Пример #1
 def ivlGraph(self):
     (ivls, all, avg, max) = self._ivls()
     tot = 0
     totd = []
     if not ivls or not all:
         return ""
     for (grp, cnt) in ivls:
         tot += cnt
         totd.append((grp, tot / float(all) * 100))
     txt = self._title(_("Intervals"),
                       _("Delays until reviews are shown again."))
     txt += self._graph(id="ivl",
                                 label=_("All Types")),
                                 label=_("% Total"),
                                 bars={'show': False},
                            xaxis=dict(min=-0.5, max=ivls[-1][0] + 0.5),
                                   dict(position="right", max=105)]))
     i = []
     self._line(i, _("Average interval"), fmtTimeSpan(avg * 86400))
     self._line(i, _("Longest interval"), fmtTimeSpan(max * 86400))
     return txt + self._lineTbl(i)
Пример #2
 def time(self, tm):
     str = ""
     if tm >= 60:
         str = fmtTimeSpan((tm / 60) * 60, short=True, point=-1, unit=1)
     if tm % 60 != 0 or not str:
         str += fmtTimeSpan(tm % 60, point=2 if not str else -1, short=True)
     return str
Пример #3
 def ivlGraph(self):
     (ivls, all, avg, max) = self._ivls()
     tot = 0
     totd = []
     if not ivls or not all:
         return ""
     for (grp, cnt) in ivls:
         tot += cnt
         totd.append((grp, tot / float(all) * 100))
     txt = self._title(_("Intervals"), _("Delays until reviews are shown again."))
     txt += self._graph(
             dict(data=ivls, color=colIvl, label=_("All Types")),
                 label=_("% Total"),
                 bars={"show": False},
         conf=dict(xaxis=dict(min=-0.5, max=ivls[-1][0] + 0.5), yaxes=[dict(), dict(position="right", max=105)]),
     i = []
     self._line(i, _("Average interval"), fmtTimeSpan(avg * 86400))
     self._line(i, _("Longest interval"), fmtTimeSpan(max * 86400))
     return txt + self._lineTbl(i)
Пример #4
 def ivlGraph(self):
     (ivls, all, avg, max_) = self._ivls()
     tot = 0
     totd = []
     if not ivls or not all:
         return ""
     for (grp, cnt) in ivls:
         tot += cnt
         totd.append((grp, tot/float(all)*100))
     if self.type == 0:
         ivlmax = 31
     elif self.type == 1:
         ivlmax = 52
         ivlmax = max(5, ivls[-1][0] / 31)
     txt = self._title(_("Intervals"),
                       _("Delays until reviews are shown again."))
     txt += self._graph(id="ivl", ylabel2=_("Percentage"), data=[
         dict(data=ivls, color=colIvl),
         dict(data=totd, color=colCum, yaxis=2,
          bars={'show': False}, lines=dict(show=True), stack=False)
         ], conf=dict(
             xaxis=dict(min=-0.5, max=ivlmax+0.5),
             yaxes=[dict(), dict(position="right", max=105)]))
     i = []
     self._line(i, _("Average interval"), fmtTimeSpan(avg*86400))
     self._line(i, _("Longest interval"), fmtTimeSpan(max_*86400))
     return txt + self._lineTbl(i)
Пример #5
 def time(self, tm):
     str = ""
     if tm >= 60:
         str = fmtTimeSpan((tm/60)*60, short=True, point=-1, unit=1)
     if tm%60 != 0 or not str:
         str += fmtTimeSpan(tm%60, point=2 if not str else -1, short=True)
     return str
Пример #6
 def timeFmt(self, tm):
     # stole this from CardStats#time()
     str = ""
     if tm is None:
         return str
     if tm >= 60:
         str = fmtTimeSpan((tm / 60) * 60, short=True, point=-1, unit=1)
     if tm % 60 != 0 or not str:
         str += fmtTimeSpan(tm % 60, point=2 if not str else -1, short=True)
     return str
Пример #7
 def timeFmt(self, tm):
     # stole this from CardStats#time()
     str = ""
     if tm is None:
         return str
     if tm >= 60:
         str = fmtTimeSpan((tm / 60) * 60, short=True, point=-1, unit=1)
     if tm % 60 != 0 or not str:
         str += fmtTimeSpan(tm % 60, point=2 if not str else -1, short=True)
     return str
Пример #8
 def nextDue(self, index):
     d = self.cards[index.row()][CARD_DUE]
     reps = self.cards[index.row()][CARD_REPS]
     secs = d - time.time()
     if secs <= 0:
         if not reps:
             return _("(new card)")
             return _("%s ago") % fmtTimeSpan(abs(secs), pad=0)
         return _("in %s") % fmtTimeSpan(secs, pad=0)
Пример #9
    def onCellChanged(self, row, col, x, y):
        ci = self.form.table.currentItem()
        if not ci:
            self.form.bottomLabel.setText(_("Nothing selected."))
        r = self.items[ci]
        self.curRow = r
<b>Title</b>: %(title)s<br>
<b>Tags</b>: %(tags)s<br>
<b>Size</b>: %(size)0.2fKB<br>
<b>Uploader</b>: %(author)s<br>
<b>Downloads</b>: %(count)s<br>
<b>Modified</b>: %(mod)s ago<br>
<br>%(description)s""") % {
            'title': r[R_TITLE],
            'tags': r[R_TAGS],
            'size': r[R_SIZE] / 1024.0,
            'author': r[R_USERNAME],
            'count': r[R_COUNT],
            'mod': fmtTimeSpan(time.time() - r[R_MODIFIED]),
            'description': r[R_DESCRIPTION].replace("\n", "<br>"),
Пример #10
Файл: view.py Проект: zw/ankiqt
 def drawFutureWarning(self):
     if not self.needFutureWarning():
     self.write("<span style='color: %s'>" % futureWarningColour +
                _("This card was due in %s.") % fmtTimeSpan(
         self.main.currentCard.due - time.time(), after=True) +
Пример #11
 def _summary(self):
     # summarize
     reps = 0
     mins = 0
     revC = 0
     newC = 0
     for d in self._decks:
         if d['state'] == 'ok':
             reps += d['reps']
             mins += d['time']
             revC += d['due']
             newC += d['new']
     line1 = ngettext(
         "Studied <b>%(reps)d card</b> in <b>%(time)s</b> today.",
         "Studied <b>%(reps)d cards</b> in <b>%(time)s</b> today.",
         reps) % {
             'reps': reps,
             'time': fmtTimeSpan(mins, point=2),
     rev = ngettext("<b><font color=#0000ff>%d</font></b> review",
                    "<b><font color=#0000ff>%d</font></b> reviews",
                    revC) % revC
     new = ngettext("<b>%d</b> new card", "<b>%d</b> new cards",
                    newC) % newC
     line2 = _("Due: %(rev)s, %(new)s") % {'rev': rev, 'new': new}
     return line1 + '<br>' + line2
Пример #12
    def _showCardValues(self):
        lapses = self.card.lapses
        # since we just failed the card, current ivl is no use
        interval = fmtTimeSpan(self.card.lastIvl * 86400)
        ease = self.card.factor // 10

        statManager = CardStats(self.mw.col, self.card)
        secondsSpent = self.mw.col.db.first(
            "select sum(time)/1000 from revlog where cid = :id",
        totalTime = statManager.time(secondsSpent)

