Пример #1
class ParticleFilter:
    def __init__(self, map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y,
        self.weigh_particles_callback = weigh_particles_callback
        self.particle_set_size = 100
        self.random_particles_size = 10
        self.motion_model = MotionModel(0.02, 0.01)
        self.random_particle_generator = RandomParticleGenerator(
            map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y)

        self.particles = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):

    def update(self, x, y, yaw):
        ============================== YOUR CODE HERE ==============================
         Instructions: do one complete update of the particle filter. It should
                       generate new particle set based on the given motion
                       parameters and the old particle set, compute the weights of
                       the particles, resample the set, and update the private
                       member field that holds the current best pose estimate
                       (self.pose_estimate). Note that the motion parameters provided
                       to this function are in robot's reference frame.

         Hint: Check motion_model.py for documentation and example how to use it
               for the particle pose update.
               x, y, yaw -- are the odometry update of the robot's pose (increments)

         Remark: to compute the weight of particles, use the weigh_particles_callback member

                     weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(particles_list)

         Remark: to generate a comletely random particle use the provided
                 random_particle_generator object:

                     particle = self.random_particle_generator.generate_particle()

         Finally  the best pose estimate and assign it to the corresponding member field
         for visualization:
                     self.pose_estimate = selected_particle.pose

    def get_particles(self):
        return self.particles

    def get_pose_estimate(self):
        return self.pose_estimate

    def set_external_pose_estimate(self, pose):
        self.random_particle_generator.set_bias(pose, 0.5, 500)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y,
        self.weigh_particles_callback = weigh_particles_callback
        self.particle_set_size = 100
        self.random_particles_size = 10
        self.motion_model = MotionModel(0.02, 0.01)
        self.random_particle_generator = RandomParticleGenerator(
            map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y)

        self.particles = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y,
        self.weigh_particles_callback = weigh_particles_callback
        self.particle_set_size = 100
        self.random_particles_size = 10
        self.motion_model = MotionModel(0.02, 0.01)
        self.random_particle_generator = RandomParticleGenerator(
            map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y)
        self.pose_estimate = Pose()
        self._num_sample_per_draw = 8
        self._weight_mean = 0.0

        self.particles = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y, weigh_particles_callback):
        self.weigh_particles_callback = weigh_particles_callback
        self.particle_set_size = 100
        self.random_particles_size = 10
        self.motion_model = MotionModel(0.02, 0.01)
        self.random_particle_generator = RandomParticleGenerator(map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y)
        self.pose_estimate = Pose()
        self._num_sample_per_draw = 8
        self._weight_mean = 0.0

        self.particles = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
Пример #5
class ParticleFilter:
    def __init__(self, map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y,

        self.weigh_particles_callback = weigh_particles_callback

        self.particle_set_size = 100

        self.random_particles_size = 10

        self.motion_model = MotionModel(0.02, 0.01)

        self.random_particle_generator = RandomParticleGenerator(
            map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y)

        self.particles = []

        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):


        self.pose_estimate = Pose()

    def update(self, x, y, yaw):

        #set parameters for motion

        self.particle_updates = []

        self.motion_model.setMotion(x, y, yaw)

        #calculate weights after motion

        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):

            # for i in range(self.random_particles_size):

            # new_particle = Particle()

            self.particles[i].pose = self.motion_model.sample(

        # self.particle_updates.sort(reverse=True,key=lambda particle_updates: particle_updates.weight)

        weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(self.particles)

        weight_sum = 0.0

        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):

            self.particles[i].weight = weights[i]

            weight_sum += self.particles[i].weight

        weight_pmf = []

        if (weight_sum < 1e-5):

            weight_sum = 0.001

                            key=lambda particles: particles.weight)

        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):

            self.particles[i].weight = weights[i] / weight_sum


        resampling_size = self.particle_set_size - self.random_particles_size

        self.particles = self.resampling(self.particles, resampling_size,

        for i in range(self.random_particles_size):


    def resampling(self, particle_set, resampling_size, weight_pmf):

        cdf = np.cumsum(weight_pmf)

        samples = []

        for i in range(resampling_size):

            r = np.random.rand()

            # idx = np.where(cdf > r)[0][0]

            a = np.random.randint(0, len(particle_set) - 1)


        return samples

        ============================== YOUR CODE HERE ==============================

         Instructions: do one complete update of the particle filter. It should

                       generate new particle set based on the given motion

                       parameters and the old particle set, compute the weights of

                       the particles, resample the set, and update the private

                       member field that holds the current best pose estimate

                       (self.pose_estimate). Note that the motion parameters provided

                       to this function are in robot's reference frame.

