Пример #1
def amazon(query):


    similar_root = api.similarity_lookup('B0058U6DQC', ResponseGroup='Large')

    product_root = api.item_lookup('B0058U6DQC', ResponseGroup='Large')
    product_root =  api.item_search(title='unicorn', ResponseGroup='Large')
    more_products = api.item_search('Books', Publisher='Galileo Press')
    #~ from lxml import etree
    #~ print etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)

    nspace = similar_root.nsmap.get(None, '')
    similar_products = similar_root.xpath('//aws:Items/aws:Item', 
                         namespaces={'aws' : nspace})

    # more_products = product_root.xpath('//aws:Items/aws:Item', 
    #                      namespaces={'aws' : nspace})

    return render_template("amazon.html", similar_products=similar_products, more_products = more_products, query=query)
Пример #2
def amazon(query):


    similar_root = api.similarity_lookup('B0058U6DQC', ResponseGroup='Large')

    product_root = api.item_lookup('B0058U6DQC', ResponseGroup='Large')
    product_root = api.item_search(title='unicorn', ResponseGroup='Large')
    more_products = api.item_search('Books', Publisher='Galileo Press')
    #~ from lxml import etree
    #~ print etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)

    nspace = similar_root.nsmap.get(None, '')
    similar_products = similar_root.xpath('//aws:Items/aws:Item',
                                          namespaces={'aws': nspace})

    # more_products = product_root.xpath('//aws:Items/aws:Item',
    #                      namespaces={'aws' : nspace})

    return render_template("amazon.html",

def jsonify(node):
    xslt_root = etree.parse(XSLT)
    transform = etree.XSLT(xslt_root)
    result = transform(node)
    return unicode(result)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    api = API(locale='de')
    collection = []
    while True:
            ean = raw_input('EAN? ')
            resp = api.item_lookup(ean, SearchIndex='All', IdType='EAN', ResponseGroup='Large')
            items = resp.Items.Item
            for item in items:
                attrs = item.ItemAttributes

                director = None
                if hasattr(attrs, 'Director'):
                    if len(attrs.Director) > 1:
                        director = [p.text for p in attrs.Director] 
                        director = attrs.Director.text

                collection += [{
                    'id': str(uuid.uuid4()),
                    'ean': attrs.EAN.text,
                    'title': attrs.Title.text,
Пример #4
import sys

from amazonproduct.api import API

if __name__ == '__main__':

    if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0:
        print __doc__
        print 'Usage: %s ISBN' % sys.argv[0]

    for isbn in sys.argv[1:]:

        isbn = isbn.replace('-', '')

        # Don't forget to create file ~/.amazon-product-api
        # with your credentials (see docs for details)
        api = API(locale='us')
        for root in api.item_lookup(isbn,
            nspace = root.nsmap.get(None, '')
            reviews = root.xpath('//aws:EditorialReview',
                                 namespaces={'aws': nspace})
            for review in reviews:
                print unicode(review.Source)
                print '-' * 40
                print unicode(review.Content)
    Custom response parser using BeautifulSoup to parse the returned XML.

    def parse(self, fp):

        soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(fp.read())

        # parse errors
        for error in soup.findAll('error'):
            code = error.find('code').text
            msg = error.find('message').text
            raise AWSError(code, msg)

        return soup

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Don't forget to create file ~/.amazon-product-api
    # with your credentials (see docs for details)
    api = API(locale='us', processor=SoupProcessor())
    result = api.item_lookup('0718155157')
    print result
    # ...
    # now do something with it! 
from xml.dom.minidom import parse

def minidom_response_parser(fp):
    Custom response parser using xml.dom.minidom.parse 
    instead of lxml.objectify.
    root = parse(fp)
    # parse errors
    for error in root.getElementsByTagName('Error'):
        code = error.getElementsByTagName('Code')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
        msg = error.getElementsByTagName('Message')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
        raise AWSError(code, msg)
    return root

if __name__ == '__main__':
    api = API(AWS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, 'us',
    root = api.item_lookup('0718155157')
    print root.toprettyxml()
    # ...
    # now do something with it! 
Пример #7
Get all editorial reviews for books with the specified ISBNs.

import sys

from amazonproduct.api import API

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0:
        print __doc__
        print 'Usage: %s ISBN' % sys.argv[0]
    for isbn in sys.argv[1:]:

        isbn = isbn.replace('-', '')

        # Don't forget to create file ~/.amazon-product-api
        # with your credentials (see docs for details)
        api = API(locale='us')
        for root in api.item_lookup(isbn, IdType='ISBN', 
                             SearchIndex='Books', ResponseGroup='EditorialReview'):
            nspace = root.nsmap.get(None, '')
            reviews = root.xpath('//aws:EditorialReview', 
                                namespaces={'aws' : nspace})
            for review in reviews:
                print unicode(review.Source)
                print '-' * 40
                print unicode(review.Content)

class SoupProcessor(BaseProcessor):
    Custom response parser using BeautifulSoup to parse the returned XML.
    def parse(self, fp):

        soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(fp.read())

        # parse errors
        for error in soup.findAll('error'):
            code = error.find('code').text
            msg = error.find('message').text
            raise AWSError(code, msg)

        return soup

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Don't forget to create file ~/.amazon-product-api
    # with your credentials (see docs for details)
    api = API(locale='us', processor=SoupProcessor())
    result = api.item_lookup('0718155157')

    print result

    # ...
    # now do something with it!
Пример #9
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from amazonproduct.api import API
from amazonproduct.errors import AWSError
from amazonproduct.processors import BaseProcessor

import BeautifulSoup

class SoupProcessor(BaseProcessor):
    def parse(self, fp):
        soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(fp.read())

        for error in soup.findAll('error'):
            code = error.find('code').text
            msg = error.find('message').text
            raise AWSError(code, msg)

        return soup

if __name__ == '__main__':

    api = API(locale='jp', processor=SoupProcessor())
    result = api.item_lookup('B00LCL7A3G')

    print result
Пример #10
    # Don't forget to create file ~/.amazon-product-api
    # with your credentials (see docs for details)
    api = API(locale=options.locale)
    params = {
        'ResponseGroup' : 'Images',
        'SearchIndex' : 'All',
        'IdType' : options.id_type, 
    # When IdType equals ASIN, SearchIndex cannot be present.
    if options.id_type == ASIN:
        del params['SearchIndex']

    for id in ids:
        id = id.replace('-', '')
        if options.verbose: print 'Fetching info for %s...' % id
        root = api.item_lookup(id, **params)
        #~ from lxml import etree
        #~ print etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)
        url = root.Items.Item.LargeImage.URL.pyval
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(url)
        path = '%s%s' % (id, ext)
        if options.verbose: print 'Downloading %s to %s ...' % (url, path)
        fetch_image(url, path)