def calibrate_epulse_amplitude(folder, ax, *args): a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='ssro') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] ax.set_title(a.timestamp) x0 = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'x0') of = fit.Parameter(args[1], 'of') a = fit.Parameter(args[2], 'a') fitfunc_str = '(1-of) + a (x-x0)**2' def fitfunc_parabolic(x): return (1.-of()) + a() * (x-x0())**2 fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=[of, a, x0], fitfunc=fitfunc_parabolic, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=True) return fit_result
def fit_correlation_parabolic(folder, ax, *args, **kw): which_correlation = kw.pop('which_correlation', 2) a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='adwindata') a.get_correlations(name='adwindata') a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, mode='correlations') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.normalized_correlations[:, which_correlation] x0 = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'x0') of = fit.Parameter(args[1], 'of') a = fit.Parameter(args[2], 'a') fitfunc_str = '(1-of) + a (x-x0)**2' def fitfunc_parabolic(x): return (1. - of()) + a() * (x - x0())**2 fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=[of, a, x0], fitfunc=fitfunc_parabolic, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def fit_population_vs_detuning(folder, ax, *args): a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='adwindata') a.get_electron_ROC( ) # a.get_N_ROC(0.97,0.03,0.96,0.01,0.93,0.01)#(0.99, 0.02, 0.94, 0.005) ax = a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax', name='adwindata') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] guess_a = 1 guess_A = -0.8 guess_F = 0.005 guess_x0 = args[0] fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, rabi.fit_population_vs_detuning, guess_a, guess_A, guess_F, guess_x0, fixed=[], do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(a.sweep_pts[0], a.sweep_pts[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False) return fit_result
def fit_linear(folder=None, ax=None, a_guess=1., b_guess=0.): """ fit a x + b from Sequence in folder """ a, ax, x, y = plot_result(folder, ax) a = fit.Parameter(a_guess, 'a') b = fit.Parameter(b_guess, 'b') fitfunc_str = 'a x + b' def fitfunc(x): return a() * x + b() fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=[a, b], fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def fit_correlation_parabolic(folder, ax, *args, **kw): which_correlation = kw.pop("which_correlation", 2) a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name="adwindata") a.get_correlations(name="adwindata") a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, mode="correlations") x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.normalized_correlations[:, which_correlation] x0 = fit.Parameter(args[0], "x0") of = fit.Parameter(args[1], "of") a = fit.Parameter(args[2], "a") fitfunc_str = "(1-of) + a (x-x0)**2" def fitfunc_parabolic(x): return (1.0 - of()) + a() * (x - x0()) ** 2 fit_result = fit.fit1d( x, y, None, p0=[of, a, x0], fitfunc=fitfunc_parabolic, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True ) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def calibrate_Npulse_rabi(folder, ax, *args): a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name="adwindata") a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name="adwindata") x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0[:, 0] f = fit.Parameter(args[0], "f") A = fit.Parameter(args[1], "A") o = fit.Parameter(0.5, "o") x0 = fit.Parameter(0, "x0") p0 = [f, A, x0, o] fitfunc_str = "o + A * cos(2pi f x - 2pi phi)" def fitfunc(x): return o() + A() * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (f() * (x - x0()))) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def fit_correlation_oscillation(folder, ax, *args, **kw): which_correlation = kw.pop("which_correlation", 2) a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name="adwindata") a.get_correlations(name="adwindata") a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, mode="correlations") x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.normalized_correlations[:, which_correlation] x0 = fit.Parameter(args[0], "x0") f = fit.Parameter(args[1], "f") A = fit.Parameter(args[2], "A") o = fit.Parameter(0.25, "o") fitfunc_str = "(1 - A) + A * cos(2pi f (x - x0))" def fitfunc(x): return o() + A() * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f() * (x - x0())) fit_result = fit.fit1d( x, y, None, p0=[f, A, x0, o], fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True ) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def fit_rabi(folder=None, ax = None, f_guess=0.9, A_guess=1,fit_phi = False,fit_k = False): """ fit (1 - A) + A * exp(-kx) * cos(2pi f (x - x0)) from Sequence in folder """ a, ax, x, y = plot_result(folder,ax) f = fit.Parameter(f_guess, 'f') A = fit.Parameter(A_guess, 'A') x0 = fit.Parameter(0, 'x0') k = fit.Parameter(0, 'k') p0 = [f, A] if fit_phi: p0.append(x0) if fit_k: p0.append(k) fitfunc_str = '(1 - A) + A * exp(-kx) * cos(2pi f (x - x0))' def fitfunc(x) : return (1.-A()) + A() * np.exp(-k()*x) * \ np.cos(2*np.pi*(f()*(x - x0()))) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def analyse_data(self, filename): data = np.loadtxt(filename) counts = data[:, 1] freq = data[:, 0] * 1e-9 guess_offset = counts[0] guess_amplitude = np.max(counts) - np.min(counts) guess_width = 0.005 guess_ctr = 2.88 success = False fit_result = fit.fit1d(freq, counts, esr.fit_ESR_gauss, guess_offset, guess_amplitude, guess_width, guess_ctr, do_print=False, ret=True) if fit_result['success'] == 1 and abs(fit_result['params_dict']['x0'] - guess_ctr) < 0.1: success = True plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(np.min(freq), np.max(freq), 1000), plot_data=True, add_txt=True, plot_title=None) plt.savefig(filename + '_fit' + '.png') plt.close() return success
def plot_relaxation_vs_sweep(self, ms, st, save=True, **kw): ret = kw.get('ret', None) ax = kw.get('ax', None) ax2 = kw.get('ax2', None) if ax == None: fig = self.default_fig(figsize=(6,4)) ax = self.default_ax(fig) fig2 = self.default_fig(figsize=(10,6)) #fig2.title('Relaxation fit vs' + self.sweep_name) else: save = False name= '_ms'+ str(ms) + '_' + str(st) sweep=self.sweep_pts[::2] taus=np.zeros(len(sweep)) for i,sw in enumerate(sweep): #print i start,length=getattr(self,'_get_'+st+'_window')(ms,i) y,x=self._get_relaxation(ms, i, start, length) x=x[:-1] res = fit.fit1d(x,y, common.fit_exp_decay_shifted_with_offset, 0, y[0], 1000, x[0], ret=True, do_print=False, fixed=[3]) if res != False: ax2=plt.subplot(3,np.ceil(float(len(sweep)+1)/3),i+1) plot.plot_fit1d(res, x, ax=ax2, plot_data=True, print_info=False) ax2.text(ax2.get_xlim()[-1]*0.8,ax2.get_ylim()[-1]*0.8, '{:.2f}'.format(sw),horizontalalignment='right') if (res['params_dict']['A'] > 10*res['params_dict']['a']): taus[i]=res['params_dict']['tau']/1e3 else: print 'Sweep point {} ignored'.format(i) else: print 'Could not fit sweep point {}'.format(i) skip_points = kw.get('skip_points', 0) xx=sweep[taus>1.][skip_points:] yy=taus[taus>1.][skip_points:] #y(x) = A * exp(-(x-x0)/tau) + a #g_a : offset #g_A : initial Amplitude #g_tau : decay constant #g_x0 : x offset res2 = fit.fit1d(xx,yy, common.fit_exp_decay_with_offset, 10, yy[0], xx[len(xx)/2]/2., ret=True, do_print=True, fixed=[]) ax.plot(xx,yy, 'o') #ax.plot(sweep,10+yy[0]*np.exp(-(sweep- xx[0])/(xx[len(xx)/2]/2.))) if res2 != False: plot.plot_fit1d(res2, xx, ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=True) #ax.colorbar() ax.set_xlabel(self.sweep_name) ax.set_ylabel('ms={} {}-relaxation time [us]'.format(ms,st)) return res if save: self.save_fig_incremental_filename(fig,name+'_relaxation_vs_sweep') if ret == 'ax': return ax if ret == 'fig': return fig