         Hint: Check motion_model.py for documentation and example how to use it

               for the particle pose update.

               x, y, yaw -- are the odometry update of the robot's pose (increments)

         Remark: to compute the weight of particles, use the weigh_particles_callback member


                     weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(particles_list)

         Remark: to generate a comletely random particle use the provided

                 random_particle_generator object:

                     particle = self.random_particle_generator.generate_particle()

         Finally  the best pose estimate and assign it to the corresponding member field

         for visualization:

                     self.pose_estimate = selected_particle.pose



    def get_particles(self):

        return self.particles

    def get_pose_estimate(self):

        return self.pose_estimate

    def set_external_pose_estimate(self, pose):

        self.random_particle_generator.set_bias(pose, 0.5, 500)
Пример #6
class ParticleFilter:

    def __init__(self, map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y, weigh_particles_callback):
        self.weigh_particles_callback = weigh_particles_callback
        self.particle_set_size = 100
        self.random_particles_size = 10
        self.motion_model = MotionModel(0.02, 0.01)
        self.random_particle_generator = RandomParticleGenerator(map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y)
        self.pose_estimate = Pose()
        self._num_sample_per_draw = 8
        self._weight_mean = 0.0

        self.particles = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):

    def update(self, x, y, yaw):
        ============================== YOUR CODE HERE ==============================
         Instructions: do one complete update of the particle filter. It should
                       generate new particle set based on the given motion
                       parameters and the old particle set, compute the weights of
                       the particles, resample the set, and update the private
                       member field that holds the current best pose estimate
                       (self.pose_estimate). Note that the motion parameters provided
                       to this function are in robot's reference frame.

         Hint: Check motion_model.py for documentation and example how to use it
               for the particle pose update.
               x, y, yaw -- are the odometry update of the robot's pose (increments)

         Remark: to compute the weight of particles, use the weigh_particles_callback member

                     weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(particles_list)

         Remark: to generate a comletely random particle use the provided
                 random_particle_generator object:

                     particle = self.random_particle_generator.generate_particle()

         Finally  the best pose estimate and assign it to the corresponding member field
         for visualization:
                     self.pose_estimate = selected_particle.pose
        ''' Works better with provided pose_likelihood binary '''
        # apply motion model to particles
        self.motion_model.setMotion(x, y, yaw)
        for particle in self.particles:
            particle.pose = self.motion_model.sample(particle.pose)

        # calculate and update acuumulated weights of particles (creating the roulette)
        weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(self.particles)
        if weights is None:
            rospy.logdebug("No data received from weigh_particles_callback")
        self._weight_mean = sum(weights) / len(weights)
        accumulated_weight = 0.0
        accumulated_weight_list = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
            self.particles[i].weight = weights[i]
            accumulated_weight = accumulated_weight + weights[i]
        # normalize weights
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
            accumulated_weight_list[i] = accumulated_weight_list[i] * 1.0 / accumulated_weight_list[-1]

        # resample particles:
        self.particles = self._resample(accumulated_weight_list)

        # set pose_estimate
        self.pose_estimate = self._cal_pose_estimate()

    def _cal_pose_estimate(self):
        """ return the particle with the weight closest to _weight_mean """
        best_particles = []
        best_sum = 0.0
        for particle in self.particles:
            if particle.weight > self._weight_mean:
                best_sum = best_sum + particle.weight
        best_mean = best_sum / len(best_particles)
        estimate = None
        min_weight_diff = 1.0
        for particle in best_particles:
            weight_diff = abs(particle.weight - best_mean)
            if weight_diff < min_weight_diff:
                estimate = particle
                min_weight_diff = weight_diff
        return estimate.pose

    def _resample(self, accumulated_weight_list):
        """ resample new set of particles for next iteration """
        # stochasticly draw from old sample set
        new_particles = self._draw_stochastic(accumulated_weight_list)

