Пример #1
    def populate_from_image_file(self, path, f, composite_op = None):
        if not Image:
            raise RuntimeError, 'Cannot open non-native image types without Python Imaging Library: %s' % (path)

        src = Image.open(f)

        (w, h) = src.size
        # print ("conversion of image, sized " + str(w) + "," + str(h))

        if len(self.frames) > 0 and (w != self.width or h != self.height):
            raise ValueError, "Image sizes must be uniform!  Anim is %dx%d, image is %dx%d" % (w, h, self.width, self.height)

        (self.width, self.height) = (w, h)

        # I'm punting on animated gifs, because they're too slow.  If you coalesce them
        # via image magic then they are fast again.
        if path.endswith('.gif'):
            import animgif
            self.frames += animgif.gif_frames(src, composite_op = composite_op)
            (w,h) = src.size

            if src.mode == "P":
                src.mode = "RGB"
            surf = sdl2_DisplayManager.inst().make_texture_from_imagebits(bits=src.tobytes(), width=w, height=h, mode=src.mode, composite_op = composite_op)

            frame = Frame(w,h,surf)

    def old_populate_from_image_file(self, path, f):
        if not Image:
            raise RuntimeError, 'Cannot open non-native image types without Python Imaging Library: %s' % (path)
        src = Image.open(f)

        (w, h) = src.size
        if len(self.frames) > 0 and (w != self.width or h != self.height):
            raise ValueError, "Image sizes must be uniform!  Anim is %dx%d, image is %dx%d" % (w, h, self.width, self.height)

        (self.width, self.height) = (w, h)

        if path.endswith('.gif'):
            from . import animgif
            self.frames += animgif.gif_frames(src)
            alpha = None
                alpha = Image.fromstring('L', src.size, src.tostring('raw', 'A'))
                pass # No alpha channel available?

            reduced = src.convert("L")

            frame = Frame(w, h)

            # Construct a lookup table from 0-255 to 0-15:
            eight_to_four_map = [0] * 256
            for l in range(256):
                eight_to_four_map[l] = int(round((l/255.0) * 15.0))
            for x in range(w):
                for y in range(h):
                    color = eight_to_four_map[reduced.getpixel((x,y))]
                    if alpha:
                        color += eight_to_four_map[alpha.getpixel((x,y))] << 4
                    frame.set_dot(x=x, y=y, value=color)

Пример #3
    def old_populate_from_image_file(self, path, f):
        if not Image:
            raise RuntimeError, 'Cannot open non-native image types without Python Imaging Library: %s' % (path)
        src = Image.open(f)

        (w, h) = src.size
        if len(self.frames) > 0 and (w != self.width or h != self.height):
            raise ValueError, "Image sizes must be uniform!  Anim is %dx%d, image is %dx%d" % (w, h, self.width, self.height)

        (self.width, self.height) = (w, h)

        if path.endswith('.gif'):
            from . import animgif
            self.frames += animgif.gif_frames(src)
            alpha = None
                alpha = Image.fromstring('L', src.size, src.tostring('raw', 'A'))
                pass # No alpha channel available?

            reduced = src.convert("L")

            frame = Frame(w, h)

            # Construct a lookup table from 0-255 to 0-15:
            eight_to_four_map = [0] * 256
            for l in range(256):
                eight_to_four_map[l] = int(round((l/255.0) * 15.0))
            for x in range(w):
                for y in range(h):
                    color = eight_to_four_map[reduced.getpixel((x,y))]
                    if alpha:
                        color += eight_to_four_map[alpha.getpixel((x,y))] << 4
                    frame.set_dot(x=x, y=y, value=color)

    def populate_from_image_file(self, path, f, composite_op = None):
        if not Image:
            raise RuntimeError, 'Cannot open non-native image types without Python Imaging Library: %s' % (path)
        src = Image.open(f)

        (w, h) = src.size
        # print ("conversion of image, sized " + str(w) + "," + str(h))

        if len(self.frames) > 0 and (w != self.width or h != self.height):
            raise ValueError, "Image sizes must be uniform!  Anim is %dx%d, image is %dx%d" % (w, h, self.width, self.height)

        (self.width, self.height) = (w, h)

        # I'm punting on animated gifs, because they're too slow.  If you coalesce them 
        # via image magic then they are fast again.
        if path.endswith('.gif'): 
            import animgif
            self.frames += animgif.gif_frames(src, composite_op = composite_op)
            #frame = Animation.convertImage(src)
            (w,h) = src.size

            if src.mode == "P":
                src.mode = "RGB"
            # surf = HD_load_file(path)
            surf = sdl2_DisplayManager.inst().make_texture_from_imagebits(bits=src.tostring(), width=w, height=h, mode=src.mode, composite_op = composite_op)

            #print("ConvertImage made texture for this frame -- contents: " + str(surf))

            frame = Frame(w,h,surf)
