Пример #1
def get_versions_by_regex(url, regex, project, insecure=False):
    ''' For the provided url, return all the version retrieved via the
    specified regular expression.


        req = BaseBackend.call_url(url, insecure=insecure)
    except Exception as err:
        _log.debug('%s ERROR: %s' % (project.name, str(err)))
        raise AnityaPluginException(
            'Could not call : "%s" of "%s", with error: %s' %
            (url, project.name, str(err)))

    if not isinstance(req, six.string_types):
        req = req.text

    return get_versions_by_regex_for_text(req, url, regex, project)
Пример #2
    def get_versions(cls, project):
        """ Method called to retrieve all the versions (that can be found)
        of the projects provided, project that relies on the backend of
        this plugin.

        :arg Project project: a :class:`anitya.db.models.Project` object whose backend
            corresponds to the current plugin.
        :return: a list of all the possible releases found
        :return type: list
        :raise AnityaPluginException: a
            :class:`anitya.lib.exceptions.AnityaPluginException` exception
            when the versions cannot be retrieved correctly

        url = cls.get_version_url(project)
        last_change = project.get_time_last_created_version()

            req = cls.call_url(url,
        except Exception as err:
            raise AnityaPluginException(
                'Could not call : "%s" of "%s", with error: %s' %
                (url, project.name, str(err)))

        versions = []

        if not isinstance(req, six.string_types):
            # Not modified
            if req.status_code == 304:
                return versions

            req = req.text

            regex = REGEX % {"name": project.name.replace("+", r"\+")}
            versions = get_versions_by_regex_for_text(req, url, regex, project)
        except AnityaPluginException:
            versions = get_versions_by_regex_for_text(req, url, DEFAULT_REGEX,

        return versions
Пример #3
    def get_versions(cls, project):
        """Method called to retrieve all the versions (that can be found)
        of the projects provided, project that relies on the backend of
        this plugin.

        :arg Project project: a :class:`anitya.db.models.Project` object whose backend
            corresponds to the current plugin.
        :return: a list of all the possible releases found
        :return type: list
        :raise AnityaPluginException: a
            :class:`anitya.lib.exceptions.AnityaPluginException` exception
            when the versions cannot be retrieved correctly

        url = cls.get_version_url(project)
        if not url:
            raise AnityaPluginException("Project %s was incorrectly set up." %

        return get_versions_by_regex(url, REGEX, project)
Пример #4
    def get_versions(cls, project):
        ''' Method called to retrieve all the versions (that can be found)
        of the projects provided, project that relies on the backend of
        this plugin.

        :arg Project project: a :class:`anitya.db.models.Project` object whose backend
            corresponds to the current plugin.
        :return: a list of all the possible releases found
        :return type: list
        :raise AnityaPluginException: a
            :class:`anitya.lib.exceptions.AnityaPluginException` exception
            when the versions cannot be retrieved correctly

        url = cls.get_version_url(project)
        if not url:
            raise AnityaPluginException(
                "Aritfact needs to be in format groupId:artifactId")

        return get_versions_by_regex(url, VERSION_REGEX, project)
Пример #5
    def get_versions(cls, project):
        """Method called to retrieve all the versions (that can be found)
        of the projects provided, project that relies on the backend of
        this plugin.

        :arg Project project: a :class:`anitya.db.models.Project` object whose backend
            corresponds to the current plugin.
        :return: a list of all the possible releases found
        :return type: list
        :raise AnityaPluginException: a
            :class:`anitya.lib.exceptions.AnityaPluginException` exception
            when the versions cannot be retrieved correctly

        namespace, repo = cls.get_namespace_repo(project)
        url = project.get_version_url()
        git_tag_request = requests.get(url)

        if git_tag_request.status_code == 404:
            raise AnityaPluginException(
                'Could not call : "%s" of "%s", with error: %s' %
                (url, project.name, git_tag_request.status_code))

        soup = BeautifulSoup(git_tag_request.content, "html.parser")

        def is_release_tag_link(tag):
            link_prefix = f"/p/{namespace}/{repo}/ci/"
            return (tag.has_attr("href")
                    and tag.attrs["href"].startswith(link_prefix)
                    and len(tag.contents) == 1)

        release_tags = []

        for release_tag in soup.find_all(is_release_tag_link):
            release_tag_text = release_tag.contents[0]

        return release_tags
Пример #6
    def get_versions(cls, project):
        """ Method called to retrieve all the versions (that can be found)
        of the projects provided, project that relies on the backend of
        this plugin.