        # add uniformly distributed random particles
        for i in range(self.random_particles_size):

        return new_particles

    def _draw_stochastic(self, accumulated_weight_list):
        """ stochastic draw implementation """
        new_particles = []


        stochastic_increment = 1.0 / self._num_sample_per_draw
        num_draw_old_set = self.particle_set_size - self.random_particles_size

        # stochastic draw logic
        while len(new_particles) + self._num_sample_per_draw <= num_draw_old_set:
            random_num = random.random()
            random_weight = random_num
            for i in range(self._num_sample_per_draw):
                random_weight = random_num + i * stochastic_increment
                if random_weight > 1.0:
                    random_weight = random_weight - 1.0
                # find and append particle with the generated weight
                found_index = self._find_particle(random_weight, accumulated_weight_list)
        # stochastic draw logic for the remaining particles
        random_num = random.random()
        random_weight = random_num
        for i in range(num_draw_old_set - len(new_particles)):
            random_weight = random_num + i * stochastic_increment
            if random_weight > 1.0:
                random_weight = random_weight - 1.0
            # find and append particle with the generated weight
            found_index = self._find_particle(random_weight, accumulated_weight_list)

        return new_particles

    def _find_particle(self, weight, accumulated_weight_list):
        return index of particle matching the accumulated weight value
        expects particles' weights to be increasing through the whole list
        # weight out of range
        if (weight < accumulated_weight_list[0]
                or weight > accumulated_weight_list[self.particle_set_size - 1]):
            return -1
        elif weight <= accumulated_weight_list[0]:
            # recursive function does not check this case
            return 0
            return self._find_particle_re(weight, accumulated_weight_list, self.particle_set_size - 1, 0)

    def _find_particle_re(self, weight, accumulated_weight_list, upper_index, lower_index):
        """ recursively search for weight """
        mid_index = int((upper_index + lower_index) / 2)
        # terminal condition - equal weight
        if weight > accumulated_weight_list[upper_index]:
            return upper_index
        # terminal condition - convergence of indices
        if upper_index == lower_index + 1 or upper_index == lower_index:
            return upper_index
        # recursive call
        if weight > accumulated_weight_list[mid_index]:
            return self._find_particle_re(weight, accumulated_weight_list, upper_index, mid_index)
            return self._find_particle_re(weight, accumulated_weight_list, mid_index, lower_index)

    def get_particles(self):
        return self.particles

    def get_pose_estimate(self):
        return self.pose_estimate

    def set_external_pose_estimate(self, pose):
        self.random_particle_generator.set_bias(pose, 0.5, 500)
Пример #7
class ParticleFilter:
    def __init__(self, map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y,
        self.weigh_particles_callback = weigh_particles_callback
        self.particle_set_size = 100
        self.random_particles_size = 20
        self.motion_model = MotionModel(0.02, 0.01)
        self.random_particle_generator = RandomParticleGenerator(
            map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y)

        self.particles = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):

        self.pose_estimate = Pose()

    def update(self, x, y, yaw):
        ============================== YOUR CODE HERE ==============================
         Instructions: do one complete update of the particle filter. It should
                       generate new particle set based on the given motion
                       parameters and the old particle set, compute the weights of
                       the particles, resample the set, and update the private
                       member field that holds the current best pose estimate
                       (self.pose_estimate). Note that the motion parameters provided
                       to this function are in robot's reference frame.