        # watch on updates: calling a private method of sched for config info
        leechThreshold = self.mw.col.sched._lapseConf(self.card)['leechFails']
        if leechThreshold == lapses:
            timesLeeched = "Leech for the first time."
            beyondOne = (lapses - leechThreshold) // (leechThreshold // 2)
            timesLeeched = "Leeched %i times." % (beyondOne + 1)

        txt = ("{leechtimes}<br>"
               "<b>Lapses</b>: {lapses}<br>"
               "<b>Last interval</b>: {lastivl}<br>"
               "<b>Ease</b>: {ease}%<br>"
               "<b>Total time</b>: {ttime}")
Пример #13
 def report(self):
     c = self.card
     fmt = lambda x, **kwargs: fmtTimeSpan(x, short=True, **kwargs)
     self.txt = "<table width=100%%>"
     self.addLine(_("Added"), self.date(c.crt))
     first = self.deck.db.scalar(
         "select min(time) from revlog where cid = ?", c.id)
     last = self.deck.db.scalar(
         "select max(time) from revlog where cid = ?", c.id)
     if first:
         self.addLine(_("First Review"), self.date(first/1000))
         self.addLine(_("Latest Review"), self.date(last/1000))
     if c.queue in (1,2):
         if c.queue == 2:
             next = time.time()+((self.deck.sched.today - c.due)*86400)
             next = c.due
         next = self.date(next)
         self.addLine(_("Due"), next)
         self.addLine(_("Interval"), fmt(c.ivl * 86400))
         self.addLine(_("Ease"), "%d%%" % (c.factor/10.0))
         (cnt, total) = self.deck.db.first(
             "select count(), sum(taken)/1000 from revlog where cid = :id",
         if cnt:
             self.addLine(_("Average Time"), self.time(total / float(cnt)))
             self.addLine(_("Total Time"), self.time(total))
     elif c.queue == 0:
         self.addLine(_("Position"), c.due)
     self.addLine(_("Model"), c.model().name)
     self.addLine(_("Template"), c.template()['name'])
     self.addLine(_("Current Group"), self.deck.groupName(c.gid))
     self.addLine(_("Initial Group"), self.deck.groupName(c.fact().gid))
     self.txt += "</table>"
     return self.txt
Пример #14
    def cardGraph(self):
        # graph data
        div = self._cards()
        d = []
        for c, (t, col) in enumerate(
            ((_("Mature"), colMature), (_("Young+Learn"), colYoung),
             (_("Unseen"), colUnseen), (_("Suspended"), colSusp))):
            d.append(dict(data=div[c], label=t, color=col))
        # text data
        i = []
        (c, f) = self.deck.db.first("""
select count(id), count(distinct fid) from cards
where 1 """ + self._limit())
        self._line(i, _("Total cards"), c)
        self._line(i, _("Total facts"), f)
        (low, avg, high) = self._factors()
        if low:
            self._line(i, _("Lowest ease factor"), "%d%%" % low)
            self._line(i, _("Average ease factor"), "%d%%" % avg)
            self._line(i, _("Highest ease factor"), "%d%%" % high)
        min = self.deck.db.scalar("select min(crt) from cards where 1 " +
        if min:
            self._line(i, _("First card created"),
                       _("%s ago") % fmtTimeSpan(time.time() - min))
        info = "<table width=100%>" + "".join(i) + "</table><p>"
        info += _('''\
A card's <i>ease factor</i> is the size of the next interval \
when you answer "good" on a review.''')
        txt = self._title(_("Cards Types"),
                          _("The division of cards in your deck."))
        txt += "<table width=%d><tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></table>" % (
            self.width, self._graph(id="cards", data=d, type="pie"), info)
        return txt
Пример #15
 def report(self):
     c = self.card
     fmt = lambda x, **kwargs: fmtTimeSpan(x, short=True, **kwargs)
     self.txt = "<table width=100%%>"
     self.addLine(_("Added"), self.date(c.crt))
     first = self.deck.db.scalar(
         "select min(time) from revlog where cid = ?", c.id)
     last = self.deck.db.scalar(
         "select max(time) from revlog where cid = ?", c.id)
     if first:
         self.addLine(_("First Review"), self.date(first / 1000))
         self.addLine(_("Latest Review"), self.date(last / 1000))
     if c.queue in (1, 2):
         if c.queue == 2:
             next = time.time() + ((self.deck.sched.today - c.due) * 86400)
             next = c.due
         next = self.date(next)
         self.addLine(_("Due"), next)
         self.addLine(_("Interval"), fmt(c.ivl * 86400))
         self.addLine(_("Ease"), "%d%%" % (c.factor / 10.0))
         (cnt, total) = self.deck.db.first(
             "select count(), sum(taken)/1000 from revlog where cid = :id",
         if cnt:
             self.addLine(_("Average Time"), self.time(total / float(cnt)))
             self.addLine(_("Total Time"), self.time(total))
     elif c.queue == 0:
         self.addLine(_("Position"), c.due)
     self.addLine(_("Model"), c.model().name)
     self.addLine(_("Template"), c.template()['name'])
     self.addLine(_("Current Group"), self.deck.groupName(c.gid))
     self.addLine(_("Initial Group"), self.deck.groupName(c.fact().gid))
     self.txt += "</table>"
     return self.txt
Пример #16
    def _showCardValues(self):
        lapses = self.card.lapses
        # since we just failed the card, current ivl is no use
        interval = fmtTimeSpan(self.card.lastIvl * 86400)
        ease = self.card.factor // 10

        statManager = CardStats(self.mw.col, self.card)
        secondsSpent = self.mw.col.db.first(
                "select sum(time)/1000 from revlog where cid = :id",
        totalTime = statManager.time(secondsSpent)

        # watch on updates: calling a private method of sched for config info
        leechThreshold = self.mw.col.sched._lapseConf(self.card)['leechFails']
        if leechThreshold == lapses:
            timesLeeched = "Leech for the first time."
            beyondOne = (lapses - leechThreshold) // (leechThreshold // 2)
            timesLeeched = "Leeched %i times." % (beyondOne + 1)

        txt = ("{leechtimes}<br>"
               "<b>Lapses</b>: {lapses}<br>"
               "<b>Last interval</b>: {lastivl}<br>"
               "<b>Ease</b>: {ease}%<br>"
               "<b>Total time</b>: {ttime}")
                lapses=lapses, lastivl=interval, ease=ease, ttime=totalTime))
Пример #17
    def onCellChanged(self, row, col, x, y):
        ci = self.form.table.currentItem()
        if not ci:
            self.form.bottomLabel.setText(_("Nothing selected."))
        r = self.items[ci]
        self.curRow = r
<b>Title</b>: %(title)s<br>
<b>Tags</b>: %(tags)s<br>
<b>Size</b>: %(size)0.2fKB<br>
<b>Uploader</b>: %(author)s<br>
<b>Downloads</b>: %(count)s<br>
<b>Modified</b>: %(mod)s ago<br>
            % {
                "title": r[R_TITLE],
                "tags": r[R_TAGS],
                "size": r[R_SIZE] / 1024.0,
                "author": r[R_USERNAME],
                "count": r[R_COUNT],
                "mod": fmtTimeSpan(time.time() - r[R_MODIFIED]),
                "description": r[R_DESCRIPTION].replace("\n", "<br>"),
Пример #18
 def formatIvlString(self, cs, ivl):
     if ivl == 0:
         return _("0d")
     elif ivl > 0:
         return fmtTimeSpan(ivl * 86400, short=True)
         return cs.time(-ivl)
Пример #19
def renderStats(self):
    if os.path.isdir("../../addons/decks_total/locale/" + anki.lang.getLang()):
        lang = anki.lang.getLang()
        lang = "en"

    t = gettext.translation('defualt', '../../addons/decks_total/locale',
    translate_ = t.ugettext

