def unsubscribe(): """ Unsubscribe from a mailing list. This hook reads the 'List-Unsubscribe' header of a mail in thread mode, constructs a unsubsribe-mail according to any mailto-url it finds and opens the new mail in an envelope buffer. """ from alot.helper import mailto_to_envelope from alot.buffers import EnvelopeBuffer msg = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message() e = msg.get_email() uheader = e["List-Unsubscribe"] dtheader = e.get("Delivered-To", None) if uheader is not None: M ="<(mailto:\S*)>", uheader) if M is not None: env = mailto_to_envelope( if dtheader is not None: env["From"] = [dtheader] ui.buffer_open(EnvelopeBuffer(ui, env)) else: ui.notify("focussed mail contains no 'List-Unsubscribe' header", "error")
def apply(self, ui): if self.envelope is None: if if'mailto'): self.envelope = mailto_to_envelope( else: self.envelope = Envelope() self.envelope.add('To', else: self.envelope = Envelope() if self.template is not None: # get location of tempsdir, containing msg templates tempdir = settings.get('template_dir') tempdir = os.path.expanduser(tempdir) if not tempdir: xdgdir = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', os.path.expanduser('~/.config')) tempdir = os.path.join(xdgdir, 'alot', 'templates') path = os.path.expanduser(self.template) if not os.path.dirname(path): # use tempsdir if not os.path.isdir(tempdir): ui.notify('no templates directory: %s' % tempdir, priority='error') return path = os.path.join(tempdir, path) if not os.path.isfile(path): ui.notify('could not find template: %s' % path, priority='error') return try: self.envelope.parse_template(open(path).read()) except Exception as e: ui.notify(str(e), priority='error') return # set forced headers for key, value in self.headers.items(): self.envelope.add(key, value) # set forced headers for separate parameters if self.sender: self.envelope.add('From', self.sender) if self.subject: self.envelope.add('Subject', self.subject) if self.envelope.add('To', ','.join( if self.envelope.add('Cc', ','.join( if self.bcc: self.envelope.add('Bcc', ','.join(self.bcc)) # get missing From header if not 'From' in self.envelope.headers: accounts = settings.get_accounts() if len(accounts) == 1: a = accounts[0] fromstring = "%s <%s>" % (a.realname, a.address) self.envelope.add('From', fromstring) else: cmpl = AccountCompleter() fromaddress = yield ui.prompt('From', completer=cmpl, tab=1) if fromaddress is None: raise CommandCanceled() self.envelope.add('From', fromaddress) # add signature if not self.omit_signature: name, addr = email.Utils.parseaddr(self.envelope['From']) account = settings.get_account_by_address(addr) if account is not None: if account.signature: logging.debug('has signature') sig = os.path.expanduser(account.signature) if os.path.isfile(sig): logging.debug('is file') if account.signature_as_attachment: name = account.signature_filename or None self.envelope.attach(sig, filename=name) logging.debug('attached') else: sigcontent = open(sig).read() enc = helper.guess_encoding(sigcontent) mimetype = helper.guess_mimetype(sigcontent) if mimetype.startswith('text'): sigcontent = helper.string_decode(sigcontent, enc) self.envelope.body += '\n' + sigcontent else: ui.notify('could not locate signature: %s' % sig, priority='error') if (yield ui.choice('send without signature?', 'yes', 'no')) == 'no': return # Figure out whether we should GPG sign messages by default # and look up key if so sender = self.envelope.get('From') name, addr = email.Utils.parseaddr(sender) account = settings.get_account_by_address(addr) if account: self.envelope.sign = account.sign_by_default self.envelope.sign_key = account.gpg_key # get missing To header if 'To' not in self.envelope.headers: allbooks = not settings.get('complete_matching_abook_only') logging.debug(allbooks) if account is not None: abooks = settings.get_addressbooks(order=[account], append_remaining=allbooks) logging.debug(abooks) completer = ContactsCompleter(abooks) else: completer = None to = yield ui.prompt('To', completer=completer) if to is None: raise CommandCanceled() self.envelope.add('To', to.strip(' \t\n,')) if settings.get('ask_subject') and \ not 'Subject' in self.envelope.headers: subject = yield ui.prompt('Subject') logging.debug('SUBJECT: "%s"' % subject) if subject is None: raise CommandCanceled() self.envelope.add('Subject', subject) if settings.get('compose_ask_tags'): comp = TagsCompleter(ui.dbman) tagsstring = yield ui.prompt('Tags', completer=comp) tags = filter(lambda x: x, tagsstring.split(',')) if tags is None: raise CommandCanceled() self.envelope.tags = tags if self.attach: for gpath in self.attach: for a in glob.glob(gpath): self.envelope.attach(a) logging.debug('attaching: ' + a) cmd = commands.envelope.EditCommand(envelope=self.envelope, spawn=self.force_spawn, refocus=False) ui.apply_command(cmd)