         Hint: Check motion_model.py for documentation and example how to use it
               for the particle pose update.
               x, y, yaw -- are the odometry update of the robot's pose (increments)

         Remark: to compute the weight of particles, use the weigh_particles_callback member

                     weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(particles_list)

         Remark: to generate a comletely random particle use the provided
                 random_particle_generator object:

                     particle = self.random_particle_generator.generate_particle()

         Finally  the best pose estimate and assign it to the corresponding member field
         for visualization:
                     self.pose_estimate = selected_particle.pose

        #Set motion with odometry increments
        self.motion_model.setMotion(x, y, yaw)

        #Apply motion to particles
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
            self.particles[i].pose = self.motion_model.sample(

        #Get particle weights
        weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(self.particles)
        weight_total = 0.0
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
            weight_total += weights[i]

        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
            self.particles[i].weight = weights[i]

        #Sort particles
                            key=lambda particles: particles.weight)

        #Stochastic universal sampling
        self.particles = self.sus(
            self.particle_set_size - self.random_particles_size, weight_total,

        #Pose estimate
        self.pose_estimate = self.particles[0].pose

        #Generate new samples
        for i in range(self.random_particles_size):

    def sus(self, num_samples, max_fitness, original_set):
        particles_resampled = []
        step = max_fitness / num_samples
        start = random.random() * step
        points = []
        for i in range(num_samples):
            points.append(start + i * step)

        fitness_sum = 0.0
        counter = 0

        for j in range(len(points)):
            while fitness_sum < points[j] and counter < len(points):
                fitness_sum += original_set[counter].weight
                counter += 1

        return particles_resampled

    def get_particles(self):
        return self.particles

    def get_pose_estimate(self):
        return self.pose_estimate

    def set_external_pose_estimate(self, pose):
        self.random_particle_generator.set_bias(pose, 0.5,
Пример #8
class ParticleFilter:
    def __init__(self, map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y,
        self.weigh_particles_callback = weigh_particles_callback
        self.particle_set_size = 100
        self.random_particles_size = 25
        self.motion_model = MotionModel(0.02, 0.01)
        self.random_particle_generator = RandomParticleGenerator(
            map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y)
        self.pose_estimate = Pose()

        self.particles = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):

    def update(self, x, y, yaw):
        # giving motion update to particles
        self.motion_model.setMotion(x, y, yaw)
        for particle in self.particles:
            particle.pose = self.motion_model.sample(particle.pose)

        # getting the weights of all particles and setting them to each particle
        weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(self.particles)
        for i, particle in enumerate(self.particles):
            particle.weight = weights[i]

        # sorting the particles according to their weights
        self.particles = sorted(self.particles)[::-1]

        # sampling the particles
        cumulative_weights = []
        total = 0.0
        for w in [i / np.sum(weights) for i in weights]:
            total += w

        sample_indices = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size - self.random_particles_size):
            a = np.random.rand()
            for j, w in enumerate(cumulative_weights):
                if w > a:

        self.particles = [self.particles[i] for i in sample_indices]

        # adding 10 random particles to help in kidnapped robot problem
        for i in range(self.random_particles_size):

        # setting up the best pose estimate
        self.pose_estimate = self.particles[0].pose
        ============================== YOUR CODE HERE ==============================
         Instructions: do one complete update of the particle filter. It should
                       generate new particle set based on the given motion
                       parameters and the old particle set, compute the weights of
                       the particles, resample the set, and update the private
                       member field that holds the current best pose estimate
                       (self.pose_estimate). Note that the motion parameters provided
                       to this function are in robot's reference frame.

         Hint: Check motion_model.py for documentation and example how to use it
               for the particle pose update.
               x, y, yaw -- are the odometry update of the robot's pose (increments)

         Remark: to compute the weight of particles, use the weigh_particles_callback member

                     weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(particles_list)

         Remark: to generate a comletely random particle use the provided
                 random_particle_generator object:

                     particle = self.random_particle_generator.generate_particle()

         Finally  the best pose estimate and assign it to the corresponding member field
         for visualization:
                     self.pose_estimate = selected_particle.pose

    def get_particles(self):
        return self.particles

    def get_pose_estimate(self):
        return self.pose_estimate

    def set_external_pose_estimate(self, pose):
        self.random_particle_generator.set_bias(pose, 0.5, 500)
Пример #9
class ParticleFilter:
    def __init__(self, map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y,
        self.weigh_particles_callback = weigh_particles_callback
        self.particle_set_size = 100
        self.random_particles_size = 10
        self.motion_model = MotionModel(0.02, 0.01)
        self.random_particle_generator = RandomParticleGenerator(
            map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y)
        self.pose_estimate = Pose()
        self._num_sample_per_draw = 8
        self._weight_mean = 0.0

        self.particles = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):

    def update(self, x, y, yaw):
        ============================== YOUR CODE HERE ==============================
         Instructions: do one complete update of the particle filter. It should
                       generate new particle set based on the given motion
                       parameters and the old particle set, compute the weights of
                       the particles, resample the set, and update the private
                       member field that holds the current best pose estimate
                       (self.pose_estimate). Note that the motion parameters provided
                       to this function are in robot's reference frame.