    # Get due and new cards
    due = 0
    new = 0

    for tree in self.mw.col.sched.deckDueTree():
        due += tree[2] + tree[3]
        new += tree[4]

    # Get studdied cards
    cards, thetime = self.mw.col.db.first(
        """select count(), sum(time)/1000 from revlog where id > ?""",
        (self.mw.col.sched.dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000)

    cards = cards or 0
    thetime = thetime or 0

    msgp1 = ngettext("%d card", "%d cards", cards) % cards

    # Setup data to print
    buf = _("Due") + ": <font color=#0a0> %(c)s </font>" % dict(c=due) \
        + translate_("reviews") + ", <font color=#00a> %(d)s </font> " % dict(d=new) \
        + translate_("new cards") + " <br /> " + _("Studied %(a)s in %(b)s today.") \
        % dict(a=msgp1, b=fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1))

    return buf
Пример #20
 def _summary(self):
     # summarize
     reps = 0
     mins = 0
     revC = 0
     newC = 0
     for d in self._decks:
         if d['state']=='ok':
             reps += d['reps']
             mins += d['time']
             revC += d['due']
             newC += d['new']
     line1 = ngettext(
         "Studied <b>%(reps)d card</b> in <b>%(time)s</b> today.",
         "Studied <b>%(reps)d cards</b> in <b>%(time)s</b> today.",
         reps) % {
         'reps': reps,
         'time': fmtTimeSpan(mins, point=2),
     rev = ngettext(
         "<b><font color=#0000ff>%d</font></b> review",
         "<b><font color=#0000ff>%d</font></b> reviews",
         revC) % revC
     new = ngettext("<b>%d</b> new card", "<b>%d</b> new cards", newC) % newC
     line2 = _("Due: %(rev)s, %(new)s") % {
         'rev': rev, 'new': new}
     return line1+'<br>'+line2
Пример #21
def formatIvlString(ivl):
    if ivl == 0:
        return "0d"
    elif ivl > 0:
        return fmtTimeSpan(ivl * 86400, short=True)
        return stattime(-ivl)
Пример #22
 def report(self):
     c = self.card
     fmt = lambda x, **kwargs: fmtTimeSpan(x, short=True, **kwargs)
     self.txt = "<table width=100%>"
     self.addLine(_("Added"), self.date(c.id / 1000))
     first = self.col.db.scalar("select min(id) from revlog where cid = ?", c.id)
     last = self.col.db.scalar("select max(id) from revlog where cid = ?", c.id)
     if first:
         self.addLine(_("First Review"), self.date(first / 1000))
         self.addLine(_("Latest Review"), self.date(last / 1000))
     if c.queue in (1, 2):
         if c.queue == 2:
             next = time.time() + ((c.due - self.col.sched.today) * 86400)
             next = c.due
         next = self.date(next)
         self.addLine(_("Due"), next)
         self.addLine(_("Interval"), fmt(c.ivl * 86400))
         self.addLine(_("Ease"), "%d%%" % (c.factor / 10.0))
         self.addLine(_("Reviews"), "%d" % c.reps)
         self.addLine(_("Lapses"), "%d" % c.lapses)
         (cnt, total) = self.col.db.first("select count(), sum(time)/1000 from revlog where cid = :id", id=c.id)
         if cnt:
             self.addLine(_("Average Time"), self.time(total / float(cnt)))
             self.addLine(_("Total Time"), self.time(total))
     elif c.queue == 0:
         self.addLine(_("Position"), c.due)
     self.addLine(_("Card Type"), c.template()["name"])
     self.addLine(_("Note Type"), c.model()["name"])
     self.addLine(_("Deck"), self.col.decks.name(c.did))
     self.txt += "</table>"
     return self.txt
Пример #23
def todayStats_old(self):
    """We need to overwrite the entire method to change the mature ivl"""
    b = self._title(_("Today"))
    # studied today
    lim = self._revlogLimit()
    if lim:
        lim = " and " + lim
    cards, thetime, failed, lrn, rev, relrn, filt = self.col.db.first(
select count(), sum(time)/1000,
sum(case when ease = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* failed */
sum(case when type = 0 then 1 else 0 end), /* learning */
sum(case when type = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* review */
sum(case when type = 2 then 1 else 0 end), /* relearn */
sum(case when type = 3 then 1 else 0 end) /* filter */
from revlog where id > ? """ + lim, (self.col.sched.dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000)
    cards = cards or 0
    thetime = thetime or 0
    failed = failed or 0
    lrn = lrn or 0
    rev = rev or 0
    relrn = relrn or 0
    filt = filt or 0
    # studied
    if anki_version.startswith("2.0."):

        def bold(s):
            return "<b>" + unicode(s) + "</b>"

        def bold(s):
            return "<b>" + str(s) + "</b>"

    msgp1 = ngettext("<!--studied-->%d card", "<!--studied-->%d cards",
                     cards) % cards
    b += _("Studied %(a)s in %(b)s today.") % dict(
        a=bold(msgp1), b=bold(fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1)))
    # again/pass count
    b += "<br>" + _("Again count: %s") % bold(failed)
    if cards:
        b += " " + _("(%s correct)") % bold("%0.1f%%" % (
            (1 - failed / float(cards)) * 100))
    # type breakdown
    b += "<br>"
    b += (_("Learn: %(a)s, Review: %(b)s, Relearn: %(c)s, Filtered: %(d)s") %
          dict(a=bold(lrn), b=bold(rev), c=bold(relrn), d=bold(filt)))
    # mature today
    mcnt, msum = self.col.db.first(
select count(), sum(case when ease = 1 then 0 else 1 end) from revlog
where lastIvl >= %d and id > ?""" % MATURE_IVL + lim,
        (self.col.sched.dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000)
    b += "<br>"
    if mcnt:
        b += _("Correct answers on mature cards: %(a)d/%(b)d (%(c).1f%%)"
               ) % dict(a=msum, b=mcnt, c=(msum / float(mcnt) * 100))
        b += _("No mature cards were studied today.")
    return b
    def todayStats(self):
        Copy and paste from CollectionStats.todayStats(self)
        Two changes made
        #DeckInformation ... changed formatting
        b = ""
        #DeckInformation ... changed to use our deck limit
        lim = "cid in (select id from cards where did in %s)" % self.deck_limit
        if lim:
            lim = " and " + lim
        cards, thetime, failed, lrn, rev, relrn, filt = self.col.db.first(
select count(), sum(time)/1000,
sum(case when ease = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* failed */
sum(case when type = 0 then 1 else 0 end), /* learning */
sum(case when type = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* review */
sum(case when type = 2 then 1 else 0 end), /* relearn */
sum(case when type = 3 then 1 else 0 end) /* filter */
from revlog where id > ? """ + lim, (self.col.sched.dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000)
        cards = cards or 0
        thetime = thetime or 0
        failed = failed or 0
        lrn = lrn or 0
        rev = rev or 0
        relrn = relrn or 0
        filt = filt or 0

