Пример #1
    def final_state_momenta(self, x):
           Return final state momenta p(A1), p(A2), p(B1), p(B2) for the decay
           defined by the phase space vector x. The momenta are calculated in the
           D rest frame.
        ma1a2 = self.m_a1a2(x)
        mb1b2 = self.m_b1b2(x)
        ctha = self.cos_helicity_a(x)
        cthb = self.cos_helicity_b(x)
        phi = self.phi(x)

        p0 = atfk.two_body_momentum(self.md, ma1a2, mb1b2)
        pA = atfk.two_body_momentum(ma1a2, self.ma1, self.ma2)
        pB = atfk.two_body_momentum(mb1b2, self.mb1, self.mb2)

        zeros = atfi.zeros(pA)

        p3A = atfk.rotate_euler(Vector(zeros, zeros, pA), zeros, Acos(ctha), zeros)
        p3B = atfk.rotate_euler(Vector(zeros, zeros, pB), zeros, Acos(cthb), phi)

        ea = atfi.sqrt(p0 ** 2 + ma1a2 ** 2)
        eb = atfi.sqrt(p0 ** 2 + mb1b2 ** 2)
        v0a = atfk.vector(zeros, zeros, p0 / ea)
        v0b = atfk.vector(zeros, zeros, -p0 / eb)

        p4A1 = atfk.lorentz_boost(atfk.lorentz_vector(p3A, atfi.sqrt(self.ma1 ** 2 + pA ** 2)), v0a)
        p4A2 = atfk.lorentz_boost(atfk.lorentz_vector(-p3A, atfi.sqrt(self.ma2 ** 2 + pA ** 2)), v0a)
        p4B1 = atfk.lorentz_boost(atfk.lorentz_vector(p3B, atfi.sqrt(self.mb1 ** 2 + pB ** 2)), v0b)
        p4B2 = atfk.lorentz_boost(atfk.lorentz_vector(-p3B, atfi.sqrt(self.mb2 ** 2 + pB ** 2)), v0b)

        return (p4A1, p4A2, p4B1, p4B2)
Пример #2
def final_state_momenta(data):

    # Obtain the vectors of angles from the input tensor using the functions
    # provided by phasespace object
    cos_theta_jpsi = phsp.cos_theta1(data)
    cos_theta_phi = phsp.cos_theta2(data)
    phi = phsp.phi(data)

    # Rest-frame momentum of two-body Bs->Jpsi phi decay
    p0 = atfk.two_body_momentum(mb, mjpsi, mphi)
    # Rest-frame momentum of two-body Jpsi->mu mu decay
    pjpsi = atfk.two_body_momentum(mjpsi, mmu, mmu)
    # Rest-frame momentum of two-body phi->K K decay
    pphi = atfk.two_body_momentum(mphi, mk, mk)

    # Vectors of zeros and ones of the same size as the data sample
    # (needed to use constant values that do not depend on the event)
    zeros = atfi.zeros(phi)
    ones = atfi.ones(phi)

    # 3-vectors of Jpsi->mumu and phi->KK decays (in the corresponding rest frames),
    # rotated by the helicity angles
    p3jpsi = atfk.rotate_euler(
        atfk.vector(zeros, zeros, pjpsi * ones), zeros, atfi.acos(cos_theta_jpsi), zeros
    p3phi = atfk.rotate_euler(
        atfk.vector(zeros, zeros, pphi * ones), zeros, atfi.acos(cos_theta_phi), phi

    ejpsi = atfi.sqrt(p0 ** 2 + mjpsi ** 2)  # Energy of Jpsi in Bs rest frame
    ephi = atfi.sqrt(p0 ** 2 + mphi ** 2)  # Energy of phi in Bs rest frame
    v0jpsi = atfk.vector(
        zeros, zeros, p0 / ejpsi * ones
    )  # 3-vector of Jpsi in Bs rest frame
    v0phi = atfk.vector(
        zeros, zeros, -p0 / ephi * ones
    )  # 3-vector of phi in Bs rest frame

    # Boost momenta of final-state particles into Bs rest frame
    p4mu1 = atfk.lorentz_boost(
        atfk.lorentz_vector(p3jpsi, atfi.sqrt(mmu ** 2 + pjpsi ** 2) * ones), v0jpsi
    p4mu2 = atfk.lorentz_boost(
        atfk.lorentz_vector(-p3jpsi, atfi.sqrt(mmu ** 2 + pjpsi ** 2) * ones), v0jpsi
    p4k1 = atfk.lorentz_boost(
        atfk.lorentz_vector(p3phi, atfi.sqrt(mk ** 2 + pphi ** 2) * ones), v0phi
    p4k2 = atfk.lorentz_boost(
        atfk.lorentz_vector(-p3phi, atfi.sqrt(mk ** 2 + pphi ** 2) * ones), v0phi

    return (p4mu1, p4mu2, p4k1, p4k2)
Пример #3
import sys
import tensorflow as tf


import amplitf.interface as atfi
import amplitf.kinematics as atfk


rndvec = tf.random.uniform([32, 3], dtype=atfi.fptype())

v = rndvec[:, 0]
th = atfi.acos(rndvec[:, 1])
phi = (rndvec[:, 2] * 2 - 1) * atfi.pi()

p = atfk.lorentz_vector(
    atfk.vector(atfi.zeros(v), atfi.zeros(v), atfi.zeros(v)), atfi.ones(v))

bp = atfk.lorentz_boost(
    atfk.rotate_euler(atfk.vector(v, atfi.zeros(v), atfi.zeros(v)), th, phi,
