Пример #1
    def compress(self, nsamples=None):
        """Reduce the number of samples by discarding low-weights.

        neff: int, optional
            effective number of samples after compression. If not supplied,
            then reduce to the channel capacity (theoretical optimum
            compression). If <=0, then compress so that all weights are unity.

        i = compress_weights(self.weights, self._rand, nsamples)
        return self.repeat(i)
Пример #2
    def compress(self, nsamples=None):
        """Reduce the number of samples by discarding low-weights.

        neff: int, optional
            effective number of samples after compression. If not supplied,
            then reduce to the channel capacity (theoretical optimum
            compression). If <=0, then compress so that all weights are unity.

        i = compress_weights(self.weights, self._rand, nsamples)
        data = np.repeat(self.values, i, axis=0)
        index = self.index.repeat(i)
        df = DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=self.columns)
        df.index = df.index.get_level_values('#')
        return df
Пример #3
    def compress(self, nsamples=None):
        """Reduce the number of samples by discarding low-weights.

        neff: int, optional
            effective number of samples after compression. If not supplied,
            then reduce to the channel capacity (theoretical optimum
            compression). If <=0, then compress so that all weights are unity.

        i = compress_weights(self.weight, self._rand, nsamples)
        data = numpy.repeat(self.values, i, axis=0)
        index = numpy.repeat(self.index.values, i)
        df = pandas.DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=self.columns)
        if 'weight' in self:
            return df.drop(columns='weight')
            return df