def epulse_fidelity(folder, ax, *args): a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='adwindata') a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='adwindata') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] of = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'of') fitfunc_str = '(1-of)' def fitfunc_fid(x): return (1. - of()) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=[of], fitfunc=fitfunc_fid, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def calibrate_epulse_amplitude(folder, ax, *args, **kw): double_ro = kw.pop("double_ro", "False") a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name="adwindata") a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name="adwindata") x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] if double_ro == "electron": y = a.p0[:, 0] elif double_ro == "nitrogen": y = a.p0[:, 1] else: y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] x0 = fit.Parameter(args[0], "x0") of = fit.Parameter(args[1], "of") a = fit.Parameter(args[2], "a") fitfunc_str = "(1-of) + a (x-x0)**2" def fitfunc_parabolic(x): return (1.0 - of()) + a() * (x - x0()) ** 2 fit_result = fit.fit1d( x, y, None, p0=[of, a, x0], fitfunc=fitfunc_parabolic, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True ) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def analyze_dark_esr(folder, ax=None, **kw): if ax == None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) ssro_calib_folder = toolbox.latest_data(contains='AdwinSSRO_SSROCalibration') a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results('ssro') a.get_electron_ROC(ssro_calib_folder=ssro_calib_folder) x = a.sweep_pts # convert to MHz y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret=None, name='ssro', ax=ax) guess_ctr = x[np.floor(len(x)/2.)] fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, esr.fit_ESR_gauss, guess_offset, guess_amplitude, guess_width, guess_ctr, # (2, guess_splitN), #(2, guess_splitC), # (2, guess_splitB), #(3, guess_splitN), do_print=True, ret=True, fixed=[]) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 1000), ax=ax, plot_data=False, **kw) ax.set_xlabel('MW frq (GHz)') ax.set_ylabel(r'fidelity wrt. $|0\rangle$') ax.set_title(a.timestamp+'\n'+a.measurementstring) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'darkesr_analysis.png'), format='png') return fit_result
def fit_gaussian(folder, ax, *args): a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='ssro') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] ax.set_title(a.timestamp) x0 = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'x0') a = fit.Parameter(0.5, 'a') o = fit.Parameter(0.5, 'o') c = fit.Parameter(15, 'c') f = fit.Parameter(1./500, 'f') fitfunc_str = 'o + a * exp( - ( (x-x0)/c )^2) ' def fitfunc(x): return o() + a() * np.exp( -((x-x0())/ c())**2) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=[o,x0,a,c], fixed = [], fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False) return fit_result
def fit_parabola(x, y, guess_x0, guess_amp, guess_of, fixed, show_fit = True, save = True): x0 = fit.Parameter(guess_x0, 'x0') A = fit.Parameter(guess_amp, 'A') o = fit.Parameter(guess_of, 'o') p0 = [x0, A, o] fitfunc_str = '' fitfunc_str = 'o + A*(x - x0)^2' def fitfunc(x): return o() + A() * (x - x0) ** 2. fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fixed=fixed, do_print=True, ret=True) if show_fit: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0,x[-1],201), plot_data=True) # print "pi pulse = {:.5f} ".format(1/f()/2.) + a.sweep_name # ax.set_title(a.timestamp+'\n'+a.measurementstring) if save: plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'Calibrate_Pi_analysis_parabolafit.png'))
def calibrate_epulse_rabi(folder, ax, *args, **kws): fit_phi = kws.pop('fit_phi', True) fit_k = kws.pop('fit_k', True) a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='ssro') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] ax.set_title(a.timestamp) f = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'f') A = fit.Parameter(args[1], 'A') x0 = fit.Parameter(0, 'x0') k = fit.Parameter(0, 'k') p0 = [f, A] if fit_phi: p0.append(x0) if fit_k: p0.append(k) fitfunc_str = '(1 - A) + A * exp(-kx) * cos(2pi f (x - x0))' def fitfunc(x) : return (1.-A()) + A() * np.exp(-k()*x) * \ np.cos(2*np.pi*(f()*(x - x0()))) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def fit_sin_and_calc_phi(x,y,ax = False): g_a = 0.0 g_A = np.amax(y) g_phi = x[np.argmax(y)] ### frequency guess is hardcoded as this is mainly intended for specific entangling oscillations. g_f = 1/360. p0s, fitfunc,fitfunc_str = common.fit_cos(g_f,g_a,g_A,g_phi) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=p0s, fitfunc=fitfunc, ret=True,fixed=[0,1]) if ax: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False,print_info = False) A = fit_result['params_dict']['A'] phi = fit_result['params_dict']['phi'] if A < 0: phi = phi + 180 A = -A phi = np.mod(-phi,360) phi_u = fit_result['error_dict']['phi'] print 'A,phi,phi_u ', A, phi, phi_u return phi, phi_u # Phi and Phi_u
def poly_fit_frq(self, **kw): plot_fit = kw.pop('plot_fit', True) g_x0 = self.x_data[0] g_a0 = self.frq_data[0] g_a1 = (self.frq_data[-1] - self.frq_data[0]) / (self.x_data[-1] - self.x_data[0]) g_a2 = -0.2 g_a3 = 2 fixed = [] p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_poly_shifted( g_x0, g_a0, g_a1, g_a2, g_a3) fit_result = fit.fit1d(self.x_data, self.frq_data, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=False, ret=True, fixed=fixed) if plot_fit: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(self.x_data[-1], self.x_data[0], 10 * len(self.x_data)), label='Fit', show_guess=False, plot_data=True, color='red', data_linestyle='-', print_info=True) self.frq_data = fit_result['fitfunc'](self.x_data) return self.frq_data
def fit_exp(x, y, guess_a, guess_A, guess_tau, fixed=[], show_fit=True, save=True, timestamp='', **kw): ''' Fit single exponential to T1 data ''' p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_exp_decay_with_offset( guess_a, guess_A, guess_tau) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fixed=fixed, do_print=True, ret=True) # Plot fit and format if requested keys = sorted(kw.keys()) if show_fit: if len(keys) == 0: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0, x[-1], 201), plot_data=True) elif len(keys) != 0 and 'ax' in keys: ax = kw['ax'] plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0, x[-1], 201), plot_data=False, ax=ax) elif len(keys) != 0 and 'ax' not in keys: print 'length of keyword arguments =', len(keys) raise Exception( "Your keywords for plot formatting didn't contain a pyplot axis with keyword 'ax'. Please provide it." ) if 'xlabel' in keys: ax.set_xlabel(kw['xlabel']) if 'ylabel' in keys: ax.set_ylabel(kw['ylabel']) if timestamp != '': if timestamp == None: folder = toolbox.latest_data('ElectronT1') else: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) if save: plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'Calibrate_Pi_analysis_fit.png')) return fit_result
