Пример #1
def derive_parameters(hdf, node_mgr, process_order, params=None, force=False):
    Derives parameters in process_order. Dependencies are sourced via the

    :param hdf: Data file accessor used to get and save parameter data and
    :type hdf: hdf_file
    :param node_mgr: Used to determine the type of node in the process_order
    :type node_mgr: NodeManager
    :param process_order: Parameter / Node class names in the required order to
        be processed
    :type process_order: list of strings
    if not params:
        params = {}
    # OPT: local lookup is faster than module-level (small).
    node_subclasses = NODE_SUBCLASSES

    # store all derived params that aren't masked arrays
    approaches = {}
    # duplicate storage, but maintaining types
    kpvs = {}
    ktis = {}
    # 'Node Name' : node()  pass in node.get_accessor()
    sections = {}
    flight_attrs = {}
    # cache of nodes to avoid repeated array alignment
    cache = {} if NODE_CACHE else None
    duration = hdf.duration

    for param_name in process_order:
        if param_name in node_mgr.hdf_keys:

        elif param_name in params:
            node = params[param_name]
            # populate output already at 1Hz
            if node.node_type is KeyPointValueNode:
                kpvs[param_name] = list(node)
            elif node.node_type is KeyTimeInstanceNode:
                ktis[param_name] = list(node)
            elif node.node_type is FlightAttributeNode:
                flight_attrs[param_name] = [Attribute(node.name, node.value)]
            elif node.node_type is SectionNode:
                sections[param_name] = list(node)
            # DerivedParameterNodes are not supported in initial data.

        elif node_mgr.get_attribute(param_name) is not None:
            # add attribute to dictionary of available params
            ###params[param_name] = node_mgr.get_attribute(param_name)
            #TODO: optimise with only one call to get_attribute

        #NB raises KeyError if Node is "unknown"
        node_class = node_mgr.derived_nodes[param_name]

        # build ordered dependencies
        deps = []
        node_deps = node_class.get_dependency_names()
        for dep_name in node_deps:
            if dep_name in params:  # already calculated KPV/KTI/Phase
            elif node_mgr.get_attribute(dep_name) is not None:
            elif dep_name in node_mgr.hdf_keys:
                # LFL/Derived parameter
                # all parameters (LFL or other) need get_aligned which is
                # available on DerivedParameterNode
                    dp = derived_param_from_hdf(hdf.get_param(dep_name,
                except KeyError:
                    # Parameter is invalid.
                    dp = None
            else:  # dependency not available
        if all([d is None for d in deps]):
            raise RuntimeError("No dependencies available - Nodes cannot "
                               "operate without ANY dependencies available! "
                               "Node: %s" % node_class.__name__)

        # initialise node
        node = node_class(cache=cache)
        # shhh, secret accessors for developing nodes in debug mode
        node._p = params
        node._h = hdf
        node._n = node_mgr
        logger.debug("Processing %s `%s`",
                     get_node_type(node, node_subclasses), param_name)
        # Derive the resulting value

            node = node.get_derived(deps)
            if not force:

        del node._p
        del node._h
        del node._n

        if node.node_type is KeyPointValueNode:
            params[param_name] = node

            aligned_kpvs = []
            for one_hz in node.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0)):
                if not (0 <= one_hz.index <= duration + 4):
                    raise IndexError(
                        "KPV '%s' index %.2f is not between 0 and %d" %
                        (one_hz.name, one_hz.index, duration))
            kpvs[param_name] = aligned_kpvs
        elif node.node_type is KeyTimeInstanceNode:
            params[param_name] = node

