def get_frametimings(self): try: filter_length, frametimings = asc.ft_nblinks( self.exp, self.stimnr, self.param_file.get('Nblinks', None), self.refresh_rate) except ValueError as e: if str(e).startswith('Unexpected value for nblinks'): frametimings = asc.readframetimes(self.exp, self.stimnr) filter_length = None frametimings = frametimings[:self.maxframes] self.filter_length = filter_length self.frametimings = frametimings self.frame_duration = np.ediff1d(frametimings).mean()
def savenpztomat(exp_name, savedir=None): """ Convert frametime files in .npz to .mat for interoperability with MATLAB users. savedir """ exp_dir = iof.exp_dir_fixer(exp_name) _, metadata = asc.read_spikesheet(exp_dir) monitor_delay = metadata['monitor_delay(s)'] for i in range(1, 100): print(i) try: ft_on, ft_off = asc.readframetimes(exp_name, i, returnoffsets=True) except ValueError as e: if str(e).startswith('No frametimes'): break else: raise # Convert to milliseconds b/c that is the convertion in MATLAB scripts ft_on = (ft_on - monitor_delay) * 1000 ft_off = (ft_off - monitor_delay) * 1000 stimname = iof.getstimname(exp_dir, i) if savedir is None: savedir = pjoin(exp_dir, 'frametimes') savename = pjoin(savedir, stimname) print(savename) + '_frametimings', { 'ftimes': ft_on, 'ftimes_offsets': ft_off }, appendmat=True)
def onoffstepsanalyzer(exp_name, stim_nrs): """ Analyze onoffsteps data, plot and save it. Will make a directory /data_analysis/<stimulus_name> and save svg [and pdf in subfolder.]. Parameters: exp_name: Experiment name. stim_nr: Order of the onoff steps stimulus. """ exp_dir = iof.exp_dir_fixer(exp_name) exp_name = os.path.split(exp_dir)[-1] if isinstance(stim_nrs, int): stim_nrs = [stim_nrs] for stim_nr in stim_nrs: stim_nr = str(stim_nr) stimname = iof.getstimname(exp_dir, stim_nr) clusters, metadata = asc.read_spikesheet(exp_dir, cutoff=4) clusterids = plf.clusters_to_ids(clusters) parameters = asc.read_parameters(exp_dir, stim_nr) refresh_rate = metadata['refresh_rate'] # Divide by the refresh rate to convert from number of # frames to seconds pars_stim_duration = parameters['Nframes'] / refresh_rate pars_preframe_duration = parameters.get('preframes', 0) / refresh_rate if pars_preframe_duration == 0: nopreframe = True nr_periods = 2 else: nopreframe = False nr_periods = 4 # The first trial will be discarded by dropping the first four frames # If we don't save the original and re-initialize for each cell, # frametimings will get smaller over time. frametimings_original = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stim_nr) trial_durs = stim_prefr_durations_frametimes(frametimings_original, nr_per=nr_periods) avg_trial_durs = trial_durs.mean(axis=0) if not nopreframe: stim_duration = avg_trial_durs[1::2].mean() preframe_duration = avg_trial_durs[::2].mean() else: stim_duration = avg_trial_durs.mean() preframe_duration = 0 warnings.warn('On-off steps analysis with no preframes' 'is not tested, proceed with caution.') contrast = parameters['contrast'] total_cycle = avg_trial_durs.sum() # Set the bins to be 10 ms tstep = 0.01 bins = int(total_cycle / tstep) + 1 t = np.linspace(0, total_cycle, num=bins) # Setup for onoff bias calculation onbegin = preframe_duration onend = onbegin + stim_duration offbegin = onend + preframe_duration offend = offbegin + stim_duration # Determine the indices for each period a = [] for i in [onbegin, onend, offbegin, offend]: yo = np.asscalar(np.where(np.abs(t - i) < tstep / 1.5)[0][-1]) a.append(yo) # To exclude stimulus offset affecting the bias, use # last 1 second of preframe period prefs = [] for i in [onbegin - 1, onbegin, offbegin - 1, offbegin]: yo = np.asscalar(np.where(np.abs(t - i) < tstep / 1.5)[0][-1]) prefs.append(yo) onper = slice(a[0], a[1]) offper = slice(a[2], a[3]) pref1 = slice(prefs[0], prefs[1]) pref2 = slice(prefs[2], prefs[3]) onoffbias = np.empty(clusters.shape[0]) baselines = np.empty(clusters.shape[0]) savedir = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'data_analysis', stimname) os.makedirs(os.path.join(savedir, 'pdf'), exist_ok=True) # Collect all firing rates in a list all_frs = [] for i in range(len(clusters[:, 0])): spikes = asc.read_raster(exp_dir, stim_nr, clusters[i, 0], clusters[i, 1]) frametimings = frametimings_original # Discard all the spikes that happen after the last frame spikes = spikes[spikes < frametimings[-1]] # Discard the first trial spikes = spikes[spikes > frametimings[4]] frametimings = frametimings[4:] # Find which trial each spike belongs to, and subtract one # to be able to use as indices trial_indices = np.digitize(spikes, frametimings[::4]) - 1 rasterplot = [] # Iterate over all the trials, create an empty array for each for j in range(int(np.ceil(frametimings.max() / total_cycle))): rasterplot.append([]) # plt.eventplot requires a list containing spikes in each # trial separately for k in range(len(spikes)): trial = trial_indices[k] rasterplot[trial].append(spikes[k] - frametimings[::4][trial]) # Workaround for matplotlib issue #6412. # # If a cell has no spikes for the first trial i.e. the first # element of the list is empty, an error is raised due to # a plt.eventplot bug. if len(rasterplot[0]) == 0: rasterplot[0] = [-1] plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) ax1 = plt.subplot(211) plt.eventplot(rasterplot, linewidth=.5, color='r') # Set the axis so they align with the rectangles plt.axis([0, total_cycle, -1, len(rasterplot)]) # Draw rectangles to represent different parts of the on off # steps stimulus plf.drawonoff(ax1, preframe_duration, stim_duration, contrast=contrast) plt.ylabel('Trial') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() ax1.set_xticks([]) plf.spineless(ax1) # Collect all trials in one array to calculate firing rates ras = np.array([]) for ii in range(len(rasterplot)): ras = np.append(ras, rasterplot[ii]) # Sort into time bins and count how many spikes happened in each fr = np.digitize(ras, t) fr = np.bincount(fr) # Normalize so that units are spikes/s fr = fr * (bins / total_cycle) / (len(rasterplot) - 1) # Equalize the length of the two arrays for plotting. # np.bincount(x) normally produces x.max()+1 bins if fr.shape[0] == bins + 1: fr = fr[:-1] # If there aren't any spikes at the last trial, the firing # rates array is too short and plt.plot raises error. while fr.shape[0] < bins: fr = np.append(fr, 0) prefr = np.append(fr[pref1], fr[pref2]) baseline = np.median(np.round(prefr)) fr_corr = fr - baseline r_on = np.sum(fr_corr[onper]) r_off = np.sum(fr_corr[offper]) if r_on == 0 and r_off == 0: bias = np.nan else: bias = (r_on - r_off) / (np.abs(r_on) + np.abs(r_off)) plt.suptitle(f'{exp_name}\n{stimname}' f'\n{clusterids[i]} Rating: {clusters[i][2]}\n') if fr.max() < 20: bias = np.nan onoffbias[i] = bias baselines[i] = baseline all_frs.append(fr) ax2 = plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(t, fr) for eachslice in [onper, offper]: ax2.fill_between(t[eachslice], fr[eachslice], baseline, where=fr[eachslice] > baseline, facecolor='lightgray') plf.spineless(ax2) plt.axis([0, total_cycle, fr.min(), fr.max()]) plt.title(f'Baseline: {baseline:2.0f} Hz Bias: {bias:0.2f}') plt.xlabel('Time[s]') plt.ylabel('Firing rate[spikes/s]') # Save as svg for looking through data, pdf for # inserting into presentations plt.savefig( savedir + '/{:0>3}{:0>2}.svg'.format(clusters[i, 0], clusters[i, 1]), format='svg', bbox_inches='tight') plt.savefig(os.path.join( savedir, 'pdf', '{:0>3}' '{:0>2}.pdf'.format(clusters[i, 0], clusters[i, 1])), format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() keystosave = [ 'clusters', 'total_cycle', 'bins', 'tstep', 'stimname', 'stim_duration', 'preframe_duration', 'contrast', 'all_frs', 't', 'exp_name', 'onoffbias', 'baselines' ] data_in_dict = {} for key in keystosave: data_in_dict[key] = locals()[key] np.savez(os.path.join(savedir, stim_nr + '_data'), **data_in_dict) print(f'Analysis of {stimname} completed.')