def fit_linear(folder, ax, value, *args): a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='ssro') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] ax.set_title(a.timestamp) a = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'a') b = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'b') fitfunc_str = 'a x + b' def fitfunc(x): return a() * x + b() fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=[a, b], fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def calibrate_epulse_amplitude(folder, ax, *args): a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='ssro') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] ax.set_title(a.timestamp) x0 = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'x0') of = fit.Parameter(args[1], 'of') a = fit.Parameter(args[2], 'a') fitfunc_str = '(1-of) + a (x-x0)**2' def fitfunc_parabolic(x): return (1. - of()) + a() * (x - x0())**2 fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=[of, a, x0], fitfunc=fitfunc_parabolic, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=True) return fit_result
def fast_pi2(): folder = toolbox.latest_data('cal_fast_pi_over_2') a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='adwindata') a.get_electron_ROC() #a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='adwindata') x = a.sweep_pts y = a.p0.reshape(-1) u_y = a.u_p0.reshape(-1) n = a.sweep_name x2 = x[::2] y2 = y[1::2] - y[::2] u_y2 = np.sqrt(u_y[1::2]**2 + u_y[::2]**2) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4), sharex=True) ax1.errorbar(x2, y2, yerr=u_y2, fmt='o') ax1.set_xlabel(n) ax1.set_title('Difference btw. Pi/2-Pi and Pi/2' + '\n' + a.timestamp) ax1.set_ylabel('Difference') m = fit.Parameter((y[-1] - y[0]) / (x[-1] - x[0]), 'm') x0 = fit.Parameter(x2.mean(), 'x0') p0 = [m, x0] def ff(x): return m() * (x - x0()) fitfunc_str = 'm * (x - x0)' fit_result = fit.fit1d(x2, y2, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=ff, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) ax2.errorbar(x2, y[0::2], yerr=u_y[0::2], fmt='o', label='Pi/2') ax2.errorbar(x2, y[1::2], yerr=u_y[1::2], fmt='o', label='Pi/2 - Pi') ax2.legend(frameon=True, framealpha=0.5) ax2.set_ylabel('P(0)') ax2.set_xlabel(n) if fit_result != False: ax2.axvline(x0(), c='k', lw=2) ax2.axhline(0.5, c='k', lw=2) ax2.set_title('X marks the spot') plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x2[0], x2[-1], 201), ax=ax1, plot_data=False, print_info=True) return x0(), 0
def analyze_nmr_single(timestamp = None,center_guess = False, ax=None, ret=None,min_dip_depth = 0.85 , **kw): if ax == None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) x = np.zeros((0)) y = np.zeros((0)) ysig = np.zeros((0)) # rdts = np.zeros((0)) for i in range(20): timestamp, folder = toolbox.latest_data(contains = 'NuclearRFRabi_111_1_sil18Rabi_C5_el1_positive_'+str(i)+'run',return_timestamp = True) a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='adwindata') a.get_electron_ROC() x = np.append(x,a.sweep_pts[:]) y = np.append(y,a.p0[:]) ysig = np.append(ysig,a.u_p0[:]) print dir(a) for i in range(len(x)-1): print x[i], x[i+1]-x[i] if center_guess == True: guess_ctr = float(raw_input('Center guess?')) else: guess_ctr = x[y.argmin()] print 'guess_ctr = '+str(guess_ctr) # # try fitting fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, esr.fit_ESR_gauss, guess_offset, guess_amplitude, guess_width, guess_ctr, do_print=False, ret=True, fixed=[]) # fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, common.fit_2gauss, guess_offset, # guess_amplitude, guess_ctr-30e-3,guess_width, guess_amplitude, guess_ctr+30e-3,guess_width, # do_print=False, ret=True, fixed=[]) fit_result['yerr'] = ysig plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 1000), ax=ax, plot_data=True, **kw) ax.set_xlabel('RF frq (kHz)') ax.set_ylabel(r'fidelity wrt. $|0\rangle$') ax.set_title(a.timestamp+'\n'+a.measurementstring) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'nmr_analysis.png'), format='png') if ret == 'f0': f0 = fit_result['params_dict']['x0'] u_f0 = fit_result['error_dict']['x0'] ax.text(f0, 0.8, '$f_0$ = ({:.3f} +/- {:.3f})'.format( (f0-2.8)*1e3, u_f0*1e3), ha='center') return (f0-2.8)*1e3, u_f0*1e3
def Carbon_control_sweep_N_zoom(timestamp=None, measurement_name = ['adwindata'], A = [0.5, 0.5], fitfunc_type = 'single', plot_fit = False, do_print = False, show_guess = True, yaxis = [-0.05,1.05]): ''' Function to analyze data for optimization of the number of pulses for a controlled C13 gate. ''' if timestamp != None: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) else: folder = toolbox.latest_data('Decoupling') fit_results = [] for k in range(0,len(measurement_name)): a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='adwindata') a.get_electron_ROC() ax = a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax') ax.set_ylim(yaxis) ax.axhspan(0,0.5,fill=False,ls='dotted') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] y_u = a.u_p0.reshape(-1)[:] ax.set_xlim(x[0]-1,x[-1]+1) p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_poly(A) if show_guess: ax.plot(np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), fitfunc(np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201)), ':', lw=2) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=True, ret=True,fixed=[3]) if plot_fit == True: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False,print_info = True) fit_results.append(fit_result) print folder plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'analyzed_result.pdf'), format='pdf') plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'analyzed_result.png'), format='png') diff = np.abs(y - 0.5) print diff print 'Optimum number of pulses N = ' + str(x[np.argmin(diff)]) print 'with y-0.5 = ' + str(y[np.argmin(diff)]-0.5) + ' +/- ' + str(y_u[np.argmin(diff)]) # freq = fit_results[0]['params_dict']['f1'] # period = 1/freq # print 'Period is %s pulses ' %(period) # # N_pi = round(period*.5/2)*2.0 # N_pi2 = round(period/2*.25)*2.0 # # print 'Pi pulse: %s pulses' %N_pi # print 'Pi2 pulse: %s pulses' %N_pi2 return fit_results
def analyse_Ramsey(folder='', T2=3e3, Ampl=-1. / 3, detuning=3e-3, hf_N=2.17e-3, *arg): timestamp = kw.pop(timestamp, None) guess_tau = T2 guess_a = 0.5 guess_A = Ampl guess_hf_N = hf_N guess_det = detuning guess_hf_C = hf_C if timestamp != None: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) elif folder != '': folder = toolbox.latest_data('Ramsey') a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() x = a.sweep_pts y = a.p0 ax = a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax', name='ssro') params_0, fitfunc_0, fitfunc_str_0 = ramsey.fit_ramsey_14N_fixed_13C_opt( guess_tau, guess_A, guess_a, guess_det, guess_hf_N) x_0 = np.linspace(0, a.sweep_pts[-1], 1000) ax.plot(x_0, fitfunc_0(x_0), 'r--', lw=1) #fit_xvals=np.linspace(res['x'][0],res['x'][-1],fit_num_points) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, ramsey.fit_ramsey_14N_fixed_13C_opt, guess_tau, guess_A, guess_a, guess_det, guess_hf_N, fixed=[], do_print=True, ret=True) #fit_result = False if fit_result != False: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0, a.sweep_pts[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'electronramsey_analysis.pdf'), format='pdf')