        # studied
        def bold(s):
            return "<b>" + unicode(s) + "</b>"

        msgp1 = ngettext("<!--studied-->%d card", "<!--studied-->%d cards",
                         cards) % cards
        b += _("Studied %(a)s in %(b)s today.") % dict(
            a=bold(msgp1), b=bold(fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1)))
        # again/pass count
        b += "<br>" + _("Again count: %s") % bold(failed)
        if cards:
            b += " " + _("(%s correct)") % bold("%0.1f%%" % (
                (1 - failed / float(cards)) * 100))
            # type breakdown
        b += "<br>"
        b += (
            _("Learn: %(a)s, Review: %(b)s, Relearn: %(c)s, Filtered: %(d)s") %
            dict(a=bold(lrn), b=bold(rev), c=bold(relrn), d=bold(filt)))
        # mature today
        mcnt, msum = self.col.db.first(
select count(), sum(case when ease = 1 then 0 else 1 end) from revlog
where lastIvl >= 21 and id > ?""" + lim,
            (self.col.sched.dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000)
        b += "<br>"
        if mcnt:
            b += _("Correct answers on mature cards: %(a)d/%(b)d (%(c).1f%%)"
                   ) % dict(a=msum, b=mcnt, c=(msum / float(mcnt) * 100))
            b += _("No mature cards were studied today.")
        return b
Пример #25
    def deckOptionsInfo(self, card):
        if card.odid:   #filtered decks
            txt = _("<h3>Filtered Deck Options</h3>")
            filConf = mw.col.decks.confForDid(card.did)
            newsteps = filConf['delays'] or conf['lapse']['delays']

        else:   #regular decks
            txt = _("<h3>Deck Options</h3>")
            if card.type==2: #rev
            else: #new

        formatted_steps = ''
        for i in newsteps:
            formatted_steps += ' -- ' + fmtTimeSpan(i * 60, short=True)


        ogv = 0
        ogr = 15
        optiongroup_fmt = ""
        while ogv < len(optiongroup):
            optiongroup_fmt += optiongroup[ogv:ogv+ogr] + '\n'
            ogv = ogv+ogr
        optiongroup_fmt = optiongroup_fmt.rstrip('\n')

        txt += """<p><table width=100%><tr> 
            <td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'><b>OptGr</b></td>
            <td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'><b>Step</b></td>
            <td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'><b>GrIv</b></td>
            <td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'><b>EaIv</b></td>
            <td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'><b>EaBo</b></td>
            <td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'><b>IvMo</b></td>
            <td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'><b>LpIv</b></td>

        txt += "<tr>" 
        # option group names can be very long
        if len(optiongroup) > 15 and MULTILINE_LONG_OPTION_GROUP_NAMES:
            txt += "<td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'> %s </td>" % optiongroup_fmt
            txt += "<td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'> %s </td>" % optiongroup
        txt += "<td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'> %s </td>" % str(newsteps)[1:-1]
        txt += "<td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'> %s </td>" % str(GraduatingIvl)
        txt += "<td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'> %s </td>" % str(EasyIvl)
        txt += "<td align=left style='padding-right: 3px;'> %s </td>" % str(int(100 * easybonus))
        txt += '<td align=left style="padding-right: 3px;"> <div style="color: %s;"> %s </div></td>' % ( self.critical_color(int(100 * im),   IVL_MOD_COLOR_THRESHOLDS  ), str(int(100 * im)    ))
        txt += '<td align=left style="padding-right: 3px;"> <div style="color: %s;"> %s </div></td>' % ( self.critical_color(int(100 * lnivl),LAPSE_MOD_COLOR_THRESHOLDS), str(int(100 * lnivl) ))
        txt += "</tr>"
        txt += "</table></p><hr>"
        return txt
    def _revlogData(self, card, cs):
        entries = self.mw.col.db.all(
            "select id/1000.0, ease, ivl, factor, time/1000.0, type "
            "from revlog where cid = ?", card.id)
        if not entries:
            return ""
        s = "<table width=100%%><tr><th align=left>%s</th>" % _("Date")
        s += ("<th align=right>%s</th>" * 6) % (_("Type"), _("Rating"),
                                                _("Interval"), "IntDate",
                                                _("Ease"), _("Time"))
        cnt = 0
        for (date, ease, ivl, factor, taken, type) in reversed(entries):
            cnt += 1
            s += "<tr><td>%s</td>" % time.strftime(
                _("<b>%Y-%m-%d</b> @ %H:%M"), time.localtime(date))
            tstr = [
            import anki.stats as st

            fmt = "<span style='color:%s'>%s</span>"
            if type == 0:
                tstr = fmt % (st.colLearn, tstr)
            elif type == 1:
                tstr = fmt % (st.colMature, tstr)
            elif type == 2:
                tstr = fmt % (st.colRelearn, tstr)
            elif type == 3:
                tstr = fmt % (st.colCram, tstr)
                tstr = fmt % ("#000", tstr)
            if ease == 1:
                ease = fmt % (st.colRelearn, ease)
            int_due = "na"
            if ivl > 0:
                int_due_date = time.localtime(date + (ivl * 24 * 60 * 60))
                int_due = time.strftime(_("%Y-%m-%d"), int_due_date)
            if ivl == 0:
                ivl = _("0d")
            elif ivl > 0:
                ivl = fmtTimeSpan(ivl * 86400, short=True)
                ivl = cs.time(-ivl)

            s += ("<td align=right>%s</td>" * 6) % (
                tstr, ease, ivl, int_due, "%d%%" %
                (factor / 10) if factor else "", cs.time(taken)) + "</tr>"
        s += "</table>"
        if cnt < card.reps:
            s += _("""\
Note: Some of the history is missing. For more information, \
please see the browser documentation.""")
        return s
Пример #27
 def drawFutureWarning(self):
     if not self.needFutureWarning():
         "<span style='color: %s'>" % futureWarningColour +
         _("This card was due in %s.") %
         fmtTimeSpan(self.main.currentCard.due - time.time(), after=True) +
Пример #28
    def _renderStats(self):
        cards, thetime = self.mw.col.db.first("""
select count(), sum(time)/1000 from revlog
where id > ?""", (self.mw.col.sched.dayCutoff-86400)*1000)
        cards = cards or 0
        thetime = thetime or 0
        buf = _("Studied %(a)d cards in %(b)s today.") % dict(
            a=cards, b=fmtTimeSpan(thetime))
        return buf
Пример #29
def formatComment(numberOfCards, reviewTime):
    from anki.lang import _, ngettext
    from anki.utils import fmtTimeSpan

