def make_movie(input_filename, output_filename): cluster, gas = read_set_from_file(input_filename, 'amuse', names=("cluster", "gas")) lim = abs(next(cluster.history).position).max() fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=[10,10]) artists = [] for cl, gas in zip(cluster.history, gas.history): print "Creating frame at time", cl.get_timestamp() points = aplot.scatter(cl.x, cl.y, c='black') gas_points = aplot.scatter(gas.x, gas.y, s=100, c='b', edgecolors='none', alpha=0.3, rasterized=True) time_label = "t = {:.2f} Myr".format( cl.get_timestamp().value_in(units.Myr)) text = aplot.text(-4./5.*lim, 4./5.*lim, time_label) aplot.xlabel("X") aplot.ylabel("Y") pyplot.axis('equal') aplot.xlim(-lim, lim) aplot.ylim(-lim, lim) pyplot.savefig("plots/test."+str(cl.get_timestamp().value_in(units.Myr))+".png") pyplot.close() artists.append((points, gas_points, text))
def test7(self): """ Test setting the x and y limits in various ways""" if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: return self.skip() pyplot.clf() set_printing_strategy('default') x = numpy.linspace(0, 100, 100) y = numpy.linspace(0, 200, 100) | units.RSun line = aplot.plot(x, y) aplot.xlim(-10, 80) self.assertEquals(-10, pyplot.xlim()[0]) self.assertEquals(80, pyplot.xlim()[1]) print pyplot.xlim() aplot.xlim(xmax=90) print pyplot.xlim() self.assertEquals(-10, pyplot.xlim()[0]) self.assertEquals(90, pyplot.xlim()[1]) aplot.ylim([-12, 110] | units.RSun) self.assertEquals(-12, pyplot.ylim()[0]) self.assertEquals(110, pyplot.ylim()[1]) aplot.ylim(ymin=1e6 | self.assertAlmostEquals(1.43781452, pyplot.ylim()[0]) self.assertEquals(110, pyplot.ylim()[1])
def test7(self): """ Test setting the x and y limits in various ways""" if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: return self.skip() pyplot.clf() set_printing_strategy('default') x = numpy.linspace(0, 100, 100) y = numpy.linspace(0, 200, 100) | units.RSun line = aplot.plot(x, y) aplot.xlim(-10, 80) self.assertEquals(-10, pyplot.xlim()[0]) self.assertEquals(80, pyplot.xlim()[1]) print pyplot.xlim() aplot.xlim(xmax=90) print pyplot.xlim() self.assertEquals(-10, pyplot.xlim()[0]) self.assertEquals(90, pyplot.xlim()[1]) aplot.ylim([-12, 110]|units.RSun) self.assertEquals(-12, pyplot.ylim()[0]) self.assertEquals(110, pyplot.ylim()[1]) aplot.ylim(ymin=1e6| self.assertAlmostEquals(1.43781452, pyplot.ylim()[0]) self.assertEquals(110, pyplot.ylim()[1])
def dm_rvir_gas_sph_subplot(self): fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) ax_dm = fig.add_subplot(121, aspect='equal') ax_gas = fig.add_subplot(122, aspect='equal', sharex=ax_dm, sharey=ax_dm) # plot dark matter center_of_mass = virial_radius = innersphere = r: (center_of_mass-r).length()<virial_radius,["position"]) outersphere = r: (center_of_mass-r).length()>= virial_radius,["position"]) pyplot.gcf().sca(ax_dm) x = outersphere.x.as_quantity_in(units.kpc) y = outersphere.y.as_quantity_in(units.kpc) scatter(x, y, c='red', edgecolor='red', label=r'$r \geq r_{\rm vir}$') x = innersphere.x.as_quantity_in(units.kpc) y = innersphere.y.as_quantity_in(units.kpc) scatter(x, y, c='green', edgecolor='green', label=r'$r < r_{\rm vir}$') xlabel(r'$x$') ylabel(r'$y$') pyplot.legend() # plot gas as sph plot # Adjusted code from amuse.plot.sph_particles_plot pyplot.gcf().sca(ax_gas) min_size = 100 max_size = 10000 alpha = 0.1 x = self.gas.x.as_quantity_in(units.kpc) y = self.gas.y.as_quantity_in(units.kpc) z = self.gas.z.as_quantity_in(units.kpc) z, x, y, us, h_smooths = z.sorted_with(x, y, self.gas.u, self.gas.h_smooth) u_min, u_max = min(us), max(us) log_u = numpy.log((us / u_min)) / numpy.log((u_max / u_min)) clipped_log_u = numpy.minimum(numpy.ones_like(log_u), numpy.maximum(numpy.zeros_like(log_u), log_u)) red = 1.0 - clipped_log_u**4 blue = clipped_log_u**4 green = numpy.minimum(red, blue) colors = numpy.transpose(numpy.array([red, green, blue])) n_pixels = pyplot.gcf().get_dpi() * pyplot.gcf().get_size_inches() ax_gas.set_axis_bgcolor('#101010') ax_gas.set_aspect("equal", adjustable="datalim") phys_to_pix2 = n_pixels[0]*n_pixels[1] / ((max(x)-min(x))**2 + (max(y)-min(y))**2) sizes = numpy.minimum(numpy.maximum((h_smooths**2 * phys_to_pix2), min_size), max_size) scatter(x, y, color=colors, s=sizes, edgecolors="none", alpha=alpha) xlabel(r'$x$') ylabel(r'$y$') xlim(-2.*virial_radius, 2*virial_radius) ylim(-2.*virial_radius, 2*virial_radius) pyplot.tight_layout()
