Пример #1
 def check(dirname):
     # create a command that isn't in the Project
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     command = ProjectCommand(
         name="foo", attributes=dict(bokeh_app="foo.py", env_spec=project.default_env_spec_name))
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, command=command)
     assert result.errors == []
     assert result
     assert os.path.join(project.directory_path, 'foo.py') in result.command_exec_info.args
Пример #2
def _command_from_name(project, command_name):
    command = project.command_for_name(command_name)
    if command is None and command_name is not None:
        # if the command name isn't a configured command name,
        # interpret the command as a notebook or executable.
        attrs = dict(env_spec=project.default_env_spec_name)
        if command_name.lower().endswith(".ipynb"):
            attrs['notebook'] = command_name
            attrs['args'] = [command_name]

        command = ProjectCommand(name=command_name, attributes=attrs)

    return command