    # 2 lines ripped from the anki source
    msgp1 = ngettext("%d card", "%d cards", numberOfCards) % numberOfCards
    comment = _("studied %(a)s in %(b)s") % dict(
        a=msgp1, b=fmtTimeSpan(reviewTime, unit=1))
    return comment
Пример #30
    def _revlogData(self, cs):
        entries = self.mw.col.db.all(
            "select id/1000.0, ease, ivl, factor, time/1000.0, type "
            "from revlog where cid = ?", self.card.id)
        if not entries:
            return ""
        s = "<table width=100%%><tr><th align=left>%s</th>" % _("Date")
        s += ("<th align=right>%s</th>" * 6) % (
            _("Type"), _("Rating"), _("Interval"), "IntDate", _("Ease"), _("Time"))
        cnt = 0
        for (date, ease, ivl, factor, taken, type) in reversed(entries):
            cnt += 1
            s += "<tr><td>%s</td>" % time.strftime(_("<b>%Y-%m-%d</b> @ %H:%M"),
            tstr = [_("Learn"), _("Review"), _("Relearn"), _("Filtered"),
            import anki.stats as st

            fmt = "<span style='color:%s'>%s</span>"
            if type == 0:
                tstr = fmt % (st.colLearn, tstr)
            elif type == 1:
                tstr = fmt % (st.colMature, tstr)
            elif type == 2:
                tstr = fmt % (st.colRelearn, tstr)
            elif type == 3:
                tstr = fmt % (st.colCram, tstr)
                tstr = fmt % ("#000", tstr)
            if ease == 1:
                ease = fmt % (st.colRelearn, ease)
            int_due = "na"
            if ivl > 0:
                int_due_date = time.localtime(date + (ivl * 24 * 60 * 60))
                int_due = time.strftime(_("%Y-%m-%d"), int_due_date)
            if ivl == 0:
                ivl = _("0d")
            elif ivl > 0:
                ivl = fmtTimeSpan(ivl * 86400, short=True)
                ivl = cs.time(-ivl)

            s += ("<td align=right>%s</td>" * 6) % (
                ease, ivl,
                "%d%%" % (factor / 10) if factor else "",
                cs.time(taken)) + "</tr>"
        s += "</table>"
        if cnt < self.card.reps:
            s += _("""\
Note: Some of the history is missing. For more information, \
please see the browser documentation.""")
        return s
Пример #31
 def nextIvlStr(self, card, ease, short=False):
     "Return the next interval for CARD as a string."
     ivl = self.nextIvl(card, ease)
     if not ivl:
         return _("(end)")
     s = fmtTimeSpan(ivl, short=short)
     if ivl < self.col.conf['collapseTime']:
         s = "<"+s
     return s
Пример #32
 def nextIvlStr(self, card, ease, short=False):
     "Return the next interval for CARD as a string."
     ivl = self.nextIvl(card, ease)
     if not ivl:
         return _("(end)")
     s = fmtTimeSpan(ivl, short=short)
     if ivl < self.col.conf['collapseTime']:
         s = "<" + s
     return s
Пример #33
 def _getModifierTime(self, ease):
     modifier=int(self.btns[ease-5][1])/100.0 #zero based
     if card.queue in(0,1,3):
     return '<span class="nobold rem_modifier rem_time%d">%s</span><br>'%(ease-MAX_DEF_BTN,s)
Пример #34
    def _renderStats(self):
        cards, thetime = self.mw.col.db.first("""
select count(), sum(time)/1000 from revlog
where id > ?""", (self.mw.col.sched.dayCutoff-86400)*1000)
        cards = cards or 0
        thetime = thetime or 0
        msgp1 = ngettext("<!--studied-->%d card", "<!--studied-->%d cards", cards) % cards
        buf = _("Studied %(a)s in %(b)s today.") % dict(a=msgp1,
                                                        b=fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1))
        return buf
Пример #35
 def cPrevIvl(c, n, t):
     ivl = mw.col.db.scalar("select ivl from revlog where cid = ? " "order by id desc limit 1 offset 1", c.id)
     if ivl is None:
     elif ivl == 0:
         return "0 days"
     elif ivl > 0:
         return fmtTimeSpan(ivl * 86400)
         return  # cs.time(-ivl)
Пример #36
    def _renderStats(self):
        cards, thetime = self.mw.col.db.first("""
select count(), sum(time)/1000 from revlog
where id > ?""", (self.mw.col.sched.dayCutoff-86400)*1000)
        cards = cards or 0
        thetime = thetime or 0
        msgp1 = ngettext("<!--studied-->%d card", "<!--studied-->%d cards", cards) % cards
        buf = _("Studied %(a)s in %(b)s today.") % dict(a=msgp1,
                                                        b=fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1))
        return buf
Пример #37
 def ivlGraph(self) -> str:
     (ivls, all, avg, max_), chunk = self._ivls()
     tot = 0
     totd = []
     if not ivls or not all:
         return ""
     for (grp, cnt) in ivls:
         tot += cnt
         totd.append((grp, tot / float(all) * 100))
     if self.type == 0:
         ivlmax = 31
     elif self.type == 1:
         ivlmax = 52
         ivlmax = max(5, ivls[-1][0])
     txt = self._title(_("Intervals"),
                       _("Delays until reviews are shown again."))
     txt += self._graph(
             dict(data=ivls, color=colIvl),
                 bars={"show": False},
             xaxis=dict(min=-0.5, max=ivlmax + 0.5),
             yaxes=[dict(), dict(position="right", max=105)],
     i: List[str] = []
     self._line(i, _("Average interval"), fmtTimeSpan(avg * 86400))
     self._line(i, _("Longest interval"), fmtTimeSpan(max_ * 86400))
     return txt + self._lineTbl(i)
Пример #38
 def cPrevIvl(c, n, t):
     ivl = mw.col.db.scalar(
         "select ivl from revlog where cid = ? "
         "order by id desc limit 1 offset 1", c.id)
     if ivl is None:
     elif ivl == 0:
         return "0 days"
     elif ivl > 0:
         return fmtTimeSpan(ivl * 86400)
         return cs.time(-ivl)
    def todayStats(self):
        Copy and paste from CollectionStats.todayStats(self)
        Two changes made
        #DeckInformation ... changed formatting
        b = ""
        #DeckInformation ... changed to use our deck limit
        lim = "cid in (select id from cards where did in %s)" % self.deck_limit
        if lim:
            lim = " and " + lim
        cards, thetime, failed, lrn, rev, relrn, filt = self.col.db.first("""
select count(), sum(time)/1000,
sum(case when ease = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* failed */
sum(case when type = 0 then 1 else 0 end), /* learning */
sum(case when type = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* review */
sum(case when type = 2 then 1 else 0 end), /* relearn */
sum(case when type = 3 then 1 else 0 end) /* filter */
from revlog where id > ? """ + lim, (self.col.sched.dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000)
        cards = cards or 0
        thetime = thetime or 0
        failed = failed or 0
        lrn = lrn or 0
        rev = rev or 0
        relrn = relrn or 0
        filt = filt or 0
        # studied
        def bold(s):
            return "<b>" + unicode(s) + "</b>"