def calibrate_pi2_noMBI(folder): a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results('ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() x = a.sweep_pts y = a.p0 u_y = a.u_p0 n = a.sweep_name a.finish() x2 = x[::2] print x2 y2 = y[1::2] - y[::2] u_y2 = np.sqrt(u_y[1::2]**2 + u_y[::2]**2) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4), sharex=True) ax1.errorbar(x2, y2, yerr=u_y2, fmt='o') ax1.set_xlabel(n) ax1.set_title('Difference btw. Pi/2-Pi and Pi/2') ax1.set_ylabel('Difference') m = fit.Parameter((y[-1] - y[0]) / (x[-1] - x[0]), 'm') x0 = fit.Parameter(y2.mean(), 'x0') p0 = [m, x0] def ff(x): return m() * (x - x0()) fitfunc_str = 'm * (x - x0)' fit_result = fit.fit1d(x2, y2, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=ff, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) ax2.errorbar(x2, y[0::2], yerr=u_y[0::2], fmt='o', label='Pi/2') ax2.errorbar(x2, y[1::2], yerr=u_y[1::2], fmt='o', label='Pi/2 - Pi') ax2.legend(frameon=True, framealpha=0.5) ax2.set_ylabel('P(0)') ax2.set_xlabel(n) ax2.axvline(x0(), c='k', lw=2) ax2.axhline(0.5, c='k', lw=2) ax2.set_title('X marks the spot') plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x2[0], x2[-1], 201), ax=ax1, plot_data=False, print_info=True) fig.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'pi2_calibration.png'))
def electron_T1_analysis(older_than='20161110_180000', newer_than='20161110_141200', mode='init0', Amplitude=2, offset=1, T1=1e9, do_print=True): Folder_list = toolbox.latest_data( contains='ElectronT1_111_1_sil18m0to0switch_on', older_than=older_than, newer_than=newer_than, return_all=True) x_tot = [] y_tot = [] y_var_tot = [] for i in range(len(Folder_list)): print Folder_list[len(Folder_list) - i - 1] Folder = Folder_list[len(Folder_list) - i - 1] x, y, y_var = get_T1_data(Folder) #print y x_tot.extend(list(x)) y_tot.extend(list(y)) y_var_tot.extend(list(y_var)) print x_tot print y_tot print y_var_tot p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_exp_decay_with_offset( offset, Amplitude, T1) # fit_result = fit.fit1d(x_tot,y_tot, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=do_print, ret=True) # #plt.plot(x_tot,y_tot) # plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0,x_tot[-1],201), ax= None, plot_data=False) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.errorbar(x_tot, y_tot, fmt='o', yerr=y_var_tot) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.1]) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x_tot, y_tot, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=do_print, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0, x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False) plt.savefig(os.path.join(Folder, 'analyzed_result.pdf'), format='pdf') plt.savefig(os.path.join(Folder, 'analyzed_result.png'), format='png')
def analyse_Rabi(guess_frq = 2., guess_amp = 0.2, guess_of = 0.1, **kw) : timestamp = kw.pop('timestamp', None) guess_phi = kw.pop('guess_phi', 0.) guess_k = kw.pop('guess_k', 0.) mbi_analysis = kw.pop('mbi_analysis', False) do_print = kw.pop('do_print', False) o = fit.Parameter(guess_of, 'o') f = fit.Parameter(guess_frq, 'f') A = fit.Parameter(guess_amp, 'A') phi = fit.Parameter(guess_phi, 'phi') k = fit.Parameter(guess_k, 'k') p0 = [f, A, phi, o, k] fitfunc_str = '' if timestamp != None: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) else : folder = toolbox.latest_data('ElectronRabi') if mbi_analysis: a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results('adwindata') a.get_electron_ROC() ax = a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax', name = 'adwindata') else: a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results('ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() ax = a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax') x = a.sweep_pts y = a.p0 fitfunc_str = 'o - A + A*e^(-kx)*cos(2pi (fx-phi))' def fitfunc(x): return (o()-A()) + A() * np.exp(-k()*x) * np.cos(2*np.pi*(f()*x - phi())) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fixed=[2], do_print=do_print, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0,x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False) print "\npi pulse at {:.3f} for .\n".format(1/f()/2.) + a.sweep_name # ax.set_title(a.timestamp+'\n'+a.measurementstring) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'electronrabi_analysis_fit.png')) return fit_result
def fit_parabolic(folder=None, ax=None, x0_guess=0., of_guess=0.5, a_guess=1., **kw): """ fit (1-of) + a (x-x0)**2 from Sequence in folder """ do_print = kw.pop('do_print', False) fixed = kw.pop('fixed', []) a0, ax, x, y = plot_result(folder, ax, **kw) x0 = fit.Parameter(x0_guess, 'x0') of = fit.Parameter(of_guess, 'of') a = fit.Parameter(a_guess, 'a') x_min = kw.pop("x_min", None) x_max = kw.pop("x_max", None) fit_x = x fit_y = y if x_min is not None: mask = fit_x > x_min fit_x = fit_x[mask] fit_y = fit_y[mask] if x_max is not None: mask = fit_x < x_max fit_x = fit_x[mask] fit_y = fit_y[mask] fitfunc_str = '(1-of) + a (x-x0)**2' def fitfunc_parabolic(x): return (1. - of()) + a() * (x - x0())**2 fit_result = fit.fit1d(fit_x, fit_y, None, p0=[of, a, x0], fitfunc=fitfunc_parabolic, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=do_print, ret=True) fit_result['u_y'] = a0.u_p0 plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(np.min(fit_x), np.max(fit_x), 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, **kw) return fit_result
def analyze_dark_esr(folder,center_guess = True, ax=None, ret=None, **kw): if ax == None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results('ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() x = a.sweep_pts # convert to MHz y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret=ret, name='ssro', ax=ax) ax.set_ylim(0.6,1.05) if center_guess == True: guess_ctr = float(raw_input('Center guess?')) else: j=0 if j < len(y)-2: while y[j]>0.93*y[j+1]: # such that we account for noise k = j j = j+1 j = len(y)-2 guess_ctr = x[k]*1e-3+ guess_splitN #convert to GHz and go to middle dip # try fitting fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, esr.fit_ESR_gauss, guess_offset, guess_amplitude, guess_width, guess_ctr, # (2, guess_splitN), # (2, guess_splitC), # (2, guess_splitB), (3, guess_splitN), do_print=True, ret=True, fixed=[4]) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 1000), ax=ax, plot_data=False, **kw) ax.set_xlabel('MW frq (GHz)') ax.set_ylabel(r'fidelity wrt. $|0\rangle$') ax.set_title(a.timestamp+'\n'+a.measurementstring) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'darkesr_analysis.png'), format='png') if ret == 'f0': f0 = fit_result['params_dict']['x0'] u_f0 = fit_result['error_dict']['x0'] ax.text(f0, 0.8, '$f_0$ = ({:.3f} +/- {:.3f})'.format( (f0-2.8)*1e3, u_f0*1e3), ha='center') return (f0-2.8)*1e3, u_f0*1e3
