.Id login.CreatedOn = login.AccessedOn = current_timestamp() try: self.session().add(login) except SQLAlchemyError as e: handle(e, login) return login raise InputError(_('Invalid credentials')) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def cleanExpired(self): ''' @see: ICleanupService.cleanExpired ''' olderThan = self.session().query(current_timestamp()).scalar() # Cleaning the expired tokens. sql = self.session().query(TokenMapped) sql = sql.filter( TokenMapped.requestedOn <= olderThan - self._authenticationTimeOut) deleted = sql.delete() assert log.debug('Cleaned \'%s\' expired authentication requests', deleted) or True # Cleaning the expired sessions. sql = self.session().query(LoginMapped) sql = sql.filter( LoginMapped.AccessedOn <= olderThan - self._sessionTimeOut) deleted = sql.delete() assert log.debug('Cleaned \'%s\' expired sessions', deleted) or True
class IndexAccessHandler(HandlerProcessor): ''' Implementation for a processor that indexes the access invokers by name. ''' input_methods = [HTTP_POST, HTTP_PUT] wire.config('input_methods', doc=''' @rtype: list[string] The HTTP method names that can have an input model in order to be processed by ACL. ''') excludable_methods = [HTTP_GET] wire.config('excludable_methods', doc=''' @rtype: list[string] The HTTP method names that can have excludable names to be processed by ACL. ''') accessService = IAccessService wire.entity('accessService') def __init__(self): assert isinstance( self.input_methods, list), 'Invalid input methods %s' % self.input_methods assert isinstance( self.excludable_methods, list), 'Invalid excludable methods %s' % self.excludable_methods assert isinstance( self.accessService, IAccessService), 'Invalid access service %s' % self.accessService super().__init__(Invoker=Invoker, Element=Element) self.input_methods = set(self.input_methods) self.excludable_methods = set(self.excludable_methods) def process(self, chain, register: Register, **keyargs): ''' @see: HandlerProcessor.process Merge the access invokers. ''' assert isinstance(register, Register), 'Invalid register %s' % register if not register.invokers: return # No root to process shadows = [] for invoker in register.invokers: assert isinstance(invoker, Invoker), 'Invalid invoker %s' % invoker if invoker.filterName is not None: continue if invoker.shadowing: shadows.append(invoker) continue self.mergeAccess(invoker) for invoker in shadows: self.mergeAccess(invoker) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def mergeAccess(self, invoker): ''' Creates and persist the access for the provided invoker. ''' assert isinstance(invoker, Invoker), 'Invalid invoker %s' % invoker access = AccessCreate() access.Method = invoker.methodHTTP access.Output = signature( Non if invoker.output is None else invoker.output) # Process the path and types. position, items = 1, [] for el in invoker.path: assert isinstance(el, Element), 'Invalid element %s' % el if if el.shadowing: assert isinstance( el.shadowing, Element), 'Invalid element %s' % el.shadowing assert isinstance(el.shadowing.accessEntryPosition, int), \ 'Invalid element position %s' % el.shadowing.accessEntryPosition if access.EntriesShadowing is None: access.EntriesShadowing = {} access.EntriesShadowing[ position] = el.shadowing.accessEntryPosition elif el.shadowed: assert isinstance( el.shadowed, Element), 'Invalid element %s' % el.shadowed assert isinstance(el.shadowed.accessEntryPosition, int), \ 'Invalid element position %s' % el.shadowed.accessEntryPosition if access.EntriesShadowed is None: access.EntriesShadowed = {} access.EntriesShadowed[ position] = el.shadowed.accessEntryPosition else: if access.Entries is None: access.Entries = {} access.Entries[position] = signature( el.accessEntryPosition = position items.append('*') position += 1 else: assert isinstance(, str), 'Invalid element name %s' % items.append( access.Path = '/'.join(items) # Associate the shadows. if invoker.shadowing: spath = '/'.join('*' if else for el in invoker.shadowing.path) access.Shadowing = generateId(spath, invoker.shadowing.methodHTTP) spath = '/'.join('*' if else for el in invoker.shadowed.path) access.Shadowed = generateId(spath, invoker.shadowed.methodHTTP) # Associate the input model properties. if invoker.methodHTTP in self.input_methods and invoker.modelInput: assert isinstance(invoker.modelInput, Input), 'Invalid input %s' % invoker.modelInput assert isinstance( invoker.modelInput.type, TypeModel), 'Invalid model %s' % invoker.modelInput.type for name, prop in if not isinstance(prop, TypePropertyContainer): continue assert isinstance(prop, TypePropertyContainer) if access.Properties is None: access.Properties = {} access.Properties[name] = signature(prop.type) try: present = self.accessService.getById( generateId(access.Path, access.Method)) except: assert log.debug('There is no access for \'%s\' with %s', access.Path, access.Method) or True else: assert isinstance(present, Access), 'Invalid access %s' % present assert present.Path == access.Path, \ 'Problems with hashing, hash %s it is the same for \'%s\' and \'%s\'' % (access.Id, present.Path, access.Path) if present.Hash == generateHash(access): return 'Removing access %s since is not compatible with the current structure', present) self.accessService.delete(present.Id) # TODO: Gabriel: After refactoring encoder on the new structure you can have access to the encoded names # maybe by indexes rather then doEncode, this remains to be seen. After the encoder we can also implement # the excludable properties and then convince the Gateway service to do some assemblage and remove unwanted # indexes. self.accessService.insert(access) assert log.debug('Added access %s', access) or True
class PostServiceAlchemy(EntityGetServiceAlchemy, IPostService): ''' Implementation for @see: IPostService ''' default_source_name = 'internal' wire.config('default_source_name', doc=''' The default source name used when a source was not supplied''') meta_max_size = 65535 wire.config('meta_max_size', doc=''' The maximal size for the meta part of a post; limited only by db system if zero.''' ) content_max_size = 65535 wire.config('content_max_size', doc=''' The maximal size for the content part of a post; limited only by db system if zero.''' ) content_plain_max_size = 65535 wire.config('content_plain_max_size', doc=''' The maximal size for the content plain part of a post; limited only by db system if zero.''' ) postVerificationService = IPostVerificationService wire.entity('postVerificationService') # post verification service used to insert post verification def __init__(self): ''' Construct the post service. ''' EntityGetServiceAlchemy.