         Hint: Check motion_model.py for documentation and example how to use it
               for the particle pose update.
               x, y, yaw -- are the odometry update of the robot's pose (increments)

         Remark: to compute the weight of particles, use the weigh_particles_callback member

                     weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(particles_list)

         Remark: to generate a comletely random particle use the provided
                 random_particle_generator object:

                     particle = self.random_particle_generator.generate_particle()

         Finally  the best pose estimate and assign it to the corresponding member field
         for visualization:
                     self.pose_estimate = selected_particle.pose
        ''' Works better with provided pose_likelihood binary '''
        # apply motion model to particles
        self.motion_model.setMotion(x, y, yaw)
        for particle in self.particles:
            particle.pose = self.motion_model.sample(particle.pose)

        # calculate and update acuumulated weights of particles (creating the roulette)
        weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(self.particles)
        if weights is None:
            rospy.logdebug("No data received from weigh_particles_callback")
        self._weight_mean = sum(weights) / len(weights)
        accumulated_weight = 0.0
        accumulated_weight_list = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
            self.particles[i].weight = weights[i]
            accumulated_weight = accumulated_weight + weights[i]
        # normalize weights
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
            accumulated_weight_list[i] = accumulated_weight_list[
                i] * 1.0 / accumulated_weight_list[-1]

        # resample particles:
        self.particles = self._resample(accumulated_weight_list)

        # set pose_estimate
        self.pose_estimate = self._cal_pose_estimate()

    def _cal_pose_estimate(self):
        """ return the particle with the weight closest to _weight_mean """
        best_particles = []
        best_sum = 0.0
        for particle in self.particles:
            if particle.weight > self._weight_mean:
                best_sum = best_sum + particle.weight
        best_mean = best_sum / len(best_particles)
        estimate = None
        min_weight_diff = 1.0
        for particle in best_particles:
            weight_diff = abs(particle.weight - best_mean)
            if weight_diff < min_weight_diff:
                estimate = particle
                min_weight_diff = weight_diff
        return estimate.pose

    def _resample(self, accumulated_weight_list):
        """ resample new set of particles for next iteration """
        # stochasticly draw from old sample set
        new_particles = self._draw_stochastic(accumulated_weight_list)

        # add uniformly distributed random particles
        for i in range(self.random_particles_size):

        return new_particles

    def _draw_stochastic(self, accumulated_weight_list):
        """ stochastic draw implementation """
        new_particles = []


        stochastic_increment = 1.0 / self._num_sample_per_draw
        num_draw_old_set = self.particle_set_size - self.random_particles_size

        # stochastic draw logic
        while len(
                new_particles) + self._num_sample_per_draw <= num_draw_old_set:
            random_num = random.random()
            random_weight = random_num
            for i in range(self._num_sample_per_draw):
                random_weight = random_num + i * stochastic_increment
                if random_weight > 1.0:
                    random_weight = random_weight - 1.0
                # find and append particle with the generated weight
                found_index = self._find_particle(random_weight,
        # stochastic draw logic for the remaining particles
        random_num = random.random()
        random_weight = random_num
        for i in range(num_draw_old_set - len(new_particles)):
            random_weight = random_num + i * stochastic_increment
            if random_weight > 1.0:
                random_weight = random_weight - 1.0
            # find and append particle with the generated weight
            found_index = self._find_particle(random_weight,

        return new_particles

    def _find_particle(self, weight, accumulated_weight_list):
        return index of particle matching the accumulated weight value
        expects particles' weights to be increasing through the whole list
        # weight out of range
        if (weight < accumulated_weight_list[0] or
                weight > accumulated_weight_list[self.particle_set_size - 1]):
            return -1
        elif weight <= accumulated_weight_list[0]:
            # recursive function does not check this case
            return 0
            return self._find_particle_re(weight, accumulated_weight_list,
                                          self.particle_set_size - 1, 0)

