Пример #1
def kde_plot_1d(ax, data, *args, **kwargs):
    """Plot a 1d marginalised distribution.

    This functions as a wrapper around matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot, with a kernel
    density estimation computation provided by scipy.stats.gaussian_kde in
    between. All remaining keyword arguments are passed onwards.

    ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes
        axis object to plot on.

    data: numpy.array
        Samples to generate kernel density estimator.

    weights: numpy.array, optional
        Sample weights.

    ncompress: int, optional
        Degree of compression. Default 1000

    xmin, xmax: float
        lower/upper prior bound.
        optional, default None

    lines: matplotlib.lines.Line2D
        A list of line objects representing the plotted data (same as
        matplotlib matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot command)

    if len(data) == 0:
        return numpy.zeros(0), numpy.zeros(0)

    if data.max() - data.min() <= 0:

    xmin = kwargs.pop('xmin', None)
    xmax = kwargs.pop('xmax', None)
    weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None)
    ncompress = kwargs.pop('ncompress', 1000)
    x, w = sample_compression_1d(data, weights, ncompress)
    kde = gaussian_kde(x, weights=w)
    p = kde(x)
    p /= p.max()
    i = ((x < quantile(x, 0.999, w)) & (x > quantile(x, 0.001, w))) | (p > 0.1)
    if xmin is not None:
        i = i & (x > xmin)
    if xmax is not None:
        i = i & (x < xmax)
    sigma = numpy.sqrt(kde.covariance[0, 0])
    pp = cut_and_normalise_gaussian(x[i], p[i], sigma, xmin, xmax)
    pp /= pp.max()
    ans = ax.plot(x[i], pp, *args, **kwargs)
    ax.set_xlim(*check_bounds(x[i], xmin, xmax), auto=True)
    return ans
Пример #2
def test_sample_compression_1d():
    N = 10000
    x_ = np.random.rand(N)
    w_ = np.random.rand(N)
    n = 1000
    x, w = sample_compression_1d(x_, w_, n)
    assert len(x) == n
    assert len(w) == n
    assert np.isclose(w.sum(), w_.sum())
Пример #3
def kde_plot_1d(ax, data, *args, **kwargs):
    """Plot a 1d marginalised distribution.

    This functions as a wrapper around matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot, with a kernel
    density estimation computation provided by scipy.stats.gaussian_kde in
    between. All remaining keyword arguments are passed onwards.

    ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes
        axis object to plot on.

    data: np.array
        Samples to generate kernel density estimator.

    weights: np.array, optional
        Sample weights.

    ncompress: int, optional
        Degree of compression. Default 1000

    xmin, xmax: float
        lower/upper prior bound.
        optional, default None

    levels: list
        values at which to draw iso-probability lines.
        optional, default [0.95, 0.68]

    facecolor: bool or string
        If set to True then the 1d plot will be shaded with the value of the
        ``color`` kwarg. Set to a string such as 'blue', 'k', 'r', 'C1' ect.
        to define the color of the shading directly.
        optional, default False

    lines: matplotlib.lines.Line2D
        A list of line objects representing the plotted data (same as
        matplotlib matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot command)

    if len(data) == 0:
        return np.zeros(0), np.zeros(0)

    if data.max()-data.min() <= 0:

    kwargs = normalize_kwargs(
        dict(linewidth=['lw'], linestyle=['ls'], color=['c'],
             facecolor=['fc'], edgecolor=['ec']))

    levels = kwargs.pop('levels', [0.95, 0.68])

    xmin = kwargs.pop('xmin', None)
    xmax = kwargs.pop('xmax', None)
    weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None)
    ncompress = kwargs.pop('ncompress', 1000)
    density = kwargs.pop('density', False)
    cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None)
    color = kwargs.pop('color', (next(ax._get_lines.prop_cycler)['color']
                                 if cmap is None else cmap(0.68)))
    facecolor = kwargs.pop('facecolor', False)

    if 'edgecolor' in kwargs:
        edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor')
        if edgecolor:
            color = edgecolor
        edgecolor = color

    q = kwargs.pop('q', '5sigma')
    q = quantile_plot_interval(q=q)

    if weights is not None:
        data = data[weights != 0]
        weights = weights[weights != 0]

    x, w = sample_compression_1d(data, weights, ncompress)
    kde = gaussian_kde(x, weights=w)
    p = kde(x)
    p /= p.max()
    i = ((x > quantile(x, q[0], w)) & (x < quantile(x, q[1], w)))
    if xmin is not None:
        i = i & (x > xmin)
    if xmax is not None:
        i = i & (x < xmax)
    sigma = np.sqrt(kde.covariance[0, 0])
    pp = cut_and_normalise_gaussian(x[i], p[i], sigma, xmin, xmax)
    pp /= pp.max()
    area = np.trapz(x=x[i], y=pp) if density else 1
    ans = ax.plot(x[i], pp/area, color=color, *args, **kwargs)
    ax.set_xlim(*check_bounds(x[i], xmin, xmax), auto=True)

    if facecolor and facecolor not in [None, 'None', 'none']:
        if facecolor is True:
            facecolor = color
        c = iso_probability_contours_from_samples(pp, contours=levels,
        cmap = basic_cmap(facecolor)
        fill = []
        for j in range(len(c)-1):
            fill.append(ax.fill_between(x[i], pp, where=pp >= c[j],
                        color=cmap(c[j]), edgecolor=edgecolor))

        return ans, fill

    return ans
Пример #4
def kde_plot_1d(ax, data, *args, **kwargs):
    """Plot a 1d marginalised distribution.

    This functions as a wrapper around matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot, with a kernel
    density estimation computation provided by scipy.stats.gaussian_kde in
    between. All remaining keyword arguments are passed onwards.

    ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes
        axis object to plot on.

    data: np.array
        Samples to generate kernel density estimator.

    weights: np.array, optional
        Sample weights.

    ncompress: int, optional
        Degree of compression. Default 1000

    xmin, xmax: float
        lower/upper prior bound.
        optional, default None

    lines: matplotlib.lines.Line2D
        A list of line objects representing the plotted data (same as
        matplotlib matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot command)

    if len(data) == 0:
        return np.zeros(0), np.zeros(0)

    if data.max() - data.min() <= 0:

    kwargs = normalize_kwargs(kwargs,
                              drop=['fc', 'ec'])
    xmin = kwargs.pop('xmin', None)
    xmax = kwargs.pop('xmax', None)
    weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None)
    ncompress = kwargs.pop('ncompress', 1000)
    cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None)
    color = kwargs.pop('color', (next(ax._get_lines.prop_cycler)['color']
                                 if cmap is None else cmap(0.68)))
    q = kwargs.pop('q', '5sigma')
    q = quantile_plot_interval(q=q)

    if weights is not None:
        data = data[weights != 0]
        weights = weights[weights != 0]

    x, w = sample_compression_1d(data, weights, ncompress)
    kde = gaussian_kde(x, weights=w)
    p = kde(x)
    p /= p.max()
    i = ((x > quantile(x, q[0], w)) & (x < quantile(x, q[1], w)))
    if xmin is not None:
        i = i & (x > xmin)
    if xmax is not None:
        i = i & (x < xmax)
    sigma = np.sqrt(kde.covariance[0, 0])
    pp = cut_and_normalise_gaussian(x[i], p[i], sigma, xmin, xmax)
    pp /= pp.max()
    ans = ax.plot(x[i], pp, color=color, *args, **kwargs)
    ax.set_xlim(*check_bounds(x[i], xmin, xmax), auto=True)
    return ans