def electron_T2_anal(timestamp=None, measurement_name=['ms0'], Amplitude=1 / 2., T2=10e3, offset=1. / 2, k=4, do_print=False, ylim=(0., 1.)): ''' Function to analyze simple decoupling measurements. Loads the results and fits them to a simple exponential. Inputs: timestamp: in format yyyymmdd_hhmmss or hhmmss or None. measurement_name: list of measurement names Based on electron_T1_anal, modified by Adriaan Rol ''' if timestamp != None: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) else: folder = toolbox.latest_data('Decoupling') print folder fit_results = [] for k in range(0, len(measurement_name)): a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(measurement_name[k]) a.get_electron_ROC() ax = a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax') ax.set_ylim(ylim) x = a.sweep_pts p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = SE.fit_echo(T2, Amplitude, offset, k) y = a.p0 fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=do_print, ret=True, fixed=[3]) #fit_result = False if fit_result != False: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0, x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False) fit_results.append(fit_result) plot.ylim = ([0, 0.2]) return fit_results
def calibrate_epulse_rabi(folder, ax, *args, **kws): fit_x0 = kws.pop('fit_x0', True) fit_k = kws.pop('fit_k', True) double_ro = kws.pop('double_ro', 'False') guess_x0 = kws.pop('guess_x0', 0) a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='adwindata') a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='adwindata') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] if double_ro == 'electron': y = a.p0[:, 0] elif double_ro == 'nitrogen': y = a.p0[:, 1] else: y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] f = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'f') A = fit.Parameter(args[1], 'A') x0 = fit.Parameter(guess_x0, 'x0') k = fit.Parameter(0, 'k') p0 = [f, A] if fit_x0: p0.append(x0) if fit_k: p0.append(k) fitfunc_str = '(1 - A) + A * exp(-kx) * cos(2pi f (x - x0))' def fitfunc(x): return (1.-A()) + A() * np.exp(-k()*x) * \ np.cos(2*np.pi*f()*(x - x0())) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def fast_pi2(): folder = toolbox.latest_data('cal_fast_pi_over_2') a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='adwindata') a.get_electron_ROC() #a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='adwindata') x = a.sweep_pts y = a.p0.reshape(-1) u_y = a.u_p0.reshape(-1) n = a.sweep_name x2 = x[::2] y2 = y[1::2] - y[::2] u_y2 = np.sqrt( u_y[1::2]**2 + u_y[::2]**2 ) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,4), sharex=True) ax1.errorbar(x2, y2, yerr=u_y2, fmt='o') ax1.set_xlabel(n) ax1.set_title('Difference btw. Pi/2-Pi and Pi/2'+'\n'+a.timestamp) ax1.set_ylabel('Difference') m = fit.Parameter((y[-1]-y[0])/(x[-1]-x[0]), 'm') x0 = fit.Parameter(x2.mean(), 'x0') p0 = [m, x0] def ff(x): return m() * (x-x0()) fitfunc_str = 'm * (x - x0)' fit_result = fit.fit1d(x2, y2, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=ff, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) ax2.errorbar(x2, y[0::2], yerr=u_y[0::2], fmt='o', label='Pi/2') ax2.errorbar(x2, y[1::2], yerr=u_y[1::2], fmt='o', label='Pi/2 - Pi') ax2.legend(frameon=True, framealpha=0.5) ax2.set_ylabel('P(0)') ax2.set_xlabel(n) if fit_result != False: ax2.axvline(x0(), c='k', lw=2) ax2.axhline(0.5, c='k', lw=2) ax2.set_title('X marks the spot') plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x2[0],x2[-1],201), ax=ax1, plot_data=False, print_info=True) return x0(), 0
def fit_Ramsey_6_cos_hf_fixed(timestamp, ssro_calib_folder, g_tau, g_A, g_a, g_det, g_hf_N, g_hf_C, fixed=[], folder=None): if folder is None: if timestamp != None: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) else: folder = toolbox.latest_data('ElectronRamsey') a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='ssro') if ssro_calib_folder != None: a.get_electron_ROC(ssro_calib_folder=ssro_calib_folder) else: a.get_electron_ROC() # Plot data ax = a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax', name='ssro') p0, fitfunc_0, fitfunc_str_0 = ramsey.fit_ramsey_hyperfinelines_fixed_6cos( g_tau, g_A, g_a, g_det, g_hf_N, g_hf_C) fit_result = fit.fit1d(a.sweep_pts, a.p0.reshape(-1), ramsey.fit_ramsey_hyperfinelines_fixed_6cos, g_tau, g_A, g_a, g_det, g_hf_N, g_hf_C, fixed=fixed, do_print=True, ret=True) if fit_result != False: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0, a.sweep_pts[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'electronramsey_analysis.png'), format='png')
def sweep_N_analysis(tau,N_steps,plot_fit = False, do_print = True, show_guess = False): ################### # Add simulated spins # ################### total_pts = 320/N_steps+1 pts_per_run=11 ## Data location ## ssro_calib_folder = 'd:\\measuring\\data\\20140419\\111949_AdwinSSRO_SSROCalibration_Hans_sil1' a, folder = load_mult_dat(tau, number_of_msmts = total_pts/pts_per_run,N_steps=N_steps, ssro_calib_folder=ssro_calib_folder) a.p0 = a.p0*2-1 ############ ## Plotting ### ############ ax = a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax') # ax.set_xlim(23.4,25) # ax.set_xlim(0,73) # start, end = ax.get_xlim() # ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(start, end, 0.5)) ax.set_ylim(-1.05,1.05) x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] fit_results = [] p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_decaying_cos(1/45.,0, 1, 0, 40000) print fitfunc #plot the initial guess if show_guess: ax.plot(np.linspace(0,x[-1],201), fitfunc(np.linspace(0,x[-1],201)), ':', lw=2) ax.plot(x,y) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=True, ret=True,fixed=[3]) # print fitfunc(np.linspace(0,x[-1],201)) ## plot data and fit as function of total time if plot_fit == True: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0,x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False) fit_results.append(fit_result) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'analyzed_result.pdf'), format='pdf') plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'analyzed_result.png'), format='png')
def fit_Ramsey_gausscos_withoffset(timestamp = None, ssro_calib_folder = None, guess_avg = 0.5, guess_A = 1./3., guess_t = 10000, guess_a = 2, guess_f = 1./35, guess_phi = 0, guess_b = 1, fixed = [], fit_result = True): """ Fits cosine with offset modulated by Gaussian decay to electron Ramsey signal. fit func = 'avg + A *exp(-(x/t)**2) * (a * cos(2pi * (f*x + phi/360) ) + b)' """ ### script if timestamp != None: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) else: folder = toolbox.latest_data('ElectronRamsey') a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='ssro') if ssro_calib_folder != None: a.get_electron_ROC(ssro_calib_folder = ssro_calib_folder) else: a.get_electron_ROC() # Plot data ax = a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax', name='ssro') # ax.set_xlim(0,1000) p0, fitfunc_0, fitfunc_str_0 = ramsey.fit_gaussian_decaying_cos_withoffset(guess_avg, guess_A, guess_t, guess_a, guess_f, guess_phi, guess_b) # Plot initial guess # fit_xvals_0=np.linspace(0,a.sweep_pts[-1],1000) # ax.plot(fit_xvals_0,fitfunc_0(fit_xvals_0), 'r--', lw=1) #fit_xvals=np.linspace(res['x'][0],res['x'][-1],fit_num_points) fit_result = fit.fit1d(a.sweep_pts, a.p0.reshape(-1), ramsey.fit_gaussian_decaying_cos_withoffset, guess_avg, guess_A, guess_t, guess_a, guess_f, guess_phi, guess_b, fixed=fixed, do_print=True, ret=True) if fit_result != False : plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0,a.sweep_pts[-1],2001), ax=ax, plot_data=False) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'electronramsey_analysis.pdf'), format='pdf')