            aligned_ktis = []
            for one_hz in node.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0)):
                if not (0 <= one_hz.index <= duration + 4):
                    raise IndexError(
                        "KTI '%s' index %.2f is not between 0 and %d" %
                        (one_hz.name, one_hz.index, duration))
            ktis[param_name] = aligned_ktis
        elif node.node_type is FlightAttributeNode:
            params[param_name] = node
                # only has one Attribute node, store as a list for consistency
                flight_attrs[param_name] = [Attribute(node.name, node.value)]
                    "Flight Attribute Node '%s' returned empty "
                    "handed.", param_name)
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, SectionNode):
            aligned_section = node.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0))
            for index, one_hz in enumerate(aligned_section):
                # SectionNodes allow slice starts and stops being None which
                # signifies the beginning and end of the data. To avoid
                # TypeErrors in subsequent derive methods which perform
                # arithmetic on section slice start and stops, replace with 0
                # or hdf.duration.
                fallback = lambda x, y: x if x is not None else y

                duration = fallback(duration, 0)

                start = fallback(one_hz.slice.start, 0)
                stop = fallback(one_hz.slice.stop, duration)
                start_edge = fallback(one_hz.start_edge, 0)
                stop_edge = fallback(one_hz.stop_edge, duration)

                slice_ = slice(start, stop)
                one_hz = Section(one_hz.name, slice_, start_edge, stop_edge)
                aligned_section[index] = one_hz

                if not (0 <= start <= duration and 0 <= stop <= duration + 4):
                    msg = "Section '%s' (%.2f, %.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg %
                                     (one_hz.name, start, stop, duration))
                if not 0 <= start_edge <= duration:
                    msg = "Section '%s' start_edge (%.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg % (one_hz.name, start_edge, duration))
                if not 0 <= stop_edge <= duration + 4:
                    msg = "Section '%s' stop_edge (%.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg % (one_hz.name, stop_edge, duration))
            params[param_name] = aligned_section
            sections[param_name] = list(aligned_section)
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, DerivedParameterNode):
            if duration:
                # check that the right number of nodes were returned Allow a
                # small tolerance. For example if duration in seconds is 2822,
                # then there will be an array length of  1411 at 0.5Hz and 706
                # at 0.25Hz (rounded upwards). If we combine two 0.25Hz
                # parameters then we will have an array length of 1412.
                expected_length = duration * node.frequency
                if node.array is None or (force and len(node.array) == 0):
                        "No array set; creating a fully masked "
                        "array for %s", param_name)
                    array_length = expected_length
                    # Where a parameter is wholly masked, we fill the HDF
                    # file with masked zeros to maintain structure.
                    node.array = \
                    array_length = len(node.array)
                length_diff = array_length - expected_length
                if length_diff == 0:
                elif 0 < length_diff < 5:
                        "Cutting excess data for parameter '%s'. "
                        "Expected length was '%s' while resulting "
                        "array length was '%s'.", param_name, expected_length,
                    node.array = node.array[:expected_length]
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Array length mismatch for parameter "
                        "'%s'. Expected '%s', resulting array "
                        "length '%s'." %
                        (param_name, expected_length, array_length))

            # Keep hdf_keys up to date.
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, ApproachNode):
            aligned_approach = node.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0))
            for approach in aligned_approach:
                # Does not allow slice start or stops to be None.
                valid_turnoff = (not approach.turnoff
                                 or (0 <= approach.turnoff <= duration))
                valid_slice = ((0 <= approach.slice.start <= duration)
                               and (0 <= approach.slice.stop <= duration))
                valid_gs_est = (not approach.gs_est or
                                ((0 <= approach.gs_est.start <= duration) and
                                 (0 <= approach.gs_est.stop <= duration)))
                valid_loc_est = (not approach.loc_est or
                                 ((0 <= approach.loc_est.start <= duration) and
                                  (0 <= approach.loc_est.stop <= duration)))
                if not all(
                    [valid_turnoff, valid_slice, valid_gs_est, valid_loc_est]):
                    raise ValueError('ApproachItem contains index outside of '
                                     'flight data: %s' % approach)
            params[param_name] = aligned_approach
            approaches[param_name] = list(aligned_approach)
            raise NotImplementedError("Unknown Type %s" % node.__class__)
    return ktis, kpvs, sections, approaches, flight_attrs
Пример #2
def derive_parameters(hdf, node_mgr, process_order, params=None, force=False):
    Derives parameters in process_order. Dependencies are sourced via the