def apply(self, ui): if self.envelope is None: if if'mailto'): self.envelope = mailto_to_envelope( else: self.envelope = Envelope() self.envelope.add('To', else: self.envelope = Envelope() if self.template is not None: # get location of tempsdir, containing msg templates tempdir = settings.get('template_dir') tempdir = os.path.expanduser(tempdir) if not tempdir: xdgdir = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', os.path.expanduser('~/.config')) tempdir = os.path.join(xdgdir, 'alot', 'templates') path = os.path.expanduser(self.template) if not os.path.dirname(path): # use tempsdir if not os.path.isdir(tempdir): ui.notify('no templates directory: %s' % tempdir, priority='error') return path = os.path.join(tempdir, path) if not os.path.isfile(path): ui.notify('could not find template: %s' % path, priority='error') return try: self.envelope.parse_template(open(path).read()) except Exception as e: ui.notify(str(e), priority='error') return # set forced headers for key, value in self.headers.items(): self.envelope.add(key, value) # set forced headers for separate parameters if self.sender: self.envelope.add('From', self.sender) if self.subject: self.envelope.add('Subject', self.subject) if self.envelope.add('To', ','.join( if self.envelope.add('Cc', ','.join( if self.bcc: self.envelope.add('Bcc', ','.join(self.bcc)) # get missing From header if 'From' not in self.envelope.headers: accounts = settings.get_accounts() if len(accounts) == 1: a = accounts[0] fromstring = "%s <%s>" % (a.realname, a.address) self.envelope.add('From', fromstring) else: cmpl = AccountCompleter() fromaddress = yield ui.prompt('From', completer=cmpl, tab=1) if fromaddress is None: raise CommandCanceled() self.envelope.add('From', fromaddress) # add signature if not self.omit_signature: name, addr = email.Utils.parseaddr(self.envelope['From']) account = settings.get_account_by_address(addr) if account is not None: if account.signature: logging.debug('has signature') sig = os.path.expanduser(account.signature) if os.path.isfile(sig): logging.debug('is file') if account.signature_as_attachment: name = account.signature_filename or None self.envelope.attach(sig, filename=name) logging.debug('attached') else: sigcontent = open(sig).read() enc = helper.guess_encoding(sigcontent) mimetype = helper.guess_mimetype(sigcontent) if mimetype.startswith('text'): sigcontent = helper.string_decode(sigcontent, enc) self.envelope.body += '\n' + sigcontent else: ui.notify('could not locate signature: %s' % sig, priority='error') if (yield ui.choice('send without signature?', 'yes', 'no')) == 'no': return # Figure out whether we should GPG sign messages by default # and look up key if so sender = self.envelope.get('From') name, addr = email.Utils.parseaddr(sender) account = settings.get_account_by_address(addr) if account: self.envelope.sign = account.sign_by_default self.envelope.sign_key = account.gpg_key # get missing To header if 'To' not in self.envelope.headers: allbooks = not settings.get('complete_matching_abook_only') logging.debug(allbooks) if account is not None: abooks = settings.get_addressbooks(order=[account], append_remaining=allbooks) logging.debug(abooks) completer = ContactsCompleter(abooks) else: completer = None to = yield ui.prompt('To', completer=completer) if to is None: raise CommandCanceled() self.envelope.add('To', to.strip(' \t\n,')) if settings.get('ask_subject') and \ 'Subject' not in self.envelope.headers: subject = yield ui.prompt('Subject') logging.debug('SUBJECT: "%s"' % subject) if subject is None: raise CommandCanceled() self.envelope.add('Subject', subject) if settings.get('compose_ask_tags'): comp = TagsCompleter(ui.dbman) tagsstring = yield ui.prompt('Tags', completer=comp) tags = filter(lambda x: x, tagsstring.split(',')) if tags is None: raise CommandCanceled() self.envelope.tags = tags if self.attach: for gpath in self.attach: for a in glob.glob(gpath): self.envelope.attach(a) logging.debug('attaching: ' + a) # set encryption if needed if self.encrypt or account.encrypt_by_default: yield self._set_encrypt(ui, self.envelope) cmd = commands.envelope.EditCommand(envelope=self.envelope, spawn=self.force_spawn, refocus=False) ui.apply_command(cmd)