Пример #1
def old_bootstrap_pd_stats(b, b_s, k, n_samp=int(1e3)):
    Calculate, by bootstrapping, statistics of preferred directions.

    pd : array_like, shape (3)
      preferred directions
    b_s : float
      standard error of lin regress coefficients
    k : float
      modulation depth
    n_samp : int
      number of samples to use for bootstrap

    k_s : array_like
      standard errors of k, modulation depth, shape (?)
    kappa : array_like
      dispersion factors, shape (?)
    R : array_like
      length factor of pd distribution ??, shape (?)

    1. Angles of preferred direction cones are determined as follows.
    2. Regression coefficients (`b`) are recovered from pds and modulation
    3. Random populations of regression coefficients are constructed from
       distributions with the same mean and standard deviation as estimated
       from the regression procedure, with the same number of samples as the
       original data.
    4. Preferred directions are calculated from these coefficient values
       (i.e. dividing by modulation depth).
    warn(DeprecationWarning("Doesn't calculate using covariance matrix. "
                            "Use ___ instead."))
    assert (type(n_samp) == int) | (type(n_samp) == np.int_)
    assert (type(k) == np.float_) or (type(k) == float)
    assert b.shape == b_s.shape == (3,)

    #pd = np.asarray(pd)

    # reconstruct regression coefficients
    # Now generate n_samp samples from normal populations
    # (mean: b_k, sd: err_k). Will have shape (n_samp, 3).
    b_rnd = np.random.standard_normal(size=(n_samp,3))
    b_rnd *= b_s
    b_rnd += b
    pd = unitvec(b)
    #io.savemat('bootstrap_b.mat', dict(b_rnd=b_rnd))
    ks = norm(b_rnd, axis=1)
    k_s = np.std(ks, ddof=1)
    pds_rnd = b_rnd / ks[...,np.newaxis]
    kappa = ss.estimate_kappa(pds_rnd, mu=pd)
    R, S = ss.calc_R(pds_rnd)
    return k_s, kappa, R
def test_estimate_kappa():
    mus = [[0., 0., 1.],[0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]]
    kappas = [1.,]
    for mu, kappa in zip(mus, kappas):
        n_pts = int(1e4)
        tolerance = 0.1
        # acceptable deviation between set kappa (hopefully),
        # and estimated kappa.
        # Could really do with a way to define a
        # set of points with an established kappa.
        P_i = vmf_rvs(mu, kappa, n_pts)
        khat = estimate_kappa(P_i, mu=mu)
        diff = np.abs(khat - kappa)
        assert(diff < tolerance)
Пример #3
def bootstrap_pd_stats(b, cov, neural_data, model, ndim=3):
    b : ndarray
    cov : ndarray
      covariance matrix
    neural_data : ndarray
      counts (GLM) or rates (OLS)
    model : string
      specification of fit model

    pd : ndarray
      preferred directions
    ca : ndarray
      confidence angle of preferred direction
    kd : ndarray
      modulation depths
    kdse : ndarray
      standard errors of modulation depths
    # number of independent samples from original data
    d = 'd' if 'd' in model else 'v'
    nsamp = np.sum(~np.isnan(neural_data.sum(axis=1)))
    # compressing along last axis gives number of samples per bin
    # which is correct, since bootstrapping is done independently
    # for each bin
    # bootstrap a distribution of b values
    # using mean, covariance matrix from GLM (/ OLS).
    bootb = np.random.multivariate_normal(b, cov, (nsamp,))
    bootdict = fit.unpack_many_coefficients(bootb, model, ndim=ndim)
    if 'X' in model:
        bootpd = unitvec(bootdict[d], axis=2)
        # has shape nsamp, nbin, ndim
        bootpd = unitvec(bootdict[d], axis=1)
        # has shape nsamp, ndim

    # get mean pd to narrow kappa estimation
    bdict = fit.unpack_coefficients(b, model, ndim=ndim)
    if 'X' in model:
        nbin = bdict[d].shape[0]
        pd = unitvec(bdict[d], axis=1)
        pdca = np.zeros((nbin))
        for i in xrange(nbin):
            # estimate kappa
            k = ss.estimate_kappa(bootpd[:,i], mu=pd[i])
            # estimate ca (preferred direction Confidence Angle)
            pdca[i] = ss.measure_percentile_angle_ex_kappa(k)
        # calculate the standard error of the bootstrapped PDs
        kd = norm(bootdict[d], axis=2)
        kdse = np.std(kd, axis=0, ddof=1)
        nbin = 1
        pd = unitvec(bdict[d])
        k = ss.estimate_kappa(bootpd, mu=pd)
        pdca = ss.measure_percentile_angle_ex_kappa(k)
        bootkd = norm(bootdict[d], axis=1)
        kd = np.mean(bootkd, axis=0)
        kdse = np.std(bootkd, axis=0, ddof=1)
    return pd, pdca, kd, kdse