__init__(self, PostMapped) def getByUuidAndSource(self, uuid, sourceId): ''' @see: IPostService.getByUuidAndSource ''' sql = self.session().query(PostMapped) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Feed == sourceId) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Uuid == uuid) try: post = sql.distinct().one() except Exception: post = None return post def getUnpublished(self, creatorId=None, authorId=None, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getUnpublished ''' assert q is None or isinstance( q, QPostUnpublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQuery(creatorId, authorId, q) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn == None) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getPublished(self, creatorId=None, authorId=None, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getPublished ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPost), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQuery(creatorId, authorId, q) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn != None) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getAll(self, creatorId=None, authorId=None, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getPublished ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPost), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQuery(creatorId, authorId, q) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getUnpublishedBySource(self, sourceId, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getUnpublishedBySource ''' assert q is None or isinstance( q, QPostUnpublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySource(sourceId) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn == None) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getUnpublishedBySourceType(self, sourceTypeKey, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getUnpublishedBySourceType ''' assert q is None or isinstance( q, QPostUnpublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySourceType(sourceTypeKey) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn == None) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getPublishedBySource(self, sourceId, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getPublishedBySource ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPostPublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySource(sourceId) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn != None) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getPublishedBySourceType(self, sourceTypeKey, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getPublishedBySourceType ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPostPublished), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySourceType(sourceTypeKey) sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.PublishedOn != None) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getAllBySource(self, sourceId, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getAllBySource ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPost), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySource(sourceId) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.distinct(), sql.distinct().count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.distinct() def getAllBySourceType(self, sourceTypeKey, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see: IPostService.getAllBySourceType ''' assert q is None or isinstance(q, QPost), 'Invalid query %s' % q sql = self._buildQueryBySourceType(sourceTypeKey) sql = self._buildQueryWithCId(q, sql) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def insert(self, post): ''' @see: IPostService.insert ''' assert isinstance(post, Post), 'Invalid post %s' % post if post.Uuid is None: post.Uuid = str(uuid4().hex) if post.WasPublished is None: if post.PublishedOn is None: post.WasPublished = 0 else: post.WasPublished = 1 postDb = PostMapped() copy(post, postDb, exclude=COPY_EXCLUDE) postDb.typeId = self._typeId(post.Type) postDb = self._adjustTexts(postDb) if post.CreatedOn is None: postDb.CreatedOn = current_timestamp() if not postDb.Author: colls = self.session().query(CollaboratorMapped).filter( CollaboratorMapped.User == postDb.Creator).all() if not colls: coll = CollaboratorMapped() coll.User = postDb.Creator src = self.session().query(SourceMapped).filter( SourceMapped.Name == PostServiceAlchemy.default_source_name).one() coll.Source = src.Id self.session().add(coll) self.session().flush((coll, )) colls = (coll, ) postDb.Author = colls[0].Id self.session().add(postDb) self.session().flush((postDb, )) post.Id = postDb.Id postVerification = PostVerification() postVerification.Id = post.Id self.postVerificationService.insert(postVerification) return post.Id def update(self, post): ''' @see: IPostService.update ''' assert isinstance(post, Post), 'Invalid post %s' % post postDb = self.session().query(PostMapped).get(post.Id) if not postDb: raise InputError(Ref(_('Unknown post id'), ref=Post.Id)) if Post.Type in post: postDb.typeId = self._typeId(post.Type) if post.UpdatedOn is None: postDb.UpdatedOn = current_timestamp() copy(post, postDb, exclude=COPY_EXCLUDE) postDb = self._adjustTexts(postDb) self.session().flush((postDb, )) def delete(self, id): ''' @see: IPostService.delete ''' postDb = self.session().query(PostMapped).get(id) if not postDb or postDb.DeletedOn is not None: return False postDb.DeletedOn = current_timestamp() self.session().flush((postDb, )) return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def _buildQuery(self, creatorId=None, authorId=None, q=None): ''' Builds the general query for posts. ''' sql = self.session().query(PostMapped) if creatorId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Creator == creatorId) if authorId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Author == authorId) addDeleted = False if q: sql = buildQuery(sql, q, PostMapped) addDeleted = QPostUnpublished.deletedOn in q if not addDeleted: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.DeletedOn == None) return sql def _typeId(self, key): ''' Provides the post type id that has the provided key. ''' try: sql = self.session().query( == key) return[0] except NoResultFound: raise InputError( Ref(_('Invalid post type %(type)s') % dict(type=key), ref=Post.Type)) def _buildQueryBySource(self, sourceId): sql = self.session().query(PostMapped) sql = sql.join(CollaboratorMapped, PostMapped.Author == CollaboratorMapped.Id) sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.Source == sourceId) return sql def _buildQueryBySourceType(self, sourceTypeKey): sql = self.session().query(PostMapped) sql = sql.join(CollaboratorMapped, PostMapped.Author == CollaboratorMapped.Id) sql = sql.join(SourceMapped, CollaboratorMapped.Source == SourceMapped.Id) sql = sql.join(SourceTypeMapped, SourceMapped.typeId == sql = sql.filter(SourceTypeMapped.Key == sourceTypeKey) return sql def _buildQueryWithCId(self, q, sql): if q: if QWithCId.cId in q and q.cId: if AsRange.start in q.cId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Id >= q.cId.start) if AsRange.since in q.cId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Id > q.cId.since) if AsRange.end in q.cId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Id <= q.cId.end) if AsRange.until in q.cId: sql = sql.filter(PostMapped.Id < q.cId.until) sql = buildQuery(sql, q, PostMapped) return sql def _adjustTexts(self, postDb): ''' Corrects the Meta, Content, ContentPlain fields ''' # TODO: implement the proper fix using SQLAlchemy compilation rules nohigh = {i: None for i in range(0x10000, 0x110000)} if postDb.Meta: postDb.Meta = postDb.Meta.translate(nohigh) if self.meta_max_size and (len(postDb.Meta) > self.meta_max_size): raise InputError(Ref( _('Too long Meta part'), )) # can not truncate json data if postDb.Content: postDb.Content = postDb.Content.translate(nohigh) if self.content_max_size and (len(postDb.Content) > self.content_max_size): raise InputError(Ref(_('Too long Content part'), )) # can not truncate structured data if postDb.ContentPlain: postDb.ContentPlain = postDb.ContentPlain.translate(nohigh) if self.content_plain_max_size: postDb.ContentPlain = postDb.ContentPlain[:self. content_plain_max_size] return postDb
class MetaDataServiceAlchemy(MetaDataServiceBaseAlchemy, IMetaDataReferencer, IMetaDataUploadService): ''' Implementation for @see: IMetaDataService, and also provides services as the @see: IMetaDataReferencer ''' format_file_name = '%(id)s.%(name)s' wire.config('format_file_name', doc=''' The format for the files names in the media archive''') format_thumbnail = '%(size)s/other.jpg' wire.config('format_thumbnail', doc=''' The format for the unknown thumbnails in the media archive''') cdmArchive = ICDM # The archive CDM. thumbnailManager = IThumbnailManager wire.entity('thumbnailManager') # Provides the thumbnail referencer metaDataHandlers = list # The handlers list used by the meta data in order to get the references. def __init__(self): ''' Construct the meta data service. ''' assert isinstance( self.format_file_name, str), 'Invalid format file name %s' % self.format_file_name assert isinstance( self.format_thumbnail, str), 'Invalid format thumbnail %s' % self.format_thumbnail assert isinstance(self.cdmArchive, ICDM), 'Invalid archive CDM %s' % self.cdmArchive assert isinstance( self.thumbnailManager, IThumbnailManager ), 'Invalid thumbnail manager %s' % self.thumbnailManager assert isinstance( self.metaDataHandlers, list), 'Invalid reference handlers %s' % self.referenceHandlers MetaDataServiceBaseAlchemy.__init__(self, MetaDataMapped, QMetaData, self) def deploy(self): ''' Deploy the meta data and all handlers. ''' self._thumbnailFormat = thumbnailFormatFor(self.session(), self.format_thumbnail) self.thumbnailManager.putThumbnail(, abspath(join(pythonPath(), 'resources', 'other.jpg'))) self._metaType = metaTypeFor(self.session(), META_TYPE_KEY) for handler in self.metaDataHandlers: assert isinstance( handler, IMetaDataHandler), 'Invalid meta data handler %s' % handler handler.deploy() # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def populate(self, metaData, scheme, thumbSize=None): ''' @see: IMetaDataReferencer.populate ''' assert isinstance(metaData, MetaDataMapped), 'Invalid meta data %s' % metaData metaData.Content = self.cdmArchive.getURI(metaData.content, scheme) return self.thumbnailManager.populate(metaData, scheme, thumbSize) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def insert(self, userId, content): ''' @see: IMetaDataService.insert ''' assert isinstance(content, Content), 'Invalid content %s' % content if not raise InputError(_('No name specified for content')) metaData = MetaDataMapped() metaData.CreatedOn = current_timestamp() metaData.Creator = userId metaData.Name = metaData.typeId = self._metaType.Id metaData.thumbnailFormatId = try: self.session().add(metaData) self.session().flush((metaData, )) path = self.format_file_name % { 'id': metaData.Id, 'name': metaData.Name } path = ''.join((META_TYPE_KEY, '/', self.generateIdPath(metaData.Id), '/', path)) contentPath = self.cdmArchive.getURI(path, 'file') self.cdmArchive.publishContent(path, content) metaData.content = path metaData.SizeInBytes = getsize(contentPath) for handler in self.metaDataHandlers: assert isinstance( handler, IMetaDataHandler), 'Invalid handler %s' % handler if handler.processByInfo(metaData, contentPath, content.type): break else: for handler in self.metaDataHandlers: if handler.process(metaData, contentPath): break self.session().merge(metaData) self.session().flush((metaData, )) except SQLAlchemyError as e: handle(e, metaData) if metaData.content != path: self.cdmArchive.republish(path, metaData.content) return metaData.Id # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def generateIdPath(self, id): return '{0:03d}'.format((id // 1000) % 1000)
class ImagePersistanceAlchemy(SessionSupport, IMetaDataHandler): ''' Provides the service that handles the image persistence @see: IImagePersistanceService. ''' format_file_name = '%(id)s.%(file)s' wire.config('format_file_name', doc=''' The format for the images file names in the media archive''') default_format_thumbnail = '%(size)s/image.jpg' wire.config('default_format_thumbnail', doc=''' The format for the images thumbnails in the media archive''') format_thumbnail = '%(size)s/%(id)s.%(name)s.jpg' wire.config('format_thumbnail', doc=''' The format for the images thumbnails in the media archive''') metadata_extractor_path = join('workspace', 'tools', 'exiv2') wire.config('metadata_extractor_path', doc='''The path to the metadata extractor file.''') image_supported_files = 'gif, png, bmp, jpg' thumbnailManager = IThumbnailManager wire.entity('thumbnailManager') # Provides the thumbnail referencer def __init__(self): assert isinstance( self.format_file_name, str), 'Invalid format file name %s' % self.format_file_name assert isinstance( self.default_format_thumbnail, str), 'Invalid format thumbnail %s' % self.default_format_thumbnail assert isinstance( self.format_thumbnail, str), 'Invalid format thumbnail %s' % self.format_thumbnail assert isinstance( self.image_supported_files, str), 'Invalid supported files %s' % self.image_supported_files assert isinstance( self.thumbnailManager, IThumbnailManager ), 'Invalid thumbnail manager %s' % self.thumbnailManager self.imageSupportedFiles = set( re.split('[\\s]*\\,[\\s]*', self.image_supported_files)) def deploy(self): ''' @see: IMetaDataHandler.deploy ''' self._defaultThumbnailFormat = thumbnailFormatFor( self.session(), self.default_format_thumbnail) self.thumbnailManager.putThumbnail(, abspath(join(pythonPath(), 'resources', 'image.jpg'))) self._thumbnailFormat = thumbnailFormatFor(self.session(), self.format_thumbnail) self._metaTypeId = metaTypeFor(self.session(), META_TYPE_KEY).Id # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def processByInfo(self, metaDataMapped, contentPath, contentType): ''' @see: IMetaDataHandler.processByInfo ''' if contentType is not None and contentType.startswith(META_TYPE_KEY): return self.process(metaDataMapped, contentPath) extension = splitext(metaDataMapped.Name)[1][1:] if extension in self.imageSupportedFiles: return self.process(metaDataMapped, contentPath) return False def process(self, metaDataMapped, contentPath): ''' @see: IMetaDataHandler.process ''' assert isinstance( metaDataMapped, MetaDataMapped), 'Invalid meta data mapped %s' % metaDataMapped p = Popen([ join(self.metadata_extractor_path, 'bin', 'exiv2.exe'), contentPath ], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) result = p.wait() # 253 is the exiv2 code for error: No Exif data found in the file if result != 0 and result != 253: return False imageDataEntry = ImageDataEntry() imageDataEntry.Id = metaDataMapped.Id while True: line = p.stdout.readline() if not line: break line = str(line, "utf-8") property = self.extractProperty(line) if property is None: continue if property == 'Image size': size = self.extractSize(line) imageDataEntry.Width = size[0] imageDataEntry.Height = size[1] elif property == 'Image timestamp': imageDataEntry.CreationDate = self.extractDateTime(line) elif property == 'Camera make': imageDataEntry.CameraMake = self.extractString(line) elif property == 'Camera model': imageDataEntry.CameraModel = self.extractString(line) path = self.format_file_name % { 'id': metaDataMapped.Id, 'file': metaDataMapped.Name } path = ''.join((META_TYPE_KEY, '/', self.generateIdPath(metaDataMapped.Id), '/', path)) metaDataMapped.content = path metaDataMapped.typeId = self._metaTypeId metaDataMapped.thumbnailFormatId = metaDataMapped.IsAvailable = True self.thumbnailManager.putThumbnail(, contentPath, metaDataMapped) try: self.session().add(imageDataEntry) except SQLAlchemyError as e: metaDataMapped.IsAvailable = False handle(e, ImageDataEntry) return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def extractProperty(self, line): return line.partition(':')[0].strip() def extractString(self, line): str = line.partition(':')[2].strip() return str def extractDateTime(self, line): # example:'2010:11:08 18:33:13' dateTimeFormat = '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S' str = line.partition(':')[2].strip() if str is None or str is '': return None return datetime.strptime(str, dateTimeFormat) def extractSize(self, line): str = line.partition(':')[2].strip() str = str.partition('x') return (str[0], str[2]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def generateIdPath(self, id): return "{0:03d}".format((id // 1000) % 1000)
class ThumbnailManagerAlchemy(SessionSupport, IThumbnailManager): ''' Implementation for @see: IThumbnailManager ''' original_name = 'original' wire.config('original_name', doc=''' Provides the size name for the original sized images from which the thumbnails are created''' ) thumbnail_sizes = { 'tiny': [16, 16], 'small': [32, 32], 'medium': [64, 64], 'large': [128, 128], 'huge': [256, 256] } wire.config('thumbnail_sizes', doc=''' This is basically just a simple dictionary{string, tuple(integer, integer)} that has as key a path safe name and as a value a tuple with the width/height of the thumbnail, example: {'small': [100, 100]}. ''') thumbnailProcessor = IThumbnailProcessor wire.entity('thumbnailProcessor') cdm = ICDM # the content delivery manager where to publish thumbnails def __init__(self): assert isinstance(self.original_name, str), 'Invalid original name %s' % self.original_name assert isinstance( self.thumbnail_sizes, dict), 'Invalid thumbnail sizes %s' % self.thumbnail_sizes assert isinstance(self.thumbnailProcessor, IThumbnailProcessor), \ 'Invalid thumbnail processor %s' % self.thumbnailProcessor assert isinstance(self.cdm, ICDM), 'Invalid thumbnail CDM %s' % self.cdm # We order the thumbnail sizes in descending order thumbnailSizes = [(key, sizes) for key, sizes in self.thumbnail_sizes.items()] thumbnailSizes.sort(key=lambda pack: pack[1][0] * pack[1][1]) self.thumbnailSizes = OrderedDict(thumbnailSizes) self._cache_thumbnail = {} def putThumbnail(self, thumbnailFormatId, imagePath, metaData=None): ''' @see IThumbnailManager.putThumbnail ''' assert isinstance( thumbnailFormatId, int), 'Invalid thumbnail format identifier %s' % thumbnailFormatId assert isinstance(imagePath, str), 'Invalid file path %s' % imagePath thumbPath = self.thumbnailPath(thumbnailFormatId, metaData) try: thumbTimestamp = self.cdm.getTimestamp(thumbPath) except PathNotFound: thumbTimestamp = None if not thumbTimestamp or thumbTimestamp < timestampURI(imagePath): imageExt, thumbProcPath = splitext(imagePath)[1], thumbPath thumbName, thumbExt = splitext(thumbPath) if imageExt != thumbExt: thumbPath = thumbName + imageExt self.cdm.publishFromFile(thumbPath, imagePath) if thumbPath != thumbProcPath: thumbPath, thumbProcPath = self.cdm.getURI( thumbPath, 'file'), self.cdm.getURI(thumbProcPath, 'file') self.thumbnailProcessor.processThumbnail( thumbPath, thumbProcPath) def populate(self, metaData, scheme, size=None): ''' @see: IMetaDataReferencer.populate ''' assert isinstance(metaData, MetaData), 'Invalid metaData %s' % metaData assert not size or isinstance( size, str ) and size in self.thumbnailSizes, 'Invalid size value %s' % size if not metaData.thumbnailFormatId: return metaData thumbPath = self.thumbnailPath(metaData.thumbnailFormatId, metaData, size) try: self.cdm.getTimestamp(thumbPath) except PathNotFound: original = self.thumbnailPath(metaData.thumbnailFormatId, metaData) original = self.cdm.getURI(original, 'file') width, height = self.thumbnailSizes[size] self.thumbnailProcessor.processThumbnail( original, self.cdm.getURI(thumbPath, 'file'), width, height) metaData.Thumbnail = self.cdm.getURI(thumbPath, scheme) return metaData # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def thumbnailPath(self, thumbnailFormatId, metaData=None, size=None): ''' Construct the reference based on the provided parameters. ''' format = self._cache_thumbnail.get(thumbnailFormatId) if format is None: thumbnailFormat = self.session().query(ThumbnailFormat).get( thumbnailFormatId) assert isinstance( thumbnailFormat, ThumbnailFormat ), 'Invalid thumbnail format id %s' % thumbnailFormatId format = self._cache_thumbnail[] = thumbnailFormat.format keys = dict(size=size or self.original_name) if metaData is not None: assert isinstance(metaData, MetaData), 'Invalid meta data %s' % metaData keys.update(id=metaData.Id, file=metaData.Name, name=splitext(metaData.Name)[0]) return format % keys