def randomizestripes(label, exp_name='20180124', stim_nrs=6): exp_dir = iof.exp_dir_fixer(exp_name) if isinstance(stim_nrs, int): stim_nrs = [stim_nrs] for stim_nr in stim_nrs: stimname = iof.getstimname(exp_name, stim_nr) clusters, metadata = asc.read_spikesheet(exp_dir) parameters = asc.read_parameters(exp_dir, stim_nr) scr_width = metadata['screen_width'] px_size = metadata['pixel_size(um)'] stx_w = parameters['stixelwidth'] stx_h = parameters['stixelheight'] if (stx_h/stx_w) < 2: raise ValueError('Make sure the stimulus is stripeflicker.') sy = scr_width/stx_w # sy = sy*4 sy = int(sy) nblinks = parameters['Nblinks'] try: bw = parameters['blackwhite'] except KeyError: bw = False try: seed = parameters['seed'] initialseed = parameters['seed'] except KeyError: seed = -10000 initialseed = -10000 if nblinks == 1: ft_on, ft_off = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stim_nr, returnoffsets=True) # Initialize empty array twice the size of one of them, assign # value from on or off to every other element. frametimings = np.empty(ft_on.shape[0]*2, dtype=float) frametimings[::2] = ft_on frametimings[1::2] = ft_off # Set filter length so that temporal filter is ~600 ms. # The unit here is number of frames. filter_length = 40 elif nblinks == 2: frametimings = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stim_nr) filter_length = 20 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected value for nblinks.') # Omit everything that happens before the first 10 seconds cut_time = 10 frame_duration = np.average(np.ediff1d(frametimings)) total_frames = int(frametimings.shape[0]/4) all_spiketimes = [] # Store spike triggered averages in a list containing correct # shaped arrays stas = [] for i in range(len(clusters[:, 0])): spikes_orig = asc.read_raster(exp_dir, stim_nr, clusters[i, 0], clusters[i, 1]) spikesneeded = spikes_orig.shape[0]*1000 spiketimes = np.random.random_sample(spikesneeded)*spikes_orig.max() spiketimes = np.sort(spiketimes) spikes = asc.binspikes(spiketimes, frametimings) all_spiketimes.append(spikes) stas.append(np.zeros((sy, filter_length))) if bw: randnrs, seed = randpy.ran1(seed, sy*total_frames) # randnrs = mersennetw(sy*total_frames, seed1=seed) randnrs = [1 if i > .5 else -1 for i in randnrs] else: randnrs, seed = randpy.gasdev(seed, sy*total_frames) stimulus = np.reshape(randnrs, (sy, total_frames), order='F') del randnrs for k in range(filter_length, total_frames-filter_length+1): stim_small = stimulus[:, k-filter_length+1:k+1][:, ::-1] for j in range(clusters.shape[0]): spikes = all_spiketimes[j] if spikes[k] != 0 and frametimings[k]>cut_time: stas[j] += spikes[k]*stim_small max_inds = [] spikenrs = np.array([spikearr.sum() for spikearr in all_spiketimes]) quals = np.array([]) for i in range(clusters.shape[0]): stas[i] = stas[i]/spikenrs[i] # Find the pixel with largest absolute value max_i = np.squeeze(np.where(np.abs(stas[i]) == np.max(np.abs(stas[i])))) # If there are multiple pixels with largest value, # take the first one. if max_i.shape != (2,): try: max_i = max_i[:, 0] # If max_i cannot be found just set it to zeros. except IndexError: max_i = np.array([0, 0]) max_inds.append(max_i) quals = np.append(quals, asc.staquality(stas[i])) # savefname = str(stim_nr)+'_data' # savepath = pjoin(exp_dir, 'data_analysis', stimname) # # exp_name = os.path.split(exp_dir)[-1] # # if not os.path.isdir(savepath): # os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True) # savepath = os.path.join(savepath, savefname) # # keystosave = ['stas', 'max_inds', 'clusters', 'sy', # 'frame_duration', 'all_spiketimes', 'stimname', # 'total_frames', 'stx_w', 'spikenrs', 'bw', # 'quals', 'nblinks', 'filter_length', 'exp_name'] # data_in_dict = {} # for key in keystosave: # data_in_dict[key] = locals()[key] # # np.savez(savepath, **data_in_dict) # print(f'Analysis of {stimname} completed.') clusterids = plf.clusters_to_ids(clusters) # assert(initialseed.ty) correction = corrector(sy, total_frames, filter_length, initialseed) correction = np.outer(correction, np.ones(filter_length)) t = np.arange(filter_length)*frame_duration*1000 vscale = int(stas[0].shape[0] * stx_w*px_size/1000) for i in range(clusters.shape[0]): sta = stas[i]-correction vmax = 0.03 vmin = -vmax plt.figure(figsize=(6, 15)) ax = plt.subplot(111) im = ax.imshow(sta, cmap='RdBu', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, extent=[0, t[-1], -vscale, vscale], aspect='auto') plt.xlabel('Time [ms]') plt.ylabel('Distance [mm]') plf.spineless(ax) plf.colorbar(im, ticks=[vmin, 0, vmax], format='%.2f', size='2%') plt.suptitle('{}\n{}\n' '{} Rating: {}\n' 'nrofspikes {:5.0f}'.format(exp_name, stimname, clusterids[i], clusters[i][2], spikenrs[i])) plt.subplots_adjust(top=.90) savepath = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'data_analysis', stimname, 'STAs_randomized') svgpath = pjoin(savepath, label) if not os.path.isdir(svgpath): os.makedirs(svgpath, exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(os.path.join(svgpath, clusterids[i]+'.svg'), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() os.system(f"convert -delay 25 {svgpath}/*svg {savepath}/animated_{label}.gif")
