Пример #1
    def load_config_fs(self, path: str) -> None:
        snapshot = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_-]', '_', path)
        self.logger.info("loading configuration from disk: %s" % path)

        scc = SecretSaver(app.logger, path, app.snapshot_path)

        aconf = Config()
        fetcher = ResourceFetcher(app.logger, aconf)
        fetcher.load_from_filesystem(path, k8s=False, recurse=True)

        if not fetcher.elements:
            self.logger.info("no configuration found at %s" % path)

        self._load_ir(aconf, fetcher, scc.null_reader, snapshot)
Пример #2
    def load_config_fs(self, rqueue: queue.Queue, path: str) -> None:
        self.logger.info("loading configuration from disk: %s" % path)

        snapshot = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_-]', '_', path)
        scc = FSSecretHandler(app.logger, path, app.snapshot_path, 0)

        aconf = Config()
        fetcher = ResourceFetcher(app.logger, aconf)
        fetcher.load_from_filesystem(path, k8s=app.k8s, recurse=True)

        if not fetcher.elements:
            self.logger.debug("no configuration resources found at %s" % path)
            # self._respond(rqueue, 204, 'ignoring empty configuration')
            # return

        self._load_ir(rqueue, aconf, fetcher, scc, snapshot)
Пример #3
    def load_config_fs(self, rqueue: queue.Queue, path: str) -> None:
        self.logger.info("loading configuration from disk: %s" % path)

        # The "path" here can just be a path, but it can also be a command for testing,
        # if the user has chosen to allow that.

        if self.app.allow_fs_commands and (':' in path):
            pfx, rest = path.split(':', 1)

            if pfx.lower() == 'cmd':
                fields = rest.split(':', 1)

                cmd = fields[0].upper()

                args = fields[1:] if (len(fields) > 1) else None

                if cmd.upper() == 'CHIME':
                    self.logger.info('CMD: Chiming')


                    self._respond(rqueue, 200, 'Chimed')
                elif cmd.upper() == 'CHIME_RESET':
                    self.chimed = False
                    self.last_chime = False
                    self.env_good = False


                    self.logger.info('CMD: Reset chime state')
                    self._respond(rqueue, 200, 'CMD: Reset chime state')
                elif cmd.upper() == 'SCOUT_CACHE_RESET':

                    self.logger.info('CMD: Reset Scout cache time')
                    self._respond(rqueue, 200, 'CMD: Reset Scout cache time')
                elif cmd.upper() == 'ENV_OK':
                    self.env_good = True
                    self.failure_list = None

                    self.logger.info('CMD: Marked environment good')
                    self._respond(rqueue, 200, 'CMD: Marked environment good')
                elif cmd.upper() == 'ENV_BAD':
                    self.env_good = False
                    self.failure_list = ['failure forced']

                    self.logger.info('CMD: Marked environment bad')
                    self._respond(rqueue, 200, 'CMD: Marked environment bad')
                    self.logger.info(f'CMD: no such command "{cmd}"')
                    self._respond(rqueue, 400, f'CMD: no such command "{cmd}"')

                self.logger.info(f'CONFIG_FS: invalid prefix "{pfx}"')
                self._respond(rqueue, 400,
                              f'CONFIG_FS: invalid prefix "{pfx}"')


        snapshot = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_-]', '_', path)
        scc = FSSecretHandler(app.logger, path, app.snapshot_path, "0")

        aconf = Config()
        fetcher = ResourceFetcher(app.logger, aconf)
        fetcher.load_from_filesystem(path, k8s=app.k8s, recurse=True)

        if not fetcher.elements:
            self.logger.debug("no configuration resources found at %s" % path)
            # self._respond(rqueue, 204, 'ignoring empty configuration')
            # return

        self._load_ir(rqueue, aconf, fetcher, scc, snapshot)
Пример #4
def test_config(testname, dirpath, configdir):
    # pytest.xfail("old V1 tests are disabled")
    # return
    global logger 
    errors = []

    if not os.path.isdir(configdir):
        errors.append("configdir %s is not a directory" % configdir)

    print("==== loading resources")

    aconf = Config()
    fetcher = ResourceFetcher(logger, aconf)
    fetcher.load_from_filesystem(configdir, recurse=True)

    ir = IR(aconf, file_checker=file_always_exists, secret_reader=atest_secret_reader)
    v1config = V1Config(ir)

    print("==== checking IR")

    current = get_old_intermediate(aconf, ir, v1config)
    current['envoy_config'] = filtered_overview(current['envoy_config'])
    current = sanitize_errors(current)

    current_path = os.path.join(dirpath, "intermediate.json")
    json.dump(current, open(current_path, "w"), sort_keys=True, indent=4)

