Пример #1
 def print_zone_state(self, zone):
     assert zone >= 0
     preamp = (int(zone / 6) + 1) * 8
     z = zone % 6
     regs = self.preamps[preamp]
     src_types = self.preamps[0x08][_REG_ADDRS['SRC_AD']]
     src = ((regs[_REG_ADDRS['CH456_SRC']] << 8)
            | regs[_REG_ADDRS['CH123_SRC']] >> 2 * z) & 0b11
     src_type = _SRC_TYPES.get((src_types >> src) & 0b01)
     vol = -regs[_REG_ADDRS['CH1_ATTEN'] + z]
     muted = (regs[_REG_ADDRS['MUTE']] & (1 << z)) > 0
     state = []
     if muted:
         state += ['muted']
     print('  {}({}) --> zone {} vol [{}] {}'.format(
         src, src_type[0], zone, utils.vol_string(vol), ', '.join(state)))
Пример #2
    def visualize_api(self, prev_status=None):
        """Creates a command line visualization of the system state, mostly the volume levels of each zone and group

      A string meant to visualize the system state in a minimal way.
      Visualize the current state of the running amplipi

      >>> my_amplipi.visualize_api()
        [stream=90891, stream=44590, local, local]
        0(S) --> Local           vol [---|----------------]
        0(S) --> Office          vol [-------|------------]
        0(S) --> Laundry Room    vol [--------|-----------]
        0(S) --> Dining Room     vol [--------|-----------] muted
        0(S) --> Guest Bedroom   vol [----|---------------] muted
        0(S) --> Main Bedroom    vol [---|----------------] muted
        0(S) --> Main Bathroom   vol [--------|-----------] muted
        0(S) --> Master Bathroom vol [---------|----------] muted
        0(S) --> Kitchen High    vol [------|-------------] muted
        0(S) --> kitchen Low     vol [------|-------------] muted
        0(S) --> Living Room     vol [--------|-----------] muted
        ( ) --> Whole House    [0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] vol [------|-------------]
        ( ) --> KitchLivDining [3,9,10,11]               vol [-------|------------] muted
        viz = ''
        # visualize source configuration
        viz += 'sources:\n'
        src_cfg = [s['input'] for s in self.status['sources']]
        viz += '  [{}]\n'.format(', '.join(src_cfg))
        # visualize zone configuration
        enabled_zones = [z for z in self.status['zones'] if not z['disabled']]
        viz += 'zones:\n'
        zone_len = utils.max_len(enabled_zones, lambda z: len(z['name']))
        for z in enabled_zones:
            src = z['source_id']
            src_type = utils.abbreviate_src(src_cfg[src])
            muted = 'muted' if z['mute'] else ''
            zone_fmt = '  {}({}) --> {:' + str(zone_len) + '} vol [{}] {}\n'
            viz += zone_fmt.format(src, src_type, z['name'],
                                   utils.vol_string(z['vol']), muted)
        # print group configuration
        viz += 'groups:\n'
        enabled_groups = self.status['groups']
        gzone_len = utils.max_len(enabled_groups,
                                  lambda g: len(utils.compact_str(g['zones'])))
        gname_len = utils.max_len(enabled_groups, lambda g: len(g['name']))
        for g in enabled_groups:
            if g['source_id']:
                src = g['source_id']
                src_type = utils.abbreviate_src(src_cfg[src])
                src = ' '
                src_type = ' '
            muted = 'muted' if g['mute'] else ''
            vol = utils.vol_string(g['vol_delta'])
            group_fmt = '  {}({}) --> {:' + str(gname_len) + '} {:' + str(
                gzone_len) + '} vol [{}] {}\n'
            viz += group_fmt.format(src, src_type, g['name'],
                                    utils.compact_str(g['zones']), vol, muted)
        return viz