def get_frametimings(self): frametimings = asc.readframetimes(self.exp, self.stimnr)[:self.maxframes_i] self.frametimings = frametimings
def checkerflickerplusanalyzer(exp_name, stimulusnr, clusterstoanalyze=None, frametimingsfraction=None, cutoff=4): """ Analyzes checkerflicker-like data, typically interspersed stimuli in between chunks of checkerflicker. e.g. checkerflickerplusmovie, frozennoise Parameters: ---------- exp_name: Experiment name. stimulusnr: Number of the stimulus to be analyzed. clusterstoanalyze: Number of clusters should be analyzed. Default is None. First N cells will be analyzed if this parameter is given. In case of long recordings it might make sense to first look at a subset of cells before starting to analyze the whole dataset. frametimingsfraction: Fraction of the recording to analyze. Should be a number between 0 and 1. e.g. 0.3 will analyze the first 30% of the whole recording. cutoff: Worst rating that is wanted for the analysis. Default is 4. The source of this value is manual rating of each cluster. """ exp_dir = iof.exp_dir_fixer(exp_name) stimname = iof.getstimname(exp_dir, stimulusnr) exp_name = os.path.split(exp_dir)[-1] clusters, metadata = asc.read_spikesheet(exp_dir, cutoff=cutoff) # Check that the inputs are as expected. if clusterstoanalyze: if clusterstoanalyze > len(clusters[:, 0]): warnings.warn('clusterstoanalyze is larger ' 'than number of clusters in dataset. ' 'All cells will be included.') clusterstoanalyze = None if frametimingsfraction: if not 0 < frametimingsfraction < 1: raise ValueError('Invalid input for frametimingsfraction: {}. ' 'It should be a number between 0 and 1' ''.format(frametimingsfraction)) scr_width = metadata['screen_width'] scr_height = metadata['screen_height'] refresh_rate = metadata['refresh_rate'] parameters = asc.read_parameters(exp_dir, stimulusnr) stx_h = parameters['stixelheight'] stx_w = parameters['stixelwidth'] # Check whether any parameters are given for margins, calculate # screen dimensions. marginkeys = ['tmargin', 'bmargin', 'rmargin', 'lmargin'] margins = [] for key in marginkeys: margins.append(parameters.get(key, 0)) # Subtract bottom and top from vertical dimension; left and right # from horizontal dimension scr_width = scr_width - sum(margins[2:]) scr_height = scr_height - sum(margins[:2]) nblinks = parameters['Nblinks'] bw = parameters.get('blackwhite', False) # Gaussian stimuli are not supported yet, we need to ensure we # have a black and white stimulus if bw is not True: raise ValueError('Gaussian stimuli are not supported yet!') seed = parameters.get('seed', -1000) sx, sy = scr_height / stx_h, scr_width / stx_w # Make sure that the number of stimulus pixels are integers # Rounding down is also possible but might require # other considerations. if sx % 1 == 0 and sy % 1 == 0: sx, sy = int(sx), int(sy) else: raise ValueError('sx and sy must be integers') filter_length, frametimings = asc.ft_nblinks(exp_dir, stimulusnr) if parameters['stimulus_type'] in [ 'FrozenNoise', 'checkerflickerplusmovie' ]: runfr = parameters['RunningFrames'] frofr = parameters['FrozenFrames'] # To generate the frozen noise, a second seed is used. # The default value of this is -10000 as per StimulateOpenGL secondseed = parameters.get('secondseed', -10000) if parameters['stimulus_type'] == 'checkerflickerplusmovie': mblinks = parameters['Nblinksmovie'] # Retrivee the number of frames (files) from parameters['path'] ipath = PureWindowsPath(parameters['path']).as_posix() repldict = iof.config('stimuli_path_replace') for needle, repl in repldict.items(): ipath = ipath.replace(needle, repl) ipath = os.path.normpath(ipath) # Windows compatiblity moviefr = len([ name for name in os.listdir(ipath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ipath, name)) and name.lower().endswith('.raw') ]) noiselen = (runfr + frofr) * nblinks movielen = moviefr * mblinks triallen = noiselen + movielen ft_on, ft_off = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stimulusnr, returnoffsets=True) frametimings = np.empty(ft_on.shape[0] * 2, dtype=float) frametimings[::2] = ft_on frametimings[1::2] = ft_off import math ntrials = math.floor(frametimings.size / triallen) trials = np.zeros((ntrials, runfr + frofr + moviefr)) for t in range(ntrials): frange = frametimings[t * triallen:(t + 1) * triallen] trials[t, :runfr + frofr] = frange[:noiselen][::nblinks] trials[t, runfr + frofr:] = frange[noiselen:][::mblinks] frametimings = trials.ravel() filter_length = * refresh_rate / nblinks)) # Add frozen movie to frozen noise (for masking) frofr += moviefr savefname = str(stimulusnr) + '_data' if clusterstoanalyze: clusters = clusters[:clusterstoanalyze, :] print('Analyzing