    # Check the IR against its gold file, if that gold file exists.
    gold_path = os.path.join(dirpath, "gold.intermediate.json")

    if os.path.exists(gold_path):
        gold_parsed = None

            gold_parsed = json.load(open(gold_path, "r"))
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
            errors.append("%s was unparseable?" % gold_path)

        gold_no_yaml = normalize_gold(gold_parsed)
        gold_no_yaml_path = os.path.join(dirpath, "gold.no_yaml.json")
        json.dump(gold_no_yaml, open(gold_no_yaml_path, "w"), sort_keys=True, indent=4)

        udiff = unified_diff(gold_no_yaml_path, current_path)

        if udiff:
            errors.append("gold.intermediate.json and intermediate.json do not match!\n\n%s" % "\n".join(udiff))

    print("==== checking V1")

    # Check the V1 config against its gold file, if it exists (and it should).
    gold_path = os.path.join(dirpath, "gold.json")

    if os.path.exists(gold_path):
        v1path = os.path.join(dirpath, "v1.json")
        json.dump(v1config.as_dict(), open(v1path, "w"), sort_keys=True, indent=4)

        udiff = unified_diff(gold_path, v1path)

        if udiff:
            errors.append("gold.json and v1.json do not match!\n\n%s" % "\n".join(udiff))

    # if ambassador.code != 0:
    #     errors.append('ambassador failed! %s' % ambassador.code)
    # else:
    #     envoy = shell([ 'docker', 'run',
    #                         '--rm',
    #                         '-v', '%s:/etc/ambassador-config' % dirpath,
    #                         VALIDATOR_IMAGE,
    #                         '/usr/local/bin/envoy',
    #                            '--base-id', '1',
    #                            '--mode', 'validate',
    #                            '--service-cluster', 'test',
    #                            '-c', '/etc/ambassador-config/envoy.json' ],
    #                   verbose=True)
    #     envoy_succeeded = (envoy.code == 0)
    #     if not envoy_succeeded:
    #         errors.append('envoy failed! %s' % envoy.code)
    #     envoy_output = list(envoy.output())
    #     if envoy_succeeded:
    #         if not envoy_output[-1].strip().endswith(' OK'):
    #             errors.append('envoy validation failed!')
    # print("==== checking short-circuit with existing config")
    # ambassador = shell([ 'ambassador', 'config', '--check', configdir, envoy_json_out ])
    # print(ambassador.errors(raw=True))
    # if ambassador.code != 0:
    #     errors.append('ambassador repeat check failed! %s' % ambassador.code)
    # if 'Output file exists' not in ambassador.errors(raw=True):
    #     errors.append('ambassador repeat check did not short circuit??')

    if errors:
        print("---- ERRORS")
        print("%s" % "\n".join(errors))

    assert not errors, ("failing, _errors: %d" % len(errors))
Пример #5
def config(config_dir_path: Parameter.REQUIRED, output_json_path: Parameter.REQUIRED, *,
           debug=False, debug_scout=False, check=False, k8s=False, ir=None, aconf=None,
    Generate an Envoy configuration

    :param config_dir_path: Configuration directory to scan for Ambassador YAML files
    :param output_json_path: Path to output envoy.json
    :param debug: If set, generate debugging output
    :param debug_scout: If set, generate debugging output when talking to Scout
    :param check: If set, generate configuration only if it doesn't already exist
    :param k8s: If set, assume configuration files are annotated K8s manifests
    :param exit_on_error: If set, will exit with status 1 on any configuration error
    :param ir: Pathname to which to dump the IR (not dumped if not present)
    :param aconf: Pathname to which to dump the aconf (not dumped if not present)

    if debug:

    if debug_scout:

        logger.debug("CHECK MODE  %s" % check)
        logger.debug("CONFIG DIR  %s" % config_dir_path)
        logger.debug("OUTPUT PATH %s" % output_json_path)

        dump_aconf: Optional[str] = aconf
        dump_ir: Optional[str] = ir

        # Bypass the existence check...
        output_exists = False

        if check:
            # ...oh no wait, they explicitly asked for the existence check!
            # Assume that the file exists (ie, we'll do nothing) unless we
            # determine otherwise.
            output_exists = True

                json.loads(open(output_json_path, "r").read())
            except FileNotFoundError:
                logger.debug("output file does not exist")
                output_exists = False
            except OSError:
                logger.warning("output file is not sane?")
                output_exists = False
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                logger.warning("output file is not valid JSON")
                output_exists = False

            logger.info("Output file %s" % ("exists" if output_exists else "does not exist"))

        rc = RichStatus.fromError("impossible error")

        if not output_exists:
            # Either we didn't need to check, or the check didn't turn up
            # a valid config. Regenerate.
            logger.info("Generating new Envoy configuration...")