class InletServiceAlchemy(EntityServiceAlchemy, IInletService): ''' Implementation for @see: IInletService ''' sms_source_type_key = 'FrontlineSMS' wire.config('sms_source_type_key', doc=''' Type of the sources for the SMS inlet feeds''') sms_post_type_key = 'normal' wire.config('sms_post_type_key', doc=''' Type of the posts created on the SMS that come via inlet feeds''') user_type_key = 'sms' wire.config('user_type_key', doc=''' The user type that is used for the anonymous users of SMS posts''') postService = IPostService wire.entity('postService') sourceService = ISourceService wire.entity('sourceService') collaboratorService = ICollaboratorService wire.entity('collaboratorService') userService = IUserService wire.entity('userService') def __init__(self): ''' Construct the frontline inlet service. ''' assert isinstance( self.postService, IPostService), 'Invalid post service %s' % self.postService assert isinstance( self.sourceService, ISourceService), 'Invalid source service %s' % self.sourceService assert isinstance( self.collaboratorService, ICollaboratorService ), 'Invalid collaborator service %s' % self.collaboratorService assert isinstance( self.userService, IUserService), 'Invalid user service %s' % self.userService def pushMessage(self, typeKey, phoneNumber=None, messageText=None, timeStamp=None): ''' @see: IInletService.pushMessage ''' # checking the necessary info: phone number and message text if (phoneNumber is None) or (phoneNumber == ''): raise InputError( Ref(_('No value for the mandatory phoneNumber parameter'), )) if (messageText is None) or (messageText == ''): raise InputError( Ref(_('No value for the mandatory messageText parameter'), )) # take (or make) the user (for phone number) part of creator and collaborator try: userId, = self.session().query(PersonMapped.Id).filter( PersonMapped.PhoneNumber == phoneNumber).one() except: user = User() user.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber user.Name = self._freeSMSUserName() user.Password = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)).decode() user.Type = self.user_type_key userId = self.userService.insert(user) # make the source (for inlet type) part of collaborator try: sql = self.session().query(SourceMapped.Id).join(SourceTypeMapped) sql = sql.filter( SourceTypeMapped.Key == self.sms_source_type_key).filter( SourceMapped.Name == typeKey) sourceId, = except NoResultFound: source = Source() source.Type = self.sms_source_type_key source.Name = typeKey source.URI = '' source.IsModifiable = True sourceId = self.sourceService.insert(source) # make the collaborator sql = self.session().query(CollaboratorMapped.Id) sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.Source == sourceId) sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.User == userId) try: collabId, = except NoResultFound: collab = Collaborator() collab.Source = sourceId collab.User = userId collabId = self.collaboratorService.insert(collab) # take / make time stamp if timeStamp: try: timeStamp = datetime.strptime(timeStamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') except: timeStamp = None if not timeStamp: timeStamp = # create post request post = Post() post.Type = self.sms_post_type_key post.Creator = userId post.Author = collabId post.Content = messageText post.CreatedOn = timeStamp # insert the post postId = self.postService.insert(post) return (self.postService.getById(postId), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def _freeSMSUserName(self): while True: userName = '******' + binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(8)).decode() try: self.session().query(UserMapped).filter( UserMapped.Name == userName).one() except: return userName
class BlogCollaboratorServiceAlchemy(SessionSupport, IBlogCollaboratorService): ''' Implementation for @see: IBlogCollaboratorService ''' collaboratorSpecification = CollaboratorSpecification wire.entity('collaboratorSpecification') userActionService = IUserActionService wire.entity('userActionService') default_user_type_key = 'standard' wire.config('default_user_type_key', doc=''' Default user type for users without specified the user type key''') internal_source_name = 'internal' wire.config('internal_source_name', doc=''' Source for collaborators''') def __init__(self): ''' Construct the blog collaborator service. ''' assert isinstance(self.collaboratorSpecification, CollaboratorSpecification), \ 'Invalid collaborator specification %s' % self.collaboratorSpecification assert isinstance(self.userActionService, IUserActionService), \ 'Invalid user actions service %s' % self.userActionService super().__init__() self._collaboratorTypeIds = {} def getAllTypes(self): ''' @see: IBlogCollaboratorService.getAllTypes ''' return self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorTypeMapped).all() def getActions(self, userId, blogId, path=None, origPath=None): ''' @see: IBlogCollaboratorService.getActions ''' actions = list(self.userActionService.getAll(userId, path)) paths = {a.Path for a in actions} for name, f in self.collaboratorSpecification.type_filter: assert isinstance(f, Filter), 'Invalid filter' assert isinstance(f.filter, IAclFilter) if f.filter.isAllowed(userId, blogId): collActions = list( self.collaboratorSpecification.type_actions.get(name)) collPaths = {a.Path for a in collActions}.difference(paths) actions.extend([ action for action in collActions if action.Path in collPaths ]) break return actions def getById(self, blogId, collaboratorId): ''' @see: IBlogCollaboratorService.getById ''' sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorMapped) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorMapped.Blog == blogId) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorMapped.Id == collaboratorId) try: return except NoResultFound: raise InputError( Ref(_('No collaborator'), ref=BlogCollaboratorMapped.Id)) def getAll(self, blogId, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=True): ''' @see: IBlogCollaboratorService.getAll ''' sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorMapped).filter( BlogCollaboratorMapped.Blog == blogId) sql = sql.join(UserMapped).join(SourceMapped).order_by( BlogCollaboratorMapped.Name) sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.Active == True) sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.Type == self.default_user_type_key) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getPotential(self, blogId, excludeSources=True, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=True, qu=None, qs=None): ''' @see: IBlogCollaboratorService.getPotential ''' sqlBlog = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorMapped.Id).filter( BlogCollaboratorMapped.Blog == blogId) sql = self.session().query(CollaboratorMapped) sql = sql.join(UserMapped, CollaboratorMapped.User == UserMapped.Id) sql = sql.join(SourceMapped, SourceMapped.Id == CollaboratorMapped.Source) sql = sql.filter(not_(CollaboratorMapped.Id.in_(sqlBlog))) sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.Active == True) sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.Type == self.default_user_type_key) sql = sql.filter(SourceMapped.Name == self.internal_source_name) sql = sql.order_by(CollaboratorMapped.Name) if excludeSources: sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.User != None) if qu: sql = buildQuery(sql, qu, UserMapped) if qs: sql = buildQuery(sql, qs, SourceMapped) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.distinct(), sql.distinct().count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.distinct() def addCollaboratorAsDefault(self, blogId, collaboratorId): ''' @see: IBlogCollaboratorService.addCollaboratorAsDefault ''' self.addCollaborator( blogId, collaboratorId, self.collaboratorSpecification.collaborator_types[0]) def addCollaborator(self, blogId, collaboratorId, typeName): ''' @see: IBlogCollaboratorService.addCollaborator ''' typeId = self.collaboratorTypeIds()[typeName] if typeId is None: raise InputError( Ref(_('Invalid collaborator type'), ref=BlogCollaborator.Type)) sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorEntry) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorEntry.Blog == blogId) sql = sql.filter( BlogCollaboratorEntry.blogCollaboratorId == collaboratorId) if sql.update({BlogCollaboratorEntry.typeId: typeId}) > 0: return sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorMapped.Id) sql = sql.join(BlogMapped) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorMapped.User == BlogMapped.Creator) sql = sql.filter(BlogMapped.Id == blogId) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorMapped.Id == collaboratorId) if sql.count() > 0: raise InputError( _('The blog creator cannot be assigned as a collaborator')) bgc = BlogCollaboratorEntry() bgc.Blog = blogId bgc.blogCollaboratorId = collaboratorId bgc.typeId = typeId self.session().add(bgc) self.session().flush((bgc, )) def removeCollaborator(self, blogId, collaboratorId): ''' @see: IBlogCollaboratorService.removeCollaborator ''' try: sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorEntry) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorEntry.Blog == blogId) sql = sql.filter( BlogCollaboratorEntry.blogCollaboratorId == collaboratorId) return sql.delete() > 0 except OperationalError: raise InputError( Ref(_('Cannot remove'), model=BlogCollaboratorMapped)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def collaboratorTypeIds(self): ''' Provides the collaborator types ids dictionary. ''' if not self._collaboratorTypeIds: for name in self.collaboratorSpecification.collaborator_types: sql = self.session().query(BlogCollaboratorTypeMapped) sql = sql.filter(BlogCollaboratorTypeMapped.Name == name) try: bt = except NoResultFound: bt = BlogCollaboratorTypeMapped() bt.Name = name self.session().add(bt) self.session().flush((bt, )) self._collaboratorTypeIds[name] = return self._collaboratorTypeIds
class BlogSyncServiceAlchemy(EntityServiceAlchemy, IBlogSyncService): ''' Implementation for @see IBlogSyncService ''' blog_provider_type = 'blog provider' wire.config('blog_provider_type', doc=''' Key of the source type for blog providers''') sms_provider_type = 'sms provider' wire.config('sms_provider_type', doc=''' Key of the source type for sms providers''') def __init__(self): ''' Construct the blog sync service. ''' EntityServiceAlchemy.__init__(self, BlogSyncMapped, QBlogSync) def checkTimeout(self, blogSyncId, timeout): ''' @see IBlogSyncService.checkTimeout ''' crtTime = referenceTime = crtTime - datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) sql = self.session().query(BlogSyncMapped) sql = sql.filter(BlogSyncMapped.Id == blogSyncId) sql = sql.filter( or_(BlogSyncMapped.LastActivity == None, BlogSyncMapped.LastActivity < referenceTime)) result = sql.update({BlogSyncMapped.LastActivity: crtTime}) self.session().commit() return result def getBySourceType(self, sourceType, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see IBlogSyncService.getBySourceType ''' sql = self.session().query(BlogSyncMapped) if q: assert isinstance(q, QBlogSync), 'Invalid blog sync query %s' % q sql = buildQuery(sql, q, BlogSyncMapped) sql = sql.join(SourceMapped, SourceMapped.Id == BlogSyncMapped.Source) sql = sql.join(BlogSourceDB, SourceMapped.Id == BlogSourceDB.source) sql_prov = self.session().query(SourceMapped.URI) sql_prov = sql_prov.join(SourceTypeMapped, == SourceMapped.typeId) sql_prov = sql_prov.filter(SourceTypeMapped.Key == sourceType) sql = sql.filter(SourceMapped.OriginURI.in_(sql_prov)) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getByBlog(self, blogId, offset=None, limit=None, detailed=False, q=None): ''' @see IBlogSyncService.getByBlog ''' sql = self.session().query(BlogSyncMapped) if q: assert isinstance(q, QBlogSync), 'Invalid blog sync query %s' % q sql = buildQuery(sql, q, BlogSyncMapped) sql = sql.join(SourceMapped, SourceMapped.Id == BlogSyncMapped.Source) sql = sql.join(BlogSourceDB, SourceMapped.Id == BlogSourceDB.source) sql = sql.filter( == blogId) sql_prov = self.session().query(SourceMapped.URI) sql_prov = sql_prov.join(SourceTypeMapped, == SourceMapped.typeId) sql_prov = sql_prov.filter( SourceTypeMapped.Key == self.blog_provider_type) sql = sql.filter(SourceMapped.OriginURI.in_(sql_prov)) sqlLimit = buildLimits(sql, offset, limit) if detailed: return IterPart(sqlLimit.all(), sql.count(), offset, limit) return sqlLimit.all() def getById(self, id): ''' @see: IEntityGetService.getById ''' blogSync = EntityServiceAlchemy.getById(self, id)'read Id=%d, Auto=%s' % (blogSync.Id, blogSync.Auto)) return blogSync