        msgp1 = ngettext("<!--studied-->%d card", "<!--studied-->%d cards", cards) % cards
        b += _("Studied %(a)s in %(b)s today.") % dict(
            a=bold(msgp1), b=bold(fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1)))
        # again/pass count
        b += "<br>" + _("Again count: %s") % bold(failed)
        if cards:
            b += " " + _("(%s correct)") % bold(
                "%0.1f%%" % ((1 - failed / float(cards)) * 100))
            # type breakdown
        b += "<br>"
        b += (_("Learn: %(a)s, Review: %(b)s, Relearn: %(c)s, Filtered: %(d)s")
              % dict(a=bold(lrn), b=bold(rev), c=bold(relrn), d=bold(filt)))
        # mature today
        mcnt, msum = self.col.db.first("""
select count(), sum(case when ease = 1 then 0 else 1 end) from revlog
where lastIvl >= 21 and id > ?""" + lim, (self.col.sched.dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000)
        b += "<br>"
        if mcnt:
            b += _("Correct answers on mature cards: %(a)d/%(b)d (%(c).1f%%)") % dict(
                a=msum, b=mcnt, c=(msum / float(mcnt) * 100))
            b += _("No mature cards were studied today.")
        return b
Пример #40
    def todayStats(self):
        b = self._title(_("Today"))
        # studied today
        lim = self._revlogLimit()
        if lim:
            lim = " and " + lim
        cards, thetime, failed, lrn, rev, relrn, filt = self.col.db.first("""
select count(), sum(time)/1000,
sum(case when ease = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* failed */
sum(case when type = 0 then 1 else 0 end), /* learning */
sum(case when type = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* review */
sum(case when type = 2 then 1 else 0 end), /* relearn */
sum(case when type = 3 then 1 else 0 end) /* filter */
from revlog where id > ? """+lim, (self.col.sched.dayCutoff-86400)*1000)
        cards = cards or 0
        thetime = thetime or 0
        failed = failed or 0
        lrn = lrn or 0
        rev = rev or 0
        relrn = relrn or 0
        filt = filt or 0
        # studied
        def bold(s):
            return "<b>"+str(s)+"</b>"
        msgp1 = ngettext("<!--studied-->%d card", "<!--studied-->%d cards", cards) % cards
        if cards:
            b += _("Studied %(a)s %(b)s today (%(secs).1fs/card)") % dict(
                a=bold(msgp1), b=bold(fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1, inTime=True)),
            # again/pass count
            b += "<br>" + _("Again count: %s") % bold(failed)
            if cards:
                b += " " + _("(%s correct)") % bold(
                    "%0.1f%%" %((1-failed/float(cards))*100))
            # type breakdown
            b += "<br>"
            b += (_("Learn: %(a)s, Review: %(b)s, Relearn: %(c)s, Filtered: %(d)s")
                  % dict(a=bold(lrn), b=bold(rev), c=bold(relrn), d=bold(filt)))
            # mature today
            mcnt, msum = self.col.db.first("""
    select count(), sum(case when ease = 1 then 0 else 1 end) from revlog
    where lastIvl >= 21 and id > ?"""+lim, (self.col.sched.dayCutoff-86400)*1000)
            b += "<br>"
            if mcnt:
                b += _("Correct answers on mature cards: %(a)d/%(b)d (%(c).1f%%)") % dict(
                    a=msum, b=mcnt, c=(msum / float(mcnt) * 100))
                b += _("No mature cards were studied today.")
            b += _("No cards have been studied today.")
        return b + todayStats_new(self)
def todayStats_old(self):
    """We need to overwrite the entire method to change the mature ivl"""
    b = self._title(_("Today"))
    # studied today
    lim = self._revlogLimit()
    if lim:
        lim = " and " + lim
    cards, thetime, failed, lrn, rev, relrn, filt = self.col.db.first("""
select count(), sum(time)/1000,
sum(case when ease = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* failed */
sum(case when type = 0 then 1 else 0 end), /* learning */
sum(case when type = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* review */
sum(case when type = 2 then 1 else 0 end), /* relearn */
sum(case when type = 3 then 1 else 0 end) /* filter */
from revlog where id > ? """+lim, (self.col.sched.dayCutoff-86400)*1000)
    cards = cards or 0
    thetime = thetime or 0
    failed = failed or 0
    lrn = lrn or 0
    rev = rev or 0
    relrn = relrn or 0
    filt = filt or 0
    # studied
    if anki_version.startswith("2.0."):
        def bold(s):
            return "<b>"+unicode(s)+"</b>"
        def bold(s):
            return "<b>"+str(s)+"</b>"
    msgp1 = ngettext("<!--studied-->%d card", "<!--studied-->%d cards", cards) % cards
    b += _("Studied %(a)s in %(b)s today.") % dict(
        a=bold(msgp1), b=bold(fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1)))
    # again/pass count
    b += "<br>" + _("Again count: %s") % bold(failed)
    if cards:
        b += " " + _("(%s correct)") % bold(
            "%0.1f%%" %((1-failed/float(cards))*100))
    # type breakdown
    b += "<br>"
    b += (_("Learn: %(a)s, Review: %(b)s, Relearn: %(c)s, Filtered: %(d)s")
          % dict(a=bold(lrn), b=bold(rev), c=bold(relrn), d=bold(filt)))
    # mature today
    mcnt, msum = self.col.db.first("""
select count(), sum(case when ease = 1 then 0 else 1 end) from revlog
where lastIvl >= %d and id > ?""" % MATURE_IVL +lim, (self.col.sched.dayCutoff-86400)*1000)
    b += "<br>"
    if mcnt:
        b += _("Correct answers on mature cards: %(a)d/%(b)d (%(c).1f%%)") % dict(
            a=msum, b=mcnt, c=(msum / float(mcnt) * 100))
        b += _("No mature cards were studied today.")
    return b
Пример #42
    def getTimeString(self, ease):
        assert ease > 4
        if self.conf.get("show_btn_time_in_days", False):
            d = self._parseDays(ease)
            if not d:
                #tobe colorize red with css
                return '<span class="nobold rem_error">ERROR!</span><br>'
            s = fmtTimeSpan(d * 86400, short=True)
            s = self.btns[ease - 5][1]  #zero based