    def _find_particle_re(self, weight, accumulated_weight_list, upper_index,
        """ recursively search for weight """
        mid_index = int((upper_index + lower_index) / 2)
        # terminal condition - equal weight
        if weight > accumulated_weight_list[upper_index]:
            return upper_index
        # terminal condition - convergence of indices
        if upper_index == lower_index + 1 or upper_index == lower_index:
            return upper_index
        # recursive call
        if weight > accumulated_weight_list[mid_index]:
            return self._find_particle_re(weight, accumulated_weight_list,
                                          upper_index, mid_index)
            return self._find_particle_re(weight, accumulated_weight_list,
                                          mid_index, lower_index)

    def get_particles(self):
        return self.particles

    def get_pose_estimate(self):
        return self.pose_estimate

    def set_external_pose_estimate(self, pose):
        self.random_particle_generator.set_bias(pose, 0.5, 500)
class ParticleFilter:
    def __init__(self, map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y,
        self.weigh_particles_callback = weigh_particles_callback
        self.particle_set_size = 100
        self.random_particles_size = 10
        self.motion_model = MotionModel(0.02, 0.01)
        self.random_particle_generator = RandomParticleGenerator(
            map_min_x, map_max_x, map_min_y, map_max_y)

        self.particles = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):

    def update(self, x, y, yaw):

        self.particles_list = []

        #setting the parameters(given by odometry) to motion model
        self.motion_model.setMotion(x, y, yaw)

        #Sampling for all randomly generated particles and storing the result in particle list
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
            p = Particle()
            p.pose = self.motion_model.sample(self.particles[i].pose)

        #Calculating weights for sampled particles
        weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(self.particles_list)
        for i in range(len(weights)):
            self.particles_list[i].weight = weights[i]

        #Re-sampling using "Stochastic universal re-sampling algorithm"
        index = int(random.random() * self.particle_set_size)
        beta = 0
        max_weight = max(weights)

        result = []
        for i in range(self.particle_set_size):
            beta += random.random() * 0.5 * max_weight

            while beta > weights[index]:
                beta -= weights[index]
                index = (index + 1) % self.particle_set_size

            p = Particle()
            p.pose.x = random.gauss(self.particles_list[index].pose.x, 0.1)
            p.pose.y = random.gauss(self.particles_list[index].pose.y, 0.1)
            p.pose.theta = random.gauss(self.particles_list[index].pose.theta,

        #Computing weights for new particles
        weights_new = self.weigh_particles_callback(result)

        #Normalizing the weights
        c_sum = sum(weights_new)
        for i in range(len(result)):
            result[i].weight = weights_new[i] / c_sum

        #Finding the best particle(Particle with maximum weight)
        self.particles = result
        max_index = np.argmax([particle.weight for particle in result])

        #Assigning the best pose estimate
        self.pose_estimate = result[max_index].pose
        ============================== YOUR CODE HERE ==============================
         Instructions: do one complete update of the particle filter. It should
                       generate new particle set based on the given motion
                       parameters and the old particle set, compute the weights of
                       the particles, resample the set, and update the private
                       member field that holds the current best pose estimate
                       (self.pose_estimate). Note that the motion parameters provided
                       to this function are in robot's reference frame.

         Hint: Check motion_model.py for documentation and example how to use it
               for the particle pose update.
               x, y, yaw -- are the odometry update of the robot's pose (increments)

         Remark: to compute the weight of particles, use the weigh_particles_callback member

                     weights = self.weigh_particles_callback(particles_list)

         Remark: to generate a comletely random particle use the provided
                 random_particle_generator object:

                     particle = self.random_particle_generator.generate_particle()

         Finally  the best pose estimate and assign it to the corresponding member field
         for visualization:
                     self.pose_estimate = selected_particle.pose

    def get_particles(self):
        return self.particles

    def get_pose_estimate(self):
        return self.pose_estimate

    def set_external_pose_estimate(self, pose):
        self.random_particle_generator.set_bias(pose, 0.5, 500)