class ContentPublisherService(IContentPublisherService): ''' Implementation for @see: IContentPublisherService ''' mongodb_server = 'localhost' wire.config('mongodb_server', doc='''The address of the mongoDb server''') mongodb_port = 27017 wire.config('mongodb_port', doc='''The port of the mongoDb server''') mongodb_database = 'mongodb' wire.config('mongodb_database', doc='''The name of the mongoDb database''') itemService = IItemService wire.entity('itemService') # item service used to convert article content to NewsML structure itemContentService = IItemContentService wire.entity('itemContentService') # item content service used to convert article content to NewsML structure def __init__(self): ''' Construct the content publisher service. ''' assert isinstance( self.mongodb_server, str), 'Invalid mongoDb server address %s' % self.mongodb_server assert isinstance( self.mongodb_port, int), 'Invalid mongoDb server port %s' % self.mongodb_port assert isinstance( self.mongodb_database, str), 'Invalid mongoDb database name %s' % self.mongodb_database mongoengine.connect(self.mongodb_database, host=self.mongodb_server, port=self.mongodb_port) def publish(self, guid): ''' Implementation for @see: IContentPublisherService.publish ''' # Test add document myItem = self.itemService.getById(guid) assert isinstance(myItem, PackageItem) item = Item() item.guid = myItem.GUId item.version = myItem.Version item.itemClass = myItem.ItemClass item.urgency = myItem.Urgency item.headline = myItem.HeadLine item.slugline = myItem.SlugLine item.byline = myItem.Byline item.creditline = myItem.CreditLine item.firstCreated = myItem.FirstCreated item.versionCreated = myItem.VersionCreated q = QItemContent() q.item = myItem.GUId contents = self.itemContentService.getAll(q=q) for c in contents: assert isinstance(c, ItemContent) content = Content() content.contenttype = c.ContentType content.content = c.Content content.residRef = c.ResidRef content.href = c.HRef content.size = c.Size content.rendition = c.Rendition item.contents.append(content) self.unpublish(item.guid) return True def unpublish(self, guid): ''' Implementation for @see: IContentPublisherService.unpublish ''' # Test delete document Item.objects(guid=guid).delete(safe=True) return True
class URLInfoService(IURLInfoService): ''' @see IURLInfoService ''' # TODO: This is just a hacky way for fixing some broken web sites. # Manual xml processing would be a more proper way here. html_fixes = [{'from': '<DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML', 'to': '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML'}]; wire.config('html_fixes', doc=''' Web page repairing: list of "from -> to" string pairs''') def __init__(self): ''' Construct the URLInfoService service. ''' assert isinstance(self.html_fixes, list), 'Invalid html_fixes config %s' % self.html_fixes super().__init__() def getURLInfo(self, url=None): ''' @see: IURLInfoService.getURLInfo ''' if not url: raise InputError('Invalid URL %s' % url) assert isinstance(url, str), 'Invalid URL %s' % url url = unquote(url) try: with urlopen(url) as conn: urlInfo = URLInfo() urlInfo.URL = url urlInfo.Date = contentType = None charset = 'utf_8' for tag, val in if tag == 'Content-Type': contentTypeInfo = val.split(';') contentType = contentTypeInfo[0].strip().lower(); if 2 == len(contentTypeInfo): charset = contentTypeInfo[1].split('=')[1] break if not contentType or contentType != 'text/html': req = Request(url) selector = req.get_selector().strip('/') if selector: parts = selector.split('/') if parts: urlInfo.Title = parts[len(parts) - 1] else: urlInfo.Title = req.get_host() return urlInfo elif contentType == 'text/html': urlInfo.ContentType = contentType extr = HTMLInfoExtractor(urlInfo) try: readData = decodedData = '' try: decodedData = readData.decode(charset, 'ignore') except Exception: decodedData = readData.decode('utf_8', 'ignore') for onePair in self.html_fixes: decodedData = re.sub(onePair['from'], onePair['to'], decodedData) extr.feed(decodedData) except (AssertionError, HTMLParseError, UnicodeDecodeError): pass return extr.urlInfo except (URLError, ValueError): raise InputError('Invalid URL %s' % url)
class JSONFileService(IJSONLocaleFileService): ''' Implementation for @see: IJSONLocaleFileService ''' default_charset = 'UTF-8' wire.config('default_charset', doc=''' The default character set to use whenever a JSON locale file is uploaded and the character set of the content is not specified''') poFileManager = IPOFileManager wire.entity('poFileManager') cdmLocale = ICDM wire.entity('cdmLocale') pluginService = IPluginService wire.entity('pluginService') componentService = IComponentService wire.entity('componentService') def __init__(self): assert isinstance( self.default_charset, str), 'Invalid default charset %s' % self.default_charset assert isinstance( self.poFileManager, IPOFileManager), 'Invalid PO file manager %s' % self.poFileManager assert isinstance(self.cdmLocale, ICDM), 'Invalid PO CDM %s' % self.cdmLocale assert isinstance( self.pluginService, IPluginService), 'Invalid plugin service %s' % self.pluginService assert isinstance( self.componentService, IComponentService ), 'Invalid component service %s' % self.componentService def getGlobalJSONFile(self, locale, scheme): ''' @see: IPOService.getGlobalPOFile ''' path = self._cdmPath(locale) try: try: cdmFileTimestamp = self.cdmLocale.getTimestamp(path) except PathNotFound: republish = True else: mngFileTimestamp = self.poFileManager.getGlobalPOTimestamp( locale) republish = False if mngFileTimestamp is None else cdmFileTimestamp < mngFileTimestamp if republish: jsonString = JSONEncoder(ensure_ascii=False).encode( self.poFileManager.getGlobalAsDict(locale)) self.cdmLocale.publishContent( path, BytesIO(bytes(jsonString, getdefaultencoding()))) except InvalidLocaleError: raise InputError( _('Invalid locale %(locale)s') % dict(locale=locale)) return self.cdmLocale.getURI(path, scheme) def getComponentJSONFile(self, component, locale, scheme): ''' @see: IPOService.getComponentPOFile ''' self.componentService.getById(component) path = self._cdmPath(locale, component=component) try: try: cdmFileTimestamp = self.cdmLocale.getTimestamp(path) except PathNotFound: republish = True else: mngFileTimestamp = max( self.poFileManager.getGlobalPOTimestamp(locale) or datetime.min, self.poFileManager.getComponentPOTimestamp( component, locale) or datetime.min) republish = False if mngFileTimestamp is None else cdmFileTimestamp < mngFileTimestamp if republish: jsonString = JSONEncoder(ensure_ascii=False).encode( self.poFileManager.getComponentAsDict(component, locale)) self.cdmLocale.publishContent( path, BytesIO(bytes(jsonString, getdefaultencoding()))) except InvalidLocaleError: raise InputError( _('Invalid locale %(locale)s') % dict(locale=locale)) return self.cdmLocale.getURI(path, scheme) def getPluginJSONFile(self, plugin, locale, scheme): ''' @see: IPOService.getPluginPOFile ''' pluginObj = self.pluginService.getById(plugin) assert isinstance(pluginObj, Plugin) if pluginObj.Component: return self.getComponentJSONFile(pluginObj.Component, locale, scheme) path = self._cdmPath(locale, plugin=plugin) try: try: cdmFileTimestamp = self.cdmLocale.getTimestamp(path) except PathNotFound: republish = True else: mngFileTimestamp = max( self.poFileManager.getGlobalPOTimestamp(locale) or datetime.min, self.poFileManager.getPluginPOTimestamp(plugin, locale) or datetime.min) republish = False if mngFileTimestamp is None