Пример #1
    def test_sfschema(self):
        from ambry.geo.sfschema import TableShapefile
        from ambry.geo.analysisarea import get_analysis_area
        _, communities = self.bundle.library.dep('communities')
        csrs = communities.get_srs()
        gp = self.bundle.partitions.new_geo_partition(table='geot2')
        with gp.database.inserter(source_srs=csrs) as ins:
            for row in communities.query("""
            SELECT *, 
            X(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) AS lon, 
            Y(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) as lat,
            AsText(geometry) as wkt,
            AsBinary(geometry) as wkb
            FROM communities"""):
                r = {'name':row['cpname'], 'lat': row['lat'], 'lon': row['lon'], 'wkt': row['wkt']}
        aa = get_analysis_area(self.bundle.library, geoid = 'CG0666000')
        path1 = '/tmp/geot1.kml'
        if os.path.exists(path1): os.remove(path1)
        sfs1 = TableShapefile(self.bundle, path1, 'geot1' )
        path2 = '/tmp/geot2.kml'
        if os.path.exists(path2): os.remove(path2)
        sfs2 = TableShapefile(self.bundle, path2, 'geot2', source_srs=communities.get_srs())        
        print sfs1.type, sfs2.type
        for row in communities.query("""
         SELECT *, 
         X(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) AS lon, 
         Y(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) as lat,
         AsText(geometry) as wkt,
         AsBinary(geometry) as wkb
         FROM communities"""):
            sfs1.add_feature( {'name':row['cpname'], 'lat': row['lat'], 'lon': row['lon'], 'wkt': row['wkt']})
            sfs2.add_feature( {'name':row['cpname'], 'lat': row['lat'], 'lon': row['lon'], 'wkt': row['wkt']})

Пример #2
    def test_sfschema(self):
        from ambry.geo.sfschema import TableShapefile
        from old.analysisarea import get_analysis_area
        _, communities = self.bundle.library.dep('communities')
        csrs = communities.get_srs()
        gp = self.bundle.partitions.new_geo_partition(table='geot2')
        with gp.database.inserter(source_srs=csrs) as ins:
            for row in communities.query("""
            SELECT *, 
            X(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) AS lon, 
            Y(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) as lat,
            AsText(geometry) as wkt,
            AsBinary(geometry) as wkb
            FROM communities"""):
                r = {'name':row['cpname'], 'lat': row['lat'], 'lon': row['lon'], 'wkt': row['wkt']}
        aa = get_analysis_area(self.bundle.library, geoid = 'CG0666000')
        path1 = '/tmp/geot1.kml'
        if os.path.exists(path1): os.remove(path1)
        sfs1 = TableShapefile(self.bundle, path1, 'geot1' )
        path2 = '/tmp/geot2.kml'
        if os.path.exists(path2): os.remove(path2)
        sfs2 = TableShapefile(self.bundle, path2, 'geot2', source_srs=communities.get_srs())        
        print sfs1.type, sfs2.type
        for row in communities.query("""
         SELECT *, 
         X(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) AS lon, 
         Y(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) as lat,
         AsText(geometry) as wkt,
         AsBinary(geometry) as wkb
         FROM communities"""):
            sfs1.add_feature( {'name':row['cpname'], 'lat': row['lat'], 'lon': row['lon'], 'wkt': row['wkt']})
            sfs2.add_feature( {'name':row['cpname'], 'lat': row['lat'], 'lon': row['lon'], 'wkt': row['wkt']})