        p = self.conf.get("button_text_prefix", "R: ")
        return '<span class="nobold rem_reschedule rem_time%d">%s%s</span><br>' % (
            ease - 4, p, s)
Пример #43
 def report(self) -> str:
     c = self.card
     # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
     fmt = lambda x, **kwargs: fmtTimeSpan(x, short=True, **kwargs)
     self.txt = "<table width=100%>"
     self.addLine(_("Added"), self.date(c.id / 1000))
     first = self.col.db.scalar("select min(id) from revlog where cid = ?", c.id)
     last = self.col.db.scalar("select max(id) from revlog where cid = ?", c.id)
     if first:
         self.addLine(_("First Review"), self.date(first / 1000))
         self.addLine(_("Latest Review"), self.date(last / 1000))
     if c.type in (CARD_TYPE_LRN, CARD_TYPE_REV):
         if c.odid or c.queue < QUEUE_TYPE_NEW:
             next = None
             if c.queue in (QUEUE_TYPE_REV, QUEUE_TYPE_DAY_LEARN_RELEARN):
                 next = time.time() + ((c.due - self.col.sched.today) * 86400)
                 next = c.due
             next = self.date(next)
         if next:
                 self.col.backend.translate(StringsGroup.STATISTICS, "due-date"),
         if c.queue == QUEUE_TYPE_REV:
             self.addLine(_("Interval"), fmt(c.ivl * 86400))
         self.addLine(_("Ease"), "%d%%" % (c.factor / 10.0))
         self.addLine(_("Reviews"), "%d" % c.reps)
         self.addLine(_("Lapses"), "%d" % c.lapses)
         (cnt, total) = self.col.db.first(
             "select count(), sum(time)/1000 from revlog where cid = :id", id=c.id
         if cnt:
             self.addLine(_("Average Time"), self.time(total / float(cnt)))
             self.addLine(_("Total Time"), self.time(total))
     elif c.queue == QUEUE_TYPE_NEW:
         self.addLine(_("Position"), c.due)
     self.addLine(_("Card Type"), c.template()["name"])
     self.addLine(_("Note Type"), c.model()["name"])
     self.addLine(_("Deck"), self.col.decks.name(c.did))
     self.addLine(_("Note ID"), c.nid)
     self.addLine(_("Card ID"), c.id)
     self.txt += "</table>"
     return self.txt
Пример #44
 def report(self):
     c = self.card
     # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
     fmt = lambda x, **kwargs: fmtTimeSpan(x, short=True, **kwargs)
     self.txt = "<table width=100%>"
     self.addLine(_("Added"), self.date(c.id / 1000))
     first = self.col.db.scalar("select min(id) from revlog where cid = ?",
     last = self.col.db.scalar("select max(id) from revlog where cid = ?",
     if first:
         self.addLine(_("First Review"), self.date(first / 1000))
         self.addLine(_("Latest Review"), self.date(last / 1000))
     if c.type in (1, 2):
         if c.odid or c.queue < 0:
             next = None
             if c.queue in (2, 3):
                 next = time.time() + (
                     (c.due - self.col.sched.today) * 86400)
                 next = c.due
             next = self.date(next)
         if next:
             self.addLine(_("Due"), next)
         if c.queue == 2:
             self.addLine(_("Interval"), fmt(c.ivl * 86400))
         self.addLine(_("Ease"), "%d%%" % (c.factor / 10.0))
         self.addLine(_("Reviews"), "%d" % c.reps)
         self.addLine(_("Lapses"), "%d" % c.lapses)
         (cnt, total) = self.col.db.first(
             "select count(), sum(time)/1000 from revlog where cid = :id",
         if cnt:
             self.addLine(_("Average Time"), self.time(total / float(cnt)))
             self.addLine(_("Total Time"), self.time(total))
     elif c.queue == 0:
         self.addLine(_("Position"), c.due)
     self.addLine(_("Card Type"), c.template()['name'])
     self.addLine(_("Note Type"), c.model()['name'])
     self.addLine(_("Deck"), self.col.decks.name(c.did))
     self.addLine(_("Note ID"), c.nid)
     self.addLine(_("Card ID"), c.id)
     self.txt += "</table>"
     return self.txt
Пример #45
    def todayStats(self):
        b = self._title(_("Today"))
        # studied today
        lim = self._revlogLimit()
        if lim:
            lim = " and " + lim
        cards, thetime, failed, lrn, rev, relrn, filt = self.col.db.first(
select count(), sum(time)/1000,
sum(case when ease = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* failed */
sum(case when type = 0 then 1 else 0 end), /* learning */
sum(case when type = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* review */
sum(case when type = 2 then 1 else 0 end), /* relearn */
sum(case when type = 3 then 1 else 0 end) /* filter */
from revlog where id > ? """
            + lim,
            (self.col.sched.dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000,
        cards = cards or 0
        thetime = thetime or 0
        failed = failed or 0
        lrn = lrn or 0
        rev = rev or 0
        relrn = relrn or 0
        filt = filt or 0
        # studied
        def bold(s):
            return "<b>" + unicode(s) + "</b>"

        msgp1 = ngettext("<!--studied-->%d card", "<!--studied-->%d cards", cards) % cards
        b += _("Studied %(a)s in %(b)s today.") % dict(a=bold(msgp1), b=bold(fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1)))
        # again/pass count
        b += "<br>" + _("Again count: %s") % bold(failed)
        if cards:
            b += " " + _("(%s correct)") % bold("%0.1f%%" % ((1 - failed / float(cards)) * 100))
        # type breakdown
        b += "<br>"
        b += _("Learn: %(a)s, Review: %(b)s, Relearn: %(c)s, Filtered: %(d)s") % dict(
            a=bold(lrn), b=bold(rev), c=bold(relrn), d=bold(filt)
        return b
Пример #46
 def columnData(self, index):
     row = index.row()
     col = index.column()
     type = self.columnType(col)
     c = self.getCard(index)
     if type == "question":
         return self.question(c)
     elif type == "answer":
         return self.answer(c)
     elif type == "noteFld":
         f = c.note()
         return self.formatQA(f.fields[self.col.models.sortIdx(f.model())])
     elif type == "template":
         return c.template()['name']
     elif type == "cardDue":
         return self.nextDue(c, index)
     elif type == "noteCrt":
         return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",
                              time.localtime(c.note().id / 1000))
     elif type == "noteMod":
         return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(c.note().mod))
     elif type == "cardMod":
         return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(c.mod))
     elif type == "cardReps":
         return str(c.reps)
     elif type == "cardLapses":
         return str(c.lapses)
     elif type == "cardIvl":
         if c.type == 0:
             return _("(new)")
         return fmtTimeSpan(c.ivl * 86400)
     elif type == "cardEase":
         if c.type == 0:
             return _("(new)")
         return "%d%%" % (c.factor / 10)
     elif type == "deck":
         return self.browser.mw.col.decks.name(c.did)
     elif type == "ndeck":
         return self.browser.mw.col.decks.name(c.note().did)
Пример #47
    def cardGraph(self):
        # graph data
        div = self._cards()
        d = []
        for c, (t, col) in enumerate((
            (_("Mature"), colMature),
            (_("Young+Learn"), colYoung),
            (_("Unseen"), colUnseen),
            (_("Suspended"), colSusp))):
            d.append(dict(data=div[c], label=t, color=col))
        # text data
        i = []
        (c, f) = self.deck.db.first("""
select count(id), count(distinct fid) from cards
where 1 """ + self._limit())
        self._line(i, _("Total cards"), c)
        self._line(i, _("Total facts"), f)
        (low, avg, high) = self._factors()
        if low:
            self._line(i, _("Lowest ease factor"), "%d%%" % low)
            self._line(i, _("Average ease factor"), "%d%%" % avg)
            self._line(i, _("Highest ease factor"), "%d%%" % high)
        min = self.deck.db.scalar(
            "select min(crt) from cards where 1 " + self._limit())
        if min:
            self._line(i, _("First card created"), _("%s ago") % fmtTimeSpan(
            time.time() - min))
        info = "<table width=100%>" + "".join(i) + "</table><p>"
        info += _('''\
A card's <i>ease factor</i> is the size of the next interval \
when you answer "good" on a review.''')
        txt = self._title(_("Cards Types"),
                          _("The division of cards in your deck."))
        txt += "<table width=%d><tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></table>" % (
            self._graph(id="cards", data=d, type="pie"),
        return txt
Пример #48
 def columnData(self, index):
     row = index.row()
     col = index.column()
     type = self.columnType(col)
     c = self.getCard(index)
     if type == "question":
         return self.question(c)
     elif type == "answer":
         return self.answer(c)
     elif type == "noteFld":
         f = c.note()
         return self.formatQA(f.fields[self.col.models.sortIdx(f.model())])
     elif type == "template":
         return c.template()['name']
     elif type == "cardDue":
         return self.nextDue(c, index)
     elif type == "noteCrt":
         return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(c.note().id/1000))
     elif type == "noteMod":
         return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(c.note().mod))
     elif type == "cardMod":
         return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(c.mod))
     elif type == "cardReps":
         return str(c.reps)
     elif type == "cardLapses":
         return str(c.lapses)
     elif type == "cardIvl":
         if c.type == 0:
             return _("(new)")
         return fmtTimeSpan(c.ivl*86400)
     elif type == "cardEase":
         if c.type == 0:
             return _("(new)")
         return "%d%%" % (c.factor/10)
     elif type == "deck":
         return self.browser.mw.col.decks.name(c.did)
     elif type == "ndeck":
         return self.browser.mw.col.decks.name(c.note().did)
Пример #49
def renderStats(self):
    # Get data from deck tree
    due = new = 0
    for tree in self.mw.col.sched.deckDueTree():
        due += tree[2] + tree[3]
        new += tree[4]