def make_plots(Ncl, Rcl, t_end): """ Not finished """ try: import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") from matplotlib import pyplot except ImportError: print "Unable to produce plots: couldn't find matplotlib" else: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=[10, 10]) for data in ["hybrid", "tree", "direct"] print "Generating plot data of {0} run".format(data) data_file = "CA_Exam_TLRH_{0}.amuse".format(data) stars_below_cut, stars_above_cut =\ read_set_from_file(data_file, 'amuse', names=("stars_below_cut", "stars_below_cut")) lim = abs(next(stars_below_cut.history).position).max() if data == "hybrid": pass # dashed curve # points = aplot.scatter(dE, time, c='orange', # label='Hybrid') if data == "direct": pass # dotted curve # points = aplot.scatter(dE, time, c='red', # label='Direct') if data == "tree": pass # solid curve # points = aplot.scatter(dE, time, c='green', # label='Tree') aplot.xlabel("Time") aplot.ylabel("Relative Energy Error") pyplot.axis('equal') aplot.xlim(-lim, lim) aplot.ylim(-lim, lim) pyplot.legend() pyplot.title(r'Cluster with $N=${0}, $r=${1}' .format(Ncl, Rcl ) + r', evolved until $t_{\rm end}$={0}' .format(t_end)) pyplot.savefig("out.png") pyplot.close()
def test6(self): """ Test setting the x limits on a plot """ if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: return self.skip() pyplot.clf() set_printing_strategy('default') x = numpy.linspace(0, 100, 100) | units.yr y = numpy.linspace(0, 200, 100) | units.RSun line = aplot.plot(x, y) aplot.xlim(0 | units.yr, 2e9 | units.s) self.assertAlmostEquals(0, pyplot.xlim()[0]) self.assertAlmostEquals(63.37752924, pyplot.xlim()[1])
def test6(self): """ Test setting the x limits on a plot """ if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: return self.skip() pyplot.clf() set_printing_strategy('default') x = numpy.linspace(0, 100, 100) | units.yr y = numpy.linspace(0, 200, 100) | units.RSun line = aplot.plot(x, y) aplot.xlim(0|units.yr, 2e9|units.s) self.assertAlmostEquals(0, pyplot.xlim()[0]) self.assertAlmostEquals(63.37752924, pyplot.xlim()[1])
def subplot(potential, orbits, codes, fit_orbit, labels): hor, vert = labels X = numpy.linspace(-160, 160, 100) | units.parsec Y = numpy.linspace(-160, 160, 100) | units.parsec X, Y = quantities.meshgrid(X, Y) if labels == 'xy': pot_args = [X, Y, 0 | units.parsec] fit_horizontal = fit_orbit[0] fit_vertical = fit_orbit[1] elif labels == 'xz': pot_args = [X, 0 | units.parsec, Y] fit_horizontal = fit_orbit[0] fit_vertical = fit_orbit[2] elif labels == 'yz': pot_args = [0 | units.parsec, X, Y] fit_horizontal = fit_orbit[1] fit_vertical = fit_orbit[2] phi = potential.get_potential_at_point(None, *pot_args) aplot.imshow_color_plot(X, Y, phi, cmap="Blues") del aplot.UnitlessArgs.arg_units[2] aplot.scatter(0 | units.parsec, 0 | units.parsec, c='black') aplot.plot(fit_horizontal, fit_vertical, c="green", ls="--", label="Kruijssen et al. 2014") colors = cycle(['red', 'black', 'yellow', 'grey', 'green']) for full_orbit, code in zip(orbits, codes): horizontal = full_orbit.x if hor == 'x' else full_orbit.y vertical = full_orbit.y if vert == 'y' else full_orbit.z color = next(colors) aplot.plot(horizontal, vertical, c=color, label=code) aplot.scatter(horizontal[-1], vertical[-1], c=color, edgecolor=color) pyplot.axis('equal') aplot.xlim([-150, 150] | units.parsec) aplot.ylim([-150, 150] | units.parsec) aplot.xlabel(hor) aplot.ylabel(vert)
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=[10, 10]) artists = [] cl = None gas = None for c, g in zip(cluster.history, gascloud.history): cl = c gas = g points = aplot.scatter(cl.x, cl.y, c='black', label='Stellar Cluster') gas_points = aplot.scatter(gas.x, gas.y, s=100, c='b', edgecolors='none', alpha=0.3, rasterized=True, label='Giant Molecular Cloud') time_label = r'$t_{\rm end}$ ' + "= {:.2f} Myr".format(cl.get_timestamp(). value_in(units.Myr)) text = aplot.text(-4./5.*lim, 4./5.*lim, time_label) aplot.xlabel("X") aplot.ylabel("Y") pyplot.axis('equal') aplot.xlim(-lim, lim) aplot.ylim(-lim, lim) pyplot.legend() pyplot.title(r'Cluster orbitting GMC with $d$={0}, $v_\infty$={1}' .format(impact_parameter, v_infinity) + r', at $t_{\rm end}$') pyplot.savefig(out_file) pyplot.close()