        :arg Project project: a :class:`anitya.db.models.Project` object whose backend
            corresponds to the current plugin.
        :return: a list of all the possible releases found
        :return type: list
        :raise AnityaPluginException: a
            :class:`anitya.lib.exceptions.AnityaPluginException` exception
            when the versions cannot be retrieved correctly

        url = cls.get_version_url(project)
        versions = []
        versions = _get_versions(url)

        if not versions:
            raise AnityaPluginException("No versions found for %s" %

        return versions
Пример #7
def get_versions_by_regex(url, regex, project, insecure=False):
    """For the provided url, return all the version retrieved via the
    specified regular expression.


    last_change = project.get_time_last_created_version()
        req = BaseBackend.call_url(url, last_change=last_change, insecure=insecure)
    except Exception as err:
        _log.debug("%s ERROR: %s" % (project.name, str(err)))
        raise AnityaPluginException(
            'Could not call : "%s" of "%s", with error: %s'
            % (url, project.name, str(err))

    if not isinstance(req, six.string_types):
        # Not modified
        if req.status_code == 304:
            return []
        req = req.text

    return get_versions_by_regex_for_text(req, url, regex, project)
Пример #8
    def get_versions(cls, project):
        ''' Method called to retrieve all the versions (that can be found)
        of the projects provided, project that relies on the backend of
        this plugin.

        :arg Project project: a :class:`anitya.db.models.Project` object whose backend
            corresponds to the current plugin.
        :return: a list of all the possible releases found
        :return type: list
        :raise AnityaPluginException: a
            :class:`anitya.lib.exceptions.AnityaPluginException` exception
            when the versions cannot be retrieved correctly

        url = project.version_url

            req = cls.call_url(url, insecure=project.insecure)
        except Exception as err:
            raise AnityaPluginException(
                'Could not call : "%s" of "%s", with error: %s' % (
                    url, project.name, str(err)))

        versions = None
        if not isinstance(req, six.string_types):
            req = req.text

            regex = REGEX % {'name': project.name.replace('+', '\+')}
            versions = get_versions_by_regex_for_text(
                req, url, regex, project)
        except AnityaPluginException:
            versions = get_versions_by_regex_for_text(
                req, url, DEFAULT_REGEX, project)

        return versions
Пример #9
    def test_existing_project_check_failure(self, mock_check):
        """Assert that when an existing project fails a version check nothing happens"""
        mock_check.side_effect = AnityaPluginException()
        project = Project(
        event = sseclient.Event(
            '"name": "ImageMetaTag",'
            '"platform": "PyPi",'
            '"version": "0.6.9",'
            '"package_manager_url": "https://pypi.org/project/ImageMetaTag/"'

        self.assertEqual(1, self.session.query(Project).count())
        self.assertEqual(1, self.session.query(Project).count())
        project = self.session.query(Project).first()
        self.assertIs(project.latest_version, None)
Пример #10
def parse_json(json, project):
    """Function for parsing json response

        json (dict): Json dictionary to parse.
        project (:obj:`anitya.db.models.Project`): Project object whose backend
            corresponds to the current plugin.

        :obj:`list`: A list of all the possible releases found.

        AnityaPluginException: A
            :obj:`anitya.lib.exceptions.AnityaPluginException` exception
            when the versions cannot be retrieved correctly.
        RateLimitException: A
            :obj:`anitya.lib.exceptions.RateLimitException` exception
            when rate limit threshold is reached.

    global reset_time
    # We need to check limit first,
    # because exceeding the limit will also return error
        limit = json["data"]["rateLimit"]["limit"]
        remaining = json["data"]["rateLimit"]["remaining"]
        reset_time = json["data"]["rateLimit"]["resetAt"]
        _log.debug("Github API ratelimit remains %s, will reset at %s UTC" %
                   (remaining, reset_time))

        if (remaining / limit) <= RATE_LIMIT_THRESHOLD:
            raise RateLimitException(reset_time)
    except KeyError:
        _log.info("Github API ratelimit key is missing. Checking for errors.")

    if "errors" in json:
        error_str = ""
        for error in json["errors"]:
            error_str += '"%s": "%s"\n' % (error["type"], error["message"])
        raise AnityaPluginException(
            "%s: Server responded with following errors\n%s" %
            (project.name, error_str))
    if project.releases_only:
        json_data = json["data"]["repository"]["releases"]
        json_data = json["data"]["repository"]["refs"]

    total_count = json_data["totalCount"]

    if project.releases_only:
        _log.debug("Received %s releases for %s" % (total_count, project.name))
        _log.debug("Received %s tags for %s" % (total_count, project.name))

    versions = []

    for edge in json_data["edges"]:
        version = {"cursor": edge["cursor"]}

        if project.releases_only:
            hook = edge["node"]["tag"]
            hook = edge["node"]

        version["version"] = hook["name"]
        version["commit_url"] = hook["target"]["commitUrl"]

    return versions
Пример #11
    def call_url(self, url, insecure=False):
        """ Dedicated method to query a URL.

        It is important to use this method as it allows to query them with
        a defined user-agent header thus informing the projects we are
        querying what our intentions are.

            url (str): The url to request (get).
            insecure (bool, optional): Flag for secure/insecure connection.
                Defaults to False.