    :param hdf: Data file accessor used to get and save parameter data and
    :type hdf: hdf_file
    :param node_mgr: Used to determine the type of node in the process_order
    :type node_mgr: NodeManager
    :param process_order: Parameter / Node class names in the required order to
        be processed
    :type process_order: list of strings
    if not params:
        params = {}
    # OPT: local lookup is faster than module-level (small).
    node_subclasses = NODE_SUBCLASSES
    # store all derived params that aren't masked arrays
    approaches = {}
    # duplicate storage, but maintaining types
    kpvs = {}
    ktis = {}
    # 'Node Name' : node()  pass in node.get_accessor()
    sections = {}
    flight_attrs = {}
    duration = hdf.duration

    for param_name in process_order:
        if param_name in node_mgr.hdf_keys:
        elif param_name in params:
            node = params[param_name]
            # populate output already at 1Hz
            if node.node_type is KeyPointValueNode:
                kpvs[param_name] = list(node)
            elif node.node_type is KeyTimeInstanceNode:
                ktis[param_name] = list(node)
            elif node.node_type is FlightAttributeNode:
                flight_attrs[param_name] = [Attribute(node.name, node.value)]
            elif node.node_type is SectionNode:
                sections[param_name] = list(node)
            # DerivedParameterNodes are not supported in initial data.

        elif node_mgr.get_attribute(param_name) is not None:
            # add attribute to dictionary of available params
            ###params[param_name] = node_mgr.get_attribute(param_name)
            #TODO: optimise with only one call to get_attribute

        #NB raises KeyError if Node is "unknown"
        node_class = node_mgr.derived_nodes[param_name]

        # build ordered dependencies
        deps = []
        node_deps = node_class.get_dependency_names()
        for dep_name in node_deps:
            if dep_name in params:  # already calculated KPV/KTI/Phase
            elif node_mgr.get_attribute(dep_name) is not None:
            elif dep_name in node_mgr.hdf_keys:
                # LFL/Derived parameter
                # all parameters (LFL or other) need get_aligned which is
                # available on DerivedParameterNode
                    dp = derived_param_from_hdf(hdf.get_param(
                        dep_name, valid_only=True))
                except KeyError:
                    # Parameter is invalid.
                    dp = None
            else:  # dependency not available
        if all([d is None for d in deps]):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "No dependencies available - Nodes cannot "
                "operate without ANY dependencies available! "
                "Node: %s" % node_class.__name__)

        # initialise node
        node = node_class()
        # shhh, secret accessors for developing nodes in debug mode
        node._p = params
        node._h = hdf
        node._n = node_mgr
        logger.info("Processing %s `%s`", get_node_type(node, node_subclasses), param_name)
        # Derive the resulting value
            node = node.get_derived(deps)
            if not force:
        del node._p
        del node._h
        del node._n

        if node.node_type is KeyPointValueNode:
            params[param_name] = node
            aligned_kpvs = []
            for one_hz in node.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0)):
                if not (0 <= one_hz.index <= duration+4):
                    raise IndexError(
                        "KPV '%s' index %.2f is not between 0 and %d" %
                        (one_hz.name, one_hz.index, duration))
            kpvs[param_name] = aligned_kpvs
        elif node.node_type is KeyTimeInstanceNode:
            params[param_name] = node
            aligned_ktis = []
            for one_hz in node.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0)):
                if not (0 <= one_hz.index <= duration+4):
                    raise IndexError(
                        "KTI '%s' index %.2f is not between 0 and %d" %
                        (one_hz.name, one_hz.index, duration))
            ktis[param_name] = aligned_ktis
        elif node.node_type is FlightAttributeNode:
            params[param_name] = node
                # only has one Attribute node, store as a list for consistency
                flight_attrs[param_name] = [Attribute(node.name, node.value)]
                logger.warning("Flight Attribute Node '%s' returned empty "
                               "handed.", param_name)
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, SectionNode):
            aligned_section = node.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0))
            for index, one_hz in enumerate(aligned_section):
                # SectionNodes allow slice starts and stops being None which
                # signifies the beginning and end of the data. To avoid
                # TypeErrors in subsequent derive methods which perform
                # arithmetic on section slice start and stops, replace with 0
                # or hdf.duration.
                fallback = lambda x, y: x if x is not None else y