else cdmFileTimestamp < mngFileTimestamp if republish: jsonString = JSONEncoder(ensure_ascii=False).encode( self.poFileManager.getPluginAsDict(plugin, locale)) self.cdmLocale.publishContent( path, BytesIO(bytes(jsonString, getdefaultencoding()))) except InvalidLocaleError: raise InputError( _('Invalid locale %(locale)s') % dict(locale=locale)) return self.cdmLocale.getURI(path, scheme) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def _cdmPath(self, locale, component=None, plugin=None): ''' Returns the path to the CDM JSON file corresponding to the given locale and / or component / plugin. If no component of plugin was specified it returns the name of the global JSON file. @param locale: string The locale. @param component: string The component id. @param plugin: string The plugin id. @return: string The file path. ''' assert isinstance(locale, str), 'Invalid locale %s' % locale path = [] if component: path.append('component') path.append(component) elif plugin: path.append('plugin') path.append(plugin) else: path.append('global') path.append(locale) return '%s.json' % '-'.join(path)
class SynchronizeRightsHandler(HandlerProcessor): ''' Implementation for a processor that synchronizes the rights in the configuration file with the database. ''' type_name = 'GUI Access' wire.config('type_name', doc=''' The right type name to be used in inserting the configured rights. ''') role_name = 'Admin' wire.config('role_name', doc=''' The root role that will contain all the rights. ''') rightService = IRightService wire.entity('rightService') rightTypeService = IRightTypeService wire.entity('rightTypeService') roleService = IRoleService wire.entity('roleService') def __init__(self): assert isinstance(self.type_name, str), 'Invalid type name %s' % self.type_name assert isinstance( self.rightService, IRightService), 'Invalid right service %s' % self.rightService assert isinstance( self.rightTypeService, IRightTypeService ), 'Invalid right type service %s' % self.rightTypeService super().__init__(Repository=RepositoryRight) def process(self, chain, solicit: Solicit, **keyargs): ''' @see: HandlerProcessor.process Synchronize the rights of the groups in the configuration file with the database. ''' assert isinstance(chain, Chain), 'Invalid chain %s' % chain assert isinstance(solicit, Solicit), 'Invalid solicit %s' % solicit assert isinstance( solicit.repository, RepositoryRight), 'Invalid repository %s' % solicit.repository try: self.rightTypeService.getById(self.type_name) except: rightType = RightType() rightType.Name = self.type_name self.rightTypeService.insert(rightType) #maps name to id rightsDb = { e.Name: e.Id for e in [ self.rightService.getById(id) for id in self.rightService.getAll(self.type_name) ] } #maps right_name to arguments required for right creation rightRepositories = listBFS(solicit.repository, RepositoryRight.children, RepositoryRight.rightName) #do rights inheritance self.doInheritance(rightRepositories) rights = { r.rightName: (partial(self.createEntity, r), r) for r in rightRepositories } rightIds = syncWithDatabase(self.rightService, rights, rightsDb) #add id to right repositories for r in rightRepositories: r.rightId = rightIds.get(r.rightName) #create root role ("Admin") and add all the rights on it try: self.roleService.getById(self.role_name) except: role = Role() role.Name = self.role_name self.roleService.insert(role) for rightId in rightIds.values(): self.roleService.addRight(self.role_name, rightId) def doInheritance(self, repositories): ''' Will add actions and accesses from inherited to inheriting rights. @param repositories: list of right repositories ''' #first we have to group the repositories by rightName rights = {} for repository in repositories: assert isinstance(repository, RepositoryRight), 'Invalid right %s' % repository if repository.rightName in rights: rights[repository.rightName].append(repository) else: rights[repository.rightName] = [repository] #detect cyclic inheritance for rightName in rights: result = self.isCyclicInheritance(rightName, rights) if result: log.warning('Cyclic inheritance detected for rights: %s', result) return handled = set() for rightName in rights: self.handleRight(rightName, rights, handled) def isCyclicInheritance(self, rightName, rights, visited=None, path=None): ''' Will detect if there is cyclic inheritance for the given rights. @param rightName: The right from which to start the search for cyclic inheritance @param rights: mapping rightName: [list of repositories] @return: False if there is no cyclic inheritance or a list containing the rights in the inheritance cycle ''' if visited is None: visited = set() path = [] if rightName in visited: return path parents = [ parent for right in rights[rightName] if right.rightInherits for parent in right.rightInherits ] if not parents: return False visited.add(rightName) path.append(rightName) for parent in parents: if not parent in rights: continue if self.isCyclicInheritance(parent, rights, visited, path): return path return False def handleRight(self, rightName, rights, handled): ''' Recursively solves inheritance of actions and accesses for the right. @param rightName: The right from which to start the search for cyclic inheritance @param rights: mapping rightName: [list of repositories] ''' assert isinstance(handled, set), 'Invalid handled set %s' % handled if rightName in handled: return parents = [ parent for right in rights[rightName] if right.rightInherits for parent in right.rightInherits ] if not parents: handled.add(rightName) return #handle inherits for parent in parents: self.handleRight(parent, rights, handled) #now add the actions from parent rights actions = set(action.path for right in rights[rightName] if right.actions for action in right.actions) actionsInherited = { action.path: action for parent in parents for right in rights[parent] if right.actions for action in right.actions } accessesInherited = [ access for parent in parents for right in rights[parent] if right.accesses for access in right.accesses ] #we will add the actions and accesses from the parents to one of the repositories of this right (the first one) for action in actionsInherited: if not action in actions: rights[rightName][0].actions.append(actionsInherited[action]) #add accesses from the parent to the child for access in accessesInherited: rights[rightName][0].accesses.append(access) #finished handling this right, mark it as handled handled.add(rightName) def createEntity(self, rightRepository, rightName): assert isinstance( rightRepository, RepositoryRight), 'Invalid repository %s' % rightRepository right = Right() right.Name = rightName right.Type = self.type_name right.Description = rightRepository.description return right