    # Get studdied cards
    cards, thetime = self.mw.col.db.first(
        """select count(), sum(time)/1000 from revlog where id > ?""",
        (self.mw.col.sched.dayCutoff - 86400) * 1000)
    cards = cards or 0
    thetime = thetime or 0

    # Setup data to print
    msgp1 = ngettext("<!--studied-->%d card", "<!--studied-->%d cards", cards) % cards
    buf = _("Due") + ": <font color=#0a0> %(c)s </font>" % dict(c=due) \
        + _("New") + ": <font color=#00a> %(d)s </font> " % dict(d=new) \
        + "<br /> " \
        + _("Studied %(a)s in %(b)s today.") \
        % dict(a=msgp1, b=fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1))

    return buf
Пример #50
    def todayStats(self):
        b = self._title(_("Today"))
        # studied today
        lim = self._revlogLimit()
        if lim:
            lim = " and " + lim
        cards, thetime, failed, lrn, rev, relrn, filt = self.col.db.first("""
select count(), sum(time)/1000,
sum(case when ease = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* failed */
sum(case when type = 0 then 1 else 0 end), /* learning */
sum(case when type = 1 then 1 else 0 end), /* review */
sum(case when type = 2 then 1 else 0 end), /* relearn */
sum(case when type = 3 then 1 else 0 end) /* filter */
from revlog where id > ? """+lim, (self.col.sched.dayCutoff-86400)*1000)
        cards = cards or 0
        thetime = thetime or 0
        failed = failed or 0
        lrn = lrn or 0
        rev = rev or 0
        relrn = relrn or 0
        filt = filt or 0
        # studied
        def bold(s):
            return "<b>"+unicode(s)+"</b>"
        msgp1 = ngettext("<!--studied-->%d card", "<!--studied-->%d cards", cards) % cards
        b += _("Studied %(a)s in %(b)s today.") % dict(
            a=bold(msgp1), b=bold(fmtTimeSpan(thetime, unit=1)))
        # again/pass count
        b += "<br>" + _("Again count: %s") % bold(failed)
        if cards:
            b += " " + _("(%s correct)") % bold(
                "%0.1f%%" %((1-failed/float(cards))*100))
        # type breakdown
        b += "<br>"
        b += (_("Learn: %(a)s, Review: %(b)s, Relearn: %(c)s, Filtered: %(d)s")
              % dict(a=bold(lrn), b=bold(rev), c=bold(relrn), d=bold(filt)))
        return b
Пример #51
def text_for_scheduler_comparison(card, p):
    txt = ""
        orig_hard_days = mw.col.sched.original_nextRevIvl(card, 2)
        return txt
        if orig_hard_days:
            orig_good_days = mw.col.sched.original_nextRevIvl(card, 3)
            orig_easy_days = mw.col.sched.original_nextRevIvl(card, 4)

            hard_days = mw.col.sched._nextRevIvl(card, 2)
            good_days = mw.col.sched._nextRevIvl(card, 3)
            easy_days = mw.col.sched._nextRevIvl(card, 4)

            row1 = [
                ["", "left"],
                ["days(h-g-e)", "left"],
                ["hard(fmt)", "center"],
                ["good(fmt)", "center"],
                ["easy(fmt)", "center"],
            row2 = [
                ["<b>orig:</b>", "left"],
                    "{} {} {}".format(orig_hard_days, orig_good_days,
                                      orig_easy_days), "left"
                [fmtTimeSpan(orig_hard_days * 86400, short=True), "center"],
                [fmtTimeSpan(orig_good_days * 86400, short=True), "center"],
                [fmtTimeSpan(orig_easy_days * 86400, short=True), "center"],
            row3 = [
                ["<b>mod:</b>", "left"],
                ["{} {} {}".format(hard_days, good_days, easy_days), "left"],
                [fmtTimeSpan(hard_days * 86400, short=True), "center"],
                [fmtTimeSpan(good_days * 86400, short=True), "center"],
                [fmtTimeSpan(easy_days * 86400, short=True), "center"],

            return make_multi_column_table_first_row_bold([row1, row2, row3])
Пример #52
def test_fmtTimeSpan():
    assert fmtTimeSpan(5) == "5 seconds"
    assert fmtTimeSpan(5, inTime=True) == "in 5 seconds"
Пример #53
def test_fmtTimeSpan():
    assert fmtTimeSpan(5) == "5 seconds"
    assert fmtTimeSpan(5, inTime=True) == "in 5 seconds"
Пример #54
 def nextIvlStr(self, card, ease, short=False):
     "Return the next interval for CARD as a string."
     ivl = self.nextIvl(card, ease)
     if not ivl:
         return ""
     return fmtTimeSpan(ivl, short=short)
Пример #55
 def nextIvlStr(self, card, ease, short=False):
     "Return the next interval for CARD as a string."
     return fmtTimeSpan(
         self.nextIvl(card, ease), short=short)
Пример #56
 def intervalColumn(self, index):
     return fmtTimeSpan(
Пример #57
 def etaStr(self):
     eta = self.eta()
     if not eta:
         return ""
     return fmtTimeSpan(eta)