first %s cells' % clusterstoanalyze) savefname += '_' + str(clusterstoanalyze) + 'cells' if frametimingsfraction: frametimingsindex = int(len(frametimings) * frametimingsfraction) frametimings = frametimings[:frametimingsindex] print('Analyzing first {}% of' ' the recording'.format(frametimingsfraction * 100)) savefname += '_' + str(frametimingsfraction).replace('.', '') + 'fraction' frame_duration = np.average(np.ediff1d(frametimings)) total_frames = frametimings.shape[0] all_spiketimes = [] # Store spike triggered averages in a list containing correct shaped # arrays stas = [] for i in range(len(clusters[:, 0])): spiketimes = asc.read_raster(exp_dir, stimulusnr, clusters[i, 0], clusters[i, 1]) spikes = asc.binspikes(spiketimes, frametimings) all_spiketimes.append(spikes) stas.append(np.zeros((sx, sy, filter_length))) # Separate out the repeated parts all_spiketimes = np.array(all_spiketimes) mask = runfreezemask(total_frames, runfr, frofr, refresh_rate) repeated_spiketimes = all_spiketimes[:, ~mask] run_spiketimes = all_spiketimes[:, mask] # We need to cut down the total_frames by the same amount # as spiketimes total_run_frames = run_spiketimes.shape[1] # To be able to use the same code as checkerflicker analyzer, # convert to list again. run_spiketimes = list(run_spiketimes) # Empirically determined to be best for 32GB RAM desired_chunk_size = 21600000 # Length of the chunks (specified in number of frames) chunklength = int(desired_chunk_size / (sx * sy)) chunksize = chunklength * sx * sy nrofchunks = int(np.ceil(total_run_frames / chunklength)) print(f'\nAnalyzing {stimname}.\nTotal chunks: {nrofchunks}') time = startime = timedeltas = [] quals = np.zeros(len(stas)) frame_counter = 0 for i in range(nrofchunks): randnrs, seed = randpy.ranb(seed, chunksize) # Reshape and change 0's to -1's stimulus = np.reshape(randnrs, (sx, sy, chunklength), order='F') * 2 - 1 del randnrs # Range of indices we are interested in for the current chunk if (i + 1) * chunklength < total_run_frames: chunkind = slice(i * chunklength, (i + 1) * chunklength) chunkend = chunklength else: chunkind = slice(i * chunklength, None) chunkend = total_run_frames - i * chunklength for k in range(filter_length, chunkend - filter_length + 1): stim_small = stimulus[:, :, k - filter_length + 1:k + 1][:, :, ::-1] for j in range(clusters.shape[0]): spikes = run_spiketimes[j][chunkind] if spikes[k] != 0: stas[j] += spikes[k] * stim_small qual = np.array([]) for c in range(clusters.shape[0]): qual = np.append(qual, asc.staquality(stas[c])) quals = np.vstack((quals, qual)) # Draw progress bar width = 50 # Number of characters prog = i / (nrofchunks - 1) bar_complete = int(prog * width) bar_noncomplete = width - bar_complete timedeltas.append(msc.timediff(time)) # Calculate running avg avgelapsed = np.mean(timedeltas) elapsed = np.sum(timedeltas) etc = startime + elapsed + avgelapsed * (nrofchunks - i) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r{}{} |{:4.1f}% ETC: {}'.format( '█' * bar_complete, '-' * bar_noncomplete, prog * 100, etc.strftime("%a %X"))) time = sys.stdout.write('\n') # Remove the first row which is full of random nrs. quals = quals[1:, :] max_inds = [] spikenrs = np.array([spikearr.sum() for spikearr in run_spiketimes]) for i in range(clusters.shape[0]): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*true_divide*.') stas[i] = stas[i] / spikenrs[i] # Find the pixel with largest absolute value max_i = np.squeeze( np.where(np.abs(stas[i]) == np.max(np.abs(stas[i])))) # If there are multiple pixels with largest value, # take the first one. if max_i.shape != (3, ): try: max_i = max_i[:, 0] # If max_i cannot be found just set it to zeros. except IndexError: max_i = np.array([0, 0, 0]) max_inds.append(max_i) print(f'Completed. Total elapsed time: {msc.timediff(startime)}\n' + f'Finished on {"%A %X")}') savepath = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'data_analysis', stimname) if not os.path.isdir(savepath): os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True) savepath = os.path.join(savepath, savefname) keystosave = [ 'clusters', 'frametimings', 'mask', 'repeated_spiketimes', 'run_spiketimes', 'frame_duration', 'max_inds', 'nblinks', 'stas', 'stx_h', 'stx_w', 'total_run_frames', 'sx', 'sy', 'filter_length', 'stimname', 'exp_name', 'spikenrs', 'clusterstoanalyze', 'frametimingsfraction', 'cutoff', 'quals', 'nrofchunks', 'chunklength' ] datadict = {} for key in keystosave: datadict[key] = locals()[key] np.savez(savepath, **datadict) t = (np.arange(nrofchunks) * chunklength * frame_duration) / refresh_rate qmax = np.max(quals, axis=0) qualsn = quals / qmax[np.newaxis, :] ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.plot(t, qualsn, alpha=0.3) plt.ylabel('Z-score of center pixel (normalized)') plt.xlabel('Minutes of stimulus analyzed') plt.ylim([0, 1]) plf.spineless(ax, 'tr') plt.title(f'Recording duration optimization\n{exp_name}\n {savefname}') plt.savefig(savepath + '.svg', format='svg') plt.close()
