Пример #1
Файл: disk.py Проект: cdr397/3ML
    def __call__(self, RA, Dec, energy):
        self.ncalls += 1
        RA0 = self.parameters['RA0'].value
        Dec0 = self.parameters['Dec0'].value
        radius = self.parameters['radius'].getValue(energy)

        return np.power(180 / np.pi, 2) * 1. / (np.pi * radius ** 2) * (angsep(RA, Dec, RA0, Dec0) < radius)
Пример #2
def matchsorted(ra, dec, ra1, dec1, tol):
    """ Find closest ra,dec within tol to a target in an ra-sorted list of ra,dec.
          ra - Right Ascension decimal degrees (numpy sorted in ascending order)
          dec - Declination decimal degrees (numpy array)
          ra1 - RA to match (scalar, decimal degrees)
          ra1 - Dec to match (scalar, decimal degrees)
          tol - Matching tolerance in decimal degrees. 
          ibest - index of the best match within tol; -1 if no match within tol
          sep - separation (defaults to tol if no match within tol)
    i1 = searchsorted(ra, ra1 - tol) - 1
    i2 = searchsorted(ra, ra1 + tol) + 1
    if i1 < 0:
        i1 = 0
    sep = angsep.angsep(ra[i1:i2], dec[i1:i2], ra1, dec1)
    # print "tolerance ",tol
    indices = argsort(sep)
    # print sep
    if sep[indices[0]] > tol:
        return -1, tol
    ibest = indices[0] + i1
    return ibest, sep[indices[0]]
Пример #3
 def __call__(self,RA,Dec,energy):
     self.ncalls             += 1
     RA0                         = self.parameters['RA0'].value
     Dec0                        = self.parameters['Dec0'].value
     sigma                       = self.parameters['sigma'].getValue(energy)
     return np.maximum( np.power(180/np.pi,2)*1./(2 * np.pi * sigma**2) * np.exp(-0.5 * np.power(angsep(RA,Dec,RA0,Dec0),2)/sigma**2), 1e-30)