            In case of FTP url it returns binary encoded string
            otherwise :obj:`requests.Response` object.

        headers = REQUEST_HEADERS.copy()
        if "*" in url:
            url = self.expand_subdirs(url)

        if url.startswith("ftp://") or url.startswith("ftps://"):

            req = urllib.Request(url)
            req.add_header("User-Agent", headers["User-Agent"])
            req.add_header("From", headers["From"])
                # Ignore this bandit issue, the url is checked above
                resp = urllib.urlopen(req)  # nosec
                content = resp.read().decode()
            except URLError as e:
                raise AnityaPluginException(
                    'Could not call "%s" with error: %s' % (url, e.reason)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                raise AnityaPluginException(
                    "FTP response cannot be decoded with UTF-8: %s" % url

            return content

            # Works around https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/2863
            # Currently, requests does not start new TCP connections based on
            # TLS settings. This means that if a connection is ever started to
            # a host with `verify=False`, further requests to that
            # (scheme, host, port) combination will also be insecure, even if
            # `verify=True` is passed to requests.
            # This starts a new session which is immediately discarded when the
            # request is insecure. We don't get to pool connections for these
            # requests, but it stops us from making insecure requests by
            # accident. This can be removed in requests-3.0.
            if insecure:
                with requests.Session() as r_session:
                    resp = r_session.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=60, verify=False)
                resp = http_session.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=60, verify=True)

            return resp
Пример #12
    def get_versions(cls, project):
        ''' Method called to retrieve all the versions (that can be found)
        of the projects provided, project that relies on the backend of
        this plugin.

            project (:obj:`anitya.db.models.Project`): Project object whose backend
                corresponds to the current plugin.

            :obj:`list`: A list of all the possible releases found

            AnityaPluginException: A
                :obj:`anitya.lib.exceptions.AnityaPluginException` exception
                when the versions cannot be retrieved correctly

        owner = None
        repo = None
        if project.version_url:
            url = project.version_url
        elif project.homepage.startswith('https://github.com'):
            url = project.homepage.replace('https://github.com/', '')
            if url.endswith('/'):
                url = url[:-1]
            raise AnityaPluginException('Project %s was incorrectly set-up' %

            (owner, repo) = url.split('/')
        except ValueError:
            raise AnityaPluginException("""Project {} was incorrectly set-up.
                Can\'t parse owner and repo.""".format(project.name))

        query = prepare_query(owner, repo)

            headers = REQUEST_HEADERS.copy()
            token = config['GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN']
            if token:
                headers['Authorization'] = 'bearer %s' % token
            resp = http_session.post(API_URL,
                                     json={'query': query},
        except Exception as err:
            _log.debug('%s ERROR: %s' % (project.name, str(err)))
            raise AnityaPluginException(
                'Could not call : "%s" of "%s", with error: %s' %
                (API_URL, project.name, str(err)))

        if resp.ok:
            json = resp.json()
            raise AnityaPluginException(
                '%s: Server responded with status "%s": "%s"' %
                (project.name, resp.status_code, resp.reason))

        versions = parse_json(json, project)

        if len(versions) == 0:
            raise AnityaPluginException('%s: No upstream version found.' %

        return versions
Пример #13
    def get_versions(cls, project):
        """ Method called to retrieve all the versions (that can be found)
        of the projects provided, project that relies on the backend of
        this plugin.

            project (:obj:`anitya.db.models.Project`): Project object whose backend
                corresponds to the current plugin.

            :obj:`list`: A list of all the possible releases found

            AnityaPluginException: A
                :obj:`anitya.lib.exceptions.AnityaPluginException` exception
                when the versions cannot be retrieved correctly

        owner = None
        repo = None
        url = cls.get_version_url(project)
        if url:
            url = url.replace("https://github.com/", "")
            url = url.replace("/tags", "")
            raise AnityaPluginException("Project %s was incorrectly set-up" %

            (owner, repo) = url.split("/")
        except ValueError:
            raise AnityaPluginException("""Project {} was incorrectly set-up.
                Can\'t parse owner and repo.""".format(project.name))

        query = prepare_query(owner, repo, project.releases_only)

            headers = REQUEST_HEADERS.copy()
            token = config["GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"]
            if token:
                headers["Authorization"] = "bearer %s" % token
            resp = http_session.post(API_URL,
                                     json={"query": query},
        except Exception as err:
            _log.debug("%s ERROR: %s" % (project.name, str(err)))
            raise AnityaPluginException(
                'Could not call : "%s" of "%s", with error: %s' %
                (API_URL, project.name, str(err)))

        if resp.ok:
            json = resp.json()
        elif resp.status_code == 403:
            _log.info("Github API ratelimit reached.")
            raise RateLimitException(reset_time)
            raise AnityaPluginException(
                '%s: Server responded with status "%s": "%s"' %
                (project.name, resp.status_code, resp.reason))

        versions = parse_json(json, project)
        _log.debug(f"Retrieved versions: {versions}")

        if len(versions) == 0:
            raise AnityaPluginException("%s: No upstream version found." %

        return versions