def stripeflickeranalysis(exp_name, stim_nrs): exp_dir = iof.exp_dir_fixer(exp_name) if isinstance(stim_nrs, int): stim_nrs = [stim_nrs] for stim_nr in stim_nrs: stimname = iof.getstimname(exp_name, stim_nr) clusters, metadata = asc.read_spikesheet(exp_dir) parameters = asc.read_parameters(exp_dir, stim_nr) scr_width = metadata['screen_width'] px_size = metadata['pixel_size(um)'] stx_w = parameters['stixelwidth'] stx_h = parameters['stixelheight'] if (stx_h / stx_w) < 2: raise ValueError('Make sure the stimulus is stripeflicker.') sy = scr_width / stx_w if sy % 1 == 0: sy = int(sy) else: raise ValueError('sy is not an integer') nblinks = parameters['Nblinks'] try: bw = parameters['blackwhite'] except KeyError: bw = False try: seed = parameters['seed'] except KeyError: seed = -10000 if nblinks == 1: ft_on, ft_off = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stim_nr, returnoffsets=True) # Initialize empty array twice the size of one of them, assign # value from on or off to every other element. frametimings = np.empty(ft_on.shape[0] * 2, dtype=float) frametimings[::2] = ft_on frametimings[1::2] = ft_off # Set filter length so that temporal filter is ~600 ms. # The unit here is number of frames. filter_length = 40 elif nblinks == 2: frametimings = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stim_nr) filter_length = 20 else: raise ValueError('Unexpected value for nblinks.') # Omit everything that happens before the first 10 seconds cut_time = 10 frame_duration = np.average(np.ediff1d(frametimings)) total_frames = frametimings.shape[0] all_spiketimes = [] # Store spike triggered averages in a list containing correct # shaped arrays stas = [] for i in range(len(clusters[:, 0])): spiketimes = asc.read_raster(exp_dir, stim_nr, clusters[i, 0], clusters[i, 1]) spikes = asc.binspikes(spiketimes, frametimings) all_spiketimes.append(spikes) stas.append(np.zeros((sy, filter_length))) if bw: randnrs, seed = randpy.ran1(seed, sy * total_frames) randnrs = [1 if i > .5 else -1 for i in randnrs] else: randnrs, seed = randpy.gasdev(seed, sy * total_frames) stimulus = np.reshape(randnrs, (sy, total_frames), order='F') del randnrs for k in range(filter_length, total_frames - filter_length + 1): stim_small = stimulus[:, k - filter_length + 1:k + 1][:, ::-1] for j in range(clusters.shape[0]): spikes = all_spiketimes[j] if spikes[k] != 0 and frametimings[k] > cut_time: stas[j] += spikes[k] * stim_small max_inds = [] spikenrs = np.array([spikearr.sum() for spikearr in all_spiketimes]) quals = np.array([]) for i in range(clusters.shape[0]): stas[i] = stas[i] / spikenrs[i] # Find the pixel with largest absolute value max_i = np.squeeze( np.where(np.abs(stas[i]) == np.max(np.abs(stas[i])))) # If there are multiple pixels with largest value, # take the first one. if max_i.shape != (2, ): try: max_i = max_i[:, 0] # If max_i cannot be found just set it to zeros. except IndexError: max_i = np.array([0, 0]) max_inds.append(max_i) quals = np.append(quals, asc.staquality(stas[i])) savefname = str(stim_nr) + '_data' savepath = pjoin(exp_dir, 'data_analysis', stimname) exp_name = os.path.split(exp_dir)[-1] if not os.path.isdir(savepath): os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True) savepath = os.path.join(savepath, savefname) keystosave = [ 'stas', 'max_inds', 'clusters', 'sy', 'frame_duration', 'all_spiketimes', 'stimname', 'total_frames', 'stx_w', 'spikenrs', 'bw', 'quals', 'nblinks', 'filter_length', 'exp_name' ] data_in_dict = {} for key in keystosave: data_in_dict[key] = locals()[key] np.savez(savepath, **data_in_dict) print(f'Analysis of {stimname} completed.')
def OMSpatchesanalyzer(exp_name, stim_nrs): """ Analyze and plot the responses to object motion patches stimulus. """ exp_dir = iof.exp_dir_fixer(exp_name) exp_name = os.path.split(exp_dir)[-1] if isinstance(stim_nrs, int): stim_nrs = [stim_nrs] elif len(stim_nrs) == 0: return clusters, metadata = asc.read_spikesheet(exp_dir, cutoff=4) clusterids = plf.clusters_to_ids(clusters) all_omsi = np.empty((clusters.shape[0], len(stim_nrs))) stimnames = [] for stim_index, stim_nr in enumerate(stim_nrs): stim_nr = str(stim_nr) stimname = iof.getstimname(exp_dir, stim_nr) stimnames.append(stimname) parameters = asc.read_parameters(exp_dir, stim_nr) refresh_rate = metadata['refresh_rate'] nblinks = parameters.get('Nblinks', 1) seed = parameters.get('seed', -10000) stim_duration = parameters.get('stimFrames', 1400) # The duration in the parameters refers to the total duration of both # epochs. We divide by two to get the length of a single stim_duration stim_duration = int(stim_duration / 2) prefr_duration = parameters.get('preFrames', 100) frametimings = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stim_nr) # ntrials is the number of trials containing both ntrials = np.floor((frametimings.shape[0] / (stim_duration + 1))) / 2 ntrials = ntrials.astype(int) frametimings_rs = frametimings[:ntrials * 2 * (stim_duration + 1)] frametimings_rs = frametimings_rs.reshape( (ntrials * 2, stim_duration + 1)) ft_local = frametimings_rs[::2][:, :-1] ft_global = frametimings_rs[1::2][:, :-1] localspikes = np.empty((clusters.shape[0], ntrials, stim_duration)) globalspikes = np.empty((clusters.shape[0], ntrials, stim_duration)) for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters): spikes = asc.read_raster(exp_name, stim_nr, cluster[0], cluster[1]) for j in range(ntrials): localspikes[i, j, :] = asc.binspikes(spikes, ft_local[j, :]) globalspikes[i, j, :] = asc.binspikes(spikes, ft_global[j, :]) response_local = localspikes.mean(axis=1) response_global = globalspikes.mean(axis=1) # Differential and coherent firing rates fr_d = response_local.mean(axis=1) fr_c = response_global.mean(axis=1) # Calculate object motion sensitivity index (OMSI) as defined in # Kühn et al, 2016 # There the first second of each trial is discarded, here it does not # seem to be very different from the rest. omsi = (fr_d - fr_c) / (fr_d + fr_c) # Create a time array for plotting time = np.linspace(0, stim_duration * 2 / refresh_rate, num=stim_duration) savepath = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'data_analysis', stimname) if not os.path.isdir(savepath): os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True) for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters): gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) rastermat = np.vstack( (localspikes[i, :, :], globalspikes[i, :, :])) ax1.matshow(rastermat, cmap='Greys') ax1.axhline(ntrials - 1, color='r', lw=.1) ax1.plot([0, 0], [ntrials, 0]) ax1.plot([0, 0], [ntrials * 2, ntrials]) ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([]) plf.spineless(ax1) ax2.plot(time, response_local[i, :], label='Local') ax2.plot(time, response_global[i, :], label='Global') ax2.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax2.set_ylabel('Average firing rate [au]') ax2.set_xlim([time.min(), time.max()]) plf.spineless(ax2, 'tr') ax2.legend(fontsize='x-small') plt.suptitle(f'{exp_name}\n{stimname}\n' f'{clusterids[i]} OMSI: {omsi[i]:4.2f}') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(savepath, clusterids[i] + '.svg'), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() keystosave = [ 'nblinks', 'refresh_rate', 'stim_duration', 'prefr_duration', 'ntrials', 'response_local', 'response_global', 'fr_d', 'fr_c', 'omsi', 'clusters' ] datadict = {} for key in keystosave: datadict[key] = locals()[key] npzfpath = os.path.join(savepath, str(stim_nr) + '_data') np.savez(npzfpath, **datadict) all_omsi[:, stim_index] = omsi print(f'Analysis of {stimname} completed.') # Draw the distribution of the OMSI for all OMSI stimuli # If there is only one OMS stimulus, draw it in the same folder # If there are multiple stimuli, save it in the data analysis folder if len(stim_nrs) == 1: pop_plot_savepath = os.path.join(savepath, 'omsi_population.svg') else: pop_plot_savepath = os.path.split(savepath)[0] pop_plot_savepath = os.path.join(pop_plot_savepath, 'all_omsi.svg') plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2 * len(stim_nrs))) ax2 = plt.subplot(111) for j, stim_nr in enumerate(stim_nrs): np.random.seed(j) ax2.scatter(all_omsi[:, j], j + (np.random.random(omsi.shape) - .5) / 1.1) np.random.seed() ax2.set_yticks(np.arange(len(stim_nrs))) ax2.set_yticklabels(stimnames, fontsize='xx-small', rotation='45') ax2.set_xlabel('Object-motion sensitivity index') ax2.set_title(f'{exp_name}\nDistribution of OMSI') plf.spineless(ax2, 'tr') plt.savefig(pop_plot_savepath, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
# Make sure that the number of stimulus pixels are integers # Rounding down is also possible but might require # other considerations. if sx % 1 == 0 and sy % 1 == 0: sx, sy = int(sx), int(sy) else: raise ValueError('sx and sy must be integers') # If the frame rate of the checkerflicker stimulus is 16 ms, (i.e. # Nblinks is set to 1), frame timings should be handled differently # because the state of the pulse can only be changed when a new # frame is delivered. For this reason, the offsets of the pulses # also denote a frame change as well as onsets. if nblinks == 1: ft_on, ft_off = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stimulusnr, returnoffsets=True) # Initialize empty array twice the size of one of them, assign # value from on or off to every other element. frametimings = np.empty(ft_on.shape[0]*2, dtype=float) frametimings[::2] = ft_on frametimings[1::2] = ft_off # Set filter length so that temporal filter is ~600 ms. The unit # here is number of frames. filter_length = 40 elif nblinks == 2: frametimings = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stimulusnr) filter_length = 20 elif nblinks == 4: frametimings = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stimulusnr) filter_length = 10 else:
def saccadegratingsanalyzer(exp_name, stim_nr): """ Analyze and save responses to saccadegratings stimulus. """ exp_dir = iof.exp_dir_fixer(exp_name) exp_name = os.path.split(exp_dir)[-1] stimname = iof.getstimname(exp_dir, stim_nr) clusters, metadata = asc.read_spikesheet(exp_dir) clusterids = plf.clusters_to_ids(clusters) refresh_rate = metadata['refresh_rate'] parameters = asc.read_parameters(exp_name, stim_nr) if parameters['stimulus_type'] != 'saccadegrating': raise ValueError('Unexpected stimulus type: ' f'{parameters["stimulus_type"]}') fixfr = parameters.get('fixationframes', 80) sacfr = parameters.get('saccadeframes', 10) barwidth = parameters.get('barwidth', 40) averageshift = parameters.get('averageshift', 2) # The seed is hard-coded in the Stimulator seed = -10000 ftimes = asc.readframetimes(exp_dir, stim_nr) ftimes.resize(int(ftimes.shape[0] / 2), 2) nfr = ftimes.size # Re-generate the stimulus # Amplitude of the shift and the transition type (saccade or grey is # determined based on the output of ran1 randnrs = np.array(randpy.ran1(seed, nfr)[0]) # Separate the amplitude and transitions into two arrays stimpos = (4 * randnrs[::2]).astype(int) # Transition variable, determines whether grating is moving during # the transion or only a grey screen is presented. trans = np.array(randnrs[1::2] > 0.5) # Record before and after positions in a single array and remove # The first element b/c there is no before value stimposx = np.append(0, stimpos)[:-1] stimtr = np.stack((stimposx, stimpos), axis=1)[1:] trans = trans[:-1] saccadetr = stimtr[trans, :] greytr = stimtr[~trans, :] # Create a time vector with defined temporal bin size tstep = 0.01 # Bin size is defined here, unit is seconds trialduration = (fixfr + sacfr) / refresh_rate nrsteps = int(trialduration / tstep) + 1 t = np.linspace(0, trialduration, num=nrsteps) # Collect saccade beginning time for each trial trials = ftimes[1:, 0] sacftimes = trials[trans] greyftimes = trials[~trans] sacspikes = np.empty((clusters.shape[0], sacftimes.shape[0], t.shape[0])) greyspikes = np.empty((clusters.shape[0], greyftimes.shape[0], t.shape[0])) # Collect all the psth in one array. The order is # transision type, cluster index, start pos, target pos, time psth = np.zeros((2, clusters.shape[0], 4, 4, t.size)) for i, (chid, clid, _) in enumerate(clusters): spiketimes = asc.read_raster(exp_dir, stim_nr, chid, clid) for j, _ in enumerate(sacftimes): sacspikes[i, j, :] = asc.binspikes(spiketimes, sacftimes[j] + t) for k, _ in enumerate(greyftimes): greyspikes[i, k, :] = asc.binspikes(spiketimes, greyftimes[k] + t) # Sort trials according to the transition type # nton[i][j] contains the indexes of trials where saccade was i to j nton_sac = [[[] for _ in range(4)] for _ in range(4)] for i, trial in enumerate(saccadetr): nton_sac[trial[0]][trial[1]].append(i) nton_grey = [[[] for _ in range(4)] for _ in range(4)] for i, trial in enumerate(greytr): nton_grey[trial[0]][trial[1]].append(i) savedir = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'data_analysis', stimname) os.makedirs(savedir, exist_ok=True) for i in range(clusters.shape[0]): fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 4, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(8, 8)) for j in range(4): for k in range(4): # Start from bottom left corner ax = axes[3 - j][k] # Average all transitions of one type psth_sac = sacspikes[i, nton_sac[j][k], :].mean(axis=0) psth_grey = greyspikes[i, nton_grey[j][k], :].mean(axis=0) # Convert to spikes per second psth_sac = psth_sac / tstep psth_grey = psth_grey / tstep psth[0, i, j, k, :] = psth_sac psth[1, i, j, k, :] = psth_grey ax.axvline(sacfr / refresh_rate * 1000, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=.5) ax.plot(t * 1000, psth_sac, label='Saccadic trans.') ax.plot(t * 1000, psth_grey, label='Grey trans.') ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticks([]) # Cosmetics plf.spineless(ax) if j == k: ax.set_facecolor((1, 1, 0, 0.15)) if j == 0: ax.set_xlabel(f'{k}') if k == 3: ax.legend(fontsize='xx-small', loc=0) if k == 0: ax.set_ylabel(f'{j}') # Add an encompassing label for starting and target positions ax0 = fig.add_axes([0.08, 0.08, .86, .86]) plf.spineless(ax0) ax0.patch.set_alpha(0) ax0.set_xticks([]) ax0.set_yticks([]) ax0.set_ylabel('Start position') ax0.set_xlabel('Target position') plt.suptitle(f'{exp_name}\n{stimname}\n{clusterids[i]}') plt.savefig(os.path.join(savedir, f'{clusterids[i]}.svg')) plt.close() # Save results keystosave = [ 'fixfr', 'sacfr', 't', 'averageshift', 'barwidth', 'seed', 'trans', 'saccadetr', 'greytr', 'nton_sac', 'nton_grey', 'stimname', 'sacspikes', 'greyspikes', 'psth', 'nfr', 'parameters' ] data_in_dict = {} for key in keystosave: data_in_dict[key] = locals()[key] np.savez(os.path.join(savedir, str(stim_nr) + '_data'), **data_in_dict) print(f'Analysis of {stimname} completed.')