def fit_lorentzian(self, **kw): y = kw.pop('y', self.y_data) x = kw.pop('x', self.frq_data) g_gamma = kw.pop('g_gamma', 15) plot_title = kw.pop('plot_title', '') plot_fit = kw.pop('plot_fit', False) fixed = kw.pop('fixed', []) g_a = np.average(y) g_A = max(y) - g_a g_x0 = self.frq_data[np.argmax(y)] p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_lorentz(g_a, g_A, g_x0, g_gamma) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=False, ret=True, fixed=fixed) if 'gamma' not in fit_result['params_dict']: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4)) ax.plot(x, y) print 'WARNING: COULD NOT FIT gamma' return 0, 10 gamma = np.abs(fit_result['params_dict']['gamma']) u_gamma = np.abs(fit_result['error_dict']['gamma']) x0 = fit_result['params_dict']['x0'] FWHM = gamma u_FWHM = u_gamma if plot_fit: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4)) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], len(x) * 10), ax=ax, label='Fit', show_guess=True, plot_data=True) ax.set_title('FWHM = %.1f +- %.1f GHz %s' % (FWHM, u_FWHM, plot_title)) fig.savefig(self.folder + '/lorentzian_fit_%s.png' % (plot_title)) plt.close(fig) return FWHM, u_FWHM
def calibrate_pulse_amplitude(x, y, ax, *args): x0 = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'x0') of = fit.Parameter(args[1], 'of') a = fit.Parameter(args[2], 'a') fitfunc_str = '(1-of) + a (x-x0)**2' def fitfunc_parabolic(x): return (1.-of()) + a() * (x-x0())**2 fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=[of, a, x0], fitfunc=fitfunc_parabolic, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def analyze_dark_esr_single(timestamp = None,center_guess = False, ax=None, ret=None,min_dip_depth = 0.85 , **kw): if ax == None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) if timestamp != None: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) else: folder = toolbox.latest_data('DarkESR') a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results('ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() x = a.sweep_pts # convert to MHz y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret=ret, name='ssro', ax=ax) ax.set_ylim(0.6,1.05) if center_guess == True: guess_ctr = float(raw_input('Center guess?')) else: guess_ctr = x[y.argmin()] print 'guess_ctr = '+str(guess_ctr) # try fitting fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, esr.fit_ESR_gauss, guess_offset, guess_amplitude, guess_width, guess_ctr, do_print=False, ret=True, fixed=[]) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 1000), ax=ax, plot_data=False, **kw) ax.set_xlabel('MW frq (GHz)') ax.set_ylabel(r'fidelity wrt. $|0\rangle$') ax.set_title(a.timestamp+'\n'+a.measurementstring) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'darkesr_analysis.png'), format='png') if ret == 'f0': f0 = fit_result['params_dict']['x0'] u_f0 = fit_result['error_dict']['x0'] ax.text(f0, 0.8, '$f_0$ = ({:.3f} +/- {:.3f})'.format( (f0-2.8)*1e3, u_f0*1e3), ha='center') return (f0-2.8)*1e3, u_f0*1e3
def fit_exp(x, y, guess_a, guess_A, guess_tau, fixed = [], show_fit = True, save = True, timestamp = '', **kw): ''' Fit single exponential to T1 data ''' p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_exp_decay_with_offset(guess_a,guess_A, guess_tau) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fixed=fixed, do_print=True, ret=True) # Plot fit and format if requested keys = sorted(kw.keys()) if show_fit: if len(keys) == 0: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0,x[-1],201), plot_data=True) elif len(keys) != 0 and 'ax' in keys: ax = kw['ax'] plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0,x[-1],201), plot_data=False, ax = ax) elif len(keys) != 0 and 'ax' not in keys: print 'length of keyword arguments =', len(keys) raise Exception("Your keywords for plot formatting didn't contain a pyplot axis with keyword 'ax'. Please provide it.") if 'xlabel' in keys: ax.set_xlabel(kw['xlabel']) if 'ylabel' in keys: ax.set_ylabel(kw['ylabel']) if timestamp != '': if timestamp == None: folder = toolbox.latest_data('ElectronT1') else: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) if save: plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'Calibrate_Pi_analysis_fit.png')) return fit_result
def electron_T1_anal(timestamp=None, measurement_name=['ms0'], Amplitude=0.1, T1=1000, offset=1, do_print=False): ''' Function to analyze T1 measurements. Loads the results and fits them to a simple exponential. Inputs: timestamp: in format yyyymmdd_hhmmss or hhmmss or None. measurement_name: list of measurement names ''' if timestamp != None: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) else: folder = toolbox.latest_data('ElectronT1') fit_results = [] for k in range(0, len(measurement_name)): a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results('ssro') #a.get_readout_results(measurement_name[k]) #commented out since newer measurements are no longer grouped which renders the whole for-loop obsolete. NK 20141110 a.get_electron_ROC() ax = a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax') x = a.sweep_pts p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_exp_decay_with_offset( offset, Amplitude, T1) y = a.p0 #print y fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=do_print, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0, x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False) fit_results.append(fit_result) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'analyzed_result.pdf'), format='pdf') plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'analyzed_result.png'), format='png') return fit_results
def calibrate_pi2_noMBI(folder): a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results('ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() x = a.sweep_pts y = a.p0 u_y = a.u_p0 n = a.sweep_name a.finish() x2 = x[::2] print x2 y2 = y[1::2] - y[::2] u_y2 = np.sqrt( u_y[1::2]**2 + u_y[::2]**2 ) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,4), sharex=True) ax1.errorbar(x2, y2, yerr=u_y2, fmt='o') ax1.set_xlabel(n) ax1.set_title('Difference btw. Pi/2-Pi and Pi/2') ax1.set_ylabel('Difference') m = fit.Parameter((y[-1]-y[0])/(x[-1]-x[0]), 'm') x0 = fit.Parameter(y2.mean(), 'x0') p0 = [m, x0] def ff(x): return m() * (x-x0()) fitfunc_str = 'm * (x - x0)' fit_result = fit.fit1d(x2, y2, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=ff, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) ax2.errorbar(x2, y[0::2], yerr=u_y[0::2], fmt='o', label='Pi/2') ax2.errorbar(x2, y[1::2], yerr=u_y[1::2], fmt='o', label='Pi/2 - Pi') ax2.legend(frameon=True, framealpha=0.5) ax2.set_ylabel('P(0)') ax2.set_xlabel(n) ax2.axvline(x0(), c='k', lw=2) ax2.axhline(0.5, c='k', lw=2) ax2.set_title('X marks the spot') plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x2[0],x2[-1],201), ax=ax1, plot_data=False, print_info=True) fig.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'pi2_calibration.png'))
