Пример #1
def mungeQAB(deck, txt):
    txt = renderLatex(deck, txt)
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    # hack to fix thai presentation issues
    if mw.bodyView.main.config['addZeroSpace']:
        txt = txt.replace("</span>", "&#8203;</span>")
    return txt
Пример #2
    def return_data(idx):
        Return a cleaned-up version of the field content.

        Get the text, remove html, and return the field name, the
        clean text, and what we got when we tried to split into kanji
        and kana, when different from the text.
        text = note[field_names[idx]]
        # This is taken from aqt/browser.py.
        text = text.replace(u'<br>', u' ')
        text = text.replace(u'<br />', u' ')
        if strip_interpunct:
            text = text.replace(u'・', u'')
        text = stripHTML(text)
        text = stripSounds(text)
        # Reformat so we have exactly one space between words.
        text = u' '.join(text.split())
        if not text and not get_empty:
            raise ValueError('Source field empty')
        # We pass the reading/plain on to the update dialog. We don't
        # look at the texts any more to decide what to do. So don't
        # set anything to empty here. Rather do the split even if it
        # is pointless.
        base = furigana.kanji(text)
        ruby = furigana.kana(text)
        return field_names[idx], fname, text, base, ruby, readings
Пример #3
def mungeQA(deck, txt):
    txt = renderLatex(deck, txt)
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    # webkit currently doesn't handle bold/underline properly
    txt = txt.replace("font-weight: 600;",
                      "font-weight: 900;")
    txt = txt.replace("text-decoration: underline;",
                      "border-bottom: 1px solid #000;")
    return txt
Пример #4
Файл: utils.py Проект: hans/anki
def mungeQA(col, txt):
    txt = col.media.escapeImages(txt)
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    # osx webkit doesn't understand font weight 600
    txt = re.sub("font-weight: *600", "font-weight:bold", txt)
    if isMac:
        # custom fonts cause crashes on osx at the moment
        txt = txt.replace("font-face", "invalid")

    return txt
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, w_field, a_field, word):
     self.word_field_name = w_field
     self.audio_field_name = a_field
     # This is taken from aqt/browser.py.
     self.word = word.replace(u'<br>', u' ')
     self.word = self.word.replace(u'<br />', u' ')
     if strip_interpunct:
         self.word = self.word.replace(u'・', u'')
     self.word = stripHTML(self.word)
     self.word = stripSounds(self.word)
     # Reformat so we have exactly one space between words.
     self.word = u' '.join(self.word.split())
Пример #6
def myRenderQA(self, data, qfmt=None, afmt=None):
    "Returns hash of id, question, answer."
    # data is [cid, nid, mid, did, ord, tags, flds, flags]
    # unpack fields and create dict
    flist = splitFields(data[6])
    fields = {}
    model = self.models.get(data[2])
    for (name, (idx, conf)) in self.models.fieldMap(model).items():
        fields[name] = flist[idx]
    if len(data) > 7:
        shakyWarningFieldName = _getShakyWarningFieldName(data[7])
        if shakyWarningFieldName:
            fields[shakyWarningFieldName] = shakyWarningFieldName
    fields['Tags'] = data[5].strip()
    fields['Type'] = model['name']
    fields['Deck'] = self.decks.name(data[3])
    if model['type'] == MODEL_STD:
        template = model['tmpls'][data[4]]
        template = model['tmpls'][0]
    fields['Card'] = template['name']
    fields['c%d' % (data[4]+1)] = "1"
    # render q & a
    d = dict(id=data[0])
    qfmt = qfmt or template['qfmt']
    afmt = afmt or template['afmt']
    for (type, format) in (("q", qfmt), ("a", afmt)):
        if type == "q":
            format = re.sub("{{(?!type:)(.*?)cloze:", r"{{\1cq-%d:" % (data[4]+1), format)
            format = format.replace("<%cloze:", "<%%cq:%d:" % (
            format = re.sub("{{(.*?)cloze:", r"{{\1ca-%d:" % (data[4]+1), format)
            format = format.replace("<%cloze:", "<%%ca:%d:" % (
            fields['FrontSide'] = stripSounds(d['q'])
        fields = runFilter("mungeFields", fields, model, data, self)
        html = anki.template.render(format, fields)
        d[type] = runFilter(
            "mungeQA", html, type, fields, model, data, self)
        # empty cloze?
        if type == 'q' and model['type'] == MODEL_CLOZE:
            if not self.models._availClozeOrds(model, data[6], False):
                d['q'] += ("<p>" + _(
            "Please edit this note and add some cloze deletions. (%s)") % (
            "<a href=%s#cloze>%s</a>" % (HELP_SITE, _("help"))))
    return d
Пример #7
def mungeQA(txt):
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    # osx webkit doesn't understand font weight 600
    txt = re.sub("font-weight: *600", "font-weight:bold", txt)
    return txt
Пример #8
def mungeQA(col, txt):
    txt = col.media.escapeImages(txt)
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    # osx webkit doesn't understand font weight 600
    txt = re.sub("font-weight: *600", "font-weight:bold", txt)
    return txt
Пример #9
def mungeQA(col, txt):
    txt = col.media.escapeImages(txt)
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    return txt
Пример #10
def mungeQA(deck, txt):
    txt = renderLatex(deck, txt)
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    return txt
Пример #11
def mungeQA(col, txt):
    txt = col.media.escapeImages(txt)
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    return txt
Пример #12
def mungeQA(col, txt):
    txt = col.media.escapeImages(txt)
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    # osx webkit doesn't understand font weight 600
    txt = re.sub("font-weight: *600", "font-weight:bold", txt)
    return txt
Пример #13
    def _renderQA(self, data, qfmt=None, afmt=None):
        """Returns hash of id, question, answer.