                duration = fallback(duration, 0)

                start = fallback(one_hz.slice.start, 0)
                stop = fallback(one_hz.slice.stop, duration)
                start_edge = fallback(one_hz.start_edge, 0)
                stop_edge = fallback(one_hz.stop_edge, duration)

                slice_ = slice(start, stop)
                one_hz = Section(one_hz.name, slice_, start_edge, stop_edge)
                aligned_section[index] = one_hz

                if not (0 <= start <= duration and 0 <= stop <= duration + 4):
                    msg = "Section '%s' (%.2f, %.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(
                        msg % (one_hz.name, start, stop, duration))
                if not 0 <= start_edge <= duration:
                    msg = "Section '%s' start_edge (%.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg % (one_hz.name, start_edge, duration))
                if not 0 <= stop_edge <= duration + 4:
                    msg = "Section '%s' stop_edge (%.2f) not between 0 and %d"
                    raise IndexError(msg % (one_hz.name, stop_edge, duration))
            params[param_name] = aligned_section
            sections[param_name] = list(aligned_section)
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, DerivedParameterNode):
            if duration:
                # check that the right number of nodes were returned Allow a
                # small tolerance. For example if duration in seconds is 2822,
                # then there will be an array length of  1411 at 0.5Hz and 706
                # at 0.25Hz (rounded upwards). If we combine two 0.25Hz
                # parameters then we will have an array length of 1412.
                expected_length = duration * node.frequency
                if node.array is None or (force and len(node.array) == 0):
                    logger.warning("No array set; creating a fully masked "
                                   "array for %s", param_name)
                    array_length = expected_length
                    # Where a parameter is wholly masked, we fill the HDF
                    # file with masked zeros to maintain structure.
                    node.array = \
                    array_length = len(node.array)
                length_diff = array_length - expected_length
                if length_diff == 0:
                elif 0 < length_diff < 5:
                    logger.warning("Cutting excess data for parameter '%s'. "
                                   "Expected length was '%s' while resulting "
                                   "array length was '%s'.", param_name,
                                   expected_length, len(node.array))
                    node.array = node.array[:expected_length]
                    raise ValueError("Array length mismatch for parameter "
                                     "'%s'. Expected '%s', resulting array "
                                     "length '%s'." % (param_name,

            # Keep hdf_keys up to date.
        elif issubclass(node.node_type, ApproachNode):
            aligned_approach = node.get_aligned(P(frequency=1, offset=0))
            for approach in aligned_approach:
                # Does not allow slice start or stops to be None.
                valid_turnoff = (not approach.turnoff or
                                 (0 <= approach.turnoff <= duration))
                valid_slice = ((0 <= approach.slice.start <= duration) and
                               (0 <= approach.slice.stop <= duration))
                valid_gs_est = (not approach.gs_est or
                                ((0 <= approach.gs_est.start <= duration) and
                                 (0 <= approach.gs_est.stop <= duration)))
                valid_loc_est = (not approach.loc_est or
                                 ((0 <= approach.loc_est.start <= duration) and
                                  (0 <= approach.loc_est.stop <= duration)))
                if not all([valid_turnoff, valid_slice, valid_gs_est,
                    raise ValueError('ApproachItem contains index outside of '
                                     'flight data: %s' % approach)
            params[param_name] = aligned_approach
            approaches[param_name] = list(aligned_approach)
            raise NotImplementedError("Unknown Type %s" % node.__class__)
    return ktis, kpvs, sections, approaches, flight_attrs