def plot_data_and_fit(data, EOM_freq): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) lw, u_lw, scaling, fit_result = get_linewidth(data, EOM_freq) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], len(x)), ax=ax, label='Fit', show_guess=True, plot_data=True, color='red', data_linestyle='-', print_info=False) ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (GHz)", fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel("Intensity (a.u.)", fontsize=14) ax.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1]) #rescaling x-axis in GHz # X_min_freq = ax.get_xlim()[0]*scaling # X_max_freq = ax.get_xlim()[-1]*scaling # xticks = np.linspace(ax.get_xlim()[0],ax.get_xlim()[-1],n_xticks) # xticklabels = np.linspace(X_min_freq,X_max_freq,n_xticks) # xticklabels_round=[] # for j in xticklabels: # round_ = round(j,2) # xticklabels_round = np.append(xticklabels_round,round_) # ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels_round) # ax.set_xticks(xticks) return x, lw, u_lw, scaling # def set_axes(ax): # ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (GHz)", fontsize = 14) # ax.set_ylabel("Intensity (a.u.)", fontsize = 14) # ax.grid(False) # ax.set_axis_bgcolor('white') # #ax.set_xlim(x[0],x[-1]) # ax.tick_params(which = 'both', direction = 'out') # xticks = np.linspace(ax.get_xlim()[0],ax.get_xlim()[-1],int((ax.get_xlim()[0]-ax.get_xlim()[-1])/2+1)) # xticklabels = np.linspace(ax.get_xlim()[0]*scaling,ax.get_xlim()[-1]*scaling,int((ax.get_xlim()[0]-ax.get_xlim()[-1])/2+1)) # xticklabels = np.round(xticklabels,1) # ax.set_xticks(xticks) # ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels, rotation=0) # return ax
def determine_drift(times, peak_positions, data_folder): times_dec = [] ftr = [3600,60,1] for time in times: time_dec = sum([a*b for a,b in zip(ftr, [ int(time[0:2]),int(time[2:4]),int(time[4:6]) ]) ]) times_dec = np.append(times_dec, time_dec) times_dec = times_dec - times_dec[0] g_a = 2.13 g_b = 0.0007 fixed=[] p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_line(g_a, g_b) fit_result = fit.fit1d(times_dec,peak_positions, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=False, ret=True,fixed=fixed) b = fit_result['params_dict']['b'] u_b = fit_result['error_dict']['b'] fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4.7)) ax = plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(times_dec[0],times_dec[-1],10*len(times_dec)), ax=ax,color='r',show_guess=True, plot_data=True, label = 'fit', add_txt=False, ret='ax') ax.set_xlabel('time (s)') ax.set_ylabel('peak position (V)') ax.set_title(data_folder + ' \n Drift is {} $\pm$ {} mV/s '.format(round(b*1.e3,3), round(u_b*1.e3,3))) fig.savefig(data_folder +'/'+ "drift " + ".png") plt.close()
def fit_sine( x, y, guess_frq, guess_amp, guess_phi, guess_of, guess_k, fixed, folder, show_fit=True, save=True, ): o = fit.Parameter(guess_of, 'o') f = fit.Parameter(guess_frq, 'f') A = fit.Parameter(guess_amp, 'A') phi = fit.Parameter(guess_phi, 'phi') k = fit.Parameter(guess_k, 'k') p0 = [f, A, phi, o, k] fitfunc_str = '' fitfunc_str = 'o - A + A*e^(-(kx)**2)*cos(2pi (fx-phi))' def fitfunc(x): return (o() - A()) + A() * np.exp(-(k() * x)**2) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (f() * x - phi())) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fixed=fixed, do_print=True, ret=True) if show_fit: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0, x[-1], 201), plot_data=True) # print "pi pulse = {:.5f} ".format(1/f()/2.) + a.sweep_name # ax.set_title(a.timestamp+'\n'+a.measurementstring) if save: plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'Calibrate_Pi_analysis_fit.png'))
def analyse_Ramsey(folder='', T2 = 3e3, Ampl = -1./3, detuning = 3e-3,hf_N = 2.17e-3, *arg): timestamp = kw.pop(timestamp, None) guess_tau = T2 guess_a = 0.5 guess_A = Ampl guess_hf_N = hf_N guess_det = detuning guess_hf_C = hf_C if timestamp != None: folder = toolbox.data_from_time(timestamp) elif folder !='': folder = toolbox.latest_data('Ramsey') a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() x= a.sweep_pts y=a.p0 ax = a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret='ax', name='ssro') params_0, fitfunc_0, fitfunc_str_0 = ramsey.fit_ramsey_14N_fixed_13C_opt(guess_tau, guess_A, guess_a, guess_det, guess_hf_N) x_0=np.linspace(0,a.sweep_pts[-1],1000) ax.plot(x_0,fitfunc_0(x_0), 'r--', lw=1) #fit_xvals=np.linspace(res['x'][0],res['x'][-1],fit_num_points) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, ramsey.fit_ramsey_14N_fixed_13C_opt, guess_tau, guess_A, guess_a, guess_det, guess_hf_N, fixed=[], do_print=True, ret=True) #fit_result = False if fit_result != False : plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0,a.sweep_pts[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'electronramsey_analysis.pdf'), format='pdf')
def analyze_dark_esr(folder, ax=None, **kw): if ax == None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ssro_calib_folder = toolbox.latest_data( contains='AdwinSSRO_SSROCalibration') a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results('ssro') a.get_electron_ROC(ssro_calib_folder=ssro_calib_folder) x = a.sweep_pts # convert to MHz y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret=None, name='ssro', ax=ax) guess_ctr = x[np.floor(len(x) / 2.)] fit_result = fit.fit1d( x, y, esr.fit_ESR_gauss, guess_offset, guess_amplitude, guess_width, guess_ctr, # (2, guess_splitN), #(2, guess_splitC), # (2, guess_splitB), #(3, guess_splitN), do_print=True, ret=True, fixed=[]) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 1000), ax=ax, plot_data=False, **kw) ax.set_xlabel('MW frq (GHz)') ax.set_ylabel(r'fidelity wrt. $|0\rangle$') ax.set_title(a.timestamp + '\n' + a.measurementstring) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'darkesr_analysis.png'), format='png') return fit_result
def calibrate_epulse_rabi(folder, ax, *args, **kws): fit_phi = kws.pop('fit_phi', True) fit_k = kws.pop('fit_k', True) a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='ssro') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] ax.set_title(a.timestamp) f = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'f') A = fit.Parameter(args[1], 'A') x0 = fit.Parameter(0, 'x0') k = fit.Parameter(0, 'k') p0 = [f, A] if fit_phi: p0.append(x0) if fit_k: p0.append(k) fitfunc_str = '(1 - A) + A * exp(-kx) * cos(2pi f (x - x0))' def fitfunc(x): return (1.-A()) + A() * np.exp(-k()*x) * \ np.cos(2*np.pi*(f()*(x - x0()))) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def fit_linear(folder=None, ax = None, a_guess=1., b_guess=0.): """ fit a x + b from Sequence in folder """ a, ax, x, y = plot_result(folder,ax) a = fit.Parameter(a_guess, 'a') b = fit.Parameter(b_guess, 'b') fitfunc_str = 'a x + b' def fitfunc(x): return a() * x + b() fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=[a, b], fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def plot_and_fit_single_peak(self, g_a1, g_A1, g_x01, g_gamma1, fixed=[], **kw): p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_lorentz(g_a1, g_A1, g_x01, g_gamma1) fit_result = fit.fit1d(self.x, self.y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=True, ret=True, fixed=fixed) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(self.x[0], self.x[-1], 10 * len(self.x)), ax=ax, label='Fit', show_guess=True, plot_data=True, color='red', data_linestyle='-', print_info=False) ax.set_xlim(self.x[0], self.x[-1]) if self.use_timetrace: ax.set_xlabel("Time (ms)", fontsize=14) else: ax.set_xlabel("datapoints", fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel("Intensity (a.u.)", fontsize=14) linewidth = fit_result['params_dict']['gamma1'] u_linewidth = fit_result['error_dict']['gamma1'] plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.indir, self.filename + '_fit.png')) return linewidth, u_linewidth