        Keyword arguments:        
        data -- [cid, nid, mid, did, ord, tags, flds] (see db
        documentation for more information about those values) 
        This corresponds to the information you can obtain in templates, using {{Tags}}, {{Type}}, etc..
        qfmt -- question format string (as in template)
        afmt -- answer format string (as in template)

        unpack fields and create dict
        TODO comment better

        flist = splitFields(data[6])#the list of fields
        fields = {} #
        #name -> ord for each field, tags
        # Type: the name of the model,
        # Deck, Subdeck: their name
        # Card: the template name
        # cn: 1 for n being the ord+1
        # FrontSide : 
        model = self.models.get(data[2])
        for (name, (idx, conf)) in list(self.models.fieldMap(model).items()):#conf is not used
            fields[name] = flist[idx]
        fields['Tags'] = data[5].strip()
        fields['Type'] = model['name']
        fields['Deck'] = self.decks.name(data[3])
        fields['Subdeck'] = fields['Deck'].split('::')[-1]
        if model['type'] == MODEL_STD:#model['type'] is distinct from fields['Type']
            template = model['tmpls'][data[4]]
        else:#for cloze deletions
            template = model['tmpls'][0]
        fields['Card'] = template['name']
        fields['c%d' % (data[4]+1)] = "1"
        # render q & a
        d = dict(id=data[0])
        # id: card id
        qfmt = qfmt or template['qfmt']
        afmt = afmt or template['afmt']
        for (type, format) in (("q", qfmt), ("a", afmt)):
            if type == "q":#if/else is in the loop in order for d['q'] to be defined below
                format = re.sub("{{(?!type:)(.*?)cloze:", r"{{\1cq-%d:" % (data[4]+1), format)
                #Replace {{'foo'cloze: by {{'foo'cq-(ord+1), where 'foo' does not begins with "type:"
                format = format.replace("<%cloze:", "<%%cq:%d:" % (
                #Replace <%cloze: by <%%cq:(ord+1)
                format = re.sub("{{(.*?)cloze:", r"{{\1ca-%d:" % (data[4]+1), format)
                #Replace {{'foo'cloze: by {{'foo'ca-(ord+1)
                format = format.replace("<%cloze:", "<%%ca:%d:" % (
                #Replace <%cloze: by <%%ca:(ord+1)
                fields['FrontSide'] = stripSounds(d['q'])
                #d['q'] defined during loop's first iteration
            fields = runFilter("mungeFields", fields, model, data, self)
            html = anki.template.render(format, fields) #probably replace everything of the form {{ by its value
            d[type] = runFilter(
                "mungeQA", html, type, fields, model, data, self)
            # empty cloze?
            if type == 'q' and model['type'] == MODEL_CLOZE:
                if not self.models._availClozeOrds(model, data[6], False):
                    d['q'] += ("<p>" + _(
                "Please edit this note and add some cloze deletions. (%s)") % (
                "<a href=%s#cloze>%s</a>" % (HELP_SITE, _("help"))))
                    #in the case where there is a cloze note type
                    #without {{cn in fields indicated by
                    #{{cloze:fieldName; an error message should be
        return d
Пример #14
Файл: utils.py Проект: zw/ankiqt
def mungeQA(deck, txt):
    txt = renderLatex(deck, txt)
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    # osx webkit doesn't understand font weight 600
    txt = re.sub("font-weight:.+?;", "font-weight: bold;", txt)
    return txt
Пример #15
def mungeQA(deck, txt):
    txt = stripSounds(txt)
    # osx webkit doesn't understand font weight 600
    txt = re.sub("font-weight:.+?;", "font-weight: bold;", txt)
    return txt