            aconf = Config()
            fetcher = ResourceFetcher(logger, aconf)
            fetcher.load_from_filesystem(config_dir_path, k8s=k8s)

            if dump_aconf:
                with open(dump_aconf, "w") as output:

            # If exit_on_error is set, log _errors and exit with status 1
            if exit_on_error and aconf.errors:
                raise Exception("errors in: {0}".format(', '.join(aconf.errors.keys())))

            secret_handler = NullSecretHandler(logger, config_dir_path, config_dir_path, "0")

            ir = IR(aconf, file_checker=file_checker, secret_handler=secret_handler)

            if dump_ir:
                with open(dump_ir, "w") as output:

            # clize considers kwargs with False for default value as flags,
            # resulting in the logic below.
            # https://clize.readthedocs.io/en/stable/basics.html#accepting-flags

            logger.info("Writing envoy V2 configuration")
            v2config = V2Config(ir)
            rc = RichStatus.OK(msg="huh_v2")

            if rc:
                with open(output_json_path, "w") as output:
                logger.error("Could not generate new Envoy configuration: %s" % rc.error)

        scout = Scout()
        result = scout.report(action="config", mode="cli")
    except Exception as e:
        handle_exception("EXCEPTION from config", e,
                         config_dir_path=config_dir_path, output_json_path=output_json_path)

        # This is fatal.
Пример #6
def dump(config_dir_path: Parameter.REQUIRED, *,
         secret_dir_path=None, watt=False, debug=False, debug_scout=False, k8s=False, recurse=False,
         aconf=False, ir=False, v2=False, diag=False, features=False):
    Dump various forms of an Ambassador configuration for debugging

    Use --aconf, --ir, and --envoy to control what gets dumped. If none are requested, the IR
    will be dumped.

    :param config_dir_path: Configuration directory to scan for Ambassador YAML files
    :param secret_dir_path: Directory into which to save secrets
    :param watt: If set, input must be a WATT snapshot
    :param debug: If set, generate debugging output
    :param debug_scout: If set, generate debugging output
    :param k8s: If set, assume configuration files are annotated K8s manifests
    :param recurse: If set, recurse into directories below config_dir_path
    :param aconf: If set, dump the Ambassador config
    :param ir: If set, dump the IR
    :param v2: If set, dump the Envoy V2 config
    :param diag: If set, dump the Diagnostics overview
    :param features: If set, dump the feature set

    if not secret_dir_path:
        secret_dir_path = config_dir_path

        if not os.path.isdir(secret_dir_path):
            secret_dir_path = os.path.dirname(secret_dir_path)

    if debug:

    if debug_scout:

    if not (aconf or ir or v2 or diag or features):
        aconf = True
        ir = True
        v2 = True
        diag = False
        features = False

    dump_aconf = aconf
    dump_ir = ir
    dump_v2 = v2
    dump_diag = diag
    dump_features = features

    od = {}
    diagconfig: Optional[EnvoyConfig] = None

        aconf = Config()
        fetcher = ResourceFetcher(logger, aconf)

        if watt:
            fetcher.parse_watt(open(config_dir_path, "r").read())
            fetcher.load_from_filesystem(config_dir_path, k8s=k8s, recurse=True)


        # aconf.post_error("Error from string, boo yah")
        # aconf.post_error(RichStatus.fromError("Error from RichStatus"))

        if dump_aconf:
            od['aconf'] = aconf.as_dict()

        secret_handler = NullSecretHandler(logger, config_dir_path, secret_dir_path, "0")

        ir = IR(aconf, file_checker=file_checker, secret_handler=secret_handler)

        if dump_ir:
            od['ir'] = ir.as_dict()

        if dump_v2:
            v2config = V2Config(ir)
            diagconfig = v2config
            od['v2'] = v2config.as_dict()

        if dump_diag:
            if not diagconfig:
                diagconfig = V2Config(ir)

            econf = typecast(EnvoyConfig, diagconfig)
            diag = Diagnostics(ir, econf)
            od['diag'] = diag.as_dict()
            od['elements'] = econf.elements

        if dump_features:
            od['features'] = ir.features()

        # scout = Scout()
        # scout_args = {}
        # if ir and not os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_DISABLE_FEATURES", None):
        #     scout_args["features"] = ir.features()
        # result = scout.report(action="dump", mode="cli", **scout_args)
        # show_notices(result)

        json.dump(od, sys.stdout, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    except Exception as e:
        handle_exception("EXCEPTION from dump", e,

        # This is fatal.