def calibrate_epulse_rabi(folder, ax, *args, **kws): fit_x0 = kws.pop('fit_x0', True) fit_k = kws.pop('fit_k', True) double_ro = kws.pop('double_ro', 'False') guess_x0 = kws.pop('guess_x0', 0) a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='adwindata') a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='adwindata') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] if double_ro == 'electron': y = a.p0[:,0] elif double_ro == 'nitrogen': y = a.p0[:,1] else: y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] f = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'f') A = fit.Parameter(args[1], 'A') x0 = fit.Parameter(guess_x0, 'x0') k = fit.Parameter(0, 'k') p0 = [f, A] if fit_x0: p0.append(x0) if fit_k: p0.append(k) fitfunc_str = '(1 - A) + A * exp(-kx) * cos(2pi f (x - x0))' def fitfunc(x) : return (1.-A()) + A() * np.exp(-k()*x) * \ np.cos(2*np.pi*f()*(x - x0())) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def epulse_fidelity(folder, ax, *args): a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name="adwindata") a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name="adwindata") x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] of = fit.Parameter(args[0], "of") fitfunc_str = "(1-of)" def fitfunc_fid(x): return 1.0 - of() fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=[of], fitfunc=fitfunc_fid, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def analyze_dark_esr(folder, ax=None, ret=None, **kw): if ax == None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) a = sequence.SequenceAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results('ssro') a.get_electron_ROC() x = a.sweep_pts # convert to MHz y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] a.plot_result_vs_sweepparam(ret=ret, name='ssro', ax=ax) ax.set_ylim(0.65,1.05) guess_ctr = float(raw_input('Center guess?')) # try fitting fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, esr.fit_ESR_gauss, guess_offset, guess_amplitude, guess_width, guess_ctr, # (2, guess_splitN), # (2, guess_splitC), # (2, guess_splitB), (3, guess_splitN), do_print=True, ret=True, fixed=[4]) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, x, ax=ax, plot_data=False, **kw) ax.set_xlabel('MW frq (GHz)') ax.set_ylabel(r'fidelity wrt. $|0\rangle$') ax.set_title(a.timestamp+'\n'+a.measurementstring) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, 'darkesr_analysis.png'), format='png') if ret == 'f0': f0 = fit_result['params_dict']['x0'] u_f0 = fit_result['error_dict']['x0'] ax.text(f0, 0.8, '$f_0$ = ({:.3f} +/- {:.3f})'.format( (f0-2.8)*1e3, u_f0*1e3), ha='center') return (f0-2.8)*1e3, u_f0*1e3
def fit_rabi(folder=None, ax=None, f_guess=0.9, A_guess=1, fit_phi=False, fit_k=False): """ fit (1 - A) + A * exp(-kx) * cos(2pi f (x - x0)) from Sequence in folder """ a, ax, x, y = plot_result(folder, ax) f = fit.Parameter(f_guess, 'f') A = fit.Parameter(A_guess, 'A') x0 = fit.Parameter(0, 'x0') k = fit.Parameter(0, 'k') p0 = [f, A] if fit_phi: p0.append(x0) if fit_k: p0.append(k) fitfunc_str = '(1 - A) + A * exp(-kx) * cos(2pi f (x - x0))' def fitfunc(x): return (1.-A()) + A() * np.exp(-k()*x) * \ np.cos(2*np.pi*(f()*(x - x0()))) fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def fit_parabolic(folder=None, ax = None,x0_guess=0., of_guess=0.5, a_guess=1.,**kw): """ fit (1-of) + a (x-x0)**2 from Sequence in folder """ do_print = kw.pop('do_print', False) a, ax, x, y = plot_result(folder,ax) x0 = fit.Parameter(x0_guess, 'x0') of = fit.Parameter(of_guess, 'of') a = fit.Parameter(a_guess, 'a') fitfunc_str = '(1-of) + a (x-x0)**2' def fitfunc_parabolic(x): return (1.-of()) + a() * (x-x0())**2 fit_result = fit.fit1d(x,y, None, p0=[of, a, x0], fitfunc=fitfunc_parabolic, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=do_print, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0],x[-1],201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, **kw) return fit_result
def fit_linear(folder, ax, value, *args): a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name="adwindata") a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name="adwindata") x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] a = fit.Parameter(args[0], "a") b = fit.Parameter(args[0], "b") fitfunc_str = "a x + b" def fitfunc(x): return a() * x + b() fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=[a, b], fitfunc=fitfunc, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def calibrate_epulse_amplitude(folder, ax, *args, **kw): double_ro = kw.pop('double_ro', 'False') a = mbi.MBIAnalysis(folder) a.get_sweep_pts() a.get_readout_results(name='adwindata') a.get_electron_ROC() a.plot_results_vs_sweepparam(ax=ax, name='adwindata') x = a.sweep_pts.reshape(-1)[:] if double_ro == 'electron': y = a.p0[:, 0] elif double_ro == 'nitrogen': y = a.p0[:, 1] else: y = a.p0.reshape(-1)[:] x0 = fit.Parameter(args[0], 'x0') of = fit.Parameter(args[1], 'of') a = fit.Parameter(args[2], 'a') fitfunc_str = '(1-of) + a (x-x0)**2' def fitfunc_parabolic(x): return (1. - of()) + a() * (x - x0())**2 fit_result = fit.fit1d(x, y, None, p0=[of, a, x0], fitfunc=fitfunc_parabolic, fitfunc_str=fitfunc_str, do_print=True, ret=True) plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 201), ax=ax, plot_data=False, print_info=False) return fit_result
def determine_drift(times, peak_positions, data_folder): times_dec = [] ftr = [3600, 60, 1] for time in times: time_dec = sum([ a * b for a, b in zip( ftr, [int(time[0:2]), int(time[2:4]), int(time[4:6])]) ]) times_dec = np.append(times_dec, time_dec) times_dec = times_dec - times_dec[0] g_a = 2.13 g_b = 0.0007 fixed = [] p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_line(g_a, g_b) fit_result = fit.fit1d(times_dec, peak_positions, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=False, ret=True, fixed=fixed) b = fit_result['params_dict']['b'] u_b = fit_result['error_dict']['b'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4.7)) ax = plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(times_dec[0], times_dec[-1], 10 * len(times_dec)), ax=ax, color='r', show_guess=True, plot_data=True, label='fit', add_txt=False, ret='ax') ax.set_xlabel('time (s)') ax.set_ylabel('peak position (V)') ax.set_title(data_folder + ' \n Drift is {} $\pm$ {} mV/s '.format( round(b * 1.e3, 3), round(u_b * 1.e3, 3))) fig.savefig(data_folder + '/' + "drift " + ".png") plt.close()
def perform_phenom_fit(self,key,plotting = False, ax = None): """performs a fit of time trace data to a gaussian function""" if len(key) == 1: data = self.pickle_dict[key[0]] else: data = self.pickle_dict[key[0]][key[1]] evotime = data[timetrace_keylist[0]] fid = data[timetrace_keylist[1]] fid_u = data[timetrace_keylist[2]] ii = self.find_index(key[0]) p0, fitfunc, fitfunc_str = common.fit_gauss(self.fit_offset, 0.43, 0., 8.25) fixed =[1] if self.use_fixed: if int(key[0]) % 2 ==0: ### key[0] is always the number of measurements. fixed = [0,1] else: fixed = [1] fit_result = fit.fit1d(evotime,fid, None, p0=p0, fitfunc=fitfunc, do_print=False, ret=True,fixed=fixed) if plotting: plot.plot_fit1d(fit_result, np.linspace(0,200,201), ax=ax, plot_data=False,color = color_list[ii],add_txt = False, lw = fit_lw) p1 = abs(round(fit_result['params'][3-len(fixed)],3)) p1_u = round(fit_result['error'][3-len(fixed)],3) self.results.append(key[0] + ' : T = ' + str(round(p1,2)) + ' +- ' + str(round(p1_u,2))) # print 'uncertainty ', p1_u; if len(key) == 1: self.pickle_dict[key[0]]['fit'] = fit_result else: self.pickle_dict[key[0]][key[1]]['fit'] = fit_result